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Bøger af Georgi Gospodinov

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  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    228,95 - 228,99 kr.

    Tidsskjul er Georgi Gospodinovs længe ventede tredje roman. En stor europæisk roman om tid og erindring, identitet og etik, som Gospodinov har researchet til i bl.a. Danmark. Udkom i Bulgarien i ’20 og er allerede solgt til udgivelse i 14 lande. Romanen er tildelt den nationale Kulturfonds fineste pris som Årets Roman - samme ære tilfaldt Gospodinovs forrige roman, Melankoliens fysik, Georgi Gospodinov er dermed den eneste forfatter, som har modtaget prisen to gange.Bulgarske Georgi Gospodinov (f. 1968) roses af internationale og danske anmeldere med ord som ”litterær partikelaccelerator”; ”redder både verden og litteraturen”; ”verdenslitteratur”; ”skriver forbandet godt”; ”europæiske forfatteres superliga”. Læs også hans to første romaner, En naturlig roman og Melankoliens fysik samt novellesamlingen Blinde Vajsja, alle i Helle Dalgaards oversættelse.

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    228,95 kr.

    "En fantastisk roman ... Gospodinov skriver som en drøm" Thomas Thurah, Information "En unik læseoplevelse" Frankfurter Allgemeine "Kort sagt: Fantastisk" Berliner Zeitung "Gospodinov redder både verden og litteraturen" Neue Zürcher Zeitung En roman fra det - ifølge The Economist - mest triste sted på kloden, Bulgarien, til verdens lykkeligste folk, danskerne: En dyb, forunderlig roman om den verden vi er en del af. Georgi Gospodinov fik sit internationale gennembrud med En naturlig roman, der er udkommet på 23 sprog. Melankoliens fysik, hans anden roman, blev i 2012 en sensation i Bulgarien; udsolgt på udgivelsesdagen og årets bedst sælgende bog. Den modtog samtlige nationale litteraturpriser. Kritikerne taler om en forfatter, der hæver sig over litterær kommercialisme og tilhører de europæiske forfatteres premier league.

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    117,95 kr.

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    189,95 kr.

    "Originalt mesterværk" Anne Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen, Berlingske "Verdenslitteratur" Frits Andersen, Weekendavisen "En skidegod roman" John Chr. Jørgensen, Ekstra Bladet Da bulgarske Georgi Gospodinovs roman Melankoliens fysik fik en fremragende modtagelse i Danmark (2017), gik mange forgæves til boghandleren efter debutromanen En naturlig roman, der var udkommet på dansk i 2006. Det rådes der bod på med denne reviderede 2. udgave. For, som Neue Zürcher Zeitung har formuleret det: "Gospodinov redder både verden og litteraturen." På legende, anarkistisk og ofte humoristisk vis udfordrer Gospodinov romangenren og fortæller i En naturlig roman både en skilsmissehistorie, toilettets historie, såvel som flere andre historier om det, der alt i alt gør mennesket til menneske. Og fluen til flue.Romanen er oversat til 23 sprog.Det forstår man godt.

  • - Og andre historier
    af Georgi Gospodinov
    211,95 kr.

    Georgi Gospodinov roses af internationale og danske anmeldere med ord som ”litterær partikelaccelerator”; ”redder både verden og litteraturen”; ”verdenslitteratur”; ”skriver forbandet godt”; ”europæiske forfatteres superliga”. Hans En naturlig roman og Melankoliens fysik er udkommet i Helle Dalgaards oversættelse, og hun har til Blinde Vajsja valgt en samling af hans bedste noveller særligt til det danske publikum, ligesom Gospodinov har skrevet et efterord særligt til den danske udgave. Novellerne hæver læseren op i en slags litterær helikopter, hvor tiden flyder ud og man bevæger sig ubesværet rundt, uanset om året er 1989, 1931, 2000 eller langt ude i fremtiden. Noveller der udhæver for øjet, hvad der er det væsentlige.

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    207,95 kr.

    Georgi Gospodinov roses af internationale og danske anmeldere med ord som ”litterær partikelaccelerator”; ”redder både verden og litteraturen”; ”verdenslitteratur”; ”skriver forbandet godt”; ”europæiske forfatteres superliga”. Hans En naturlig roman og Melankoliens fysik er udkommet i Helle Dalgaards oversættelse, og hun har til Blinde Vajsja valgt en samling af hans bedste noveller særligt til det danske publikum, ligesom Gospodinov har skrevet et efterord særligt til den danske udgave. Novellerne hæver læseren op i en litterær helikopter, hvor tiden flyder ud og man bevæger sig ubesværet rundt, uanset om året er 1989, 1931, 2000 eller langt ude i fremtiden. Noveller der fremhæver, hvad der er det væsentlige.

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    117,95 kr.

    From the International Booker Prize-winning author of Time Shelter, this kaleidoscopic 'novel of beginnings' offers a portrait of a man who can wander uninvited into other people's memories

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    145,95 kr.

    Some smuggle cigarettes or alcohol, others weapons, but for the International Booker Prize-winning novelist Georgi Gospodinov, the most dangerous contraband is carried by writers, as they move stories across borders

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    192,95 kr.

    "At one point they tried to calculate when time began, when exactly the earth had been created," begins Time Shelter's enigmatic narrator, who will go unnamed. "In the mid-seventeenth century, the Irish bishop Ussher calculated not only the exact year, but also a starting date: October 22, 4,004 years before Christ." But for our narrator, time as he knows it begins when he meets Gaustine, a "vagrant in time" who has distanced his life from contemporary reality by reading old news, wearing tattered old clothes, and haunting the lost avenues of the twentieth century.In an apricot-colored building in Zurich, surrounded by curiously planted forget-me-nots, Gaustine has opened the first "clinic for the past," an institution that offers an inspired treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a past decade in minute detail, allowing patients to transport themselves back in time to unlock what is left of their fading memories. Serving as Gaustine's assistant, the narrator is tasked with collecting the flotsam and jetsam of the past, from 1960s furniture and 1940s shirt buttons to nostalgic scents and even wisps of afternoon light. But as the charade becomes more convincing, an increasing number of healthy people seek out the clinic to escape from the dead-end of their daily lives-a development that results in an unexpected conundrum when the past begins to invade the present. Through sharply satirical, labyrinth-like vignettes reminiscent of Italo Calvino and Franz Kafka, the narrator recounts in breathtaking prose just how he became entrenched in a plot to stop time itself."A trickster at heart, and often very funny" (Garth Greenwell, The New Yorker), prolific Bulgarian author Georgi Gospodinov masterfully stalks the tragedies of the last century, including our own, in what becomes a haunting and eerily prescient novel teeming with ideas. Exquisitely translated by Angela Rodel, Time Shelter is a truly unforgettable classic from "one of Europe's most fascinating and irreplaceable novelists" (Dave Eggers).

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    182,95 kr.

    Published a decade before his International Booker Prize-winning Time Shelter, Georgi Gospodinov's The Physics of Sorrow has become an underground cult classic. Finding strange solace in the myth of the Minotaur, a man named Georgi reconstructs the story of his life like a labyrinth, meandering through the past to find the melancholy child at the center of it all. With profound wit and empathy, he catalogues curious instances of abandonment, spanning from antiquity to the Anthropocene; recounts scenes of a turbulent boyhood in 1970s Bulgaria, spent mostly in a basement; and charts a bizarre run-in with an eccentric flaneur named Gaustine. Exquisitely translated by Angela Rodel, and exhibiting his signature audacious style, this expansive work affirms Gospodinov as "one of Europe's most fascinating and irreplaceable novelists" (Dave Eggers).

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    202,95 - 615,95 kr.

    A collection of short stories, which includes a tongue-in-cheek crime/horror story or the Christmas story of a pig, a language game leading to an unexpected epiphany or an inward-looking tale built on the complexity of a puzzle box, and more.

  • af Georgi Gospodinov
    147,95 kr.

    Finalist for the 2015 PEN Literary Award for TranslationWinner of the 2016 Jan Michalski Prize for Literature"e;A quirky, compulsively readable book that deftly hints at the emptiness and sadness at its core."e;New York TimesA finalist for both the Strega Europeo and Gregor von Rezzori awards (and winner of every Bulgarian honor possible), The Physics of Sorrow reaffirms Georgi Gospodinov's place as one of Europe's most inventive and daring writers.Using the myth of the Minotaur as its organizing image, the narrator of Gospodinov's long-awaited novel constructs a labyrinth of stories about his family, jumping from era to era and viewpoint to viewpoint, exploring the mindset and trappings of Eastern Europeans. Incredibly movingsuch as with the story of his grandfather accidentally being left behind at a milland extraordinarily funnysee the section on the awfulness of the question "e;how are you?"e;Physics is a book that you can inhabit, tracing connections, following the narrator down various "e;side passages,"e; getting pleasantly lost in the various stories and empathizing with the sorrowful, misunderstood Minotaur at the center of it all.Like the work of Dave Eggers, Tom McCarthy, and Dubravka Ugresic, The Physics of Sorrow draws you in with its unique structure, humanitarian concerns, and stunning storytelling.Georgi Gospodinov was born in 1968 and is one of the most translated contemporary Bulgarian writers. His first novel, Natural Novel was published by Dalkey Archive Press in 2005 and was praised by the New Yorker, New York Times, and several other prestigious review outlets. A collection of his short stories, And Other Stories was published by Northwestern University Press. The Physics of Sorrow is his second novel.Angela Rodel earned an M.A. in linguistics from UCLA and received a Fulbright Fellowship to study and learn Bulgarian. In 2010 she won a PEN Translation Fund Grant for Georgi Tenev's short story collection. She is one of the most prolific translators of Bulgarian literature working today and received an NEA Fellowship for her translation of Gospodinov's The Physics of Sorrow.

  • - Forfattere om kunst fra Louisianas samling
    af Tomas Espedal, Delphine de Vigan, Christian Kracht, mfl.
    237,95 kr.

    I bogen, Looking Writing Reading Looking, går 26 internationale forfattere i dialog med kunstværker fra Louisianas Samling. Forfatterne åbner vores øjne for værkerne med deres særlige, poetiske blik. Igennem en bred vifte af litterære genrer som digt, essay, erindringer og noter viser bogens bidrag, hvor forskelligt man kan opleve kunst. Forfatterne er her læsere af kunstværket – og herfra kan vi selv læse videre. I kunsten og i litteraturen. Bogens bidragsydere er Georgi Gospodinov, Colm Tóibín, Claudia Rankine, Richard Ford, Peter Laugesen, Chris Kraus, Sjón, Anne Carson, Roxane Gay, CAConrad, Mariana Enriquez, Hiromi Itō, Delphine de Vigan, Domenico Starnone, Yoko Tawada, Jacques Roubaud, Gunnhild Øyehaug, Eileen Myles, Tomas Espedal, Christian Kracht, Guadalupe Nettel, Anne Waldman, Matias Faldbakken, Chigozie Obioma, Péter Nádas og Tahar Ben Jelloun. I bogen omtales blandt andet værker af Francis Bacon, Asger Jorn, Henry Heerup, Alicja Kwade og mange andre.

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