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Zoologi: pattedyr

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  • af Hans Baagøe & Thomas Secher Jensen
    269,95 kr.

    For første gang et værk om samtlige danske pattedyr – til lands, til vands og i luften. Deres udbredelse, biologi og levevis beskrevet og rigt illustreret med kort, tegninger og fotos. Værket er baseret på over 4000 frivilliges indsamling af data for samtlige 88 danske pattedyrarter.

  • af Steve Brusatte
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Tom Mustill
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Gregory Forth
    172,95 - 215,95 kr.

    A remarkable investigation into the hominoids of Flores Island, their place on the evolutionary spectrumand whether or not they still survive.While doing fieldwork on the remote Indonesian island of Flores, anthropologist Gregory Forth came across people talking about half-apelike, half-humanlike creatures that once lived in a cave on the slopes of a nearby volcano. Over the years he continued to record what locals had to say about these mystery hominoids while searching for ways to explain them as imaginary symbols of the wild or other cultural representations. Then along came the ';hobbit'. In 2003, several skeletons of a small-statured early human species alongside stone tools and animal remains were excavated in a cave in western Flores. Named Homo floresiensis, this ancient hominin was initially believed to have lived until as recently as 12,000 years ago possibly overlapping with the appearance of Homo sapiens on Flores. In view of this timing and the striking resemblance of floresiensis to the mystery creatures described by the islanders, Forth began to think about the creatures as possibly reflecting a real species, either now extinct but retained in ';cultural memory' or even still surviving. He began to investigate reports from the Lio region of the island where locals described ape-men as still living. Dozens claimed to have even seen them. In Between Ape and Human, we follow Forth on the trail of this mystery hominoid, and the space they occupy in islanders' culture as both natural creatures and as supernatural beings. In a narrative filled with adventure, Lio culture and language, zoology and natural history, Forth comes to a startling and controversial conclusion. Unique, important, and thought-provoking, this book will appeal to anyone interested in human evolution, the survival of species (including our own) and how humans might relate to ';not-quite-human' animals. Between Ape and Human is essential reading for all those interested in cryptozoology, and it is the only firsthand investigation by a leading anthropologist into the possible survival of a primitive species of human into recent timesand its coexistence with modern humans.

  • af Stuart Atkinson
    241,95 kr.

    Meget indbydende og lærerig med overskuelig tekst og tydelige tegninger om at se på stjerner og planeter. Bogen er logisk bygget op med mange overskrifter, så det er nemt at få et overblik. Katten i titlen er forfatterens kat, der deltog i ture ud i natten for at se på stjerner.Anbefales varmt!- LektørudtalelsenEn billed-fagbog, hvor du sammen med katten Felicity kan lære om det uendelige univers.Sammen med Felicity kan du lære, hvad de forskellige stjernebilleder hedder, og hvordan man finder fjerne galakser.Bogen indeholder masser af sjove oplysninger og praktiske råd, så du kan se stjernerne på en måde, som du aldrig har set dem før.Stuart Atkinson har skrevet og redigeret bøger om astronomi og rummet i 30 år.

  • af Peter H. Petersen
    297,95 kr.

    Kig & peg på søde og sjove dyrevenner: – geder, der leger "skub ned" – præriehunde, der deles om maden – ulve, der klapper hinanden – pingviner, der finder en hule og mange flere En pegebog om dyr og venskaber.Andre bøger i serien kig & peg TRAKTORER FLY PÅ ARBEJDE LASTBILER

  • af David Strayer
    253,95 kr.

    An exciting foray into Earth's inland waters, the remarkable species they contain, and the conservation challenges of protecting them.We call Earth "the blue planet" because oceans cover 71 percent of its surface. But this description ignores the diverse inland waters--streams, lakes, wetlands, and ground waters--that are so important to global biodiversity. These crucial ecosystems are home to about ten percent of all known species, many of which are extraordinary, and some of which are critically endangered.In Beyond the Sea, David Strayer introduces readers to the world's most remarkable and varied inland waters, including volcanic lakes more corrosive than battery acid, catastrophic floods that carried ten times as much water as the Amazon River, ground waters miles beneath our feet that are home to unique microbes, and vast lakes that fill only once a century. These varied ecosystems support a wide array of remarkable and unique species, such as tiny animals that can become "reversibly dead," mussels that seduce fish, and lungfishes that have evolved to meet the myriad challenges posed by inland-water habitats.Because humans have used--and abused--inland waters so intensively for everything from drinking water to sewage disposal, many species around the world that depend on them are already extinct or in desperate peril. Strayer explains the damage caused by human activities and outlines the solutions that are needed to sustain and restore inland-water ecosystems and their inhabitants. Proving that the sea isn't the only watery realm of mystery and wonder, this book illuminates the secrets, science, and amazing denizens of the overlooked waters in our backyards.

  • af Lynne A Isbell
    561,95 kr.

    This game-changing book questions long-accepted rules of primate socioecology and redefines the field from the ground up.In Primate Socioecology, renowned researcher Lynne A. Isbell offers a fresh perspective on primate social organizations that redefines the field from the ground up. Through her innovative Variable Home Range Sharing model, Isbell unravels the mystery of why some primates live alone while others live in pairs or groups--a question that has perplexed scientists for decades. This new approach diverges from the traditional focus on predation pressure as the main determinant of primate social organization to reveal deeper ecological causes of primate behavior. The implications of this shift are profound, underscoring the critical importance of a behavioral-ecological mechanism in which varying movement strategies affect which females share their home ranges and ultimately pointing to a new functional classification system for primate social organizations.Isbell also discusses: - a supportive test of predicted movement strategies using activity budgets- why thermal constraints explain the dichotomy between small nocturnal primates and large diurnal primates- the role of sensory differences in nocturnal solitary foragers versus diurnal group-living primatesUseful as both an introduction to primate socioecology and for those seeking a robust examination of the topic, Primate Socioecology addresses scientific debates about primate social organizations and invites researchers to question long-held assumptions.

  • af Peter Mitchell
    620,95 - 1.269,95 kr.

    Southern Africa is central to many key debates in contemporary archaeology, including hominid origins, origins of anatomically modern humans and modern forms of behaviour, and the development of ethnographically informed ways of understanding rock art. This book is an archaeological synthesis of the region in fifty years.

  • af Peter Mitchell
    395,95 kr.

    "In this new edition, Peter Mitchell provides a comprehensive synthesis of Southern Africa's archaeology over more than three million years. It includes new work that addresses pre-colonial states and the transformations wrought by European colonialism, emphasising Indigenous agency and feeding into efforts to decolonise the discipline"--

  • af Amorina Kingdon
    159,95 kr.

    A captivating exploration of how underwater animals tap into sound to survive, and a clarion call for humans to address the ways we invade these critical soundscapes - from an award-winning science writer.For centuries humans ignored sound in the 'silent world' of the ocean, assuming that what we couldn't perceive, didn't exist. But we couldn't have been more wrong. Marine scientists now have the technology to record and study the complex interplay of the myriad sounds in the sea. Finally, we can trace how sounds travel with the currents, bounce from the seafloor and surface, bend with temperature, and even saltiness; how sounds help marine life survive; and how human noise can transform entire marine ecosystems.In Sing Like Fish, award-winning science journalist Amorina Kingdon synthesises historical discoveries with the latest research in a clear and compelling portrait of this sonic undersea world. From plainfin midshipman fish, whose swim-bladder drumming is so loud it keeps houseboat-dwellers awake, to the syntax of whalesong, from the deafening crackle of snapping shrimp, to underwater earthquakes and volcanoes, sound plays a vital role in feeding, mating, parenting, navigating, and warning. Meanwhile, our seas also echo with human-made sound, and we are only just learning how these pervasive noises can mask mating calls, chase animals from their food, and even wound creatures.Intimate and artful, Sing Like Fish tells a uniquely complete story of ocean animals' submerged sounds, envisions a quieter future, and offers a profound new understanding of the world below the surface.

  • af Iain McCalman
    247,95 kr.

    On an East-African hunting expedition in 1909, Delia Akeley, a forty-year-old American woman, captured a baby female monkey. Delia's loneliness in an isolating patriarchal world, and her long-frustrated desire to adopt a child, had motivated her to nurture the animal. She named the monkey JT Jr and decided to study her interactions with humans.The unique relationship between Delia and JT unlocked Delia's latent talents of research and observation, anticipating both Jane Goodall's chimpanzee writings and Margaret Mead's Samoan ethnographies. However, Delia's love for JT clashed with her husband Carl's obsession to create a temple of African wildlife dioramas at the Museum of Natural History in New York. Nursing Carl's broken body and realising their diverging interests pushed Delia into a breakdown in Uganda, which led to a savage divorce in Manhattan, and the heartbreaking caging of JT in a Washington zoo. Carl's death triggered a long battle between Delia and Carl's widow, who succeeded in obliterating most of Delia's achievements.In Delia Akeley and the Monkey, Iain McCalman uses official records and personal documents to build a story of passionate love and hate among women, men, animals and museums that predates our times but speaks to our present. It illuminates much about human-animal relations and the tyranny of gender inequality, through reinstating an obscured story of a dedicated amateur primatologist.

  • af Mack Rafeal
    337,95 kr.

    In the many-sided embroidery of the collective of animals, the peculiarity of play conduct holds an essential job, going about as a powerful power that shapes individual improvement as well as contributes fundamentally to the unpredictable social texture of different species. Among the enthralling domains of concentrate inside this setting is the investigation of play conduct in adolescent primates - a region that divulges captivating bits of knowledge into the transformative, social, and mental elements of these savvy animals. Play conduct in adolescent primates addresses more than simple unimportance; it fills in as a urgent part in the many-sided mosaic of their lives. As youthful primates participate in play, they refine their coordinated movements as well as foster mental capacities, social bonds, and critical thinking procedures that are irreplaceable for their endurance in nature. The lively cooperations saw among adolescent primates frequently reflect the complicated elements they will experience in their grown-up friendly designs, giving a brief look into the groundworks of their future social communications. This investigation isn't bound to the quick advantages of play conduct yet stretches out to its developmental roots. Concentrating on the play examples of adolescent primates offers a window into the versatile meaning of such way of behaving, unwinding the developmental benefits that might have formed these lively inclinations over centuries. From improving hunting abilities to laying out pecking orders inside gatherings, play conduct arises as a diverse peculiarity that has been finely tuned by the determined powers of normal choice. Besides, understanding the job of play in adolescent primates has more extensive ramifications for preservation endeavors and hostage the board. Bits of knowledge acquired from these examinations can educate the advancement regarding improvement systems in imprisonment, encouraging the prosperity and psychological wellness of primates under human consideration. In this far reaching investigation, we set out on an excursion to disentangle the multifaceted layers of play conduct in adolescent primates, digging into its organic underpinnings, social ramifications, and the more extensive developmental story that shapes the existences of these spellbinding animals. Through this interdisciplinary focal point, we intend to improve how we might interpret the primate world and, likewise, our appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life structures on our planet.

  • af Michael Mayes
    227,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Richardson
    978,95 kr.

    An illustrated history of primatology in all its aspects. This comprehensive treatment covers the human relationship with other primates throughout history.

  • af M. a. F. R. S. W. Boyd Dawkins
    197,95 kr.

  • af Gregory Pincus
    197,95 kr.

  • af Godman John D. (John Davidson)
    242,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af R. L. Garner
    242,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af Richard Lynch Garner
    242,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af Junius Henderson
    297,95 kr.

  • af A. Primrose
    187,95 kr.

  • af Edgar M. Ledyard
    177,95 kr.

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