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Computer og IT

Vi befinder os efterhånden i en massivt digitaliseret verden som styres af internettet og devices. Bøgerne på denne side handler om computeren og it med historier om, hvordan den har forvandlet sig gennem tiderne og de matematiske formler bag en computer. Endvidere har vi en masse bøger omkring windows og dets mange funktioner samt en masse om, hvordan du programmere! Hvis du f. eks skal starte på en IT uddannelse eller generelt har en interesse i computerverdenen, så byder vores sortiment også på interessante bøger til netop dig.
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  • af Anja Svejgaard Pors, Lars Hove Sørensen & Jesper Hundebøl
    332,95 kr.

    Automatisering, digital selvbetjening, elektroniske sagsbehandlingssystemer og machine learning forbedrer og effektiviserer arbejdet med mange forvaltningsopgaver til gavn for borgere, virksomheder og den offentlige sektor, men sætter også nye dagsordener.Den digitale, datadrevne forvaltning forandrer forholdene internt i myndigheder, mellem myndigheder og mellem borgere og myndigheder. Denne lærebogsantologi adresserer de udfordringer og muligheder, der opstår som følge af digitalisering i den offentlige sektor.Betydningen af digitalisering og it-udvikling står centralt i bogens 14 kapitler, men forfatterne betragter digital forvaltning som mere end teknik. Digitalisering i offentlig forvaltning handler også om brugere og borgere, forvaltningspolitik, regelsæt og organisatoriske traditioner.Digitalisering i offentlig forvaltning anlægger en tværfaglig, anvendelsesorienteret tilgang ved at belyse politologiske, sociologiske, økonomiske, organisatoriske og juridiske perspektiver på udviklingen af administrative teknologier.Bogen er rettet mod undervisning i offentlig forvaltning på professionshøjskoler og universiteter samt mod efter- og videreuddannelse inden for offentlig forvaltning.Hvert kapitel afsluttes med arbejds- og refleksionsspørgsmål, der kan anvendes i undervisningen, samt forslag til videre læsning.

  • af Luciano Ramalho
    633,95 kr.

    By taking you through Python's key language features and libraries, this practical book shows you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable all at the same time - what experts consider Pythonic.

  • - How to Devise Innovative Digital Products That People Want
    af Jaime Levy
    397,95 kr.

    This hands-on guide introduces lightweight strategy tools and techniques to help you and your team craft innovative multi-device products that people like to use.

  • - An Introduction to Professional C Programming
    af Robert Seacord
    474,95 kr.

    A detailed introduction to the C programming language for experienced programmers.

  • - A Brain-Friendly Guide
    af Eric Freeman
    633,95 kr.

    Newly updated and expanded, Head First Design Patterns, 2E, will load patterns into your brain in a way that sticks. In a way that makes you better at solving software design problems and better at speaking the language of patterns with others on your team.

  • af Janelle Shane
    126,95 kr.

    AI is the technology of the future, but how does it actually work? A hilarious, transporting look under the hood of the technology that's changing the world - and why it's dumber than we think

    226,95 kr.

    The third volume of the highly collectible Grimoire Anthology, giving Destiny fans glimpses into never-before-seen lore and world-building highlights from the hit game with a download code printed on card for an exclusive Destiny 2 in-game emblem

  • af Micky Nielson
    345,95 kr.

    The definitive art book for the remastered Spyro Reignited Trilogy, for fans young and old.

  • - A Guide for Thinking Humans
    af Melanie Mitchell
    106,95 kr.

  • - Mindset, strategi, ledelse og performance i fremtidens forretningsmodeller
    af Per Østergaard Jacobsen
    314,95 kr.

    CRM 5.0 – De ustyrlige kunder i en digital tidsalder er en håndbog i kundeorientering med fokus på mindset, strategi, ledelse & performance i fremtidens (bæredygtige) forretningsmodeller. Ikke alene har vi et bud på løsningen til at forhindre et fejlslået CRM-projekt. Værktøjskassen kan også anvendes på de mange digitaliseringsprojekter som kommer de kommende år.Vi har udviklet på den populære Business Model Canvas og gjort den tidssvarende. Vi udfordrer de forskellige kundetilfredshedsmålinger og NPS vanetænkningen.Vi lukker definitivt ned for AIDA modellen og præsentere en ny model for kunderejsen baseret på kundens ECO-system og med kundeværdi med udgangspunkt i kortlægningen af forbrugeradfærden.Vi ser på den nye loyalitetsmodel, og på segmenteringsmodeller.Vi advarer mod at anvende personas og kommer naturligvis med opskriften på hvordan man gør det rigtige rigtigt.Det starter med dig som leder/beslutningstager/influencer og medarbejder. Er du klar til at udvikle, forandre og forankre?Professor Torsten Ringberg, CBS, Lektor Pernille Rydèn, DTU og Christian Daugaard, Nordisk SoMe Lead, BCG, er gæsteskribenter.

  • - AI and the Problem of Control
    af Stuart Russell
    106,95 kr.

  • Spar 12%
    af Birgitte Kofod Olsen
    573,95 kr.

    "Håndbogen i dataansvarlighed" samler persondataforordningens krav til ledelse, compliance, risikovurdering og dokumentation og viser, hvordan de kan omsættes til praksis i store og små organisationer. Bogen forklarer forordningens juridiske kerne, nemlig de krav og forpligtelser, der knytter sig til databehandlingen og dens lovlige grundlag, til modtagelse og vurdering af anmodninger fra datasubjektet om at bruge sine datarettigheder, og til behandlingssikkerheden. Den stiller også skarpt på den forandring, som implementering af persondataforordningen giver anledning til. En forandring der kan hjælpes på vej af procedurer og processer, teknologi og kontroller, og uddannelse af de mennesker, der er involveret i den daglige databehandling og i udvikling af nye behandlingsformer. Til hvert emne knytter sig konkrete forslag til, hvordan en ansvarlig organisation kan arbejde med vurderinger og indsatser, der hjælper ledelse og medarbejdere til at skabe effektiv databeskyttelse. Alle bogens emner er illustreret med eksempler og cases fra offentlig og privat sektor samt interesseorganisationer, der viser, hvordan databeskyttelse håndteres i praksis og kan indlejres i daglige arbejdsrutiner, produkter og serviceydelser. Bogen er relevant for alle typer og størrelser af organisationer, der er i gang med implementering af persondataforordningen – eller skal til kontrollere eller evaluere indsatsen som led i den fortsatte efterlevelse og dokumentation af kravene til databeskyttelse.

  • af Peter Bruce & Andrew Bruce
    633,95 kr.

    This practical guide explains how to apply various statistical methods to data science, tells you how to avoid their misuse, and gives you advice on what's important and what's not.

  • af Beata Lubas
    256,95 kr.

    Learn to create stunning images of food with this mouth-watering guide to culinary photography from expert author and instagram sensation Beata Lubas.

  • af Craig Zacker
    295,95 - 335,95 kr.

    Prepare for Microsoft Exam MS-900 and help demonstrate your mastery of cloud services, the Software as a Service cloud model, and the options and benefits of Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. Designed for IT professionals, Exam Ref focuses on critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified Fundamentals level. Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives: Describe cloud concepts Describe Microsoft 365 apps and services Describe security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and support This Microsoft Exam Ref: Organizes its coverage by exam objectives Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you Assumes you are a business user, IT professional, or student interested in cloud computing and technologies, including individuals planning to pursue more advanced Microsoft 365 certification. About the ExamExam MS-900 focuses on using cloud services; different types of cloud services; core Microsoft 365components; comparisons between Microsoft 365 and on-premises services; modern management concepts; Microsoft 365 collaboration, mobility and analytics; Microsoft 365 security and compliance concepts; unified endpoint management; security usage scenarios and services; the Service Trust portal and Compliance Manager; Microsoft 365 licensing options; pricing; support; and service lifecycles. About Microsoft CertificationPassing this exam fulfills your requirements for the Microsoft 365 Certified Fundamentals certification credential, proving that you understand Microsoft 365 options, as well as the benefits of adopting cloud services, the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model, and Microsoft 365 cloud services in particular. See full details at:

  • - A Journey Through the Delirious World of Memes
    af Kind Studio
    153,95 kr.

    Intrigued by memes? Wondering what makes them tick, go viral and where they come from? Also in need of a laugh? This is the book for you!

  • - Let's Practice!
    af Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
    370,95 kr.

    Influence action through data!This is not a book. It is a one-of-a-kind immersive learning experience through which you can become--or teach others to be--a powerful data storyteller.Let's practice! helps you build confidence and credibility to create graphs and visualizations that make sense and weave them into action-inspiring stories. Expanding upon best seller storytelling with data's foundational lessons, Let's practice! delivers fresh content, a plethora of new examples, and over 100 hands-on exercises. Author and data storytelling maven Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic guides you along the path to hone core skills and become a well-practiced data communicator. Each chapter includes:* Practice with Cole: exercises based on real-world examples first posed for you to consider and solve, followed by detailed step-by-step illustration and explanation* Practice on your own: thought-provoking questions and even more exercises to be assigned or worked through individually, without prescribed solutions* Practice at work: practical guidance and hands-on exercises for applying storytelling with data lessons on the job, including instruction on when and how to solicit useful feedback and refine for greater impactThe lessons and exercises found within this comprehensive guide will empower you to master--or develop in others--data storytelling skills and transition your work from acceptable to exceptional. By investing in these skills for ourselves and our teams, we can all tell inspiring and influential data stories!

  • - A Complete Introduction
    af William E. Jr. Shotts
    375,95 kr.

    You've experienced the shiny, point-and-click surface of your Linux computer - now dive below and explore its depths with the power of the command line.

  • - A Straightforward Introduction
    af Jason Andress
    375,95 kr.

    A comprehensive overview of the information security field.

  • - A Book of Lenses, Third Edition
    af Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, USA) Schell & mfl.
    583,95 - 1.679,95 kr.

  • af Emily Freeman
    218,95 kr.

    Develop faster with DevOpsDevOps embraces a culture of unifying the creation and distribution of technology in a way that allows for faster release cycles and more resource-efficient product updating. DevOps For Dummies provides a guidebook for those on the development or operations side in need of a primer on this way of working.Inside, DevOps evangelist Emily Freeman provides a roadmap for adopting the management and technology tools, as well as the culture changes, needed to dive head-first into DevOps.* Identify your organization's needs* Create a DevOps framework* Change your organizational structure* Manage projects in the DevOps worldDevOps For Dummies is essential reading for developers and operations professionals in the early stages of DevOps adoption.

  • af Michael Freeman
    166,95 kr.

    Covering all of the essentials, this book is all you need to master photography.

  • - A Companion to This Is Service Design Doing
    af Marc Stickdorn
    395,95 kr.

    In this book, you'll find 54 hands-on descriptions that help you do the key methods used in service design. These methods include instructions, guidelines, and tips-and-tricks for activities within research, ideation, prototyping, and facilitation.

  • af Laurie A. (Huntingdon Valley Ulrich
    255,95 kr.

    Easy steps to practical databasesPeople who really know how to build, populate, and simplify databases are few and far between. Access 2019 For Dummies is here to help you join the ranks of office heroes who possess these precious skills.This book offers clear and simple advice on how to build and operate databases as well as create simple forms, import data from outside sources, query databases for information, and share knowledge in reports. In short, it's the book that holds all the secrets behind the mysteries of Access!* Build effective databases from the ground up* Simplify your data entry with forms and tables* Write queries that produce answers to your data questions* Simplify input with formsThere's no time like the present to get your hands on the insight that database beginners need to become Access gurus.

  • - Reimagining Work in the Age of AI
    af Paul R. Daugherty
    338,95 kr.

    AI is radically transforming business. Are you ready?Look around you. Artificial intelligence is no longer just a futuristic notion. It's here right now--in software that senses what we need, supply chains that "think" in real time, and robots that respond to changes in their environment. Twenty-first-century pioneer companies are already using AI to innovate and grow fast. The bottom line is this: Businesses that understand how to harness AI can surge ahead. Those that neglect it will fall behind. Which side are you on?In Human + Machine, Accenture leaders Paul R. Daugherty and H. James (Jim) Wilson show that the essence of the AI paradigm shift is the transformation of all business processes within an organization--whether related to breakthrough innovation, everyday customer service, or personal productivity habits. As humans and smart machines collaborate ever more closely, work processes become more fluid and adaptive, enabling companies to change them on the fly--or to completely reimagine them. AI is changing all the rules of how companies operate. Based on the authors' experience and research with 1,500 organizations, the book reveals how companies are using the new rules of AI to leap ahead on innovation and profitability, as well as what you can do to achieve similar results. It describes six entirely new types of hybrid human + machine roles that every company must develop, and it includes a "leader's guide" with the five crucial principles required to become an AI-fueled business. Human + Machine provides the missing and much-needed management playbook for success in our new age of AI. BOOK PROCEEDS FOR THE AI GENERATIONThe authors' goal in publishing Human + Machine is to help executives, workers, students and others navigate the changes that AI is making to business and the economy. They believe AI will bring innovations that truly improve the way the world works and lives. However, AI will cause disruption, and many people will need education, training and support to prepare for the newly created jobs. To support this need, the authors are donating the royalties received from the sale of this book to fund education and retraining programs focused on developing fusion skills for the age of artificial intelligence.

  • Spar 17%
    - Fremtidens penge
    af Peter Hertz & Alexander Sonne Wulff
    207,95 kr.

    Er Bitcoin og de andre kryptovalutaer den vigtigste opfindelse siden internettet eller blot en spekulativ boble?Meningerne er mange, men ikke desto mindre er de fleste eksperter enige om, at kryptoteknologien vil komme til at ændre fundamentalt på mange af verdens industrier.BITCOIN giver læseren en pædagogisk og letforståelig introduktion til kryptovalutaernes verden: Hvor kommer de digitale valutaer fra? Hvordan fungerer teknologien bag? Og hvorfor har de digitale valutaer måske potentialet til at revolutionere vores pengesystem?Forfatterne stiller skarpt på emnet, gennemgår den seneste udvikling på området og vejer fordele og udfordringer.

  • af Paul Davies
    295,95 kr.

    The Art of Assassin's Creed Origins collates hundreds of concept arts, including sketches, final paintings, and 3D Renders, alongside in-depth commentary from the artists and developers, representing the ultimate insight into the design processes behind the game.

  • - Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F#
    af Scott Wlaschin
    498,95 kr.

    You want increased customer satisfaction, faster development cycles, and less wasted work. Domain-driven design (DDD) combined with functional programming is the innovative combo that will get you there. In this pragmatic, down-to-earth guide, you'll see how applying the core principles of functional programming can result in software designs that model real-world requirements both elegantly and concisely - often more so than an object-oriented approach. Practical examples in the open-source F# functional language, and examples from familiar business domains, show you how to apply these techniques to build software that is business-focused, flexible, and high quality.Domain-driven design is a well-established approach to designing software that ensures that domain experts and developers work together effectively to create high-quality software. This book is the first to combine DDD with techniques from statically typed functional programming. This book is perfect for newcomers to DDD or functional programming - all the techniques you need will be introduced and explained.Model a complex domain accurately using the F# type system, creating compilable code that is also readable documentation---ensuring that the code and design never get out of sync. Encode business rules in the design so that you have "e;compile-time unit tests,"e; and eliminate many potential bugs by making illegal states unrepresentable. Assemble a series of small, testable functions into a complete use case, and compose these individual scenarios into a large-scale design. Discover why the combination of functional programming and DDD leads naturally to service-oriented and hexagonal architectures. Finally, create a functional domain model that works with traditional databases, NoSQL, and event stores, and safely expose your domain via a website or API.Solve real problems by focusing on real-world requirements for your software.What You Need:The code in this book is designed to be run interactively on Windows, Mac and Linux.You will need a recent version of F# (4.0 or greater), and the appropriate .NET runtime for your platform.Full installation instructions for all platforms at

  • af Ian (Senior Research Scientist Goodfellow
    985,95 kr.

  • - Design and Deploy Production-ready Software
    af Michael T. Nygard
    380,95 kr.

    Shows you how to design and architect your application for the harsh realities it can face. This work teaches you how to design your application for maximum uptime, performance, and return on investment. With a combination of case studies and practical advice, it helps you avoid the pitfalls that cost companies hundreds of dollars.


Bøger som giver dig vejledning til hvordan du kan starte din programmeringskarriere. Er du for nyligt startet på en relevant uddannelse, så kunne det være perfekt, at tage et kig på udvalget. Der er ret meget, som strækker sig fra programmering af hjemmesider til computere og automatiseret objekter. 


WIndows består af mange forskellige funktioner som kan være svære at finde rundt i, men der er heldigvis bøger til netop dette problem. Bøgerne indeholder vejledninger til hvordan du kan navigere rundt i det store windows og dets komponenter. Bøgerne tager dig gennem step for step hvordan du kan lave netop det arbejde du har brug for. 

Digitale tegninger og bøger

Som sagt er den digitale verden voksende og den bliver kun ved. Digitale tegninger er en vigtigt færdighed nu om dage, som kan tage dig langt hvis du ønsker en karriere inden for det. Bøgerne er perfekte til dem som ønsker at starte eller til dem som ønsker at supplere deres nuværende viden med noget mere. Digitale tegninger består i største omfang af kendskab til de værktøjer som man arbejder med når du skal konstruere elementer eller andet. Derfor er det ikke kun hvordan du tegner men også bøger om hvordan disse værktøjer / programmer fungerer helt basalt. Vi starter alle et sted, og det handler derfor bare om hvor langt du er i processen. Skulle det være kendskab til programmerne har vi utallige af disse. 

Videospil og bøger

I takt med den digitale voksende verden, har vi også fået utallige videospil, som er utrolig populære hos både unge og voksende. Oftest i disse spil findes der utrolige historier som er skrevet af persner med umættelige fantasier, og verdenen bagved dem, finder du her. Vi har bøger omkring World of Warcrafts historier og hvordan de blev til. Udover det har vi sjove bøger om Hearthstone cooking og hvordan du kan lave spændende mad baseret på et spil! 

Bøger om værktøjer og funktioner

Programmerne og dets værktøjer til at tegne digitalt eller konstruere hjemmesider finder du som sagt også her. Vi har samlet et bredt udvalg som indeholder viden omkring IOS, Windows og meget andet!

Bøger om kryptovalutaer og investering

Under coronaen har investeringer steget markant og det er begyndt at være en meget populær pengemaskine. Bøgerne på siden indeholder gode råd til hvordan du kan komme ind i markedet og lave smarte investeringer. Der er forskellige måder at investere på, og det kunne også være kryptovaluta. Forskellen på at investere i aktiemarkedet og kryptovalutaer handler om hvordan du ønsker at investere, skal det være kortsigtet eller langsigtet? Der er selvfølgelig begge dele i begge investeringsområder, men oftest handler det om den kortsigtede værdi af kryptovaluta og langsigtede af aktier. Så kunne du tænke dig at komme ind i dette marked, har vi en masse bøger om emnet her!

Gør som tusindvis af andre bogelskere

Tilmeld dig nyhedsbrevet og få gode tilbud og inspiration til din næste læsning.