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Nam Sook blev i 1975 fløjet fra Sydkorea til Danmark sammen med 10 andre børn. I lufthavnen stod hendes adoptivforældre sammen med de andre forældrepar og så deres børn blive født ud af et fly. Nam Sook fik ved ankomsten navnet Eva, og hendes kommende veninde, Min Kim, der også var med på flyet, blev navngivet Gull-Mai. Familierne besøgte hinanden én gang om året, og de to piger blev pennevenner. Da Eva var 12 år, mistede de kontakten, og de genså først hinanden 30 år senere. Da Gull-Mai fortæller om sin voldsomt svære opvækst, bliver Eva ramt af én eneste følelse: Hun må skrive en bog om at vokse op som adopteret i Danmark.Romanen MIN KIM undersøger, hvad der sker med et barn, når det bliver adskilt fra sin familie og sat ind i en ny. Når fortællingen om ens liv pludselig bryder sammen og for evigt ændres. Gennem romanens breve, samtaler og rejser spejles Gull-Mais og Evas opvækst. De to kvinders virkeligheder fletter sig sammen til en fortælling om myters sammenbrud, om slægtskabets betydning og om, hvordan man omskaber sin identitet ved selv at bestemme, hvordan historien fortælles.
Sui forlader sin mand uden helt at kunne forklare hvorfor. Da hun modtager et brev om, at hendes ukendte bedstefar har ladet hende arve en hytte på Citronbjerget, beslutter hun sig for at rejse fra Danmark til Korea. Selvom Sui har rødder i landet, er alt fremmed. Selv hytten føles ubekvem, da den tårnhøje bedstefar har dimensioneret den efter sin egen krop. Kan hun overhovedet spejle sig i ham, når han er død? Hvem er den mand, der opsøger hende og påstår, at de kender hinanden? Og hvorfor ligger der bittesmå påfuglevifter i tændstikæsker i køleskabet? Da hyttens gartner anklages for mordbrand, og hans datter forsvinder, suges Sui ind i et familiedrama, der forankrer hende på bjerget og sætter hendes skilsmisse i et andet lys.CITRONBJERGET er et forunderligt sted og en roman om at miste fodfæstet og genfinde balancen. En fortælling om kærlighed – den man fravælger, den man mister og den, der blomstrer helt af sig selv.
Beyond the Story, a captivating novel written by the acclaimed author Bts, is a must-read for every book lover. Published by Pan Macmillan in 2023, this book takes the reader on an unforgettable journey. The genre of the book is not easily defined, as it transcends the conventional boundaries of storytelling, blending elements of mystery, adventure, and deep introspection. It is a testament to Bts's unique storytelling ability that he is able to weave such a complex narrative with ease and elegance. Beyond the Story is more than just a book; it's an exploration of the human condition, a testament to the power of the written word, and a tribute to the enduring spirit of literature. Don't miss out on this literary masterpiece from one of the most innovative authors of our time.
Det er nu femogtyve år, siden jeg sidst har myrdet nogen. Eller er det seksogtyve år? Det er i hvert fald længe siden. En morders dagbog er både fængslende, foruroligende og provokerende i sin udforskning af hvad det vil sige at bevæge sig på kanten – mellem liv og død, mellem det gode og det onde, mellem hukommelse og glemsel. Hovedpersonen er en pensioneret, alzheimersramt seriemorder der læser buddhistiske sutraer, skriver digte og citerer Nietzsches filosofi, samtidig med at han, bevæbnet med post-it sedler, diktafon og dagbog, desperat forsøger at holde fast i resterne af den hverdag og den hukommelse, der nådesløst smuldrer mellem fingrene på ham. Da han mistænker sin datters kæreste for at være en artsfælle, påtager han sig en sidste opgave: at slå kæresten ihjel.Mordet har været hans profession. Han kender alt til den praktiske og tekniske research, og til vigtigheden af nøje planlægning, men hvad stiller man op med sin research, når man hele tiden glemmer, hvorfor man udfører den? Når tidsfornemmelsen udviskes og virkelighedsopfattelsen forsvinder? Når man bliver i tvivl om, hvem det er der skal slås ihjel?Kim Young-ha [1968] er født og opvokset i Sydkorea. Han debuterede i 1996 med romanen I Have the Right to Destroy Myself, der er oversat til mere end ti sprog og har siden da skrevet en række prisvindende romaner, heriblandt En morders dagbog, der ligesom debutromanen også er filmatiseret.
I den lille sydkoreanske kystby Sokcho tæt på grænsen til Nordkorea møder den unge fransk-koreanske kvinde, som aldrig har været i Europa, en tegneserietegner, der er kommet for at få inspiration, langt væk fra Normandiet, hvor han stammer fra. Det er vinter, kulden sætter en dæmper for alting, fiskene kan være giftige, kroppene smertefulde, misforståelserne svævende, og blækket flyder ubønhørligt på papiret: et spinkelt bånd knyttes mellem to mennesker med meget forskellig kulturel baggrund. Romanen bærer som det hvide skum blidt læseren ind i et univers af sjælden rigdom og originalitet og en magtfuld atmosfære.
Lektioner i græsk skildrer relationen mellem en kvinde, der har mistet evnen til at tale, og en mand, som er ved at miste synet. Det er en roman, der vækker sanserne, en poetisk kærlighedserklæring til menneskelig intimitet og en visionær undersøgelse af sprogets transformative kraft. I et klasseværelse i Seoul sidder en ung kvinde og betragter sin græskunderviser ved tavlen. Hun forsøger at tale, men stemmen vil ikke. Hendes underviser, hvis syn svækkes dag for dag, bliver draget af den tavse kvinde, og snart opdager de, at der findes en dybere smerte, som binder dem sammen. I løbet af få måneder har hun mistet både sin mor og forældremyndigheden over sin niårige søn. For ham består smerten i at være vokset op mellem Korea og Tyskland, splittet mellem to kulturer og sprog. Lektioner i græsk er en fortælling om to almindelige mennesker, der finder hinanden på et tidspunkt, hvor de begge gennemgår en stor personlig krise. Deres historier og livssituationer væver sig ind og ud af hinanden med en overvældende skønhed, mens de sammenbevæger sig fra mørke til lys, fra tavshed til kommunikation.
Fra en af samtidslitteraturens mest interessante stemmer, forfatteren bag den anmelderroste bestseller Når vi ikke længere forstår verden, kommer en tour de force gennem den kunstige intelligens' veje og vildveje. Han er et enestående talent, matematikeren John von Neumann – banebrydende inden for kunstig intelligens og medskaber på Manhattan-projektet. Neumann er beundret og berygtet, en excentriker uden sidestykke, som har dannet blåtrykket til nogle af det 20. århundredes største videnskabelige gennembrud.Gennem et kor af Neumanns familie, venner, kolleger og rivaler tegner Benjamín Labatut et portræt af et kompliceret sind. Historien begynder i Neumanns barndomshjem i Budapest og slutter hundrede år senere i opgøret mellem Lee Sedol, den sydkoreanske mester i spillet Go, og AI-programmet AlphaGo. Et møde, som varsler AI's dominans og som legemliggør Neumanns mest ambitiøse, ufuldendte projekt: skabelsen af en maskine, der kan reproducere sig selv. En maskine, hvis intelligens kan udvikle sig langt ud over menneskets forstand og kontrol.MANIAC er en forbløffende forening af fakta og fiktion, en udfordring af vores forståelse af intelligens og bevidsthed og en undersøgelse af det paradoksale forhold mellem kontrol og kontroltab.
Yeong-hye og hendes mand lever i et traditionelt ægteskab i Sydkorea. Han arbejder på kontor, hun er en pligtopfyldende og diskret hustru, som er god til at lave mad. Men det ændrer sig alt sammen, da Yeonghye har en særlig drøm, der får hende til at tage en drastisk beslutning: Hun vil være vegetar.Yeong-hyes familie kan ikke acceptere hendes nye livsstil, som de synes er aparte og skamfuld. Det sætter gang i en spiral af tvang, begær og vold, som også involverer hendes svoger, der er falleret videokunstner, og hendes hårdtarbejdende søster. Men Yeong-hyes forvandling stopper ikke her.Vegetaren er en mørk og åndeløst smuk fortælling om begær, magt og modstand.HAN KANG ER MODTAGER AF NOBELPRISEN I LITTERATUR 2024
Korea har en lang og omtumlet historie – og er i dag en delt nation. Sydkorea er et levende demokrati, verdens 10. største økonomi og efterhånden også en kulturel magtfaktor. Nordkorea har det mest autoritære regime i verden, er et fattigt land i en rig region og er bedst kendt for den personlighedskult, der er opbygget omkring Kim-familien.Forfatterne kortlægger i denne bog det moderne Koreas historie fra slutningen af 1800-tallet, gennem den japanske besættelse, krig og koldkrigsspændinger til i dag. De ser også på nutidens markante forskelle mellem Nord og Syd – og på udsigten til genforening.Sjette bog i serien “Den korte historie”.
KIM JIYOUNG, FØDT 1982 er fortællingen om en pige, født af en mor, hvis svigerforældre ønskede sig en dreng; om en søster der deler værelse med storesøsteren, mens lillebroren får sit eget; om en datter, hvis far bebrejder hende, når hun bliver chikaneret sent om aftenen; om en mønsteransat der forbigås når forfremmelser skal uddeles; om en hustru der opgiver sin karriere og selvstændighed for at blive hjemmegående.Men nu er KIM JIYOUNG begyndt at opføre sig mærkeligt. KIM JIYOUNG er deprimeret. KIM JIYOUNG er vred. KIM JIYOUNG er sin egen kvinde. KIM JIYOUNG er alle kvinder.Kim Jiyoung, født 1982 er på det overordnede plan fortællingen om en ung kvindens livshistorie fra barndom til moderskab, men gennem forskellige nedslag tegnes der et billede af de traditionelle kønsrollers stadige dominans og forventningerne til disse også i det moderne liv, og der rettes en skarp kritik mod den kønsdiskrimination, der stadig er normen. Romanen skabte stor debat, da den udkom i Sydkorea, og den krediteres for at være en af katalysatorerne bag den opblomstrende feministiske debat, der indtil for nylig har været stort set fraværende i den offentlige diskurs i Sydkorea.Cho Nam-joo [1978]. Sydkoreansk forfatter og manuskriptforfatter (film og TV). Hun fik sit skønlitterære gennembrud med KIM JIYOUNG, FØDT 1982, der skabte stor debat, da den udkom, og krediteres for at være en af katalysatorerne bag den opblomstrende feministiske debat i Sydkorea. Værket har opnået stor popularitet, er blevet filmatiseret og er indtil videre oversat til 20 forskellige sprog.
The most authentic preparation book for the TOPIK exam!This preparation book for the TOPIK test (Basic) of foreigners' Korean ability provides effective exam strategies and translations with friendly explanations that mimic learning in a classroom. Questions that have recently appeared on the TOPIK exam are presented and analyzed through methods of approach and study strategies for each question type. This useful tool offers various question types spread over ten simulated exams, allowing the user to thoroughly and effectively prepare for the TOPIK exam.
|| THE NO.1 KOREAN BESTSELLER WITH OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD ||'These days I'm reading a book called DallerGut Dream Department Store and when they talk about the dream department store I can see it in my head. I imagine I'm shopping there as I read.' WONWOO, member of the K-Pop group Seventeen'The writer of this novel must be brilliant, because this world was so creative. You need to read this too!' YUGYEOM, member of the K-Pop group Got7FOYLES TRANSLATED BOOK OF THE MONTH NOVEMBER 2023In a mysterious town hidden in our collective subconscious there's a department store that sells dreams. Day and night, visitors both human and animal shuffle in to purchase their latest adventure. Each floor specializes in a specific type of dream: childhood memories, food dreams, ice skating, dreams of stardom. Flying dreams are almost always sold out. Some seek dreams of loved ones who have died.For Penny, an enthusiastic new hire, working at the store is the opportunity of a lifetime. As she uncovers the workings of this whimsical world, she bonds with a cast of unforgettable characters, including DallerGut, the flamboyant and wise owner, Babynap Rockabye, a famous dream designer, Maxim, a nightmare producer, and the many customers who dream to heal, dream to grow, and dream to flourish.A captivating story that will leave a lingering magical feeling in readers' minds, this is the first book in a bestselling duology for anyone exhausted from the reality of their daily life.READERS CAN'T GET ENOUGH:'What a ride! I DEVOURED this book in one sitting!' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'There were so many more layers to this book. It's totally cute, but also clever [and] insightful!' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I cannot wait to read the sequel, and I hope it is translated soon!' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'It was wholesome, gentle and made me smile the whole time' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I absolutely adored this. It's the kind of book I could read over and over again' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Korea is a global phenomenon. K-pop tops the charts, kimchi spices up meals and K-drama dominates TV screens. Now, it's time to discover more of the country and culture that's captivated the world.It might be a powerhouse of popular culture, but South Korea is so much more than BTS and bibimbap - and with this book, it's yours to explore. Dive deeper into the country behind Hallyu and discover why it was long known as the Hermit Kingdom, who the incredible haenyeo divers of Jeju Island are and how age was once calculated in three different ways.Along the way, you'll get to know the people who've shaped the country and its customs, uncover the makings of the Hallyu and, of course, explore the global exports we all know and love. How many varieties of kimchi are there? Why did Squid Game receive mixed reactions in Korea? And what, exactly, is the "glass skin" beauty effect? Find out all this and more in this must-have book: the perfect introduction to this wonderfully varied country.
Kærlighed i Seoul er på rekordtid blevet en bestseller i Sydkorea og markerer også det store gennembrud for Sang Young Park. Med sin fortælling om livet som homoseksuel i Seoul, demonstrerer Sang Young Park en enestående evne til med både alvor og afslappet humor at tage fat på eksistentielle og vigtige emner, som søgen efter den store kærlighed, homoseksuelles rettigheder, abort og HIV, samtidig med at han, på næsten banal vis, skildrer hverdagslivet i storbyen for hovedpersonen Young og hans omgangskreds. Som læser bliver man delagtiggjort i alle deres sorger og glæder og ikke mindst deres vilde drukture og de efterveer, der følger deraf.The New York Times:In Park’s hands, Young is loud and obnoxious, insufferable and magnetic, messy and wise. The prose reads like an iPhone screen, vibrant and addictive. What a joy it is to see such a profound exploration of contemporary queer life — its traumas and its ecstasies throbbing in harmony. It’s a shimmering addition to the recent genre of novels chronicling queer millennial malaise.Sang Young Park (1988) tilhører den nye generation af sydkoreanske forfattere, der gennem de seneste år for alvor har sat sydkoreansk skønlitteratur på verdenskortet. Han har studeret journalistik og fransk på Sungkyunkwan University og creative writing på Dongguk University. Han begyndte sin karriere som forfatter med at vinde Munhakdongne New Writers Award i 2016 for novellen Searching for Paris Hilton og udgav novellesamlingen The Tears of an Unknown Artist i 2018. Kærlighed i Seoul er hans internationale gennembrud og blev bl.a. longlistet til Bookerprisen. En filmatisering af bogen har netop ramt biograferne i Seoul. En TV-serie er ligeledes netop udkommet.
En koreansk adopteret kvinde fra Danmark rejser gennem flere år til Sydkorea, hvor hun mødes med sin koreanske familie. De spiser galbi og samgyetang og pizza med bulgogi, de smiler og nikker. Hun kan ikke tale koreansk, og familien kan ikke tale engelsk, så hun er helt afhængig af sin tolk, en dansk-koreansk kvinde, hun rejser sammen med. Men hvad sker der, hvis familien opdager, at hendes tolk også er hendes kæreste?TOLK er en tragikomisk familiefortælling om kærlighed, queerness og det svære ved at tale sammen. Et varmt portræt af en koreansk familie i tre generationer og af en kvinde, der har mistet familie, sprog og kultur, men gennem skriften og mødet med sit ophav bliver i stand til at fortælle sin historie.Med TOLK udgiver forfatteren Maja Lee Langvad sin første roman.
When eighteen-year-old Heather Moon shoots to the top of her agency's trainee class, the goal of becoming a K-Pop singer lies within reach. That dream, however, is shattered when she's offered a deal she has to refuse. Banished but undaunted, Heather attempts to mold seven plucky misfits into an indie girl group with enough daring and talent to challenge the status quo. But as her rival's act ascends to new heights of global popularity her own group languishes in obscurity.After entering the nation's biggest music competition, the determined musicians skyrocket from one success to another. But behind every triumph lies a dark cloud that threatens progress. Signed to be sacrificial lambs on a K-Pop reality show, their immediate goal is to avoid humiliation. Yet Heather has a bigger objective in mind: Redemption. Will the all-female band muster the creativity and courage necessary to secure their legacy, or will powerful opposition forces silence their voices once and for all?This special edition of Idol Pursuits combines the three parts Debut, Comeback, and Legacy into one complete volume.
"The father's revenge begins after losing his daughter to a sexual crime."「피해자」(The Victim) is a Korean-style crime novel that has received rave reviews from Korean readers. And it's a story about the pain, anger, and despair of victims of violent crimes."[Exclusive Report] Serial killings occur throughout Seoul. All victims are identified as male with past sexual offenses. Police are investigating the murders as hate crimes targeting sex offenders."If such an article were reported today, what kind of reaction would people show? Would they mourn their deaths, or would they mock and rejoice in the notion that those who died got what they deserved? Seeing the praise and support poured out for a YouTuber who recently disclosed the identity of a rape and attempted murder suspect in Korea, it seems that the average person has little interest in the rights of criminals. However, on the other hand, there is a significant number of people who argue that even the rights of these criminals should be protected. But can the scholars and wise men, who argue for the protection of the rights of criminals who have annihilated the rights of their victims, maintain the same argument if they or their family members become victims of violent crimes? Could they still say the same if their own family were murdered, sexually assaulted, or tormented?In a civilized society based on the rule of law, private sanctions (such as revenge or retaliation) by victims against criminals are treated as criminal acts themselves. In Korea, even a victim pushed to the brink of life-threatening danger and defending themselves with their fists can fail to be recognized as acting in self-defense and instead be punished for mutual assault, which has become a subject of social controversy. Furthermore, if a victim publicly declares, 'I have been victimized by so-and-so, ' they can be prosecuted for defaming the criminal's honor. The Korean judicial system excessively protects the rights of criminals, to the extent that police cannot subdue a knife-wielding criminal with a gun but must plead, 'Please, put down the knife.'「피해자」(The Victim) is a work that provokes much thought about the rights of victims, the rights of criminals, and private retribution. Starting with the protagonist's monologue, 'Can I really kill people?' the story introduces a subject never before explored in Korean literature-the serial killings of sex offenders. The protagonist loses his only daughter and wife to a sexual crime. Subsequently, he falls into a state of despair and reclusion. He even contemplates suicide. However, he changes his mind and decides to embark on a path of vengeance. He then proceeds to serially kill sex offenders.「피해자」(The Victim) was written in simple and easy sentences. There are no scenes that stimulate the reader's peripheral nerves, such as suffocating suspense, thrill, and shocking twist, but large and small dramatic elements such as events, conflicts between characters, and inner conflicts appear every chapter. Therefore, I keep turning the page because I am curious about the next content. The artist's storytelling skills, which deal with the speed of storytelling through adjusting the length of sentences, paragraphs, and chapters, are also shown. In addition, careful descriptions of the spatial background, the appearance, behavior, and psychology of the characters add to the literary fun.
Chancen für die gewaltlose Vereinigung geteilter Nationen bestehen, wenn alle Beteiligten sie wollen: diejenigen, die von der Teilung bislang profitierten, ebenso wie alle von ihr Betroffenen, zumeist die Leidtragenden. Kurz gesagt, es muss zu einem Nutzenwandel der Teilung kommen. Nach 20 Jahren Entspannungs- und Ostpolitik gab es 1990 eine Situation, die ein vereintes, in Europa integriertes, Deutschland als besser für Frieden und Stabilität erscheinen ließ als dessen Teilung, welche ihren Nutzen verloren hatte. Deutschlands Normalisierungsprozess stößt in China, auf Taiwan und Zypern sowie in Korea auf großes Interesse. Seine Relevanz wird jedoch unterschiedlich eingeschätzt: als ein in Teilen anzustrebendes Modell oder aber als Tragödie. Nordkorea möchte eine solche Entwicklung auf jeden Fall vermeiden, Taiwan strebt ein gutnachbarschaftliches Verhältnis zur Volksrepublik China an, aber keine Wiedervereinigung. Die Republik Zypern wünscht sich eine Vereinigung wie in Deutschland. Die Türkische Republik Nordzypern möchte durch Normalisierung Anerkennung erreichen und eine möglichst lockere Konföderation. Nach wie vor ist der Entspannungs- und Vereinigungsprozess Deutschlands in diesen Ländern ein genau studierter Untersuchungsgegenstand, allerdings mit sehr selektiver Wahrnehmung. Zukünftige Entwicklungen zwischen der Volksrepublik China und Taiwan sowie auf der koreanischen Halbinsel werden auch direkte Auswirkungen auf Deutschland haben.
¿Complete Guide to the TOPIK - Speaking¿ is a preparation book for the recently implemented TOPIK speaking test. This book analyzes each question type in detail, presents practice questions and relevant vocabulary words by topic, and shows model answers by level so students of all levels, from beginner to advanced, can thoroughly prepare for the test. The model answers are clearly marked so students can practice reading and saying them naturally, and students can use QR codes to hear and read along with audio files recorded by professional voice actors to practice speaking fluently like a native speaker. In addition, three mock tests are included so students can perfectly prepare for the real exam. The ¿Complete Guide to the TOPIK¿ series presents detailed explanations of TOPIK questions along with English translations so foreign learners can properly understand the types of questions that appear on the TOPIK and how to prepare for them. As such, students can become completely familiar with how it feels to take the real exam.* A step-by-step guide to preparing for the TOPIK test, from analyzing question types to practice exams!¿Complete Guide to the TOPIK - Speaking¿ thoroughly analyzes all six of the question types that appear on the test, presents topics that are likely to appear, and suggests strategies for achieving a high score. Step-by-step writing methods help students write their own answer frameworks that are suitable for each practice question and subject. Using three mock tests, students can practice speaking as if they are taking the actual test, check the correct answers with lecture note-style explanations, and carefully analyze the structure of each answer.* Includes answers for all levels so students from beginner to advanced levels can achieve a high score on the TOPIK speaking test!Model answers for each question type and topic are presented for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels so that students of all levels can prepare for the exam using one book. Vocabulary words and expressions are included at the end of each question so students can use appropriate vocabulary and expressions for each subject and increase their application in practice.* Master natural Korean intonation by listening to audio files recorded by professional voice actors!All model answers are recorded in Korean, so students can learn accurate Korean pronunciation and intonation by listening to professional voice actors. In addition, since the book indicates how to appropriately read each sentence, it is possible for students to easily read along with the audio source and speak Korean more fluently through repeated practice.
While there are many great songs that BTS was actively involved in writing the lyrics for, this book presents a selection of 10 songs in total, including Yet To Come from Proof (2022), to ensure adequate coverage of the deeper implications of the lyrics and various anecdotes related to the songs. The selection was based on two surveys about fans' favorite BTS songs conducted in 2020 and 2021, with responses from approximately 145,000 and 204,000 ARMY, respectively.We also analyzed the set lists from several performances and fan-meets, from LOVE YOURSELF TOUR in 2018-2019 to BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE in 2021-2022, and classified 10 songs into categories such as opening song (OPENING), dance number (DANCE), song dedicated to ARMY (FOR ARMY), and closing song (CLOSING), which are based on the progression of a concert. We hope that reading this book will give readers an experience similar to being at a BTS concert.Each chapter focuses on one song and consists of three sections: About the Song Sing Along as You Fan-Chant Lyrics Inside.Two or three chapters make up a part, and each part ends with someconcert-related episodes or a feature covering an aspect of Korean culture that may help deepen readers' understanding of the songs.In the About the Song section of each chapter, there is a brief introduction of the album and the song, as well as little anecdotes from BTS' lyrics writing and official interviews. The Sing Along as You Fan-Chant section presents all the lyrics, their Romanized pronunciations, and the fan-chant to make it easier to singalong to the song.The Lyrics Inside section is designed to help readers understand the Korean lyrics written by BTS by offering a translation of the words, an explanation of the vocabulary and expressions used, and an indepth interpretation of the song. This section also includes genuine quotes from interviews and social media posts of BTS relevant to the lyrics to help readers relate to the messages conveyed by BTS songs.
A sequel to the first book Lyrics Inside this volume presents 10 further BTS songs. The Lyrics Inside section is designed to help readers understand the Korean lyrics written by BTS by offering a translation of the words, an explanation of the vocabulary and expressions used, and an indepth interpretation of the song. This section also includes genuine quotes from interviews and social media posts of BTS relevant to the lyrics to help readers relate to the messages conveyed by BTS songs.
It's a clever book ... [Im Seong-sun] offers readers his razor-sharp observations on consumer capitalism and what it means to feel anonymous' M. W. Craven -------------------Sometimes work can be murder...The Consultant is very good at his job. He creates simple, elegant, effective solutions for... restructuring. Nothing obvious or messy. Certainly nothing anyone would ever suspect as murder. The 'natural deaths' he plans have always gone well: a medicine replaced here, a mechanism jammed there. His performance reviews are excellent. And it's not as though he knows these people. Until his next 'customer' turns out to be someone he not only knows but cares about, and for the first time, he begins to question the role he plays in the vast, anonymous Company. And as he slowly starts to understand the real scope of their work, he realises just how easy it would be for the Company to arrange one more perfect murder... But how far will he go to escape The Company? And how far will they go to stop him? The electrifying novel from award-winning Korean thriller-writer Im Seong-sun - now in English for the first time - combines the tension of the best crime fiction with searing social criticism to present a searing take-down of global corporate life.
In 1970, Second Lieutenant Thomas Jefferson Hobbes, takes up with a beautiful young Korean working girl. He becomes a part of the thoughtless, predatory subculture that binds him to the love of his life, but at an impossible price.
This South Korea guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about South Korea's people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This South Korea travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of South Korea. The book is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet FSC's strict environmental and social standards. This South Korea guidebook covers: Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon, Gyeonggi Province, Gangwon Province, Chungcheong Provinces, Gyeongsangbuk Province, Gyeongsangnam Province, Jeolla and Jeju-do.In this South Korea travel guidebook, you will find:- Unique essays - country history and culture, and modern-day life, people and politics- South Korea highlights - Changdeokgung Palace (Seoul), Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Gyeongju, Seoraksan National Park (Gangwon), Insadong Shopping Street (Seoul), N Seoul Tower, Manjang Cavern (Jeju), Haein-sa Temple (Gyeongsangnam), Dadohaehaesang Maritime National Park (Jeollanam), Hahoe Folk Village (Gyeongsangbuk) - Practical travel information - getting there and around, budgeting, eating out, shopping, public holidays, information for LGBTQ+ travellers and more - When to go to South Korea - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Main attractions & curated places - narrative descriptions of where to go and what to see, covered geographically- Tips and facts - interesting facts about South Korea and useful insider tips- High-quality maps of South Korea - must-see places cross-referenced to colourful maps for quick orientation- Colour-coded chapters - each place chapter has its own colour assigned to aid easy navigation of this South Korea travel guide- Striking pictures - rich, inspirational colour photography on all pages, capturing attractions, nature, people and historical features - Free download of title's eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to South Korea - Fully updated post-COVID-19This South Korea guidebook is just the tool you need to get under the skin of the destination and accompany you on your trip. It also makes a great gift because of its premium quality. This book will inspire you and answer all your questions while preparing a trip to South Korea or along the way. It will also remain a beautiful souvenir after your trip.
"The greatest mystery in the history of world aviation" - the disappearance of five American bombers in the Northwest Atlantic without a trace. What is going on in the Bermuda Triangle? What are UFOs? What is the true reason for the Chernobyl tragedy and the sinking of the Kursk submarine? Why did Soviet air defenses shoot down a South Korean passenger airliner (flight KAL-007) in the sky over Sakhalin? What is the reason for the crash of the Russian Superjet-100 in Indonesia? Where did the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 (flight MH-370) get lost? What unites these seemingly unrelated events?For many years, these questions have haunted the minds of both sensational journalists and scientists. So, finally, the readers will be able to come close to unraveling this dark page in the history of mankind. The hypothesis proposed by Boris Ostrovsky sheds light on questions that researchers of the unknown are trying in vain to answer.
Hiking South Korea is the only Korean hiking guide written for English speakers. It contains detailed hike instructions and information with expertly crafted maps for hikers and tourists alike.
The New TOPIK MASTER series revised with more thorough and detailed explanations and analyses New TOPIK MASTER Final Practice Test II: Intermediate - Advanced is a revised edition of New TOPIK MASTER Final Practice Test: Intermediate and TOPIK MASTER Final Test Practice: Advanced. This Korean-English edition is a prep book for the TOPIK II. The revised edition offers "Analyses of New Trend and Learning Strategy" section, showing the revised TOPIK question types and how to find answers in detail, to help learners find correct answer. After the10 sets of practice test, English translation is offered to explain the tests so that learners can study them as if taught by a teacher. The 3-step approach will help learners to effectively prepare for the actual TOPIK.. Complete analyses of the revised TOPIK from July 2014 onwardsReports on the 2014 revised TOPIK and thorough reviews on previous TOPIK test papers are offered so that learners can be fully adapted to the new trend.. English translation offered for all listening/reading texts, explanations and studying strategiesEnglish translation is offered for all texts, explanations and studying strategies so that English speaking learners can understand the contents more easily.. Systematic analyses and explanations on the revised test to show strategic methodsQuestions are largely grouped into certain types; they are then analyzed to suggest strategies to find the right answers so that learners can approach the test questions with greater ease.. Total 10 sets of practice test, fully incorporating question types from previous tests10 sets of practice test based on the actual test trend will help learners train themselves sufficiently before they take the actual test, and get the best results.
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