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  • af Marcel Granet
    358,95 kr.

    "Fêtes et Chansons Anciennes de la Chine" est un ouvrage de Marcel Granet, un sinologue et ethnologue français, publié en 1945. Cet ouvrage se distingue par son exploration des aspects culturels et sociaux de la Chine ancienne à travers l'étude des fêtes et des chansons.Marcel Granet examine les célébrations rituelles et les festivités traditionnelles chinoises, mettant en lumière leur rôle dans la structuration de la vie sociale et religieuse. Il explore comment ces cérémonies festives reflètent les valeurs, les normes et la cosmologie chinoises, offrant ainsi un aperçu précieux de la mentalité de la société chinoise ancienne.En se penchant également sur les chansons anciennes, Granet propose une analyse des paroles, de la musique et des contextes sociaux de ces compositions. Il explore comment la musique et la poésie étaient intégrées dans les rituels, les fêtes et la vie quotidienne, contribuant ainsi à la compréhension de l'expression culturelle et artistique de la Chine antique.L'¿uvre de Granet, "Fêtes et Chansons Anciennes de la Chine", est reconnue pour sa contribution significative à l'ethnologie chinoise et à la compréhension profonde de la vie culturelle dans la Chine ancienne.

  • af Léon Wieger S. J.
    358,95 kr.

    " Ce livre contient un nombre de pièces suffisant pour faire bien connaître le Folk-lore chinois moderne, c¿est-à-dire postérieur à la période k¿¿i-yuan 713-741 (empereur Huân-tsoung des T¿âng). J¿ai réserve le Folk-lore ancien et médiéval (9e siècle avant J.-C. au 7e siècle après J.-C.), pour un autre ouvrage, dans lequel j¿exposerai l¿évolution des idées chinoises.Le système contenu dans le Folk-lore moderne, est le résultat de l¿amalgame du Néo-bouddhisme d¿Amogha (719), avec le Néo-taoïsme de l¿empereur Tch¿nn-tsoung des Sóng (1013), le Néo-confucianisine de Tch¿u-hi (1200), et les superstitions des Ouïgours, Arabes, Tongouses, Mongols, Alains, et autres races, lesquelles conquirent la Chine pour un temps, ou dont les soldats mercenaires séjournèrent dans la capitale de la Chine, par milliers et par myriades, comme gardes de l¿empereur, du 8e au 14e siècle. Ajoutez ce que les marchands étrangers de toute nation, purent importer d¿idées, durant le même temps. La résultante finale du mélange de ces éléments hétérogènes, devenue stationnaire, forme la croyance populaire chinoise moderne."

  • af Marcel Granet
    298,95 kr.

    " Je voudrais présenter, en les groupant sous quelques larges rubriques, des faits qui pourront renseigner sur la féodalité chinoise. Ces faits, peut-être offrent-ils un double intérêt. Ils pourront intéresser et par leur nature et par leur origine. Par son étendue, sa durée, sa masse, la civilisation chinoise est l¿une des plus puissantes créations de l¿humanité : nulle autre n¿est plus riche d¿expérience humaine. Elle est cependant infiniment moins connue du public que les civilisations méditerranéennes. Il est très légitime de vouloir attirer sur elle l¿attention et il serait très utile d¿y réussir. Utile, d¿abord, pour les spécialistes qui s¿en occupent. Si leur travail était contrôlé par un public plus vaste, peut-être seraient-ils plus nombreux au travail et travailleraient-ils plus efficacement. Davantage attirés par les questions qui présentent un large intérêt humain, ils se complairaient moins aux petits problèmes qüon débat entre initiés et qüil ne paraît point nécessaire de discuter en termes accessibles à tout homme cultivé. Pourtant, tout homme cultivé prend aujourd¿hui conscience de l¿étroitesse du monde circonscrit par les humanités classiques. Pourquoi la Chine lui resterait-elle étrangère si rien d¿humain ne doit lui rester étranger ? L¿homme ne se connaîtra que s¿il connaît toutes les manières d¿être de l¿homme. Il faut pour cela qüen se dépaysant, il se retrouve. Il faut qüil s¿observe à travers tous les climats et aussi à travers tous les temps."

  • af Elias Hartley
    298,95 kr.

    Embark on an extraordinary odyssey of self-discovery in "The Edge of Tomorrow: A Journey of Self-Discovery." Follow the captivating narrative of Alex, a seeker navigating the cosmic realms, guided by an enigmatic cosmic force. Across a series of twelve chapters, each intricately woven with celestial threads, the story unfolds amidst astral symphonies, cosmic pioneers, and transformative thresholds. In "The Nexus of Beginnings," Alex steps into a realm where foundational energies shape new narratives, setting the stage for an exploration into uncharted territories. Journey alongside Alex as they encounter ethereal beings, the Cosmic Pioneers, embodying the spirit of cosmic exploration in a celestial symposium that echoes the courage required to venture into the unknown. The narrative deepens at the "Fountain of Intentions," a celestial wellspring where intentional energies and renewed purposes converge. Immerse yourself in this transformative journey, where the act of dipping hands into the celestial waters becomes a symbolic gesture of infusing the cosmic narrative with new intentions. "The Harmonic Convergence" becomes a celestial gathering, a harmonious union of intentions and cosmic forces, where Alex moves in tandem with the vibrational frequencies of the cosmic dance. Witness the interconnectedness within the cosmic tapestry as Alex aligns personal will with the universal flow in this mesmerizing symphony. Finally, at the "Threshold Beyond," Alex stands at the juncture where destiny's threads extend into the boundless expanse. The guide, a custodian of cosmic horizons, reveals infinite possibilities awaiting beyond this celestial portal, marking a poignant conclusion to a transformative journey. "The Edge of Tomorrow" is more than a tale-it is an exploration of self, a cosmic dance between personal will and the forces that shape destinies. Each chapter unfolds like a celestial tapestry, rich with threads of intention, renewal, and discovery. Join Alex in this captivating odyssey, and experience the magic of self-discovery in the cosmic realms beyond the edge of tomorrow.

  • af Elie Faure
    238,95 kr.

  • af Elie Faure
    238,95 kr.

    " Je passe, dans mon milieu, pour haïr le théâtre. À ce propos on dénonce même, chez moi, un stigmate religieux, une protestation obscure de l¿atavisme confessionnel contre le goût trop répandu d¿un spectacle dit immoral. Peut-être y a-t-il un peu de ça. En tout cas, si je m¿interroge, je ne consens à voir dans cet aspect de ma « haine » pour le théâtre qüun point de départ lointain. Toutes nos opinions ont une origine sentimentale que nous tenons en général de l¿éducation directe, ou d¿une réaction contre elle, et à qui nous nous arrêtons si nous n¿apprenons pas à penser. Au contraire, l¿entraînement à la méditation nous conduit, un jour ou l¿autre, ou bien à modifier radicalement notre sentiment primitif, ou bien ¿ et le cas, il me semble, est de beaucoup le plus fréquent ¿ à chercher et à trouver, par l¿analyse, sa justification. C¿est un moyen de maintenir intact l¿orgueil intime qui constitue notre squelette spirituel et définit notre personne. C¿est ainsi que j¿ai pu parvenir à une explication pour moi très acceptable ¿ de ma « haine » pour le théâtre. Je ne l¿aime pas, il est vrai, au point de ne jamais manquer une pièce nouvelle et d¿y revenir sept fois. Je l¿aime à la façon dont j¿aime, si vous le voulez bien, la peinture, façon particulière, qui ne comporte pas pour moi l¿obligation de visiter tous les salons, toutes les expositions, d¿être de tous les vernissages, et d¿y avaler de la poussière et des sottises tous les soirs de quatre à six. Cela peut signifier, doit signifier que je n¿aime pas la peinture. Cependant j¿aime Véronèse, Rembrandt, Goya, Cézanne, quelques autres. Et si je pousse le mépris pour la littérature jusqüà ne pas songer à m¿abonner à l¿une de ces bibliothèques qui vous servent, à votre tour, tous les romans parus dans la semaine, j¿aime Montaigne, Pascal, Baudelaire, Stendhal. Ainsi, après vous avoir avoué que j¿ai effectivement la « haine » du théâtre, je vous confesserai que j¿aime Racine, que j¿adore Molière et Shakespeare, et qüil me semble que les tragiques grecs ont réalisé, à leur heure, quelque chose de bien grand."

  • af Elie Faure
    298,95 kr.

    " Dans "Histoire de l'art. L'esprit des formes: L'art antique", Élie Faure entreprend une exploration profonde et passionnée de l'art antique, cherchant à dévoiler les motivations sous-jacentes, les idées et les émotions qui ont façonné les formes artistiques de l'Antiquité. À travers une prose riche et évocatrice, Faure guide le lecteur à travers les époques et les civilisations anciennes, mettant en lumière les ¿uvres marquantes de la Grèce et de Rome, tout en exposant les évolutions stylistiques et philosophiques qui ont caractérisé cette période.L'auteur s'attache à capturer l'essence même de l'art antique, explorant les thèmes récurrents, les techniques distinctives et les influences culturelles qui ont donné naissance à des chefs-d'¿uvre immortels. De l'architecture majestueuse aux sculptures éloquentes, Faure offre une vision holistique de l'art antique, contextualisant chaque ¿uvre dans son époque tout en exprimant son propre engagement passionné envers la beauté et l'émotion que ces créations évoquent."

  • af Ernest Renan
    238,95 kr.

    " Le premier devoir de l'homme sincère est de ne pas influer sur ses propres opinions, de laisser la réalité se refléter en lui comme en la chambre noire du photographe, et d'assister en spectateur aux batailles intérieures que se livrent les idées au fond de sa conscience. On ne doit pas intervenir dans ce travail spontané ; devant les modifications internes de notre rétine intellectuelle, nous devons rester passifs. Non que le résultat de l'évolution inconsciente nous soit indifférent et qu'il ne doive entraîner de graves conséquences ; mais nous n'avons pas le droit d'avoir un désir, quand la raison parle ; nous devons écouter, rien de plus ; prêts à nous laisser traîner pieds et poings liés où les meilleurs arguments nous entraînent. La production de la vérité est un phénomène objectif, étranger au moi, qui se passe en nous sans nous, une sorte de précipité chimique que nous devons nous contenter de regarder avec curiosité. De temps en temps, il est bon de s'arrêter, de se recueillir en quelque sorte, pour voir en quoi la façon dont on envisage le monde a pu se modifier, quelle marche, dans l'échelle de la probabilité à la certitude, ont pu suivre les propositions dont on a fait la base de sa vie."

  • af Megan Carnes
    223,95 kr.

    When young Gaelle defies Imperial Law by refusing to kill the horse that threw her father to his death, as well as the Law that decrees the horse's owner, Wilm, be beaten senseless, she and her aunt Jillian are destined to pay a heavy toll for Gaelle's disobedience. But in this medieval fantasy-the first in The Reaching Man Series-Gaelle ignites a rebellion of heretics who rise against the dark, militarized church after their discovery of a religion based in light.

  • Spar 23%
    af Lauren Groff
    206,95 kr.

    En ung kvindes kamp for at overleve i vildmarken. En tjenestepige flygter fra en puritansk nybyggerkoloni i 1600-tallets Nordamerika og ud i vildmarken på egen hånd. Hun har ikke andet med sig end sin forstand, nogle få ejendele og en religiøs gnist, der brænder i hende. Det, hun møder i vildmarkens ingenmandsland, overgår alle hendes forestillinger og vil bøje hendes tro på alt det, civilisationen har lært hende. Vildmark er en nervepirrende flugtfortælling af en stor stemme i amerikansk litteratur. Det er en storslået og eventyrlig fortælling om mødet med vældig natur og en roman om at finde nye måder at leve på i en verden underlagt kolonialistisk magt. Lauren Groff skriver krystalklart om en enkelt kvindes skæbne på et særligt punkt i historien, som trækker tråde til vores egen tid. „Lauren Groff har genopfundet eventyrromanen.“ – Los Angeles Times

  • af W. H. Hudson
    188,95 kr.

    "A Crystal Age" it is a novel written by William Henry Hudson, an Argentine-English author, ornithologist, and naturalist. The book was first published in 1887 and is considered one of the earliest examples of dystopian science fiction.The story is framed as a narrative within a narrative. It begins with the protagonist, an unnamed narrator, discovering an ancient manuscript while exploring a cave. The manuscript tells the story of a man who, after getting lost in a remote region of South America, stumbles upon a hidden utopian society.In this utopia, known as the Crystal Age, the inhabitants live in harmony with nature and each other. The society has achieved a state of perfect balance and enlightenment. The people are vegetarian, live without violence or conflict, and have advanced scientific and artistic achievements. The crystal of the title refers to the transparent material that constructs their buildings and symbolizes the clarity and purity of their way of life.As the protagonist explores this utopian world, he contrasts it with the civilization he came from, which is portrayed as corrupt and decadent. The novel raises questions about the nature of progress, the consequences of industrialization, and the possibility of creating a utopian society."A Crystal Age" is a thought-provoking work that explores social and environmental themes, making it a significant contribution to early science fiction literature.

  • af Judy Peters
    223,95 kr.

    Take four men, a green dog, an impossible espionage task, mix together and drop into an alternative World War I snowstorm. The narrator has to juggle three different identities and has to keep track of which of his alter egos speak which languages. They all ought to be killed at any moment, and any other moment, but they still occasionally find time to feast. There are bats everywhere in midwinter. They are following wild goose chase, but there are no geese. Is the narrator succumbing to PTSD? Is his best friend, his very very best friend, being drugged by the strange woman in Constantinople? What is the blood thirsty German General injecting himself with? Is anyone who they seem? A bit steampunk, with extra bats.

  • af Hugh Lupus
    193,95 kr.

    Help and revenge.They had always come at a price.But redemption?Redemption has a cost of its own.Donaldson's men have been asked to enter the heart of Stalin's Russia to rescue an imprisoned scientist and afterwards a grieving mother gives them a chance to gain what has long escaped them.....redemption.The stunning sequel to 'Mr. Donaldson's Company'

  • af Miguel A. Fenrich
    213,95 kr.

    Set in the expansive, ever changing North American continent 45 years from now, Wolfe lives in a society where blue-eyed people are regarded as lazy, vulgar, prone to violence, and weaker than the superior brown-eyed majority. In an effort to change his dire situation as a worker in the arid Californian hills, he is purchased and brought to the Bredenbury Plantation where a plan brews that could change the fate of millions. Miguel A. Fenrich has managed to encapsulate the horror of inhumanity in a single, brazen, unwavering novel. Be one of the first to read the soon to be controversial novel that will have you wondering what would you do if your humanity was tied to a single, immutable trait?

  • af Pat McDonald
    128,95 kr.

    Winston Henry always envied the night shift staff up at the old asylum, until there was a vacancy and he found himself working it. Then it was like he'd woken up to what Echo Heights was really like, and everything changed. He remembered the old saying, "be careful what you wish for," because it may come true. But it wasn't exactly what he thought it would be. Up till then, Winston had never been one for listening to gossip; he avoided people if he could. He thought the stories they told about the things they heard or saw were all made up for attention seeking, so he paid them no heed. That was until he changed to the night shift. About The Author:British crime author Pat McDonald lives in a rural part of the Midlands, United Kingdom. She previously worked as a researcher, project manager, and programme manager in the NHS, and in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. She is now a full-time novelist. This is her first published short story and her sixteenth book. She was inspired by her own experiences working in an old Victorian asylum.

  • af Michael Anthony Cariola
    293,95 kr.

    Leo Rising is tale of epic proportions that ties together two lives separated by 13,000 years of change, yet mysteriously bound by destiny and birthright. Kala, high priestess to Inanna the goddess of love and fertility, is a daughter of the Anakim, and descended from the Anunnaki, the gods themselves. As the grand cycle passes from the age of Virgo to the Age of Leo, what has been foretold and feared has now come to be. Kala must defend the ancient mother religion and her homeland at all costs, and prevent the bringers of a new violent religion from usurping her people's culture and freedom. The new religion of the fire-mountain god would bring war and destruction, along with slavery and misogyny in its wake. Thousands of years later, Cassie Bartoli an astronomer at Goldstone Observatory, uncovers a secret that if allowed to go public, would upset the balance of power, bringing about the end of the present religious and political system. Simultaneously, in southern Iraq, archaeologist Steve Vance unearths an ancient marvel as well as the fabled city of Ellu-Ezinu. He can now prove the Nephelim, the Sons of God written of in Genesis, were not merely a fabled race of giants. Steve also unearths powerful artifacts, but only Cassie is the key to their usage. Together, Cassie and Steve must reveal the unlikely truth to the world before their separate discoveries are forever suppressed from the planet by those who fear the loss of their power.

  • af Vijay Arora
    178,95 kr.

    In the mystical realm of Mastika, where magic and wonder abound, a captivating tale unfolds in "The magic dragon." Penned by the imaginative author, this enchanting story whisks readers away on a magical journey filled with courage, friendship, and the boundless power of one extraordinary dragon.

  • af Paul Valery
    298,95 kr.

  • af Brian Brown
    298,95 kr.

  • af Léopold Malepeyre
    358,95 kr.

  • af Anatole France
    238,95 kr.

  • af Alfred Schalck De La Faverie
    343,95 - 358,95 kr.

  • af Joan De La Haye
    103,95 kr.

    Experience the relentless horror of a post-apocalyptic world in "Oasis," a gripping and darkly satisfying zombie novella that delves into themes of resilience, horror, and the unyielding human will to survive. In the wake of devastating solar flares, the remaining population has been transformed into flesh-craving zombies due to solar radiation, leaving only a handful of survivors unscathed. A resilient family of civilians and a battle-hardened squad of soldiers are on a desperate mission to reach the safety of New Atlantis, a fortified UN base at the South Pole. With hordes of undead relentlessly pursuing them, their harrowing journey becomes a desperate race against time. Will they manage to reach the oasis of New Atlantis alive, or will they succumb to the ravenous undead and join their ranks? Praise for Oasis:"Oasis treads classic Romero-esque ground and has a suitably downbeat ending that I really enjoyed. I have to admit I do enjoy my zombie stories to be grimmer than grim and I'm glad to say this novella delivers on that score." - The Eloquent Page. "OASIS is sharp, brutal, spiced with humour, and a great addition to the ever-growing sub-genre of Zombie Apocalypse tales. It stands on its own and yet again showcases Joan's great talents with words and storytelling. If you're looking for a quick read that'll give you thrills, terror and zombies..." - Dave de Burgh

  • af Renee W. Peek
    370,95 kr.

    Sparrow Basque called on the scientists of Adelphi when a large meteoroid struck her world of Ilios. Dr. Seka Horvat together with her fellow academics were overly excited for the opportunity to examine the object. Maddy and Nadia accompanied them with the hope of a new adventure. Blithely making their way to examine the stones they were unaware of the dissonant harmonic the rock was communicating to the planet and unfortunately anyone or anything that came close. It nearly killed them all.The leaders from several worlds gathered to devise a plan to save the planet, the stones had to be quelled. Maddison and Nadia volunteered for the mission, but they were told they were too old, as the vibration was tolerated better in the young. Both women bemoaned their age based dismissal but agreed to coach the more youthful team. The five volunteers had no qualms about the dangers facing them. They unanimously committed themselves to the challenge, applying their energy and determination along with a bevy of tech. The question remained, would it be enough.

  • af Luis Berman
    208,95 kr.

    The story is set in a near future where reality and fantasy coexist. The consequences of poor decisions made by humanity, society, and individuals have taken a toll. Pre-Hispanic and European mythology converge in this tale. It follows the journey of a hero, a warrior, as they navigate the battle between Light and Darkness across di erent alternate worlds stacked on top of each other. It follows the journey of a hero, a warrior, as they navigate the battle between Light and Darkness across di erent alternate worlds stacked on top of each other. It follows the journey of a hero, a warrior, as they navigate the battle between Light and Darkness across di erent alternate worlds stacked on top of each other. Decisions hold the key to freedom. The text aims to question political and religious discourses and encourage re ection through everyday phrases and elements. In the year 2077, Mexico City is in ruins and globalized popular culture is intertwined with characters from other worlds and dimensions. Gargoyles and angels, demons and shaman-nahuales ght to the death. In the Plaza de Toros Mexico, Mexican prison inmates engage in ghts reminiscent of the Roman coliseum. The ghts involve chases, shootouts, and explosions between rusty Ford Raptors and rebuilt Harley Davidsons in the middle of Insurgentes and Reforma avenues, which have been devastated by social movements, earthquakes, and pandemics. A war helicopter destroys the Angel de la Independencia with a missile. The scene is full of action, blows, and explosions. Our characters listen to Enrique Bunbury and Leonard Cohen through a holographic player while getting drunk. They also enjoy the music of Mick Jagger, Axl Rose, Steven Tyler, and Vince Neil, as well as the chords of Keith Richards, Slash, Joe Perry, and Mick Mars.These elements re ect various forms of human behavior. This gives us a clear picture:Politically speaking, the world is fading away. Mexico has been devastated by social movements and health crises. The population has been reduced by half. Mexico City is in ruins, and there is no law. It is a no man's land.Ollin, our main character, leads a monotonous life playing guitar in a local bar called 'El Mezcalero' with his three friends: Hamp, the British bass player, Denis, the French drummer, and Aragón, the Spanish vocalist. Their band, 'Calmecac,' is visited one day by a character who will change Ollin's perspective on things. Juan Huitze, a shaman, will serve as the protagonist's mentor, introducing him to a mystical and spiritual world.The story will feature physical and spiritual confrontations between gargoyles, angels, and other mythological beings in our reality. Ollín will search for the tomb of Fray Juan de Zumárraga. He will meet Tezcatlipoca in the ruins of the Templo Mayor under the Cathedral of Mexico City, as well as Quetzalcóatl in Teotihuacán. Then, he will visit the tomb of Pacal in Palenque and nally arrive at Chichen Itzá. There, he will descend to the Underworld or Xibalbá with the twins Junajpú and Xbalanqué.The court of Baoth and his cursed angels are preparing for the arrival of a hybrid being, half angel and half human. This being aims to take over the energy and consciousness of humanity, submerging them in darkness for all eternity.Ollin's task is to help humanity transcend to a multidimensional level, where the Mayan phrase 'In Lak'Ech Hala Ken' takes on its full meaning: 'I am you, you are me.' During a galactic alignment, it is the appropriate time for the sacri ce to take place. The cycle must come to a close as time is ending. This cycle represents The Path to the Omega Point, where everything and everyone will become one with the universal consciousness.

  • af Simon Zander
    206,95 kr.

    Med blåkraften følger overmenneskelige evner, pligten til at forsvare den sidste by i verden og et liv i luksus. Men det er også en dødsdom. Fra du får den, er der præcis ét år til, at du skal dø.Men nu er truslen mod Azrone elimineret. Der er ikke længere brug for blåkræfterne, og beskytteren London forventer, at byen bliver helt anderledes. Lige indtil han får en uventet invitation til Blå Zone, der fører et stort ansvar med sig.Den 14-årige gadepige, Ames, er ekspert i at overleve, men da hun får blåkraften og den tilhørende dødsdom, synes det pludseligt umuligt. Imens en ny trussel hænger over Azrone, går Ames fra kun at skulle beskytte sig selv og sin lillebror til at være en af byens helte; en opgave, hun aldrig har ønsket sig.

  • af Jack London
    118,95 kr.

    The year is 2073, sixty years after a devastating global pandemic known as the Scarlet Plague has wiped out most of earth's population. James Smith is one of the few survivors, living in the ruins of what was once San Francisco. He tells his grandsons of what life was like before the plague, when advanced technology and complex societies flourished.But civilization was unable to defend itself against the rapid spread of the airborne Scarlet Plague. Within days, millions were dead. Those spared eventually resorted to primitive, survivalist behavior as global infrastructure collapsed.Sixty years later, Smith and his family struggle for subsistence, haunted by fading memories of the once great world they lost. And now, the signs of a second outbreak are looming. The Scarlet Plague, Jack London's 1912 post-pandemic vision, dramatizes both the fragility and the tenacity of human society in the face of biological devastation-perhaps a warning of what could actually come to pass.Newly designed and typeset, printed on archival-quality, acid-free paper

  • af Jack London
    173,95 kr.

    It is the early 20th century and the mysterious oligarchy known as "The Iron Heel" has risen to power in the United States, establishing a brutal authoritarian regime. Fearless activist Avis Everhard attempts to alert an incredulous public to the creeping danger of the emerging plutocracy and its plans for complete subjugation of the working classes.As Everhard and her fellow socialist revolutionary Ernest rise to prominence, a violent political struggle erupts, with the Iron Heel ruthlessly determined to protect its grip on power at any cost. Everhard risks her life to document the truth as militant unions and guerilla forces take up arms against the brutal capitalist dictatorship.But defeating the technology-enabled Iron Heel proves a far greater challenge than anticipated. Despite bloody repression and fabricated propaganda, the grinding wheels of dictatorship tighten inexorably as the regime's figurehead "Oligarchs" are revealed as puppets of a shadowy elite.Jack London's 1908 novel blends politics, technological speculation, action, and romance while offering his chilling vision of a dystopian American future under the boot of a fascistic one-percent-a seminal work of political speculative fiction that foreshadows many of the issues we face in our modern age.Newly designed and typeset, printed on archival-quality, acid-free paper

  • af Josephin Peladan
    238,95 kr.

  • af Jean Topass
    298,95 kr.

    "La Pologne a-t-elle son art ? L¿eut-elle dans les siècles passés ?La première partie du problème ne laisse pas de place au doute, ni ne donne lieu à la contradiction : des centaines d¿artistes polonais se chargent de manifester la chose par le nombre et la valeur de leurs ¿uvres à la marque personnelle et spécifique, à l¿accent bien original et au goût de terroir. On en voit partout, dans tous les Palais des Expositions, dans tous les Salons de peinture. Il en est, signées de noms à la sonorité mondiale, dans les musées de France, d¿Espagne, d¿Italie, d¿Allemagne.La deuxième question paraît plus complexe et d¿une solution plus malaisée, d¿une évidence moins frappante. Cependant, là encore ¿ sous quelques réserves d¿un ordre général et quelques-unes pour le cas particulier qui nous occupe ¿ la réponse sera catégoriquement affirmative.Oui, la Pologne a eu son art de tout temps, malgré de nombreuses immixtions, admixtions, et malgré les mélanges qui venaient du dehors ajouter à sa propre saveur. Fort souvent, l¿étranger y greffait son génie sur le génie autochtone et tantôt rénovait ou raçait la production nationale, tantôt l¿altérait fâcheusement."

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