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  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Unwind under the stars in a beautiful mountain clearing. Feel your muscles relax as you deepen your connection with the vast universe. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Experience the complete freedom of high desert plains. Expand your mind as you gaze across miles of uninterrupted views. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Erik Krippner
    167,95 kr.

    Experience peace and power of the Appalachian mountains as you hike to a scenic vista on a beautiful spring day. The positive, affirming language washes over you like soothing hands massaging you into deep relaxation.

  • af Brittany Forrester
    152,95 kr.

    Step into a world where the power of connection and healing knows no bounds. "Horses For Healing: A Journey through Equine-Assisted Therapy" is a heartwarming and transformative exploration of the remarkable bond between humans and horses.In this captivating book, you'll embark on a journey that reveals the extraordinary therapeutic potential of our four-legged friends. Experience the profound stories of individuals whose lives have been forever changed by the grace and wisdom of these gentle giants.With immersive storytelling and vivid narrative, you'll witness the resilience of wounded souls finding solace, strength, and renewal through equine companionship. Discover how horses, with their intuitive understanding and unconditional love, become catalysts for growth and healing.Discover a world where compassion meets strength, vulnerability finds courage, and where, with the help of our equine companions, healing knows no bounds. Dive into the enchanting pages of "Horses For Healing" and let the remarkable stories within awaken your heart and spirit.

  • - -en rejse mod fordybelse og spiritualitet
    af David BR Camacho
    248,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en dybt inspirerende bog, der tager læserne med på en unik rejse ind i naturens forunderlige verden og den dybe forbindelse mellem naturen og åndelighed. Naturens cyklus af liv er en uendelig dans af forandring og transformation, der minder os om, at ingenting i universet er statisk. Denne cyklus er en konstant påmindelse om, at alt er underlagt forandring, og at vi som individer og som en del af den naturlige verden også er en del af denne uafbrudte bevægelse. Ved at erkende og anerkende naturens cyklus i vores eget liv, kan vi finde indre fred og visdom i processen med forandring og transformation. Vi lærer at acceptere livets uundgåelige strøm og finde styrke i vores evne til at tilpasse os og omfavne de forskellige faser af vores personlige rejse. Naturens cyklus minder os om, at vi som en del af denne vidunderlige planet er en del af noget større og mere betydningsfuldt, og det er i denne erkendelse, at vi kan opleve en dybere forbindelse til naturens visdom og til vores egen åndelige rejse. David BR Camacho er forfatter til ni bøger og uddannelsesleder for en række sundhedsfremmende projekter med naturen i fokus i Danmark og Grønland.

  • - Naturens og menneskets samspil set gennem et kropsligt perspektiv
    af Sanne E. Rimpler
    197,95 kr.

    Krop og natur inviterer læseren på en rejse ind i samspillet mellem menneskekroppen og naturen. Den udforsker, hvordan naturens elementer – fra skovens stilhed til dens lyseffekter – påvirker vores psykologi, fysiologi, og stressniveau. Bogen stiller spørgsmål som: Hvordan dufter ro? Hvordan påvirker naturens rytme vores immunsystem? Og kan vores sanser ændres af vores forbindelse til jorden? Dyk ned i menneskekroppens superkræfter, undersøg naturens effekt på vores immunsystem, udforsk terrænets indflydelse på vores koordination, og dyk dybt i den tredimensionelle verden af sanser og opfattelse. Bogen afdækker komplekse strukturer i vores krop, som psoas-musklen, åndedræt og hjerne, og belyser, hvordan naturens lys påvirker vores hormonbalance. Krop og natur er for alle, der ønsker at forstå og styrke deres kropsbevidsthed og forbindelse til naturen. Tag denne bog, og begynd din rejse mod en dybere forståelse af dig selv som et væsen af naturen.Uddrag af bogenI en verden, hvor teknologi og urbanisering skrider frem med en hidtil uset hastighed, og menneskets fodspor på planeten bliver dybere og mere komplekse, er det måske mere relevant end nogensinde før at forstå vores forhold til naturen. Bogens indhold er både en hyldest til og en undersøgelse af, hvor dybt mennesket er forankret i naturen. Vi vil se på, hvordan vores kroppe er designet til at interagere med og reagere på det naturlige miljø, fra vores sanser og immunsystem til vores neuropsykologiske og emotionelle reaktioner. Denne bog har til hensigt at samle de kropslige, fysiologiske og kropsfænomenologiske perspektiver på det at færdes i naturen, at arbejde naturassisteret og med naturbaseret psykoterapi i naturen.Om forfatteren Sanne E. Rimpler er uddannet fysioterapeut og psykoterapeut, naturterapeut og naturvejlederstuderende. Hun formidler 19 års viden og praktisk erfaring i sin undervisning og i sit forfatterskab.

  • af Neil McKinney
    337,95 kr.

    In this review of current literature we see a convergence of biological targets and candidate medicines for cancer's fermentative metabolism, reprogramming of its genetics, development of stem cell properties and evasion and corruption of the immune system. Included are details how these remedies may interact with standard cancer care, cautions and contraindications. New concepts in monitoring the success of interventions are also revealed. Integrating natural adjuncts improves quality of life and outcomes for cancer patients.

  • af Clare Pyers
    197,95 kr.

    "I feel masculine, I can get it up. I don't see how this involves me...."How to optimize male fertility is an infrequently discussed topic. Fertility is something that a man feels is very closely linked to his sense of masculinity. Virility sits right at the core of a man's sense of man- hood. This book, however, is not about how to be more manly. This book is about how to have the most awesome sperm possible. Follow this 7 step plan to supercharge your sperm, so that you're not doing just the bare minimum to get over the line when it comes to baby making. This book will show you all the necessary steps to supercharge your sperm to reach its fullpotential in just 100 days.You may currently be in one or more of the following scenarios: - you feel like a bystander in the fertility process- annoyed that sex is no longer just for fun- puzzled by the complexity of what should be a straight forward process (birds and bees) - feel helpless watching your partner in distress over trying to conceive- don't like not having a plan to follow- want to help your partner but not sure where to start/what to do - unaware that the changes you make will make a big impactBy following this structured plan to supercharge your sperm, you will - Improve all your sperm parameters in just 100 days- enhance your overall state of health- get more energy and vitality- feel 15 years younger- grow closer to your partner in the processThis book is written for the prospective dad, and details a structured plan to maximise fertility and get you both involved in the process of conceiving. This book helps all men who are trying to conceive to boost their relationship even further by getting on board with the fertility process. Now you've got a plan to follow, you're more in control.If you want your marriage/relationship to survive the process of trying for a baby, you NEED to read this book.

  • af Katie White
    212,95 kr.

    We live in a world where no one truly knows what it means to be a woman. For centuries, we've had to fight for our rights and our place in society. We constantly have to strive to be respected and recognized for our successes and abilities. As we grow up, many women are shamed for whatever they do. They are told to lose weight to look more flattering, gain weight to look more feminine, become smarter to earn a place in society, play dumb because males feel threatened, and the list goes on. Many of us feel like we always have to tweak our appearance or behavior to become more likable and appealing. The worst part is that no one seems to realize or accept that we would still be called out no matter what we do. "Feminine," in our society, is often perceived as "less." We allow everyone's expectations, perceptions, and behavior to tear right through us. Though, that's because no one realizes the power that comes with being a woman. A magnificent force lies inside every woman known as the Divine Feminine or the Sacred Feminine. This force is a representation of the connection we have with the mother goddess. It is an inner power that calls us to the mother goddess and breathes life into us.

  • af Beauty in Books
    117,95 kr.

    "Dive into the vibrant colors of autumn with intricate illustrations. Relax, create, and find serenity in 'Autumn's Palette' coloring book."

  • af Swami Saradananda
    317,95 kr.

    A dedicated guide for healthy living, this book describes the benefits--enhancing self-confidence, sharpening the ability to focus, easing stress and anxiety, strengthening the power of the voice, and even helping to relieve pain--that the art of proper breathing can bestow. An introduction to the basics of breathing and the complex connection between the breath and the body is followed by a description of the five types of breath and more than 30 illustrated exercises. A final section includes specific breathing exercises tailored to help combat ailments such as asthma, depression, and skin disorders and to achieve maximum vocal, dramatic, or sports performance. Una guía dedicada para el vivir saludablemente, este libro describe los beneficios-- potenciar la autoestima y la capacidad de concentración, reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, mejorar la calidad de la voz e incluso reducir el dolor--que puede brindar el respirar bien. Una introducción en las básicas del respirar y la conexión compleja entre el respirar y el cuerpo es seguido por una descripción de los cinco tipos de respiración y más de 30 ejercicios ilustrados. Una última sección incluye ejercicios de respiración específicos para combatir enfermedades como el asma, la depresión y afecciones de la piel y para rendir al máximo cantando, actuando o practicando deportes.

  • af Rumpel Petra
    342,95 kr.

    Eine Seelenreise über und um den Obermarsberg. Alte germanisch, keltische Kraftorte werden besucht sowie neuere Kultstätten und ihre Bauwerke. Ebenso finden ansässigen Bäume und Pflanzen Betrachtung inklusive ihre überlieferte Bedeutung für die Naturheilkunde.

  • af Ángelo Cervantes
    127,95 kr.

  • af Beauty in Books
    147,95 kr.

    "Discover tranquility and mindfulness with our adult coloring book, perfect for relaxation.

  • af Sebastian Kneipp
    372,95 - 507,95 kr.

  • af Vincent Priessnitz
    162,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Edward W. Lane
    192,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af J. Matthew Robinson
    162,95 - 242,95 kr.

  • af Natalie Leon
    217,95 kr.

    Written by Japanologist Natalie Leon, this beautiful guide unlocks the secrets of Japan's seasonal culture to help you relish the seasons wherever you are.Relish every day with the secrets of Japan’s seasonal cultureIn traditional Japanese culture, people eat, sleep and wear the seasons, from kimono motifs to petal-shaped sweets, and festivals dedicated to nature’s spectacular displays. This mindful celebration of nature leads to a deep awareness of the seasons, called kisetsukan.This book reveals the hidden depths of kisetsukan, and how its concepts can transform your life. Discover: Shun, eating what is fresh and bountiful. Preserve edible flowers to use in homemade sweets, or taste the spring with “seven herb” porridge.Mottainai, zero-waste living. Learn about boro boro, visible mending that honours the history of a cherished garment, or wrap gifts in sustainable, seasonal fabrics.Kadō, the Way of Flowers. Learn the rules of ikebana and arrange flowers according to the seasons, or throw a cherry blossom-viewing party.Momijigari, the ritual of leaf hunting. Explore local nature with “forest bathing”, or learn simple ways to bring the outside inside. This treasure trove of folktales, recipes and activities is an invitation to celebrate each day, for increased creativity, harmony and happiness.

  • af Tracy Powers
    1.552,95 kr.

    Natural medicine refers to a type of alternative medicine that includes nutrition and lifestyle counseling, homoeopathy, acupuncture, herbalism as well as other practices. It aims to stimulate the body's ability for self-healing and promotes the idea of returning to an innate balance. It also involves the prevention and treatment of health disorders by the use of natural materials, therapies and methods. These natural therapies and methods may include herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, as well as ancient medical systems including traditional Chinese medicine. Systems of natural medicine seek to include mild treatment methods that engage the emotions, mind and body to promote healing. The treatments used under natural medicine are appropriate for people of all ages and health stages. Natural medicine is most commonly used to treat patients who experience stress, exhaustion and problems associated to it, such as gastrointestinal diseases or other mild ailments. This book explores all the important aspects of natural medicine in the modern day. It covers in detail some existent theories and innovative concepts revolving around this domain. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.

  • af Charles Thomas Kingzett
    307,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af O. M. Kelly
    117,95 kr.

    "Decoding The Dolphin's Breath" by O.M. Kelly (Omni) is a captivating exploration of the relationship between humans and dolphins.

  • af John Walsh
    297,95 kr.

    Discover a world where food is not just about what's on the supermarket shelf, but what grows underfoot and all around you. Presenting "Edible Wild Plants Foraging," the ultimate guide to sourcing, identifying, and cooking wild plants that can add variety, nutrition, and a touch of wilderness to your plate.¿¿¿¿ Why Forage? ¿¿¿¿ Foraging is more than an age-old tradition; it's a statement. It's a way of telling the world that you care about where your food comes from. In an era where the word "organic" is often misleading, foraging offers you the purest form of plant-based food. Plus, it's a surefire way to slash your carbon footprint and contribute to sustainable living.¿¿¿¿ Health Over Chemicals ¿¿¿¿ Why consume vegetables sprayed with harmful chemicals when Mother Nature offers a luscious spread that's free of toxic substances? Learn how to identify, harvest, and use plants that not only taste better but are also naturally loaded with nutrients.¿¿¿¿ Be an Eco-Warrior! ¿¿¿¿ Reducing waste, promoting biodiversity, and ethical living-these aren't just buzzwords; they're the foundations of foraging. By adopting this ancient practice, you're doing your bit to preserve our precious ecosystems.¿¿¿¿ Savor the Flavor with Recipes ¿¿¿¿ From dandelion salads to elderberry syrups, enjoy the rich, earthy flavors that only wild plants can offer. With our tested recipes, your taste buds will travel back to a time when food was pure, simple, and delicious.¿¿¿¿ Connect with Nature ¿¿¿¿ Feel the dirt under your fingernails, listen to the whisper of leaves, and understand the rhythm of the Earth. Foraging isn't just about food; it's a spiritual journey that fills your soul and connects you deeply with nature.¿¿¿¿ Don't Wait Any Longer! ¿¿¿¿ Your healthier, more sustainable lifestyle is just a book away. Unlock the secrets of nature, discover the joy of hand-picked meals, and embrace a holistic approach to health and well-being. Experience the profound connection with nature you've always yearned for. Buy "Edible Wild Plants Foraging" now and take the first step toward a greener, healthier, and more natural you!

  • af Robert Smrdelj
    209,95 kr.

    Shamanic World versus Psychiatrized System with philsophyzed sciences, mad philosphies, "crazy" spirituality and other help for Psyches and interested people!

  • af James Kevin Thornton
    172,95 kr.

    "Make this book your friend," says Arianna Huffington. James Thornton's Nature, My Teacher, is a powerful guide to being human in a time of eco-crisis.In Nature, My Teacher, poet, lawyer and founder of top global environmental group ClientEarth, James Thornton offers a meditation on being alive while the planet fights to survive. He explores topics such as memory, climate anxiety, and human consciousness through a series of short essays, arranged into twelve ?books?, each closing with a poem and a photo to leave readers in a reflective space.As a Zen priest from Los Angeles, James contemplates what he has learnt from observing and listening to nature, and shows that when the planet is hurting, we too feel its pain.The way this book is opening hearts and minds is remarkable. Arianna Huffington found it ?powerful and moving?, Zen abbot and author Joan Halifax sums: ?A profound guide to discovering the great wisdom in the natural world, this a treasure for all?.

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