Bag om Academia Obscura
Imprisoned in a gilded cage. Facing an impossible choice: which of my men will survive this.
Which one gets to stay alive.
It's my decision.
The most terrifying decision I have ever had to make.
The most devastating.
I never wanted to be a princess. I never wanted to leave my home. It was what I had to do, so I could bring down the academy.
So I could save the men I was supposed to protect.
But now I'm far away from three of them, thinking that I've saved them, embedded in an affair with a man who used to be a ghost. All while trying desperately to forget about who I used to be before I took my grandfather's offer.
Be the princess.
Come home.
Save your men.
I thought I had given them back their lives. I had been wrong.
They have never stopped being prisoners. Except this time, they are my prisoners.
Prisoners of my desire... and not in the way they had been before.
I decide who lives. I decide who dies.
And if don't make up my mind quickly enough, then we all die.
I'm not going to let that happen. I am going to keep them safe. Even if it means killing my grandfather or not honoring my words. Even if it means spilling innocent blood.
Because I am going to make sure that at least one of my men survives.
No matter the cost.
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