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Den rullende kanon er 242 yndlingsdigte fra hele verden, udvalgt af to lyrikelskere gennem lange læsende liv. Digtene i Den rullende kanon taler sammen på tværs af tid og rum og uden for enhver kronologi; der er beduindigte, haikudigte, mayadigte, beatdigte, prosadigte og rimede digte fra alle tider og alle dele af verden - selv om det er en bærende pointe, at samlingen ikke er repræsentativ. Som Ib Michael skriver i efterskriftet:”Udvalget er vilkårligt sammensat af ren lyst og ud fra dagens læsning. Digtene er alle uden undtagelse med, fordi de har haft en tone, som vi er faldet for. Og som har vakt genklang. Snublesten. De ligger på vejen og får dig til at miste fodfæstet. Et øjeblik er du fri af tyngdekraften og kan flyve til en stjerne”. Her er blandt mange andre snublesten af Naja Marie Aidt og John Ashbery, af Paul Celan og Glenn Christian, af Sappho og Gunnar Ekelöf, af Nicanor Parra og Li Po. Der er 242 digte at gå på opdagelse i, at blive beruset i og inspireret af; digte som alle burde læse, så de for en stund kan miste jordforbindelsen.
Adam Oehlenschlägers debutsamling, Digte, udkom sidst på året 1802 og er et af omdrejningspunkterne i den danske litteraturhistorieskrivning, der gerne ynder dramatiske skift i tidsånden og litteraturen: Fyrtårne som Ludvig Holberg, Adam Oehlenschläger, Georg Brandes og Johannes V. Jensen har således markeret litteraturens udvikling fra oplysningstiden og langt ind i det 20. århundrede.Ikke mindst på grund af digtet Guldhornene, som Oehlenschläger skrev efter et mange timers langt og intenst samvær med profeten for den tyske romantik Henrik Steffens, og det stemningsfulde (og morsomme) læsedrama Sankt Hansaften-Spil har Digte opnået ikonisk status. Det var her, strømmen sluttedes, og den tyske universalromantik med pludselig kraft brød ind i den danske litteratur.I dag trækker Guldhornene alene næsten hele interessen om digtsamlingen. Og der er ingen ende på, hvor megen tysk romantisk filosofi, der findes i værket. Men har det sin rigtighed? Fornyedes den danske litteratur så pludseligt? Hvor meget hænger digtsamlingen som hele endnu fast i det sene 1700-tal? Hvor meget har Oehlenschläger og Steffens selv i deres senere selvbiografier pyntet på ‘gennembruddet’? Hvornår blev »Guldhornene« egentlig den kanontekst og det nationalikon i litteraturen, som har fyldt godt og grundigt i generationers gymnasiale dannelse? Og hvordan var det og blev det egentlig videre frem med Oehlenschläger og romantikken?Udgiveren af denne udgave, Johan de Mylius, har taget sigte på ikke kun at rense og viderebringe teksterne, men også i sin efterskrift at pudse brillerne og rense vores blik på både bogen og dens bestemt ikke uinteressante receptionshistorie. Et ikon i kritisk belysning.
Hvem var Emily Dickinson? Svaret er enkelt: en af verdens største digtere. Dickinson (1830-1886) voksede op i Amherst, Massachusetts blandt calvinistiske protestanter. Hun rejste sjældent uden for Amherst, men læste med glubende appetit bl.a. kvindeforfattere som Elisabeth Browning, George Eliott og Brontë-søstrene. Allerede som 12-årig viste hun sig som en markant brevskribent, som afslørede en vittig, overraskende og egensindig fantasi. Venskab var umådelig vigtigt for hende, og hendes kærlighed både til mænd og kvinder kommer til udtryk såvel i brevene som i digtene. Hun skrev lidenskabeligt om at være kvinde og digter, om kvinderelationer, om kriser, kærlighed, storhed, svigt – samt solnedgange, så det syder om ørerne på læseren. Kun ti digte fik hun trykt, mens hun levede, men hun blev en bestseller efter sin død. Allerede før sin død blev Emily Dickinson kaldt "Myten". I det stærkt religiøse Amherst nægtede hun hele sit liv at gå i kirke om søndagen. Hun isolerede sig og gik kun i hvide kjoler. En markant selviscenesættelse og anderledeshed udadtil, som sikrede hende arbejdsro indadtil – en vis beskyttelse mod datidens patriarkalske fordømmelse af den nye kvindelige selvbevidsthed – men samtidig skjulte en usikkerhed der måske gjorde, at hun aldrig nåede frem til den forlægger, der faktisk bad om at læse hendes digte, mens hun levede. Hun levede et tilsyneladende afsondret og begivenhedsløst liv – eller gjorde hun? Hendes nærmeste familie gjorde i hvert fald ikke. Det kom der verdenslitteratur ud af.Ved sin død efterlod Emily Dickinson 1775 digte. Bente Clod har udvalgt og oversat 142 digte, som også gengives på amerikansk – samt skrevet en omfattende indledning om den passionerede digter og udgivelsen af hendes digte efter hendes død.
"Renowned for its spirited heroine, sensational romances, and deft remarks on the triumphs and pitfalls of social convention, Pride and Prejudice has charmed generations of readers for more than two centuries with its timeless wit and wisdom. Rediscover this beloved classic in an elegant keepsake edition, honoring the Peter Pauper Press tradition of publishing beautiful books"--
Den moderne poesis enfant terrible, Arthur Rimbaud (1854-91), frembragte de fleste af sine mesterværker, før han blev tyve. ”Illuminationer” blev angiveligt skrevet mellem 1871-78 og blev første gang trykt i tidsskriftet La Vogue i 1886. Disse prosadigte, toogfyrre i alt, med deres overraskende metaforer som for eksempel »den gyldne solnedgangs tungsindige storvask«, bryder med den dengang herskende poetiks regler ved at lade det banale, vulgære og grusomme indgå en forbindelse med det sublime. ”Illuminationer” er et forsøg på at integrere verden som en total vision, det ultimative billede af alt, hvad der er til, eller som kan tænkes at være til, i en alkymistisk proces, hvor poeten også sætter sit eget jeg i spil. Lyrikeren Erik Knudsen har på imponerende vis gendigtet Rimbauds prosadigte ”Illuminationer”. Lars Bonnevie, Weekendavisen, skrev blandt andet følgende om oversættelsen: ”Man mærker tydeligt strømmen passere på en kongenial måde mellem Knudsen og Rimbaud (…) 'Illuminationer' er indgangsporten til den moderne poesi, herunder også til den modernisme, som den tidlige Erik Knudsen selv var inspireret af, og de farvelagte billeder står friske og prægnante i hans gendigtning, som om de var lavet i dag. Svimlende smukt og grænseløst foruroligende.”
"Catul er store armbevægelser og løse håndled", skriver forfatteren og oversætteren Harald Voetmann i sit forord til "Catul".Catul levede ca. 84-54 f.v.t. og er en af de tidligste romerske digtere, hvis værker er bevaret. Mest kendte af Catuls digte er en håndfuld til den elskede Lesbia, men blandt hans værker findes også mytologiske digte, trøstedigte, forbandelser og trusler, sladder, breve til venner og sexpartnere af begge køn, festsange, politiske smædevers, onkelvitser, kultisk digtning, utrolig meget sjofelhed og enkelte tekster, der stadig kan virke stødende på læseren. Nu findes hele Catuls sprælske værk for første gang på dansk i Harald Voetmanns lige så sprælske oversættelse.
Sulpicia er den eneste romerske kvindelige digter fra klassisk tid, der er bevaret hele digte af. Hendes digte er kærlighedselegier fra sidste tredjedel af 1. årh. f.v.t., kejser Augustus’ tid. Måske. Man kender kun til Sulpicias mulige eksistens igennem digtene, og de er bevaret i et appendiks til den mandlige digter Tibuls værk. Ifølge den gængse teori, var Sulpicia en ung kvinde fra en rig patricierslægt med nære forbindelser til kejseren og til alle den romerske guldalders berømte digtere. I SULPICIA – EN ROMERSK DIGTER oversætter Harald Voetmann de bevarede digte, der tilskrives Sulpicia, og forsøger i sine kommentarer at åbne veje for læsningen, bl.a. at se hendes digte som udtryk for forskellige tilgange til at give plads i kærlighedselegien til en særegen kvindelig stemme. Mange af vejene er blindgyder, for Sulpicias digte fører nemt læseren ud i et vildnis af gætværk og spekulationer. Men alt i alt giver digtene og læsningerne en tilgang til de måder, man kunne - og ikke kunne - være kvinde på i et mandsdomineret samfund som det romerske.
Otto Steen Dues oversættelse af Ovids Bitterligheder, der aldrig tidligere har foreligget på dansk. Illustreret af Peter Brandes.
Immerse yourself in the magical world of 'Books of Earthsea', a captivating masterpiece by the renowned author Ursula K. Le Guin. Published in 2018 by Simon + Schuster Inc., this book is a must-have for lovers of fantasy literature. Le Guin, known for her profound and imaginative storytelling, takes you on an unforgettable journey through the mystical archipelago of Earthsea. The book brilliantly intertwines elements of magic, power, and the human spirit, making it a riveting read from start to finish. Don't miss out on this enchanting publication from Simon + Schuster Inc., a leading publisher known for its diverse and high-quality titles. 'Books of Earthsea' is indeed a timeless piece of literature that transcends the boundaries of imagination and reality. It's more than just a book; it's an experience you wouldn't want to miss.
TAKE HOME THE ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S BOXED SET THAT INCLUDES DELUXE HARDCOVER EDITIONS OF DUNE, DUNE MESSIAH, AND CHILDREN OF DUNE—THE FIRST THREE NOVELS IN FRANK HERBERT'S BESTSELLING DUNE SAGA.This deluxe boxed set includes a gorgeous slipcase with original art and exquisitely designed hardcover editions of each novel, featuring:• Iconic new covers• Stained edges• Stamped and foiled cases featuring quotes from the Litany Against Fear• Fully illustrated endpapers• An illustrated poster on the interior of each jacketSet on the planet Arrakis, Frank Herbert's epic Dune saga tells the story of Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where the only thing of value is the “spice” melange, a drug capable of extending life and enhancing consciousness. When House Atreides is betrayed, the destruction will set Paul and his family on a journey towards a destiny beyond imagination, one that will bring to fruition humankind’s most ancient and unattainable dream....
The Flowers of Buffoonery opens in a seaside sanatorium where Yozo Oba-the narrator of No Longer Human at a younger age-is being kept after a failed suicide attempt. While he is convalescing, his friends and family visit him, and other patients and nurses drift in and out of his room. Against this dispiriting backdrop, everyone tries to maintain a light-hearted, even clownish atmosphere: playing cards, smoking cigarettes, vying for attention, cracking jokes and trying to make each other laugh.While No Longer Human delves into the darkest corners of human consciousness, The Flowers of Buffoonery pokes fun at these same emotions: the follies and hardships of youth, of love and of self-hatred and depression. A glimpse into the lives of a group of outsiders in pre-war Japan, The Flowers of Buffoonery is a darkly humorous and fresh addition to Osamu Dazai's masterful and intoxicating oeuvre.
Animal Farm is regarded in the literary field as one of the most famous satirical allegories of Soviet totalitarianism. Orwell based the book on events up to and during Joseph Stalins regime. Orwell, a democratic socialist, and a member of the Independent Labour Party for many years, was a critic of Stalin, and was suspicious of Moscow-directed Stalinism after his experiences in the Spanish Civil War.The plot is an allegory in which the pigs in a farm play the role of the Bolshevik revolutionaries and overthrow and oust the human owners of the farm, setting it up as a commune in which, at first, all animals are equal. The other characters have their parallels in the real world, but care should be taken with these comparisons as they do not always match history exactly and often simply represent generalised concepts.The novel was chosen by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present.ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell (19031950), was an English author and journalist. His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice, an intense opposition to totalitarianism, a passion for clarity in language, and a belief in democratic socialism.In addition to his literary career Orwell served as a police officer with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922-1927 and fought with the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War from 1936-1937. He was severely wounded when he was shot through his throat. Orwell and his wife were accused of Rabid Trotskyism and tried in absentia in Barcelona, along with other leaders of the POUM, in 1938. However by then they had escaped from Spain and returned to England. Between 1941 and 1943, Orwell worked on propaganda for the BBC. In 1943, he became literary editor of the Tribune, a weekly left-wing magazine. He was a prolific polemical journalist, article writer, literary critic, reviewer, poet and writer of fiction, and considered perhaps the twentieth centurys best chronicler of English culture. Orwell is best known for the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (published in 1949) and the satirical novella Animal Farm (1945)they have together sold more copies than any two books by any other twentieth-century author. His 1938 book Homage to Catalonia, an account of his experiences as a volunteer on the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War, together with numerous essays on politics, literature, language, and culture, are widely acclaimed. In 2008, The Times ranked him second on a list of The 50 greatest British writers since 1945.
When Emily Wilson's translation of The Odyssey appeared in 2017-revealing the ancient poem in a contemporary idiom that was "fresh, unpretentious and lean" (Madeline Miller, Washington Post)-critics lauded it as "a revelation" (Susan Chira, New York Times) and "a cultural landmark" (Charlotte Higgins, Guardian) that would forever change how Homer is read in English. Now Wilson has returned with an equally revelatory translation of Homer's other great epic-the most revered war poem of all time.The Iliad roars with the clamor of arms, the bellowing boasts of victors, the fury and grief of loss, and the anguished cries of dying men. It sings, too, of the sublime magnitude of the world-the fierce beauty of nature and the gods' grand schemes beyond the ken of mortals. In Wilson's hands, this thrilling, magical, and often horrifying tale now gallops at a pace befitting its legendary battle scenes, in crisp but resonant language that evokes the poem's deep pathos and reveals palpably real, even "complicated," characters-both human and divine.The culmination of a decade of intense engagement with antiquity's most surpassingly beautiful and emotionally complex poetry, Wilson's Iliad now gives us a complete Homer for our generation.
Dette er en ny, poetisk version af det femogtyvehundrede år gamle kinesiske skrift. Ursula K. Le Guin påbegyndte sin oversættelse i 1950’erne og færdiggjorde fyrre år senere sin udgave i sam-arbejde med oversætteren J. P. Seaton, professor i kinesisk og Asienstudier. Sammen har de skabt en oversættelse, der skiller sig ud fra tidligere versioner ved først og fremmest at insistere på værkets læselighed og litterære kvaliteter. Le Guins store kærlighed og livslange kendskab til teksten, og hendes klare og stærke billedsprog, løfter og udfolder Laozis poesi og skaber en ny kilde til værket. Her foreligger Le Guins oversættelse på dansk ved Karsten Sand Iversen.
Ray Bradbury's internationally acclaimed novel Fahrenheit 451 is a masterwork of twentieth-century literature set in a bleak, dystopian future. Now a major HBO series. Guy Montag is a fireman. In his world, where television rules and literature is on the brink of extinction, firemen start fires rather than put them out. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television "family." But then he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn't live in fear and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television. When Mildred attempts suicide and Clarisse suddenly disappears, Montag begins to question everything he has ever known. He starts hiding books in his home, and when his pilfering is discovered, the fireman has to run for his life.
On a cruiseship bound for Buenos Aires, a wealthy passenger challenges the world chess champion to a match. He accepts with a sneer. He will beat anyone, he says. But only if the stakes are high. Soon, the chess board is surrounded. At first, the challenger crumbles before the mind of the master. But then, a soft-spoken voice from the crowd begins to whisper nervous suggestions. Perfect moves, brilliant predictions. The speaker has not played a game for more than twenty years, he says. He is wholly unknown. But somehow, he is also entirely formidable...
Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the world's finest literature. Your favorite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colors of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.In Murder On The Links, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot is summoned to France after receiving a distressing letter with a urgent cry for help. Upon his arrival in Merlinville-sur-Mer, the investigator finds the man who penned the letter, the South American millionaire Monsieur Renauld, stabbed to death and his body flung into a freshly dug open grave on the golf course adjoining the property.Meanwhile the millionaire's wife is found bound and gagged in her room. Apparently, it seems that Renauld and his wife were victims of a failed break-in, resulting in Renauld's kidnapping and death.
'One of the greatest avant-garde Japanese writers of the twentieth century' - New YorkerBeautiful Star is a 1962 tale of family, love, nuclear war and UFOs, and was the novel Mishima considered to be his masterpiece. Translated into English for the first time, this atmospheric black comedy tells the story of the Osugi family, who come to the sudden realization that each of them hails from a different planet: Father from Mars, mother from Jupiter, son from Mercury and daughter from Venus. This extra-terrestrial knowledge brings them closer together, and convinces them that they have a mission: to find others of their kind, and save humanity from the imminent threat of the atomic bomb...
This luxurious 7-volume boxset contains the most famous military texts of Ancient China, bound in high-quality cloth and presented in a decorative slipcase. Written between 500 BCE and 700 CE, these texts have inspired generals for millennia, both in China and the wider world. Their understanding of warfare also has also shaped tactics beyond the military, shedding light on modern subjects such as leadership and corporate strategy. These clothbound volumes are beautifully presented, with elegant cover designs and gold-foil embossing. Brand-new translations are featured by Stefan Harvey and Rory Weaver among others, and each book is introduced by Dr Justin Winslett, an expert in classical Chinese history. Whether you wish to learn about Eastern philosophy, Chinese history or military strategy, this deluxe slipcased collection is essential reading and a wonderful edition to any bookshelf. Includes: The Art of War, Wuzi, Wei Liaozi, Taigong's Six Secret Teachings, The Methods of the Sima, Three Strategies of Huang Shigong, and Questions and Replies Between Emperor Taizong of Tang and General Li Jing. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Collector's Classics series are high-quality, clothbound box-sets of classic works of literature. With elegant embossed cover-designs and colored endpapers, these editions make wonderful gifts or collectibles to treasure forever.
Hafez er en gigant i verdenslitteraturhistorien. Siden han skrev sine digte i den iranske by Shiraz i det fjortende århundrede, er han blevet læst og genlæst. Det er forunderligt at mærke, hvordan en digterstemme kan ramme så overvældende klart på tværs af tiden. Den blev født i en anden tidsepoke og kulturkreds – så hvordan kan denne digterstemme nå os så rent? Det kan den, fordi Hafez er en af de allerstørste digtere. Er du ikke bekendt med Hafez, så venter der dig en stor læseoplevelse på disse sider.
With an Introduction and Notes by Merry M. Pawlowski, Professor and Chair, Department of English, California State University,Bakersfield.Virginia Woolf's singular technique in Mrs Dalloway heralds a break with the traditional novel form and reflects a genuine humanity and a concern with the experiences that both enrich and stultify existence.Society hostess, Clarissa Dalloway is giving a party. Her thoughts and sensations on that one day, and the interior monologues of others whose lives are interwoven with hers gradually reveal the characters of the central protagonists. Clarissa's life is touched by tragedy as the events in her day run parallel to those of Septimus Warren Smith, whose madness escalates as his life draws toward inevitable suicide.
Langdigtet Völuspá, med den nudanske titel Vølvens spådom, er et at Nordens ældste litterære værker. Det optræder oprindeligt i Den ældre Edda, og fortæller om verdens cirkulære skabelse, undergang og genskabelse.Forlaget Uro udgiver en hermed værket i ny gendigtning af den nutidige vølve Andrea Hejlskov, som desuden har forsynet hvert vers med en formidlende note, der udfolder versets betydning. Formidlingen er subjektiv og forankret i krop, viden og levet erfaring. Alle vers er illustreret af Johanne Helga Heiberg som med de sort-hvide tuschtegninger giver en nonverbal indføring i langdigtet. Vores ønske med denne bog er at tilbyde en samtidig relevant formidling af et hovedværk, som den fællesskandinaviske kultur hviler på.Völuspá - Vølvens spådom er anden bog i UrOrd-serien, en serie af kvindelige urstemmer fra verdens oprindelige kulturer. Første bog i serien er Dronning over verdens magter af Enheduana (Uro, 2020).
A thrilling crime classic, from the bestselling author of Tokyo ExpressTokyo, 1960. As the first rays of morning light hit the rails at Kamata Station, a man's body is found on the tracks. With only two leads - a distinctive accent and a single word, 'kameda' - senior inspector Imanishi Eitaro is called in to solve the puzzle. Setting aside his beloved bonsai and haikus, he must cross Japan in search of answers, from Osaka to Akita, accompanied by junior detective Yoshimura. At each new town, they encounter traces of the avant-garde Nouveau Group - young Tokyo artists who are bringing new ideas from the West. What to make of this modern collective? And how to stop another mysterious death occurring? Inspector Imanishi investigates...A fascinating glimpse into Japanese society at a time of great change, this is one of Seicho Matsumoto's best-loved novels - a riveting mystery from the master of Japanese crime.
'An ever-surprising and stylistically diverse anthology that will surely stand as the touchstone collection of Korean literature for decades to come' Literary ReviewThis eclectic, moving and wonderfully enjoyable collection is the essential introduction to Korean literature. Journeying through Korea's dramatic twentieth century, from the Japanese occupation and colonial era to the devastating war between North and South and the rapid, disorienting urbanization of later decades, The Penguin Book of Korean Short Stories captures a hundred years of Korea's vibrant short-story tradition.Here are peddlers and donkeys travelling across moonlit fields; artists drinking and debating in the tea-houses of 1920s Seoul; soldiers fighting for survival; exiles from the war who can never go home again; and lonely men and women searching for connection in the dizzying modern city. The collection features stories by some of Korea's greatest writers, including Pak Wanso, O Chonghui and Cho Chongnae, as well as many brilliant contemporary voices, such as P'yon Hyeyong, Han Yujoo and Kim Aeran. Curated by Bruce Fulton, this is a volume that will surprise, unsettle and delight.Edited by Bruce FultonWith an introduction by Kwon Youngmin
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