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Zakat, being the third pillar of Islam, is an act of worship fulfilled by Muslims. As an obligatory means of alms- giving expected of Muslims, it also helps to alleviate poverty in society by assisting such individuals to achieve a state of financial independence. It is maintained by Muslims that the principles of zakat derived from the Sharia are expected to remain unchanged with passing time. However, in order to achieve efficiency in the administration of zakat, innovation and technology can be used even within the parameters of Sharia. The objective of this textbook is to provide the opportunity to learn the basics of zakat and its contemporary application by highlighting the innovative practices of zakat with issues and challenges.
This is an attempt to study art in Islam in general and the aesthetics of such art works.Through music, I attempted to address the aesthetics of Islamic art. The topic of myresearch question is formulated based on diverse topics related to art such as how canIslamic art be defined fully when the last three decades of history have seen severalbooks and exhibitions that claim to deal with the "common principles," "aesthetics," and"philosophy" of Islamic art. In my thesis, I have studied debates on the aesthetics ofIslamic arts and the various philosophical issues relating to them, (most of which includepainting, calligraphy, architecture, gardening, literature, films, music etc.) I have paidclose attention to why these art forms are called Islamic and have taken the philosophicalunderstanding of the Qur'an and prophetic tradition as its base. This discussion on theaesthetics of philosophy is followed by few other-related areas such as the role of musicin Islam. The study of Sufi music is also included in my research, the said subject beingconsidered as one of the widely circulated Islamic art which is used to elaborate the vitalrole of music in Islam.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Orientalistik / Sinologie - Islamwissenschaft, Note: 1,7, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Philosophische Fakultät, Institut für Slawistik und Kaukasusstudien), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Hausarbeit handelt von dem Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der Tradition und der Moderne in der islamischen Welt. Die moderne islamische Welt zeigt sich nicht zuletzt seit dem Arabischen Frühling im Jahr 2010 tief gespalten und zerrissen. Reformorientierte Muslime verlangen in zahlreichen Ländern einen Strukturwandel. Die Arabellion richtete sich gegen die autoritär geführten Regime und forderten mehr Gerechtigkeit, Gleichheit und einen Wandel des politischen Systems. Doch wie kam es dazu, dass sich die sozioökonomische Situation in den islamischen Staaten in den letzten Jahrzehnten derart verschlechterte, während die Wirtschaft in westlichen Ländern vom Aufschwung geprägt wurde?Um mögliche Ursachen für die aktuelle Problematik zu finden, ist es nötig sich die Anfänge des Islams zu verdeutlichen. Einen offenen und wissbegierigen Islam, der zu einer Hochkultur im frühen Mittelalter wurde, mit zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Errungenschaften in verschiedenen Themengebieten, wie beispielsweise in der Mathematik oder in der Medizin, die bis heute die Neuzeit bedeutend prägen. Anschließend behandelt die Hausarbeit die moderne islamische Welt und thematisiert die Ursachen, warum islamische Länder heutzutage aus der westlichen Perspektive oft als regressiv angesehen werden. Der abschließende Ausblick führt thematisch zurück auf die aktuelle Situation der Arabellion in islamischen Ländern und erläutert mögliche Lösungsvorschläge, um die sozioökonomische Krise zu bewältigen.
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2023 in the subject Theology - Comparative Religion Studies, grade: 65, , course: Religious Studies, language: English, abstract: The thrust and concern of this paper is to examine the potential and the hope African indigenous religion have amidst Christianity and Islam mostly on the Nigerians. Prior to the advent and spread of external forces of change engendered by colonialism, commerce and foreign religions, Africans have their religion; in other words, the indigenous African way of worship and life. The study employed phenomenological method. The word phenomenological is an adjective derived from the noun ¿phenomenology¿. The primary objectives of the phenomenological method of research is the direct investigation and explanation of phenomena as consciously experienced without theories about their causal explanation and as free as possible from preconceptions and presuppositions. The study found out among other things the continuous influence of African indigenous religion on the people despite the growth of Christianity and Islam in African nations on a daily basis. This study therefore investigates the hindrance of foreign religious on the religio-cultural life of African (Nigerian) people specifically; on the African religion. The study examines how Christians ideas have influenced the religion, culture, conception of life and worldview of African peoples hence affecting its continuity.
The Struggle of the Shi'is in Indonesia is a pioneering work. It is the first comprehensive scholarly examination in English of the development of Shiism in Indonesia. It focuses primarily on the important period between 1979 and 2004 "a period of nearly a quarter of a century that saw the notable dissemination of Shi'i ideas and a considerable expansion of the number of Shi'i adherents in Indonesia. Since Islam in Indonesia is overwhelmingly Sunni, this development of Shiism in a predominantly Sunni context is a remarkable phenomenon that calls for careful, critical investigation. There is also an important examination of the principal ideas underlying the Madhab Ahl al-Bayt, the Imamate and Imam Madhi, Ja'fari jurisprudence and ritual piety. Appropriately, in his discussion, Zulkifli provides a succinct outline of contrasts with Sunni ideas and practice. He also examines the publishing efforts that underpinned the dissemination of Shi'i ideas and the founding of IJABI (Ikatan Jamaah Ahlul Bait Indonesia) in July 2000 for the propagation of Ahl al-Bayt teachings. Given the Indonesian context, Zulkifli is also concerned with Sunni reactions to these Shi'i developments "a story that continues to unfold to the present. This book as a work of great value and significance for the continuing understanding of the richness and complexity of Indonesian Islam.
Comment pourrait-on définir notre rôle et notre but dans la vie sans recevoir des instructions claires et pratiques sur ce que Dieu veut et attend de nous ? C'est là qu'intervient le besoin de prophétie. En effet, Dieu a envoyé des milliers de Messagers et Prophètes à l'humanité afin de transmettre Son Message et de communiquer avec nous. Chaque nation sur Terre a ainsi reçu un Prophète. Ils ont tous prêché le même Message universel, celui d'une seule déité digne d'être adorée. Il est le Seul et Unique Dieu, sans partenaire, fils, fille, ou égal. Dieu a envoyé des Messagers et des Prophètes pour empêcher l'humanité d'adorer leurs créations et les inciter à adorer leur Créateur, le Maître de tout. Les prophètes sont venus informer leur peuple de qui est leur Créateur, comment développer une relation avec Lui et comment l'adorer. Les Prophètes ont ainsi expliqué à leur peuple que la vie n'est qu'un test, où ceux qui réussissent iront au Paradis pour l'éternité, et ceux qui échouent connaîtront le châtiment ultime dans l'au-delà. Par Sa miséricorde et Son amour infinis, Dieu continuait à envoyer des messagers avec des livres de Dieu pour guider l'humanité - à commencer par le prophète Adam, puis Nouh, Ibrahim, Ismaël, Yaacoub, Moussa, le prophète Issa et le prophète Mohammed, que la paix soit sur eux tous. De nombreux Prophètes sont présents dans les traditions juives & chrétiennes. Tous les Messagers et Livres précédents autres que le Saint Coran et le Prophète Mohammed n'ont été adressés qu'à un groupe spécifique de personnes et n'étaient destinés à être suivis que durant une période particulière. Par exemple, le prophète Issa, la paix soit sur lui, était l'un des plus puissants messagers de Dieu, qui a été envoyé avec le même message que tous les prophètes précédents, mais il n'a été envoyé qu'aux Bene Israël - la nation qui a vécu avant nous - comme leur dernier prophète puisqu'ils avaient enfreint les commandements de Dieu et s'étaient éloignés des lois établies par le messager précédent, Moussa, PSSL.Chaque fois que Dieu envoyait des Messagers avec une Révélation, après leur passage, les peuples déformaient & modifiaient les Révélations de Dieu. Ce qui était une pure Révélation de Dieu - serait ainsi entaché de mythes, de propos humains, de superstitions, d'idéologies philosophiques irrationnelles, & de culte des idoles. La religion de Dieu se perdit dans une pléiade de religions. Ainsi, comme le prophète Issa PSSL, a été envoyé pour corriger le message précédent adressé avant lui par le messager précédent, Moussa, PSSL. Le Prophète Mohammad est venu remettre en état le Message du Prophète Issa puisqu'il avait été modifié par ses adeptes et n'avait pas été préservé dans sa version originale.Au moment où l'humanité vivait une période extrêmement sombre, Dieu le Tout-Puissant envoya son dernier et ultime Messager à l'humanité, le Prophète Mohammad, la paix soit sur lui, ainsi que sa dernière Révélation, le Coran, pour sauver l'humanité. Le Coran et le dernier Messager reprenaient tout ce qui avait été révélé à tous les Messagers précédents dans le passé. Contrairement aux Messagers et aux Livres précédents, le Prophète Mohammad, PSSL, a été envoyé à toute l'humanité, et il n'y aura pas de Messager ou de Prophète après lui, ni de Livre après le Coran, dans la mesure où tous deux sont destinés à être suivis par tous les peuples, et non pas seulement par un groupe particulier de personnes ou une période particulière ; tous deux doivent être suivis par tout le monde jusqu'à la fin des temps.
Visibly (and Invisibly) Muslim on Grounds: Classroom, Culture, and Community at the University of Virginia offers a unique insight into the experience of Muslim students studying and living on an elite university campus. The powerful stories shared by these students, however, will no doubt resonate across all campuses across the United States. In these pages, you will not only hear students speak about the impact of direct and subtle Islamophobia but about how these same students respond by building communities of support. And you will understand how pathways toward inclusion and understanding can be created across a university campus. Throughout, you witness students navigating difficult circumstances with the insight, care, and understanding too often missing from mainstream news coverage. As such, this book is vital reading for university administrators and professors. "No scholarly community can function when certain members are either unseen or stereotyped within it. This book is an urgent call for change. May it inspire the beginning of a conversation that UVA so pressingly needs to convene."-Noah Salomon, Associate Professor in Islamic Studies, Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia"Through extensive interviews and careful analyses, this book shares the stories of young Muslim college students in America today. Often othered, misrepresented, and misunderstood, the Muslim students interviewed here show their strength and resilience. Taken together, the interviews illustrate the diversity of American Muslim communities and provide for us the very real and tangible impacts of anti-Muslim rhetoric."-Tamara Issak, Assistant Professor, St. John's University
"Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, February 1996."
In this searing contemporary YA novel from new voice Aamna Qureshi, a Muslim teen runs away from home only to find herself on a breathtaking journey of healing, self-love, and hope.
Join Zain and his dad on a special visit to their local mosque to attend jumu'ah prayers in this heartwarming picture book from the author of Under My Hijab.
Since 2000, more than twenty countries around the world have held elections in which parties that espouse a political agenda based on an Islamic worldview have competed for legislative seats. Islamist Parties and Political Normalization in the Muslim World examines the impact these parties have had on the political process in two different areas of the world with large Muslim populations: the Middle East and Asia. The book's contributors examine major cases of Islamist party evolution and participation in democratic and semidemocratic systems in Turkey, Morocco, Yemen, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh. Collectively they articulate a theoretical framework to understand the strategic behavior of Islamist parties, including the characteristics that distinguish them from other types of political parties, how they relate to other parties as potential competitors or collaborators, how ties to broader Islamist movements may affect party behavior in elections, and how participation in an electoral system can affect the behavior and ideology of an Islamist party over time.Through this framework, the contributors observe a general tendency in Islamist politics. Although Islamist parties represent diverse interests and behaviors that are tied to their particular domestic contexts, through repeated elections they often come to operate less as antiestablishment parties and more in line with the political norms of the regimes in which they compete. While a few parties have deliberately chosen to remain on the fringes of their political system, most have found significant political rewards in changing their messages and behavior to attract more centrist voters. As the impact of the Arab Spring continues to be felt, Islamist Parties and Political Normalization in the Muslim World offers a nuanced and timely perspective of Islamist politics in broader global context.Contributors: Wenling Chan, Julie Chernov Hwang, Joseph Chinyong Liow, Driss Maghraoui, Quinn Mecham, Ali Riaz, Murat Somer, Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Saloua Zerhouni.
Combining insights from the best published historical and religious studies scholarship, original research, and rich first-person perspective, this highly readable book offers a comprehensive yet concise introduction to the founder and central figure of the Islamic tradition: the prophet Muhammad. Narrating Muhammad's life story, teachings, and daily practices, and assessing how his legacy is received, interpreted, and applied around the world, Michael Muhammad Knight reveals how the prophet has become simultaneously one of the most beloved historical figures in the world and also one of the most contested, challenged, and disparaged. Knight argues that there was never a singular Muslim vision of Muhammad but rather always multiple perspectives. While Muslims defend Muhammad's legacy against Islamophobic polemics, they also challenge each other regarding the proper authorities through which Muhammad's life and message become comprehensible and applicable in our world. Thinking across time and place, Knight argues that Muhammad is always contextual and contemporary.
Omar ibn Said (1770-1863) was a Muslim scholar from West Africa who spent more than fifty years enslaved in the North Carolina household of James Owen, brother of Governor John Owen. In 1831 Omar composed a brief autobiography, the only known narrative written in Arabic by an enslaved person in North America, and he became famous for his Arabic writings. His enslavers also provided him with an Arabic Bible and claimed Omar as a convert to Christianity, prompting wonder and speculation among amateur scholars of Islam, white slave owners, and missionaries. But these self-proclaimed experts were unable or unwilling to understand Omar's writings, and his voice was suppressed for two centuries.Mbaye Lo and Carl W. Ernst here weave fresh and accurate translations of Omar's eighteen surviving writings, for the first time identifying his quotations from Islamic theological texts, correcting many distortions, and providing the fullest possible account of his life and significance. Placing Omar at the center of a broader network of the era's literary and religious thought, Lo and Ernst restore Omar's voice, his sophisticated engagement with Islamic and Christian theologies, his Arabic skills, and his extraordinary efforts to express himself and exert agency despite his enslavement.
يتبينَّ للباحث المهتمِّ بالتاريخ الإسلامي أنَّ الفترة التي عاشها نبيُّ الهدى محمَّد غيَّرَتِ الحياة الإنسانية بشكل فريد؛ فمنذ بَعثته تغيَّرَتِ النُّظُم الحياتية للبشرية في جميع أوجهها، الاجتماعية - بشكل شامل وعميق - والاقتصادية، والحربية، والسياسية على وجه العموم، ونظام الحكم على وجه الخصوص. كان عصر البعثة النبوية نموذجياً، ذلك أنَّه كان يُسَيَّر بالوحي الإلهي، أُرسِيَت فيه القواعد الراسخة لهذا الدين الحقِّ، وأطاع كلُّ مَن دخل الإسلام الرسول فيما قال أو فعل بِناءً عن اعتقاد وإيمان، إنَّما قول النبي وفِعله كان عن وحي يوحَى إليه مِن الله عزَّ وجلَّ. أنبأ الرسول الكريم المسلمين، وأمرهم بأن يتَّبعوا مَن يأتي بعده مِن خلفائه، وهو الذي سمَّاهم "الخلفاء الراشدين المهديِّين". جاء هذ الكتاب لا ليخدم غرضاً سياسياً على الإطلاق، ولكن ليخدم غرضاً إنسانياً اجتماعياً بحتاً، ويهدف لخدمة الإنسان المسلم المعاصِر على صورة مجموعة متسلسلة مِن القصص نتعلَّم منها، بعضها مأساوي مُحزِن، وبعضها مشوِّقٌ مثير، تتعلَّق وتدور حول نقطة وحيدة في التاريخ الإسلامي، وهي "الخلافة الإسلامية"، كيف انتقلَت مِن عصر إلى عصر؟ وكيف تحوَّلَت مِن خلافة بِشورى وبيعة لمُلك عضوض يُوَرَّث توريثاً؟ وكيف انتهَت تماماً كنظام حكم لعموم المسلمين؟ وقد أصبح لزاماً عليهم أن يفكِّروا في نظام اجتماعي بديل منبثق مِن نظام الخلافة الراشدة، ليس بالضرورة أن يكون مطابقاً له، ولكن حتماً يكون متمشِّياً مع الكتاب الحكيم والسُّنَّة المطهَّرة، وأبعد ما يكون عن اتِّباع الهوى.
Based on original ethnographic research in a multicultural neighbourhood in The Hague, this open access book gives detailed insights into the challenges, negotiations and resistances girls with Moroccan-Dutch and Muslim backgrounds face in the world of street football. Kathrine van den Bogert traces the experiences of teenage girls who play football in public playgrounds, as well as in a girls' football competition the girls have set up themselves: Football Girls United. She addresses how race, ethnicity, religion, gender and citizenship are entangled in the access to and construction of the public street football spaces, such as football courts, urban playgrounds and public squares. While Muslim girls in football are often stigmatized and excluded based on their religious and ethnic backgrounds, this book emphasizes their street football practices as critical and creative ways of belonging, both in football and in wider Dutch society. By focussing on a domain largely absent in religion and gender research, namely sport, this book brings forth new perspectives on religious and ethnic diversity in Europe. The football players show that 'Muslim' is not always a relevant identity in their lives, and hence urge us to rethink the categories of analysis that we use, and often take for granted, as feminist and intersectional scholars of gender, religion and Islam. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on bloomsburycollections.com.
A fascinating history of the complexities and contradictions of alcohol consumption in the Muslim world, from the founding of the faith to the present day.
¿üphesiz tüm hamdler Allah'ad¿r. O'na hamd eder, O'ndan yard¿m vemäfiret dileriz. Nefislerimizin ¿errinden ve amellerimizin kötülüklerinden O'nas¿¿¿n¿r¿z. Allah kimi hidayete erdirirse, onu sapt¿racak yoktur! Kimi de sapt¿r¿rsa onuhidayete erdirecek yoktur!Allah'tan bäka hak ilâh olmad¿¿¿na ¿ehadet ederim. O tektir ve ortä¿ yoktur. Yine¿ehadet ederim ki, Muhammed (Sallallahu Aleyhi ve Sellem) O'nun kulu veRasûlüdür."Ey iman edenler! Allah'tan sak¿n¿lmas¿ gerekti¿i gibi sak¿n¿n ve ancakMüslümanlar olarak ölün!" [Âl-i ¿mran, 102]"Ey insanlar! Sizi tek bir nefisten yaratan ve ondan da e¿ini yaratan ve ikisindenbirçok erkekler ve kad¿nlar üretip yayan Rabbinizden korkun! Ad¿n¿ kullanarakbirbirinizden dilekte bulundu¿unuz Allah'tan ve akrabal¿k haklar¿nariayetsizlikten de sak¿n¿n! ¿üphesiz Allah, üzerinizde gözetleyicidir." [Nisâ, 1]"Ey iman edenler! Allah'tan korkun ve döru söz söyleyin ki, Allah i¿lerinizidüzeltsin ve günahlar¿n¿z¿ bä¿¿las¿n! Kim Allah ve Rasulüne itaat ederse büyükbir kurtulu¿a ermi¿ olur." [Ahzâb, 70-71]Bunlardan sonra:Peygamberini, onun hayat¿n¿ ve güzel yolunu bilmek isteyen her gayretli insan¿n,¿bn-Kayy¿m'¿n ¿u k¿sa ve öz sözlerini bilmesi hö olacakt¿r: Kulun dünya ve ahirettekimutlulu¿unun, Nebînin gösterdi¿i yola bäl¿ oldu¿u anlä¿ld¿¿¿na göre, kendi iyili¿inidü¿ünen samimi her ki¿iye, onun yolunu ve hayat¿n¿, k¿sacas¿ tüm güzel yäay¿¿¿n¿bilmesinin önemi daha çok anlä¿lacakt¿r. Bu mübarek ilimi ö¿renen ile peygamberihususunda cahil olan elbette bir olmaz. Onu tan¿yan, onun etbaändan, yolundan vehizbinden olmu¿ olur. ¿nsanlardan kimi bu konuda ihmalkâr, kimi tamamenmahrumdur. Baz¿ bahtiyarlar ise, Allah'¿n fazl¿ ile onu tan¿ma ¿erefine varm¿¿t¿r. Tümhay¿rlar Allah'¿n elinde olup O, fazl¿n¿ diledi¿ine nasip eder. Allah çok büyük lütûfsahibidir.Yüce Allah'tan hepimizi, Allah Peygamberine sevgi ve muhabbet, emirlerine itaat veyasaklar¿ndan kaç¿nmak gibi hususlarda bäar¿l¿ k¿lmas¿n¿, bu yüce de¿erlerdenmahrum k¿lmamas¿n¿ niyaz ederiz."Allah'¿m! ¿brâhim ve âline salat eyledi¿in gibi Muhammed'e ve âline de salat eyle.¿brâhim ve âlini mübarek k¿ld¿¿¿n gibi Muhammed'i ve âlini de mübarek k¿l. ¿üphesizsen hamde lây¿ks¿n Hamîd ve Mecîd'sin".
Allama Askari's The Saqifa provides a comprehensive look at one of the most pivotal moments in Islamic history. Allama Askari meticulously examines the political coup that occurred immediately upon the death of the Prophet, whose consequences influenced the entirety of early Islamic history, enabling us to see this fateful event in an entirely new light. It is obligatory reading for anyone interested in understanding the political, social, and religious factors that acted on the formative period of the Islamic community. It is vital reading for those who are interested in determining exactly what happened throughout the political process that unfolded after the passing of the Prophet up until the death of Uthman, which led to the investiture of the office of the leadership of the community, to be able to evaluate the legitimacy of the process. Allama Askari is not well known in the West yet, but this book should change that. He was a scholar whose intellectual stature towered above all others in his field. Allama Askari was to Islamic historiography what Alama Tabatabai was to tafsir and what Ayatollah Khomeini was to Shi'a political science, both theoretical and practical. These three were the giants in the Shia intellectual pantheon of the 20th century. From the Preface by Blake Williams: "... a word of caution is called for, as the book is intellectual dynamite. Its thesis is a dangerous one, and it is put forward by a most preeminent scholar whose qualifications are second to none when it comes to historical research and analytical insight. .... Chapter by chapter, Allama Askari drives his thesis home with irresistible force. And he does so with an almost exclusive use of Sunni sources, which is a technique he pioneered."
Professorial Dissertation from the year 2023 in the subject Philosophy - Theoretical (Realisation, Science, Logic, Language), grade: 1,0, Selçuk University (Faculty of Islamic Studies), course: philosophy and religious studies, language: English, abstract: This paper analyzes the two concepts of "spandrel" and "fitrah" in the context of the Cognitive Science of Religion and, opposed to that, evolutionary thinking. Despite that the two concepts in this study's title seem to have the same meaning, they are understood differently due to differences in perspective. Both concepts acknowledge that human beings have certain innate faculties and claim that these faculties predispose them to believe and be moral. Spandrel argues that these innate faculties are a result of adaptations that enable us to survive in the evolutionary process, while "fitrah" asserts that these faculties are given by God. In the study, first, the experimental studies proposed by the proponents of the idea of spandrel and the general ideas of the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) are given. Then, it has been established, through experimental tests, that these faculties, proposed by this theory, have similar aspects with the "Commonsense Principles" put forward by Thomas Reid, and his epistemological views have been conveyed. According to him, we should rely on the information provided by these faculties and accept that they are essential for reasoning. After these determinations were made, the study argued that the concept of "fitrah" aligns with the idea of the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) and Thomas Reid's views.
The authors of this volume discuss some of the regional Sufi Centres in India and their contribution in the social emancipation of the society.
This book studies how marginality impacts the everyday lives of Indian Muslims. It challenges the prevailing myths and stereotypes through which Indian Muslims have come to be seen in the popular imagination. The volume engages with questions of citizenship, collective violence, and issues of civil and criminal jurisprudence.
This book studies how marginality impacts the everyday lives of Indian Muslims. It challenges the prevailing myths and stereotypes through which Indian Muslims have come to be seen in the popular imagination. The volume engages with questions of citizenship, collective violence, and issues of civil and criminal jurisprudence.
Islam in India: History, Politics and Society is based on the historical and contemporary relevance of the religion and its related culture(s) in India.Besides being a major religious doctrine, Islam has been the main political ideology for many dynasties in India such as Delhi Sultanate (1206-1451); the Illbaris Turks (also known as Mamluk 1206-90); Khiljis (1290-1320); Tughlaqs (1320-1414); Sayyids (1414-51), Afghans and the Mughal Empire. Islam played a pivotal role in shaping the polity and society during the period of each dynasty. This book argues that Islam in India ought to be seen not only as a political and religious ideology of the dynasties, but also as a significant force that shaped the cultural fabric of the country.Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)
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