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Bøger om Sri Lanka

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  • af Tore E.H. Holst
    157,95 kr.

  • - Arkitektoniske erindringer fra Sri Lanka
    af Ulrik Plesner
    225,95 kr.

    Hvordan Ulrik Plesner og Geoffrey Bawa med en talentfuld gruppe af unge arkitekter, kunstnere og håndværkere skabte en ny arkitektur til Sri Lanka, baseret på en frugtbar fusion af vestlig, kolonial og lokal byggeskik. Den unge Ulrik Plesner tager i 1950’erne til Sri Lanka, og mødet med øen kommer til at lægge kursen for hans liv. I IN SITU omfavner Ulrik Plesner selv sit mangfoldige virke som arkitekt i Sri Lanka og i et tilbageblik på et langt liv fører han pennen gennem Colombos indre gårdhaver, gennem søjlegange og ind i junglens dyb. Rundt på øen i høj fart i Rolls-Royce og med tjenere, der serverer vand i krystalglas på sølvbakker. Med Peacock-cigaretten dinglende fra mundvigen og i et opløftet og uhøjtideligt miljø formulerer han sammen med den srilankalske arkitekt Geoffrey Bawa en toneangivende arkitektonisk retning for Sri Lanka. De tager højde for det dramatiske klima med monsunens massive vandmængder og bagende sol. De udvikler det moderne dobbelte tag, der kan holde kryb ude og modstå legende aber på taget. De udvikler bæredygtigt byggeri med vedligeholdelsesfrie og langtidsholdbare bygninger, og de benytter lokale materialer og håndværkere. Og helt centralt respekterer de den srilankalske måde at leve på, øens historie og traditioner. Alt skabt efter Ulrik Plesners livslektie: ”Ingen bliver glade eller kan fungere ordentlig, hvis de bliver tvunget til at leve i en bygning, der ikke understøtter deres vante livsform.” Samarbejdet munder blandt andet ud i de karakteristiske byhuse i Colombo, hvis indre gårdhaver i dag sætter sit præg på byen. I udviklingen af de store overhængende tage med lave udhæng. Den gode hyrdes kapel i Bandarawela og ikke mindst det mageløse junglehus Polontolawa, der er bygget rundt om junglens træer og klipper. Her, i kombinationen af dansk arkitekturtradition og respekt for de srilankalske klimatiske, kulturelle og økonomiske vilkår, skaber de sammen værker, der i dag udgør en af landets turistattraktioner.

  • af Shehan Karunatilaka
    117,95 - 182,95 kr.

  • af Philip Briggs
    207,95 kr.

  • af Dinah Jefferies
    187,95 kr.

    Louisa Reeve, datter af en succesfuld britisk perlehandler, har været lykkeligt gift med sin charmerende og eventyrlystne mand, Elliot, i tolv år. Parret bor i et kolonialt palæ og ser ud til at have det hele, undtagen dét, de længes efter mere end noget andet:et barn. Louisas drøm bliver gradvist udvisket, da hun plages af aborter, og da Elliot forsvinder i stadigt længere perioder.Da Elliot pludselig omkommer i en bilulykke, står Louisa alene tilbage og overvældes af sorg og chok. Intet kan bringe ham tilbage, men hun er fast besluttet på at komme til bunds i det mysterium, hendes elskede efterlod. Hvorfor blev han ved med at forsvinde uden forklaring?I sin søgen efter svar besøger Louisa den nærliggende kanelplantage, som Elliot var medejer af, og hvor han tilbragte en stor del af den tid, han var væk fra hende. På plantagen tiltrækkes hun voldsomt og uventet af ejeren Leo, en mand med en tvivlsom fortid. Men da hun opdager, at hendes ægteskab gemmer på en knusende løgn, vender det op og ned på hendes verden. Når al tillid og alle drømme er smuldret, kan kun den stærkeste kærlighed bestå.

  • - Mine oplevelser, som jeg husker det
    af Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen
    157,95 - 194,95 kr.

    Velkommen ombord på‭ ‬fragtskibet‭, ‬der bringer dig Jorden rundt med mange oplevelser forude‭. ‬Du oplever det hårde liv ombord og arbejdet i et maskinrum‭, ‬hvor fremdrivningsmotoren er på‭ ‬størrelse med et treetagers hus‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når havet smider rundt med skibet‭, ‬der er 150‭ ‬meter langt og 19‭ ‬meter bredt‭. ‬Vi anløber havne på‭ ‬USA’s‭ ‬østkyst‭, ‬Panama og San Francisco‭. ‬I tresserne var der tid til oplevelser i de havnebyer‭, ‬vi anløb‭, ‬og de nærtliggende områder‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi går i land i Japan‭, ‬Hongkong‭, ‬Filippinerne‭, ‬Bangkok og flere steder i‭ ‬Indonesien‭. ‬Singapore‭, ‬øen Penang‭, ‬Sri Lanka og Indien‭. ‬Du er med‭, ‬når vi stakkels søfolk bliver plyndret af korrupte myndighedspersoner‭.‬ ‭ ‬Du er også‭ ‬med‭, ‬når vi færdes‭ ‬uden for det officielle turistområde‭, ‬hvor vi kommer tæt på‭ ‬mennesker‭, ‬der lever på‭ ‬samfundets bund‭, ‬som benytter alle muligheder for at overleve‭.‬ ‭ ‬ Gud bevare Danmark‭! ‬ Uddrag af bogen Telefonen kimede‭. ‬2‭. ‬mester kravlede over og tog den‭. ‬Han kom ud fra telefonboksen og fortalte i korte vendinger‭, ‬at lasten havde forskubbet sig‭. ‬Jeg kunne nu se‭, ‬at krængningsviseren bevægede sig mellem 15‭ ‬og 45‭ ‬graders slagside‭. ‬Der var ikke flere løse genstande‭, ‬der flyttede sig‭. ‬Det var ualmindeligt heldigt‭, ‬at vi ikke opholdt os der‭, ‬hvor de løse dørkplader kom drønende‭. ‬De kunne have klippet benene over på‭ ‬os‭. ‬Nu kom maskinchefen‭, ‬1‭. ‬og 3‭. ‬mester også‭ ‬kravlende ned på‭ ‬manøvredørken med møje og besvær‭. ‬Der var ingen af dem‭, ‬der viste nogen form for panik eller angst‭, ‬de var derimod koncentrerede og fattede‭. ‬Maskinchefen aftalte med 1‭. ‬mester‭, ‬hvad der kunne gøres for at få‭ ‬hovedmotoren i gang så‭ ‬hurtigt som muligt‭. ‬Skibet driver mod land‭.‬ Om forfatteren Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen er født 1942‭ ‬i Undløse Overdrev‭. ‬Han er uddannet smed og maskinmester og har sejlet som sådan‭. ‬Han har siden arbejdet som værkfører‭, ‬maskinmester og driftsleder‭. ‬Det var ikke lederrollen‭, ‬der behagede ham‭, ‬men derimod de kreative muligheder for tekniske forbedringer‭, ‬stillingen kunne tilbyde‭, ‬der optog ham‭. ‬Han har tidligere udgivet erindringsbogen Den ulige kamp‭ ‬–‭ ‬en familiekrønike gennem 150‭ ‬år‭.‬

  • - An architectural memoir from Sri Lanka
    af Ulrik Plesner
    248,95 kr.

    Hvordan Ulrik Plesner og Geoffrey Bawa med en talentfuld gruppe af unge arkitekter, kunstnere og håndværkere skabte en ny arkitektur til Sri Lanka, baseret på en frugtbar fusion af vestlig, kolonial og lokal byggeskik. Den unge Ulrik Plesner tager i 1950’erne til Sri Lanka, og mødet med øen kommer til at lægge kursen for hans liv. I IN SITU omfavner Ulrik Plesner selv sit mangfoldige virke som arkitekt i Sri Lanka og i et tilbageblik på et langt liv fører han pennen gennem Colombos indre gårdhaver, gennem søjlegange og ind i junglens dyb. Rundt på øen i høj fart i Rolls-Royce og med tjenere, der serverer vand i krystalglas på sølvbakker. Med Peacock-cigaretten dinglende fra mundvigen og i et opløftet og uhøjtideligt miljø formulerer han sammen med den srilankalske arkitekt Geoffrey Bawa en toneangivende arkitektonisk retning for Sri Lanka. De tager højde for det dramatiske klima med monsunens massive vandmængder og bagende sol. De udvikler det moderne dobbelte tag, der kan holde kryb ude og modstå legende aber på taget. De udvikler bæredygtigt byggeri med vedligeholdelsesfrie og langtidsholdbare bygninger, og de benytter lokale materialer og håndværkere. Og helt centralt respekterer de den srilankalske måde at leve på, øens historie og traditioner. Alt skabt efter Ulrik Plesners livslektie: ”Ingen bliver glade eller kan fungere ordentlig, hvis de bliver tvunget til at leve i en bygning, der ikke understøtter deres vante livsform.” Samarbejdet munder blandt andet ud i de karakteristiske byhuse i Colombo, hvis indre gårdhaver i dag sætter sit præg på byen. I udviklingen af de store overhængende tage med lave udhæng. Den gode hyrdes kapel i Bandarawela og ikke mindst det mageløse junglehus Polontolawa, der er bygget rundt om junglens træer og klipper. Her, i kombinationen af dansk arkitekturtradition og respekt for de srilankalske klimatiske, kulturelle og økonomiske vilkår, skaber de sammen værker, der i dag udgør en af landets turistattraktioner.

  • - En drøm blev til virkelighed
    af Lars Fougstedt Christiansen
    227,95 kr.

    Så længe jeg kan huske tilbage, har jeg haft drømmen. Drømmen om det fremmede og eksotiske. De mægtige Himalaya Bjerge, små arabiske handelsbyer, Borneos jungle, savannen i Østafrika, Amazonflodens rige dyreliv, Inkariget, Saharas golde ørken og Pampa-sletten i Argentina ...Sådan starter beskrivelsen af min første store rejse, som varede to år. En rejsebeskrivelse, som tog sit udspring for 32 år siden, og dengang var tænkt som memoirer til min datter Aya. En evighed før hun blot var en tanke.Bogen henvender sig til alle med rejselyst. Dig der selv er på vej ud for at opleve vores fantastiske verden. Eller dig der kan huske, hvordan det var at rive et år eller to ud af kalenderen og rejse rundt, dengang mobiltelefonen hørte fremtiden til, og al kontakt til familien gik via det lokale posthus. Hvem du end er, så sæt dig til rette og tag med mig på en eventyrlig rejse i tid og sted.Eventyret starter, hvor hverdagens forudsigelighed stopper.God fornøjelse med bogen!Lars Fougstedt Christiansen, september 2024.

  • af Bart Klem
    938,95 kr.

    "In a society that experiences secessionist conflict, many things are not what they seem. Performing Sovereign Aspirations adopts a performative perspective to understand the peculiar institutional landscape that ensued around the Tamil separatist conflict in Sri Lanka, both during and after the civil war. It draws on two decades of fieldwork across towns and villages in northern and eastern Sri Lanka, ethnography within Sri Lanka's civil service, and privileged access to the Norwegian-facilitated peace process. This yields a compelling analytical narrative that shows how political institutions are enacted and witnessed, rather than cataloguing them in the strictures of the law. This provides a fertile vantage point to address the to-be-or-not-to-be dilemmas that we face when seeking to interpret the legitimacy, legality and validity of the institutions that separatist movements create in aspiration of sovereign status. And as such, this book provides food for thought for broader conceptual debates concerning armed conflict and insurgency"--

  • af Rough Guides
    172,95 kr.

    This compact, pocket-sized Sri Lanka travel guidebook is ideal for travellers on shorter trips, who want to make sure they experience the destination's highlights and really get a flavour of the place. It includes ready-made walking and driving itineraries, with detailed directions, that allow you to organise your visit to Sri Lanka without losing time planning. It's sustainably printed to ensure environmental responsibility.This Sri Lanka pocket guidebook covers: Colombo Fort and Pettah, Modern Colombo, Kelani Valley Rail Journey, Mount Lavinia and Dehiwala Zoo, Negombo via the Wetlands, Road to Kandy, Hill Country, Haputale, Ella and Bandarawela, Dambulla, Sigiriya and Anuradhapura, Minneriya and Polonnaruwa, Galle Fort, Yala National Park.Inside this Sri Lanka travel book, you will find:- 12 ready-made walks and tours - easy-to-follow walking and driving trip plans featuring the best places to visit, as well as what to do and where to eat along the way- Itinerary details - each walk or tour starts with pointers on the time taken, distance covered and how to connect with other itineraries in the book- Things not to miss in Sri Lanka - ancient temples, wildlife, beaches, botanical gardens, colonial architecture, hottest curries, mountain views, tea trekking- Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, off-the-beaten-track adventures, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas- Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Historical and cultural insights - thematic articles highlight Sri Lanka's unique life and culture - Unique hotel, restaurant and nightlife listings - curated details of where to stay, eat and go out, whatever your interest, for a range of budgets- Practical information - how to get there, how to get around and an A-Z of essential details- Meticulous mapping - practical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered sights relating to major points of interest and places to eat or drink in the main itinerary text- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Sri Lanka - Fully updated post-COVID-19

  • af Asoka Bandarage
    227,95 - 1.162,95 kr.

  • af Sophie Henderson
    548,95 - 1.732,95 kr.

  • af Lopamudra (MIT World Peace University Maitra Bajpai
    546,95 - 1.730,95 kr.

  • af Ragnhild Lund
    552,95 kr.

    This volume studies the coastal and riparian fishing communities of three Asian countries - Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka. It explores issues of migration and movement, gender relations, wellbeing, and nature-society relations common among these communities.

  • af Marco Zanoni
    277,95 kr.

  • af Adam W. Jelonek
    467,95 kr.

    Many countries in Asia are inhabited by multi-segment societies diversified in terms of race, religion, language and economic status. They have repeatedly provided the basis for analysis of the search for consensus in the construction of a political scene that would ensure the participation in power of each group. Regardless of the chosen model, the distribution of power in multi-segment societies has always been characterized by a state of "unstable equilibrium". Practical solutions constantly evolved between consociationalism, centripetalism, federalism. In extreme cases they led to political disintegration of states or to permanent domination of one of the segments, most often based on authoritarian solutions. In this volume, a group of scholars specializing in countries of the region try to point out the dynamics of the "unstable equilibrium" of power sharing in particular Asian countries and analyze the trends occurring in them in the 21st century.

  • af Martina Kleinlein
    198,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Vinod Khobragade
    1.741,95 kr.

    This book focuses on India's foreign policy towards Sri Lanka before the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord (ISLA) in July 1987 and India's military intervention after the ISLA.

  • af Yasmin Azad
    145,95 kr.

    We did not stay in our houses. Not in the way our grandmothers had, or our mothers. We went out a little more and veiled ourselves a little less. Some of us longed for more learning and dreamed about leaving home to get it. The elders shook their heads and cautioned: too much education could ruin a girl‿s future.  To be a Muslim girl in the Sri Lanka of the 50s and 60s was to have to stay inside once you hit puberty; where even a glimpse of flesh was forbidden; and where things were done the way they‿d always been done.  But Yasmin Azad‿s family is full of love, humour and larger-than-life characters, despite the strictures half of them were under. And almost despite himself, Yasmin‿s father allows her an education ‿ an education that would open the whole world to her, even as it risked closing her off from those she was closest to.  An extraordinary portrait of a time and a community in the midst of profound change, Stay, Daughter vividly evokes a now-vanished world, but its central clash ‿ that of tradition and modernity ‿ is one that will always be with us.

  • af V. V. Ganeshananthan
    33,95 - 135,95 kr.

  • af Shantanu Roy-Chaudhury
    1.526,95 kr.

    Shantanu Roy-Chaudhury¿s The China Factor explores Beijing¿s political, economic, and defence relations with Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, and weighs the dividends of the bilateral relationships to better comprehend the geopolitical subtleties in the region.

  • af V. V. Ganeshananthan
    187,95 kr.

    'A heart-breaking exploration of a family fractured by civil war. This beautiful, nuanced novel follows a young doctor caught within conflicting ideologies as she tries to save lives. I couldn't put this book down' BRIT BENNETT, bestselling author of THE VANISHING HALF Sixteen-year-old Sashi wants to become a doctor. But over the next decade, as a vicious civil war tears through her hometown of Jaffna, her dream takes her on a different path as she sees those around her, including her four beloved brothers and their friend, get swept up in violent political ideologies and their consequences. Desperate to act, she must ask herself: is it possible for anyone to move through life without doing harm? "e;With immense compassion and deep moral complexity, V. V. Ganeshananthan brings us an achingly moving portrait of individual and societal grief. "e;I want you to understand,"e; the narrator of BROTHERLESS NIGHT insists, and by the end of this blazingly brilliant novel, we do: that in a world full of turmoil, human connections and shared stories can teach us how - and as importantly, why - to survive"e; CELESTE NG, bestselling author of LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE"e;Stunningly great"e; Curtis Sittenfeld, bestselling author of RODHAM, via Twitter

  • af Althaf Marsoof
    1.547,95 - 1.556,95 kr.

    This book is a reflection on domestic intellectual property lawmaking from a developing country's perspective. It focuses on Sri Lanka-a South Asian jurisdiction with a socio-economic, cultural, and political landscape similar to other developing nations in the region, but the intellectual property regime of which has been less explored. The aim of this book is to address the discrepancies, gaps, and flaws in the national intellectual property legal framework of Sri Lanka. In doing so, the book considers Sri Lanka's obligations under TRIPS and other related intellectual property treaties to which the country is a party. The book also examines approaches adopted by developing countries in the region and beyond, as well as other more developed nations, in calibrating Sri Lanka's domestic intellectual property regime to better address the country's domestic needs and national interests. The approach adopted in this book is of relevance, more generally, to policymakers, legislators, legal academics, scholars, jurists, legal practitioners and judges who are keen on exploring the extent to which domestic intellectual property legislation complies with international intellectual property norms and standards and, more importantly, the extent to which domestic law makes use of the flexibilities under international law in addressing domestic needs and national interests.

  • af A R Sriskanda Rajah
    1.543,95 kr.

    This book examines Tamil nationalism in Sri Lanka, how Tamil nationalism has survived the destruction of the Tamil Tigers after May 2009 and will be of interest to Politics and International Relations, ethnic nationalism, post-armed conflict peacebuilding/conflict resolution, the politics in Sri Lanka, diaspora politics and Foucault.

  • af Dennis Mombauer
    157,95 kr.

    In a mansion cut into the forests of Sri Lanka, three children escape violent thugs by summoning the Dry House. Now, Jasmit must save her trapped friends, or face the forest's wrath.

  • af Madhubhashini Disanayaka Ratnayake
    2.782,95 kr.

    This companion presents a critical collection of Sinhala resistance literature from Sri Lanka. It includes translated short stories and excerpts from Sinhala novels, written after the civil war in the country. Featuring national award-winning writers, the selected texts share a common theme of resistance as the writers write against an exclusivist nationalism that was propagated through mass media and platforms of party politics in Sri Lanka during the war.The volume addresses crucial issues such as the fate of civilians in war, the role of religion in Sri Lankan polity, media censorship, the experience of women in war, as well as the current education system and youth problems in present day Sri Lanka. It highlights an alternate discourse that runs among the ethnic Sinhala group and contributes to the overall movement towards peace and reconciliation among the different ethnic communities in Sri Lanka.A unique addition to the growing oeuvre of translated Sinhala literature, the companion will be indispensable to students, scholars, and researchers of ethnic studies, war and peace studies, peace and conflict studies, literature, cultural studies, political sociology, and South Asian studies, particularly those interested in Sri Lankan literature.

  • af Logathasan Tharmathurai
    257,95 kr.

  • af Adrien Fontanellaz
    165,95 kr.

    This book describes the so-called Eelam War III during which the war became an almost full-fledged conventional conflict, at least in the north of the country, where the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan armed forces waged a series of full-fledged battles on land and sea.

  • af Christoph T. M. Krause
    271,95 - 376,95 kr.

  • af Claudia Ackermann
    442,95 kr.

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