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Brain Wash reveals the dangers of consumption culture to our mental and cognitive health, and offers diet and lifestyle interventions to heal the brain.
Discover 100 medicinal plants and how to use them for self-care with this sumptuously illustrated guide. Thanks to photographs showing detailed views of the plant, you'll quickly learn to recognise them. Discover their history, therapeutic properties, and learn how to prepare safe herbal remedies including infusions, tinctures, oils and lotions.
Denne bog er til dig, som ønsker en sund livsstil med fokus på princippet: fra mere mad til bedre mad!Kogebogen er fyldt med lækre opskrifter, som vil mætte og inspirere alle din sanser og samtidig forstærke din energi og livsglæde. Og naturligvis med masser af god chokolade.Du får en masse sunde alternativer til dine normale rutiner.• Morgenmad der gør dig stærk• Frokost der giver energi til resten af dagen• Aftensmad som gør dig glad i lågetAlle opskrifter er bygget op omkring simple living.Det er enkle opskrifter, hvor de fleste kan laves på 10-15 minutter med udgangspunkt i et ganske almindeligt hverdagskøkken eller med resterne fra køleskabet.Det skal være nemt og lækkert at spise sundt.Bogen indeholder også forfatterens personlige guide til en sundere livsstil. Hun tabte selv 45 kg og har nu holdt vægten i 13 år. Hun har skrevet bogen, så alle kan få let adgang til en sund livsstil. Du får også svar på, hvad der sker med mængden af mad, hvis du skifter til en mindre størrelse af tallerken eller spiser med tungt bestik.Om forfatterenHenriette Søvind er indehaver af adfærdsdesignerskolen og har i årevis arbejdet med sund livsstil og adfærd. Hun deltog i Masterchef 2019 på TV3.
Sahara Rose shares her unique approach to discovering your dharma through the Doshas (Ayurvedic mind-body types) and the chakras (energy centres of the body). Take the 'What's Your Dharma Archetype?' quiz and use your Dharma Blueprint to unlock the code of what you're meant to do next, in your relationships, business and every facet of your life.
The anti-diet diet book by University of Cambridge geneticist, Dr Giles Yeo.
THE LATEST BOOK FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES #1 BESTSELLER FEEL BETTER IN 5'This is not a diet book. This is a whole new way of looking at what, why and how we eat and helps you design your own plan to build a better, healthier relationship with food' Fearne Cotton'A book with practical simple tips for everyone!' Tim Spector'It is a beautiful book and has so much in it to help us feel good and prioritise our happiness and health' Dr Gemma Newman'One of the most influential doctors in the country' Chris Evans _________________________________________________________________________It's more important than ever before that we get in shape, stay healthy and live well - Dr Chatterjee is back to show you how.Weight loss isn't a race. It isn't one size fits all. Drawing on twenty years of experience as a GP, Dr Rangan Chatterjee has created a conscious, long-lasting approach to weight loss that goes far beyond fad diets and helps to find the best solutions that work for you. Packed with quick and easy interventions this book will help you: 1. Understand the effects of what, why, when, where and how we eat2. Discover the root cause of your weight gain3. Nourish your body without any crash diets or gruelling workouts 4. Build a toolbox of techniques to help you lose weight, for goodWith Feel Great, Lose Weight you can make sustainable, medically-approved lifestyle changes and become a more energised, confident and healthy you. _________________________________________________________________________ 'A blame-free book' Telegraph'This book is extremely practical, insightful and easy-to-follow' The Happy Pears
A beautiful, step-by-step guide to creating your own restorative yoga routine, with more than over 30 gentle poses, 18 healing sequences, and beautiful color photography throughout.Calm your mind, body, and soul with a gentler form of yoga.Are you new to yoga and seek a gentle practice that will help heal your body and your soul? Unlike more aggressive forms of yoga, restorative yoga emphasizes long, gentle stretches with multiple props to support your body in complete comfort. It''s the perfect style for anyone who seeks a holistic form of healing, or for those who are just beginning their yoga journey and just desire a friendlier approach. Restorative Yoga is the perfect step-by-step guide for creating your personal restorative journey and finding that deeper connection within your body and mind. Here''s what you''ll find: • Practical information on the benefits of restorative yoga and how it can benefit both body and soul • 32 restorative poses with beautiful photography and detailed, step-by-step instructions to take you from start to finish • 18 healing sequences for a variety of physical and emotional conditions including anxiety, insomnia, exhaustion, neck and shoulder pain, and hip and back pain, including gentle poses for pregnant yoga practitioners • Simple guidance for integrating props into your routines, performing basic starting and finishing poses, creating a peaceful space for your practice, using breathing techniques, balancing your energy centers, and more<
Perimenopause Power is a riveting book written by the talented Maisie Hill. Published in 2021 by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, this book delves into the intricacies of women's health, specifically focusing on the perimenopause stage. As a renowned expert in the field, Hill provides insightful and empowering information, making this book a must-read. The genre of this book is health and wellness, and it serves as a guide for those going through this natural phase of life. The author's in-depth knowledge and comprehensive approach make this book a valuable resource. Experience the power of understanding your body with Perimenopause Power by Maisie Hill.
Milla og Anton synes, det er svært at læse. Milla siger, at man har nogle helt særlige BlivGod TilAltingknapper. Dem vil Anton gerne lære, for han synes, det er bøvlet, når der er noget, man ikke kan. Så bøvlet, at man faktisk godt kan blive lidt ked af det. Heldigvis kan Milla noget smart med knapperne, så man hurtigt får det bedre, hvis der er noget, man er ked af eller har det svært med. Hun kalder det TankeBanke. Måske er der noget, dit barn synes er urimeligt svært. Måske har han eller hun oplevet mobning, dødsfald eller en rigtig ubehagelig situation. Eller måske har dit barn en fobi, der fylder alt for meget. Hvis dit barn oplever, at uro, angst, vrede, ked-af-det-hed, sorg eller andre svære følelser kommer til at fylde for meget i hverdagen, så kan teknikkerne i denne bog være med til at hjælpe! TankeBanke for børn er en let, blid og effektiv forløsende teknik, der kan hjælpe med at ”slukke for de alarmer”, der skaber ubehag i dit barn. Sammen kan I bruge teknikkerne, mens I læser om Milla og Anton, og I kan lave jeres helt egen TankeBanke om lige netop dét, der er svært for jeres barn. Bogen om Milla, der lærer Anton at bruge TankeBanke, bygger på teknikker fra behandlingsformen Tankefeltterapi (TFT). Det kendes også som EFT (Emotionel FrihedsTeknik) eller Tapping. Teknikkerne er opstået i 1980’erne, men bygger på gammel kinesisk viden om vores energisystem – det samme man bruger i fx zoneterapi eller akupunktur. Tusindvis af mennesker har haft glæde af at bruge tankefeltterapi, og grundprincipperne kan sagtens bruges hjemme og være med til at skabe en bedre hverdag for dit barn og for hele familien. Bogens teknikker er også velegnede til børn med diagnoser, fx ADHD/ADD. De erstatter ikke an- den behandling, men er et bivirkningsfrit supplement, der kan bidrage positivt til barnets hverdag med mere ro og større overskud. Om forfatteren Rikkestasja Solviig Isolde Johannsen har i fem år arbejdet som konsulent på Center for Undervis- ningsmidler, hvor hun tilrettelægger og formidler sundhedsundervisning i folkeskolen for både læ- rere og elever. Med en bachelor i sundhedsformidling og en kandidat i pædagogik har Rikkestasja en rygsæk bestående af psykologiske, pædagogiske, sociologiske og coachende redskaber. Hun er uddannet både i Emotionel Frihedsteknik (EFT) og i den originale Tankefeltterapi (TFT), og derudover har hun uddannelse i esoterisk kinesiologi. Rikkestasja brænder for at gøre en forskel og særligt for børn og unge, derfor holder hun meget af at arbejde i skolen. For hende er det et af de steder, hvor vi virkelig kan gøre en forskel for vores børn ift. glæde, overskud og magi i hverdagen.
PCOS affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age, and is the most common reproductive disorder in the world PCOS is a significant health concern: it is associated with much higher risks of heart disease, ovarian and endometrial cancers, and type 2 diabetes Addresses a significant gap in public health knowledge: the connection between diet and the reversal of PCOS is not well known By the author of the bestsellers The Obesity Code (half a million copies sold) and The Diabetes Code (more than 100,000 copies sold), Dr. Jason Fung Backed by science and personal experience: Dr. Nadia Brito Pateguana is a naturopathic doctor with a focus on helping people with PCOS overcome infertility, but she has also been diagnosed with PCOS and personally used the advice and recipes in this book to help conceive two healthy, happy girls
A 52-card oracle deck by crystal expert Heather Askinosie that makes the wisdom of crystals convenient and accessible, even when you don't have physical stones on hand. Displays stunning photography of Mother Earth's most energy-filled crystals and explains the energetic properties of each crystal, with affirmations and "crystal actions" to tap into the stones' power.
Epilepsi - en basisbogDenne bog er en gennemgribende opdateret version af Basisbog i epilepsi fra 2006.Nærværende bog er foruden ajourføringen udvidet med et historisk kapitel. Bogen omhandler både børn og voksne og gennemgår principperne ved udredning og klassifikation af epilepsi samt medicinsk og kirurgisk behandling.Bogen har et særligt afsnit for praktiserende læger, som specielt fokuserer på diagnose og henvisningssituation samt de hyppigst forekommende medicinske interaktioner, som man møder i almen praksis. Bagest i bogen er et appendix med gennemgang af alle antiepilektika, som anvendes ved behandling. Dette appendix er udarbejdet for at kunne give læseren en hurtig oversigt over de farmakologiske egenskaber ved de enkelte antiepileptika.
Eat Yourself Healthy is a transformative book by Dr. Megan Rossi, a leading voice in the field of health and nutrition. Published in 2019 by Penguin Books Ltd, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in achieving optimal health through their diet. The book falls under the genre of health and wellness, and it's packed with scientific insights about the link between food and health. Dr. Rossi uses her expertise to guide readers through the process of improving their health by eating the right foods. Eat Yourself Healthy is not just a book; it's a lifestyle guide that will help you change your relationship with food. Published by Penguin Books Ltd, it's a testament to their commitment to disseminating important health information. This book is a valuable addition to your library if you're looking to understand how your diet affects your health.
"When President Nixon launched the War on Cancer with the signing of the National Cancer Act of 1971 and the allocation of billions of research dollars, it was amidst a flurry of promises that a cure was within reach. The research establishment was trumpeting the discovery of oncogenes, the genes that supposedly cause cancer. As soon as we identified them and treated cancer patients accordingly, cancer would become a thing of the past. Fifty years later it's clear that the War on Cancer has failed--despite what the cancer industry wants us to believe. New diagnoses have continued to climb; one in three people in the United States can now expect to battle cancer during their lifetime. For the majority of common cancers, the search for oncogenes has not changed the treatment: We're still treating with the same old triad of removing (surgery), burning out (radiation), or poisoning (chemotherapy). In Cancer and the New Biology of Water, Thomas Cowan, MD, argues that this failure was inevitable because the oncogene theory is incorrect--or at least incomplete--and based on a flawed concept of biology in which DNA controls our cellular function and therefore our health. Instead, Dr. Cowan tells us, the somatic mutations seen in cancer cells are the result of a cellular deterioration that has little to do with oncogenes, DNA, or even the nucleus. The root cause is metabolic dysfunction that deteriorates the structured water that forms the basis of cytoplasmic health. Despite mainstream medicine's failure to bring an end to suffering or deliver on its promises, it remains illegal for physicians to prescribe anything other than the "standard of care" for their cancer patients, despite the fact that gentler, more effective, and more promising treatments exist"--
Denne bog er til dig, der …• føler dig begrænset• længes efter kærlighed• lader din fortid styre din fremtid• bliver overhalet indenom af alle de andre• ønsker en forandring, men ikke ved hvordan• er havnet i hamsterhjulet og ikke tør hoppe afHvis du føler, at alle andre har det hele, og alting lykkes for dem, skal du blot stille dig selv ét enkelt spørgsmål: Hvem ejer dig?Svaret på det tankevækkende spørgsmål er bogens omdrejningspunkt, og det kan ændre dit liv.Bogen er til alle, der vil tage ansvaret for og lykkes medderes eget liv, privat som professionelt.Om forfatterenHenriette Søvind (f. 1971) er en af landets mest benyttede foredragsholdere og coaches inden for livsdesign, kostomlægning og skyggevejledning. Hun er NLP-Master-Trainer og har siden 2010 drevet sin egen livsdesignskole. Hun er aktiv debattør, blogger og madskribent.
Now updated with 30 percent new material, the only comprehensive guide to one of the most essential but often-overlooked minerals, magnesium—which guards against and helps to alleviate heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and asthma Magnesium is an essential nutrient, indispensable to your health and well-being. By adding this mineral to your diet, you are guarding against—and helping to alleviate—such threats as heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and asthma. But despite magnesium’s numerous benefits, many Americans remain dangerously deficient. Updated and revised throughout with the latest research, this amazing guide explains the vital role that magnesium plays in your body and life. Inside you will discover • new findings about the essential role of magnesium in lowering cholesterol • improved methods for increasing magnesium intake and absorption rate • how calcium can increase the risk of heart disease—and how magnesium can lower it • a magnesium-rich eating plan as delicious as it is healthy • information on the link between magnesium and obesity • vitamins and minerals that work with magnesium to treat specific ailments • why paleo, raw food, and green juice diets can lead to magnesium deficiency The Magnesium Miracle, now more than ever, is the ultimate guide to a mineral that is truly miraculous. Praise for The Magnesium Miracle“Dr. Carolyn Dean has been light-years ahead of her time when it comes to the crucial mineral magnesium and its many lifesaving uses. Her work is a gift to humanity. I highly recommend it.”—Christiane Northrup, M.D.“Throughout this volume and with utmost clarity, Dr. Carolyn Dean presents invaluable recommendations—based on the latest magnesium research. Virtually every American can benefit.”—Paul Pitchford, author of Healing with Whole Foods “Dr. Carolyn Dean has the best credentials for bringing solutions to those suffering from the hidden magnesium disorders that affect most of us. This book needs to be read by anyone wishing to improve their quality of life.”—Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., author of The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology
This manual is intended as a resource for students and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, such as Acupuncture, Shiatsu and Qi Gong. The book details the energetic properties of around 300 common foods, and explains the principles of Chinese medicine and how to apply them for daily use.
Naturmedicin, som mere end en million danskere benytter sig af, kan være et godt supplement til lægeordineret medicin. ”Naturmedicinguide” er et opslagsværk, som giver dig en grundig oversigt over de midler, der findes på det danske marked. Du får indblik i produkter, såvel godkendte naturlægemidler som kosttilskud, deres anvendelse, virkning og bivirkning.Du får også gode tips om aktive stoffer i planter, homøopati, lægeurter, som du selv kan finde i naturen, brug af æteriske olier, alternativ medicin til gravide, børn og ældre, naturlægemidler til dyr samt et væld af råd og videnskabelig dokumentation.”Naturmedicin” udkom første gang i 2002. Vi anbefaler, at man altid konsulterer egen læge, hvis man brug for råd og vejledning i forbindelse med sygdom. Tabita Wulff er en dansk forfatter og journalist, som er kendt for sit meget store fokus på blandt andet helse- og urtemedicin. Hun har udgivet mere end et dusin bøger i forskellige genrer om emner så forskellige som rygestop, naturmedicin og cirkushistorier.
Rewriting the science of Alzheimer's Disease, this book presents the first proven plan to reverse Alzheimer's Disease. Revealing that AD is not one condition but in fact three, it outlines 36 metabolic factors, including micronutrients, hormone levels and sleep, which together can trigger downsizing in the brain.
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