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Bøger om Fairy tales

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  • af Hans Christian Andersen, Clara Wedersøe Strunge & Jørgen Haarder
    207,95 kr.

    Content: The Princess on the Pea, The Tinderbox, The Ugly Duckling, The Nightingale, The Emperor´s New Clothes, Numskull Jack, The Little Match Girl, The Swineherd, Thumbelina, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Flying Trunk, The Little Mermaid, The Snow Queen.Published in English, Danish and German.Hans Christian Andersen´s collection of 13 fairy tales is a hardcover book, filled with colours and vivid characters with whom incredible adventures take place. 3 young artists worked on this book with an idea to create catchy colourful illustrations that will accompany our young readers during their journey into the world of fairy tales.

  • - His most beloved fairy tales
    165,95 kr.

    Welcome to the magical world of Hans Christian Andersen. Dive into a universe where mermaides fall in love, princesses sleep on peas, nightingales sing sweetly and ugly ducklings find their beauty

  • - And Other Children's Stories
    af A.M. Andersen
    52,95 - 117,95 kr.

    When pigs fly and other children's stories is a collection of four short fairy tales for the inner child in all. In the story Bob the big Bottomed we follow Bob who is a somewhat lazy young man. Bob's unwillingly forced to take responsibility for himself. One day, a pixie knocks on his door and Bob's life is changed forever. The second story is When pigs fly. On a farm lives the young pig Kevin. Just as Bob, Kevin seems to be happy at his home. An inner yearning calls to him and when a bird crashes into his pigsty, his whole view of life is challenged. Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder is the third story. Maisie's dog Beauty is dying and Maisie struggles to let go of her beloved friend. A dream will take Maisie and Beauty on a journey through the depths of Maisie's emotions.The last story is Cloud 9. We meet Peter who is an adventures soul. Peter meets a variety of different persons and races. His indominable spirit and kindness are really the nerve and heart of this humorous story.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Fyrtøjet fortæller historien om en modig og heldig soldat, en snedig helt, som snyder en frygtelig heks og får fat i hendes magiske fyrtøj, dræber hende og snyder kongen og dronningen til både at slippe for at blive hængt og gifte sig med deres datter, den smukke prinsesse. Men soldaten er ikke blot en helt, han er også ødsel, ond og udspekuleret. I den dygtige kunstner Igor Oleynikov billeder ser man tydeligt begge sider af soldatens personlighed. Udgivet på dansk,engelsk og tysk. Illustreret af Igor OleynikovGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Det er sjældent at et eventyr af H. C. Andersen ender lykkeligt, men dette gør. Det er også en af hans mest rørende historier. Det er en fortælling om had, loyalitet, svigt og håb og fortvivlelse. Intet kan ødelægge prinsessen og hendes brødres kærlighed til hinanden selvom deres far og stedmor gør hvad de kan. Stedmoderen hader sin mands børn og for at straffe dem gør hun prinsessen stum og forvandler drengene til svaner. Med kærlighed og styrke lykkes det til sidst prinsessen at redde sine brødre, og ophæve forbandelsen. Historien lærer os, at kærlighed, hengivelse og tro kan overvinde al ondskab.Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk. Illustreret af Francesca Dafne Vignaga Genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Tommelise er historien om en lille pige som bliver født af et bygfrø, og oplever mange eventyr. Hun undslipper frøerne, men falder i kløerne på en bille, som dog forlader den lille pige i den store, mørke skov. Hun møder da en markmus som tager hende med til en muldvarp som hun nær bliver gift med. Skæbnen byder på mange udfordringer for lille Tommelise, og hun lærer af dem alle. Hendes store hjerte og hjælpsomhed fører til et venskab med en svale, som tager hende med til de varme lande hvor Tommelise forelsker sig i elverkongen. Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og dansk.Illustreret af Julia GukovaGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Dette eventyr handler om evnen til at udtrykke medlidenhed og kærlighed og at være trofast og uselvisk. Stærkt venskab og kærlighed hjælper Gerda med at redde Kay fra Snedronningens fangenskab og smelte splinten af troldspejlet, som har forvandlet hans hjerte til is. Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk.Illustreret af Maria MikhalskayaGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Denne historie handler om en tinsoldat som fra fødslen er enestående. Alle tinsoldater har to ben, men ikke denne; han har kun ét ben, men er på trods af dette den mest standhaftige af alle. Vores hovedperson forelsker sig i en ballerina af papir, men onde kræfter vil forhindre kærligheden i at blomstre. Illustrationerne i bogen vil lede de små læsere ind i en eventyrlig verden og tage dem med på en rejse i avisbåden, sammen med den lille, standhaftige tinsoldat. Udgivet på dansk og engelsk. Illustreret af Gaëlle VejlupekGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Det er en livsbekræftende historie genfortalt af den unge, danske forfatter Clara Wedersøe Strunge og illustreret af den prisvindende kunstner Jevgenij Antonenkov.Den grimme ælling er perfekt som første illustrerede introduktion til børn og deres forældre om den simple sandhed “Du skal ikke dømme på udseendet alene.”Det er historien om en lille fugl, der kom til verden i en andegård skønt klækket af et svaneæg. Historien fortæller os at, det at vokse op, ændre sig og tage risici ikke kun kan forandre os – det kan også forvandle os til en “smuk svane”.Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk.Illustreret af Evgeny AntonenkovGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om en ung havfrue, som er villig til at opgive sin tilværelse i kærlighedens navn. På grund af sin stærke kærlighed til prinsen får den lille havfrue et par ben i stedet for sin fiskehale. Da kærligheden ikke bliver gengældt, dør hun og bliver til havskum.Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk.Illustreret af Yana SedovaGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    En af H. C. Andersens mest hjerteskærende eventyr handler om en lille fattig pige som tjener penge til familien ved at sælge tændstikker. Lillejuleaften fryser hun ihjel, da hun ikke tør tage hjem, af frygt for sin strenge far. Hver gang den lille pige tænder en tændstik for at få lidt varme, træder smukke billeder frem for hendes øjne; en fed gås stiger op fra et fad og kommer imod hende, et juletræ fuld af legetøj, hendes afdøde bedstemor. Om morgenen bliver pigen fundet, frosset til døde, med en æske fuld af afbrændte tændstikker. Historien er smukt illustreret af den italienske kunstner Eleonora Simeoni, med billeder der fører de små læsere gennem historien, uden at skræmme dem. Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tyskIllustreret af Eleonora SimeoniGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Det berømte eventyr ’Den Flyvende Kuffert’ af H.C. Andersen handler om en søn af en rig købmand, som spildte det meste arven fra sin far.En af hans gamle venner gav ham en kuffert, som viste sig at være magisk. Den kunne flyve, og købmandssønnen rejste til tyrkernes land. Han slog sig ned i skoven, menda han fandt ud af at en smuk prinsesse blev holdt i skjul i byen, fløj han dertil. Han vandt prinsessens hjerte med sine eventyrfortællinger, men ligesom de fleste af H.C. Andersens eventyr, endte historien ikke så lykkelig; kufferten brændte, og købmandssønnen kunne ikke flyve tilbage til byen og gifte sig med sin prinsesse.Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk. Illustreret af Saeideh AhmadiGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Kejseren i denne historie ansætter to svindlere som lover ham at sy en klædedragt af så tyndt stof, at det vil være usynligt for dumme mennesker. Efter at have brugt nogen tid ved en tom væv, giver svindlerne kejseren den usynlige dragt. Dette er måske den sjoveste af H.C. Andersens historier, og udstiller forfængeligheden og dumheden hos den herskende elite. Snu svindlere kan tilsyneladende narre selv en kejser og hans hoffolk, men ikke børn. Børn forstiller sig ikke, men siger hvad de tænker og fortæller hvad de ser. Også hvis de ser en nøgen kejser.Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk.Illustreret af Vladimir NenovGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Dette eventyr vil gøre den lille læser bekendt med kontrasten mellem, hvad der er naturligt og kunstigt, hvad der forekommer i naturen, og hvad der er menneskeskabt, og hvordan skønheden i det første kan være det sidste overlegent. Det fortælles i form af to fugle, en mekanisk fugl og en ægte nattergal. Den kunstige fugls evner består i at efterligne lyden af en orgeltønde og spille en melodisk melodi, men det er den levende lyd af nattergalen, der redder kejseren og afværger døden i en vanskelig time, mens den kunstige fugls mekaniske urværk forbliver stille.Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk.Illustreret af Assol SasGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Hvad taler skovens kvikke firben om? Ja, al deres snak handler om hvordan indbyggerne på den magiske høj forbereder sig på fornemt besøg. Skovkongen selv venter en gammel norsk trold og hans to sønner, som skovkongen ønsker skal giftes med hans døtre! Gennem Evgeniya Lotsmanovas smukke, detaljerede litografier inviteres vores små læsere til den store skovfest i denne eventyrlige historie. Udgivet på dansk, engelsk og tysk. Illustreret af Evgenia LotsmanovaGenfortalt af Clara Wedersøe Strunge

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    The famous fairy tale "The Flying trunk" by H.C. Andersen is about the son of a rich merchant who squandered almost all the inheritance he inherited from his father. One of his former friends gave him a trunk. It turned out to be magical, as it could fly, and the merchant's son went to the land of Turks on it. He settled in the forest, and after learning that a beautiful princess lived in the city, to whom no one was allowed, he flew to her. And since the guy was a storyteller, he captivated the princess and her parents with his stories. But like most of Andersen's tales, the end of this story was not so happy: the trunk burned down, and the merchant's son could not connect with his bride.Collection: My First TalesIllustrated by Saeideh AhmadiRetold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    147,95 kr.

    What are nimble forest lizards talking about?Yes, all their talk is only about how the inhabitants of the magichill are preparing to meet noble guests. The forest king himself is expecting an old Norwegian troll with his sons, to whom he wants to marry his daughters! The fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen comes to life in detailed lithographic illustrations by Evgeniya Lotsmanova and invites our littlereaders to a big forest fest!Collection: My First TalesIllustrated by Evgenia LotsmanovaRetold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    The emperor in this story hires two crooks who promise to sew him a new dress from such a piece of thin fabric that it will be practically invisible to fools. After spending some time at anempty loom, the crooks give the king the "invisible dress."Perhaps one of the funniest tales of H.C. Andersen, exposing the stupidity and vices of the ruling elite.Cunning crooks can deceive anyone, even the emperor himself and his loyal advisers, but not a child. Children do not know how to pretend. They say what they see, even if there is a naked emperor in front of them.Collection: My First TalesIllustrated by Vladimir NenovRetold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    Thumbelina is a story about a little girl born from a barley seed who goes through many adventures. She escapes from the frogs but falls directly into the claws of a beetle, who soon leaves her, and the poor girl is left alone in the cold dark forest. Then she meets a field mouse who introduces her to a mole, and this meeting almost turns into a wedding. Fate has prepared for Thumbelina many adventures and encounters, from which she will take her lessons. But little Thumbelina has a big kind heart, which helps her to save herself and save a swallow, who takes her to warm lands, where Thumbelina falls in love with the king of elves.Collection: My First TalesIllustrated by Julia GukovaRetold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    The story is about a tin soldier, who from his very birth turns out to be “not like everyone else” all tin soldiers are on two legs, but this one is one-legged and at the same time, of course, the most steadfast of all.Our soldier falls in love with a paper ballerina, but the forces of evil are going to prevent this high, beautiful love. The illustrations in this book will instantly immerse the children in the world of a fairy tale and will carry them along on a journey on a paper boat with the steadfast tin soldier. Collection: My First TalesIllustrated by Gaëlle VejlupekRetold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    That rare case when the tale by the great H.C. Andersen has ahappy ending. The Wild Swans considered being one of Andersen's most touching tales. This is a tale about love and hate, loyalty, and betrayal, hope and utter despair. Nothing can weaken the love of the young princess and the brothers.The stepmother hates her husband's children for no reason, and to punish them she takes the voice from the princess and transforms the boys into swans.This tale teaches that love, devotion, and faith can work wonders and overcome any evil. Collection: My First TalesIllustrated by Francesca Dafne VignagaRetold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    One of Andersen's most heartbreaking stories is about a little match girl who freezes on the night before Christmas, choosing not to return home for fear of her abusive father.Every time the little girl lights a match to keep herself warm, bright visions arise in front of her eyes - a fat goose that rises from a plate and goes to meet her, a Christmas tree with toys, her deceased grandmother ...In the morning, the girl is found frozen with a box of burntmatches.The story is accompanied by illustrations from a talented Italian artist Eleonora Simeoni. These illustrations soften the tragedy of the story and help young readers get acquainted with the text.Collection: My First TalesIllustrated by: Eleonora SimeoniRetold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    This fairy tale will acquaint the little reader with the contrast of what’s natural and artificial, what occurs in nature, and what is made by man, and how the beauty of the former can be superior to the latter. This is conveyed through a mechanical bird and a real nightingale. The abilities of the artificial bird consist in resembling the sound of an organ barrel and playing a melodic tune, but it is the living sound of the nightingale that saves the emperor and fends off death when he is at his most difficult hour, all thewhile the mechanical clockwork of the artificial bird remains silent.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    147,95 kr.

    The Tinderbox is a tale about a brave, lucky soldier who managed to deceive a terrible witch, escape execution, and marry a beautiful princess. The soldier is presented to us as a dexterous and agile hero who managed to take possession of a magic Tinderbox, kill a witch, cheat the queen and king into both pardon his execution and marry their daughter, the princess he was in love with. But note that the main character can also be called frivolous and cruel. The illustrations of the talented artist Igor Oleynikov only emphasize the duality of the character of our soldier.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen, Clara Wedersøe Strunge & Jørgen Haarder
    207,95 kr.

    Indhold: Prinsessen på ærten, Fyrtøjet, Den grimme ælling, Nattergalen, Kejserens nye klæder, Klods-Hans, Den lille pige med svovlstikkerne, Svinedrengen, Tommelise, Den standhaftige tinsoldat, Den flyvende kuffert, Den lille havfrue, Snedronningen.Udgivet på engelsk, dansk og tyskHans Christian Andersens samling af 13 eventyr er en hardcoverbog fyldt med farver og livagtige personer, som oplever utrolige eventyr. Denne bog er udarbejdet af 3 unge kunstnere med en tanke om at skabe fængende, farverige illustrationer til at ledsage vores unge læsere på deres rejse ind i eventyrenes verden.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen, Clara Wedersøe Strunge & Jørgen Haarder
    207,95 kr.

    Prinsessen på ærten, Fyrtøjet, Den grimme ælling, Nattergalen, Kejserens nye klæder, Klods-Hans, Den lille pige med svovlstikkerne, Svinedrengen, Tommelise, Den standhaftige tinsoldat, Den flyvende kuffert, Den lille havfrue, Snedronningen.Udgivet på engelsk, dansk og tyskHans Christian Andersens samling af 13 eventyr er en hardcoverbog fyldt med farver og livagtige personer, som oplever utrolige eventyr. Denne bog er udarbejdet af 3 unge kunstnere med en tanke om at skabe fængende, farverige illustrationer til at ledsage vores unge læsere på deres rejse ind i eventyrenes verden.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    This tale is about the ability to express compassion and love, to be faithful and selfless. Strong friendship and love help Gerda to save Kay from the captivity of the Snow Queen and melt the shard of a troll's mirror that turns any heart into ice.“My first tales” is a collection of HC Andersen's world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of HC Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    The Ugly Duckling is a beautiful hardcover book from the book series “My first tales”.It is a life-asserting story retold by a young Danish writer Clara Wedersøe Strunge and illustrated by the award-winning artist Evgeny Antonenkov.The Ugly Duckling is a perfect first illustrated introduction to children and their parents to a simple truth, “Do not judge only by an appearance”.It is a story about a little bird that was born in a duck´s nest but hatched from a swan´s egg. The story tells us that growing up, changing, and taking risks can not only change us – but can also turn us into a “beautiful swan”.“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • af Hans Christian Andersen & Clara Wedersøe Strunge
    127,95 kr.

    The Little Mermaid is a beautiful hardcover book from the book series “My first tales”. This book is about the journey of a young mermaid who is willing to give up her life in the name of love. Because of the strong love towards the prince, the little mermaid changes her fishtail for a pair of slender legs. Failing to achieve reciprocity, she dies and turns into a seafoam.“My first tales” is a collection of H. C. Andersen’s world-famous fairy tales that have been gently retold for our young readers. Each book from this collection is illustrated by an award-winning artist.Hans Christian Andersen Copenhagen has carefully selected artists for each individual fairy tale, in order to convey the mood of the tale as well as to create magical and memorable characters.Each book from the “My first tales” collection contains an interesting story about the life of H. C. Andersen and is accompanied by a short interview with an illustrator.

  • - Hans Christian Andersens eventyr
    af Hans Christian Andersen & genfortalt af Jørgen Haarder
    247,95 kr.

    Bogen henvender sig til både børn, voksne og H. C. Andersen-eksperter, da Kasper Købke har inkorporeret omkring 1.000 referencer til bl. a. H. C. Andersens liv, virke og samtid gennem de i alt 67 kunsttegninger til bogen. På samme tid er Købke i sin detaljerede streg tro mod H. C. Andersens fantastiske fortællinger. Så uanset alder vil du altid kunne opdage en ny detalje eller ny biografisk reference i tegningerne.I denne bog finder I 14 af H. C. Andersens mest verdensberømte eventyr - Ole Lukøje, Den Standhaftige Tinsoldat, Hyrdinden og Skorstensfejeren, Den Flyvende Kuffert, Nattergalen, Svinedrengen, Fyrtøjet, Kejserens Nye Klæder, Den Lille Havfrue, Den Lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne, Tommelise, Den Grimme Ælling, Klods-Hans, Prinsessen på Ærten. Bøgen modtaget H.C.Andersen Prisen 2017 og Klods-Hans Prisen 2016. Udgivet på engelsk, dansk, tysk, spansk, italiansk, fransk, kinesisk og japansk.

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