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Bøger om Nepal

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  • af Kaj Halberg & Søren Lauridsen
    160,95 kr.

    Bogen dækker Kathmandu-dalen, området omkring Pokhara, Langtang Nationalpark, Helambu, Terai, Annapurna-massivet og naturligvis Sagarmatha Nationalpark. Guiden giver indblik i dagliglivet i Nepal og sætter fokus på politiske og religiøse problemstillinger. En række tematiske baggrundsartikler går bag om kunst og kultur, mad og drikke, historie, natur og geografi. Desuden er bogen rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.

  • - Min vej til toppen af Everest
    af Rasmus Kragh
    138,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Den 23. maj 2019 blev Rasmus Kragh den første dansker nogensinde til at bestige Mt. Everest, verdens højeste bjerg, uden brug af kunstig ilt. Det var kikset 200 meter fra toppen i både 2017 og 2018, men denne gang gik han hele vejen.EGOTRIP er hans beretning om at sætte sig store mål, bryde grænser og tro på det umulige - også selv om familien beder én om at lade være. Det er en fortælling om store ambitioner og drømme og om at være moderne eventyrer, der tilbringer livsfarlige dage på bjergsiden for at nå sit mål. EGOTRIP er illustreret med Rasmus Kraghs egne fotos fra hans ekspeditioner på Mt. Everest.

  • - De højeste bjerge og de største eventyr
    af Nils Finderup & Jakob Urth
    103,95 - 247,95 kr.

    I maj 2018 kastede bjergbestigeren Jakob Urth sig ud i et vovestykke af en anden verden, da han med livet som indsats begav sig mod toppen af Mount Everest uden brug af ekstra ilt. I denne enestående og hudløst ærlige beretning guider Jakob Urth læserne 8.848 meter op mod den iskolde tinde, der alene i år har kostet syv mennesker livet – dramaet blev i øvrigt fulgt af TV 2’s kamerahold til en spændende dokumentarserie. I bogen kommer Danmarks dygtigste bjergbestiger desuden ind på andre togter til legendariske bjerge i godt otte kilometers højde, ligesom han humoristisk fortæller om sit eventyrlige liv som guide i nogle af klodens fjerneste afkroge. Glæd dig til en åndeløst spændende fortælling af en eliteidrætsudøver, der ikke er som andre.

  • af Rough Guides
    147,95 kr.

    10th edition. 448 pages.This practical travel guide to Nepal features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Nepal guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make Nepal easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to Nepal has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook.The Rough Guide to Nepal covers: Kathmandu and Patan, The Kathmandu Valley, The Central Hills, Pokhara and around, Chitwan and the Western Terai, Janakpur and the Eastern Terai, Annapurna and Everest regions.Inside this Nepal travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Nepal, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Manaslu Circuit to family activities in child-friendly places, like Bardia National Park or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Old Kathmandu.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Nepal entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESIncludes carefully planned routes covering the best of Nepal, which give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    138,95 - 218,94 kr.

    I 1999 fandt man blot 700 meter fra toppen af Mount Everest det dybfrosne lig af den legendariske engelske bjergbestiger George Mallory, der forsvandt i 1924. Tre gange forsøgte han at bestige verdens højeste bjerg, tredje gang blev ulykkens gang. Både han og hans klatremakker Andrew Irvine omkom på bjerget. Liget af Irvine er aldrig blevet fundet, heller ikke Mallorys kamera. Måske indeholder det billeder fra toppen og dermed beviset for, at Mallory blev den første på verdens tag næsten 30 år før Sir Edmund Hillary. ÆRENS VEJE er den dramatiske historie om George Mallory, født i 1886 og uddannet på Cambridge University. Han kæmpede på Vestfronten under Første Verdenskrig, og var hele sit liv en fænomenal bjergbestiger. På spørgsmålet om, hvorfor han ville bestige Mount Everest, svarede han: ”Fordi det ligger der.””Hvis der var en nobelpris i fortællekunst, ville Archer få den.” Daily Telegraph

  • af Michael Knakkergaard Jørgensen
    282,95 kr.

    Den 23. Maj 1995 stod Michael Knakkergaard Jørgensen som den første dansker på toppen af Mount Everest. På vej ned ad bjerget fødtes en ny idé. Han besluttede sig for at bestige det højeste bjerg på hvert af de syv kontinenter. "Vejen er målet" handler om denne drøm. Michael Knakkergaard Jørgensen nåede fire af de syv tinder, inden han omkom på Makalu i foråret 1999."Michael Knakkergaard var i en sær balance med verden. Han vidste alt om farerne, vidste at døden var en del af hans fascination og betagelse, men også at han uden dens nærhed ville have svært ved at føle livet." – Morten Sabroe, PolitikenMichael Knakkergaard Jørgensen (1967-1999) var den første dansker, der Mount Everest. Han omkom i 1999 under bestigningen af verdens femte højeste bjerg, Makalu.

  • af Janaki Khadka, Kurt Lomborg & Namgyal Jangbu Sherpa
    137,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en beretning om de to store jordskælv i Nepal i foråret 2015. Bogens forfatter, Janaki Khadka, bor i Kathmandu og er en af Himalayan Project’s lokale medarbejdere. HP’s aktiviteter i Nepal er koncentreret i Solu området, som ligger øst for hovedstaden op mod Himalaya. Aktiviteterne omfatter to hovedområder: scholarships til skolebørn og studerende samt forskellige byggeprojekter (skoler, sundhedsklinikker, energiforsyning, beskæftigelse o.a.). Bogen hoveddel består dels af Janakis personlige fortælling om sine oplevelser under jordskælvene, og dels børnenes beretninger indsamlet af Janaki ved hendes uddelinger af scholarships. Denne fortælling suppleres med Kurt Lomborg løbende opdateringer på Himalayan Projects hjemmeside med de beretninger som han modtog fra medarbejderne i Nepal. De giver et interessant billede af, hvordan informationerne fra det afsides Himalaya, hvor telefonforbindelserne er svagt udviklede, og yderligere forringede efter jordskælvet, kommer ind først hovedsageligt som rygter, der oftest er overdrevne og dramatiserede, for sidenhen gradvist at tegne et mere sandfærdigt billede af forholdene.

  • af Louise Voller
    101,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Drømmefangeren af Louise Voller er en fængslende roman om en chokerende afsløring i Nepal med tråde til både Danmark og resten af verden. Astrid rejser til Nepal for at undervise på en skole for børn fra børnehjem. Hun er udbrændt efter en hektisk tid som graverjournalist og efter bruddet med sin utro kæreste. Men i Kathmandu viser sig en hårrejsende virkelighed. Børnehjemmet er tomt, og børnene forsvundet. Astrid sætter sig nu for at afsløre den dystre sandhed, som har forbindelser til alle dele verden.I Danmark venter Thomas og Caroline på endelig at få lov til at adoptere. Men noget går galt, og fundamentet under deres ægteskab begynder at vakle. I Justitsministeriet sidder departementschefen med et umuligt dilemma, der kan få skelsættende betydning for 34 barnløse danskere og hans egen fremtid. Louise Vollers gribende og indsigtsfulde fortælling i Drømmefangeren er baseret på virkelige hændelser.

  • - Små glimt fra min tid som udsendt til landsbyen Namjung i Nepal og min vej dertil
    af Tove Madsen
    52,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Bogen fortæller om Tove Madsens kald til Nepal, dels som lærer for missionærbørn og senere som missionær/lærer i landsbyen Namjung. Der fortælles om missionens historie og lidt om kirken i Nepal. Bogen er dedikeret til 13 søskendebørn, men også med tak til Lærernes Missionsforening og Bibelselskabet.Tove fortæller i andagtsform og har bl.a. eksempler i mødet med unge nepalesere, for hvem det kristne er nyt. Desuden er der eksempler til brug i undervisning. Materialet giver et indtryk af, hvor store forandringer der er sket i Nepal på blot 30 år.På alle områder. Kirken er et af verdens hurtigst voksende kirker på trods af borgerkrig og to store jordskælv.

  • - - øko-filosofiske fragmenter
    af Torbjørn Ydegaard
    275,95 kr.

    I efteråret 2023 giver en canadisk-dansk gruppe en mere end 50 år gammel film tilbage til beboerne i Rolwalingdalen i nepalesisk Himalaya. Filmen var optaget under en 'anti-ekspedition' til dalen og dens gudindebjerg, Tseringma, i 1971. Hensigten var at klatre på, men ikke bestige Tseringma, derfor 'anti-ekspedition'. For de tre nordmænd, Arne Næss, Sigmund Kvaløy Setreng og Nils Faarlund, der stod bag filmen, gav erfaringerne fra de høje snebjerge, fra klatring på Tseringmas stejle sider og kamme og ikke mindst fra mødet med Sherpaerne nede i dalen, dem et vældigt skub fremad i arbejdet med at udvikle forskellige sider af øko-filosofien.Trekket op i Rolwaling i efteråret 2023 danner ramme om en række fragmenter, der tegner en skitse til en nutidig øko-filosofi. Ud fra den hypotese at årsagerne til dagens klimakrise bygger nogle grundlæggende antagelser, står en kritik af den traditionelle vestlige filosofis og religions dualisme mellem krop og sjæl centralt. Mødet med buddhismen giver inspiration til at søge efter mulige løsninger i sprækkerne i de selvsamme vestlige traditioner.

  • af Sean Starr
    253,95 kr.

    This book is a compilation of inspiring quotes from spiritual teachers of the East, coupled with images showcasing the incredible sacred art of Nepal. The photographs, captured by Sean Starr and Jennifer Moore Starr during their time in Nepal in 2019 and 2020, coincide with the production of the documentary "Art Is Love: Nepal," they were shooting on location with filmmakers Daniel Driensky and Sarah Reyes of Exploredinary.For over 30 years, Sean Starr's original artwork has been displayed in dozens of exhibitions at galleries and institutions in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Napa Valley, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Antonio and Ireland.Jennifer Moore Starr is a photographer and studio manager at Starr Studios. In the spring of 2019, I embarked on my inaugural journey to Nepal, having been invited by a photojournalist friend following the last-minute withdrawal of one of his fellow photographers. Eagerly seizing the opportunity, I found myself captivated by Nepal's allure the moment I touched down in Kathmandu. As an artist, I was enthralled by the ancient culture's profound reverence for the arts and how deeply intertwined the artwork was with their spiritual beliefs.After spending several weeks immersing myself in the rich tapestry of Nepal, I returned home with the aspiration to revisit and document the remarkable things I had encountered. A subsequent conversation with friends and filmmakers Daniel Driensky and Sarah Reyesof Exploredinary in Dallas resulted in an agreement to collaboratively return and produce a documentary highlighting the traditional artists of Nepal.Fate played its part, swiftly aligning the pieces, and in early 2020, My wife Jennifer, Daniel and Sarah found ourselves back in Nepal, filming our recently completed feature-length documentary titled "Art Is Love: Nepal." Throughout our travels, we documented the stories of artists and the sacred art of Nepal.Our journey took us through the bustling streets of Kathmandu, the ancient city of Bhaktapur, Pashupatinath Temple, the iconic Boudhanath and Swayambhunath Stupas, the lakeside city of Pokhara, and some of the remote villages of the Himalayas. We sincerely hope you enjoy this collection of photos, captured by Jennifer and me during breaks between filming sessions and interviews with other artists. It seemed only fitting to complement these images with some of our favorite quotes from Eastern teachers, some of whom undoubtedly inspired the very artists responsible for the masterpieces adorning this beautiful country.

  • af Wen Ma
    297,95 kr.

    This is the seventh translated book in the series of Poems of Natural Wisdom created by Shanlin-Tzu. Poesm of Natural Wisdom promote an ideal of creating poetic values in life and enjoying a life with poetic values. They serve as instructions aiming to enlighten truth, appraoch good and pursue beauty. This book series is dedicated to people who treat life with kindness, are passionate about life and seek mind-body balance.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    817,95 kr.

    In the inner bosom of my conscience, I sowed the divine seeds of Your goodness. Day and night I tended them; but when they were already sprouting their tender leaves, the scorching sun of my desires and the wind of my restless thoughts of the past and of the future burned their leaves and scattered Your work in me. But, I will not give up, I will sow again and again in the secret soil of my conscience, until Your love bears fruit in me, whether it takes me a lifetime or an infinite chain of lifetimes, I will not give up. I will continue to sow Your blessings in the heart of my conscience, until I find the sacred place where the heat of my desires and the voracity of my thoughts can no longer tread or desecrate. I will continue to sow Your seeds of goodness within my faith and, when there is no room left in the finite field of my individual consciousness that is not saturated with the fruit of Your love, then, in silence, when all sleep, I will continue to sow Your seeds of blessing in the minds of all Your other children. Thus, when the field of consciousness is overflowing with the fruit of Your love, we will realize that You are our only real Eternal and unfathomably blissful Self.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    646,95 kr.

    Wenn der Geist in völliger Stille ist, ist er gedämpft, wenn der Geist gedämpft ist, ist das Ego abwesend, wenn das Ego abwesend ist, ist man eins mit dem, was man ist, und wenn man eins mit dem ist, was man ist, gibt es eine tiefe Erfahrung mit dem Wirklichen und Wesentlichen. Tief zu meditieren bedeutet, kontinuierlich das Gelübde der Enthaltung vom Bösen und der Vereinigung mit dem Guten zu praktizieren; es ist ein ständiger Prozess, denn das Böse oder die geistige Illusion reproduziert sich selbst, gleichzeitig sowohl innerlich als auch äußerlich. Das Böse ist das geistige Selbst, das der dreifachen Illusion von Hass, Selbstsucht und Falschheit unterworfen ist, die mit dem unersättlichen Verlangen des Egos nach Macht, Geld und Sex verbunden ist. Wenn dieses Verlangen abgeschnitten wird, löst sich das Ego auf und beeinträchtigt die Seelennatur nicht mehr, so dass es frei von dem falschen Selbst ist. Die Unachtsamkeit des mentalen Selbst wird von der Vermehrung des Bösen ausgenutzt, um sich einzuschleichen und seine Beständigkeit zu erzwingen. Wenn du um Licht meditierst, unternimmst du eine doppelte Anstrengung, einerseits schaltest du alles Licht in deinem inneren Raum aus, andererseits rufst du einen Fremden an, dir ein Licht zu geben, das nicht dein eigenes ist, oder deinen persönlichen Raum zu betreten, um für dich genau das Licht einzuschalten, das du zuvor beschlossen hast, auszuschalten.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    757,95 kr.

    If the mind is total silence, it is muffled, if the mind is muffled the ego is absent, if the ego is absent there is unity with what one is, if there is unity with what one is, there is deep experience with what is real and essential. To meditate deeply is to continually practice the vow of abstention from evil and union with good; it is a constant process because evil or mental illusion reproduces itself, simultaneously both internally and externally. Evil is the mental self subjected to the triple illusion of hatred, selfishness and falsehood, associated with the ego's insatiable desire for power, money and sex. When this desire is cut off, the ego dissolves and does not interfere with the nature of the soul, thus free from the false self. The inattention of the mental self is taken advantage of by the reproduction of evil to enter internally and force its permanence. If you meditate for light, you make a double effort, on the one hand you turn off all light in your inner room, on the other hand you call upon a stranger to give you a light which is not your own or to enter your personal room to turn on for you the very light which you have previously decided to turn off.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    552,95 kr.

    Yogi Mettàtron adds another 4 Noble Truths, thus totaling 8 Noble Truths on the Path. These allow the interaction of the inner force of the Self with the outer nature, including all other beings, perfecting the art of compassion. By the 5th Noble Truth it states that according to the place and time that each human consciousness occupies upon the world, it is its responsibility and power, to prevent the greatest evil from becoming present upon the planet or to allow the greatest good to become present. It defines that every bullet that is fired and kills is possible, because we all souls on the world unconsciously accept it at the same time. A single soul, totally united with God and with perfect love for all, through faith and sincere prayer, can divert and avert a natural catastrophe and even a war. By the 6th Noble Truth it indicates that when there is balance within, opposites rest. This means that when there is perfect equilibrium within, outwardly there is no contradiction or tension between the opposites, harmony dominates over all nature. Duality is subdued. Peace and goodness abound.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    422,95 kr.

    The Order that exists in the Totality of relative existence is recreated from instant to instant by a frothy form of Cosmic Unified Consciousness through a constant flow of quantum information. It is what allows atomic sub-particles to flicker through quantum tunnelling, creating uncertainty while maintaining universal coherence. This scale of consciousness has existed since the origin of the cosmos and is the closest thing to our preconception of God. Everything is information and energy, it is what separates us from chaos. It is the software of Creation, a Fifth Force that makes the other four possible: gravity, electromagnetism, electroweak force and electro-strong force. So God, in this physical aspect, or this Quantum Unified Field Consciousness, is an essence of physical and not immaterial existence. So it is always possible to make intelligent contact with it. The very life known on Earth developed its potential consciousness from this form of Cosmic Proto-Mind. The human brain possesses the capacity to communicate, interact and expand on the scale of this universal consciousness.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    422,95 kr.

    If we increase the charge of our inner prana, our meditations will be much more intense, and it will be easier for us to enter into the state of emptiness and silence of mind, where it is possible to attract God's blessing and dialogue with Him. Our prayers will contain the same thoughts and words, but they will be recharged with energy and will penetrate space and time and obtain the desired response. Our bodies are nourished by food, water, air and the sun, but it is through the medulla oblongata or "mouth of God" that it receives directly the cosmic energy which is distributed through the subtle channels or nadis throughout the body. Through concentration, breathing, willpower, tension and relaxation it is possible to conduct the prana to the various parts of the body and learn to accumulate it there to recharge those cells.

  • af Mateo Bohorquez
    552,95 kr.

    Does physical education as a social motor purpose correspond to what we understand today as leisure and free time? Over time, educational, industrial and hospital establishments, among other sectors, both public and private, have given Physical Education the meaning of leisure and free time. They have given Physical Education an important place in society, so that nowadays the subject that some years ago was the "filler" in the educational classrooms nowadays brings with it a culture that is lived, sweated and felt as fitness. For this reason, it is now evident in different spaces that the subject in sports clothes is teaching and making known the importance of physical activity in our social body. Now, understanding physical education as a concept of training, discipline and performance is what occupies us and leads us to write these lines.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    742,95 kr.

    The body is composed of matter, there is no doubt about that. But as to consciousness, what is its essence: energy, spirit? What we can establish is that consciousness can only be conscious of itself through a physical body, whereas the physical body, if it lacks consciousness, is totally inert. The characteristic of consciousness is that it is latent in all that exists, it is universal, impersonal, all-pervading. The Whole is consciousness and we are part of that ocean. We can infer that when the body dies the individual consciousness is submerged in the universal consciousness. That "I" prior to consciousness is unconditioned, timeless, atemporal, aerospatial, not conscious of Being (because there is no other). What One Is, is always permanent, eternal, unique. What we seek we already are, we only need to understand it in order to realise it. It is about transferring our identity from the physical body to the Infinite, from processing as a transient wave to an absolute wave. Dialogues around the world between Yogi Mettàtron and sincere seekers of truth, through the religion and Buddhism chat rooms and Yahoo Messenger during the years 2002 and 2004.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    422,95 kr.

    Mettàtron was born in Puerto Belgrano (Argentina), in a middle class family, with the name of Roberto Guillermo F. Gomes. Since he was a child he listened to the Om and perceived the spiritual eye in the ajna chakra. During his adolescence, at the age of 16, he had a decisive moment for his later spiritual life. He went with some high school friends to see the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" by Franco Zeffirelli and at the very moment when the actor who played the role of St. Francis of Assisi had the vision of God, Yogi's mind went into samadhi. Leaving the theater in a trance-like state, he was drawn to the shore and went to the tip of a breakwater. There his "third eye" spontaneously opened and the night was illuminated. He saw trillions of beings occupying the firmament and all in chorus were saying "Lord of Heaven, save us!". Then he wondered to whom they were speaking thus, and as he thought this his attention was seized by a divine force from on High. Suddenly he knew that he was in front of the Creator, he saw before him a source of intense light, unbearable to see from the front. Surprisingly, he heard a deep and sweet voice that said to him, "Son, you are Spirit".

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    927,95 kr.

    To know oneself is the central purpose of life. Being a method of perception, the state of mind resulting from the meditative act is a means of knowing oneself. It is not the only one. There are four main states of consciousness: ordinary waking consciousness, dreaming sleep, deep sleep and the meditative state. The first is characterised by the self focused outward, the second by the self focused on inner thoughts, the third by the self free of all perception and the last by the self focused on the self. Only in this fourth state is direct knowledge of the self possible, and the cessation of the division between subject and object seen. Only meditation, or the fourth state of Consciousness, permits perception and direct knowledge of the Self. The Subject observes the Subject. In the other three states, the Subject can only observe objects. The fourth state of consciousness, which occurs during meditation, is scientifically confirmed, since it has its own particular physiology, which differentiates it from the other three states.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    467,95 kr.

    The essential meaning of ishr¿q (Persian ¿¿¿¿¿, Arabic: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿) is "rising", specifically referring to the sunrise, though "illumination" is the more common translation. It has used both Arabic and Persian philosophical texts as means to signify the relation between the ¿apprehending subject¿ (al-maw¿ü al-modrek) and the ¿apprehensible object¿ (al-modrak); beyond philosophical discourse, it is a term used in common discussion. Suhrawardi utilized the ordinariness of the word in order to encompass the all that is mystical along with an array of different kinds of knowledge, including elh¿m, meaning personal inspiration.None of Suhrawardi's works was translated into Latin, so he remained unknown in the Latin West, although his work continued to be studied in the Islamic East. According to Hosein Nasr, Suhrawardi was unknown to the west until he was translated to western languages by contemporary thinkers such as Henry Corbin, and he remains largely unknown even in countries within the Islamic world.Suhrawardi tried to present a new perspective on questions like those of existence.

  • af Roberto Guillermo Gomes
    727,95 kr.

    Basically, the Zeus Program consists of a sophisticated meditation suit, interfaced with an optical computer, which records thoughts and interacts through an interface. To use it requires a high level of training in mental concentration and meditation. The trick is to increase the amount of oxygen in the neurons and induce deep relaxation in the whole body by floating it in the middle of a pond containing a breathable liquid. The objective of the program is to digitalize thought, to access the brain's internal processing source code and through this to achieve an interface to interconnect with the quantum intelligence foam, which modulates all the information flows of the universe, producing from instant to instant the physical reality as we perceive it. Once this phase is achieved, civilization would have the technology to redesign matter from the quantum vacuum without limits of scale and complexity. It could materialize an apple as well as a complete spacecraft.

  • af Paolo Cognetti
    127,95 kr.

    An awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth, from the author of international bestseller The Eight MountainsPaolo Cognetti marked his 40th birthday with a journey he had always wanted to make: to Dolpo, a remote Himalayan region where Nepal meets Tibet. He took with him two friends, a notebook, mules and guides, and a well-worn copy of The Snow Leopard. Written in 1978, Matthiessen's classic was also turning forty, and Cognetti set out to walk in the footsteps of the great adventurer.Without Ever Reaching the Summit combines travel journal, secular pilgrimage, literary homage and sublime mountain writing in a short book for readers of Macfarlane, Rebanks and Cognetti's own bestseller, The Eight Mountains. An investigation into the author's physical limits, an ancient mountain culture, and the magnificence of nature, it is an awestruck love letter to one of the most spectacular places on earth.

  • - Bind 2 – Fuld fart frem og bremsen i
    af Per Allan Jensen
    213,95 kr.

    I starten af 1984 vender Per Allan Jensen tilbage fra den rejse, der skulle få afgørende indflydelse på hans liv, og som er beskrevet i Vendepunktet, som er første bind af trilogien Fra Horsens til Himalaya. Fuld kraft frem og bremsen i handler om årene efter forfatterens hjemkomst fra den skelsættende rejse. Fokus er i høj grad på de mange lange rejser, men vi får også indblik i forfatterens liv i kollektiv samt et afgørende jobskifte. Tilværelsen former sig på mange måder perfekt, og Per Allan har intet ønske om, at den skal ændres nævneværdigt. Men så viser det sig, at skæbnen har endnu et vendepunkt i ærmet. Per Allan er medlem af De Berejstes Klub og holder gerne foredrag om de mange rejser, der fulgte i kølvandet på den første lange rejse i 1983-84. Sammenlagt er det foreløbig blevet til næsten ni års rejser med oplevelser i 133 lande på syv kontinenter. Om bind 1 skrev lektør Louise Urban Andersen: Fin rejsebeskrivelse, der egentlig også bliver en levnedsbeskrivelse, fordi den rummer mange aspekter af forfatterens liv. Sproget er godt, og forfatteren formår at skifte mellem beskrivelser af rejsen og af sit øvrige liv, uden at det bliver kunstigt.Uddrag af bogen ”Do you have cigarets?” lyder det på halvdårligt engelsk fra den største af de to smålurvede teenagedrenge, der pludselig står foran mig. Jeg har været optaget af at kigge på det lille gnidrede kort i min guidebog og har ikke anet uråd, før de pludselig står der. Det med cigaretterne må jeg naturligvis på det kraftigste benægte og skal lige til at forklare ham, at han også burde holde sig fra den slags, men så bliver situationen mere dramatisk, da hans hånd begiver sig ned i min ene bukselomme. Meget godt klaret faktisk, da den er sikret med en tryklås. ”Gimme money, gimme money, I got a gun!” råber han nu med dramatisk stemme på endnu dårligere engelsk, mens han peger på mig med et eller andet, som han gemmer inde under sin lasede skjorte. (…) Jeg kobler al tankevirksomhed fra og svinger min højrehånd i retning af hans grimme fjæs, og kun hans ungdommelige hurtighed redder ham fra at få brug for en meget dygtig tandlæge. Han er nu heller ikke særlig kampdygtig med den ene hånd i min lomme og den anden under skjorten, og hans yngre medhjælper står bare og glor dumt, tydeligvis overrasket over udviklingen. Overraskelsen rammer os alle tre, og sekundet efter stikker de to lømler af. Jeg gør det samme, bare i den modsatte retning, for tænk hvis de kommer tilbage med forstærkninger. Om forfatteren Per Allan Jensen er født i 1951 og vokset op i Horsens. Efter sin studentereksamen fik han et første kendskab til den gryende IT-branche, hvilket førte ham til København og en uddannelse som civilingeniør. Resten af sin erhvervsaktive karriere var han beskæftiget som IT-konsulent, indtil han i 2015 valgte at lade sig pensionere. I 1996 blev han medlem af – og senere formand for – De Berejstes Klub, hvor inspiration fra nye venskaber forstærkede rejselysten. Han har gennem alle årene yndet at skrive og holde billedforedrag om sine rejser, ikke mindst i rejseklubbens Café Globen. Pensionisttilværelsen udfylder han i høj grad med rejser, især i vinterhalvåret, mens en god del af sommeren tilbringes med kæresten i kolonihaven. På den niende Nepalrejse i 2019 fostredes idéen om at skrive en bog om rejserne – og livet i øvrigt.

  • af Mick Fowler
    155,95 kr.

  • af Gert-Matthias Wegner
    1.537,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking publication offers a unique resource of information about one of the most glorious and diverse musical cultures of the Himalayas. The numerous drum traditions of Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu Valley are a vibrant aspect of traditional Newar culture that saw its heyday between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries. The three Malla kingdoms of Bhaktapur, Lalitpur and Kathmandu competed in art, architecture, music, dance and opulent town rituals celebrating the presence of the gods. Music served as a portal between the human world and the realm of the gods. This study documents the role and repertoires of the different percussion genres in a transcribed and commented form for practical use and as a teaching aid. It also includes a dictionary of Newari terms related to music. As it focuses on the musical life of Bhaktapur during the decade starting from 1983, it could serve as a point of reference for comparison with the present situation. This publication is an outstanding contribution to the preservation of Newar culture. DE

  • af Aktam Samadow
    277,95 kr.

    V monografii analiziruütsq rol' ideala w duhownom bytii lichnosti, mesto ästeticheskogo ideala, ontologicheskie osnowaniq edinstwa nrawstwennosti i ästetiki, konstruktiwnoe proqwlenie ästeticheskogo ideala w lichnosti i ee soznanii, sinkretizm nrawstwennosti-ästetiki w duhownom bytii lichnosti, institucional'nye i funkcional'nye izmeneniq ästeticheskogo ideala. Dannaq monografiq: prednaznachena dlq nauchnyh rabotnikow, studentow, obuchaüschihsq w bakalawriate i magistrature sistemy wysshego obrazowaniq, nezawisimyh issledowatelej i shirokogo kruga chitatelej, interesuüschihsq ästeticheskim idealom lichnosti.

  • af Aktam Samadov
    837,95 kr.

    La monographie analyse le rôle de l'idéal dans l'être spirituel de l'individu, la place de l'idéal esthétique, la base ontologique de l'unité de la morale et de l'esthétique, la manifestation constructive de l'idéal esthétique dans l'individu et son esprit, le syncrétisme de la morale et de l'esthétique dans l'être spirituel de l'individu, les changements institutionnels et fonctionnels dans l'idéal esthétique de l'individu, la place de l'idéal esthétique dans l'être spirituel de l'individu. Cette monographie s'adresse aux chercheurs scientifiques, aux étudiants de premier et deuxième cycle de l'enseignement supérieur, aux chercheurs indépendants et à tous les lecteurs intéressés par l'idéal esthétique de l'individu.

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