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Matematik og regning for voksne: vejledninger og håndbøger

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  • af Carol Vorderman
    165,95 kr.

    Kæmper dit barn med matematikken? Synes du, at det er svært at hjælpe med lektierne? Allerede når ens barn går i sjette klasse, begynder nogle forældre at fortvivle over matematiklektierne. Hvordan var det nu, man regnede arealet af en trekant ud...? I de større klassetrin, for slet ikke at tale om gymnasiet, har de fleste forældre givet op. Men nu er der håb! Ved hjælp af denne håndbog kan du som forælder hjælpe dit barn med lektierne gennem hele skoletiden. Bogens farvestrålende diagrammer kombineret med skridt-for-skridt-anvisninger gør matematikken lettere at forstå og lettere at forklare for dit barn. Bogen gennemgår alt lige fra grundlæggende matematik til mere avanceret geometri og statistik - og får selv de sværeste områder af dette fag til at virke tilgængelige. I denne reviderede og udvidede udgave indgår også romertal, binære tal og et afsnit om tid.

  • af Rubén Clairat Wilson
    346,95 kr.

    The book begins with the idea of integrating freehand drawing as a source of manual creation at school and in society through the process of designing, constructing and making objects with irregular profiles as premises for developing observation and location in space, the creative capacity of thought, abstraction and imagination. Different procedures are presented for the tracing of angles and their division, squares, rectangles, ovals, circles and their division into different parts, all freehand, that is, without the intervention of instruments, as well as the methods of tracing and grids to enlarge or reduce figures.In a second moment, the book pays careful attention to handicrafts and their incorporation in the study plans and programs of Labor Education for the schools of the general education subsystem and in the training of Labor Education teachers at the university. It also reflects on the activity of planning as a hierarchical quality and skill, unique to human beings in the process of constructing objects.

  • af Jeanne Silveira Dall'aglio
    237,95 kr.

    This book is a personal account of the results of the Medical Residency Preceptorship Course given by IEP / Hospital Sírio Libanês, and the changes achieved by a surgeon trained in Prescriptive Methodologies until she learned about and applied Active Methodologies. It's a break with paradigms, an exercise in humility, in abandoning prejudices and being open to the new. Doing what is always done the same way differently is a challenge, it causes discomfort, but in the end it is productive and transformative.

  • af Josí Aparecida de Freitas
    389,95 kr.

    This book aims to analyse the process of constitution of the subject of the teacher of professional and technological education who works in a technical course, in the PROEJA modality, at a campus of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul. The paths taken to carry out this research are delimited by theoretical-methodological choices that tension them: the constitution of subjects in Foucault, crossed by the concepts of device and resistance, and the production of data through the cartographic method. A field diary was used to record the data produced, the notes of which form the corpus for analysing the research. The production of teacher subjectivities in the midst of the historical constitution of the IFSul is problematised. It is important to analyse the games of truth produced in the power relations of the research territory. Implicit in the discursive fabric of IFSul is the construction of a technical course in the PROEJA modality, whose teachers are the subjects of this research. Using cartography, the subjectivisation processes of these teachers were monitored, as producers of points of resistance to the institution's truth games.

  • af Leandro Saavedra
    346,95 kr.

    The term training is one of the most widely used in the educational field. However, it still generates today a multiplicity of questions about its nature and scope: What does training imply? Is it a purely academic concept or is it rather a formal conception about my own history? With this and other reflections we will find ourselves in the pages of this publication, accompanied by the results of an interview, which has been analyzed in the light of the contributions of different authors. I hope you enjoy it.

  • af Danielle Silva
    389,95 kr.

    With the transformation of the Federal Technical Schools into Federal Technological Education Centres, these institutions began to offer courses ranging from technical education to doctoral degrees (Otranto, 2011), which implied the verticalization of teaching. Verticalization, which results from the new conceptions of technological education in Brazil, and which goes beyond the limits of training levels (Pacheco, 2011), can have a major influence on teaching methods and techniques and on the construction and development of curricula, which imply a logical and coherent profile of subjects (Silva, 2015). With this curricular organization, teaching takes on greater complexity, since teachers work simultaneously in basic education and higher education, and have to carry out research, extension and management activities, which seems to require teachers to make an extra effort to respond to the various demands. The aim of this study was therefore to find out the impact of the verticalization of teaching on the performance of teachers' activities. To this end, a quantitative methodology was used and data was collected using a closed-ended questionnaire.

  • af Alexciano de Sousa Martins
    433,95 kr.

    An analysis of how the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE) enables its institutional self-evaluation and its interaction with planning actions.

  • af Roy O. Anabo
    346,95 kr.

    The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought extraordinary challenges in terms of academic performance, especially in mathematics. This study was conducted to determine the mathematics performance of grade 9 learners using different factors with three variables learners, home, and school factor. A total of 300 learners-respondents took an achievement test to identify their level of mathematics performance amidst the pandemic. As presented, data revealed most learners are academic achievers on their previous grade level, wherein their parents are high school graduates, high-income earners, longer distance from their residence to the school four kilometers and above, and most teachers monitor learners' progress only once per week. Hence, available learning materials at home and school are android cellphones, books, and references this served as a reading guide and access to learning towards a modular approach in teaching. However, the respondents¿ attitudes towards mathematics and level of math anxiety are average levels. Lastly, learners performed unsatisfactorily in mathematics performance due to new normal education.

  • af Danielle Silva
    564,95 kr.

    Avec la transformation des écoles techniques fédérales en centres fédéraux d'enseignement technologique, ces institutions ont commencé à offrir des cours allant de l'enseignement technique au doctorat (Otranto, 2011), ce qui a impliqué la verticalisation de l'enseignement. La verticalisation, qui résulte des nouvelles conceptions de l'éducation technologique au Brésil, et qui dépasse les limites des niveaux de formation (Pacheco, 2011), peut avoir une influence majeure sur les méthodes et techniques d'enseignement et sur la construction et le développement des curriculums, qui impliquent un profil logique et cohérent des matières (Silva, 2015). Avec cette organisation curriculaire, le travail d'enseignement devient plus complexe, puisque les enseignants travaillent simultanément dans l'éducation de base et l'enseignement supérieur, et doivent mener des activités de recherche, de vulgarisation et de gestion, ce qui semble exiger un effort supplémentaire de la part des enseignants pour répondre aux différentes demandes. L'objectif de cette étude est donc de déterminer l'impact de la verticalisation de l'enseignement sur la performance des activités des enseignants. Pour ce faire, une méthodologie quantitative a été utilisée et les données ont été collectées à l'aide d'un questionnaire fermé.

  • af Galal Ahmed El-Kholy
    676,95 kr.

    La simulation est un outil potentiel qui peut aider les formateurs en soins infirmiers à préparer les futures infirmières à exercer dans un environnement réel. Il s'agit d'une stratégie d'enseignement qui fournit aux étudiants une représentation artificielle d'une situation complexe de la vie réelle, leur permettant d'apprendre dans un environnement sûr. En fonction de son degré de réalisme, la simulation va de la basse à la haute fidélité. La simulation à faible fidélité est utilisée pour enseigner l'évaluation physique et les compétences psychomotrices, tandis que la simulation à fidélité moyenne est plus réaliste que la simulation à faible fidélité.Une simulation clinique dans le cadre de la formation en soins infirmiers peut être utilisée à de nombreuses fins, par exemple comme stratégie d'enseignement ou pour l'appréciation et l'évaluation. Cependant, l'une des raisons les plus importantes pour lesquelles les éducateurs utilisent les simulations pour l'évaluation de l'apprentissage devrait être intégrée dans le processus global de planification, de mise en ¿uvre, d'évaluation et d'évaluation de l'apprentissage. Les enseignants doivent identifier l'objectif de l'évaluation dès le début du processus afin de s'assurer que l'évaluation est pertinente et qu'elle évalue les résultats d'apprentissage pour lesquels elle est prévue.

  • af Ivy Silva Costa
    288,95 kr.

    In view of the important role of education for society, this study aimed to analyze and compare the dropout rate and average academic performance in the first year of students who entered through the Traditional Selection Process and SiSU, from 2010 to 2015, in the undergraduate courses at IF Sudeste MG - Campus Rio Pomba. Frequency, mean and T-test for independent samples were used. With regard to the forms of admission, SiSU and the Traditional Selection Process, it can be said that in 2010 and 2011, the Traditional Selection Process predominated in all undergraduate courses at the Rio Pomba Campus. Between 2012 and 2015, however, it cannot be said that there was a predominance of a single form of entry. With regard to drop-outs, it was found that the second semesters of the undergraduate courses were the ones that most often had the highest percentages of drop-outs in both forms of admission. With regard to academic performance, it can be said that there was no significant difference between the average of students who entered via SiSU or the Traditional Selection Process.

  • af José Gustavo Da Silva Melo
    317,95 kr.

    The aim of this study is to analyse the Ministro Marcos Freire Municipal School in terms of its administrative, structural and pedagogical aspects, relating it to the school community. To this end, a case study was carried out, in which a bibliographical appraisal was first developed, pertinent to the object of study, i.e. the school. The theoretical framework served as an analytical basis for the research, as well as for the methodological procedures of the observations linked to the school experience. The institution was then visited in order to assess the reality of the school, its community and its administrative and pedagogical management. Based on this situation, the pillars that structure a school (Management, Teachers, Structure, PPP and the School Community) were assessed, using theoretical support at the same time. Based on the data collected, various aspects were observed, including: the objective, philosophy, partnerships, among others. Thus, it was found that the Pedagogical Political Project is well structured and the school is open to all types of school projects and partnerships.

  • af Nelsi Coelho Araújo Calazans
    317,95 kr.

    Rural tourism is a complementary activity to the main production of the property, which adds value to it, promoting income, while at the same time rescuing the cultural and natural heritage, thus aiming for sustainability. This work proposes the implementation of a rural itinerary for the municipalities that make up the Espelho d'Água Circuit in north-western São Paulo, with the tourist resort of Santa Fé do Sul as its centre. The research showed that some of the small rural properties in this micro-region constitute a tourist offer, as they have natural and cultural resources that, if formatted, could make up the rural tourism product of the municipalities in question, adding value to the properties. Tourism can rescue and enhance socio-cultural heritage, keeping people in the countryside and attracting visitors from various cities to return to their roots. It can also enhance the north-western region of São Paulo, placing it on the tourism routes of the state of São Paulo.

  • af Adrián Toro
    346,95 kr.

    The formative processes within the framework of a critical education, of opposition, of resistance, are called to discuss the debate that must be generated when training for acceptance, prescription and obedience, which, in essence, would be training for the perpetuation and incarnation of the ideas that dominate us. On the contrary, training for resistance allows us to find a way out of a world that does not have to be like this. In this sense, we are motivated to reflect on an education with critical-reflective principles, in which the human being is recognized, above all, as a subject in constant search of fulfillment. Therefore, we invite to work for the smallest actions of the institutional life of schools, universities, study and training centers, with the purpose of permanently problematizing other possible alternatives of the world of life and, at the same time, the dynamics and daily processes.

  • af Carlos Alberto Puga Lópezérrez
    317,95 kr.

    The study presented here was carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Sancti-Spíritus from 2014 to 2017. We worked with 100 students from different stomatology promotions with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the labour development of young stomatology professionals in the province of Sancti Spiritus. The variables used were selected on the basis of several studies carried out by the Centro de Estudios para el Perfeccionamiento de la Educación Superior (CEPES). The research used theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods. The scientific result produced was endorsed by experts, who considered its relevance and introduction in the context studied.

  • af Leilane Santos Fonseca
    288,95 kr.

    This research conceived Literature and Science as "sophias" whose worlds correlate, breaking with traditional paradigms about the vision of literature. The proposal consisted of bringing together two languages that are very particular due to their nature: the scientific and the humanistic. To this end, the short story "A Sign in Space" from Italo Calvino's "The Cosmicomics" was used as a paradidactic approach to the textbook. Literature was seen in the work as a vehicle for disseminating science, allowing the general public to read and understand science through literature. As a didactic activity for the classroom, the work presented a lesson planning methodology for studying literature and science together. The science analysed was astronomy, a subject studied in the physics curriculum, according to the PCN-EM. The theoretical references found in the work were based on teachers who advocate literature in the physics teaching environment. As a result, it is hoped to promote an interest in research and to show MS students that different languages can dialogue with each other.

  • af José Sávio Bicho
    549,95 kr.

    This book presents the results of an investigation into mathematical literacy in riverside schools in the Amazon. Its aim was to investigate theoretical and methodological approaches to the teaching and learning of maths, in the context of mathematical literacy, which could be established in multi-grade classes in riverside schools in the Amazon. From this perspective, the vision of mathematical literacy was constructed taking into account the child's initial reading and writing skills in school mathematical language, but also as a path to learning in the world of different mathematical relationships. The book presents contexts, teaching resources and pedagogical practices in Amazonian riverside schools.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    469,95 kr.

    The issue of gender in vocational training in Senegal is of crucial importance and deserves special attention. This issue raises key concerns with regard to gender equality, equitable access to education and training, and the empowerment of women in the vocational field.First of all, it is essential to recognize that gender disparities persist in Senegal's vocational training sector. Women often face barriers that limit their access to such training, including restrictive cultural and social norms, family expectations and financial constraints. This situation leads to an inequitable imbalance in women's participation in vocational training, limiting their employment opportunities and economic independence.What's more, even when women do manage to access vocational training, they often face additional challenges. Gender stereotypes persist, which can lead to discrimination and harassment at the training site.

  • af José Sávio Bicho
    802,95 kr.

    Ce livre présente les résultats d'une enquête sur la culture mathématique dans les écoles riveraines de l'Amazonie. Son objectif était d'étudier les approches théoriques et méthodologiques de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage des mathématiques, dans le contexte de la culture mathématique, qui pourraient être mises en place dans les classes multi-niveaux des écoles riveraines de l'Amazonie. Dans cette perspective, la vision de l'alphabétisation mathématique a été construite en tenant compte des compétences initiales de l'enfant en matière de lecture et d'écriture dans le langage mathématique de l'école, mais aussi en tant que voie d'apprentissage dans le monde des différentes relations mathématiques. Le livre présente des contextes, des ressources d'enseignement et des pratiques pédagogiques dans les écoles riveraines de l'Amazonie.

  • af Shrikant S. Bobade
    346,95 kr.

    The utilization of waste material like fly ash is the need of time. Hence, application of fly ash for improving the properties of concrete is studied. It is found that by introducing fly ash in concrete, properties of concrete are altered. It will be helpful for sustainable development of concrete. Concrete containing very high volume of fly ash is usually called high volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC). The HVFAC is one specific type of fly ash concrete with higher fly ash contents, lower water/cement ratio (W/C), and lower cement contents. This is to take full advantage of the increased workability and strength provided by fly ash and the low W/C, and to produce a more environment friendly concrete by reducing its cement content. Volume change is one of the most detrimental properties of concrete, which affects the long-term performance of concrete. To the practical engineer, the aspect of volume change in concrete is important from the point of view that it causes unsightly cracks in concrete. One of the most objectionable defects in concrete is the presence of cracks, particularly in floors and pavements. Shrinkage is one of the main factors responsible for fine cracks in concrete.

  • af Panagiota Xanthopoulou
    643,95 kr.

    In the vast expanse of the digital age, the quest for knowledge has transcended traditional boundaries, leading us to the doorstep of an educational revolution. "E-Learning for Entrepreneurs" is more than just a book; it's a voyage into the heart of modern education, where technology meets pedagogy to foster a new breed of learners and leaders. This prologue serves as the compass that will guide us through the intricate maze of digital learning, unraveling the threads of innovation that have woven the fabric of e-learning. As we embark on this journey, we delve into the historical depths of educational evolution, charting the course from chalkboards to virtual classrooms. This book is a testament to the transformative power of e-learning, highlighting its role in shaping the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. With each page, we invite you to explore the limitless possibilities that e-learning presents, challenging the status quo and embracing a future where learning knows no bounds.

  • af Eliane Ferreira de Sa
    498,95 kr.

    This book recounts the experience of a group of trainers and the processes of signification regarding the expression inquiry teaching adopted as the name of a training course, within which the research subjects established tensions and consensus, not only about this expression but also about the possibilities and limits of science education. The theoretical framework adopted is based on Bakhtin and his circle, as well as Bruner's distinction between paradigmatic thinking and narrative thinking and the way in which this author characterizes the modalities of human thought. In order to understand the meanings attributed to this term, we went through the enunciations of the research subjects in the group's collective spaces, in interviews conducted with them and in all the texts written to support the course. The meanings that the subjects construct of the world are related to their experiences, as well as being mediated by a wide variety of texts. For this reason, there were many stories and many tensions in the group. As a result of these tensions, a movement began in search of stabilizing meanings and consensus.

  • af Amony Saulosse
    527,95 kr.

    This research reflects on the Teaching and Learning Process (TEP) of reading dissertation-based texts. The problem relates to the difficulties students face in reading/comprehending the text and the strategies used to teach it. The study started with the question: to what extent are reading teaching strategies involved in reading comprehension of the text, guided by the questions: what are the methodological strategies for teaching reading and what models of information processing do students use? The theoretical framework was based on studies on Learning Theory, studies on Reading and Reading Comprehension, studies on argumentation, studies on the Teaching of Reading in Portuguese Language classes and studies on the General Didactics and Teaching of the Portuguese Language. The research was empirical, with an inductive logic approach, a mixed data collection technique and case study procedures, carried out in Nacala-Porto.

  • af Daniela Fernanda Horácio
    288,95 kr.

    This work consisted of studying how play is approached in primary schools in the early years. It sought to ascertain the importance of play for children's development, how teachers are prepared and trained to work with and provide play in the classroom and also to record some traditional games and games played in schools, in which data was collected for this work.

  • af Márcio Mota Pereira
    346,95 kr.

    This book highlights the importance of reading and transcription professionals in the scenario of literary inclusion for people with visual impairments, and delves into the rich fabric of the role played by these professionals in promoting access to reading for those who face visual challenges. Throughout the pages, the reader is guided through a literature review that brings them up to date with the state of the art in this area of special education, highlighting how these professionals not only open doors to information, but also to the emancipation and full participation of people with visual impairments in society.

  • af Robson Antônio Tavares Costa Tavares
    288,95 kr.

    After the industrial revolution, a new capitalist world emerged in the face of old-fashioned forms of production. With the passing of time and the spread of globalisation, a very strong business area emerged whose potential and importance many had not yet imagined it would have for modern organisations: Human Resources. The question arises as to what human resources mean. It is nothing more than all the employees that make up an organisation, but it can also refer to a specific department that is responsible for selecting, hiring, training, monitoring the activities carried out and remunerating workers.

  • af Natalia Francisca Frazão
    433,95 kr.

    This book aims to understand the historical process of the collective actions of the deaf of the São Paulo Association of the Deaf (ASSP) between 1950 and 2011, a period that includes the foundation of this institution and the creation of the Municipal Schools of Bilingual Education for the Deaf in the capital of São Paulo. In this context, with the theoretical reference of Alberto Melucci, collected documents and interviews, the author seeks to understand how these collective actions emerged and how they were maintained. It can be seen that the collective actions culminated in the founding of ASSP in 1950, based on the interest of deaf people in having a space to socialise and practise sport. This space, in continuous interaction with other social actors, ended up favouring the strengthening of a collective identity and the political formation of many deaf people, a fact that motivated other collective actions that were decisive for the foundation of institutions for the deaf. In this network of relationships that were established throughout history, ASSP played a leading role in the deaf movements aimed at recognising Libras and defending bilingual education for the deaf.

  • af Adriane de Deus
    389,95 kr.

    This book will lead Physical Education teachers and teachers who work with Youth and Adult Education to re-read the students' representations of their bodies, their desires in the learning process, their views on school, giving them a voice. Considering teachers and students as parts that come together in learning and teaching, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to review what is based on truths so that new possibilities for constructing learning today can take place. Mediate, interact, understand, intervene - words that represent the teaching and learning process.

  • af Adriane de Deus
    564,95 kr.

    Ce livre amènera les professeurs d'éducation physique et les enseignants qui travaillent avec l'éducation des jeunes et des adultes à relire les représentations que les élèves ont de leur corps, leurs désirs dans le processus d'apprentissage, leurs points de vue sur l'école, en leur donnant la parole. En considérant les enseignants et les élèves comme des parties qui se rejoignent dans l'apprentissage et l'enseignement, il est utile de rappeler qu'il est nécessaire de revoir ce qui est basé sur des vérités afin que de nouvelles possibilités de construire l'apprentissage aujourd'hui puissent être réalisées. Médiation, interaction, compréhension, intervention - des mots qui représentent le processus d'enseignement et d'apprentissage.

  • af Eliane Ferreira de Sa
    714,95 kr.

    Ce livre relate l'expérience d'un groupe de formateurs et les processus de signification autour de l'expression enquiry teaching adoptée comme nom d'un cours de formation, au sein duquel les sujets de recherche ont établi des tensions et des consensus, non seulement sur cette expression mais aussi sur les possibilités et les limites de l'enseignement des sciences. Le cadre théorique adopté est basé sur Bakhtin et son cercle, ainsi que sur la distinction de Bruner entre pensée paradigmatique et pensée narrative et la manière dont cet auteur caractérise les modalités de la pensée humaine. Pour comprendre les significations attribuées à ce terme, nous avons parcouru les énonciations des sujets de recherche dans les espaces collectifs du groupe, dans les entretiens avec eux et dans tous les textes écrits à l'appui du cours. Les significations que les sujets construisent du monde sont liées à leurs expériences et sont médiatisées par une grande variété de textes. C'est pourquoi il y avait beaucoup d'histoires et de tensions dans le groupe. Sur la base de ces tensions, un mouvement s'est mis en place pour rechercher la stabilisation des significations et le consensus.

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