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Vedligeholdelse og reparation

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  • af Natasja Hjerrild Rosenquist
    227,95 kr.

    Giv dit tøj nyt liv med broderi og lær smuk og praktisk ”visible mending”, som skjuler småhuller og får tøjet til at holde sig smukt længere. At brodere er som at tegne med tråd – let, legende og frit.En introduktion til broderi og visible mending. I bogen gennemgås en række basis broderisting, som klæder dig på til at lave dine første broderier. Du finder også en masse tips, som er gode at kende, inden du går i gang, og et helt afsnit med inspiration til motiver og anvisninger til, hvordan du kan gøre dem efter. Bogen er lavet til begynderniveau, så alle kan være med, også dig som er øvet, da der er masser af inspiration og ideér til motiver. Med LILLE KLODE har Natasja Hjerrild Rosenquist skabt et kreativt og æstetisk univers med udgangspunkt i at vejlede, inspirere og opmuntre til at genoptage gamle håndværkstraditioner. På sin instagram profil og ved hendes ofte udsolgte broderikurser giver Natasja tøj og tekstiler nyt liv med broderi. Hun bruger også den populære teknik visible mending, hvor du, ved hjælp af broderi, dækker pletter eller lapper huller og dermed forlænger levetiden på tøj og tekstiler. Det er både godt for klimaet og pengepungen, og så inviterer det til fordybelse, ro og mentalt velvære.Natasjas mission er at inspirere til at give tøjet længere levetid. Og vise at broderi og lapninger kan være smukke og moderne. Det er både værdifuldt og enormt meningsfuldt.LILLE KLODE kan bruges af alle: Begynderen lærer det basale, mens den øvede kan hente inspiration og ideer til motiver.

  • af Simon Shuster
    172,95 kr.

    Acclaimed journalist Simon Shuster gives us the first inside account of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the perspective of President Volodymyr Zelensky and his team, who granted him unprecedented access. Time correspondent Simon Shuster chronicles the life and wartime leadership of Volodymyr Zelensky from the dressing rooms of his variety show in Ukraine to the muddy trenches of his war with Russia. Based on four years of reporting; extensive travels with President Zelensky to the front; and dozens of interviews with him, his wife, his friends and enemies, his advisers, ministers and military commanders, The Showman tells an intimate and eye-opening story of the President's evolution from a slapstick actor to a symbol of resilience, revealing how he managed to rally the world's democracies behind his cause.The book's early chapters offer the first detailed account of Zelensky's life in a nuclear bunker in the opening weeks of the invasion and the circumstances of his wife's escape to safety with their children. Later, as the Russians retreat from Kyiv, we see Zelensky and his team emerge from the bunker and lead Ukraine in a series of crucial victories. The result is a riveting, up-close picture of the invasion as experienced by its number one target and improbable hero. Clear-eyed about the President's early failures as a peacemaker and his willingness to silence political dissent, the book offers a complex picture of a man struggling to break what he sees as a historical cycle of oppression that began generations before he was born. Even as the war drags on, Zelensky lays out his vision for its future course and, through his actions, demonstrates his strategy for countering the Russians and keeping the West on his side.The Showman, as a work of eyewitness journalism, provides an essential perspective on the war defining our age. As a study in leadership and human resolve, its appeal is timeless and universal.

  • af John Sweeney
    127,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Jacob Mikanowski
    112,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Luke Harding
    127,95 kr.

  • af Andrey Kurkov
    102,95 - 165,95 kr.

    This journal of Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine is a collection of Andrey Kurkov's writings and broadcasts from Kyiv.

    245,95 kr.

    A celebration of Ukraine's rich cultural heritage bringing to light the country's most important works of art and architectural monuments from prehistory to the present.

  • af Andrew Harding
    127,95 kr.

  • af Volodymyr Zelensky
    92,95 - 117,95 kr.

  • af Kalani Pickhart
    105,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • af Serhii Plokhy
    210,95 kr.

    Despite repeated warnings from the White House, Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. Why did Putin start the war-and why has it unfolded in previously unimaginable ways? Ukrainians have resisted a superior military; the West has united, while Russia grows increasingly isolated.Serhii Plokhy, a leading historian of Ukraine and the Cold War, offers a definitive account of this conflict, its origins, course, and the already apparent and possible future consequences. Though the current war began eight years before the all-out assault-on February 27, 2014, when Russian armed forces seized the building of the Crimean parliament-the roots of this conflict can be traced back even earlier, to post-Soviet tensions and imperial collapse in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Providing a broad historical context and an examination of Ukraine and Russia's ideas and cultures, as well as domestic and international politics, Plokhy reveals that while this new Cold War was not inevitable, it was predictable.Ukraine, Plokhy argues, has remained central to Russia's idea of itself even as Ukrainians have followed a radically different path. In a new international environment defined by the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the disintegration of the post-Cold War international order, and a resurgence of populist nationalism, Ukraine is now more than ever the most volatile fault line between authoritarianism and democratic Europe.

  • af Yevhen Samuchenko
    395,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch Format: 23,5 x 30 cm , 192 Seiten Außergewöhnliche Landschaftsfotografie: modern, jung und auf das Wesentliche reduziert Eine Liebeserklärung des preisgekrönten ukrainischen Fotografen Yevhen Samuchenko an seine Heimat Durch den Blick von oben werden die Dimensionen der Ukraine als eines der größten europäischen Länder sichtbar gemacht Ein ästhetisches Meisterwerk der Formen und Farben Der ukrainische Fotograf Yevhen Samuchenko, geboren in Odessa, wurde weltweit für seine beeindruckende Reisefotografie und seine kunstvollen Aerials ausgezeichnet - weil er die zerbrechliche Schönheit unseres Planeten in poetischen Bildern festhält. Auch die seiner Heimat, die jäh in das Zentrum der internationalen Aufmerksamkeit gerückt ist und zerbrechlicher scheint denn je. The Beauty of Ukraine ist eine Liebeserklärung an die Landschaften der Ukraine und zugleich ein ästhetischer Hochgenuss. Yevhen Samuchenko zeigt uns etwa den Lemurianischen See aus der Luft, dessen ungewöhnlich pinke Farbe ihn wie ein Land-Art-Kunstwerk erscheinen lässt. Er nimmt einen Canyon bei Cherson so auf, dass er wie eine Grafik in der sattgrünen Landschaft wirkt. Mohn- und Lavendelfelder faszinieren mit ihrer kompromisslosen Farbigkeit, Winterlandschaften mit ihrer monumentalen Stille und Reduziertheit. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch

  • af Mikhail Zygar
    112,95 kr.

    'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas, our myths led us to the fascism of 2022. It is time to expose them.' Drawing from his perilous career investigating the frontiers of the Russian empire, Zygar reveals how 350 years of propaganda, bad historical scholarship, folk tales and fantasy spurred his nation into war with Ukraine.A noted expert on the Kremlin with unparalleled access to hundreds of players in the current conflict - from politicians to oligarchs, gangsters to comedians (not least Zelensky himself) - Zygar chronicles the power struggles from which today's politics grew, and digs out the essential truths from behind layers of seductive legend. By surveying the strange, complex record of Russo-Ukrainian relations, WAR AND PUNISHMENT reveals exactly how the largest nation on Earth lost its senses. A work of history can't undo the past or transform the present, but sometimes it can shape the future.

  • af Oleksandr Zinchenko
    159,95 kr.

    Oleksandr Zinchenko's story is so much more than a typical footballer's story. He has shown heroism of a very different kind through his extraordinary campaigning in support of Ukraine throughout the ongoing war with Russia. Although his instinct was to join the fight, he decided - following the advice from close loved ones - that he could make the most difference by using his platform to spread awareness and raise money. A fan favourite at Arsenal and previously at Manchester City, Zinchenko, has been lighting up the Premier League with his fearless performances for many years. Although, his success has not come without its challenges. Having begun his career as a teenager at Shakhtar Donetsk, his world was upended when Russia invaded the Donbas region and he was stranded in Russia. But after he joined Manchester City in 2016 he would go on to experience exhilarating career highs, with four league titles in six years, before moving to Arsenal where he has played an integral part in their return to the top.Written with candour and bravery, Triumph & Tears is no ordinary tale of success on the pitch, but one of unwavering strength and integrity, tempered by sadness and anger. It provides unique insights into the methods of Pep Guardiola and Mikel Arteta. It is the story of a selfless man who prioritised his homeland's welfare before his own - delivering his best on and off the field.

  • af Alwi M. Bamhdi
    730,95 - 1.832,95 kr.

    The book covers the prime requirements for a secure Internet of Things (IoT) setup. The book discusses security concerns of an IoT setup by uncovering the present challenges in standardization of data routing, data integrity, device supervision, IoT integration, information storage, IoT performance, and security solutions.

  • af Slavoj Zizek
    112,95 kr.

    We hear all the time that we're moments from doomsday. Around us, crises interlock and escalate, threatening our collective survival: Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with its rising risk of nuclear warfare, is taking place against a backdrop of global warming, ecological breakdown, and widespread social and economic unrest. Protestors and politicians repeatedly call for action, but still we continue to drift towards disaster. We need to do something. But what if the only way for us to prevent catastrophe is to assume that it has already happened-to accept that we're already five minutes past zero hour?Too Late to Awaken sees Slavoj Žižek forge a vital new space for a radical emancipatory politics that could avert our course to self-destruction. He illuminates why the liberal Left has so far failed to offer this alternative, and exposes the insidious propagandism of the fascist Right, which has appropriated and manipulated once-progressive ideas. Pithy, urgent, gutting and witty, Žižek's diagnosis reveals our current geopolitical nightmare in a startling new light, and shows how, in order to change our future, we must first focus on changing the past.

    412,95 kr.

    Mit ihrem Buch Fragile as Glass präsentiert Sitara Thalia Ambrosio einen einfühlsamen und aufrüttelnden fotografischen Essay, der die Schicksale verschiedener queerer Menschen in der Ukraine dokumentiert. Das Langzeitprojekt schafft Raum für Bilder und Gedanken, die in Krisen- und Kriegszeiten zunehmend ins Hintertreffen geraten.Seit dem Überfall Russlands auf die Ukraine am 24. Februar 2022 ist die mit dem Euromaidan eingeleitete politische und gesellschaftliche Reformation des Landes auf dem Prüfstand. Prioritäten haben sich verschoben, sind in den Hintergrund getreten oder stehen mehr denn je im Fokus. Der vom Krieg überschattete Alltag, die von Russland ausgehende homophobe und transfeindliche Propaganda und die Verfolgung queerer Aktivist*innen bedrohen die schwierige Lage der Community. Das Buch erzählt beispielhaft ihre Geschichten. Zitate und Interviews begleiten die dokumentarischen Fotos aus dem Leben der fünf Protagonist*innen. In intimen, kraftvollen und bewegenden Porträts und Statements wird ihre fragile Situation sichtbar gemacht und deutlich, wie der Krieg ihr Leben, ihr Umfeld, ihre Identität und Sexualität beeinflusst.

  • af Slanted Publishers
    277,95 kr.

    This issue of Slanted is not about war. It's about amazing people from the creative industry in and from Ukraine, trying to live a "normal" life, working super hard and giving their best, showing that culture and design cannot be separated. Slanted Magazine #43 is dedicated to the Ukrainian design scene. Despite the impossibility of visiting studios on location as in previous issues of Slanted Magazine, extensive contacts in the Ukrainian design scene helped to put together this diverse and complex magazine. This selection of works by Ukrainian designers, typographers and graphic designers was carefully chosen from 1,500 submissions - they exemplify the independence and resilience of Ukrainian design.

  • af Oleksandr Mykhed
    172,95 kr.

    When everyday life becomes a state of emergency, how can yesterday's words suffice?'We were so happy and didn't know it...'A thirty-three-year-old writer lives in a quiet European suburb with his wife and his dog. His parents have bought an apartment nearby. On weekends they go out for brunch, cook and see friends. Life is good; it is normal. Then the invaders come.The Language of War is about what happens when your world changes overnight. When you wake up to the sound of helicopters and the smell of gunpowder. When your home is hit by shells or broken into by gunmen, and you spend another night in a basement-turned-bomb shelter. When, even though you've never held a weapon before, you realise the only choice is to fight back. It is about things one can never forget, or forgive.Bringing together Oleksandr Mykhed's vivid day-by-day chronicles of the invasion of Ukraine with a chorus of other voices - his family, friends in exile, those who have fought and have witnessed unimaginable atrocities - this book is both a record, and a reckoning. Haunting and timeless, it asks how it is possible to find the words to describe a new reality; how you can still make sense of the world when the only language you can speak is the language of war.

  • af Oleksandr Klymenko
    407,95 kr.

    This book has come out of the art project "Icons on Lids of Ammunition Boxes" initiated and led by Sofiia (Sonya) Atlantova and Oleksandr Klymenko. Painted on fragments of empty cartridge containers brought back from the front, the icons are silent witnesses to Russia's covert war against Ukraine in the Donets Basin in 2014-2021. At the same time, they are testimony to the victory of life over death - not only in symbolic but also in real terms. Since the spring of 2015, the project was a volunteer initiative whose revenues support the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital. This unit provided medical assistance to military personnel and civilians in the Anti-Terrorist Operation / Joint Forces Operation zone.The contributors to the book include Volodymyr Rafeyenko, Hennadiy Druzenko, Archimandrite Kyrylo Hovorun, George Weigel, and Zoya Chegusova.

  • af Leonid Ushkalov
    337,95 kr.

    Based on a rich collection of primary and secondary sources, Leonid Ushkalov presents his biography of the famous Ukrainian philosopher and theologian Hryhorii (Gregorius) Skovoroda (1722-1794). However, this book not only a biography of a prominent person, but also a vivid presentation of the life and culture of eighteenth-century Ukraine. The eleven chapters of the book describing Skovoroda's development are framed by two separate stories, a Prelude and a Finale. They are intended to give Skovoroda's biography as much depth as possible and to show his paramount role in the Ukrainian spiritual tradition.

  • af Alexander Strashny
    260,95 kr.

    Alexander Strashny examinines what defines Ukrainians as a people and makes them tick. Based on an analysis of Ukraine¿s history, everyday life, economy, military affairs, gender, religion, art, music, and other cultural aspects, the Strashny, a trained psychoanlyst and prolific author, outlines those psychological features of Ukrainians that define them as a distinctive nation. Upon examining similarities and differences between Ukrainians and Europeans, on the one hand, and Russians, on the other, the author singles out the fifty most salient features of the Ukrainian outlook, whose combination constitutes the essence of the Ukrainian mentality. The book explains how the population of a relatively small country successfully resists a more powerful and ruthless aggressor.

  • af George Butler
    222,95 kr.

    While reporting on the war in Ukraine, George Butler has created striking and intimate illustrations to introduce us to the people behind the headlines. His drawings, made in a variety of places, from missile-scarred streets to nursing homes, vividly capture stories of family, tragedy and perseverance. These powerful portraits of war and conflict are a timely reminder of the humanity we all share and our universal need for peace. A stunning, illuminating and sensitive look at stories that deserve to be told.

  • af Markus A. Denzel
    1.127,95 kr.

    Russlands äußerst brutaler Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine richtet sich gegen alle Ukrainer:innen und alles Ukrainische, gegen die ukrainische Geschichte und ihre Vorstellungen von einer eigenständigen Zugehörigkeit zu Europa. Der Band versammelt Perspektiven in Deutschland lebender internationaler Wissenschaftler:innen, darunter auch geflüchtete ukrainische Historiker:innen, auf die ukrainische Geschichte unter den Bedingungen des russischen Angriffskrieges. Inszeniert als Reenactment des so genannten "Großen Vaterländischen Krieges", hat Russlands Krieg das offensichtlich nationalrussische und neoimperiale Ziel der "Ent-Ukrainisierung" der Ukraine. Dies schärft den Blick auf historische Unterscheidungen zwischen der Ukraine und Russland. Die Beiträger:innen arbeiten diese Unterschiede heraus und diskutieren (anti-/post-/ und de-) koloniale Perspektiven auf die Neueste und die Neuere Geschichte, die frühe Neuzeit und das späte Mittelalter. Darüber hinaus skizzieren sie im Rahmen der postkolonialen Geschichtswissenschaft transnationale und -regionale Zugänge zur ukrainischen Geschichte am Beispiel einer transosmanischen Perspektive, die eine gemeinsame nahöstliche und osteuropäische Geschichte zum Untersuchungsgegenstand macht.

  • af Stefan Hansen
    1.152,95 kr.

    The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine represents a Zeitenwende - a turning point - in German foreign and security policy, which requires a complete redefinition of Germany's role within the future European security order. Through contributions by renowned experts, this anthology provides information on the causes, developments and foreseeable consequences of the Russian war of aggression. This open access book will appeal to scholars, decision-makers, students, and anyone interested in international politics, conflict studies, and military-strategic dimensions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

  • af Stefania Knecht-Turkanik
    1.152,95 kr.

    Despite peacebuilding efforts between Ukraine and Poland, the author shows that the conflict between the two nations, with its violent zenith in the 20th century, remains unresolved. Looking at Andrei Sheptyts'kyi, Ukrainian Greek Catholic metropolitan between 1901 and 1944, as well as the insights from conducting qualitative research with contemporary representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the author argues that Sheptyts'kyi must be considered a peacebuilder, and that, following his example, representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are uniquely situated to be peacebuilders in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict. Lastly, the author suggests several avenues for future peacebuilding.

  • af Nikolai Gogol
    117,95 kr.

  • af Yaroslav Trofimov
    222,95 kr.

    A revelatory eyewitness account of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and heroism of the Ukrainian resistance by Pulitzer Prize finalist Yaroslav Trofimov, the chief foreign-affairs correspondent for The Wall Street Journal.'Reads like a great novel' SEBASTIAN JUNGER'An instant classic' STEVE COLL----Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Yaroslav Trofimov has spent months on end at the heart of the conflict, very often on its front lines. In this authoritative account, he traces the war's decisive moments-from the battle for Kyiv to more recently the gruelling and bloody arm wrestle involving the Wagner group over Bakhmut-to show how Ukraine and its allies have turned the tide against Russia in a modern-day battle of David and Goliath. Putin had intended to conquer Ukraine with a vicious blitzkrieg, in a few short weeks. But in the face of this existential threat, the Ukrainian people fought back, turning what looked like certain defeat into a great moral victory, even as the territorial battle continues to seesaw to this day. This is the story of their epic bravery in the face of almost unthinkable aggression.For Trofimov, this war is deeply personal. He grew up in Kyiv and his family has lived there for generations. He tells the story of how everyday Ukrainian citizens-doctors, computer programmers, businesspeople, and schoolteachers-risked their lives and lost loved ones. At once heart-breaking and inspiring, and combining vivid reportage with expert military analysis and rare insight into the thinking of Ukrainian leadership, Our Enemies Will Vanish tells the riveting story Ukraine's fight for survival and refusal to surrender as it has never been told before.----'An essential first draft' ANNE APPLEBAUM'Essential reading' CLARISSA WARD'Outstanding' PETER FRANKOPAN'Achieves the highest level of war reporting I did not really understand Ukraine until I read Trofimov's account' SEBASTIAN JUNGER, bestselling author of The Perfect Storm 'A stunning work of eyewitness reportage and literary nuance that brings alive both the brutalities of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the war's small absurdities and comic interludes' STEVE COLL, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Ghost Wars 'An essential document for our times' DEXTER FILKINS, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Forever War 'Takes the reader from the corridors of power to frontline trenches. Trofimov's gripping account is full of crisp details' QUENTIN SOMERVILLE, BBC Middle East Correspondent

  • af Olia Hercules
    197,95 kr.

    Olia Hercules has spent a decade travelling across the Ukraine, collecting and preserving precious recipes and traditions from her home country. For nearly as long, she has wanted to share the tales from three generations of her extraordinary family: their quests, their resilience and their sufferings, as well as their joy, their quirks, and their food. Hercules confronts the lineage of Ukrainian history through the perspective of her grandparents who endured forced emigration, near starvation and wrongful imprisonment. She thoughtfully traces her own childhood during the collapse of the Soviet Union. And comes to terms with the reality of her career success, inspired by her homeland's customs, at a time when Ukraine is fighting to retain those very customs and its identity in the face of conflict. Strong Roots brims with hope and fear, it lays bare the compromises and betrayals of generations living with, while attempting to recover from, the burden of political upheaval, but is also an uplifting and tender reminder of how much the human spirit can endure when born from a land rich with strong roots.

  • af Aiden Aslin
    105,95 kr.

    Brought to you by Penguin.Aiden Aslin joined the Ukrainian marines in 2018, compelled to defend his adopted homeland from the growing threat of Russian invasion. In February 2022, as Russia mounted a full-scale offensive, Aiden and his unit were stationed at the frontline at Mariupol.Pinned down at a Mariupol steelworks, after a month-long siege and running out of supplies, Aiden was part of the mass surrender of over a thousand Ukrainian troops, in April 2022. Then his real ordeal began.Singled out for his British passport, Aiden was interrogated, tortured, stabbed, turned into a propaganda zombie, tried by a kangaroo court and then sentenced to death. A victim of a catalogue of abuses of international law, Aiden struggled to cling on to any hope of survival. Certain that he was going to be executed, he was eventually freed in a prisoner exchange and permitted to return home.In Putin's Prisoner, Aiden will tell the full, harrowing story of his time fighting in Putin's war, of his six months in Russian captivity, and of his hardened resolve to defend the freedoms of the people of Ukraine.(c)2023 Aiden Aslin & John Sweeney (P)2023 Penguin Audio

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