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Bøger om Historical materialism

Her finder du spændende bøger om Historical materialism. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 1 bøger om emnet.
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  • - Five Argumentative Essays
    af Ib Gram-Jensen
    101,95 - 313,95 kr.

    Experience and Historical Materialism: Five Argumentative Essays.The central essay in this volume sketches a revised version of historical materialism, with agents' experiences of and responses to their social circumstances as the motive power of historical development and transformations. The other four essays are critiques of Althusserian structural Marxism, various misreadings of Marx and Engels, Laclau & Mouffe's"discourse analysis" as put forward in their Hegemony and Socialist Strategy and Keith Jenkins' postmodernist Re-thinking History.

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