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Bøger om World War One period

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  • af James Hawes
    137,95 - 147,95 kr.

    “Et must-read”- The Economist I sin anmelderroste bestseller fortæller James Hawes historien om Europas mest beundrede og frygtede land, hele vejen fra Julius Cæsar til Angela Merkel. Med mere end 100 kort og billeder giver bogen et friskt, kortfattet og underholdende forsøg på at svare på spørgsmålene: Hvad er Tyskland? Ser landet mod vest eller øst? Er det overhovedet ét land? “Et fremragende og elegant skrevet overblik over Tysklands historie fra jernalderen til Angela Merkel. Autoritativ og tilgængelig”- The New European “En seriøs, velresearchet og radikal gentænkning af de store linjer i Tysklands politiske liv”- Nicholas Boyle, professor i tysk, Cambridge University “Levende og vidtfavnende. Jeg kender ingen bedre gennemgang af historien om dette fantastiske land”- Philip Pullman

  • af Benjamin Labatut
    137,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Isabel Allende
    112,95 - 198,94 kr.

  • af Pip Williams
    117,95 - 208,94 kr.

    Historisk roman om kærlighed, tab og sprogets magt. Med kvindebevægelsen som bagtæppe udforsker romanen de skjulte liv, der udspiller sig mellem linjerne i en historie skrevet af mænd.Esme bliver født ind i en verden af ord. Som det moderløse barn hun er, tilbringer hun størstedelen af sin barndom i Skriptoriet: det haveskur i Oxford, hvor hendes far og et dedikeret hold af leksikografer indsamler ord til den allerførste udgave af Oxford English Dictionary. Men Esme opdager, at det ikke er alle ord, der finder vej ind i det toneangivende storværk, og hun begynder at indsamle dem, der er blevet glemt eller afvist af de lærde mænd – typisk dem, der knytter sig til kvinders oplevelser. Hun skjuler ordene i en gammel kasse, og langsomt begynder en helt ny ordbog at tage form: De glemte ords bog. Og den tegner et ganske andet billede af virkeligheden end den, hun er vokset op med.De glemte ords bog er inspireret af virkelige hændelser, og Pip Williams er dykket dybt ned i Oxford English Dictionarys arkiver for at fortælle denne tankevækkende historie om sprogets evne til at forme den verden, vi lever i.

  • af Thomas Mann
    72,95 - 151,95 kr.

    Ny selvstændig udgave.I Herre og hund skriver Thomas Mann et kærligt og humoristisk portræt af sin hund Bauschan, der boede hos familien i en årrække, og som familiens ellers strenge overhoved elskede og passede med stor ømhed og tog med på lange spadsereture.Bogen er en lille litterær perle, og på eminent vis indfanger den store tyske forfatter det særlige forhold, der altid hersker mellem hunden og dens ejer: en endeløs og ubetinget kærlighed. Thomas Mann er familiens overhoved, og Bauschan gør alt, hvad der står i dens magt for at opnå patriarkens kærlighed og gunst.Herre og hund udkommer for første gang på dansk i en selvstændig udgave.

  • af Martha Hall Kelly
    112,95 kr.

    I Blomstrende syrener lod læserne sig rive med af virkelighedens Caroline Ferriday. I Martha Hall Kellys kommende bog møder vi Carolines lige så virkelige mor Eliza i tiden lige inden første verdenskrig. Året er 1914, og verden har stået på tærsklen til krig så mange gange, at det ikke fylder det store for Eliza Ferriday. Hun er spændt på en nært forestående rejse fra New York til Sankt Petersborg i selskab med Sofya Streshnayva, som er kusine af Romanov-familien. De to lærte for flere år siden hinanden at kende i Paris og blev hurtigt hinandens fortrolige. Nu stævner Eliza ud på sit livs rejse til Sofyas hjemland for selv at opleve al Ruslands pragt. Men da Østrig erklærer Serbien krig, og det russiske zarimperium begynder at falde, undslipper Eliza med nød og næppe tilbage til Amerika, mens Sofya og hendes familie må skjule sig på deres landsted, hvor de ansætter Varinka, en lokal ung pige, som hushjælp. Samtidig gør Eliza alt hvad hun kan for at hjælpe den russiske familie i sikkerhed på vej væk fra revolutionen. Men da hun pludselig ikke længere hører fra Sofya, frygter hun det værste for sin bedste veninde. Hvor er den russiske familie? Har Varinka noget med det at gøre? Og hvad er Eliza i stand til at udrette, når Atlanterhavet skiller hende og Sofya? Fra Sankt Petersborgs travle gader til de parisiske avenuer følger vi Eliza, Sofya og Varinka, hvis veje krydses i et af verdenshistoriens mest afgørende øjeblikke.

  • af Nikos Kazantzakis
    175,95 kr.

    First published in 1946, "Zorba the Greek," is, on one hand, the story of a Greek working man named Zorba, a passionate lover of life, the unnamed narrator who he accompanies to Crete to work in a lignite mine, and the men and women of the town where they settle. On the other hand it is the story of God and man, The Devil and the Saints; the struggle of men to find their souls and purpose in life and it is about love, courage and faith.

  • af Jeffrey Archer
    138,95 - 217,95 kr.

    I 1999 fandt man blot 700 meter fra toppen af Mount Everest det dybfrosne lig af den legendariske engelske bjergbestiger George Mallory, der forsvandt i 1924. Tre gange forsøgte han at bestige verdens højeste bjerg, tredje gang blev ulykkens gang. Både han og hans klatremakker Andrew Irvine omkom på bjerget. Liget af Irvine er aldrig blevet fundet, heller ikke Mallorys kamera. Måske indeholder det billeder fra toppen og dermed beviset for, at Mallory blev den første på verdens tag næsten 30 år før Sir Edmund Hillary. ÆRENS VEJE er den dramatiske historie om George Mallory, født i 1886 og uddannet på Cambridge University. Han kæmpede på Vestfronten under Første Verdenskrig, og var hele sit liv en fænomenal bjergbestiger. På spørgsmålet om, hvorfor han ville bestige Mount Everest, svarede han: ”Fordi det ligger der.””Hvis der var en nobelpris i fortællekunst, ville Archer få den.” Daily Telegraph

  • af Katherine Arden
    145,95 kr.

    The sweeping new novel from New York Times bestselling author Katherine Arden.'A wonderful clash of fire and ice ... A book you won't want to let go of.' Diana Gabaldon'A spectacular tour de force ... I love this book so much and want everyone to read it!' Naomi Novik'Well-researched and beautifully written, this is a compelling, memorable novel.' The Guardian'Darkly beautiful and deeply humane ... The Warm Hands of Ghosts will stir your heart, and settle into your bones.' Ava Reid'Visionary, imaginative and brilliantly written.' Anthony Horowitz'This exquisite novel took me over like a haunting ... One of the best historical fantasies I've ever read' Emma Törzs'A historical fantasy that will touch the hearts of many readers' Fantasy Hive______________World War One, and as shells fall in Flanders, a Canadian nurse searches for her brother believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise in this gripping and powerful historical novel from the bestselling author of The Bear and the Nightingale.January 1918. Laura Iven has been discharged from her duties as a nurse and sent back to Halifax, Canada, leaving behind a brother still fighting in the trenches of the First World War. Now home, she receives word of Freddie's death in action along with his uniform -but something doesn't quite make sense. Determined to find out more, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer at a private hospital. Soon after arriving, she hears whispers about ghosts moving among those still living and a strange inn-keeper whose wine gives soldiers the gift of oblivion. Could this have happened to Freddie - but if so, where is he?November 1917. Freddie Iven awakens after an explosion to find himself trapped under an overturned pillbox with an enemy soldier, a German, each of them badly wounded. Against all odds, the two men form a bond and succeed in clawing their way out. But once in No Man's Land, where can either of them turn where they won't be shot as enemy soldiers or deserters? As the killing continues, they meet a man - a fiddler - who seems to have the power to make the hellscape that surrounds them disappear. But at what price?A novel of breath-taking scope and drama, of compulsive readability, of stunning historical research lightly worn, and of brilliantly drawn characters who will make you laugh and break your heart in a single line, The Warm Hands of Ghosts is a book that will speak to readers directly about the trauma of war and the power of those involved to love, endure and transcend it.______________More love for The Warm Hands of Ghosts . . .'Immersive and timeless, and an ode to the enduring power of memory.' Vaishnavi Patel'A page-turner of the highest order ... A haunting, fantastic read!' Helene Wecker'I absolutely devoured it!' Santa Montefiore'Wonderful storytelling. Inventive, haunting and deeply moving.' Sarah Winman'An exquisite, brilliant gem of a story.' Conn Iggulden'Simply stunning.' Kate Quinn'Absolutely incredible; I had chills all through reading it.' Shannon Chakraborty'A sweeping, fantastical tour-de-force of a novel.' I Newspaper'Arden's prose is full of emotion... an unforgettable, inspiring read.' Historical Novel Society'Arden's gripping historical fantasy will draw readers in and keep them engaged.' Library Journal, starred review'Lyrically beautiful prose, a brave heroine and a story shot through with the darkness of war' Daily Mail'Eerie and fanciful, yet gruesomely down-to-earth.' The Spectator'Mixing historical fiction with the paranormal, this haunting, atmospheric tale of separated siblings is a real gem of a book.' Heat Magazine'A gripping tale of loss, mystery, ghosts and queer romance.' BBC Culture Online

  • af Gill Paul
    157,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Fortiden smelter sammen med nutiden i Gill Pauls uforglemmelige fortælling. Den forsvundne datter er både en hjertegribende love story og et medrivende mysterium.Rusland, 1918. Smukke, livlige Maria Romanov, den faldne zars 19-årige datter, lever i fangenskab med sin familie langt væk fra sin tidligere royale tilværelse. Hendes eneste fornøjelse er lidt flygtig og forsigtig flirten med to af vagterne. Hun har ingen anelse om at hendes uskyldige tilnærmelser kan betyde forskellen på liv og død.Australien, 1973. På sit dødsleje gentager Val Doyles far den samme vending: "jeg ønskede ikke at slå hende ihjel!" Val bliver både urolig og nysgerrig over farens betroelser. Hvad taler han om? Da hun kortlægger sin egen mors forsvinden mange år tidligere, bliver hun trukket ind i et af verdenshistoriens største mysterier. Hvad skete der egentlig med Maria Romanov?Den forsvundne datter er en selvstændig opfølger til Gill Pauls Zarens datter.

  • - En ufuldstændig historie
    af Lars Ørlund
    101,95 - 110,94 kr.

    Af og til sker det, at noget – en person eller en begivenhed – får mig til at tvivle på denne verdens videnskabelige forklarlighed. En sådan begivenhed fandt sted, da jeg en morgen for nogle år siden sad på Bagatelle, min rundt- om-hjørnet-café i Nice, for at indtage den traditionelle cappuccino og dagens første varme croissant. Det startede med, at en britisk soldat satte sig ved mit bord og spurgte: Tror du på genfødsler?Denne bog er beretningen om den historie, en helt fremmed mand ved navn Andrew Thompson over nogle måneder fortalte mig, mens jeg drak min morgenkaffe.
Hvem fanden var Andrew Thompson? Lars Ørlund (1948) har gennem mere end tredive år arbejdet og boet i Asien, Afrika og Sydamerika. Han
har deltaget i tre krige og som journalist produceret artikler, samt mere end 250 radio- og tv-programmer fra verdens brændpunkter. Han har desuden skrevet ere end 20 bøger bl.a. afrikaromanen Himlens klare stjerne og ikke mindst trilogien Kapring over Kairo, Blackjack og Den Serbiske Forbindelse.Han har ernæret sig som gamewarden og storvildtjæger på de afrikanske savanner og gennem længere perioder boet blandt nogle af klodens sidste naturfolk.
Privat er han ivrig dykker, jæger og sker og opholder sig i både Danmark, Storbritannien og Sydafrika.

  • af E V Martindale
    175,95 kr.

    This book offers a detailed guide to the major types of battleships to fight in the two world wars. Explore HMS Dreadnought, the first of a class of fast, big-gun battleships to be developed at the beginning of the 20th century; find out about the destruction of HMS Hood, which exploded after exchanging fire with the Bismarck, which itself was sunk after a trans-Atlantic chase by a combination of battery fire and aircraft-launched torpedoes; and much more.

  • af Cadillac Motor Car Company
    162,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Joanna Quinn
    95,95 kr.

  • af Smedley Butler
    112,95 kr.

    Critics of war are often labeled treasonous lunatics. Even those who are critical of the government are scrutinized and dragged through the mud. Young men and women volunteer to fight wars on their nation's behalf, and we should commend them for their actions, but we should question the steps to board ships and planes bound for foreign soil before their military service is required.Major General Smedley Butler was a 2x Medal of Honor recipient and an advocate for those he lead to war. His legacy is rich with valor in combat but also the bureaucratic fight on the homefront. From exposing war-profiteering to campaigning for veterans benefits that provide returning US troops with rich opportunities in the present day, "Old Gimlet Eye" was an American hero you surely did not read about in school."War is a racket, it always has been," and it still is.

  • - Skyttegravens helvede
    af Søren Ellemose
    257,95 kr.

    I samme øjeblik trådte Gavrilo Princip ud fra en forretning i Franz Josefs Gade. Den syvende attentatmand troede ikke sine egne øjne, da han stirrede lige ud på ærkehertugens køretøj mindre end to meter væk.Skønt overrasket over skæbnens lunefuldhed trak han sin automatpistol frem og affyrede to skud lige efter hinanden mod hertugparret.Søndag den 28. juni 1914 blev ærkehertug Franz Ferdinand myrdet i Sarajevo.Snart var Tyskland og Østrig-Ungarn på den ene side i krig mod Frankrig, Storbritannien, Rusland og Serbien på den anden. Forude lå den blodigste krig, verden havde set.Om forfatterenSøren Ellemose (f. 1972) har skrevet 45 bøger, herunder en række erhvervsbiografier, kriminalromaner, eventyr, digte og ungdomsbøger. Med udgangspunkt i de historiske begivenheder fortæller Blodhjerte den fiktive historie om den unge Adam Fallows og hans venners kamp for overlevelse i skyttegravens helvede. Romanen er en hymne imod krig og dens væsen.

  • af H.G. Wells
    73,95 - 347,95 kr.

    Amerikanske Direck rejser til Europa for at opleve den gamle verden og se, hvordan den adskiller sig fra den nye, hvor han er vokset op. Første stop er England, hvor han møder hr. Britling, der er så engelsk, som man kan være. Det, der starter som en interessant og hyggelig rejse, bliver imidlertid langt mere begivenhedsrig, end den muntre amerikaner havde drømt om. Mens han er i England, bryder første verdenskrig ud, og det gamle Europa, som han længtes efter at se, smuldrer mellem fingrene på de stridende stormagter.”Hr. Britling og verdenskrigen” udkom første gang i 1916, hvor ingen anede, hvor længe krigen ville rase, og hvordan verden ville se ud, når den var færdig.H.G. Wells (1866-1946) var en britisk forfatter, der skrev i flere genrer, men som primært er kendt for sine bidrag inden for science fiction. Heriblandt er ”Tidsmaskinen” (1895), ”Den usynlige mand” (1897) og ”Klodernes kamp” (1898) nogle af de mest berømte og også nogle af dem, der gentagne gange er blevet filmatiseret og været inspiration til andre forfattere og filmskabere.

  • af Bennet Copplestone
    172,95 kr.

    The Silent Watchers, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of History, General and Eastern Hemisphere

  • af Hesketh Vernon Prichard
    111,95 kr.

    Major Hesketh Vernon Prichard, later Hesketh-Prichard DSO MC FRGS FZS was an India-born British explorer, adventurer, writer, big-game hunter, marksman, and cricketer who contributed to sniping practice within the British Army during the First World War. Concerned not only with improving the quality of marksmanship, the measures he introduced to counter the threat of German snipers were credited by a contemporary with saving the lives of over 3,500 Allied soldiers.Hesketh-Prichard eventually gained official support for his campaign, and in August 1915, he was given permission to proceed with formalized sniper training. By November of that year, his reputation was such that he was in high demand from many units. In December, he was ordered, on General Allenby's request, to the Third Army School of Instruction and was made a general staff officer with the rank of captain. On January 1, 1916, he was mentioned in dispatches.His friend George Gray, himself a champion shooter, told him that he had reduced sniping casualties from five a week per battalion to forty-four in three months in sixty battalions; by his reckoning, this meant that Hesketh-Prichard had saved over 3,500 lives. He was promoted to major in November 1916. By this time in the war, his contributions to sniping had been such that the former German superiority in the practice had now been reversed.

  • af M. H. Brueckner
    296,95 kr.

    Der junge Handelskaufmann Albert Röber, Inhaber eines kleinen Kolonialwarenladens in Leipzig, wird 1914 zum Kriegsdienst eingezogen. Das Geschäft überlässt er einstweilen seiner Verlobten Elsa Müller. Heiraten wird man, sobald der Krieg aus ist ¿ es kann ja wohl nicht lange dauern. Einstweilen wird man sich schreiben, und zwar jeden Tag!Aber dann¿Hunderte Karten und Briefe werden zwischen Sommer 1914 und Herbst 1918 zwischen den beiden gewechselt. 1915 hat Albert begonnen, seine Karten mit humoristischen Bildchen zum Kriegsgeschehen, zur Politik, zum Soldatenleben zu illustrieren, die er gekonnt aus Illustrierten abzeichnet. Aber auch wenn es schwer fällt, muss er einsehen, dass das Versprechen, sich täglich zu schreiben, auf Dauer nur schwer einzuhalten ist. Der Umstand aber, dass geschriebene Worte kein Gespräch ersetzen und nur zu leicht Missverständnisse hervorrufen können, beginnt für beide bald ein Problem zu werden¿Alberts erhaltene Postkarten von der Front erzählen authentisch, tragisch und zugleich auch komisch die Geschichte der Trennung eines jungen Paares in Kriegszeiten.

  • af Erich Maria Remarque
    207,95 kr.

    This masterpiece of war literature that will change your perspective on life and humanity.** Follow the journey of Paul, a young German soldier who enlists in World War I with his friends, full of enthusiasm and patriotism. But soon, he faces the horrors of the trenches, where death, disease, and despair lurk at every corner. He witnesses the brutality and futility of war, and he vows to resist the hatred that makes him kill his fellow human beings, who are just like him, except for their uniforms. This book is a powerful and moving portrait of the suffering, the courage, and the longing for peace of a generation that was sacrificed for a senseless conflict. It is widely regarded as the best war novel of all time, and it has been adapted into an Oscar-winning movie that you can watch on Netflix.

  • af Michael Digby
    193,95 kr.

    The true story of German secret agents engaged in a campaign of subversion and terror in the United States before and during World War I.

  • af Juan Tellez
    212,95 kr.

    World War I, or the Great War, was believed to be "the war to end all wars." Because of the incredible extent of destruction and the staggering number of wounded and dead, even those who lived through it could scarcely comprehend its horror. Beginning in 1914, alliances between powerful nations soon plunged the world into a global conflict. Fighting-including miserable trench warfare-broke out in practically every corner of Europe and spread around the world to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. You'll learn:What roles did nationalism, colonialism, and the European alliance structure play in the start of the war?Who thought that trench warfare was a good idea?Why did the Germans wear those spiked helmets?How did chemical warfare get introduced and what role did it play?How did the rise of communism seriously affect the course of the war?The most of these operations were hidden from the public since that was the only way they could be successfully carried out, but in the years since, stories about various missions have emerged. They paint a picture of incredible courage and ingenuity, whether in war zones, enemy territory, or far from the front lines.

  • af Thomas Boghardt
    407,95 kr.

  • af James Morrison
    148,95 - 255,95 kr.

  • af Stephanie Laurens
    187,95 kr.

    USA Today bestselling author Stephanie Laurens takes us on a journey of extraordinary adventure.Four bold, brave, and determined ex-officers of the Crown band together to destroy the traitorous fiend known as the Black Cobra. He races to complete their mission against escalating odds?his task made more perilous when he loses his heart.She's determined to defy convention and live a solitary life?until she tastes the reckless pleasure found only in his arms.Drawn together by fate, united by fiery passion, they pursue their shared destiny . . . one they'll live to see only if they unmask the Black Cobra.

  • af T. Cullen Young
    272,95 kr.

    Young's Nyasaland Operations manuscript was entrusted to the Society of Malawi in 1955, likely in the hope the Society would benefit by its publication. Now edited with commentary and annotations by Melvin E. Page, his accounts and personal recollections are at last available to a wider readership, offering a further perspective on the Great War as experienced primarily by Nyasaland's European population.The Great War in Africa Association is pleased to offer this compliment to the previously published Chiwaya War Voices which provides further reflections on the First World War through the eyes of the Protectorate's African inhabitants.

  • af J. Daniel Reed
    162,95 kr.

    Whispers in a Phone Booth: A Depression-Era Tale of Danger and Deception a riveting new novel from the author of The First Wolf Pack: A Dog's Fable As World War I ravages Europe, two beautiful and courageous sisters make a miraculous escape to America from their bitter lives in Poland, thanks to their selfless mother. They settle with their aunt in an immigrant enclave on the north side of Chicago. It's the same neighborhood where two gifted young men, a steelworker and a pharmacist, proceeded them just as war exploded upon the Continent.Soon the sisters' lives diverge. In the midst of the Great Depression and after sixteen years of estrangement, Martha unexpectedly sends Helen a letter suspiciously offering reconciliation, returning to visit Chicago. Helen's bored and rebellious teenage son, Wally, quickly falls under the captivating spell of his mysterious and glamorous aunt.After Martha's visit, the neighborhood is beset by two perfect, high-profile robberies, leaving the police baffled. Only secrets whispered in a pharmacy's phone booth, if shared in time, might save Martha, Wally, and many others from the very incarnation of evil. But can the enigmatic outcast who overhears the secrets, accept the devastating personal consequences of letting the whole truth become known?

  • af Marcus Caldwell
    192,95 kr.

    Step into 1915 a pivotal year in World War I, marked by profound shifts in military tactics and the very nature of warfare. This concise and engaging book delves into how the events of 1915 reshaped the global conflict, altering the course of history.Without focusing on specific battles, the narrative examines the introduction of new, more lethal forms of warfare, including the first widespread use of chemical weapons. These developments brought about unprecedented challenges and horrors, testing the resolve and adaptability of soldiers and commanders alike.The book also sheds light on the strategic miscalculations and bold gambits that characterized this year, highlighting how the war's nature transformed from traditional combat to a more complex, multifaceted struggle. It delves into the impact of these changes on the soldiers in the trenches, the commanding generals, and the home fronts, offering a comprehensive view of the war's evolving dynamics.An insightful look into a year that significantly influenced the trajectory of the First World War. It is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities and transformative nature of this global conflict.Featuring the following battles:¿¿Battle of Neuve ChapelleSecond Battle of YpresSecond Battle of ArtoisBattle of LoosSecond Battle of ChampagneBattles of the IsonzoSiege of Przemy¿lBattle of Humin-BolimówCarpathian Winter WarSecond Battle of the Masurian LakesFirst Battle of PrzasnyszBattle of ¿om¿aSecond Battle of the Vistula RiverAttack of the Dead MenGorlice-Tarnów OffensiveBug-Narew OffensiveVistula-Bug OffensiveRiga-Schaulen OffensiveBattle of DniestrBattle of Zolota LypaRovno OffensiveVilno-Dvinsk OffensiveLanding at Cape HellesLanding at Anzac CoveThird Attack on Anzac CoveAugust Offensive

  • af Capt. Gordon Bates
    247,95 kr.

    Captain Gordon Bates is a pseudonym for American author Josephine Chase. Born about 1878 in Pennsylvania to Edward H. Chase and Mary Arrner Chase. Chase was the author of the popular Grace Harlowe series of 27 books for girls, written between 1910 and 1924. The books fall into four separate series, including a high school series, college series, Overseas series, and Overland Riders series. Chase died February 8, 1931 in Philadelphia. She never married and was survived by her sister, Edna Chase.The author was also known by other pseudonyms including Pauline Lester (The Marjorie Dean series), Ames Thompson (The Adventure Boys series), Jessie Graham Flower (Grace Harlowe series), Grace Gordon (The June Allen series), and Dale Wilkins.

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