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Adoption og plejebørn: råd og vejledning

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  • - En bog for forældre og andre voksne
    af Lars Rasborg
    227,95 kr.

    Sunde børns problemer handler om, hvordan forældre under vejledning selv kan hjælpe deres barn, og om, hvordan andre, f.eks. daginstitutionen eller skolen, kan medvirke. Bogen handler desuden om, hvordan sider af børns personlighed i almindelighed kan forstås, og om, hvordan man kan støtte deres udvikling, før der opstår problemer. Bogen bygger på erfaringer fra rådgivning af forædre, som har søt hjæp hos en privatpraktiserende psykolog, og påerfaringer fra rågivning af forædre til adopterede børn, som er præget af, at de har manglet omsorg før adoptionen. Sunde børns problemer udgør et supplement til den personlige kontakt med en kvalificeret rådgiver. Denne kontakt er vigtig for i hvert enkelt tilfælde at vurdere, om bogens metoder er velegnede, og for at udforme metoderne, så de passer til det enkelte barn og familien. Bogen kan forhåbentlig give appetit på de beskrevne tankegange og metoder og støtte forældre og andre, der ønsker at tilegne sig dem. Bogen henvender sig til alle med interesse for børns udvikling. Lars Rasborg har tidligere udgivet Miljøterapi med børn og unge, Akademisk Forlag.

  • - Sådan sikrer man god børneinddragelse i socialsager, undersøgelse og behandling
    af Rikke Yde Tordrup
    276,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Mange børn er i kontakt med socialforvaltningen, PPR, psykiatrien og psykologer. Men en stor del aner ikke hvorfor. Hvad er op og ned i en samværsaftale? Hvorfor skal jeg i udredning? Her er en stor opgave at løfte for de professionelle, der arbejder med børn og unge.Der er behov for at inddrage børnene og tage barnets perspektiv i socialsager, anbringelser, undersøgelser, behandling og terapi. Men hvordan gør man det i praksis?BARNETS PERSPEKTIV er en praktisk og fagligt velfunderet guide til børnebevidning som metode. Bogen viser trin for trin, hvordan du tager barnets perspektiv og understøtter barnets forståelse af egen livssituation ved hjælp af børnebreve. Med bogens mange anvendelige skabeloner kan du forklare aktuelle beslutninger og omstændigheder – og give en samlet forståelse i børnehøjde af de oftest svære ting, der sker i barnets liv.Bevidning af barnet er vigtig for at skabe den sammenhængende livshistorie, som barnet skal bygge videre på gennem hele livet. Udsatte børn og unge mangler især viden om, hvorfor deres forældre ikke kan passe på dem, hvorfor de skal anbringes uden for hjemmet, eller hvorfor de fx kun må have overvåget samvær med deres forældre. Det er en svær opgave at forklare dette, og mange professionelle viger udenom, fordi de mangler redskaber til at gøre det på en måde, der er forståelig, nænsom og omsorgsfuld for barnet. Bogen rummer også en børneordbog, der forklarer svære begreber i børnesprog.BARNETS PERSPEKTIV er relevant for socialrådgivere, pædagoger, børnepsykiatere, psykologer og alle andre, der arbejder med sårbare og udsatte børn og unge. Bogen er blevet til med bidrag fra en lang række kapaciteter på feltet. Kapitlet om juraen ifm. børnebreve og børneinddragelse er skrevet af jurist Christina Bergsted Andersen. Børnepsykiater Per Hove Thomsen har skrevet bogens forord.

  • af Charlotte Broberg
    152,95 - 167,95 kr.

    De fleste fagpersoner i skoleregi vil på et tidspunkt møde et adopteret barn, som har haft en svær start på livet. Bogen tager afsæt i forståelsen af, at reaktioner og adfærd kan være formet allerede tidligt i barnets liv, og byder på en buket af råd, tips og idéer til, hvordan det enkelte barn bedst kan mødes. Bogen er skrevet til fagpersoner - og forældre, idet der lægges op til et tæt, ligeværdigt og loyalt samarbejde skole-hjem i mellem.

  • - Sig det, som det er, sig sandheden
    af Lisbet Bladbjerg
    197,95 kr.

    DINE FORÆLDRE ER JO IKKE DINE RIGTIGE FORÆLDRE DU HAR DA RET TIL AT KENDE DIN GENETIK DU MÅ HAVE DET SVÆRT MED AT VIDE, AT DU ER BLEVET VALGT FRA Det er blot nogle af de overbevisninger, som bogens forfatter, Lisbet Bladbjerg, jævnligt støder på, når hun nævner, at hun er adopteret. Men for hende og mange andre, der ikke har samme biologi som deres forældre, svarer de overbevisninger ikke til virkeligheden. For dem er den familie, de er vokset op sammen med, naturligvis den eneste rigtige. Igennem ærlige og modige fortællinger giver de medvirkende i GAVEBARN et nuanceret billede af adoption og donation og udfordrer frygten for at fortælle børn sandheden om, hvordan de blev til. Mød ud over Lisbet et forældrepar, der har fået hjælp af en sæddonor, to familier, der har fået hjælp af en ægdonor, og to brødre, der først som voksne fik at vide, at deres far ikke var deres biologiske far. GAVEBARN er en tankevækkende bog for alle, der enten selv er eller har fået et gavebarn, samt alle med interesse for, at der er flere måder at få børn på end at lave dem selv. Den stiller skarpt på gavebørns selvforståelse, forældre som ærlige rollemodeller og et samfund, som er udfordret af dalende fertilitet. Budskabet er klart: Hvis gavebørn allerede fra barnsben kender sandheden om, hvordan de er blevet til, har vi ikke længere brug for at definere familier udelukkende ud fra et genetisk fællesskab. Lad os ryste posen med overbevisninger og få nye omtanker om adoption og donation.

  • af Kay Lee
    172,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Jennings Michael Burch
    107,95 kr.

    The heartbreaking, iconic true story of an abandoned little boy's horrific journey through the American foster care systemOne misty evening, Jennings Michael Burch's mother, too sick to care for him, left her eight-year-old son at an orphanage with the words, "I'll be right back." She wasn't.Shuttled through a bleak series of foster homes, orphanages, and institutions, Jennings never remained in any of them long enough to make a friend. Instead, he clung to a tattered stuffed animal named Doggie, his sole source of comfort in a frightening world.Here, in his own words, Jennings Michael Burch reveals the abuse and neglect he experienced during his lost childhood. But while his experiences are both shocking and devastating, his story is ultimately one of hope-the triumphant tale of a forgotten child who somehow found the courage to reach out for love and found it waiting for him.

  • af Elena Velasquez
    162,95 kr.

    El libro prácticamente narra la vida tan difícil de los niños cuando son trasladados a diferentes hogares debido a diversas circunstancias. Esto provoca un estado psicológico emocional traumático que se agrava con problemas adicionales para convivir. Debemos ser conscientes de que estos niños no son normales; son niños que enfrentan muchos problemas psicológicos. Las personas que se encargan de su crianza deben comprender que necesitan mucho amor y es un trabajo que debe hacerse con el alma, con responsabilidad y poniéndose en el lugar de los niños para poder ayudarlos, ya que es un proceso largo y doloroso recuperar a sus hijos.Durante este proceso, los padres temporales pasan por circunstancias muy tensas al tener que lidiar con los padres biológicos en visitas que son descontroladas tanto para los niños como para los padres adoptivos. Los niños pasan por diferentes hogares y tienen que adaptarse a distintas normas y hábitos en su corta vida.Este proceso de adaptarse a una nueva vida en cada hogar se suma a las dificultades que enfrentan en su educación y en adaptarse a un estilo de vida totalmente diferente. Los padres de crianza deben brindar verdadero amor, trabajar desde el alma y ayudar a estos niños con educación y sensibilidad para superar este difícil proceso psicológico y emocional.Es crucial que tanto el sistema como los padres sean conscientes de que estos niños no son objetos, sino seres humanos que necesitan estabilidad y respeto. Se debe apoyar y ayudar a estas personas que son víctimas del sistema, y no verlas solo como fuentes de ingresos. Es fundamental trabajar en conjunto para que tanto los padres como los niños no sufran, y comprender que estas experiencias pueden tener un impacto a largo plazo.Es necesario que se entienda que es crucial el apoyo tanto del sistema como de los padres de crianza para ayudar a sanar completamente las secuelas emocionales, para que estos niños puedan tener una vida exitosa cuando se conviertan en adultos.

  • af Sonya Holton
    197,95 kr.

    "Adopted Me" is a poignant and heartfelt tribute that bears witness to the enduring love and unwavering support of adoptive parents. The author's journey, inspired by their own life-changing experience, serves as a testament to the commendable efforts of these remarkable individuals who dedicated their lives to supporting foster children in the Jacksonville FL community.The book chronicles not only the author's individual story but also pays homage to the countless other children fostered by the adoptive parents. The term "bees" is used to affectionately describe this blended family, emphasizing the unity and interconnectedness that transcends blood ties.Through her story, the author aims to foster a sense of understanding and compassion, encouraging prospective adoptive parents to consider the profound impact they can have on the lives of children in need. "Adopted Me" is a beautifully crafted narrative that stands as a beacon of hope, resonating with anyone who has experienced the complexities of foster care and adoption.It is not just a memoir but also a call to action, an invitation to embrace the transformative power of love, and a testament to the enduring spirit of family, no matter how it comes together. Sonya's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact that acts of kindness and love can have on a child's life.

  • af Maurita McCorkle
    162,95 kr.

    Join Maurita as she shares stories and tools about fostering young adults in her home, helping them become successful members of the community. Learn how you can help make a difference in their lives by understanding what they are going through and how to work with them. Identify and implement tools to help you and the young adult as, together, you navigate and support them to become independent.

  • af Reginald D. Jarrell
    242,95 kr.

    Reggie Jarrell was adopted as a newborn by a childless couple who were part of his extended family. They agreed to let his teenaged birth mother be part of his life. But no one would speak of his birth father. Jarrell grew up in a loving home with parents who encouraged and supported him. His birth mother came in and out of his life. Despite knowing he was cherished, in his teens he longed to know who his birth father was. That longing resulted in decades of starting and stopping a search for the mysterious man whose genes he carried. It culminated when, in his fifties, Jarrell met Myron. What he uncovered about the secret man who had haunted him was shocking. As he learned more, his view of his birth mother was also altered. Jarrell tells this story with candor. He lets readers know of his ambivalence that stopped him from responding once he located his birth father. He shows readers the charismatic Myron, a teenager who got in trouble and the radiant Wanda who gave him life when she was fouirteen. Readers meet his adoptive parents who taught their beloved son to value books, hard work, and learning. Jarrell's story traces his own restlessness through an assortment of careers and the accumulation of multiple advanced degrees. We see him puzzling over what traits he may have inherited from Myron and why his family kept Myron a secret from him for so long was. This is a moving story of loss and recovery, of love in its various forms. It is an important read for people whose lives intersect it from any of the viewpoints: birth parents, adoptive parents, adoptees, those considering adoption, social workers, church groups. It is appropriate for families with middle school or older children to read together and for use in schools. Now, when most children experience multiple parent figures and many are estranged from family members, Jarrell's story shows that one can love and be enriched by multiple parent figures. And that love comes in various forms and can survive despite everything. Photos of his family enhance the text.

  • af Robert J Yaffe
    277,95 kr.

    Relinquished is the real-life story of Robert Yaffe. Go along with him as he traverses the long and often rocky road to discovering his birth parents. Over thirty years of painstaking research, Relinquished is the story of an adoptee brought up in a Jewish household by loving and caring parents, as his Jewish birth mother so deeply desired and requested when she gave Robert up for adoption and signed the papers relinquishing all her rights. A search that began before the Internet, Robert, like so many others, ran into roadblocks, often the result of antiquated laws that to this day persist and hinder others. A search that had to be conducted in secrecy and without the knowledge of his adoptive parents. As a result, Robert often had to bend the truth and hide the results of his search to not hurt those around him. Follow Robert as he wrestles with astounding findings and painful conflicts that at times lead to intense guilt, family conflict, and emotional trauma. Relinquished is a true and remarkable adoption story.

  • af Marla McKeown
    182,95 kr.

    Not all love stories are steeped in romance. Searching for identity is the undercurrent to this story, which emphatically deals with intergenerational bonding, hope and coping mechanisms, while underscoring the power of faith in one's life. Readers will delve into the complexities of: GriefBetrayalCancerSuicideThe challenges of blended familiesThe dilemma of the orphan-heartedFinding "miracles in the madness"An incredible happenstance of events had to providentially align to bring us together, knowing that even one of the numerous illusory lily pads resting upon the rushing rivers of both our separate lives had moved a centimeter in any other direction, we would have never found each other. This book celebrates both the inordinately unbelievable links that ultimately connected us, but moreover, the unsurpassed joy, love, and courage we found together.

  • af Heidi Marble
    227,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Tony Inwood
    177,95 kr.

    A true story of damaged childhood, turbulent adolescence and a descent into alcohol and drugs and the consequent peripatetic lifestyle of a 'down and out'. The reader is carried along with graphic and revealing descriptions of the 'psychedelic' late 60s and early 70s, whilst also highlighting the isolation experienced through the author's inability to make meaningful relationships. His searing poetry magnifies in places both his anger and sadness in adolescence, which led to the apparent irredeemable hopelessness of a lost soul......and then, the beginnings of redemption and re-emergence. This through family, friendship and the loving support of a 50-year rock-solid relationship, in the security of a place to call home. Then finally, the remarkable ending of depression, overcome through the moving experience of coming to know God and being healed.

  • af Suellen M Palya
    162,95 kr.

    Conversations with Kris is a collection of creative letters between a mother and her son after he is murdered. Their conversations tell of their life journey together. The narrative explores the drama of adoption, cultural differences, values, belief systems and traditions. Their journey proceeds in opposite directions, with no connection for ten years and reconnection through social media. The loyalty and love between parent and child endured through tragedy, hardship, and geographical distance to reunite after the son's murder by blunt force trauma.

  • af John Ruffini
    282,95 kr.

    A Quest for Alex takes you on an unforgettable journey that will restore your faith in the human spirit and redefine the meaning of family.

  • af Jenni de Vries
    177,95 kr.

    Broken Dreams in Wounded Hands started out as a record of the ups and downs of my husband's and my journey towards adoption, but became a story of the hand of God weaving his will through heartaches, questions, confusion, doubts and all kinds of troubles.Why would I, a committed Christian, have a godly desire, hope or dream that would never be fulfilled? After all, welcoming a child into your family through adoption is a good thing and I believe is close to the heart of God (see James 1:27). But when I prayed "Your kingdom come, Your will be done," in regards to adoption, did I really mean it? Was my trust in Christ based on what I wanted him to do for me by fulfilling my deep longing to adopt, or was it solely on what he already did for me on the cross?As I ponder our adoption journey, the Lord shows me more and more that His ways are higher than my ways, and that His thoughts are higher than my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9); and that to truly follow Christ, I must die to myself and live for Him (Matthew 16:24, Philippians 1:21).That includes taking that good, even God-honouring dream of adoption and placing it in His wounded hands. He knows so much better than I what to do with it.Whether you long to adopt, get married, have children, be healed, serve in missions, or do any other good thing, Broken Dreams in Wounded Hands is written for you. My prayer is that it will help you to see the unwavering faithfulness of God in your life, and that you would be encouraged to fix your eyes on Jesus, to steadfastly trust him and serve him, and to ground yourself in nothing else but him and his word; especially when life doesn't go the direction you'd hoped it would.

  • af Erika Hayasaki
    192,95 - 198,95 kr.

    An NPR Best Book of 2022 and Winner of a Nautilus Silver Book Award   “Stirring and unforgettable—a breathtaking adoption saga like no other.” —Robert Kolker, New York Times-bestselling author of Hidden Valley Road and Lost Girls    It was 1998 in Nha Trang, Việt Nam, and Liên struggled to care for her newborn twin girls. Hà was taken in by Liên’s sister, and she grew up in a rural village with her aunt, going to school and playing outside with the neighbors. They had sporadic electricity and frequent monsoons. Hà’s twin sister, Loan, was adopted by a wealthy, white American family who renamed her Isabella. Isabella grew up in the suburbs of Chicago with a nonbiological sister, Olivia, also adopted from Việt Nam. Isabella and Olivia attended a predominantly white Catholic school, played soccer, and prepared for college. But when Isabella’s adoptive mother learned of her biological twin back in Việt Nam, all of their lives changed forever. Award-winning journalist Erika Hayasaki spent years and hundreds of hours interviewing each of the birth and adoptive family members. She brings the girls’ experiences to life on the page, told from their own perspectives, challenging conceptions about adoption and what it means to give a child a good life.

  • af Courtney Cohen
    122,95 kr.

    From authors and speakers, Steven and Courtney Cohen, this companion Guide for Where Your Beginning Began is designed for parents, teachers, counselors, family, and friends of children who join a family through private adoption. This guide is designed to help give common language, empathy, compassion, and understanding for adopted or adoptive children, while equipping the reader with questions, background information of the illustrations, a scavenger hunt on every page, as well as ways to challenge the readers own precepts, beliefs, and understandings.When a child joins a family by way of private adoption, they often wrestle with questions of identity. One day, an adopted child will start to wonder where they came from - where their beginning began.Where Your Beginning Began helps adoptive families discover together a child's initial foundations to answer a critical question of identity. God knew us before time existed and He is the safest, most trustworthy Person to take our questions to.Join Kaynay, the elephant, as she journeys through the land of Fambly (Jamaican for Family) into her past to better understand her place in this world - and discover for yourself where your beginning began.What to Expect: This is a fun, colorful land which also has some perilous and challenging places you'll encounter as you travel throughout all our Land of Fambly books.Our family has personally experienced the beauty and challenges of private adoption, which prompted us to share this book with you and the children you love. In this guide, we'll walk you through the book, page by page, to help you see the many hidden gems that can springboard helpful and healing conversations with your child.Grab your copy of Where Your Beginning Began and join us for the scavenger hunt, deep questions, and guidance to help you in self-reflection.Where Your Beginning Began is also available on

  • af John Ruffini
    192,95 kr.

    A Quest for Alex is a heartwarming story based on real-life events following a couple's journey to create a family through international adoption. It reads like an action-adventure novel, as their quest goes from what they thought would be a straightforward process to a protracted, contested case that winds its way through multiple hearings, all the way to the Supreme Court of Chile. The book proves that it takes a village to raise or, in this case, adopt a child. The people you meet in the book will warm your heart and touch your soul, and the demonstrations of faith, will, and determination will leave you in awe!"A Quest for Alex takes you on an unforgettable journey that will restore your faith in the human spirit and redefine the meaning of family."- Joyce Russell, Pres., ADECCO Group US Foundation, author "Put a Cherry on Top"

  • af Kathleen D Tresemer
    162,95 kr.

    Social worker June Hunter races to find a loving adoptive family for a troubled teenage orphan before she ages out of the system. June supports the girl by teaching her how to trust, build healthy relationships, and prepare for an uncertain future. The first novel in the June Hunter series, A Case of Peaches is set in the fascinating world of social workers, lawyers, cops, and needy kids.

  • af Kay Kizer
    242,95 kr.

    Contributing authors tell their stories about growing up in the Foster Care system and working with Foster Children.

  • af Jayne E. Schooler
    172,95 kr.

    Eight-year-old Anya spent her first three years of life in an orphanage in Eastern Europe.Six-year-old Luke's father is an abusive alcoholic, and his mother is rarely around.Fourteen-year-old Johnny's troubled past means he won't let anyone get close.Children and teens with a traumatic past--or present--are everywhere: in our classrooms, on our sports teams, part of our after-school programs, in our churches, and at our summer camps. If you teach, lead, coach, mentor, or parent, David and Jayne Schooler want to help you help these kids. They know that adults who learn to see through a trauma-informed lens are better equipped to create an environment where children from difficult backgrounds can grow and thrive.Caring for Kids from Hard Places will help you understand not only the behavior of hurting children but also how to help them heal so that our churches, schools, teams, programs, and homes can become places where healing happens.

  • af Tetiana Kurylo
    262,95 kr.

    Tetiana Kurylo's life has been shaped by her unwavering passion for making a difference in the lives of others. Born and raised in the vibrant city of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, from a young age, Tetiana's heart was drawn to orphans, and her visit to an orphanage at the age of 16 was a pivotal moment that forever changed her perspective on life. Witnessing the immense love and resilience of the children she encountered, Tetiana's path became clear. For over two decades, she has committed herself to working tirelessly with orphans, offering them love, support, and a sense of belonging.Motivated by her faith and inspired by her personal experiences, Tetiana felt a calling to become a writer. She recognized the power of storytelling as a means of healing and connection, and she embarked on a journey to create a book-journal that encapsulates the complexities of orphan mentality, the cultural impact on adoption, and the transformative nature of finding our identity through the lens of a loving God. Her profound insights and intimate reflections resonate with readers, offering them a sense of companionship and understanding on their own journeys.Beyond her literary pursuits, Tetiana actively engages in various creative activities aimed at fostering a sense of community and support. She organizes camps for adopted children, provides guidance to Ukrainian orphans transitioning into adulthood through her involvement with GLOW organization, and establishes women's groups where individuals can find solace, share their stories, and uplift one another.Tetiana's ultimate goal as an author is to empower individuals to recognize their inherent worth and embrace the truth of their identities. Through her heartfelt words and unwavering dedication to those in need, Tetiana Kurylo has become a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change, inspiring others to embrace their unique stories and find strength in their own transformative journeys.

  • af Tetiana Kurylo
    262,95 kr.

    "Becoming a Family" by Tetiana Kurylo is an invaluable journal written to provide unwavering support and guidance throughout the remarkable journey of adoption. Drawing from two decades of experience working with orphans, Tetiana has carefully gathered her extensive knowledge to help families navigate the complexities of embracing their new lives. With a deep understanding of the profound differences that can arise in the adoption process, especially with foreign adoptions, this journal serves as a trusted resource, offering practical insights, heartfelt advice, and compassionate encouragement.Through personal anecdotes, she compassionately conveys the realities and challenges that can arise during the adoption experience. She also shares her wealth of expertise, from the initial decision-making process to post-adoption adjustments, each step is thoughtfully addressed. She has a strong sense of compassion for adoptive parents and has seen personally the transforming power of love and resiliency in their experiences. These serve as the foundation for the advice she provides. Her insightful suggestions on family dynamics, cultural differences, and the emotional challenges during the process are informed by her experience dealing with orphans.This journal encourages self-reflection, providing prompts for meaningful conversations, and offering space for personal notes and reflections. Tetiana's authentic voice and compassionate approach create a safe space for adoptive families to navigate their unique paths, fostering a sense of community and empowerment."Becoming a Family" is an essential tool for anyone embarking on the adoption journey. Whether you are in the early stages of considering adoption or have already begun the process, this journal will equip you with the knowledge, support, and inspiration needed to navigate the challenges and celebrate the profound joys of building a loving family through adoption. Let Tetiana Kurylo's wisdom and expertise guide you as you embark on this journey, creating a foundation of love, kindness, and resilience that will shape your family's story for a lifetime.

  • af Evangelist Michelle Lang
    137,95 kr.

    A Child's Journey from Foster Care to AdoptionMy life tells the parable of a child who finds the ultimate adoption through being fostered. At the tender age of five, I was taken from the custody of my natural parents and turned over as a ward of the state. After years of searching for my identity, I was able to find it through my beautiful foster mother Jimmie. She showed me the way to an adoption that supersedes natural logic. Many that travel the road of foster care are lost and suffer from identity crisis. Unfortunately, some give up in their youth and commit suicide. Some remain lost and follow the same path as their biological parents. Others struggle until they come to a place of reckoning and die to their old life and morph into a beautiful butterfly. This is the journey to freedom I took in foster care. Unbeknownst to me, I traveled the same path as my biological mother. I came to the same fork in the road as she and had to decide whether to let the old man die or keep him alive. The decision was not easy, but it was doable. There were so many distractions and enticing worldly privileges that had to be denounced. My biological mother ran from her opportunity of new roots, but I decided to stick to mine. My new roots provided lessons and instructions that helped me become the improved woman and mother I am today. I have been adopted into a family larger than life itself, and I would have it no other way!

  • af Tracy O'Neill
    297,95 kr.

    A National Book Foundation's 5 Under 35 honoree delivers her first work of nonfiction: a compulsively readable, genre-bending story of finding her missing birth mother and, along the way, learning the priceless power of self-knowledge.In 2020, Tracy O'Neill began to rethink her ideas of comfort and safety. Just out of a ten-year relationship and thirtysomething, she was driven by an acute awareness that the mysterious mother she'd never met might be dying somewhere in South Korea.After contacting a grizzled private investigator, O'Neill took his suggested homework to heart when he disappeared before the job was done, picking up the trail of clues and becoming her own hell-bent detective. Despite COVID-19, the promise of what she might discover--the possibility that her biological mother was her kind of outlaw, whose life could inspire her own--was too tempting.Written like a mystery novel, Woman of Interest is a tale of self-discovery and fugitivity from convention that features a femme fatale of unique proportions, a former CIA operative with a criminal record, and a dogged investigator of radical connections outside the nuclear family. O'Neill gorgeously bends the detective genre to her own will as a writer, stepping out of the shadows of her own self-conception to illuminate the hopes of the woman of interest she is both chasing and becoming.

  • af Klaus Zambiasi
    227,95 kr.

    Un romanzo intrigante e malizioso che narra di seduzione, di giochi d'amore con sfumature erotiche, senza però mai cadere nella volgarità, fluendo con una scrittura sensuale e appassionante in ogni suo dettaglio.La storia di un giovane pittore e avventuriero nel suo viaggio attraverso la sua giovane vita in giro per diverse città e capitali dell'Europa centrale. Come antidoto alla sua difficile crescita con tre madri diverse, combattendo contro un'apparente solitudine esistenziale, vivendo intensamente le sue due passioni principali, quella per l'arte e quella per l'universo femminile.Con pennellate sensibili di introspezione e risvolti psicologici del protagonista porta il lettore attraverso un viaggio tra i piaceri della vita e viaggi mentali, lasciando un vero testamento di gratitudine all'amore delle donne.

  • af Judith Keim
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Abby Crooks
    197,95 kr.

    You CAN Foster Parent Long-Term and Stay Sane! "A lot of ordinary days serving in your own home can actually add up to an extraordinary life." Part memoir, part call to action, and all practical guidebook, Simply Available invites you into a great adventure where you offer up your life and family to positively impact a child's future. The choice to offer generous hospitality by becoming a foster parent is a life-altering choice. You'll never see the world the same again. Parenting a child who has experienced trauma isn't simple. Lessons drawn from Abby's experiences in foster care and her mindset for fostering takes the guesswork out of how to build trusting and positive relationships with traumatized children, caseworkers, and biological families. With a direct frankness you're not likely to hear at any formal training, Abby helps parents: Consider the expectations they may have for working with foster children, biological families, and child welfare agencies.Evaluate the impact of foster care on their personal lives and family structure.Discuss foster care fears and contemplate the positive outcomes of fostering.Strategize about how they can show up fully for children who've been wounded.

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