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Håndtering af afhængighed

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  • - Når kærlighed bliver til en ulykkelig kamp
    af Nicole Albæk
    267,95 kr.

    • Føler du, at du har mistet dig selv i dit forhold?• Er din længsel efter kærlighed endt med at blive en ulykkelig kamp?• Savner du svar på, hvorfor du har så svært ved at slippe ham og stå op for dig selv?Når man gør et andet menneske til sin største kilde for kærlighed, stilles man i en sårbar og afhængig position. Følelsesmæssig afhængighed er en pinefuld tilstand, der medfører smerte, stress og afmagt.Jagten efter kærlighed og anerkendelse får dig til at ofre egne grænser og værdier. Som følelsesmæssig afhængig er du desværre ofte et match til personer med narcissistiske træk eller andre dysfunktionelle mønstre.Kvinder der mister sig selv giver dig indblik i hvorfor du ender med at opgive dig selv, og må kæmpe så hårdt for kærligheden. Bogen udstyrer dig med viden, der fortæller dig hvordan du kan slippe ud af dine hjertesorger, ved hjælp af kærligheden til dig selv. Du lærer hvad Selvkærlighed er og får vejledning og øvelser i at tage små, trygge skridt til at genvinde din indre ro, og dit selvværd. Om forfatterenNicole Albæk (f. 1971) Uddannet som Coach og Afhængighedsrådgiver med speciale i at hjælpe kvinder, der lider af ulykkelig kærlighed på grund af følelsesmæssig afhængighed. Hendes personlige rejse har givet hende stor viden og erfaring, samt et dybt ønske om at give sin viden og værktøjer videre til dem, der sidder fast i ødelæggende forhold.

  • - Hvad forskningen viser om, hvorfor du bliver afhængig, og hvordan du holder op med at være det
    af Jakob Linnet
    118,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Afhængighed kan antage mange former. Bogen Din hjerne snyder dig tager dig med ind i afhængighedens maskinrum, hvor du får at se, hvad der udløser så kraftig en trang til at spille om penge, overspise, drikke, game og meget andet, at du kan blive afhængig.Psykolog Jakob Linnet præsenterer dig for ny forskning, der viser, hvordan din hjerne snyder dig til afhængighed. Bogen afslører, at det er forventningen om f.eks. at drikke, spille eller spise, der gør dig afhængig. Forventningen om et stykke kage fra bageren udløser dopamin i hjernen og driver tvangsoverspiseren til at spise endnu mere - på trods af de negative konsekvenser. Det er altså ikke kagen hos bageren, men “kagen i hjernen”, der fastholder overspiseren i afhængighed.I Din hjerne snyder dig gør Jakob Linnet dig klogere på afhængighedens basale mekanismer. Derudover viser bogen, hvordan du slipper ud af afhængigheden ved at benytte dig af en række simple psykologiske redskaber. 

  • - Fra cigaretter til mobiltelefoner til kærlighed – hvorfor vi bliver afhængige, og hvordan vi kan bryde dårlige vaner
    af Brewer & Judson
    287,95 kr.

    Vi er alle sårbare over for afhængighed. Det kan være en næsten tvangslignende drift efter at tjekke mobilen eller at overspise, at ryge, at drikke eller noget helt andet, men driften er kendetegnet ved ukontrollable gentagelser.– Hvorfor er de dårlige vaner så svære at overvinde?– Hvordan overkommer vi trangen til det, vi ved, er usundt for os?Denne bog giver banebrydende svar på de vigtigste spørgsmål om afhængighed.– Den viser, hvordan vi kan sætte fingeren på de processer, som stimulerer afhængighed, og derved slippe fri af dem.– Den beskriver de mekanismer, som ligger bag vanetænkning og dannelsen af afhængighed, og hvordan mindfulness kan bryde med disse mekanismer.– Den peger via konkrete patientforløb, egne erfaringer med mindfulness og videnskabelige fakta på en vej væk fra trang og stress – en vej mod et rigere liv.

  • - En effektiv metode til at afhjælpe ubalancer i hjernen
    af Meike Wiedemann & Kirsten Segler
    206,95 kr.

    Neurofeedback er en let, behagelig og effektiv måde at træne hjernen, så den bliver bedre til at afhjælpe en lang række forskellige ubalancer i hjernen. I et letforståeligt sprog gennemgår de to forfattere, hvad neurofeedback ”går ud på”, og hvordan det kan hjælpe i forbindelse med en lang række lidelser. Det gælder bl.a.: ADHD og ADD Autismespektrumforstyrrelser Stress Spiseforstyrrelser Depression og bipolare forstyrrelser Angsttilstande PTSD Afhængighed Epilepsi Migræne Kroniske smerter Neurofeedback er en behandlingsform, der er på vej frem overalt i verden, og bogen er den første om emnet på dansk. Lektørudtalelse:"Forfatterne beskriver emnet entusiastisk og i et letforståeligt sprog, og specielt i baggrundsafsnittet om hjernen og nervesystemet også med et glimt i øjet."Fra bogens forord: ”Mange mennesker reagerer skeptisk, når de hører om den omfangsrige liste af symptomer og tilstande, som neurofeedback med held kan anvendes ved.Der kan hurtigt opstå et indtryk af, at metoden markedsføres som et vidundermiddel. Men det er let at forklare, hvorfor så mange forstyrrelsestilstande kan påvirkes positivt af metoden. De har alle en afgørende ting til fælles: Stimuleringen af nervesystemet bliver ikke reguleret optimalt. Hvis du leder efter en ny behandlingsform for en psykisk lidelse, en neurologisk forstyrrelse eller andre kroniske problemer, så kan neurofeedback måske være det rigtige for dig. Med denne bog kan du finde ud af, om du har lyst til at afprøve denne terapiform på dig selv eller dit barn eller en slægtning.”

  • - Rejs med, når førende forskere og fagfolk tager dig med ind i et spirende og fascinerende felt
    af Kevin Mikkelsen
    297,95 kr.

    Psykedeliske stoffer udbredes med hastig fart i Danmark, hvor stadig flere prøver f.eks. MDMA eller psykedeliske svampe i terapeutiske sammenhænge. Men hvad kan disse stoffer og hvad kommer det til at betyde for vores samfund? Det svarer Et psykedelisk Danmark på. Bogen er en antologi med bidrag fra flere end 30 af de førende eksperter på området i Danmark. Imponerende forskningsresultater, medrivende fortællinger og passionerede aktivister har bidraget til at både medier, medicinalindustrien og offentligheden for alvor er begyndt at åbne øjnene for disse substanser, som nogle mener kommer til at blive en revolution for psykiatrien. Også i Danmark er området i rivende udvikling og der forskes i psykedelika på de fleste danske universiteter, mens et stigende antal terapeuter udbyder såkaldt “undergrundsterapi”. Nogle indtager psykedelika i nattelivet i de danske byer, mens andre tager til Peru for at prøve ayahuasca i junglen. Alle vil være med; psykologer, psykoterapeuter og psykiatere, neuroforskere, socialforskere, bioforskere og psykoforskere, big pharma, small pharma, new pharma, old pharma, shamaner, healere, influencere, magikere og undergrundsfacilitatorer, oprindelige kulturer, moderne teknologi, lokale fællesskaber og internet-psykiatri, aktivister, pessimister, optimister og hedonister. Men hvor er vi på vej hen? Og er der et fælles fodslag? I denne bog deler Danmarks førende eksperter på det psykedeliske område deres tanker om effekterne af psykedelika, hvordan de kan bruges i behandlingsøjemed, hvordan de allerede bliver brugt ude i samfundet, hvordan og hvorfor nogle individer anvender dem i deres personlige udvikling, hvad man skal være opmærksom på, og hvilket potentiale de har for vores samfund. Om redaktøren: Kevin Mikkelsen er daglig leder i Center for Psykedelisk Dannelse og selvstændig terapeut ved Liminala Terapi. Han har en BA i Socialpsykologi og Kulturstudier og er derudover uddannet psykoterapeut og naturterapeut ved Human Education Group, hvor han også underviser i naturterapi. I 2021 var han direktør på konferencen Psykedelisk Dannelse 2021.

  • af Anna Jacobina Jacobsen
    287,95 kr.

    Spurv er en fløjtende, foruroligende og formidabelt illustreret billedbog om en pige, hvis far er buschauffør, en hjælpsom drømmer med stemmebånd af Elvis-agtigt fløjl, men desværre også et blik der ofte svømmer gennem grønne glasbunde på de flasker, der flyder og fylder i lejligheden. Det er, som om en trist, trist fugl ved navn Edith er flyttet ind. Pigen griber en gaffel og forsvarer sin far, så fjerene står omkring dem (kampen udfolder sig drabeligt på bogens fold-ud sider!).Fortalt i ord og billeder af Anna Jacobina Jacobsen, der også er kendt fra bl.a. Baglænsk og den tekstløse billedbog Ø (præmieret med Kulturministeriets illustratorpris).

  • af Gary Wilson
    192,95 kr.

    "Damos la bienvenida más efusiva y entusiasta a la traducción de la obra de Gary Wilson Tu Cerebro Pornificado, donde con un lenguaje directo y comprensible no exento de rigor cientifico coloca a la pornoadicción y a sus consecuencias en un marco neurobiológico desde el que una aproximación terapéutica es posible." Dr Francisco FerreEstar en el momento justo y en el lugar adecuado es una carta de presentación apropiada si hablamos de Gary Wilson, educador en el ámbito de la Anatomía y Psicología, quien vio antes que nadie la necesidad de afrontar con rigor científico lo que ocurre en el cerebro de un consumidor de pornografía.¿Es verdad que el porno afecta a mi estructura cerebral? ¿Se puede afirmar que es un comportamiento similar a otras adicciones? ¿Y si no es un problema social, propio de nuestra época, con internet 24/7? ¿Es posible afirmar que una disfunción sexual puede tener su origen en los píxeles de mi teléfono móvil?Wilson consigue en este libro ensamblar perfectamente las dos caras de un mismo fenómeno: los relatos en primera persona de muchos consumidores de pornografía, que narran sin filtros, con crudeza, sus experiencias, miedos y victorias; y por otra parte, describir con un lenguaje divulgativo cómo funciona nuestro sistema de recompensa.Un libro ágil que engancha desde la primera página, y que aborda en tres partes, como un buen guion cinematográfico, los efectos de la pornografía actual. A qué nos enfrentamos, Un deseo desbocado y Recuperar el control son los tres capítulos del libro, y también de alguna manera conforman las tres etapas de la vida de cualquier persona con problemas de consumo habitual de pornografía.Si crees que estás cerca de un consumo frecuente o adictivo de contenidos sexuales, no lo dudes, estas páginas te ayudarán a ponerte frente a la realidad, a conocer tu cuerpo, tu mente, y sobre todo -y esta es una de las grandes aportaciones de Tu cerebro pornificado- te abrirá muchas puertas para salir, para vivir la vida lejos de la pornografía, y cerca de una sexualidad sana y plena, donde la afectividad e intimidad recuperen el mando de tus relaciones.Gary Wilson es además el creador del portal, posiblemente el sitio web más completo del mundo con información sobre pornografía y cerebro, y también fue el autor del TED Talk "The great porn experiment", que acumula más de 16M de visualizaciones.Un libro editado por fin en español, con la colaboración de la asociación Dale Una Vuelta, entidad pionera en castellano en bucear por los mares siempre oscuros y engañosos de la pornografía, y en dedicar sus esfuerzos a la recuperación de personas adictas o que rozan la adicción.La publicación de Tu cerebro pornificado es un hito en el campo de la adicción a la pornografía, y en el de las adicciones de la conducta en general; un libro imprescindible para comprender este problema en un mundo en el que los comportamientos adictivos son un gran negocio.

  • af Faith Addair
    127,95 kr.

    Raising An Addict is about a mother's journey through her son's heroin addiction. She never saw the signs at first, then once she did, she and her husband tried to help their son over and over ... until they began to realize it was never enough. The struggle of giving up control of everything in her life-including her family-was heart-wrenching. The battle of addiction became a war fought by both her and her son. Could she save her son without losing herself? Or would she save herself ... and risk losing her son?

  • af Betty Ford
    198,95 kr.

    "A moving account of six former alcoholics and Betty Ford graduates-among them a teacher, a housewife and a gang member-with commentary from Ford herself."-Self"There was a lot of drinking and codependence in my extended family. Sitting in my jail cell, I thought about how many funerals I had attended over the years of family members whose lives had ended in violence or suicide. I never once heard of them getting help. There was never any mention of AA. The only way out of their terrible lives was just to die...It was one hell of a legacy."-LauretteLaurette's story is remarkable, but she's not alone. She is one of six women in Healing and Hope who experienced the pain and devastation of addiction-and managed to break free. Originally brought together by the Betty Ford Center's twentieth-anniversary reunion, these women share their poignant stories in this book. Their combined voices create a groundbreaking and ultimately triumphant memoir that lays bare the destructive power of addiction.

  • af Bruce Schutter
    177,95 kr.

    Mental Heath Warrior Program is a grass roots approach to mental health, empowering you to take charge of your mental health and triumph over your life's challenges!

  • af Elizabeth Benson
    222,95 kr.

    Feeling overwhelmed by today's parenting challenges in a world abundant with substances? Are you searching for ways to fortify your child against temptation? Would you recognize the signs of substance use?Navigating the complexities of modern parenting in an era where substance abuse is no longer an anomaly but a reality, it's imperative to be well-armed. The omnipresent specter of substance abuse looms, threatening to undermine the stability and well-being of families everywhere. As parents, it's natural to assume: "It's a passing phase-they'll outgrow it.""Vigilance is enough to keep them safe.""It's not our child; it's their friends. They are a bad influence."However, the statistics from the National Center for Drug Abuse cast a bleak shadow, indicating that no family is truly immune. But forewarned is forearmed, and knowledge remains the most potent weapon."Parenting in a Substance Abundant World" is more than just a book; it's a strategic roadmap. Through its pages, you'll: Empower with Protective Factors: Delve deep into strategies to reinforce resilience in your child from a young age.Recognize the Subtle Signs: Understand the nuances of substance use behaviors and the indicators that are often missed.Engage in Constructive Conversations: Communicate concerns without alienating or pushing your child further into problematic substance use.Navigate Addiction's Labyrinth: Find the path to recovery and embrace it as a united front.Explore Tailored Treatment: Recognize that recovery isn't one-size-fits-all and discover the routes that align with your child's unique needs.Heal Together and Apart: Understand the importance of collective and individual healing for your child, yourself, and your family.Embrace a Brighter Future: Equip your child with tools for a sustainable recovery, ensuring they're not just surviving but thriving.With the guidance and involvement of loving parents, the majority of teens mature out of this worrying phase without the need for formal treatment. You have the potential to be the bulwark against substance abuse for your child.While the challenges are undeniably formidable, with this comprehensive guide, you're not facing them unarmed.Are you ready to navigate these parenting challenges with more clarity and confidence? I truly believe this book will help. Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" now.

  • af Anne Wilson Schaef
    172,95 kr.

    The explosive bestseller that revolutionized our understanding of the addictive process. With a new introduction addressing the backlash to the co-dependency movement.

  • af Christoph T. M. Krause
    172,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Sandra Alanwoko
    92,95 kr.

    The battles and struggles of the 21st century youth threaten the possibility of living pure; the enemy of our soul continuously tries to proffer suggestions intended to get us off track.The author shares how to live above these struggles from her own experiences with practical steps and illustrations to strengthen your decisions to live right. Fighting Temptations is a necessary tool for survival in our day and age.

  • af Lea Steinberg
    345,95 kr.

    Eine Mutter ist schwer psychisch krank - sie hat Borderline und ist narzisstisch persönlichkeitsgestört. Was bedeutet das aber für das Kind, das in dieser Familie heranwächst? Wie geht man mit einer Bezugsperson um, die nicht gesund ist? Das Buch "Die Fremde im Haus - Überleben mit der Borderline-Mutter" schildert anschaulich den Alltag der jungen Tochter einer Borderlinerin und wie sie es geschafft hat, ohne fremde Hilfe ein eigenständiges Leben aufzubauen.

  • af W E Simmons
    212,95 kr.

    A new comprehensive guide to recovery has not been written for the better part of a century. In the first truly revolutionary method of recovery, California Sober guides the reader on the path to recovery using psychedelic recovery.

  • af Reshma Sao
    117,95 kr.

    Teenage is a sensitive time of confusion and reformation, juggling internal conflicts and external pressures. They are a storehouse of secret treasures that need to be unleashed. With the help of a strategic guide, you will be able to reveal your latent power and discern opportunities amidst challenges. You will soar high by mastering interpersonal relationships-with yourself, your parents, and your friends, catalyzing your holistic growth.In a world fraught with challenges and opportunities, 'BECOME A THRIVING TEEN' emerges as a compass, guiding teens toward a future marked by resilience, self-awareness, and unstoppable success. It's a testament to the transformative power within every teenager-a power waiting to be unleashed for a future that knows no bounds. Shape your destinies consciously by nurturing the mind, body, heart, and soul.#Do you often feel your parents and adults do not try to understand you? #Do you wonder why you feel like the Hero of the show at one moment and utter worthless the very next moment, your emotions surging high and low?#Do you wonder why some teens are brilliant risk-takers while others struggle to see themselves how they wish?#Will you have a better experience as a teen capable of unleashing your hidden potential to thrive in the face of Adversity?#What if you are equipped with practical strategies to build positive habits and discern opportunities amidst challenges? #What if you discover how to manage and foster balanced relationships- with yourself, your parents, and friends, and acquire holistic growth?#Imagine yourself Skyrocketing as an Influential Teen and Surviving Teen, navigating your emotions to discover a way to Graceful Thriving Teen.Here is what you will learn in the Book:You are a fantastic powerhouse of hidden Potential.The common mistakes Teens must avoid - through relatable and exciting storiesHow to navigate transitions and turning points of life and reveal your latent Power.Easy ways to fix the MIS (Mental health, Identity crisis, and Self-esteem) to enhance your self-esteemLet's brainstorm: body image, adolescent intimacy, who is the center of your life, and how you avoid an unhealthy relationship.Use 'BULLY' as a mnemonic tool to understand the detrimental effect of bullying.How do you spot good friends, deal with losing friends, and understand Stereotyped peer relations,What parents can do: Practical strategies for conflict resolution and communication, develop skills to foster positive peer relationships, and cultivate powerful habits by focusing on the system and not on goals.The book "BECOME A THRIVING TEEN" is a call to teenagers to embrace their potential, nurture positive relationships, develop a system-oriented mindset, and navigate challenges to emerge as surviving and thriving individuals.

  • af Renee Frye
    142,95 kr.

    This Deconstructing Traumä Interactive Workbook Curriculum, paired with our Deconstructing Traumä guidebook, offers new perspectives and tools that reprogram negative, chaotic patterns that have occurred from trauma in our lives. We have all been through some form of trauma-generational, historical, vicarious, secondary, and lived traumatic experiences-that affects our daily lives until we are able to resolve and process them. Understanding the foundations of trauma allows us to understand our uncomfortable past and the negative, repeated cycles that continue in our daily lives because of that trauma. This process is not always fun or pretty to look at, but it is necessary to find true peace, joy, happiness, and balance in our lives. When we find safety within, we are able to stop projecting our pain and trauma onto others. We begin to understand that we are capable and loved and are able to create safety for ourselves. We can take accountability for our actions and be in charge of our own lives without having to dictate or judge how others run their lives. We learn to remove ourselves from damaging negative situations and relationships, as it is our responsibility to mitigate, or lessen, the negativity that we place ourselves around. We are challenged on this earth to learn to trust ourselves and our journey. Once we learn those things in a good way, we begin to find safety within. This journey will look different for all of us. All roads lead home, though. Anyone who is struggling, in any way, has a compromised self-belief system. We all share the pain of feeling like we are not enough. We are here to learn that we are more than enough. Explore our Deconstructing Trauma Program; discover how to love yourself fully and completely. Thousands have benefited from this format. Step into a healthier, happier life. We all need healthy life-support skills. There is hope; we are not alone. There is strength inside of you yet to be discovered ...

  • af Greta Kudirkaite
    212,95 kr.

    AprasymasKnyga "Uzburtas Ratas" atskleidzia visas alkoholizmo paslaptis ir paaiskina kodel si priklausomybe įtraukia vis daugiau aukų irlaiko jas įkalintas savo pačių kūnuose.Autore, Greta Kudirkaite, isdesto visus patarimus, kaip atsikratyti sios priklausomybes visiems laikams ir dziaugtis gyvenimu.Si knyga parasyta is sirdies, su siluma ir meile tiems, kurie dar kankinasi ir iesko būdų sustoti. "Uzburtas Ratas" paaiskina 5 zingsnius, kurie padeda laimeti pries priklausomybę ir susigrązinti savo gyvenimą atgal. Zingsniai gali būti lengvi, jei zmogus nusiteikęs pozityviai ir pasiruosęs sustoti. Rasytoja primena, kad vienintelis zmogus, kuris gali nuspręsti issivaduoti yra zmogus, kovojantis su priklausomybe. Jam reikalinga parama, tačiau tik jis gali istrūkti is sio uzburto rato.Greta dalinasi savo skaudzia patirtimi ir isgyvenimais. Ji supranta seimos traumą, įskaitant vaikystes patirtis seimoje kovojusia su alkoholizmu ir motinos kančią bandant istrūkti is sių baisių pinklių .Jei jūs, ar kas nors jūsų seimoje kovoja su priklausomybe alkoholiui, si knyga jums. Laisve ir laime yra įmanoma tiems, kas pasiruosę laikytis 5 zingsnių ir istrūkti is sio uzburto rato visiems laikams.Jūs galite issivaduoti!

  • af Nichole Sloan
    312,95 kr.

    Throughout this workbook, we will use compassion as a lens to look at your recovery process. Why Compassion? After years of working in the field of addiction and recovery, the most significant contributor to continued drug and alcohol use or relapse that I've seen has been shame, guilt, regret, anger, or harshness towards self. Rarely do these painful emotions alone lead to long-term recovery. What I believe leads to long-term sobriety and a sense of contentment or happiness in life is compassion directed towards self & others as we navigate life's ups and downs. With the Compassion-Based Recovery (CBR) workbook, we will: Develop motivation to actively engage in a journey of recovery Meet experiences with curiosity and compassion Explore compassionately the factors that contributed to addiction Learn how to apply mindfulness to the recovery process Explore how to manage emotions compassionately Learn the skill of compassionate re-thinking Manage cravings in recovery Explore the impact of guilt and shame Learn about the science of addiction & more Each section of the workbook will have a place for your compassionate reflection. These blank spaces are the most important part of the entire workbook. The reason is that I can offer you questions and ideas for consideration. However, your words to yourself will be the most healing and the most powerful. Please remember, only YOU have the answers to best heal YOU.You understand yourself better than anyone else, so please trust your wisdom. You are the expert on your own life.

  • af Ferdinand Huber
    228,95 kr.

    Do you ever feel isolated among your digital "friends"? In an era where a "friend" is just a click away, the word friendship often loses its true meaning. This book follows Max on his journey of exploration through the complex web of digital and physical relationships. With the help of a wise online coach, Max questions the differences between online acquaintances and deep friendships, experiences the contrast between virtual and real encounters and discovers the joys of authentic connections.From the pitfalls of online communication to the unexpected challenges of connecting in real life, Max's story is a powerful reflection on our modern relationship culture. Do you recognize yourself in Max? Then be inspired to redefine what real friendship really means in the age of the internet and social media.Step into a world where quality trumps quantity and genuine connections stand out in the flood of digital interactions. Let Max's journey inspire you and start your own.

  • af Gamblers Anonymous
    107,95 kr.

    The 12 Step Program is based on old spiritual ideas and good medical treatment. People say it's great because it really helps.Gamblers Anonymous wants to make it clear that they're not trying to get more people to join. They want to point out that for some folks, gambling can be a serious problem called "compulsive gambling." Gamblers Anonymous says there's a way to beat this problem, and it's through their program.Lots of people in Gamblers Anonymous used to have the same issue but got better by quitting gambling and living a regular life. These people are here to support anyone who comes to Gamblers Anonymous for help.

  • af Lafonya Jones-Hines
    289,95 - 491,95 kr.

  • af Fred A. Reekie
    282,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Phoebe Picasso
    287,95 kr.

    In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of online gaming, capturing the attention of people across the globe. This phenomenon has revolutionized the way we interact with technology and has created a new form of entertainment that transcends geographical boundaries. However, with this surge in online gaming, concerns about the excessive usage of the internet have also come to the forefront.Online gaming has become a global phenomenon, with millions of players immersing themselves in virtual worlds and engaging in multiplayer experiences. The rise of high-speed internet connections, coupled with the advancements in technology, has made it easier than ever for individuals to connect and play games with people from all walks of life. This has led to the creation of vibrant communities, fostering friendships and social interactions that were previously unimaginable.One of the primary reasons for the rise of online gaming is its accessibility. Unlike traditional forms of gaming, which often required expensive consoles or gaming PCs, online games can be played on a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets. This affordability has made gaming more accessible to a wider audience, leading to its widespread popularity.Another contributing factor to the rise of online gaming is the constant innovation and evolution of the gaming industry. Game developers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, creating immersive and engaging experiences that captivate players for hours on end. The introduction of virtual reality and augmented reality has further enhanced the gaming experience, blurring the lines between the real and virtual worlds.However, the rise of online gaming has also brought about concerns regarding the excessive usage of the internet. Many individuals find themselves spending an excessive amount of time playing games, neglecting their responsibilities and relationships in the process. This overindulgence can lead to social isolation, poor academic or professional performance, and even physical health issues.To tackle the issue of excessive internet usage, it is essential for individuals to be aware of the potential dangers and create a healthy balance between their online and offline lives. Setting limits on screen time, engaging in other activities, and seeking support from friends and family can all play a crucial role in preventing online addiction

  • af Matt Shea
    177,95 kr.

    The Casino Down the Street distills a three-year study on casinos and the overall dangers of gambling addiction. Just as all of my books are based on true stories, this one is also. I decided to "get in the saddle" and gamble (despite being warned against it by my father) and soon fell into the hole (literally) of addiction. With spiritual intervention, I was able to "get on the wagon" and use all of my experiences to write this book. I hope that it will help you or someone close to you.In addition to my personal experience, we will also examine the following:* How a casino ticks* The types of gamblers* Are you addicted* Do casinos intentionally get patrons hooked* Why the "golden years" are a golden goose for casinos

    252,95 kr.

    Dr. Patrick Carnes' follow up text to "Facing the Shadow." This book leads readers further into recovery.

  • af Anderson
    272,95 kr.

    The Connection between Addiction and AngerAddiction and anger are two powerful forces that can wreak havoc on an individual's life. In this subchapter, we will explore the intricate connection between these two emotions and how they can fuel one another. Whether you are someone struggling with addiction, or simply seeking to better understand the dynamics of anger management, this chapter will provide you with valuable insights.First and foremost, it is important to recognize that addiction and anger are often intertwined. Many individuals turn to substances or behaviors as a means of coping with their anger. The intense emotions that accompany anger can be overwhelming, and addiction can provide a temporary escape or a way to numb the pain. Conversely, addiction can also be a source of anger itself. The shame, guilt, and frustration that often accompany addiction can lead to outbursts of anger towards oneself or others.Furthermore, addiction and anger share common underlying factors. Both emotions can stem from unresolved trauma, past experiences, or underlying mental health issues. Understanding these root causes is crucial in addressing and managing both addiction and anger effectively. By addressing the underlying issues, individuals can begin to heal and develop healthier coping mechanisms.Additionally, it is essential to recognize that addiction and anger can feed off each other in a destructive cycle. Anger can trigger addictive behaviors, further perpetuating the cycle of addiction. Conversely, addiction can exacerbate anger issues, making it even more challenging to manage and control anger effectively.However, there is hope. Recognizing the connection between addiction and anger is the first step towards healing and recovery. This subchapter will provide you with practical strategies and techniques to manage anger effectively, even in the midst of addiction. From cognitive-behavioral techniques to mindfulness practices, you will learn valuable tools to break free from the destructive cycle and build a healthier, more balanced life.Moreover, this chapter will emphasize the importance of seeking professional help. Combining therapy, support groups, and medication when needed, individuals can address both addiction and anger simultaneously. With the right guidance and support, it is possible to break free from the grip of addiction and develop healthier ways to manage anger.

  • af Matti Charlton
    322,95 kr.

    "Alex & Mrs. Lee" is a heartwarming children's book about autism, addiction, and harm reduction.

  • af Ryan Gray
    197,95 kr.

    Dive into the explosive, raw, and vulnerable story of a man's search for sanity amid his increasing dependence on DXM (dextromethorphan), the active ingredient in Robitussin and other cough suppressant medications. In Volume One, you'll enter the underbelly of York, PA as the narrator navigates the streets and his new normal.In 2007, Ryan Gray was on and off the streets-living the last days of his existence as an active addict. He stayed in several halfway houses, had friends who were kind enough to let him sleep in their homes, and sometimes stayed at a nearby shelter. Volume One of his autobiographical narrative chronicles the events leading through the 'twilight' of his addiction, from meeting a native of York who became like a brother, to when Ryan began to inwardly sense his own futility, to making the choice to leave behind the middle-class life he knew. Twilight in York: Volume One is written in the style of Jack Kerouac, with a stream of consciousness effect as well as grammatical alterations. Heavy with explicit drug use, this read is best suited for adults. Though heavy and dark, Twilight in York, Volume One has a simple, easy-to-follow plot that appeals to the masses. Drug addicts, family and friends of addicts, homeless (and formerly homeless) people, and the mentally ill will resonate with Ryan's down-to-earth voice and relatable stories.Ryan Gray's sensual and precisely observed Twilight in York is an aspiring classic of American noir, reminiscent in mood of William Kennedy's down-and-out-in-Albany novels, reminiscent in style and tone of some more bitter and more street-wise Kerouac. You keep thinking you've misread the title, for all this desperation cannot possibly concentrate in little York, PA. It has to be some place bigger, darker, worse. But, no, every little town in America has its pockets of perdition, which can be alleviated some by sucking down a bottle of cough syrup. I don't like and don't usually choose this sort of book, but I liked THIS book, because it contains not only gray and sad truth, but also poetry. Poetry transfiguring all that dread.-David Brendan Hopes, author of The Falls of the WyonaMental illness plus addiction easily lead to homelessness. The abject pain and disorientation of the living conditions that daily challenge the addicted unhoused population is juxtaposed with the absolute joy of reading such a well-written non-fiction. His words often lead like poetry, brazen and bare, not painting a picture, but excavating the myriad contours of the meanings and meanderings where life and emotions meet. Addiction and the unhoused population have exploded in the past 20 years, and this book gives us insight to the instability of the lifestyle, the uncertainty of finding a place to sleep each night, how to maintain the addiction while simultaneously working as a day laborer, and the loyalty of friends who bond amid life on the streets.-Renee Robb-Cohen

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