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Buddhisme: Zen

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  • af Haemin Sunim
    132,95 - 247,95 kr.

    International bestseller med flere end 3 millioner solgte eksemplarer alene i Sydkorea. ”De ting du kun kan se, når du sætter farten ned” er en smukt illustreret bog til alle, der føler, at verden omkring dem går lidt for hurtigt. Forfatteren Haemin Sunim er zenbuddhistisk munk, og hans enkle og milde råd, der henvender sig til alle uanset religion, nationalitet eller alder, har gjort bogen til en nyklassiker inden for genren. I bogen giver han råd om alt fra kærlighed, stress, tilgivelse, konflikter på arbejdet og blandt venner og gør os opmærksomme på den glæde og styrke, det bringer os, når vi sætter farten ned. ”Genialt enkle råd fra en zenbuddhistisk munk der vil give dit humør, din karriere og dine personlige relationer et boost.” – Daily Mail ”Alle der gerne vil trives bedre i deres liv burde have den liggende på deres natbord.” – Arianna Huffington

  • af Haemin Sunim
    247,95 kr.

    Opfølgeren til den internationale bestseller De ting du først kan se, når du sætter farten ned. Endnu en smuk og nænsom mindfulness-bog fra zenmunken Haemin Sunim.

  • - 100 praktiske råd der bringer ro og glæde i dit liv
    af Shunmyo Masuno
    132,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Praktisk guide til et roligere og mere glædesfyldt liv Zen er den perfekte modgift til det moderne livs kaos. Den anerkendte buddhistiske munkShunmyo Masuno trækker på flere århundreders visdom og giver dig i denne bog 100 lette og praktiske råd, der kan give dig mere zen i din hverdag. Du lærer at trække vejret dybt for at slippe af med negative følelser, at rydde op i dit hus for at få overblik over dine tanker, at stille dine sko ved siden af hinanden for at bringe orden i dit sind, at plante en enkelt blomst og betragte den gro, at bekymre dig mindre om ting, du ikke kan kontrollere og meget mere … Få et enklere liv med zen, og lær at føle dig mere afslappet, tilfreds og opfyldt af fred. ”Gør for mentalt rod, hvad Marie Kondo gjorde for rod i dit hjem” Publisher’s Weekly ”100 zenaktiviteter i snackstørrelse som du kan udføre hver dag for at bringe mere ro i dit liv.” The Daily Telegraph

  • af James Norbury
    185,95 kr.

    An old cat considers himself as wise as can be, until he hears of a solitary ancient pine far away, under the boughs of which infinite insight can be found. So begins his journey to seek out this tree, along the way he meets a range of animals with their own stories to tell, each offering a piece of zen wisdom. Beautiful illutrated throughout.

  • af Thich Nhat Hanh
    73,94 kr.

    'The monk who taught the world mindfulness' TimeOne breath, one step is all we need to feel at home and comfortable in the here and nowIn this enlightening series, world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh shares the foundations of mindfulness practice and meditation.By applying considered breath and meditation, How to Smile acts as a guide to show us how to transform hurt into healing, while also allowing us to explore the strong emotions of anger, sadness, regret and fear.This is the essential guide to help you heal.

  • af Eihei Dogen
    372,95 kr.

  • af Eihei Dogen
    522,95 kr.

  • - Om mental frihed, kropsligt nærvær og eksistentiel fordybelse
    af Kaspar Meitil
    169,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Meditation og bevidsthed er en guide til at lære at meditere. Til at blive mere fri af tankernes og følelsernes magt. Samt til at øge sit krops lige nærvær og bruge den kraft, der ligger i den seksuelle energi, til at udvide sin bevidsthed og udvikle sig som menneske. Væk fra tankemylder, indre uro og sænket livskraft hen imod større sindsro, vitalitet og mental frihed. Men bogen går også et spadestik dybere og dykker ned i nogle af de store eksistentielle spørgsmål om selvet, bevidstheden og det verdensbillede, som meditation bygger på. Spørgsmål, der ofte er omgærdet af mystik og forbundet med tro, men som bogen kaster et rationelt blik på. Meditation og bevidsthed bygger bro mellem videnskab og spiritualitet, mellem hoved og krop, intellekt og direkte erfaring. Brug bogen til at opnå bedre mental sundhed, større eksistentiel afklaring og en dybere forståelse af bevidst hedens mysterium. Kaspar Meitil (f. 1992) er psykolog, foredragsholder og forfatter til flere bøger om psykologi, filosofi og meditation. Han har gennem en årrække arbejdet som klinisk psykolog med mentaltræningsteknikker som meditation og mindfulness. Arbejder i dag som selvstændig med egen praksis, hvor han laver terapi og afholder kurser.

  • af Taisen Deshimaru
    189,95 kr.

    "True religion," the great Japanese teacher Taisen Deshimaru wrote, "is not esoteric or mystical, it is not an exercise in well-being or gymnastics. True religion is the highest Way, the absolute Way: zazen." Here, Deshimaru, the author of True Zen, offers practical suggestions for developing unitary mind-body consciousness through the principles of zazen (translated literally as "seated meditation"). Advice is given on posture, breathing, and concentration, and concepts such as karma and satori are clearly explained.

  • af Anonymous
    191,95 kr.

    "In Norman Fischer's translation, the words of the Psalms are clothed in renewed beauty - clear, uncompromising, shining with devotion."-Jack Kornfield, author of After the Ecstasy, the Laundry A week with the Trappist monks of Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky left Norman Fischer feeling inspired by the uplifting, soaring verses chanted each day, but also astonished by the violence, passion, and bitterness expressed. This experience started him on a journey through Eastern and Western spirituality and his own Jewish roots toward these moving and intimate translations of the Psalms. In ninety-three poems of praise, celebration, suffering, and lamentation, Opening to You brings the Psalms alive, conveying their beauty and power in accessible English for today's readers of every spiritual path or religious background and transforming the sacred songs into the timeless music of enlightenment.

  • af Thich Nhat Hanh
    117,95 kr.

    Presents meditations to cultivate the power of concentration to achieve insight and understanding.

  • af Thich Nhat Hanh
    107,95 kr.

    242,95 kr.

    This book offers insights from our fellow canine practitioners on the path of mindfulness. Each dog offers their own insight as translated through their human guardian, reminding us of what matters. UK Lay Dharma teachers, ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh of Plum Village, have given each dog their Dharma name, reflecting the essence of their teaching.

  • af Jennifer J Hunter
    177,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af John Daishin Buksbazen
    172,95 kr.

  • af Ian Prattis
    407,95 kr.

    Ian Prattis' new publication, Sacred Ceremony and Desert Legacy. is another riveting medley of poetry and prose, autobiographical essays and a memoir of his mystical journey as a shaman and a Zen teacher. His gentle but powerful activism to save the Earth is the sacred glue fusing together all of the genres featured in this book. Prattis uses the power of the word to remind us to open our hearts and our senses to the natural world, to hear the symphony in the whale song, and marvel at the flight of geese, or to "see spring blossoms cast a rainbow in summer rain." Prattis' reflections on impermanence remind us that "our only possessions are the consequences of our actions", and that we should awaken from our apathy and slumber and show a renewed reverence toward nature becoming both leaders and followers of radical change. His social commentary on wars and the destruction of our home Earth is couched in stirringly beautiful poetic language, which acts as a guiding light to beckon us toward a shift of consciousness.- Jana Begovic, author, Poisonous Whispers and Dragonfly Slayer

  • af Harry Misho Teske
    344,95 kr.

    Koans sind scheinbar unlösbare Aufgaben, die Zen - Meister ihren Schülern stellen. Auf den Laien wirken sie paradox und sinnlos. Diese Meditationsaufgaben dienen der Ausbildung des Zen - Schülers und öffnen eine Ebene des Geistes, die dem rationalen, westlichen Denken verschlossen bleibt. Harry Misho Teske hat die beiden über 800 Jahre alten Hauptwerke der Koanausboldung neu übersetzt, erklärt, kommentiert und erstmalig in deutscher Sprache in einem Buch vereint. - Mumonkan - Die torlose Schranke- Hekigan Roku - Die Aufzeichnung von der smaragdgrünen FelswandDas Mumonkan umfasst 48 Koans und ist unabdingbar für das Verständnis des Zen - Buddhismus. Das Hekigan Roku dient mit seinen 100 Koans der Ausbildung angehender Zen - Meister und verlangt dem Verständnisvermögen höchste Konzentration ab. Vorangestellt ist eine Sammlung aus 10 Einsteigerkoans, die dem Leser einen ersten Zugang in diese wunderbare Welt der Meditation eröffnen.

  • af Nelson Foster
    198,95 kr.

    "Since the dawn of Ch'an and Zen in medieval China and Japan, members of these schools have enlivened their teaching by creatively adopting and adapting terms, images, principles, poetry, and lore native to their societies. Unfortunately, so much of that cultural wealth has been "lost in translation" that Western practitioners have barely begun to discover and appreciate this extraordinarily rich legacy. In Storehouse of Treasures, second-generation American Zen teacher Nelson Foster makes a series of adventuresome forays into the trove of material laid up by the Dharma ancestors, bringing to light: masters' delight in playing with words, stories, and inherited Buddhist concepts, bending them to express the Dharma in inspired ways; the powerful influence that Taoist and Confucian thought exerted in the formation of Ch'an and Zen; the emphasis the two schools have laid on excellence of character as well as on profound awakening; the experiential meaning and enduring importance to the tradition of ideals little associated with it today, like integrity, shame, and contentment; and how "knowing the tune" of a fellow student, a mentor, or a teacher of old lies at the heart of transmitting the Dharma. Lifting to attention a diverse set of ancient yet still luminous Dharma gems, Foster urges their relevance and value to us as students of the Buddha Way and as citizens of a world increasingly fractious and imperiled"--

  • af Sister Dang Nghiem
    159,95 kr.

    Find refuge and wisdom with a student of Thich Nhat Hanh in the pages of this poignant poetry collection that speaks to the heart of overcoming life’s adversities, Zen styleThis profound poetry collection, written by a disciple of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, charts a journey from turmoil to tranquility. In this deeply personal work, Sister Dang Nghiem, known for her insightful and compassionate teachings, unveils a journey of transformation and healing that bridges two pivotal phases of her life: the years prior to her monastic ordination and the profound insights gained thereafter. This unique compilation, divided into two distinct parts, illustrates Sister Dang Nghiem's evolution not just as a poet but as a spiritual practitioner. The first half, spanning 1989-1999, offers a glimpse into her pre-monastic life, filled with yearnings for reconciliation and liberation yet entangled in suffering and attachments. The latter half, encompassing her writings from 2000 to 2023, reflects a stark transformation, imbued with the wisdom and tranquility of her Zen practice. Not just a display of poetic prowess, but also a testament to Sister Dang Nghiem's resilience and spiritual growth, these poems resonate with honesty and vulnerability, providing readers with a candid testament to the life-altering power of healing through mindfulness and deep community. The River in Me offers a path toward inner peace and wholeness for those navigating the complexities of life and is an essential read for anyone seeking solace and understanding.Includes 17 black and white photographs prior to and after monastic ordination.

  • af Robert Aitken
    212,95 kr.

  • af James Ishmael Ford
    212,95 kr.

    An intimate mystery encompasses you and tugs upon your heart—what does it mean to follow that tug across the arc of a spiritual life?Reflecting out of more than fifty years of practice in Zen Buddhism, Unitarian Universalism, and other contemplative traditions, James Ishmael Ford invites us into a journey through life's mysteries and the stages of spiritual development.Lightly structured by the archetypal Buddhist oxherding images, Ford’s exploration is rooted in the Zen way while being deeply enriched by various strains of world mysticism. The book, sprinkled with insights and quotes from Buddhist, Daoist, and Christian traditions, serves as a map and a companion to spiritual seekers or pilgrims—whether within one religious tradition or cobbling together a way of one’s own. “Here is the most natural of all natural experiences,” writes Ford. “In the midst of our suffering, our longing, our desperation, we capture a glimpse. Something touches us. And with that, if we are lucky and really notice some movement of some spirit within us, we turn our attention to the intimate way.”

  • af Rafe Martin
    277,95 kr.

    Drawing on myth, legend, Zen koans, and Buddhist folklore, as well on his own more than 50 years of formal Zen practice and over 10 years of Zen teaching, in this companion volume to A Zen Life of Buddha, (Sumeru 2022), award-wining author Roshi Rafe Jnan Martin looks at the nature and role of bodhisattvas, the wise and compassionate beings at the core of Zen Buddhism and at the heart of Zen practice. Along the way he explores such questions as: What are bodhisattvas? Are they real? Who are the specific bodhisattvas central to Zen? How do they function? How are they different from Buddhas? From The Buddha? What's the connection between bodhisattvas and our own Zen practice? What's their connection with our ordinary lives?

  • af Christopher Ford
    112,95 kr.

    "Mastering Life and Swordsmanship: The Wisdom of Miyamoto Musashi" is a guide that offers a unique blend of martial philosophy and life principles from one of Japan's most legendary swordsmen. This book encapsulates the essence of Miyamoto Musashi's profound teachings, providing readers with a timeless roadmap for mastering not only the art of the sword but also the art of living.Whether you're a martial artist, a leader, or someone striving for personal growth, this book offers invaluable wisdom that can be applied to the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

  • af Alan Watts
    197,95 kr.

    Discover the path to your authentic self and embrace your true identity with these insightful teachings from celebrated author and spiritual luminary Alan Watts. In this collection, Watts displays the intelligence, playfulness of thought, and simplicity of language that has made him so perennially popular as an interpreter of Eastern thought for Westerners. He draws on a variety of religious traditions and covers topics such as the challenge of seeing one’s life “just as it is,” the Taoist approach to harmonious living, the limits of language in the face of ineffable spiritual truth, and the psychological symbolism of Christian thought. Throughout, he shows how our true self is never to be found anywhere other than this very life and this very moment.

  • af Joan Halifax
    212,95 kr.

    Zen teacher Halifax emphasizes that the process of dying is a rite of passage, and can be viewed as natural and not something to be denied. Here she offers stories as well as guided exercises and contemplations to help readers meditate on death without fear.

  • af Daniel D'Apollo
    152,95 kr.

    Need more time to just breathe? Want a break from constant worries? Looking for simple joy every day?Then this book is for you...Meet "The Zen Monkey and The Lotus Flower: 52 Stories to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Thoughts, Find Happiness, and Live Your Best Life." This book is a gentle guide back to what matters most in life.Inside, you'll find 52 stories, each with a powerful lesson, revealing timeless lessons on gratitude, mindfulness, self-love, and happiness. The teachings are easy to grasp, offering fresh ways to view life's challenges, without needing a background in Buddhism.This Book Contains Unique Tales with Life Lessons Imprints in them, It isn't just another collection of tales. It's a well of wisdom that's easy to reach into whenever life gets tough. It's about getting clear, finding calm, and making each day a bit brighter.Here's what's waiting for you:Simple ways to stop negative thoughts.Keys to finding your own happiness.Fresh perspectives to lighten your day.Steps to reduce stress and find peace.The unique quotes paired with each story are insights you won't find online - they're your quick picks for encouragement whenever you need it.Ready for less stress and more joy?Grab your copy of "The Zen Monkey and The Lotus Flower" now, and step into a simpler, happier way of living.

  • af Clement Decrop
    277,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • af Mitra Bishop
    267,95 kr.

    FROM THE FOREWORD by Hozan Alan Senauke, abbot, Berkeley Zen CenterWhen our Japanese teachers came to the West, they brought us an immeasurable gift-Zen as continuous, lifelong practice. This is what Roshi Mitra Bishop means by "the long maturation" in this wonderful book. There are several dimensions to this book, Deepening Zen, that call forth my appreciation.First is the skillful way Roshi Mitra weaves together psychology, neuroscience, history, and dharma. Like it or not, we live in a psychologizing age. But the teachings here keep returning to Buddhadharma. That is our refuge-Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Roshi Mitra insists that we can rely on dharma, which is not other than our own enlightened nature.Second, this is a book full of stories. Savour the stories. Observe how some of them weave through the book to deliver their cargo of wisdom. Maybe this is the defining characteristic of being human- the ability to create stories from our experience. Of course, we can be misled by stories, but all the great perennial wisdom is found in stories. This is true for the Buddha's Pali Sutras, for the Bible, for the collections of challenging and enigmatic Zen koans, and for the pages of this book. May these insightful stories come home to you, and help you in the work of saving all sentient beings

  • af Clement Decrop
    177,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Cristina Moon
    267,95 kr.

    An invigorating memoir about a young woman pushed to her limits at a Zen monastery in Hawai‘i, where she learns that the key to unlocking the ultimate breakthrough is igniting her fighting spirit.At twenty-five, activist Cristina Moon faced an impossible task: preparing for the possibility of arrest and torture inside military-ruled Myanmar. Her response? Learning Buddhist meditation. So began what would become a decades-long spiritual path—eventually leading her to a Zen temple and martial arts dojo in Hawaiʻi with a timeless method of warrior Zen training.Offering a bracing account of three years of mind-body-spirit training at Daihonzan Chozen-ji, a Rinzai Zen temple and martial arts dojo, Moon powerfully captures the rigors and realizations that finally shaped her into a Zen priest whose highest directive is to give fearlessness. Told with immersive detail and an unique Asian American female perspective, Three Years on the Great Mountain chronicles Moon's straight-up-the-mountain training regimen at Chozen-ji, conducted every day and often through the nights. Through the spiritual forging of daily Zen meditation, manual labor, swordsmanship, and Japanese tea ceremony, she discovers a newfound conviction that self mastery and spiritual growth can take fierce form. Embraced by local Hawaiʻi and Japanese culture, and a community of discipline, respect, and discovery, she discovers a profound sense of home.

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