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  • af Lilian Munk Rösing, Elisabeth Fabritius, Cecilie Høgsbro Østergaard, mfl.
    252,95 kr.

    ’Glimrende’ Jyllands-Posten’Infomættede og spændende artikler. Der er nyt at hente i læsestoffet, der nuancerer billedet af Anna Ancher og tidens kunst’ Weekendavisen’Måske har udstillingen og det medfølgende katalog potentialerne til at ændre på den status, Anna Ancher har været tildelt igennem det seneste århundrede.’ ’Paradokset mellem på den ene side Anna Anchers privilegerede position og anerkendelse og på den anden side de manglende udstillinger og erhvervelser bliver beskrevet i udstillingens smukke og vidensmættede katalog’ Information’Det kan anbefales at investere i det store katalog, der ledsager udstillingen. Artiklen af Lilian Munk Rösing om Annas dristige farvekombinationer kan blandt andet varmt anbefales. Interessant er det at læse, hvorledes Anna dygtigt forener de danske almuefarver med det sidste skrig fra Paris.’ Magasinet Kunst, Weekend Kataloget Anna Ancher er den smukke ledsagerske til SMKs udstilling af samme navn. Kunstneren Anna Ancher bliver som oftest sat i forbindelse med Skagens Kolonien, men dette katalog tager hende, med rette, ud af denne kontekst og lader Anna Ancher tale for sig selv. Bogen er smukt og rigt illustreret. Lilian Munk Rösing behandler Anchers dristige valg, når kunstneren forener de danske almuefarver med det sidste skrig fra Paris.Herudover skriver seniorforsker og kurator Peter Nørgaard Larsen om Anna Anchers lys og sansningen i hendes kunst. Chefkurator ved Skagens Museum, Charlotte Linvald, behandler det tvetydige og mystiske forhold Ancher havde til Indre Mission. Elisabeth Fabritius placerer Ancher i et ellers mandsdomineret moderne gennembrud og Cecilie Høgsbro Østergaard behandler kvindespørgsmålet, eller kvindevrøvlet, som Ancher selv beskrev det.Derudover deler Gertrud Oelsner, Mette Houlberg Rung, Nils Ohlsen, Andreas Bjerre, Caroline Bøjesen Schmit-Andersen ud af deres viden om Anna Ancher.

  • - english edition
    af Lilian Munk Rösing, Elisabeth Fabritius, Cecilie Høgsbro Østergaard, mfl.
    267,95 kr.

    The catalogue Anna Ancher is the beautiful companion to the exhibition of the same name at the National Gallery of Denmark. The artist Anna Ancher is usually put in connection with the famous artists’ colony, the Skagen Painters. However, this beautiful and richly illustrated exhibition catalogue lets the artist speak for herself. Lillian Munk Rösing discusses Ancher’s boldness in Anchers’ choice to combine both the rustic colour palette from her native Skagen and new inspirations from Paris.In addition, senior researcher and chief curator, Peter Nørgaard Larsen, analyses Anna Ancher’s use of light in her work. Chief curator at the Art Museums of Skagen, Charlotte Linvald, discusses the ambiguous and mysterious relationship Anna Ancher had with the Inner Mission in Denmark. Elisabeth Fabritius places Ancher in a male-dominated Modern Breakthrough and Cecilie Høgsbro Østergaard discusses Ancher in a feminist context.Furthermore, Gertrud Oelsner, Mette Houlberg Rung, Nils Ohlsen, Andreas Bjerre, Caroline Bøjesen-Andersen share their great knowledge of Anna Ancher

  • af Alejandro Fajardo Aguirre
    535,95 kr.

    La gran extensión geográfica del español ha producido numerosas obras lexicográficas que se enfrentan al reto de dar respuesta a problemas derivados de la internacionalización lograda por esta lengua. Por una parte, los diccionarios bilingües aportan una perspectiva diferente para reflexionar sobre nuestro léxico y sobre cómo representarlo de forma eficaz en los diccionarios; por otra parte, dentro de los países hispanohablantes, el colorido mosaico de variedades regionales, nacionales y supranacionales suscita debates sobre la manera de tratar tamaña diversidad para conseguir una representación ecuánime para todos. En este volumen, especialistas de diferentes orígenes contrastan problemas, métodos y soluciones lexicográficas para abordar esta dimensión internacional.

  • af Cilliers van den Berg
    373,95 - 509,95 kr.

  • af Javier Fernández-Cruz
    415,95 kr.

    This book explores the evolution of sentiment in economic terms in the press during financial crises applying a combination of sentiment analysis techniques and usage fluctuation analysis on a diachronic corpus derived from editorials in quality newspapers during the Great Recession. The book uncovers two key findings: first, certain economic terms become event words during times of crisis due to their increased use in the press and the general public, revealing rapid semantic changes in economic terms caused by major socio-economic events. Second, sentiment-laden collocations are found to be influenced by culture, highlighting language¿s adaptability to financial upheavals. This work proposes an innovative methodology that combines lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, and qualitative Discourse Analysis to shed light on how language shapes economic discourse, making it a valuable resource for scholars exploring the relationship between language and historic events.

  • af Marta Kacprzak
    447,95 kr.

    El presente volumen contiene una edición contrastada y anotada en letras latinas de las cuatro adaptaciones sefardíes de Robinson Crusoe. La edición de textos va precedida por un estudio preliminar que abarca una breve introducción a la narrativa sefardí moderna en la que se comentan los comienzos de la literatura secular en judeoespañol. A continuación, se presentan las ediciones judías de Robinson Crusoe, esto es, las adaptaciones asquenazíes en yídish y en hebreo, y las sefardíes en judeoespañol. La obra se completa con un estudio comparativo lingüístico-literario que se centra en la judaización de los textos y su adaptación para el público sefardí, haciendo hincapié también en los fenómenos lingüísticos derivados del hecho de tratarse de la traducción de un original.

  • af Graham Roberts
    373,95 kr.

    This volume examines the potentially deleterious impact of place branding on the social fabric, ecosystems and local economies of the places concerned. As the different essays show, place branding is a fundamentally political practice, often driven by hidden agendas that marginalize certain groups within society. Contributors explore place branding from a wide variety of angles, including: the role played by the visual arts in city branding; the applied arts, and speci cally the fashion industry¿s potential for shaping perceptions of a particular place; the different ways in which sport has been exploited by the political elites; the role of design in place branding, including the architectural design of sports stadia; and the potentially insidious economic and societal consequences of excessive consumption of branded places.

  • af Thomas Wagner
    380,95 kr.

    This book examines psycholinguistic elements of irregular verb morphology in English, using two empirical studies of young language learners in Austria to make evidence-based didactic recommendations for classroom use. The author first provides an up-to-date overview of the so-called past tense debate, encompassing the last four decades of linguistic, psycholinguistic, and cognitive research, before presenting an in-depth discussion of the notion of irregular and semi-regular verbal morphology in both German and English, with a focus on vowel change and apophony. Turning to his original research, he applies generalised linear mixed model analyses as well as conditional inference trees to the behavioural data, avoiding common pitfalls that come with traditional ANOVAs in repeated measure designs, and discusses the concrete implications of the experimental results on second language acquisition and instructed EFL teaching, with a focus on Input Processing. This book will be essential reading for SLA and applied linguistics researchers as well as graduate and postgraduate students in cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition.

  • af Simon Garfield
    237,95 kr.

    From the ?deliriously clever? (Boston Globe) Simon Garfield, New York Times bestselling author of Just My Type, comes the wild and fascinating story of the encyclopedia, from Ancient Greece to the present day.New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice"A brilliant book about knowledge itself.? ?Deirdre Mask, author of The Address Book?Garfield's witty history captures the obsessive, quixotic and sometimes error-filled quests of those?from Pliny the Elder in the first century A.D. to Wikipedians in this one?who have attempted to corral all the world's information into a single source.??New York TimesThe encyclopedia once shaped our understanding of the world. Created by thousands of scholars and the most obsessive of editors, a good set conveyed a sense of absolute wisdom on its reader. Contributions from Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Orville Wright, Alfred Hitchcock, Marie Curie and Indira Gandhi helped millions of children with their homework. Adults cleared their shelves in the belief that everything that was explainable was now effortlessly accessible in their living rooms.Now these huge books gather dust and sell for almost nothing on eBay. Instead, we get our information from our phones and computers, apparently for free. What have we lost in this transition? And how did we tell the progress of our lives in the past?All the Knowledge in the World is a history and celebration of those who created the most ground-breaking and remarkable publishing phenomenon of any age. Simon Garfield, who ?has a genius for being sparked to life by esoteric enthusiasm and charming readers with his delight? (The Times), guides us on an utterly delightful journey, from Ancient Greece to Wikipedia, from modest single-volumes to the 11,000-volume Chinese manuscript that was too big to print. He looks at how Encyclopedia Britannica came to dominate the industry, how it spawned hundreds of competitors, and how an army of ingenious door-to-door salesmen sold their wares to guilt-ridden parents. He reveals how encyclopedias have reflected our changing attitudes towards sexuality, race, and technology, and exposes how these ultimate bastions of trust were often riddled with errors and prejudice.With his characteristic ability to tackle the broadest of subjects in an illuminating and highly entertaining way, Simon Garfield uncovers a fascinating and important part of our shared past and wonders whether the promise of complete knowledge?that most human of ambitions?will forever be beyond our grasp.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    165,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ tauchen Leser in die faszinierende und komplexe Welt der biblischen Entstehungsgeschichte ein. Dieses Sachbuch bietet eine tiefgründige, chronologisch aufgebaute Reise durch die Jahrtausende, beleuchtet die Wurzeln der biblischen Texte und enthüllt die vielschichtigen Prozesse, die zur Entstehung dieses einflussreichen Buches führten.Von den antiken Ursprüngen der Schriften im Nahen Osten bis zur Digitalisierung der Bibel im 21. Jahrhundert spannt der Autor einen Bogen über entscheidende Epochen. Beginnend mit den Frühformen der Bibel, erkundet das Buch die Rolle der Propheten, die Sammlung und Konsolidierung der Texte, und führt zu den bedeutenden Konzilen, die den Bibelkanon formten.¿Durch akribische Recherche und sachliche Darstellung entfaltet der Autor die Geschichte der Bibel in ihrer ganzen Komplexität¿, so die renommierte Religionswissenschaftlerin Dr. Anna Müller. Dabei werden auch kontroverse Themen wie die Apokryphen, die Reformation und die Herausforderungen der Bibelkritik eingehend behandelt.Die Leser entdecken, wie die Bibel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die Geschichte der Menschheit beeinflusst hat ¿ von der Vulgata (Hieronymus) im Mittelalter bis zu aktuellen Debatten über ihre Interpretation. Das Buch wirft einen Blick auf die Bibel in interreligiösen Kontexten und untersucht, wie archäologische Entdeckungen den historischen Kontext der Bibel beleuchten.Mit einem Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Bibel und einer Zusammenfassung der zahlreichen Facetten ihrer Geschichte, bietet ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ nicht nur eine fundierte Analyse, sondern auch eine anregende Lektüre für alle, die tiefer in die Geschichte dieses einzigartigen Werkes eintauchen wollen.Dieses Sachbuch vereint wissenschaftliche Präzision mit einfacher Sprache und regt dazu an, die Bibel in einem neuen Licht zu betrachten.

  • af Giulia Adriana Pennisi
    509,95 kr.

    The main assumption proposed in this book is that legislative drafting represents an example of professional discourse, where the propositions of specialized information is translated into meanings, and such meanings are given as input to the rules and strategies of grammatical formulation. A relevant question for our understanding of modern legislative process is related to the effects of ¿context¿ at different levels, within which legislative process takes place. By looking at those levels, the analysis conducted in the book demonstrates that it becomes possible to reach a deeper understanding of the professional groups taking part in the process, better assess the lexico-grammatical and textual features of its final product (i.e., normative texts), and suggest alternative linguistic and textual strategies aimed at making texts more accessible to potential readers and/or intended users.

  • af Rafael García Pérez
    394,95 kr.

    Este libro, centrado en el estudio de los adverbios, es el resultado de un trabajo en colaboración de marcado carácter multidisciplinar y trata cuestiones gramaticales y semánticas que afectan a estas unidades léxicas, como no podía ser de otra manera, pero también pragmáticas, sin olvidar, además, que el español, como todas las lenguas, está sometido a la variación diacrónica. Los investigadores participantes se han centrado, por un lado, en el análisis de determinadas unidades adverbiales que no han recibido atención anteriormente. Por otro lado, llevan a cabo una reflexión profunda sobre cuestiones concretas y acuciantes para las que, en su opinión, los fundamentos conceptuales y las metodologías específicas de su área de especialización permiten arrojar nueva luz.

  • af Daniela Pietrini
    667,95 kr.

    Politicamente corretto, linguaggio inclusivo, "lingua facile", sessismo linguistico, hate speech: nella maggior parte dei casi di discriminazione un ruolo determinante spetta (anche) al linguaggio. Pur non limitandosi a fatti linguistici, la discriminazione viene spesso trasmessa attraverso la lingua, per mezzo di espressioni volutamente spregiative, ma anche nascosta in usi idiomatici apparentemente innocui. D'altro canto però proprio la lingua può servire a combattere le discriminazioni, p.e. ricorrendo a un linguaggio inclusivo che non perpetri stereotipi di genere, oppure semplificando testi istituzionali per renderli accessibili alle persone con disabilità intellettive. Questo volume analizza da un punto di vista diacronico e sincronico alcune espressioni e locuzioni discriminatorie sulla base di materiali eterogenei (dizionari, raccolte di proverbi, trattati e testi letterari, articoli di giornale, social network, canzoni) e secondo diversi approcci metodologici. Il focus è sull'italiano, con excursus su francese, inglese e tedesco.

  • af Louise Sylvester
    1.334,95 kr.

    This edited book examines the multilingual culture of medieval England, exploring its impact on the development of English and its textual manifestations from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The book offers overviews of the state of the art of research and case studies on this subject in (sub)disciplines of linguistics including historical linguistics, onomastics, lexicology and lexicography, sociolinguistics, code-switching and language contact, and also includes contributions from literary and socio-cultural studies, material culture, and palaeography. The authors focus on the variety of languages in use in medieval Britain, including English, Old Norse, Norn, Dutch, Welsh, French, and Latin, making the argument that understanding the impact of medieval multilingualism on the development of English requires multidisiplinarity and the bringing together of different frameworks in linguistics and cultural studies toachieve more nuanced answers. This book will be of interest to academics and students of historical linguistics and medieval textual culture.

  • af Yasir Alenazi
    1.049,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This book presents a case study on lexical error analysis in the translation products of Arab English majors at the university level with important implications for Arabic-speaking countries. It provides detailed analyses and explanations of the main lexical areas that cause specific difficulties for these students, while also identifying their potential sources. The respective chapters discuss several areas related to the context of the research, the field of SLA, error analysis, language transfer, error taxonomies, language learning, language teaching, and translation training.The analyses and findings presented here contribute to the linguistic field by developing a comprehensive list of lexical error categories based on form, content, and origin of influence regarding translation products. In addition, the book sheds light on the pedagogical aspects contributing to the enhancement of ESL/EFL teaching in the Arab context as well as other contexts where English is taught as a foreign language. The book will help educators and curriculum writers in designing materials, and language researchers as a groundwork for their studies of L2 learners' written products.

  • af Hans C. Boas
    297,95 kr.

    How can insights from Construction Grammar (CxG) be applied to foreign language learning (FLL) and foreign language teaching (FLT)? This volume explores several aspects of Pedagogical Construction Grammar, with a specific look at issues relevant to second language acquisition, FLL, and FLT. The contributions in this volume discuss a wide range of constructions, as well as different resources, methodologies, and data used to learn constructions in the language classroom. More specifically, they seek to provide answers to the following questions: What do new constructional approaches to teaching and learning foreign language look like that take the insights of CxG seriously? What should electronic resources using constructions and semantic frames for foreign language instruction look like? How should constructions (pairings of form with meaning/function) in the foreign language classroom be introduced? What role does frequency play in learning constructions in the language classroom? What types of strategies does CxG offer to facilitate the acquisition of a second language? This volume is relevant for anyone interested in second language acquisition, foreign language pedagogy, Construction Grammar, and Cognitive Linguistics. Endorsements: If first language learning flows forth from language use, teaching language should be based on relevant usage-patterns, modified in accordance with the advanced cognitive and linguistic knowledge of older learners. The current volume shows how insights from first and second language learning and usage-based Construction Grammar can be turned into evidence-based teaching strategies.Heike Behrens, University of Basel Usage-based Construction Grammar has changed our view of language learning, but it is only recently that researchers have begun to apply the insights of the constructionist approach to language pedagogy. This volume brings together a collection of articles in which experts of Construction Grammar and Usage-based Linguistics make concrete proposals for teaching constructions by using corpora and other resources. A must read for everybody interested in grammar teaching.Holger Diessel, University of Jena With Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar, Boas has produced an impressive and much-needed volume which excels at illustrating the immense potential of constructionist approaches to improve language pedagogy. The contributions to this volume, all authored by leading cognitive and corpus linguists, convincingly describe what a successful future of language teaching could look like¿one that is founded in usage-based linguistics and takes language patterns seriously. I consider this volume essential reading for any applied linguist.Ute Römer, Georgia State University

  • af John Bullokar
    272,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Pierre Roland François Butet
    432,95 kr.

  • af Sandra Kotzor
    222,95 - 596,95 kr.

  • af Adolph Törneros
    432,95 kr.

  • af Xiaolu Guo
    127,95 - 171,95 kr.

    The new memoir from prize-winning writer and filmmaker Xiaolu Guo - playful, provocative and original, it's her deeply personal take on striving for a life of her own'When it comes to spinning light and shadow on the complexities of living, loving and language, Xiaolu Guo is one of the most valuable writers in the world' DEBORAH LEVYThe world can seem strange and lonely when you step away from your family and everything you have tried to call your own. Yet beauty may also appear. In the autumn of 2019 Xiaolu travelled to New York to take up her position as a visiting professor for a year, leaving her child and partner behind in London. The encounter with American culture and people threatens her sense of identity and throws her into a crisis - of meaning, desire, obligation and selfhood.This is a memoir about separation - by continents, by language, and from people. It's about being an outsider and the desperate longing to connect. Xiaolu uses her exploration of language (one of the meanings of the word 'radical' is the graphic component, or root, of Chinese characters), and her own life, to create this unique text. At once a memoir, a dictionary, and an ardent love letter, it is an expression of her fascination with Western culture and her nostalgia for Eastern landscapes, and an attempt to describe the space in between. An archive of an artist's search for creative freedom, it is above all else an intimate account of her efforts to carve out a life of her own.'Radical in angle of attack, smart and brave' IAIN SINCLAIR, author of The Gold Machine

  • af Ulrich Seeger
    208,95 kr.

    Das Buch enthält eine Reihe kleinerer Beiträge, die bei der Arbeit am "Wörterbuch Palästinensisch-Deutsch" entstanden sind:Deteriorative mit Femininendung bei MaskulinaDas Wort zalameMaskuline Formen bei FemininaLeitworte einer Genitivverbindung mit Suffixschlagen ¿ eine Ohrfeige herunterhauenReste von innerem PassivBerufsbezeichnungen auf -¿iDoppelsetzungenNomen ohne Artikel mit determiniertem AttributFeigensortenPassivbildung von intransitiven VerbenDer VII. StammSpezifizierender GenitivAnzahlenWörter, die nichts bedeutenwala besser ¿ alsDer Typ fäl¿nPlurale nach fi¿l¿n/fül¿nVerbalsubstantive auf fäal¿nVerbalsubstantive zu Stamm V und Q,IIVerbalsubstantive zu Q,IDer Morphemtyp if¿alN-ErweiterungenAssimilation von ¿ und y an den ArtikelAusrufeInterjektionenZurufe an Tiere und TierlauteSporadische Lautwechsel zwischen den Liquiden l, r und dem Nasal nLustige WörterLustige WendungenMerkwürdige Wörter und anderes BemerkenswertesArabische Dialektwörterbücher

  • af Bryan A. Garner
    597,95 kr.

    "A delight"--Booklist A richly illustrated historical account of English-language dictionaries, and the people who made them, from the dawn of printing to the present day. >>Readers will find towering figures of English lexicography--Samuel Johnson, the American patriot Noah Webster, the Oxford English Dictionary's James Murray--and many more obscure lexicographers whose achievements and biographies are no less fascinating. For one, meet Ann Fisher, England's first female lexicographer, whose dictionary in 1773 introduced the radical innovation of alphabetically separating the letter pairs I and J and U and V (reacting against her predecessors who had "ever blended and confounded them"). The lesser-known works here include the small, unassuming 1604 book that is generally regarded as the "first English dictionary"; the early representatives of the "hard word" tradition as it evolves into attempts to cover the whole vocabulary; and the vast Century Dictionary--an American enterprise that rivaled the original OED. As the quest for completeness placed a dictionary beyond one author's ability (or lifespan), editors and publishers adapted. For the OED, in 1918, J. R. R. Tolkien was hired to define select words beginning with W (and he tackled warm, wash, wasp, water, wick, and winter). Later in the 20th century, the Random House Dictionary of the English Language was marketed as relying not on famous literary figures or educators, but instead on computers for exactitude. >Hardly Harmless Drudgery is a long-overdue celebration of all those who toiled in service of language and meaning. It covers more than half a millennium, from the 15th century to the 21st, with biographical and bibliographical information, correspondence, and engrossing details never before published. Profusely illustrated with 750 photographs of books and ephemera, this is nothing less than a glorious celebration of words and the people who love them.

  • af Fumao Hu
    1.560,95 kr.

    This book sheds new light on chunk in business correspondence in order to promote the advancement of machine translation. By presenting a bilingual chunk table for correspondence and providing basic theoretical and empirical data on the construction of an MT-based English-Chinese chunk bank for business correspondence, it seeks to improve the accuracy of machine translation systems in a new way. It mainly addresses two questions: (1) How can business English correspondence chunks be defined in machine translation? (2) What are the correspondences between English-Chinese business letter chunks for machine translation? With the aid of a parallel corpus, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and the construction grammar theory, the book puts forward a theoretical model of chunk composition analysis. Further, the findings presented here can be used for the machine translation of English-Chinese business letters, helping to break down communication barriers and promote international business and exchanges.

  • af Maria Francesca Bonadonna
    372,95 kr.

    Didactique du lexique, terminologie et linguistique de corpus sont les axes autour desquels s¿articule cette étude. Nous nous penchons, en particulier, sur l¿enseignement explicite et structuré du lexique spécialisé pour le français L2, en relation avec le développement non seulement de la compétence strictement terminologique, mais aussi avec la compétence « méta », relevant de la maîtrise du fonctionnement des termes. Après l¿identifi cation d¿un noyau de notions métaterminologiques, notre objectif principal est de proposer des pistes méthodologiques pour leur enseignement basé sur l¿exploitation des corpus spécialisés, dans la conviction qüune synergie effi cace peut s¿instaurer entre la compétence métaterminologique et l¿exploitation d¿une ressource numérique pour des fi ns didactiques. Des applications possibles sont proposées relativement au domaine du commerce.

  • af Anatoly (Professor Liberman
    268,95 kr.

    We like to recount that goodbye started out as "god be with you," that whiskey comes from the Gaelic for "water of life," or that avocado originated as the Aztec word for "testicle." But there are many words with origins unknown, disputed, or so buried in old journals that they may as well be lost to the general public. In Origin Uncertain: Unraveling the Mysteries of Etymology, eminent etymologist Anatoly Liberman draws on his professional expertise and etymological database to tell the stories of less understood words such as nerd, fake, ain't, hitchhike, trash, curmudgeon, and quiz, as well as puzzling idioms like kick the bucket and pay through the nose. By casting a net so broadly, the book addresses language history, language usage (including grammar), history (both ancient and modern), religion, superstitions, and material culture.

  • af Gianmaria Guida
    177,95 kr.

    Questo non è un libro di storia della lingua, né un vocabolario o un etimologiario. È la raccolta completa di quasi 21000 parole italiane nella loro corretta ed originale pronuncia. Questo volume aspira a soddisfare le esigenze di chi studia, per lavoro o per passione, la fonologia e/o l'ortoepia. Un volume completo di dizione e pronuncia, affidabile, tascabile e rapido nella consultazione. Quest'opera nasce dall'esigenza di fornire un valido strumento di consultazione per tutti coloro che ne sentono il bisogno, per curiosità, per hobby, ma soprattutto per lavoro. L'ortoepia non si inventa: ha regole ben solide che sono sorrette da motivazioni storiche e linguistiche ben precise, le quali potevano essere consultate con sicurezza fino ad oggi soltanto nel DOP (Dizionario di Ortografia e Pronuncia) edito dalla Rai. Proprio l'inesistenza di un volume tascabile, affidabile, rapido nella consultazione e veloce nella memorizzazione era un'esigenza che ho sempre avvertito fortemente, in particolare negli anni in cui ho studiato dizione e pronuncia. Mancava un supporto, una guida cartacea che fosse completa ed immediata; in commercio infatti, poco o nulla si era rivelato personalmente utile per risolvere tale disagio.

  • af Doreen Brandt
    750,95 kr.

    Der erste Band des Sammelwerks zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum der Niederdeutschen Philologie in Rostock beleuchtet die Fachgeschichte dieser Disziplin. Die Beiträge behandeln in chronologischer Ordnung Stationen, Institutionen und wichtige Vertreter der Fachgeschichte von den frühen Vorläufern (Nathan Chytraeus) bis in die Gegenwart.August Lübben und Bruno Claußen stehen am Beginn der systematischen Forschung zum Niederdeutschen. Der Verein für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung, das Mecklenburgische Wörterbuch, Arbeiten zur altsächsischen Lexikographie und nicht zuletzt die Professur Hermann Teucherts markieren die Professionalisierung des Fachs. Der gesellschaftliche Kontext der Fachentwicklung wird in Beiträgen zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, des Zweiten Weltkrieges und der DDR thematisiert.

  • af Francois Caradec
    200,95 kr.

    Translation of: Dictionnaire des gestes: attitudes et mouvements expressifs en usage dans le monde entier.

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