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Bøger om Slaviske sprog

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  • af Jørgen Harrit & Elena Krasnova
    387,95 kr.

    Ordbogen indeholder 59.000 opslagsord samt 52.000 udtryk og vendinger.Dansk-Russisk Ordbog er en helt ny, omfattende ordbog, som er et uundværligt arbejdsredskab for alle, der arbejder med det russiske sprog. Den er den længe ventede parallel til Russisk-Dansk Ordbog og den dækker både dagligsprog og lidt mere litterær stil, almindelige ord såvel som mange faglige termer.Indholdet er ajourført inden for it, politik og samfund, ligesom oversættelserne afspejler det nyeste inden for russisk, hvor der er sket uhyre meget de seneste 10-15 år. Den rummer et væld af brugseksempler og idiomatiske udtryk, og den er meget detaljeret i den grammatiske beskrivelse af ord og oversættelser.

  • af Fjodor Dostojevskij
    177,95 kr.

    Kældermennesket er en bitter mand, der fyldt med vrede, aggression, jalousi, skuffelse og sorg over samfundet. Fortællingen gjorde stort indtryk på bl.a. filosoffen Friedrich Nietzsche, og har siden placeret sig som et af de helt store værker i verdenslitteraturen.* * * * * ""Jeg er et sygt menneske ... Jeg er et ondskabsfuldt menneske. Et utiltalende menneske«, indleder Kældermennesket sin lange rablende monolog i Dostojevskijs "Optegnelser fra en undergrund."Og alt dét er han så sandelig, både syg, ondskabsfuld og utiltalende, men han er også - og især - netop menneske. Det er dette sidste, der gør hans nedrige, frastødende, brovtende, ynkelige, på én gang selvhævdende og selvdestruerende, læserfornærmende, men også ret morsomme og i sidste ende tragiske udgydelser værd at læse den dag i dag, 150 år efter at de blev udgivet første gang.« 

  • - Øvebog
    af Henrik Lærkes, Hanne Leervad, Henrik Møller, mfl.
    536,95 kr.

    Møde i Petersborg er et lærebogssystem til russiskundervisningen for dansksprogede elever. Systemet fokuserer på kontrastive problemer mellem dansk og russisk og kombinerer moderne indhold og metode med de bedste principper fra ældre begyndersystemer. Lærebogssystemet er udviklet over en længere periode i samarbejde med mange russisklærere fra et bredt spektrum af uddannelsesinstitutioner. Det kan anvendes til alle målgrupper - fra gymnasium/hf til de propædeutiske kurser på universitetet. Øvebogen indeholder et omfattende og differentieret øvemateriale, kommentarer, gloser m.v. Møde i Petersborg omfatter læsebogen og øvebogen samt lydfiler her:

  • - Læsebog
    af Henrik Lærkes, Hanne Leervad, Henrik Møller, mfl.
    747,95 kr.

    Møde i Petersborg er et lærebogssystem til russiskundervisning for dansksprogede elever. Systemet fokuserer på kontrastive problemer mellem dansk og russisk og kombinerer moderne indhold og metode med de bedste principper fra ældre begyndersystemer. Lærebogssystemet er udviklet over en længere periode i samarbejde med mange russisklærere fra et bredt spektrum af uddannelsesinstitutioner. Det kan derfor anvendes til alle målgrupper - fra gymnasium/hf til de propædeutiske kurser på universitetet. Møde i Petersbog omfatter læsebogen og øvebogen med et omfattende og differentieret øvemateriale, kommentarer, gloser samt lydfiler her:

  • af Ingeborg Stemann
    195,95 kr.

    En fuldstændig dansk-polsk polsk-dansk ordbog. Ingeborg Stemann har samlet en uundværlig håndbog 370 sider - til alle med behov for at oversætte til / fra polsk eller som gerne vil lette kommunikationen med venner, kollegaer eller familie fra Polen.

  • - Historien om smædeskriftet Zions vises protokoller
    af Morten Thing
    247,95 kr.

    Zions vises protokoller er et stykke skønlitteratur, som giver sig ud for at være et historisk sandfærdigt skrift – og aldrig har et stykke fiktion haft så tragisk en virkningshistorie. Den danske historiker Morten Thing fortæller historien om antisemitismens bibel. Udover Morten Things historie om tilblivelsen og udbredelsen af det antisemitiske smædeskrift indeholder bogen også selve den oprindelige danske version af Zions vises protokoller fra 1920.Zions vises protokoller udkom første gang i 1903 på russisk og berettede om, hvordan jøder i århundreder havde forberedt sig på at tage magten over hele kloden. I 1919 oversættes teksten for første gang, først til svensk og derefter til polsk, tysk, engelsk, dansk og mange andre sprog. I 1921 afsløres det, at teksten er et falsum. Afsløringen får imidlertid ingen effekt på tekstens udbredelse, og den er i dag kommet i op mod 950 forskellige udgaver på 38 forskellige sprog. Det er uden sammenligning den mest udbredte antisemitiske tekst i verden, som stadig til dato mange steder læses som om, det var et sandt historisk skrift, der beviser ”en jødisk konspiration”.

  • af Jenny Goldmann
    142,95 kr.

    "Bulgarian is hard, so let's make it more fun!"Are you looking for an exciting and effective way to improve your Bulgarian language skills? Look no further than this collection of easy-intermediate Bulgarian short stories.With 10 captivating tales covering a range of genres and themes, this book is designed to help beginner and intermediate learners (A2-B1 CEFR level) practice their reading comprehension and vocabulary in an engaging and fun way. But it's not just about language learning - these stories will take you on a journey through Bulgaria's rich history, cuisine, and culture.Follow the characters as they explore different parts of the country, from bustling Plovdiv to the tranquil Rose Valley. Discover the traditions and customs that make Bulgaria unique, and immerse yourself in the vibrant flavors and aromas of its cuisine.Each story is accompanied by a glossary of vocabulary words and phrases, making it easy to expand your Bulgarian language skills as you read. And with a variety of genres and themes, you're sure to find something that interests you.In addition, you'll find quizzes and discussion questions at the end of each story. These resources are designed to help you reinforce your understanding of the language and culture presented in each story while also providing an opportunity to practice your speaking skills.Whether you're using the book in a classroom setting or as part of your personal language-learning journey, it's the perfect companion. So why wait? Start your journey through Bulgaria today and improve your language skills along the way!

  • af Volodymyr Zelensky
    97,95 - 117,95 kr.

  • af Leo Tolstoy & Inessa Medzhibovskaya
    337,95 - 1.519,95 kr.

  • - Feodor Dostoevsky
    af Rene Girard
    257,95 kr.

    In a fascinating analysis of critical themes in Feodor Dostoevsky's work, Ren Girard explores the implications of the Russian author's "e;underground,"e; a site of isolation, alienation, and resentment. Brilliantly translated, this book is a testament to Girard's remarkable engagement with Dostoevsky's work, through which he discusses numerous aspects of the human condition, including desire, which Girard argues is "e;triangular"e; or "e;mimetic"e;-copied from models or mediators whose objects of desire become our own. Girard's interdisciplinary approach allows him to shed new light on religion, spirituality, and redemption in Dostoevsky's writing, culminating in a revelatory discussion of the author's spiritual understanding and personal integration. Resurrection is an essential and thought-provoking companion to Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground.

  • - I syv sind
    af Ole Morsing & David Bugge
    187,95 kr.

    I de senere år har der været en stigende interesse for det frugtbare grænseland mellem litteratur, filosofi og teologi. Det gælder i forskningen, og det gælder i kulturlivet generelt. Men emnet er mangelfuldt repræsenteret på det hjemlige bogmarked, og mange har efterspurgt flere bøger herom. Derfor lanceres nu Syv-Sind-Serien: en antologi-række, hvor et bestemt skønlitterært forfatterskab med forbindelseslinjer til filosofien eller teologien belyses af syv forskellige litterater, filosoffer og teologer. Serien henvender sig såvel til "den dannede lægmand"’ som til undervisningssektoren, hvor den vil kunne anvendes på f.eks. universiteter, højskoler og seminarier eller i studie- og læsekredse. Syv-Sind-Serien indledes med bogen Milan Kundera – i syv sind.Pressen skriver:★★★★★★- The Good Discussion

  • af Vadym Zubakhin
    201,95 - 311,95 kr.

  • af Lubov Babushkina
    214,95 - 324,95 kr.

  • af Henry Gifford
    406,95 - 439,95 kr.

    An attempt to interpret and appraise the work of Boris Pasternak as lyrical and narrative poet, writer of prose fiction, and verse translator.

  • af Matica Hrvatska
    469,95 - 646,95 kr.

    Hrvatske Narodne Pjesme je knjiga koju je objavila Hrvatska Matica davne 1898. godine. Ova knjiga predstavlja zbirku hrvatskih narodnih pjesama koje su se prenosile usmenom predajom kroz generacije. U knjizi se nalaze tekstovi pjesama, kao i njihove melodije. Ova zbirka sadr�����i vi�����e od 400 pjesama koje su prikupljene iz razli����itih dijelova Hrvatske. Pjesme u knjizi su podijeljene u nekoliko kategorija, kao �����to su ljubavne pjesme, pjesme o prirodi, pjesme o povijesnim doga����ajima i mnoge druge. Knjiga Hrvatske Narodne Pjesme predstavlja vrijedan kulturni i povijesni dokument koji otkriva bogatu tradiciju hrvatskog naroda.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Anton Koblar
    507,95 - 512,95 kr.

    ""Izvje���������a Muzejskog dru�����tva za Kranjsku V5-V7 (1895)"" je knjiga koju je napisao Anton Koblar. Ova knjiga je zbirka izvje�����taja Muzejskog dru�����tva za Kranjsku iz razdoblja od 1895. godine. U njoj su opisani razni predmeti i artefakti koji su bili izlo�����eni u muzeju, kao i razli����ite znanstvene i kulturne aktivnosti koje su se odvijale u tom razdoblju. Ova knjiga je vrijedan izvor informacija o povijesti i kulturi Kranjske u 19. stolje����u.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Olga Matich
    462,95 kr.

    The first generation of Russian modernists experienced a profound sense of anxiety resulting from the belief that they were living in an age of decline. What made them unique was their utopian prescription for overcoming the inevitability of decline and death both by metaphysical and physical means. They intertwined their mystical erotic discourse with European degeneration theory and its obsession with the destabilization of gender. In Erotic Utopia, Olga Matich suggests that same-sex desire underlay their most radical utopian proposal of abolishing the traditional procreative family in favor of erotically induced abstinence.2006 Winner, CHOICE Award for Outstanding Academic Titles, Current Reviews for Academic Libraries Honorable Mention, Aldo and Jean Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures, Modern Language Association"Offers a fresh perspective and a wealth of new information on early Russian modernism. . . . It is required reading for anyone interested in fin-de-siècle Russia and in the history of sexuality in general."--Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, Slavic and East European Journal "Thoroughly entertaining."--Avril Pyman, Slavic Review

  • af Edith Clowes
    265,95 - 387,95 kr.

    No other thinker so engaged the Russian cultural imagination of the early twentieth century as did Friedrich Nietzche. The Revolution of Moral Consciousness shows how Nietzschean thought influenced the brilliant resurgence of literary life that started in the 1890s and continued for four decades. Through an analysis of the Russian encounter with Nietzsche, Edith Clowes defines the shift in ethical and aesthetic vision that motivated Russia's unprecedented artistic renascence and at the same time led its followers to the brink of cultural despair. Clowes shows how in the last years of the nineteenth century a diverse array of writers and critics discovered Nietzsche's thought, embracing or repudiating it with equal vigor. The literary storm brewing around Nietzsche and the concurrent relaxation of censorship combined to attract a public eager to follow the new intellectual fashion. Young writers, such as Andreev and Kuprin, welcomed the idea of the "superman" as a promising path to personal fulfillment. The tragic fates of their protagonists and the alluring gospel of the vulgar Zarathustra-like characters of such bestselling authors as Boborykin, Artsybashev, and Verbitskaia found enthusiastic, if indiscriminating, audiences ready to be "taught" how to "find themselves." By considering this Nietzschean cult, Clowes draws fresh insight into the nature of the budding popular-culture industry in Russia and the fast-growing reading public. From this ferment emerged the greatest Russian literary voices of the early twentieth century. The revolutionary romantics, Gorky and Lunacharsky, sought in Nietzsche's writing a new vision of total social and cultural change. Merezhkovsky led a generation of mystic symbolists in the search for a literary myth of resurrection. Ivanov, Blok, and Belyi appropriated the image of the "crucified Dionysus" as the central symbol of spiritual transfiguration. Their encounters with Nietzschean thought disclose an even more profound creative struggle with their own cultural past and its established formulations of nation and individual, culture and history. Clowes uses the term future anxiety to speak of a creative mentality that strove to assert itself by diminishing the impact of powerful literary precursors, such as Tolstoi, Dostoevsky, and Solovyov, and opening to the imagination the vision of a future full of vast creative possibility.

  • af Snezana Stefanovic
    177,95 kr.

    Six short stories around the topic VREME, which has two meanings in Serbian: time and weather. The first short story "Vreme zauvek" tells about time and weather in a positive and life-affirming tone and is dedicated to the famous Serbian writer and journalist Düan Radovi¿; the second short story "Vreme ujutro" tells about a very specific moment in the morning that each of us knows well - when we are supposed to get up from the warm bed; the third short story "Vreme u snu" tells of an unusual dream and time in that dream; the fourth short story deals with a card playing group and their special philosophy of life; the fifth story is a tale about a special relationship with time; the last short story "Vremena" is a conversation of two ladies - one called Weather and one called Time.The short stories are written in both Latin and Cyrillic script and at the end of the book there is the vocabulary list with the translation into English. As a supplement to the "IDEMO DALJE" series, this reading book is a valuable part of the SERBIAN READER collection. As part of a comprehensive series, "IDEMO DALJE" includes textbooks, reading materials, audio books, interactive e-books, videos and other media resources that offer a holistic approach to learning Serbian as a foreign language. If you would like to learn more about this series of books and other publications for learning Serbian, please visit our homepage.

  • af Anna Pasternak
    207,95 kr.

    Drawing on previously neglected family sources and original interviews, Anna Pasternak tells the heartbreaking story of the love affair between her great uncle Boris Pasternak, the author of Doctor Zhivago, and his muse, Olga Ivinskaya. Filled with the rich detail of Boris's secret life, Lara unearths a moving love story of courage, loyalty, suffering, drama, and loss, casting a new light on the legacy of a timeless classic.

  • af Snezana Stefanovic
    177,95 kr.

    Delve into the world of Serbian language learning with the reader "Idemo dalje 4," tailored for language levels A2 - B1 (Intermediate Low / Mid / High). This engaging resource features two short stories presented as reading texts, skillfully composed in both Serbian alphabets - Latin and Cyrillic. Beyond merely honing vocabulary and syntax for speaking levels A2 - B1, learners also benefit from a valuable exercise in mastering the Cyrillic alphabet.Linguistically, the texts and topics are meticulously adapted to suit the grammatical nuances of language levels A2 - B1, aligning with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). To enhance comprehension and serve as a helpful reference, the book opens with a table showcasing the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet. Moreover, a comprehensive vocabulary list in Serbian - English awaits at the book's conclusion, providing learners with additional support for reinforcing language skills. "Idemo dalje 4" not only facilitates language development but also fosters a nuanced understanding of Serbian at an intermediate proficiency level.Introducing a new addition to the "IDEMO DALJE" series, this reading book is a valuable component of the SERBIAN READER collection. As part of a comprehensive series, "IDEMO DALJE" encompasses textbooks, reading materials, audio books, interactive e-books, videos, and other media resources, providing a holistic approach to learning Serbian as a foreign language. For a deeper exploration of this book series and other publications dedicated to mastering the Serbian language, visit our homepage.

  • af Edward Topol
    247,95 kr.

  • af Malgorzata Malolepsza
    387,95 kr.

  • af Antonina Novarese
    197,95 kr.

    Cette histoire bilingue pour enfants aidera les enfants à apprendre l'ukrainien ou le français comme langue étrangère. Idéal pour les enfants et les familles bilingues ukrainien-français. Ce livre existe également en version française.Un conte de fées magique ukrainien avec de belles illustrations colorées, écrit spécialement pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans.Il s'agit d'une nouvelle adaptation d'un conte populaire ukrainien pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 6 ans. Deux soeurs se perdent dans une forêt enchantée. La magie maléfique retient la jeune Olena au fond du lac, et sa soeur cadette est transformée en chèvre par une sorcière rusée. Lorsqu'un danger encore plus grand menace sa soeur, Olena trouve la force de vaincre le sort. Rempli de magie et de mystère, cet album magnifiquement illustré est parfait pour les jeunes lecteurs qui aiment explorer le monde des contes de fées.

  • af Snezana Stefanovic
    167,95 kr.

    Trifun, a pensioner in the heart of Belgrade whose simple desire is for an afternoon rest, has his peace disturbed by three lively boys in his neighborhood with their spirited game of soccer. An inevitable confrontation ensues as both parties feel the other should give in and be more understanding. - This enchanting story is not only an enjoyable read, but also a seamless way to improve your language skills. Immerse yourself in the narrative, where cultural and linguistic nuances blend harmoniously. Embark on a linguistic journey with this captivating book in the second edition, where the story unfolds in the dual beauty of both Serbian scripts: Latin and Cyrillic. Designed for learners at the A1 level, equivalent to Novice Low/Mid/High proficiency, this narrative not only immerses you in the rich vocabulary and syntax of the Serbian language but also guides you through the intricacies of the Cyrillic alphabet. Introducing a new addition to the "IDEMO DALJE" series, this reading book is a valuable component of the SERBIAN READER collection. As part of a comprehensive series, "IDEMO DALJE" encompasses textbooks, reading materials, audio books, interactive e-books, videos, and other media resources, providing a holistic approach to learning Serbian as a foreign language. For a deeper exploration of this book series and other publications dedicated to mastering the Serbian language, visit our homepage.

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