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  • af Joanna Ziobronowicz
    147,95 kr.

    This empowering guide to psychological, linguistic and (as a last resort) physical self-defence will help women reclaim their safety, strength and self-confidence.An empowering call for women to nurture their inner warrior spirit.Women are taught from childhood to be “good” — often at the expense of the assertive and confident behaviours that will help keep them safe. Defence expert and Jiu-Jitsu world champion Joanna Ziobronowicz shows us how to combat these people-pleasing tendencies, spot red flags earlier and cultivate innate mental and physical strengths which can prevent or de-escalate violence. Discover:Tips on breaking free from “good girl” conditioningHow to trust your intuition, spot warning signs and develop awarenessAdvice on staying calm in high-stress situationsHow to use body language to ward off unwelcome approachesTools to improve confidence and assertivenessHow to use your speech and emotional intelligence for de-escalation10 last-resort physical strategies for common attack scenariosHow to heal from violence-related traumaJoanna’s personal stories, alongside the voices of other women with all-too familiar experiences, strengthen this empowering call for women to nurture their inner warrior spirit and fight back. If you’ve ever felt unsafe at home, work or out and about, this book is for you.

  • af Patrick Marshwell
    142,95 kr.

    In this guide about Candida Albicans, you will read about: Its causes and symptoms Its diagnosis How it affects women Prevention and medication 3-step guide of managing this through diet.

  • af Markus Söldner
    294,95 kr.

    In dem Buch "Lebe sicher und wachsam" tauchst du ein in die faszinierende Welt der effektiven Schutzmaßnahmen und lernst, wie du Gewalt vorbeugen kannst, indem du dich bewusst mit deiner Umgebung auseinandersetzt.Der Autor Markus Söldner nimmt dich mit auf eine transformative Reise, in der du lernst, deine Sinne zu schärfen und potenzielle Gefahrensituationen frühzeitig zu erkennen. "Lebe sicher und wachsam" ist ein unverzichtbarer Ratgeber für alle, die ihre persönliche Sicherheit ernst nehmen und ihr Leben in Harmonie und Frieden führen wollen. Lass dich von diesem Buch inspirieren, um ein Leben ohne Furcht zu führen und gleichzeitig für deine Sicherheit und die Sicherheit anderer Verantwortung zu übernehmen.

  • af Sven Frank
    204,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Scott Jr. Brooks
    582,95 kr.

    Federal Prison Etiquette teaches white collar criminals and other first-time offenders how to stay safe and avoid unintended mistakes that could lead to friction in federal prison. It explains the lingo and details all the unwritten rules that govern life in a correctional institution. Most importantly, it shows how to properly interact with cellies, fellow inmates, different races, cars, and gangs, as well as the correct way to approach staff. This book covers the second part in From Cell 2 Soul's Five Step Strategy for preparing our clients and their families for a sentence in federal prison. It is Volume II in our New Fish Companion Series.

  • af Kate Butler
    130,95 kr.

    Step into a world where emotions run deep and stories intertwine, as twenty diverse voices unite to bring you an anthology that celebrates the beauty and complexity of the human experience. Moments That Matter is a captivating collection of short stories that illuminate the extraordinary impact of seemingly ordinary moments, each penned by a unique and talented author.In this anthology, you'll journey through a tapestry of genres and perspectives, exploring the depths of joy, heartache, hope, and resilience. As you navigate through each unique story, you'll be struck by the depth and authenticity of the human connections woven throughout. The authors invite you to reflect on your own journey and the significance of the fleeting moments that often slip by unnoticed. Through their words, they remind us that every choice, every interaction, has the potential to alter the course of our lives in profound ways, called Moments That Matter.

  • af Marc Wallert
    207,95 kr.

    In 2000, Marc Wallert and 20 other hostages were taken by terrorists to a Philippine island and imprisoned in the jungle for 140 days. 20 years later, he describes the strategies he used to survive and what he learned from the experience. The jungle didn't break him, but the day-to-day life that followed drove him to burnout. In order to better understand why, he set out to find answers by focusing on the defining moments of his life - the crises. In this book, he explains effective strategies for both private and professional life that can help people get through crises and become even stronger as they do so.

  • af Simon Chavez
    212,95 kr.

    In a world where security concerns are becoming increasingly complex, ensuring the safety of your home and family has never been more crucial. "Home and Family Defense" is a comprehensive guide that empowers you with the knowledge and tools to create a secure haven for your family.Inside this book, you will find:Threat Assessment: Learn how to assess potential risks and vulnerabilities specific to your location and circumstances.Fortifying Your Home: Discover expert tips for fortifying your home against intruders, including practical advice on locks, doors, windows, and landscaping.Smart Home Security: Explore the latest advancements in smart technology and how they can enhance your home's security.Emergency Preparedness: Gain essential insights into creating a family emergency plan, stocking provisions, and handling crisis situations.Effective Communication: Understand the importance of clear communication within your family during emergencies and how it can mitigate panic.Self-Defense Techniques: Acquire basic self-defense skills that can be crucial in protecting yourself and your loved ones.Cybersecurity at Home: Learn about the potential cyber threats that can compromise your family's privacy and how to secure your digital presence.Child Safety: Get guidance on teaching your children about personal safety and establishing boundaries without causing unnecessary fear.Community Engagement: Discover how fostering strong relationships with neighbors and community members can contribute to a safer environment."Home and Family Defense" goes beyond the basics, providing you with a comprehensive roadmap to create a well-protected home and a united family, ready to face any challenges that may arise. Whether you're a new homeowner or someone looking to bolster their security measures, this book is an indispensable resource for safeguarding what matters most. Your home is your haven; let this guide help you make it a safe one.

  • af Steve Carter
    197,95 kr.

    Does your mind keep getting the upper hand over your chances of success?Do you often make decisions that you systematically regret?Would you like to develop full self-control by being able to eliminate negative thoughts that prevent you from achieving your dreams? If the answer is "yes," then this is the message you have been waiting for.... Many people fail to find a balance between themselves and others, getting held back by the anxiety of not being able to communicate in the right way, losing job or romance opportunities, and ruining the most important relationship of all: the one with themselves... The personal growth you are seeking is a 360-degree journey through various aspects of your psyche, leading you to the discovery of a new version of you that you were unaware of. To help you achieve the best version of yourself, this collection contains 6 books that will help you enormously in all aspects of life that will lead you to success.Through a practical, science-backed approach you will be led through useful strategies, techniques, and tips to better manage your emotions, gain unwavering confidence, and achieve the life you've always dreamed of... Here is a preview of what this book will enable you to do:Learn ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION and become an excellent communicator, able to convey the right feelings to others and make beneficial connections;Enter your interlocutor's psyche with EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, positively influencing the emotions your neighbor feels toward you;Discover the most powerful NLP techniques that will enable you to replace your negative thought patterns with ones that will lead you to success;Develop a powerful SELF-STIME, an indispensable element that will characterize the successful person you will become;STOP THINKING TOO MUCH by controlling the negative thoughts that cause you anxiety with simple techniques.There is no wrong time to start working on yourself, and there is nothing more noble than deciding to become better than we have been so far. You have already waited far too long....

  • af Larry Kaniut
    272,95 kr.

  • af Shihan Michelle
    192,95 kr.

    "A feminist-forward guide to setting boundaries, assessing safety, and defusing violence using the self offense strategy"--

  • af Sabine Schneider
    425,95 - 777,95 kr.

  • af Norkor Omaboe
    317,95 kr.

    First aid and CPR in adults, children, and infants.

  • af Anna Nave
    100,95 kr.

  • af Dylan Black
    207,95 kr.

    Un sentiment d'anxiété étouffant et constant vous empêche-t-il d'être vous-même?Êtes-vous toujours obsédé par des pensées négatives et des soucis excessifs qui ne vous permettent jamais de vous sentir calme?Si ce sont vos problèmes et que vous ne parvenez pas à contrôler votre vie, ce livre est fait pour vous.Sachez qu'il y a des milliers de personnes qui ont les mêmes difficultés que vous et que, malheureusement, la santé mentale est souvent négligée et sous-estimée. Au contraire, beaucoup de gens ne se rendent pas compte de l'importance de la pensée positive, car elle nous permet de trouver des solutions à des situations compliquées et nous fait comprendre comment mieux affronter l'avenir en prenant des décisions judicieuses.Il est essentiel de comprendre qu'un cerveau traumatisé se comporte différemment, précisément en raison d'expériences négatives passées. En fait, cela peut vous faire changer votre vision de l'avenir. En d'autres termes, le cerveau "cache" la capacité à s'adapter à un traumatisme subi.Cela peut conduire à des attitudes négatives telles que la procrastination et les mauvaises habitudes auxquelles nous ne pouvons pas dire "Non"! C'est alors que le sentiment de mener une vie terne et pleine d'échecs prend le dessus. Il est essentiel de transformer nos mauvaises pensées en stimuli constructifs qui peuvent empêcher les pensées excessives et la négativité.Dans ce livre, vous trouverez une aide directe et concrète pour traiter avec succès les problèmes qui vous angoissent et vous prendrez conscience du bon chemin à suivre pour vous aider à remettre votre vie sur les rails.Vous apprendrez à comprendre :Comment les pensées compulsives affectent notre bien-être physique et mentalComment apprendre à gérer ses émotionsCe qu'est l'intelligence émotionnelle et quel rôle elle joue dans nos viesL'importance de la pleine conscience comme moyen de cultiver sa propre sérénitéCertaines techniques de restructuration cognitive, destinées à éliminer totalement les pensées négatives.Comment appliquer quelques exercices simples pour améliorer votre concentration et former votre autodiscipline?Pensez à la façon dont vous pourriez transformer votre vie si vous pouviez dès maintenant changer votre façon de penser.Imaginez un présent à vivre pleinement et un avenir serein et sans stress.

  • af Chetan Singh
    137,95 kr.

    "A Complete Guide to Safety Officer Interview Questions and Answers" is an essential resource for anyone preparing for a safety officer job interview.This safety officer book provides a list of the most commonly asked interview questions for safety officer positions, along with expert guidance on how to answer them effectively. It covers all aspects of the safety officer role, including risk assessment, hazard identification, emergency response planning, safety regulations, and more. The guide includes sample answers to each question, as well as tips on how to tailor your responses to demonstrate your qualifications and experience. It also features practical advice on how to prepare for the interview, including researching the company, reviewing the job description, and practising your responses.Whether you are a seasoned safety officer or just starting out in your career, "A Complete Guide to Safety Officer Interview Questions and Answers" is the ultimate resource for acing your next interview and landing your dream job in the safety industry.

  • af Ella Dorman-Gajic
    152,95 kr.

    Jana is on the cusp of adulthood; she¿s started dating her first boyfriend and is getting ready to leave her war-torn hometown, to provide for her family. However, when she wakes up in a basement in Sarajevo, it is clear that life doesn¿t always follow the plans we make for it.Exploring the currency of female bodies in an underground world, Ella Dorman-Gajic¿s Trade powerfully calls into question the archetype of the ¿perfect female victim¿ by examining the psychology of a morally complex protagonist.Trade was awarded an OffComm at its critically acclaimed premiere.CASTING 2-4 women / 1-4 men

  • af Clay Escobedo Olsen
    257,95 kr.

    This book will take you on a revealing journey.Why do we believe that an armed stranger is our main threat when we are twice as likely to die from a traffic accident or fall? Sadly, violent crime victims are often injured by people they know who hurt them at or near the victim's home, according to violent crime statistics.The author, Clay Escobedo Olsen, uses crime statistics from verifiable sources and fictional stories, called "Storytime," to guide the reader in exploring these ideas on survival and defense. He exposes "uncomfortable truths" when the analysis goes against prevailing wisdom, such as the stranger-danger example above.For self-defense, guns are not the only or even the best option. For many civilians, carrying a firearm concealed for protection can be more harmful than beneficial. Holistic self-defense takes into account the benefits and possible harms of various self-defense techniques and shows you how to analyze them yourself to create the right strategy for your unique situation. You will learn that and much more.¿Why we believe what we do about violent crime¿What crimes are rare, and what crimes are more common¿Is the concealed carry of a firearm the only self-defense method?¿How can we reduce our chances of becoming a victim of crime?¿De-escalation techniques for out of control encounters¿How to tell if someone you know may victimize you¿How to defend your home and protect your valuables¿Which home defense hacks will make you safer and which may endanger yourself or your family¿How to safely interact with law enforcement¿Possible legal ramifications of defending yourself¿How to do your own research If you are considering how to better defend your home and how to defend your family inside and outside the home, Beyond Weapons-A Holistic Guide to Self-Defense will instruct you in making solid, data based decisions on how best to accomplish your goal of keeping those you love safe from violent crime.

  • af Clay Escobedo Olsen
    212,95 kr.

    This book will take you on a revealing journey.Why do we believe that an armed stranger is our main threat when we are twice as likely to die from a traffic accident or fall? Sadly, violent crime victims are often injured by people they know who hurt them at or near the victim's home, according to violent crime statistics.The author, Clay Escobedo Olsen, uses crime statistics from verifiable sources and fictional stories, called "Storytime," to guide the reader in exploring these ideas on survival and defense. He exposes "uncomfortable truths" when the analysis goes against prevailing wisdom, such as the stranger-danger example above.For self-defense, guns are not the only or even the best option. For many civilians, carrying a firearm concealed for protection can be more harmful than beneficial. Holistic self-defense takes into account the benefits and possible harms of various self-defense techniques and shows you how to analyze them yourself to create the right strategy for your unique situation. You will learn that and much more.¿Why we believe what we do about violent crime¿What crimes are rare, and what crimes are more common¿Is the concealed carry of a firearm the only self-defense method?¿How can we reduce our chances of becoming a victim of crime?¿De-escalation techniques for out of control encounters¿How to tell if someone you know may victimize you¿How to defend your home and protect your valuables¿Which home defense hacks will make you safer and which may endanger yourself or your family¿How to safely interact with law enforcement¿Possible legal ramifications of defending yourself¿How to do your own research If you are considering how to better defend your home and how to defend your family inside and outside the home, Beyond Weapons-A Holistic Guide to Self-Defense will instruct you in making solid, data based decisions on how best to accomplish your goal of keeping those you love safe from violent crime.

  • af Benjy Kusi
    125,95 - 185,95 kr.

  • af David James Nolting
    172,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • af GenerationenBeratung Kirsten Schade & Sarah Schade
    503,95 kr.

    Die beste Vollmacht nützt nichts, wenn der Bevollmächtigte nicht weiß, wo Ihre Unterlagen sind. Geben Sie sich und Ihren Angehörigen ein gutes Gefühl ¿ mit dieser Vorsorge- und Notfallmappe. Wenn Sie diese Mappe nutzen, kommt das einer umfangreichen Bestandsaufnahme Ihres Lebens und Ihrer persönlichen Daten gleich. Kapitel für Kapitel notieren Sie, was Menschen im Notfall über Sie wissen müssen und wo Sie Ihre wichtigsten Daten hinterlegt haben. So können Sie oder Ihre Vertretung in einer Notsituation unverzüglich und ohne großes Nachdenken handeln.INHALTSVERZEICHNIS:¿ Checklisten mit Sofortmaßnahmen bei einem Krankenhausaufenthalt, bei Handlungsunfähigkeit oder im Todesfall¿ Angaben zur eigenen Person und zum persönlichen Umfeld¿ Angaben zu Ihren medizinischen und pflegerischen Daten ¿ Angaben zu Vollmachten und Vorsorge-Entscheidungen ¿ Angaben zu Finanzen und Versicherungen ¿ Buchempfehlungen und hilfreiche InternetadressenNicht alles im Leben ist planbar, der schnelle Griff auf Ihre Unterlagen schon!Die Generationenberaterin Kirsten Schade begleitet und berät seit über 20 Jahren Menschen, die unverhofft in Notsituationen geraten, wie auch deren Angehörige und Partner. In dieser Vorsorge- und Notfallmappe hat sie ihre jahrelangen Erfahrungen gebündelt, damit Sie für einen Notfall optimal und unkompliziert vorsorgen können.

  • af Stephen B. Leatherman
    532,95 kr.

  • af Joy Farrow
    125,95 kr.

    In a book written by women for women, Street Smart Safety for Women offers tips on defensive living that will increase readers' reliance on the one thing that can protect them most: their safety intuition.

  • af Danny Gee Goju
    177,95 kr.

    This book highlights certain basic rules in life; which if you do not follow, will always end you up on the losing end. You will have to use your common sense and imagination to adapt what I teach to suit yourself; so that you are never in a position whereby you will be attacked, used and abused. Most women are attacked because they either leave their guard open or are unaware of the potential dangers; and this allows the attacker to succeed. A man attacking a woman goes against a fundamental rule laid down by nature; which says that because a female is a potential child-bearer, she is vital to the survival of the human race and therefore needs to be protected, respected and cherished. This rule is frequently abused because the modern woman is now much more than a child-bearer; and has become every much as competitive as the modern man. It is this conflict between the sexes that is the main cause of women not being treated with the respect they deserve.

  • af United States Marine Corps
    162,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Jayneen Sanders
    67,95 kr.

    This Activity Book reinforces the crucial Body Safety skills taught in the SECOND EDITION of the children's picture book 'My Body! What I Say Goes!'

  • af Zeitgeist
    107,95 kr.

    This large-format, alphabetized password book is organized by tabs per letter, making it easy, fast, and safe to store and locate important login information of all kinds!Individual tabs for each letter—no more tabs cramming multiple letters into the same space! Perfect for faster lookups and better organization.Removable sticker to go incognito! Don't want text on the cover sharing that it’s a password book? Peel it off!Bonus security tips to encourage maximized online safety. What to do (and what not to do) to stay ahead of scammers. Large trim size for extra space to record over 400 accounts, including important notes, password changes, and non-traditional records such as crypto logins.

  • af Andrew Werner
    97,95 kr.

    Beat Speeding Tickets is a concise but definative guide to avoiding, and in the worst-case scenario, defending speeding tickets. Written by an IAM RoadSmart certified advanced driver with over 40 years of driving experience, it covers the psychology of speed, the drivers' continuous need for risk assessment, elements of advanced driving, particular speeding hazards and how speed traps are located. For those who have been caught allegedly speeding, the book describes how to decide whether to defend a ticket, and if so, possible legal defences. Although largely aimed at UK drivers in 2023, it covers the rapidly changing landscape for drivers, and has general applicability for other motoring offenses, internationally, and hopefully well into the future.The book is divided into four main sections: Background, Avoidance, Detection and prosecution and Defence.

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