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  • af Kindery Verlag
    214,95 kr.

    Es ist ein spannendes und unterhaltsames Buch speziell für Kinder ab 6 Jahren. Es enthält drei verschiedene Arten von Rätseln: Sudoku 4x4, Labyrinthe und Ausmalbilder. Jedes Rätsel ist sorgfältig ausgewählt, um Kindern Spaß zu machen und gleichzeitig ihr logisches Denken und ihre Kreativität zu fördern. Insgesamt gibt es 90 Rätsel, die jeden Tag neues Lernvergnügen bieten. Zusätzlich sind Lösungen im Buch enthalten, sodass Kinder selbstständig ihre Antworten überprüfen können. Dieses Buch ist ein perfektes Geschenk für Kinder im Alter von 6 Jahren, um ihre Fähigkeiten spielerisch zu entwickeln und ihnen Freude am Lernen zu bereiten.

  • af Kathryn Cristaldi
    123,95 kr.

    "I will love you till forever and forever and more, till my love shakes the jungle with a lion-size ROAR, as night blankets the forest near a soothing waterfall and the chimpanzees sleep in trees two hundred feet tall"--

  • af Jean Goulbourne
    168,95 kr.

    It's 1959 in Cross Keys, Jamaica, and Janelle is excited to go to Portsea and spend time with her cousins, Selena and Diana. But things are not all going well. At home her baby brother Mikey is showing worrying developmental delays, and her parents are arguing over the nativity play her dad wants to write. She's also struggling to find friends at school, and, worst of all, cousin Diana seems to have joined a cult. Janelle writes everything down in her diary in this touching and sweet historical story.

  • af Helena Valová
    428,95 kr.

    Zatímco zimní v¿try utkají za väím oknem gobelín mrazu, sváte¿ní období rozvine své magické kouzlo a vábí vás, abyste p¿ijali teplo a radost, které svátky provázejí. A jak lépe zäít tuto okouzlující cestu ne¿ tím, ¿e se ponöíte do nádherné symfonie v¿ní vycházejících z väí kuchyn¿ - kde je alchymie ingrediencí prom¿ní v h¿ejivou esenci ¿erstv¿ upe¿eného vánöního cukroví? Nejlep¿í Kolekce Vánöních Kolá¿ek roz¿i¿uje pozvání nejen do kuliná¿ské ¿í¿e, ale do ¿í¿e sdílených tradic, lásky a vytvá¿ení vzácných okam¿ik¿ s t¿mi, kte¿í jsou väemu srdci nejbli¿¿í a nejdrä¿í.Na stránkách této kolekce se vydáváme na delikátní odyseu - cestu, která p¿esahuje v¿ednost a prom¿¿uje pe¿ení v oslavu um¿ní. Pe¿ení se stává více ne¿ jen kuliná¿skou ¿inností; stává se srde¿ným projevem lásky a pokräováním hý¿kaných tradic. V této okouzlující kompilaci vzdáváme hold radostné esenci Vánoc, kde kädý recept je pe¿liv¿ vytvöeným sv¿dectvím o v¿elosti röního období a zve vás, abyste si vychutnali nejen chut¿, ale i vzpomínky, které vyvolávají, p¿etrvávající dlouho po pozlátku a ozdoby jsou zabalené.Ponöte se do kuliná¿ského dobrodru¿ství, které zahrnuje klasiku, ty ¿asem uznávané oblíbené, které evokují nostalgii a pocit domova. P¿esto se nebojte prozkoumat inovativní zvraty, které dodají väemu prázdninovému repertoáru ¿petku vzru¿ení. Nejlep¿í Kolekce Vánöních Kolá¿ek je p¿íslibem - p¿íslibem, ¿e na jejích stránkách najdete perfektní lah¿dku pro kädý mlsný jazý¿ek, kädou p¿íle¿itost a kädý vzácný okam¿ik, který ¿eká na vytvöení.Tak¿e, kdy¿ se vydáte na tuto cestu stránkami této sbírky, ké¿ objevíte nejen nádherné recepty, ale také najdete prostor, kde se pe¿ení stane prost¿edníkem lásky, tradice a vytvá¿ení vzpomínek, které p¿etrvají mnoho. jako samotný evergreen duch Vánoc.

  • af Tiên Vân
    428,95 kr.

    Khi nh¿ng c¿n gió mùa ¿ông d¿t nên m¿t t¿m th¿m s¿¿ng giá bên ngoài c¿a s¿ c¿a b¿n, mùa l¿ h¿i b¿c l¿ s¿c quy¿n r¿ k¿ di¿u c¿a nó, v¿y g¿i b¿n ¿ón nh¿n s¿ ¿m áp và ni¿m vui ¿i kèm v¿i nh¿ng ngày ngh¿ l¿. Và còn cách nào t¿t h¿n ¿¿ b¿t ¿¿u cüc hành trình ¿¿y mê höc này h¿n là ¿¿m mình trong b¿n giao h¿¿ng thú v¿ c¿a h¿¿ng th¿m t¿a ra t¿ nhà b¿p c¿a b¿n-n¿i thüt gi¿ kim c¿a các nguyên li¿u bi¿n thành tinh ch¿t ¿m lòng c¿a nh¿ng chi¿c bánh quy Giáng sinh m¿i n¿¿ng? B¿ s¿u t¿p Bánh quy Giáng sinh Cüi cùng m¿ r¿ng l¿i m¿i, không ch¿ ¿¿n thün là l¿nh v¿c ¿m th¿c mà còn là l¿nh v¿c c¿a nh¿ng truy¿n th¿ng chung, tình yêu và vi¿c t¿o ra nh¿ng khönh kh¿c ¿áng trân tr¿ng v¿i nh¿ng ng¿¿i g¿n g¿i và thân th¿¿ng nh¿t trong trái tim b¿n.Trong các trang c¿a b¿ s¿u t¿p này, chúng ta b¿t tay vào m¿t cüc phiêu l¿u thú v¿-m¿t cüc hành trình v¿¿t qua nh¿ng ¿i¿u bình th¿¿ng và bi¿n hành ¿¿ng n¿¿ng bánh thành m¿t s¿ tôn vinh ngh¿ thüt. Làm bánh không ch¿ là m¿t công vi¿c theo ¿üi ¿m th¿c; nó tr¿ thành s¿ th¿ hi¿n chân thành c¿a tình yêu và s¿ ti¿p n¿i nh¿ng truy¿n th¿ng trân quý. Trong b¿ s¿u t¿p ¿¿y mê höc này, chúng tôi bày t¿ lòng kính tr¿ng ¿¿i v¿i b¿n ch¿t vui v¿ c¿a Giáng sinh, n¿i m¿i công th¿c là m¿t minh ch¿ng ¿¿¿c ch¿ tác c¿n th¿n cho s¿ ¿m áp c¿a mùa, m¿i b¿n th¿¿ng th¿c không ch¿ h¿¿ng v¿ mà c¿ nh¿ng k¿ ni¿m mà chúng g¿i lên, ¿¿ng l¿i r¿t lâu sau l¿p kim tuy¿n và ¿¿ trang trí ¿¿¿c ¿óng gói ¿i.¿i sâu vào cüc phiêu l¿u ¿m th¿c tr¿i dài t¿ nh¿ng món ¿n c¿ ¿i¿n, nh¿ng món ¿n ¿¿¿c yêu thích lâu ¿¿i g¿i lên n¿i nh¿ và c¿m giác nh¿ ¿ nhà. Tuy nhiên, ¿¿ng ng¿i khám phá nh¿ng bi¿n t¿u sáng t¿o ¿¿ t¿ng thêm chút ph¿n khích cho ti¿t m¿c k¿ ngh¿ c¿a b¿n. T¿ nh¿ng chi¿c bánh quy ¿¿¿ng mang tính bi¿u t¿¿ng ¿¿¿c trang trí b¿ng kem l¿ h¿i, m¿t khung v¿ cho s¿ th¿ hi¿n sáng t¿o c¿a b¿n, ¿¿n h¿¿ng th¿m d¿ ch¿u và ¿¿m ¿à c¿a bánh g¿ng g¿i lên hình ¿nh nh¿ng ngôi nhà nh¿ mùa ¿ông c¿ kính và ni¿m vui s¿ng khoái c¿a nh¿ng sáng t¿o sô cô la b¿c hà kích thích v¿ giác, The B¿ s¿u t¿p bánh quy Giáng sinh cüi cùng là m¿t l¿i h¿a-m¿t l¿i h¿a r¿ng trong các trang c¿a nó, b¿n s¿ tìm th¿y món ¿n hoàn h¿o cho m¿i kh¿u v¿, m¿i d¿p và m¿i khönh kh¿c trân quý ¿ang ch¿ ¿¿¿c t¿o ra.Vì v¿y, khi b¿t ¿¿u cüc hành trình qua các trang c¿a b¿ s¿u t¿p này, b¿n có th¿ không ch¿ khám phá nh¿ng công th¿c n¿u ¿n thú v¿ mà còn tìm th¿y m¿t không gian n¿i hành ¿¿ng n¿¿ng bánh tr¿ thành c¿u n¿i cho tình yêu, truy¿n th¿ng và vi¿c t¿o ra nh¿ng k¿ ni¿m s¿ t¿n t¿i lâu dài. gi¿ng nh¿ tinh th¿n th¿¿ng xanh c¿a l¿ Giáng sinh.

  • af May Alcott Louisa
    153,95 kr.

    "The Abbot's Ghost, Or Maurice Treherne's Temptation" is a novella written by Louisa May Alcott, recognised for her traditional novel "Little Women." This lesser-recognized work delves into issues of affection, temptation, and redemption. The tale revolves around the protagonist, Maurice Treherne, a talented musician and the inheritor to an own family estate. He is deeply in love with Octavia, a lovely and virtuous female, but his existence takes a tumultuous turn when he encounters the ghost of an abbot who tempts him with wealth and energy. This supernatural entity represents temptation and assessments Maurice's ethical individual. As Maurice navigates this inner conflict, he is likewise entangled in a complex net of circle of relatives secrets and techniques, deceit, and rivalries. The narrative weaves collectively factors of thriller, romance, and the supernatural, growing a gripping tale of inner conflict. Louisa May Alcott's novella explores the undying topic of the human conflict among virtue and vice. It serves as a cautionary story approximately the allure of worldly goals and the importance of staying actual to at least one's moral compass. "The Abbot's Ghost" showcases Alcott's storytelling prowess and her capability to create engaging narratives that resonate with readers, even beyond her most well-known work, "Little Women."

  • af Brittani Ramirez
    218,95 kr.

    Dive into the epic Exodus story with 'A Tale of Passover,' a compelling narrative that explores the significant role of Elohim in the journey of the Israelites to freedom. This book intricately weaves the Passover story, highlighting its foreshadowing of the Messiah. Experience the plagues, the Passover meal, and the dramatic escape from Egypt, all revealing deeper spiritual truths. Ideal for those seeking to understand the roots of faith, 'A Tale of Passover' offers a rich blend of history and spiritual insight in a concise, engaging format.

  • af Camilla Isley
    162,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Coledown Kitchen
    128,95 kr.

    Indulge your senses in the vibrant and tantalizing world of Kenyan cuisine. Immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry of Kenya, exploring the colorful markets, savoring the aromas of bustling kitchens, and bringing the warmth of Kenyan hospitality into your own home.This cookbook is a culinary journey through the heart and soul of Kenya, offering a collection of delicious recipes that blend tradition with innovation.Discover the secrets of Kenyan cooking as you navigate through the pages, where seasonal ingredients take center stage. From the refreshing Mango Avocado Salad of spring to the rich and comforting Uji with Berries and Nuts of winter, each recipe is a celebration of Kenya's diverse flavors and the importance of cooking with the rhythm of nature.Karibu!

  • af Aveda Vice
    143,95 kr.

    They say the abandoned Christmas tree farm is haunted.Just Rowen's luck that she gets stranded there on the drive to visit her overbearing mother...not that Rowen would complain. It's easier not to rock the boat, even if her jaw aches from a life spent biting her tongue.When she stumbles across Asher, the farm's surly caretaker and her former flame, things are anything but easy. Getting snowed in together opens old wounds, and the past ten years have done nothing to quell the heat between them.But Asher has a secret lurking in the woods. It watches and waits for a chance to sink its teeth into Rowen. Asher has to do everything they can to protect her, even if it means pushing her away again.As cursed Christmas Eve approaches, Rowen and Asher must finally face their fears or let love slip away for good.

  • af Jowan Smith
    168,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Thy Nguyen
    156,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Isamrätsel Verlag
    204,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist speziell für Senioren, Erwachsene, Rentner und alle Rätselfreunde konzipiert. Es enthält 30 Kreuzworträtsel in großer Schrift, die ideal für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Sehkraft oder für diejenigen sind, die einfach größere Buchstaben bevorzugen. Dieses Buch bietet eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, das Gehirn aktiv und das Gedächtnis geschärft zu halten. Es eignet sich hervorragend als Geschenk für Eltern, Großeltern oder Freunde, die Freude an Denksportaufgaben haben. Durch seine benutzerfreundliche Gestaltung und die Vielfalt der Rätsel spricht es ein breites Publikum an und verspricht stundenlangen Rätselspaß.

  • af Marcos Mora
    213,95 kr.

    This picture book presents the story of the nativity and explains its meaning simply enough for a child to understand. From the annunciation by the angel to the birth of jesus, the appearance of the angels to the shepherds, and the journey of the wise men, the christmas story is presented in its most traditional form. The text is suitable for young readers and is accompanied by beautiful illustrations that connect the biblical story of the birth of jesus christ with today's christmas celebration.Embark on a magical journey with these heartwarming tales that transport children to a winter wonderland filled with festive joy, friendship, and the true meaning of christmas. Each story is a captivating adventure, brimming with whimsical characters, snowy landscapes, and timeless lessons that will leave a lasting impression.This delightful collection is perfect for snuggling up by the fireplace on chilly evenings or as a joyful countdown to the big day. Make this holiday season extra special with a gift that keeps on giving - the timeless joy of festive storytelling that will be treasured for years to come. Get ready for a sleigh-full of smiles, laughter, and the pure magic of christmas!In this story, we will find out what the dinosaurs did on christmas day. We will follow them as they decorate their homes, bake cookies, wrap presents, and celebrate with their friends and family.

  • af Amarilys Gacio Rassler
    158,95 kr.

    Elizabeth, Zechariah's wife, is transported into heaven to Prayer Central where standing in line many await the answers to their prayers. Before Elizabeth's turn a little boy faces an angel who grants him his request and gives him a drum to play music for the coming king. Elizabeth wants a child of her own and is moved by the presence of the little boy. Next in line are three men who desire to find the special child that will be born. One of the gentlemen is saddened by the thought of bringing myrrh as a gift to the king. He and his comical companions, after agreeing to their assignments, are given their wish. Among the group of those waiting for answers is a humorous curmudgeon-like shepherd and Elizabeth. The shepherds is promised what he desires, to be recognized in a special way. Finally bringing about the surprise element is Mary, who does not have a request but comes to give herself to God for anything He has for her to do. The angel at the window finishes the story with the question, "Anything?"

  • af Jacqueline Berman
    208,95 kr.

    In a world teeming with mouthwatering possibilities, young JJ is on a mission like no other! With her birthday on the horizon, she's determined to unearth the most extraordinary birthday meal imaginable. Armed with an insatiable curiosity and a palate hungry for adventure, JJ embarks on a quest that leads her through the bustling, colorful maze of New York City.As she navigates the city, JJ discovers a world of enchanting ethnic enclaves hidden within the city's vibrant neighborhoods. From the aromatic corridors of Flushing to the spice-infused streets of Jackson Heights, she immerses herself in a tapestry of cultures, flavors, and traditions.Each subway stop becomes a gateway to culinary wonders, as JJ encounters friends eager to share their go-to birthday dishes. Along the way, she forms unexpected friendships, discovering that the true magic lies not just in the tantalizing tastes she samples, but in the heartwarming connections she forges.Join JJ on this flavorful expedition as she unveils the wonders of friendship, cultural diversity, and the joy of crafting a meal infused with love and stories from every corner of the world.

  • af Isamrätsel Verlag
    210,95 kr.

    Unsere Sammlung von über 150 Rätseln, ideal für Senioren, Rentner, Eltern und Erwachsene aller Altersgruppen. Es bietet eine abwechslungsreiche Mischung aus Sudoku, Wortsuchen und Labyrinthen, die geistige Fitness und Unterhaltung versprechen. Jeden Tag wartet neue Rätseln, die logisches Denken, Gedächtnis und Konzentration fördert. Dieses Buch ist ein perfektes Geschenk für Rätselliebhaber und eignet sich hervorragend zur Entspannung und Herausforderung im Alltag.

  • af Colleen Monroe
    108,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Gladen
    263,95 kr.

    Get ready to embark on a heartwarming and enchanting journey with "A Star in the Night," a delightful picture book crafted by author Jennifer Gladen. This BRAND NEW SECOND EDITION comes completely redesigned On a cold Christmas Eve night, David can't wait to celebrate with a steaming cup of hot cocoa coupled with Mr. Rennetti's famous cookies. As David ventures home he can't wait to spend the last of his money on Mr. Rennetti's famous cookies. It was pure Christmas joy. However, as David ventures home. he is accompanied by a shimmering star and some tough decisions that challenge his idea of Christmas joy. Will David's experiences change his view of Christmas forever? A book that highlights a deeper meaning of Christmas David's experiences bring him into situations that remind him that there are other people, even those close to him, who are much less fortunate. As David confronts these situations, something in him begins to change. Highly Recommended First edition was awarded the coveted Catholic Writers Guild Seal of ApprovalCatholic Mom founder and editor Lisa Hendey says it is "a perfect story to share with your little ones to underscore the true joy of giving.""Jennifer Gladen creates a unique Christmas story of the importance of our inactions or actions toward every living creature." Donna M."A wonderful story that is not just for Christmas as the message for all year round. The importance of giving, especially when it is to others in need. The illustrations are beautiful and a must for your children's library" --Diane B. Perfect for ages 5-11, this is a Christmas Story about the joy of giving to others. It makes a perfect Christmas gift, or gift for any time of the year. Book Blurb: David makes his way home on Christmas Eve dreaming of the perfect Christmas, but soon sees this is no ordinary night. Accompanied by a shimmering star and some tough decisions, David encounters three experiences that will change his view of Christmas forever For children and parents of children ages 5,6,7,8,9,10,11

  • af Astrix Borges
    113,95 kr.

    Elena Durán est de retour en Espagne après avoir travaillé plus de quinze ans à l'étranger.Teresa Sánchez est de retour à Lanjarón pour passer Noël après s'être réconciliée avec sa mère.Les deux femmes ont eu par le passé une relation intense qui s'est terminée dans des circonstances très déroutantes pour Elena, et douloureuses pour Teresa.Aucune des deux ne s'attendait à voir l'autre, et lorsqu'elles se rencontrent au milieu du marché de Noël, quelque chose remue dans leurs âmes, leur faisant réaliser que l'amour bat toujours en elles, avec autant de force qu'il y a vingt ans.Tout serait parfait si Elena n'était pas incapable de contrôler le ressentiment et la colère qu'elle éprouve à l'égard de Teresa.Teresa parviendra-t-elle à reconquérir Elena?

  • af Stefan Fourier
    163,95 - 240,95 kr.

  • af Mary Schmidt
    198,95 kr.

    "What would you do if you just found out the man you married was a professional assassin and you were at the top of his hit list?"

  • af Yolanda T Marshall
    168,95 - 343,95 kr.

    As Anne's birthday drew close, her friends prepared a soca party. Anne loves the sound of Caribbean soca music played on steel pans and West Africa's spicy jollof rice. Hence, her friends planned to celebrate her special day with a fusion of sounds and traditional dishes from Caribbean and African countries - a representation of their diverse yet comparable cultures. Anne was in for a real surprise.This book includes a Jollof Rice Recipe.

  • af Rachel Daniel
    282,95 kr.

    Fun, Christmas Activity workbook - Perfect as a Christmas Eve activity, for the kids' lunch table on Christmas day, or for on the trip to your Christmas holiday destination. They're going to love this.

  • af Lindsay Harrel
    158,95 kr.

    Rebecca Trengrouse is quite possibly the worst businesswoman in the world.All she ever wanted was to run her family's bakery in tiny Port Willis, England, but that dream was squashed when her father decided to close up shop without asking her.Now, thanks to mounting debt and an aversion to marketing (and, let's be honest-people in general), she needs to sell the bed and breakfast she bought on a whim a few years ago.And fast.So when a handsome guest makes her a purchase offer that's halfway decent, she knows she shouldn't refuse.But there's just something about the guy she doesn't like.It doesn't matter that the American is her friend Ginny's older brother. Benjamin's casual smile, perfectly tousled hair, and arrogant chocolate eyes are exactly the kind of charming Rebecca knows to keep at arms' length.But that becomes difficult when the two of them get snowed in together at the inn during a freak Christmas blizzard.And as cozy as things are getting between them, Rebecca knows it wouldn't be smart to open her heart to yet another man who is destined to leave her.But love is not as predictable as baked goods.And the heart does not always do what is smart.This holiday romance is the perfect escape for readers of sweet and inspirational fiction who adore stories about love, friendship, and learning to look for the light in the twists and turns of life.

  • af Lindsay Harrel
    158,95 kr.

    "Follow your dreams" is not her family's motto.But this Christmas, Sarah's doing the unthinkable-defying her wealthy parents.Instead of fulfilling expected holiday obligations, she visits a quaint English village to help her estranged sister open her dream bakery.And yes, Sarah fully expects things to be awkward between them.What she doesn't expect? Michael Hammett.The charming British photographer challenges her perspective in more ways than one.Maybe, just maybe, she can choose a life outside of her parents' control.But when her father threatens the thing Sarah cares about most, will her newfound perspective be enough-or will living life on her own terms always be a distant dream?

  • af Ron Brooks
    163,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Harrel
    158,95 kr.

    Kara Elise Gentry's trust in men is shattered......especially wealthy ones.But after spending seven years as the wife of a powerful CEO-a praiseworthy man on the outside, but a monster behind closed doors-who can blame her?Now, three years after finding the courage to leave him, Kara is trying to make a life for herself and her young daughter. She's moving forward, working a job she loves at Boston-based New Dawn Women's Council, the very non-profit that made her second chance possible.That job lands her overseas in the quaint village of Port Willis just two weeks before Christmas. As the special events coordinator for New Dawn's main office in Boston, Kara is overseeing the fundraiser that will help to finance and launch their London office.And, like every good fundraiser should, this one includes a three-night stay at a historic English estate and a Winter Ball.Kara has planned for every contingency-except Warren Kensington.The handsome president of the charity's board of directors seems like a good guy. Then again, so did Kara's ex until they got married.Still, there's something about Warren that draws Kara to him. Can she let down her walls and trust again, or will they both return to Boston broken hearted this Christmas?Lose yourself in the magic of this inspirational Austen-esque romance, where the friendships are sweet and the kisses are sweeter.

  • af J. Keenan
    213,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Jana Arnold
    198,95 - 298,95 kr.

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