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  • af Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg
    247,95 kr.

    Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg beskriver ligetil og pædagogisk oxytocinets afgørende rolle for den reaktion, der fremmer afspænding, ro og hvile. Oxytocin et hormon og en signalsubstans i hjernen, der har den modsatte virkning af de stresshormoner, som bliver aktiveret, når vi føler os pressede. Det sænker blodtrykket og mængden af stresshormoner og øger smertetærsklen for blot at nævne nogle aspekter.Med udgangspunkt i videnskabelig forskning og videnskabelige fund forklarer forfatteren, hvordan massage, berøring, opmærksomhed og omsorg øger mængden af oxytocin i kroppen, og hvordan den viden kan bruges professionelt af alle, der arbejder med mennesker i sociale, pædagogiske og sundhedsfaglige sammenhæng.Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg er professor i fysiologi og en meget efterspurgt underviser og foredragsholder i både Sverige og USA. Hun har arbejdet med medicinsk forskning i mere end 25 år og vejledt et stort antal ph.d.-studerende med forskellig baggrund: psykologer, gynækologer, dyrlæger, agronomer, fysioterapeuter og jordemødre.

  • af Dorte Andersen
    221,95 kr.

    Dyk ned i hemmelighederne bag en ungdommelig glød og strålende hud med yogalærer og influencer Dorte Andersen. Med mere end 240.000 dedikerede følgere på de sociale medier er Dorte en pioner inden for ansigtsyoga – en revolutionerende træningsmetode, der ikke kun styrker og toner ansigtsmusklerne, men også kan forynge din udstråling.Dorte deler alt, hvad hun ved om ansigtsyoga. Fra at løfte kindbenene til at reducere rynker og afslappe spændte muskler. Her finder du en omfattende samling af øvelser og teknikker, der kan give dig den ungdommelige udstråling, du altid har drømt om.Med fokus på ansigtsudtryk, strækninger og massage er ansigtsyoga ikke blot en træningsrutine, det er en livsstil.Oplev fordelene ved forbedret blodcirkulation og stimuleret kollagenproduktion, mens du finder indre ro gennem dyb vejrtrækning og koncentration.DORTE ANDERSEN har 240.000 følgere på Instagram under @yogafacelift og er meget efterspurgt for tiden. Hun er 73 år, yogalærer, ansigtsyogainstruktør og influencer. Hun forlod arbejds- markedet som 67-årig, men hun kunne ikke se sig selv sidde i sofaen med et helt livs kompetencer, og hun rejste derfor til Indien og uddannede sig til yogalærer. Da hun kom hjem, fik hun ret hurtigt job som yogalærer hos Salig Yoga på Østerbro. Nu da yogaverdenen var hendes dagligdag, åbnede der sig en ny og spændende tid. Hun fortsatte med at tage yogakurser, så hun kunne undervise bredere i yoga. Her opdagede hun ansigtsyogaen, og den startede et helt nyt liv og karriere for hende. Efter at have levet 68 år uden at give sit ansigt særlig opmærksomhed blev ansigtsyoga en stor del af Dortes dagligdag. Nu træner og masserer hun sit ansigt dagligt med både hænder og Gua Sha, og hun giver det iskolde bade. På kort tid har hun set en kæmpe forandring. Siden 2019 har hun holdt regelmæssige workshops både fysisk og online i ansigtsyoga.

  • af Vinicius Ribeiro
    92,95 - 252,95 kr.

  • af Gustaf Mauritz Norstrom
    172,95 - 193,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Cyril Bennett
    242,95 - 281,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Jodi Scholes
    242,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Robertino Bedenian
    152,95 kr.

    If You Have Ever Wondered If Having A Massage Does Not Only Make You Feel Good But There Is Much More To It Such As Dealing With A Lot Of Health Issues, And If You Have Ever Wished To Have A Thorough Overview Of Western and Eastern Massage Therapies And Their Different Approaches Without Feeling Completely Overwhelmed, Read On...Have you ever wondered why massage therapies increased so much in popularity in the last two decades?Have you ever considered having massage therapy because you felt the academic medicine has failed to offer you long-term pain relief?Have you ever wished to be taken by your hand on a tour giving you a thorough overview of Western and Eastern massage therapies without getting lost in this labyrinth?Did you know that massage therapies can treat many health issues that you might have never given a second thought to?Did you ever question if massage therapies are completely risk-free or if some groups of people should better avoid it?If so, then "Massage Bible - A Beginners Guide to Western and Eastern Massage Therapy" is your YOU because it is published by a fitness instructor who is accredited by the German Olympic Committee.Imagine that taking massage therapies does not only make you feel good but can even improve your health dramatically because massage is not just a "make you feel good" experience but there is MUCH more to it!Why This Book Is Different!This book is different because it is informative, easy to understand, and concise taking you on a tour of the varieties of massage therapies, their philosophies, and their therapy goals while pointing out the difference between Western and Eastern massage therapies and their approaches. SPECIAL BONUS: With the purchase of the book, you will also get the complimentary book "Arthritis Pain Gone - 10 Ways to Instantly Relieve Arthritis Pain" FOR FREE!You'll soon discover...that there is much more to massage therapies than you might have ever assumed and that you should be massaged regularly therefore while too many people still tend to believe that massage is only linked to a spa and considered a luxurious pleasure.that there is a very good reason why there are many different massage therapies.that massage therapies can improve your health dramatically and deal with several health issues that you might have never thought about and that you might only believe after you have experienced this "light bulb moment".if it's even possible to massage yourself and what you should know about it.If massage therapies are also recommended to children, elderly people, and even pregnant women....and a lot more!If You Have Ever Wondered If Having A Massage Does Not Only Make You Feel Good But There Is Much More To It Such As Dealing With A Lot Of Health Issues, And If You Have Ever Wished To Have A Thorough Overview Of Western and Eastern Massage Therapies And Their Different Approaches Without Feeling Completely Overwhelmed, Then This Book Is For You!

  • af Robertino Bedenian
    152,95 kr.

    Wenn Sie sich schon immer gefragt haben, ob eine Massage nicht nur einfach guttut, sondern sogar bei den verschiedensten Krankheitsbildern eine sehr erfolgreiche Behandlungsform ist, und wenn Sie sich schon immer mal einen Überblick über die westlichen und östlichen Massagearten verschaffen wollten, ohne dadurch völlig überfordert zu werden, lesen Sie bitte weiter...Haben Sie sich schon mal gefragt, warum Massagen in den letzten Jahren enorm an Popularität gewonnen haben und diese sogar in vielen Fällen eine Kassenleistung geworden sind?Haben Sie jemals eine Massagetherapie als Behandlungs- bzw. Therapieform in Erwägung gezogen, weil Sie den Eindruck hatten, dass Ihnen die Ärzte mit ihrer klassischen Schulmedizin nicht mehr wirklich weiterhelfen konnten?Haben Sie sich schon immer mal einen Rundgang durch das Labyrinth der verschiedenen Massagearten gewünscht, ohne dabei völlig verloren zu gehen?Wussten Sie, dass durch die Vielfalt der Massagearten eine Vielzahl von Krankheitsbildern behandelt werden können, bei denen Sie das niemals vermutet hätten?Haben Sie sich schon mal Gedanken darüber gemacht, ob Massagen wirklich völlig bedenkenlos angewendet werden können, oder ob es vielleicht doch Fälle gibt, in denen man darauf verzichten sollte?Wenn Sie auch nur eine dieser Fragen mit "Ja" beantwortet haben, dann ist dieses Buch für SIE, weil dieses Buch nicht nur einen fantastischen Rundgang durch die Welt der Massage bietet, sondern auch den Unterschied zwischen den westlichen und östlichen Massagearten, deren Philosophie und Behandlungsziel aufzeigt.Warum dieses Buch anders ist!Dieses Buch ist anders, weil es informativ, sachlich und in einer sehr klaren und auch für den Laien verständlichen Sprache geschrieben worden ist, indem es nicht nur einen umfassenden Rundgang durch die Welt der Massage bietet, sondern eine Vielzahl an Massagen, deren Philosophie und Behandlungsziele behandelt, ohne jedoch dabei den Unterschied zwischen westlichen und östlichen Massagetherapien zu übersehen.In diesem Buch erfahren Sie...dass hinter Massagen deutlich mehr steckt, als Sie vielleicht jemals vermutet haben, und dass deshalb Massagen unbedingt regelmäßig in Anspruch genommen werden sollten, während viele Menschen Massagen leider nach wie vor nur mit "Wellness" verbinden und sich diesen "Luxus" deshalb nur selten gönnen.dass die Anwendungsfälle und Therapieziele von Massagen so vielfältig sind, wie die Anzahl der Massagearten wahrscheinlich schon vermuten lässt.dass manche Massagearten in der Lage sind, einen äußerst positiven Einfluss auf die verschiedensten Körperteile zu nehmen, was Sie wahrscheinlich erst glauben werden, wenn Sie das erlebt haben.ob es in bestimmten Fällen sogar möglich ist, sich selbst zu massieren.ob Massagen für Kinder, Senioren und Schwangere geeignet sind oder eher nicht....und noch vieles mehr!Wenn Sie sich schon immer gefragt haben, ob eine Massage nicht nur einfach guttut, sondern sogar bei den verschiedensten Krankheitsbildern eine sehr erfolgreiche Behandlungsform ist, und wenn Sie sich schon immer mal einen Überblick über die westlichen und östlichen Massagearten verschaffen wollten, ohne dabei völlig verloren zu gehen, dann legen Sie dieses Buch in Ihren Einkaufswagen und fangen Sie es am besten gleich an zu lesen...

  • af Jeremy Downs
    337,95 kr.

    Introducing our MBLEx Test Prep 2024-2025: 475+ Practice Questions and MBLEx Study Guide [5th Edition]! Ascencia Test Prep's MBLEx Test Prep 2024-2025 includes everything you need to pass the MBLEx exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the MBLEx exam2 full practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tricks from experienced massage therapistsAccess to online flash cards, cheat sheets, and moreAscencia Test Prep's MBLEx Test Prep 2024-2025 is aligned with the official MBLEx exam framework. Topics covered include: The Foundation of MassageEthicsProfessional PracticeAnatomy and PhysiologyPathology and ContraindicationMassage and its BenefitsClient Assessment and Treatment Planning Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Ascencia Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product. About Ascencia Test PrepAt Ascencia Test Prep, we understand that healthcare professionals need high-quality educational resources. That's why our test prep materials are developed by credentialed experts with years of experience who are excited to share their knowledge with you. Whether you're just starting your career or ready to climb higher, we're here to help you feel ready on test day.

  • af Lorraine Senior
    337,95 kr.

    The book Reflexology for Schools shares the significance, effectiveness, and value that a qualified reflexologist can bring into the education environment. It emphasizes the focus, intention, and many benefits of incorporating reflexology therapy into the school day and why every school throughout the world needs a professional reflexology therapist supported by the FRT Framework to work as a valued member of their multidisciplinary team. Written primarily as a valuable resource for reflexologists looking to build on their existing skills by adapting their therapeutic approach it shares guidance and tips with information about the unique blend of the Functional Reflex Therapy RECIPE to raise confidence to the reflexologist as they look to develop their business within this special field. It clearly demonstrates the positive impact of reflexology, supported by the professional package of the Functional Reflex Therapy Framework, for young people experiencing elevated levels of stress and anxiety, and how the framework and the specific method of delivery of reflexology embraces diverse needs, promoting emotional well-being through meaningful connections - encouraging a better frame of mind for learning. It is also written for headteachers who are looking for innovative ways that are accessible to all, to support the emotional wellbeing of the young people within their school. The reader can enjoy the beautifully designed visual narrative of the structure used within the FRT Framework and is then invited into the therapy room with twelve young people who share through their real-life stories the many benefits that receiving reflexology brings, how their sessions are supported with the Functional Reflex Therapy Framework which bridges the gap between the classroom to the therapy room and beyond. The book provides a foundation for further discussion, personal learning, and the development of your reflexology business. It encourages you to explore the benefits that making small adjustments and adaptations to your approach and to the delivery method of your reflexology can bring and it provides practical tips for reflexologists and directs readers to further learning links.

  • af Johnny G
    212,95 kr.

    Have you ever dreamed of becoming a Masseur? Do you want to be the master of touch that makes anyone melt under your hands? "Men and women will always crave relaxation, pleasure, and the art of touch; Forever!"In, How To Be A Masseur in 6-9 Days you will learn to use simple yet unforgettable techniques ANYONE can use to master the art of massage and become a sensation in the world of relaxation.How To Be A Masseur in 6-9 Days will teach you:Why traditional massage schools are not enough for true successThe best practices for building a loyal clientele as a masseurHow to establish a reputation and gain recognition in as few as six daysSecrets no renowned masseur would ever reveal.Guys, seize this opportunity before your competition. Get this book, it's the ideal bedside companion to unlock your massage potential and help you become the sensation everyone raves about.

  • af Douglas Graham
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Robin Meaton
    107,95 kr.

    Zen, Massage-former, Krop, Sind, Ånd, Urter og Kost, Årsager/Sammenhæng, Tanker, Religion, Meditation

  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Relax on a healing walk in a peaceful, old growth forest. The positive, affirming language of NatureBody(R) massage stories washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Faye Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Feel your body awaken on a refreshing cross-country ski through a winter forest. Glide into serenity as you ski through the snowy world. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Faye Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Feel your mind calm and your body unwind as you relax by a picturesque waterfall on a warm, sunny day. The positive, affirming language of NatureBody(R) massage stories washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Savor the sensations of deep relaxation as you swim in a warm, tropical lagoon. Let the turquoise waves lull you into serenity. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Unwind under the stars in a beautiful mountain clearing. Feel your muscles relax as you deepen your connection with the vast universe. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Experience the complete freedom of high desert plains. Expand your mind as you gaze across miles of uninterrupted views. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Experience peace and power of the Appalachian mountains as you hike to a scenic vista on a beautiful spring day. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Nancy Dail
    804,95 kr.

    This updated resource offers a deep dive into kinesiology and functional anatomy. Useful as a reference text for professionals or a complete teaching guide for students, this comprehensive book is suitable for various manual therapies including massage therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, and yoga teachers.

  • af George Herbert Taylor
    192,95 kr.

  • af Albrecht Jensen
    177,95 kr.

  • af Bs W. E. Forest
    162,95 kr.

  • af William Murrell
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Gustaf Mauritz Norstrom
    362,95 kr.

  • af Shawn Underwood
    222,95 kr.

    Reflexology is an amazing alternative therapy,that primarily focuses on the feet and hands, and has been practiced by practitioners for thousands of years. This alternative therapy can help you solve and get rid of many pain related disorders, but however this therapy will be useless if you do not know how to properly perform the massage techniques and this is where this guide book can help you.The information and techniques found in this book will teach you how to properly and effectively use reflexology and heal parts of your body that you would have never thought imaginable. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...Understanding Hand ReflexologyThe Benefits of Hand ReflexologyHow to Perform Hand ReflexologyOther Techniques in Hand ReflexologyPrecautions in Performing Hand ReflexologyLearn about how far back in history this goes and how it was brought into the modern world by medical pioneers. Get an understanding of how it affects the different systems of the body and the fundamentals that make it work.As you progress through the book and begin to learn about techniques for common problems expand your mind and work on your body they way only you know it needs to be worked on. There is no one else that understands your body like you. You don't have to have pain to use reflexology there are reflexes that will just in general help you have a healthier body and mind.

  • af Albrecht Jensen
    152,95 kr.

    "In this volume I have endeavored to place before the public a novel method of real scientific massage movements combined with exercises, so that the benefits of both may be obtained simultaneously. The simplicity of its technic together with its ready personal application make it possible for any individual to achieve excellent results from its use. The application of scientific massage movements stimulates the nerves, tissues, muscles, organs, vessels, glands and cells much more beneficially and effectively than general exercises. Their combined application is physical culture in its most scientific and perfected form. In working out a practical presentation of this system, it was noted that the massage movements and the most beneficial exercises could be combined readily and simply (although this must be done in a prescribed way) and that their balanced, logical combination resulted in a method far superior to all other systems of exercises, not only for the maintenance of health, but for special therapeutic and physiologic purposes. The exercises are chiefly intended for use at home, and will be found to be more advantageous to the individual than any course of physical culture offered anywhere. No gymnastic equipment is necessary and no expenditure, save that of the time required, which will vary mostly from twelve to twenty-five minutes daily according to the time, need and inclination of the individual." ALBRECHT JENSEN

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