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  • af Eula Biss
    147,95 kr.

    Da Eula Biss fødte sin søn, var hun i tvivl om, hvorvidt hun skulle vaccinere ham.Var vacciner skadelige? For at finde svar begyndte hun at udforske den viden, vi har om vacciner, og efterhånden blev hun overbevist: Hun skyldte både sin søn og vores fællesskab at vaccinere ham. Men samtidig åbnede hendes egen tvivl for spørgsmålet om, hvorfor det intuitivt kan virke næsten forkert at vaccinere sit barn. I dette essay udforsker Eula Biss, hvordan metaforer og andre sproglige figurer påvirker de tanker og forestillinger, vi gør os om vacciner, kropslig sårbarhed, sundhed og smitte. Hun gennemgår vaccinationens historie, og hun viser, hvordan vacciner taler til vores frygt for den moderne, industrialiserede verden. Samtidig forsøger hun at give os et nyt sprog til at tale om vacciner: Immunitet er en fælles opsparing, et offentligt rum. Vi er ikke bare ansvarlige for vores egne kroppe, men også for alle de kroppe, som omgiver os.”Dette medrivende essay … prøver at forstå anti-vaccine-bevægelsen og trækker på så forskellige emner som Tavst forår, Dracula, Illness as Metaphor og CIA’s vaccinationskampagner i Pakistan … Biss prøver at overkomme polariseringen i vaccinationsdebatten ved at fokusere på en kollektiv vision: flokimmunitet som et ’fælles rum’.” The New Yorker “Tænk på Eula Biss som en vaccine mod uklar og usammenhængende tænkning, som en boostervaccine af dine tankers skarphed, som et termometer, der tager temperaturen på idéer om renhed, smitte, individualitet og fællesskab.” Rebecca Solnit, forfatter af Mænd forklarer mig ting”Immuniteter en nødvendig bog – en heftig dosis medfølende rationalitet udskrevet af en nutidig arvtager til Voltaire – som beder os om at se grundigt på de samfundsmæssige konsekvenser af individuelle valg.”Los Angeles Review of Books

  • af Devi Sridhar
    125,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Adriano Oprandi
    797,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beschreibt aus rein epidemiologischer Sicht, die Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Epidemie mit Hilfe von Differentialgleichungssystemen. Dabei wird die Bevölkerung in die bekannten Kompartimente oder Klassen aufgeteilt. Ausgehend vom einfachsten Modell werden in nachvollziehbaren kleinen Schritten die bestehenden Modelle erweitert, um Phänomene wie Rückfall oder Immunitätsverlust zu modellieren. Zudem werden in weiteren Schritten Kompartimente hinzugefügt, die mit der Berücksichtigung von Quarantäne und Impfung einhergehen. Jedes Modell wird vollständig analysiert und die Ergebnisse festgehalten. Danach folgt für jedes Modell mindestens ein vollständig gelöstes Zahlenbeispiel inklusive einer Darstellung für den jeweiligen Epidemieverlauf. Kern dieses Buches bilden die Simulationen und Prognosen für vier verschiedene Covid-Pandemiewellen in Zentraleuropa der letzten Jahre mit den erfassten Daten und unter Verwendung von 6 Modellen. Darüber hinaus werden Möglichkeiten zur Schätzung von Raten und Anfangswerten präsentiert, die für eine Vorhersage eines Epidemieverlaufs unerlässlich sind. Dieses Buch ist wegweisend für den Einstieg in die Modellierung von Pandemien und eignet sich auch als Nachschlagewerk.

  • af Arnold Beisser
    182,95 kr.

    "Give yourself a gift and read Flying Without Wings. You will be kinder, wiser, and more compassionate for having read it. I am."-Abigail (Dear Abby) Van BurenAt twenty-four, Arnold Beisser was a recent medical school graduate and a nationally ranked tennis player. But overnight a devastating bout of polio left him permanently paralyzed from the neck down and dependent on an iron lung to draw his next breath. Polio robbed Arnold Beisser of his strength, his athletic ability, and almost his life. Yet he discovered in this unthinkable trap not only the expected sadness and despair, but wonder, delight, and the pleasure of everyday living.This is the wise, deeply moving, and warmly humorous account of Arnold Beisser's search for a new life and meaning as he comes to terms with his disability and then transcends it . . . to practice psychiatry, to fall in love, truly to soar without wings. His spirit and determination to fight for happiness will inspire any reader faced with unbearable loss. Dr. Beisser shows us why the contrast between winner and loser, athlete and cripple, is in our minds much more than in our bodies. And he shares with us the experiences that taught him life's greatest truth: Nothing can keep you from love, laughter, meaningful work, or enlightenment-except yourself."A book of blazing honesty and openness. It goes right to the heart of the reader."-Norman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an Illness

  • - Med den naturmedicinske faglige sygdomsforståelse og CEASE Therapy
    af Lone Lützen
    247,95 kr.

    Er det rigtigt for mig at lade mit barn følge det anbefalede børnevaccinationsprogram, som er frivilligt? Det var en problematik, jeg som mor måtte træffe et valg omkring. Var valget forkert, da min søn blev syg dagen efter en DiTePol vaccine? Undskyld, jeg lod dig vaccinere, min søn. Vaccinationsproblematikken er stadig aktuel. Denne bog giver med den naturmedicinske faglighed en mere nuanceret viden til at træffe beslutningen om vaccination på. Bogen belyser gennem teori og praktisk erfaring, at vacciner kan forårsage bivirkninger, være medvirkende til udviklingen af kroniske sygdomme og diagnoser som autisme og ADHD. Bogen har en beskrivelse af behandlingsformen CEASE Therapy, der er udviklet specielt til udrensning for bivirkninger efter vacciner. Der beskrives måder at styrke børnenes indre livskræfter på og lade dem følge deres indre kreative vej. ”Lone showed the video of what homeopathy and especially the CEASE Therapy did for her ADHD son, sort of a miracle. If we were only allowed to help all those suffering children, desperate parents and teachers out there!” Anne Vervarcke

  • af Andrew Duxbury
    192,95 kr.

    Everyone has a COVID pandemic story to tell. Dr. Andrew Duxbury has many: stories of a veteran geriatric physician caring for the most fragile patients in a university health system and in rural homes in the Deep South; stories of his concern for family, friends, fellow practitioners, and the state of our healthcare system nationwide; stories of his own isolation, of the loss of simple pleasures and passionate pastimes; stories of policies and politics that contributed to tens of thousands of needless deaths as well-known preventative measures were actively discouraged by state and local governments and exacerbated by cultural divides. This is a rare account of a rare time in American history, a contemporaneous record from the end of "normal", and the anxiety and despair felt by all, to the beginning of fragile hope for a better future.

  • af C. F. Nero
    117,95 kr.

    Were pandemic measures solely instituted for the safety of the public, or was this a test run for another agenda? This book is for the logical and curious mind desiring to explore all angles of the pandemic experience. The reader must possess an open mind to variance of opinions. The purpose is to briefly examine key moments of the COVID pandemic that forced intense, life-altering decisions. It discusses how American citizens navigated murky waters, suffering and persevering amid setbacks and devastation. The reader will receive highlights and perspectives on how division over coerced health choices almost tore families, communities, and society at large, apart. At the core, exploration is made into the impact of mandated personal health decisions on the masses. The book expounds on how media messaging can work to bring harmony or conspire to create unproductive feuding.

  • af Günter Kämpf
    173,95 - 264,95 kr.

  • af Michael J Schwartz
    192,95 kr.

    Fauci's Fiction is essentially THE book on Covid. The book examines the real science behind Covid-19 and what the media and the government never told you. This book includes meta-data from over nineteen thousand patients receiving over forty-four thousand tests and incorporates the data from antibodies and vaccines to paint a true picture of what Covid really looks like from the thirty thousand foot view.

  • af Robert A. Green
    264,95 kr.

    The story of a silenced minority who put their constitutional oaths before all else to keep our Founding Fathers' great gift of liberty alive. Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines is an explosive, tell-all book, detailing the military COVID-19 vaccine mandate, and the resistance to that mandate by service members who could not, in good conscience, go along. As an actively serving Navy Commander, Robert A. Green Jr. removes the veil of military secrecy and complexity to shed light on the related unlawfulness and the official cover-up being committed by certain DoD leaders. His deep dive into the current crisis details the harms perpetrated against service members and their families as well as the destruction of military readiness that resulted.   Standing upon his First Amendment rights, the first-time author analyzes the current crisis in light of the challenges faced by our Founding Fathers. His message to the American people is clear: The crisis our military is facing will only be solved by following in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers and returning to an adherence to the Constitution that our forebears sacrificed everything to leave us.

  • af Simon Schama
    347,95 kr.

    A vibrant cultural history investigating the tangled and complex history of pandemics and vaccines, by bestselling author and historian Simon Schama

  • af Harry Aslan
    107,95 kr.

  • af Mohathir Sheikh
    312,95 kr.

  • af Richard Halvorsen
    182,95 kr.

  • af Brett Wilcox
    212,95 kr.

    "A must-read especially if you still think vaccines are provably safe and effective!" -Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryJabbed demonstrates that the medical procedure hailed as the greatest medical advancement in history-vaccines-is a racket run by criminals and gullible believers who have replaced vaccine science with the religion of vaccinology. Vaccine marketers teach believers to fear, shame, and scapegoat anyone foolish enough to question the sanctity of vaccines. Such an environment is not the domain of science; rather it's the breeding ground of tyranny.Jabbed exposes this tyranny. From polio and smallpox to medical journals, medical curricula, congressional hearings, regulatory policies, White House statements, and executive orders, Jabbed shines light on the dark underbelly of Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and Big Government. A vaccine informed public is the only thing that will have the power to stop vaccine industry sociopaths and to hold them accountable for their crimes.Jabbed informs and immunizes against three of the most dangerous epidemics in history: tyranny, greed, and corruption. Once immunized, the growing vaccine-informed community will have the power to stand up and dismantle the vaccine paradigm and program and to punish the perpetrators of what may well be the greatest medical fraud ever perpetrated on the human race: vaccines.

  • af Timothy Caulfield
    262,95 kr.

  • af Sharyar Ahmed
    361,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Chemistry - Bio-chemistry, grade: 80.0, University of Birmingham (Engineering), course: Chemical Engineering, language: English, abstract: This paper covers a detail design and cost (to an accuracy of +/- 20 percent) for a new manufacturing facility to produce DNA vaccines to be built on a greenfield site. Applied current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) and complied with all the regulatory guidelines set up by various agencies.The demand for DNA vaccines in large quantities at high purity for gene therapy is on the increase. As it helps to stimulate antibodies production in human and provide immune protection against many diseases such as cancer, malaria, HIV and other diseases and have potential advantages over conventional vaccines.

  • af Stuart Blume
    137,95 kr.

    As the world pins its hope for the end of the coronavirus pandemic to the successful rollout of vaccines, this book offers a vital long view of such efforts--and our resistance to them. At a time when vaccines are a vital tool in the fight against COVID-19 in all its various mutations, this hard-hitting book takes a longer historical perspective. It argues that globalization and cuts to healthcare have been eroding faith in the institutions producing and providing vaccines for more than thirty years. It tells the history of immunization from the work of early pioneers such as Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch through the eradication of smallpox in 1980, to the recent introduction of new kinds of genetically engineered vaccines. Immunization exposes the limits of public health authorities while suggesting how they can restore our confidence. Public health experts and all those considering vaccinations should read this timely history.

  • af Amelior Institute
    112,95 kr.

    The "Godfather of Vaccines", Stanley A Plotkin, is the world-renowned American physician who works as a consultant to vaccine manufacturers, such as Sanofi Pasteur, as well as biotechnology firms, non-profits and governments. In the 1960s, he played a pivotal role in discovery of a vaccine against rubella virus while working at Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. Plotkin was a member of Wistar's active research faculty from 1960 to 1991.In addition to his emeritus appointment at Wistar, he is emeritus professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania. His book, "Vaccines," is the standard reference on the subject. He is an editor with Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, which is published by the American Society for Microbiology in Washington, D.C. In 2017, Plotkin agreed to be an expert witness for a court case in Michigan. This is the unaltered transcript from the legal deposition of that case and is an unprecedented look into the mind of perhaps the most knowledgeable authority in the field in an honest and thorough interview by one of the foremost legal minds in the world, Aaron Siri.

  • af Becky Tunstall
    1.545,95 kr.

    Becky Tunstall assesses the position of housing in public policy and health, and the most immediate responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in one convenient resource for students, scholars and practitioners.

  • af Kathrin Dreusicke
    122,95 kr.

    The best protection against viral infections like corona is a strong immune system. A strong immune response from your own body can ensure that you do not die even though you are infected. Are you ready to do what is necessary to do? It is not difficult. All you need are two over-the-counter, safe and affordable supplements: vitamin D and magnesium.Vitamin D is vital for your immune system, because vitamin D is the clock for cell division. The active vitamin D in the blood tells the cells when to divide and when not. Metaphorically speaking, vitamin D is, so to speak, the general in war, telling his soldiers when and where they should go on missions. If the general is missing, in other words, the vitamin D in the blood, the soldiers wander aimlessly and cannot carry out a complete attack.Here you will find concrete instructions on how much of what you should take to bring your vitamin D level up to the immune-protective level even without a laboratory test.

  • af Christopher A. Shaw
    317,95 kr.

    Enter the trenches of the bloodiest battles you've never heard of: the Vaccine Wars. Professor Christopher A Shaw discovered, after a deep-dive literature search on aluminum impacts on humans and animals, that aluminum hydroxide, an adjuvant in the anthrax vaccine, had a significantly negative impact on motor functions and reflexes of patients in the literature. After that finding, he did what scientists are supposed to do and kept following the leads. However, organizations like WHO dismissed him immediately. Those powerful organizations either knew what he knew, that aluminum vaccine adjuvants were harmful, or they simply didn’t care. In either case, two possible reasons for the lack of response became clear to Shaw and his colleagues: dogma and money. The first had served to convince most of the world’s medical professionals that Shaw had to be wrong because, after all, “the science was settled.” And, behind much of this was the naked fact of how much money vaccines brought in to cover the pharmaceutical industry’s profit margin. The combination of those two have the finger prints of various Big Pharma companies smudged all over the question of vaccine safety, which included the demonization of both scientists and lay scholars who raised even the tamest questions about safety and the push for vaccine mandates around the world. After these events, Shaw decided to dig deeper.Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars is a comprehensive look at the origin of vaccination and the oversight of vaccines by various regulatory bodies in the United States and in Canada. The book provides not only the official view on vaccines safety and efficacy, but also provides a critical analysis on which such views are based. Aluminum and other compounds that may contribute to autism spectrum disorder are discussed at length. Professor Shaw also analyzes the corporate influences driving vaccine uptake worldwide and provides an in depth look at the push for mandatory vaccination. Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars evaluates the extent to which vaccinology has become a cult religion driving attempts to suppress divergent scientific opinions. Finally, the book delves into the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for the future of us all.

  • af Michael Willrich
    317,95 kr.

    The untold story of how America's progressive-era war on smallpox sparked one of the great civil liberties battles of the twentieth century. At the turn of the last century, a smallpox epidemic swept the United States from coast to coast. In this gripping account, award- winning historian Michael Willrich chronicles the government's fight against the outbreak and the ensuing clash of modern medicine, civil liberties, and state power. Pox introduces readers to memorable characters on both sides of the debate-from the doctors and club- wielding police charged with enforcing the law to vaccinate every citizen to the anti-vaccinationists, who stood up for their individual freedoms but were often dismissed as misguided cranks. Riveting and thoroughly researched, Pox delivers a masterful examination of progressive-era history that resonates powerfully today.

  • af Judy Mikovits
    267,95 kr.

    "What this book teaches you more than anything else is that science is a dangerous game. The notion that science is precise and unambiguous is wrong. When there is doubt, there is the potential for powerful interested parties to make life miserable for a scientist with integrity. Throughout the book, intrigue is seamlessly intertwined with fascinating revelations about the still poorly understood science behind the potential role of retroviruses in mysterious debilitating diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and autism." -Dr. Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory"The breathtaking story of an extraordinary scientist who discovered the most likely cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, only to witness a cover-up and character assassination emanating from the highest levels of the scientific community. An incisive critique of what's wrong with science today, and yet a hopeful portrait of how science still has the means to find the truth. It leaves you overwhelmed by the insidious methods and players corrupting science, but hopeful for truth-seekers in the scientific community like Dr. Mikovits who are persevering against all odds." -J.B. Handley, co-founder of Generation Rescue and author of How to End the Autism Epidemic"A truly shocking set of revelations about the deep corruption and criminality of the medical industrial complex. Exposes the scientific fraud and brazen intellectual dishonesty that now characterizes the pharmaceutical cartels that sacrifice human health for corporate profits." -Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger," and publisher of"This book is a jaw-dropping excursion through the lies of Big Money, Big Government and Big Pharma. God bless Dr. Mikovits for her courage in sharing this story!" -Max Swafford, author and educator

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