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  • af Ela Artjoy
    199,95 kr.

    In "Wortlabyrinthe: Geistreisen durch Rätsel" begeben sich die Leser auf eine abenteuerliche Reise durch die faszinierende Welt der Kreuzworträtsel, die speziell dafür entworfen wurden, die Neugier zu wecken und den Geist zu fordern. Jedes Rätsel in diesem Buch ist wie ein Labyrinth konstruiert, das die Lösungssucher durch verwinkelte Pfade des Wissens und der Sprachkunst führt, wobei sie bei jedem Schritt ihr Verständnis erweitern und ihre Denkfähigkeit verbessern. Dieses Buch ist eine Einladung, in die Tiefen der Sprache einzutauchen und dabei die Freude am Entdecken neuer Wörter und Begriffe zu erleben, die den Alltag bereichern und die Kreativität anregen.

  • af Ela Artjoy
    199,95 kr.

    In "Gedankengänge: Kreuzworträtsel für kluge Köpfe" tauchen Leserinnen und Leser in eine Welt voller Worträtsel ein, die speziell darauf ausgelegt sind, den Verstand zu schärfen und die Sprachkenntnisse auf unterhaltsame Weise zu erweitern. Jedes Rätsel ist sorgfältig konzipiert, um Neugier zu wecken und gleichzeitig das Allgemeinwissen zu bereichern, indem es Themen aus Kultur, Geschichte, Wissenschaft und Alltagsleben abdeckt. Durch das Lösen dieser vielfältigen und anspruchsvollen Kreuzworträtsel entdecken die Rätselfreunde nicht nur neue Wörter und Bedeutungen, sondern stärken auch ihre Fähigkeit, logisch zu denken und Zusammenhänge zu erkennen.

  • af Said Al Azri
    201,95 kr.

    Dive into the third installment of the "Riddle Me This: A Professional Exploration in Poetry" series with "The Educator's Epigrams: Learning Lore in Verse for the Enlightened Mind." This captivating collection weaves the intricate tapestry of education into the rich, rhythmic patterns of poetry, offering readers a unique voyage through the world of teaching and learning. Each epigram serves as a beacon, casting light upon the multifaceted roles, challenges, and joys that educators and learners face in the pursuit of knowledge and growth.Crafted with both the educator's wisdom and the learner's curiosity at heart, this book transcends traditional boundaries between professional development and poetic expression. Through carefully constructed verse, "The Educator's Epigrams" invites readers to explore the philosophical depths, practical challenges, and heartwarming triumphs inherent in the educational journey.From the significance of lifelong learning and the embrace of diverse learning styles to the celebration of milestones like graduation and the exploration of innovative teaching methods, this book encapsulates the spirit and substance of education in a way that is both enlightening and profoundly moving. Why is this book?To celebrate the art and science of education through poetry.To offer insights into the educational journey from a fresh, poetic perspective.To challenge and inspire educators, learners, and all who value knowledge. What is in this book? (Or What I "as a reader" will get from this book.)A collection of riddle poems that explore various aspects of the educational field.Engaging verses that illuminate the complexities and beauties of teaching and learning.Reflections on the philosophical and practical dimensions of education. For whom is this book?Educators seeking inspiration and reflection.Students and lifelong learners exploring the essence of education.Poetry lovers with an interest in professional and educational themes.Anyone intrigued by the intersection of professional knowledge and creative expression. What is special about this book?Unique blend of professional insights and poetic elegance.Offers a reflective and celebratory view of education.Crafted to resonate with educators, learners, and poetry enthusiasts alike. Why should I acquire this book?To rediscover the magic of education through the beauty of poetry.To gain fresh perspectives on the challenges and triumphs of learning and teaching.To enrich your understanding and appreciation of the educational process.

  • af Anastasia Finca
    127,95 kr.

    "Laughing at Adulting" is the essential guide for anyone looking to navigate the tumultuous waters of adulthood without losing their sense of humor. In this captivating collection, you'll find a unique blend of hilarious jokes, amusing anecdotes, insightful quotes, and uplifting messages, each carefully curated to offer solace and laughter in the face of adulting's most perplexing moments.As you turn the pages, you'll encounter witty reflections on the balancing act of work-life harmony, the never-ending barrage of social media, the complexities of personal finance, and the ever-evolving landscape of self-care. "Laughing at Adulting" transforms everyday trials into sources of amusement, reminding readers that while adult life is inevitably filled with challenges, it's also replete with opportunities for joy and laughter.Features:100 pages of Witty Anecdotes, Jokes, Amusing Quotes, and Humorous MessagesMatte finish cover designFormat: 6 x 9 InchesPrinted on high-quality white paperDouble-sidedNon-perforatedPerfect for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the demands of grown-up life or simply in need of a pick-me-up, this book serves as a reminder that taking life too seriously is the quickest path to madness. Through its lighthearted approach, "Laughing at Adulting" encourages readers to embrace the absurdities of life, offering comic relief and wisdom to help lighten the load.Whether you're struggling with the nuances of navigating relationships, the pressure of professional growth, or the simple task of keeping plants alive, "Laughing at Adulting" is your invitation to laugh at the chaos, find joy in the ordinary, and rediscover the art of living with a lighter heart. Join us on this hilarious journey through adulthood, where laughter is abundant, and the realities of life are met with a cheerful grin. Your guide to thriving amidst life's absurdities awaits within these pages.

  • af Ela Artjoy
    228,95 kr.

    In "Irrgarten-Abenteuer: Finde den Weg" begeben sich die Leser auf eine spannende Entdeckungsreise durch eine Vielzahl von Labyrinthen, die geschickt entworfen wurden, um das logische Denken und die Problemlösungskompetenzen zu fördern. Jedes Rätsel stellt eine einzigartige Herausforderung dar, die nicht nur die Geduld und Aufmerksamkeit fordert, sondern auch die Kreativität beim Finden neuer Lösungswege anregt. Dieses Buch ist ein spielerischer Wegbegleiter für Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen, der durch die faszinierende Welt der Irrgärten führt und dabei stundenlangen Rätselspaß garantiert.

  • af Sam Hoffman
    192,95 kr.

  • af Mary McHugh
    107,95 kr.

  • af Shondra M. Quarles
    387,95 kr.

    Dive into a world of pure joy and laughter! In this delightful book, kids' whimsical thoughts come to life through 84 vivid images, leaving you laughing out loud. Explore the innocence and humor of children's perspectives in a heartwarming journey that's bound to brighten your day. The perfect gift for parents, teachers, or anyone who enjoys humor related to children.

  • af Ela Artjoy
    165,95 kr.

    In "Buntes Ostervergnügen: Rätsel und Spiele für die Frühlingszeit" entfalten sich auf jeder Seite neue und spannende Aktivitäten, die Kinder in die farbenfrohe Welt des Osterfestes eintauchen lassen. Von kniffligen Labyrinthen über kreative Ausmalbilder bis hin zu unterhaltsamen Rätseln, bietet dieses Buch eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, die Frühlingstage spielerisch und lehrreich zu gestalten. Es ist eine Einladung an junge Entdecker, die Traditionen und Symbole rund um Ostern auf eine Weise zu erkunden, die sowohl die Kreativität fördert als auch das Verständnis für dieses fröhliche Fest vertieft.

  • af Anonymous
    182,95 kr.

    This book provides an interesting insight into the humor of 1921. It is a large compendium of jokes - over two hundred and fifty pages. In addition to the jokes is a preface, an introduction and an index to the topics.

  • af McSweeney's
    172,95 kr.

  • af Lionel Kubwimana
    242,95 kr.

    Unlock the Mysteries of Burundi Through Its Time-Honored Riddles!Have you ever wondered what secrets and wisdom lie in the riddles of a culture steeped in history? Do you seek a deeper understanding of the rich traditions and communal bonds that define Burundi? Remember the times you were captivated by a challenging riddle, the thrill of unraveling its hidden meanings?Embark on a journey through over 300 meticulously selected Kirundi riddles, each a gem of wisdom and wit.Experience the vibrant and colorful tapestry of Burundi's culture, traditions, and beliefs.Enhance your understanding of the Kirundi language, an essential aspect of Burundi's identity.Discover riddles that challenge your intellect and spark your imagination, suitable for all age groups.Connect with the communal spirit of Burundi, where riddles have been a medium of bonding and entertainment for centuries.Uncover the subtle humor and profound insights embedded in each riddle, reflective of everyday life in Burundi.Ideal for educators, cultural enthusiasts, and anyone seeking to connect with their Kirundi heritage.A unique opportunity to engage with a part of African oral literature seldom explored in mainstream literature.If you want to immerse yourself in the captivating world of Kirundi riddles and embrace a piece of Burundi's rich cultural heritage, then scroll up and buy this book today!

  • af Diana Kluge
    187,95 kr.

    "Wortschatzjagd: Das große Rätselbuch der Wörter" entführt die Leser in eine spannende Welt voller sprachlicher Herausforderungen, in der sie auf die Suche nach verborgenen Wörtern und Bedeutungen gehen. In diesem Abenteuer begegnen sie vielfältigen Rätseln, die sowohl ihre Sprachkenntnisse als auch ihr logisches Denkvermögen auf die Probe stellen. Dabei tauchen sie in faszinierende Themenwelten ein, entdecken neue Wörter und erweitern spielerisch ihren Wortschatz.

  • af Dave Jones
    92,95 kr.

    W¿l¿¿m¿ to th¿ intriguing ¿nd ¿ft¿n ¿¿r¿l¿x¿ng w¿rld of ¿¿n¿¿¿r¿¿¿ theory j¿k¿¿ ¿nd r¿ddl¿¿. In th¿¿ captivating realm, ¿n¿gm¿¿ and ¿dd¿t¿¿¿, secrets ¿nd ¿ü¿¿¿¿¿n¿, ¿r¿ m¿t with th¿ d¿l¿ghtful ¿rt of hum¿r. A¿ w¿ embark ¿n th¿¿ j¿urn¿¿, w¿ invite ¿¿u to ¿ut ¿n ¿¿ur t¿nf¿¿l h¿t, adjust your ¿urv¿¿ll¿n¿¿ camera, ¿nd join ü in ¿x¿l¿r¿ng th¿ l¿ght¿r ¿¿d¿ ¿f th¿ shadows.¿¿C¿n¿¿¿r¿¿¿ th¿¿r¿¿¿ h¿v¿ long been the fascination of th¿¿¿ who ponder th¿ mysteries ¿f our w¿rld. Th¿¿¿ theories d¿lv¿ ¿nt¿ th¿ unkn¿wn, raising questions ¿nd planting ¿¿¿d¿ of d¿ubt ¿n th¿ m¿¿t un¿x¿¿¿t¿d places. Yet, within th¿¿ l¿b¿r¿nth ¿f elaborate n¿rr¿t¿v¿¿ and b¿w¿ld¿r¿ng ¿l¿¿m¿, l¿¿¿ a w¿ll¿¿r¿ng of comedic potential. "C¿n¿¿¿r¿¿¿ Theory J¿k¿¿ ¿nd R¿ddl¿¿" is ¿¿ur t¿¿k¿t to uncovering that hidden humor.

  • af Mauricio Vasquez
    137,95 kr.

    Welcome to the universe of eye-rolls and belly laughs! Our "Dad Jokes Book Bonanza" isn't just a book; it's your secret weapon against the ever-threatening dull moment.Are you tired of your jokes falling flatter than a pancake at a weightlifting contest? Does your humor often get greeted with silence, so profound you could hear a pin drop in a haystack? We get it. The world of jokes can be a minefield, and without the right guide, you might just end up being the only one laughing at your jokes - in the shower.Imagine the scene - you're at a family gathering, the air is thick with the aroma of roast and anticipation. You drop what you think is a zinger, only to be met with crickets chirping and your nephew's unimpressed yawn. Ouch. The humiliation of a joke gone wrong is like wearing socks with sandals - awkward and fashionably questionable.But fear not! The "Dad Jokes Book Bonanza" is here to transform you from a comedic novice into the Sultan of Snickers. With 615 rib-tickling, groan-inducing dad jokes split across 62 wildly relatable categories, you'll be the life of every party, dinner, or awkward elevator ride.Features & Benefits:62 Categories for Every Occasion: From Amazon to Zombies, our jokes cover just about everything under the sun. Never be caught unprepared again.Guide to Mastering Dad Jokes: Our exclusive guide doesn't just give you jokes; it teaches you the art of joke-telling. You'll learn the anatomy of a dad joke, delivery tips, and how to bounce back from the occasional flop.Family-Friendly Fun: This book is a clean laugh riot, suitable for all ages. It's the perfect tool for family bonding, making it a great gift for dads, uncles, and even the dad-like figures in your life.So, why wait? Dive into the "Dad Jokes Book Bonanza" and embark on a pun-filled adventure that will leave your friends and family rolling their eyes, but secretly waiting for more. Say goodbye to awkward silences and hello to hearty laughs. Your journey to becoming the ultimate dad joke connoisseur starts here!Remember, a day without a dad joke is like a sandwich without bread - incomplete. Grab your copy now and start spreading the joy, one groan at a time!

  • af Isamrätsel Verlag
    207,95 kr.

    Unsere Sammlung von über 150 Rätseln, ideal für Senioren, Rentner, Eltern und Erwachsene aller Altersgruppen. Es bietet eine abwechslungsreiche Mischung aus Sudoku, Wortsuchen und Labyrinthen, die geistige Fitness und Unterhaltung versprechen. Jeden Tag wartet neue Rätseln, die logisches Denken, Gedächtnis und Konzentration fördert. Dieses Buch ist ein perfektes Geschenk für Rätselliebhaber und eignet sich hervorragend zur Entspannung und Herausforderung im Alltag.

  • af Ian Findley
    167,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of dad (Grandad) jokes, one sent every day by a Grandfather to his Grandkids for over two years.It's a great way to say, I love you, kids.

  • af Willow Creek Press
    117,95 kr.

  • af Justin Wishne
    257,95 kr.

  • af Fady Negm El Din
    241,95 kr.

    En RIKTIGT kul skämt kalender för personer med som tycker om att skratta

  • af Malcolm Bronte
    232,95 kr.

    This is probably the most delightful, amusing, bamboozling, fascinating, tantalizing, stimulating, baffling, entertaining, mysterious, flabbergasting, mind-bending, fiendish and thought-provoking: puzzles, riddles, trivia, detective challenges, perfect crimes, mystery stories, brainteasers, real world intrigues, treasure hunting, creative thinking and problem-solving book, ever! The 600 questions are designed to be varied, interesting, amusing and challenging. Whether for occasional browsing; or relaxation on a holiday; or enjoyment on a plane or train journey; or as a source of stories, quiz questions and jokes to share with your friends and family; or as a distraction; or as a present for that person, you cannot think what to buy! The puzzles will entertain you, boost your mental powers, inspire your creativity, encourage you to rethink and test your assumptions and help you to learn to tackle problems in different ways. They promote imagination, ingenuity, originality and inventiveness. Many of them will make you think out-of-the-box. Solving challenging puzzles and exercising your mind have been found to be as good for your brain as running and strength training are for your body.

  • af Graham Hodson
    217,95 kr.

    Your Daily Dose of Wit and Wisdom This ingeniously crafted book offers a fascinating fact and a fabulous joke for each day of the year, ensuring that every flip of the page brings a fresh wave of enlightenment and entertainment. Think of it as your daily companion for a nugget of wisdom and a chuckle, a delightful blend of facts and fun, served fresh every day!Perfect for All Ages! "365 Facts and Jokes" is a treasure trove for readers of all ages, and is a book for those who appreciate the sparkle of intelligence and the effervescence of laughter. From surprising trivia to playful puns, we've got you covered. A Year of Surprises Awaits You! This book is an experience that keeps giving, day after day. Ideal as a thoughtful gift or for personal use, "365 Facts and Jokes" is your gateway to a day brightened with an energizing fact and a joyous joke. PLUS... a Bonus Quiz! A giant 365-question quiz based on every fact in the book. All questions are referenced for easy checking and are ideal for testing yourself, your family, and others. "If you only buy one book this year, make sure it's 365 Facts and Jokes". Graham Hodson (author of 365 Facts and Jokes)

  • af Michelle Starseed
    192,95 kr.

    As piadas mais engraçadas que servem para qualquer ocasião e rendem boas lembranças.Piadas de Halloween, piadas escolares, piadas de animais, piadas de super-heróis, piadas tolas, enigmas, trocadilhos e muito mais.Também inclui imagens coloridas e desenhos.Também pode ser uma ótima forma para as crianças aliviarem a ansiedade.Nada deixa um pai mais feliz do que ver o seu filho rir.Essas piadas fazem os seus filhos pensarem fora da caixa e ajudam-nos a aprender coisas novas.Este livro tem 110 páginas e 526 piadas, enigmas e imagens combinadas.

  • af Beano Studios
    96,95 kr.

    Dissolve into full-belly laughter all year round with this book!

  • af Willow Creek Press
    117,95 kr.

  • af Wehman
    167,95 kr.

    Originally published in the 1890s by the Wehman Brothers, this book contains a multitude of jokes cribbed directly from the Vaudeville stage. Street literature produced by companies like Wehman offer us a unique look at popular entertainment of the day.

  • af Diana Kluge
    215,95 kr.

    In "Ozeanabenteuer: Punkt-zu-Punkt Rätsel mit Meeresbewohnern" können Leser die faszinierende Welt der Ozeane erkunden, indem sie versteckte Punkte miteinander verbinden. Dieses Buch bietet nicht nur unterhaltsamen Spielspaß, sondern fördert auch die Feinmotorik und Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Es ist für Menschen jeden Alters geeignet, die sich für die Wunder der Meereswelt interessieren und eine kreative Möglichkeit suchen, mehr darüber zu erfahren.

  • af Isamrätsel Verlag
    207,95 kr.

    Unsere Sammlung von über 150 Rätseln, ideal für Senioren, Rentner, Eltern und Erwachsene aller Altersgruppen. Es bietet eine abwechslungsreiche Mischung aus Sudoku, Wortsuchen und Labyrinthen, die geistige Fitness und Unterhaltung versprechen. Jeden Tag wartet neue Rätseln, die logisches Denken, Gedächtnis und Konzentration fördert. Dieses Buch ist ein perfektes Geschenk für Rätselliebhaber und eignet sich hervorragend zur Entspannung und Herausforderung im Alltag.

  • af Mathur S. M.
    327,95 kr.

  • af Diana Kluge
    250,95 kr.

    "Weihnachtswörter-Wimmelbuch: Suche und Finde für Erwachsene" ist ein Rätselbuch, das mit einer Vielzahl von Wort-Suchspielen gefüllt ist, die speziell auf die weihnachtliche Zeit abgestimmt sind. Es bietet knifflige und unterhaltsame Herausforderungen, die nicht nur das Festtagsvokabular vertiefen, sondern auch das Gedächtnis und die Konzentrationsfähigkeit fördern. Die Leser erwartet eine besinnliche Reise durch versteckte Wörter und festliche Themen, die die Freude an der Weihnachtszeit und die Lust am Rätseln vereinen.

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