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  • af Jonas Schuller
    305,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Theologie - Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft, Note: 2,3, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Katholisches Institut), Veranstaltung: Praktische Theologie, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Hausarbeit geht der Frage auf den Grund, welche Aspekte der buddhistischen Erlösungslehre für den Religionsunterricht besonders relevant sind und wie man die Erfahrungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler mit dem Kern der buddhistischen Lehre in Beziehung setzen kann. Der interreligiöse Dialog zwischen Buddhismus und Christentum ist ausgeprägt und weitreichend, daher bestehen viele Möglichkeiten der Integration in den Unterricht. Da der Buddhismus eine Religion mit vielen verschiedenen Auslegungen, Gruppierungen und Praktiken ist, werden zunächst die Hauptaspekte der buddhistischen Lehre definiert und darauf eingegangen, welche Aspekte bei der Verbreitung dieses Wissens im Fokus für Schule und Unterricht stehen sollten. Im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit wird dargestellt, wie der Buddhismus mit der westlichen Welt interagiert und welche Auswirkungen die Moderne und Postmoderne auf den Buddhismus hatten. Hier werden auch die Verbindungen aufzeigt, die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit dem Buddhismus in ihrem Alltag haben könnten. Diese Arbeit versucht einen kondensierten Ansatz zu geben, wie man den Buddhismus in den Unterricht einbauen kann, mit einem Fokus auf moderne und postmoderne Phänomene.

  • af Muhammed Nas¿ruddin el-Elbani
    283,95 kr.

    Bir ve tek Allah'a hamdolsun. Salât ve selâmkendisinden sonra peygamber gelmeyecek olan o yücepeygambere, onun aile halk¿na, ashab¿na veaskerlerine.Uzun as¿rlardan beri müslüman kelâmâlimlerinin baz¿lar¿ aras¿nda yanl¿¿¿¿¿ bir dü¿¿¿¿ünce vetehlikeli bir görü¿¿¿¿ ortaya ç¿km¿¿¿¿¿ bulunmaktad¿r. Bu daonlar¿n: "Âhâd hadis ¿¿¿¿er'î hükümlerde delilolmakla birlikte, ¿¿¿¿slâmî akâid meselelerinde delilde¿¿¿¿ildir" ¿¿¿¿eklindeki görü¿¿¿¿lerdir. Bu görü¿¿¿¿ü müteahhirbirtak¿m usul alimleri de kabul etmi¿¿¿¿, çä¿¿¿¿m¿zdabirtak¿m yazarlar ve ¿¿¿¿slam davetçileri de benimsemi¿¿¿¿bulunmaktad¿r. Öyle ki, baz¿lar¿ bunu arä¿¿¿t¿r¿lmas¿ vetart¿¿¿¿¿¿lmas¿ söz konusu olmayacak kadar apaç¿k birhüküm gibi kabul ettiler. Baz¿lar¿ daha ileriye degiderek kesinlikle âhâd hadisler esas al¿narak akideolü¿¿¿turulamaz. Bu i¿¿¿¿i yapan bir kimse fas¿k vegünahkârd¿r.Bu istisnâi görü¿¿¿¿e cevab vermek amac¿ylageçmi¿¿¿¿te ve günümüzde birçok ¿¿¿¿slam âlimi yaz¿l¿cevablar vermi¿¿¿¿lerdir. Bu husustaki en önemli

  • af Amal Awad
    161,95 kr.

    A charming, frothy debut rom-com starring a loveable twenty-seven-year old magazine assistant who's tired of the arranged Muslim dating scene and all things wedding-related?until she finds herself in a love triangle of her own.

  • af Saleh Bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan
    278,95 kr.

    Hamd, yaln¿zca Allah'ad¿r. Salât ve selâm, Nebimiz Muhammed'e, âilehalk¿na, ashâb¿na ve O'nun yolunda gidenlerin üzerine olsun.Allah Teâlâ ve elçisi Muhammed -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem-'i sevdiktensonra, Allah Teâlâ'n¿n dostlar¿n¿ sevmek ve dü¿manlar¿na da dü¿manl¿kbeslemek gerekir.Bu inanc¿ dîn olarak kabul eden her müslüman¿n, bu dînin mensuplar¿nadostluk beslemesi ve dü¿manlar¿na da dü¿manl¿k etmesi, ¿slâm inanc¿n¿nesaslar¿ndand¿r.Bu sebeple her müslüman, tevhîd ve ihlâs ehlini sevip onlara dostlukbesler, ¿irk ehline de büzedip onlara dü¿manl¿k eder. Tevhîd ve ihlâs ehlinisevip onlara dostluk beslemek, mü¿riklere büzedip onlara dü¿manl¿k etmek,¿brahim -aleyhisselâm- ve onunla beraber olan, kendilerini örnek almaklaemrolundüumuz îmân edenlerin dînidir

  • af Marwa Elnahass
    1.523,95 kr.

    In contrast to non-financial firms, banks have undergone significant turbulence in the past decade, enduring severe financial crises and unprecedented regulatory reforms. New regulations, including heightened capital and liquidity requirements, measures to address regulatory migration, resolution authority, stress testing, and capital planning, have spurred the development of new tools to manage institutional failure. The primary goal has been to reduce the likelihood of poor performance and improve stock market valuations to restore public confidence in the industry. The banking industry plays a vital role in global economic and financial stability and is subject to intense regulatory and market scrutiny. Financial instability can be very costly for banks due to its spillover effects on other parts of the economy. Therefore, a sound, stable, and healthy financial system is essential for efficient resource allocation and risk distribution across the economy.This is the first book that comprehensively addresses a range of contemporary issues in the global banking industry, providing a thorough understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by the sector. The book examines how banking business models, effective policies, and regulations can address these issues, covering corporate governance, asset-liability management, risk management, financial performance, and regulatory frameworks. The potential benefits of alternative banking models, including Islamic banking, and their contribution to global financial stability and resilience are also explored.Contributions from international scholars using both quantitative and qualitative methods provide new insights, recent findings, and perspectives on future bank stability and resilience in a global context. The book also presents updated evidence and debates on the impact of recent regulations and governance structures on the industry, which has undergone significant changes in response to financial turmoil and new laws and regulations aimed at enhancing bank resiliency, protecting against systematic risks, and promoting fair and ethical banking practices.

    125,95 kr.

    في نزاعات البقاء الإسلام، أمريكا، وعلم النفس التطوّري، يفحص المؤلف جوانب متعددة من الإسلام وثقافته بواسطة منظور دارويني. إن سماح الإسلام بتعدّد الزوجات، والأسباب الأساسية وراء تبعيّة النساء في العديد من المجتمعات الإسلامية، وبذور عدم الاستقرار السياسي والإرهاب في العالم الإسلامي، ليست سوى بعض القضايا المهمة التي يتناولها هذا الكتاب.يقدّم المؤلف أيضًا نظرة ثاقبة عن العديد من جوانب المجتمع الأمريكي وتاريخه. من خلال النظريات القائمة على أساس بيولوجي، يستكشف الأسباب وراء التغيرات الهائلة في الأعراف الجنسية التي حدثت في الولايات المتحدة خلال القرن الماضي، وصعود الحركة النسوية، والاختلافات بين الليبراليين والمحافظين. يحلّل هذا الكتاب أيضًا محتوى ثقافة البوب الأمريكية وتأثيرها العميق على بقية العالم.على الرغم من أن هذا الكتاب يدور في النهاية حول الطبيعة البشرية ككل، إلا أنه ذو صلة خاصة بالعالم العربي / الإسلامي. تتيح هذه الترجمة الممتازة للقراء العرب فرصة الاستفادة من هذا العمل الإبداعي والمثير للتفكير.

  • af Oliver Scharbrodt
    476,95 kr.

    How to approach the complex intellectual legacy of a modern Muslim thinker like Muhammad 'Abduh (1849-1905)? This book offers an answer to this question by providing a new complete intellectual biography of him. It delineates 'Abduh's formation as a reformer and activist and embeds his varied intellectual contributions in a culture of ambiguity which has marked the intellectual life of Muslim societies throughout their history.By using new sources - in particular his early mystical, philosophical and political writings - and including recent academic contributions on him, the book explores 'Abduh's complex intellectual formation, the various religious, philosophical and cultural influences that shaped him, and his changing attitudes towards "Western modernity" and its colonial manifestation in the 19th century. Oliver Scharbrodt challenges the perception in academic scholarship - and among Muslim reformers of the 20th century - that searched for intellectual coherence and biographical consistency in 'Abduh's life. Instead, this book offers a new more comprehensive reading of his intellectual legacy and highlights the variety of approaches and ideas manifest in his contributions.

  • af Francisco Freire
    484,95 kr.

    This open access book takes a deeper and broader perspective of the Hassaniya-speaking groups of the western region of the Sahara. There has been a surge of interest in this region, often centred around sensationalist news reports and policy briefs. But in-depth understanding and analysis remains neglected and little work has been undertaken on the diverse experiences of these groups and the contrasting political regimes under which they live. The contributors here focus on the complex and ambiguous relations between statehood, Islam, nation building and identity formation in hassanophone northwest Africa, ranging from southern Morocco, the Western Sahara and Mauritania to Algeria. The book uses up-to-date fieldwork to provide fresh analysis of and an insiders' perspective on these populations and their regional interactions, with contributions from the fields of law, Islamic studies, history, anthropology, politics, gender and media studies and the research of scholars from both the global North and global South. This interdisciplinary collection shows how urban ways of life are being adopted, with Hassaniya-speaking actors adjusting to state-administered social policies and new modes of settling disputes and legal claims. In doing so, the book sheds new light on the region's shifting social hierarchies, the new gendered power dynamics, and generational changes in the re-interpretation of 'tradition'. As well as displaying that the Hassaniya-speaking groups are pivotal to the development of the region's political culture, the book also reveals their close association with Islam, both as a religious expression as well as a cultural marker. A much-needed contribution on the intersections of politics, Islam and identity in northwest Africa.The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence on Open access was funded by European Research Council (ERC)

  • af Tayyaba Anwar
    143,95 kr.

    Little Farid embarks on an adventurous journey on a fateful night not realising what's in store. Will he make it through the woods back home safely? Find out more in this heartwarming tale of family and friendships narrated by an unlikely character.

    330,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Theologie - Islamische Religionswissenschaft, Note: 3,0, Universität Wien (Institut für Orientalistik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Friedensströmungen im Islam. Insbesondere werden die Begriffe ¿ih¿d und ¿abr genauer unter die Lupe genommen. Aufgrund zahlreicher Missverständnisse in der westlichen Gesellschaft zum Thema ¿ih¿d, wird diese Arbeit einen groben Überblick verschaffen, um diese Begriffe richtig zu verstehen. Es wird auf die Herkunft dieser beiden Terminologien eingegangen, wie auch auf deren frühe Praxis. An vielen Stellen im Koran finden sich zahlreiche Verse, welche diese beiden Terminologien bezeugen und bekräftigen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden verschieden Zitate aus dem Koran verwendet, um darzustellen, welche Bedeutung diese beiden Begriffe hatten und was die Ansicht des Propheten und Gottes zu diesen Themen gewesen war. Weiters wird in dieser Arbeit ein Ausschnitt aus dem Werk I¿y¿¿ ¿ul¿m ad-d¿n des Philosophen ¿az¿l¿ übersetzt und analysiert, in dem er zu diesen Themen Stellung nimmt. Es wird infolgedessen auf das Leben des Philosophen eingegangen und dieses genauer beschrieben. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Arbeit ist es, Missverständnisse in der Gesellschaft in Bezug an diese Fragen zu verhindern und diese aufzuklären.

  • af Nizar Abdulrahman Alshubaily
    88,95 kr.

    Riba is a most mysterious subject. Even to our great predecessors it proved to be a very enigmatic prospect. Where does Riba manifest itself? How? Where does one draw the line? How does one know whether a transaction is Riba, or just looks like it?Sometimes it is clear, and other times it is like being in a hall of mirrors. One wonders whether it is a true reflection, or just an illusion.It is an action that practically every human has done in his lifetime. Changing money. Not the changing into another currency, but getting change for larger bills.What rules govern this type of transaction? What are the pitfalls of which to be careful? What are the views and disputes of scholars?

  • af Y. A. Khamissa
    163,95 kr.

    No information available at this time. Author will provide once available.

  • af Muhammed Salih Al-Muneccid
    298,95 kr.

    Hamd, yaln¿zca Allah'ad¿r. O'na hamd eder, O'ndan yard¿m ve mäfiretdileriz.Nefislerimizin ¿errinden ve amellerimizin kötülüklerinden Allah'as¿¿¿n¿r¿z.Allah kimi hidâyete erdirirse, onu sapt¿racak kimse yoktur. Kimi de(hidâyetten) sapt¿r¿rsa, onu hidâyete erdirecek kimse yoktur. Allah'tan bäkahak ilah olmad¿¿¿na ¿ehâdet ederim. O birdir ve hiçbir ortä¿ yoktur.Muhammed -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem-'in O'nun kulu ve elçisi oldüuna¿ehâdet ederim.¿üphesiz Allah Teâlâ ihmal edilmesi câiz olmayan birtak¿m farzlar¿ farzk¿lm¿¿,ä¿lmas¿ câiz olmayan birtak¿m s¿n¿rlar belirlemi¿ ve çi¿nenmesi câizolmayan birtak¿m ¿eyleri haram k¿lm¿¿t¿r.Nitekim Nebi -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem- bu konuda ¿öyle buyurmütur

  • af Gibril Fouad Haddad
    318,95 kr.

    "The best of this Umma is the age in which I was sent" (Hadith of the Prophet in Sahih Muslim). "The Messenger of Allah admonished us so intensely that the eyes wept and the hearts trembled. 'I exhort you to hear and obey even if your leader is a black Ethiopian. ... You must follow my Sunna and the Sunna of the rightly-guided, upright successors after me'" (Narrated from al-¿Irb¿d ibn S¿riya in the Musnad and Sunan). "The sequence of the Prophet's order to follow his Sunna and the Sunna of the well-guided Successors, coming after his order to hear and obey governors generally, is a proof that the Sunna of the Rightly-Guided Successors must be followed just as his own Sunna must be followed, contrary to the case of other governors" (Ibn Rajab).The best post-Prophetic 30-year generation to walk the earth constitutes, by consensus of Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jam¿'a, the most shining model of governance-and self-governance-for a just society of humble believers ever to be held up to the human ages. This glimpse in 110 chapters of their respective lives and deaths highlights the necessary qualities of true leadership which are personal sacrifice for the public welfare and dedication to the Prophetic model of trust, firm belief, constant remembrance, inspired practice and self-effaced vast mercy. Author Dr. Gibril Fouad Haddad has also writtten The Four Imams and Their Schools and The Musnad of Ahl al-Bayt among other works. He lives in Brunei Darussalam.

  • af Suparna Chakraborty
    305,95 kr.

    Essay from the year 2019 in the subject Theology - Comparative Religion Studies, grade: 1.3, University of Göttingen (Centre for Modern Indian Studies), course: Modern Indian Studies, language: English, abstract: This paper wants to portray the changing nature of religion in India which causes nothing but segregation among people in the period of the colonial to postcolonial era. Hindu the predominating religion in India and the attempt to make India a Hindu country many times caused major harm to other communities.After colonial domination, significantly in contemporary times (last 6 to 7 years), religiosity among people took a horrendous form in India. The growing intolerance for a hollow ideology like religion makes the country an uncomfortable habitation for minorities. The Media sphere is also largely influenced and subservient to religious notions. Religion is an excellent apparatus for political gain. Over time the salience of religion transforms public life and became highly politicized.

  • af Juweria Yusuf
    158,95 kr.

    Explore the world of numbers from an Islamic perspective with the "God Is Only One" series for children. Each book teaches about the significance of numbers in the Muslim faith in a vibrant and fun way.

  • af Muhammed Naasiruddeen Ak-Bbaane
    268,95 kr.

    Çalg¿ aletlerinin hükmü nedir? ¿lahi veya ¿iirlerde çalg¿ aletleri ile söyleniliyor, bunlar¿ dinlemek caiz midir?Cevap: Çalg¿ aletlerini dinlemek ve kullanmak HARAMDIR! Çalg¿ aletleri ile dinlenen ister ilahi olsun ister ¿iir olsun yine de HARAMDIR! ¿slam'da sadece dü¿ünlerde ve bayramlarda, zilsiz def kullanmak caizdir. Çünkü Efendimiz (Sallallahu Aleyhi ve Sellem) ¿öyle buyuruyor:"Nikahta helal ile haram aras¿ndaki fas¿la def ve ses ile duyurmakt¿r."Nesei 3369, Tirmizi 1094, ¿bni Mace 1896(1) Ebu Amir ya da Ebu Malik el-E¿'ari (Radiyallahu Anhuma) ¿öyle dedi:Allah'a yemin olsun ki, Nebi (Sallallahu Aleyhi ve Sellem) ¿öyle buyurdu:"Ümmetimden bir tak¿m kavimler gelecek; zinay¿, ipe¿i, içkiyi ve çalg¿ aletlerini helal sayacaklar! Yine bir tak¿m topluluklar bir dä¿n yan¿na konaklayacaklar. Onlara ait koyun sürüsü ile bir çoban her sabah onlara gelecek. Bunlara bir de fakir ihtiyac¿ için gelecek de ona;¿'Sen bize yar¿n gel,' diyecekler. Bunun üzerine Allah, dä¿ geceleyin onlar¿n üzerine indirip bir k¿sm¿n¿ helak edecek, di¿erlerini de k¿yamet gününe kadar maymunlar ve domuzlar ¿ekline çevirecektir!"

  • af Mohammed Bin Al-Hassan Al-Ajri
    281,95 - 517,95 kr.

  • af Saadia Faruqi
    88,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Saadia Faruqi
    88,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Saadia Faruqi
    88,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Saadia Faruqi
    88,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Saadia Faruqi
    243,95 kr.

  • af Heba Subeh-Hyder
    248,95 kr.

    Join little Maymunah in the book series, "Maymunah's Musings," on her many quests as she gets to know Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, through His names and attributes! In the second book of the series, "What Did Allah Create For Me," Maymunah and her brother, Malik, are visiting family for their fun-filled annual Cousins' Week. Maymunah is mesmerized by Allah's wonderful creation on this camping trip, but there's one thing troubling her: what's wrong with Malik? Why isn't he enjoying Cousins' Week as much as she is? Find out what happens in "What Did Allah Create For Me?"

  • af Uzma Jalaluddin
    108,95 kr.

  • af Raghid Shreih
    103,95 kr.

    This book tells the story of Hadi, a young boy who questions his parents about the fairness of doing more work than his younger brother. Hadi's parents explain to him the difference between treating people fairly and treating them equally, and help him to understand the importance of fairness in our world.

  • af Saleh Bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan
    288,95 kr.

    Hamd, Rasûlullah-sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem-'in sünnetineuymay¿ bize emreden ve bid'at ç¿karmay¿ bize yasaklayanâlemlerin Rabbi olan Allah'a mahsustur.Salât ve selâm, Allah Teâlâ'n¿n örnek al¿nmas¿ vekendisine itaat edilmesi için gönderdi¿i peygamberimizMuhammed'e, âilesine, ashâb¿na ve ona tâbi olanlar¿nüzerine olsun.Bu kitapç¿k, bid'at çe¿itlerini aç¿klamak ve bubid'atlardan yasaklamak konusunda yaz¿lm¿¿ bölümlerdenibâret bir kitapç¿kt¿r.Bu, bid'at çe¿itlerini

  • af Yusuf
    158,95 kr.

    My Hijab and Me is a fun and colorful children's book that tells the story of a young girl who wears a hijab. The book shows how the girl feels special and connected to her faith as she wears her hijab, and how it makes her feel unique. It also shows different women wearing the hijab, such as her mother, sisters, and teacher. This book is a great way for kids to learn about different cultures and religions and to understand the significance of the hijab in the lives of Muslim women. With simple language and bright illustrations, this book is perfect for young readers who are just starting to explore the world around them.

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