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  • af Lee Strauss
    178,95 kr.

    When that cute chick you met online is murdered - but shows up for your next internet meeting anyway.Marlow's just a regular geeky college freshman with little to no experience with girls, so when he has a semi-flirtatious chat with a cute girl online, it's almost more than his nerves can handle.Then the girl is murdered.Or is she?Marlow finds himself teamed up with intelligent and savvy Sage Farrell, a girl so far out of his league he feels blinded in her presence - literally - damned glasses! Together they work to find the identity of @gingerbreadman. Can they stop the killer before he strikes in more worlds than one?***What readers are saying:"My brain cannot contain my excitement right now!! The description for this book is spot on. I truly felt like this was an episode of Fringe..." Keyreads - Goodreads reviewer"It really had me hooked all the way through. 5 Suspenseful Stars!"Mandy Anderson, Goodreads reviewer"Lee Strauss is the master of the mystery genre." Brian Robinette"...kept me turning pages into the night.""I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading it.""It was awesome!! Loved it!""This is an amazing book! A 5-star must read! ""Many authors are predictable, not Ms. Strauss."***For fans of Iris Johansen, Pauline Hawkins, Ruth Ware, Freida McFadden, psychological thrillers, mystery suspense and romantic suspense

  • af Nkiru Azubuike
    223,95 kr.

    Printre r¿m¿¿i¿ele dezolante ale unei lumi bolnave, cu p¿mântul marcat de biciul necru¿¿tor al opresiunii ¿i r¿sunând de strig¿tele jalnice ale dezn¿dejdii, o for¿¿ puternic¿ ¿i indomit¿ se treze¿te, ghidat¿ de mâinile sigure ale lui Amiri ¿i Serafina. Povestea care se desf¿¿oar¿ în fäa noastr¿ este ¿esut¿ în complexitatea labirintic¿ a unui t¿râm distopic în care simpla supravie¿uire necesit¿ o plimbare complicat¿ pe funambulescul pr¿pastiei existen¿ei. Pe fundalul dezintegr¿rii, rezisten¿a lor apare ca un strig¿t r¿sun¿tor, o melodie irezistibil¿ care îi invit¿ ¿i pe al¿ii s¿ se al¿ture simfoniei rebeliunii. În fiecare linie a acestei melodii, inimile celor oprimäi ¿i frân¿i g¿sesc alinare, c¿ci ea ¿ese o caden¿¿ de unitate ¿i speran¿¿ care le p¿trunde întreaga fiin¿¿.În mijlocul furtunii care face ravagii în lumea lor, ei descoper¿ semin¿ele unit¿¿ii care au fost sem¿nate în solul sacru al min¿ilor lor, hr¿nite de torentele de lacrimi v¿rsate de cei oprimäi. Aceste semin¿e înfloresc într-o tapiserie de solidaritate care constituie fundamentul mi¿c¿rii lor. Uni¿i de firele neclintite ale empatiei, puterea lor combinat¿ se transform¿ într-o for¿¿ de ne¿ters care reînvie peisajul lor distopic cu o fervoare care refuz¿ s¿ fie negat¿. Dar Resurgence este mai mult decât o m¿rturie a spiritului uman indomptabil. Este o cronic¿ ce dezv¿luie renäterea sufletelor, un proces alchimic de transformare care se manifest¿ atunci când rezilien¿a danseaz¿ mân¿ în mân¿ cu compasiunea. Se îmbarc¿ într-o c¿l¿torie profund¿, îndr¿znind s¿ viseze la o nou¿ zare care str¿bate norii grei ai opresiunii, unde scânteile drept¿¿ii se transform¿ într-un foc de neoprit al schimb¿rii, aruncându-¿i str¿lucirea luminoas¿ pe calea revolu¿iei perpetue.

  • af Niklas Quast
    693,95 kr.

    Von Australien über die Antarktis bis auf die Sonneninsel Tokelau - in insgesamt drei Teilen wird die Vor- und Nachgeschichte der Gruppe beleuchtet. Zwischen Blut, Schweiß und Tränen lernen die Jugendlichen einander kennen - und stoßen an die Grenzen ihrer psychischen und physischen Kräfte.

  • af Jean Topass
    298,95 kr.

  • af Leon Tolstoi
    298,95 kr.

    "On m¿a conduit aujourd¿hui à l¿administration départementale pour m¿examiner. Les avis sont partagés. Après avoir discuté, ils ont décidé que je ne suis pas fou. Mais s¿ils ont pris une telle décision, c¿est parce que j¿ai fait appel à toutes mes forces pour ne pas exprimer mon opinion. Je n¿ai rien dit parce que j¿ai peur de la maison d¿aliénés, j¿ai peur qüon ne m¿empêche là-bas de faire mes affaires de fou. Ils ont reconnu que j¿ai des lésions et d¿autres choses encore, mais quand même la possession de mes facultés intellectuelles. Ils m¿ont reconnu tel, mais je sais que je suis fou. Le médecin m¿a prescrit un traitement en m¿assurant que si je m¿y conforme exactement, ma maladie disparaîtra. Tout ce qui m¿inquiète disparaîtra. Oh ! que ne donnerais-je pas pour que cela disparaisse. On en souffre trop. Je vais raconter en détail comment et d¿où vient cette constatation, comment je suis devenu fou et comment j¿ai dévoilé ma folie..."

  • af Nkiru Azubuike
    223,95 kr.

    Entre los desolados restos de un mundo enfermo, con el suelo marcado por el implacable azote de la opresión y resonando con los lúgubres gritos del abatimiento, despierta una fuerza potente e indomable, guiada por las firmes manos de Amiri y Serafina. La historia que se desarrolla ante nosotros se teje en los laberínticos entresijos de un reino distópico donde la mera supervivencia exige un intrincado paseo por la cuerda floja en el precipicio de la existencia. En un contexto de desintegración, su resistencia emerge como un sonoro toque de clarín, una melodía irresistible que invita a otros a unirse a la sinfonía de la rebelión. En cada línea de esta melodía, los corazones de los oprimidos y rotos encuentran consuelo, pues teje una cadencia de unidad y esperanza que impregna todo su ser.En medio de la tormenta que azota su mundo, descubren las semillas de la unidad que se han sembrado en el suelo sagrado de sus mentes, alimentadas por los torrentes de lágrimas derramadas por los oprimidos. Estas semillas florecen en un tapiz de solidaridad que constituye la base de su movimiento. Unidos por los inquebrantables hilos de la empatía, su fuerza combinada se transforma en una fuerza indeleble que revive su paisaje distópico con un fervor que se niega a ser negado. Pero Resurgence es más que un testimonio del indomable espíritu humano. Es una crónica que revela el renacimiento de las almas, un proceso alquímico de transformación que se manifiesta cuando la resiliencia baila de la mano de la compasión. Emprende un profundo viaje, atreviéndose a soñar con un nuevo amanecer que se abre paso a través de las pesadas nubes de la opresión, donde las chispas de la justicia se convierten en un fuego imparable de cambio, arrojando su luminoso resplandor en el camino de la revolución perpetua.

  • af Nkiru Azubuike
    308,95 kr.

    Em meio aos restos desolados de um mundo doente, com o solo marcado pelo chicote implacável da opressão e ecoando com os gritos tristes do desânimo, uma força potente e indomável desperta, guiada pelas mãos firmes de Amiri e Serafina. A história que se desenrola diante de nós é tecida dentro das complexidades labirínticas de um reino distópico onde a mera sobrevivência exige uma intrincada caminhada na corda bamba no precipício da existência. Em um cenário de desintegração, sua resiliência emerge como um retumbante toque de clarim, uma melodia irresistível que convida outros a se juntarem à sinfonia da rebelião. Em cada linha dessa melodia, os corações dos oprimidos e destroçados encontram consolo, pois ela tece uma cadência de unidade e esperança que permeia todo o seu ser.Em meio à tempestade que assola seu mundo, eles descobrem as sementes da unidade que foram semeadas no solo sagrado de suas mentes, nutridas pelas torrentes de lágrimas derramadas pelos oprimidos. Essas sementes florescem em uma tapeçaria de solidariedade que forma o alicerce de seu movimento. Unidos pelos fios inabaláveis da empatia, sua força combinada se transforma em uma força indelével que revive sua paisagem distópica com um fervor que se recusa a ser negado. Mas Ressurgir é mais do que um testemunho do indomável espírito humano. É uma crônica que revela o renascimento das almas, um processo alquímico de transformação que se manifesta quando a resiliência dança de mãos dadas com a compaixão. Ele embarca em uma jornada profunda, ousando sonhar com um novo amanhecer que atravessa as nuvens pesadas da opressão, onde as faíscas da justiça se transformam em um incêndio imparável de mudança, lançando seu brilho luminoso no caminho da revolução perpétua.

  • af Nkiru Azubuike
    223,95 kr.

    Amidst the desolate remnants of an ailing world, its soil scarred by the relentless lash of oppression and echoing with the mournful cries of despondency, a potent and indomitable force awakens, guided by the steady hands of Amiri and Seraphina. The story that unfolds before us is woven within the labyrinthine complexities of a dystopian realm where mere survival requires an intricate tightrope walk on the precipice of existence. Against a backdrop of disintegration, their resilience emerges as a resounding clarion call, an irresistible melody beckoning others to join in the symphony of rebellion. In every line of this melody, the hearts of the oppressed and shattered find solace as it weaves together a cadence of unity and hope that permeates their very being.In the midst of the storm that rages in their world, they uncover the seeds of unity that have been sown in the sacred soil of their minds, nourished by the torrents of tears shed by the oppressed. These seeds blossom into a tapestry of solidarity that forms the bedrock of their movement. Bound together by the unyielding threads of empathy, their combined strength transforms into an indelible force that revives their dystopian landscape with a fervor that refuses to be denied. But Resurgence is more than a testament to the indomitable human spirit. It is a chronicle that reveals the rebirth of souls, an alchemical process of transformation that manifests when resilience dances hand in hand with compassion. It embarks on a profound journey, daring to dream of a new dawn that pierces the heavy clouds of oppression, where the sparks of justice blaze into an unstoppable wildfire of change, casting its luminous glow on the path of perpetual revolution.

  • af Atsushi Ohkubo
    153,95 kr.

    Dive feet-first into the world of devil-fighting firefighters with this FINAL omnibus edition of the hit manga from the creator of Soul Eater! Blaze past the anime, hundreds of large-sized pages at a time. Includes Vol. 33-34 of the Fire Force manga. LAST VOLUME! In the year 198 of the Age of the Sun, Tokyo is a crowded cosmopolis. But the world's most populous city is threatened by devils that cause people to burst into flame at random! The only ones who can stop it are the Fire Force, a team of specialized firefighters. The young Shinra, blessed with the ability to ignite his feet and travel at the speed of a rocket, wants nothing more than to be a hero, and knows that this is the place for him! But he's not the best at following orders...

  • af Alphonse Kaar
    298,95 kr.

    " Nous avons eu, dans ma petite vallée abailée, jusqüà près de huit degrés de froid dans les derniers jours de décembre bouillonner le vent a sauté au sud- ouest et tout dégelé dans une seule nuit. Au printemps de 1850, je convins Mr Alphonse Lemichez , qui a ce beau jardin d'hiver, rue des Trois Couronnes à Paris, le premier qui ai été créé, que lui à Paris, et moi à Sainte adresse , nous planterions en pleine terre quelques camellias."

  • af Ferdinand Jamin
    298,95 kr.

    " Donc nous voulons signaler de bons fruits à cultiver; mais, avant tout, il faut bien s¿ entendre. Nous n¿avons pas l¿intention d¿indiquer tous les bons fruits, ni même tous les meilleurs, non ; nous tenons seulement a en citer un certain nombre qui sont d¿ un bon goût, de culture relativement facile, d¿un bon produit ,d¿un volume convenable, auxquels on peut se fier en toute assurance, sans crainte de déceptions ni de remords, compagnons solides que nous avons éprouvés, peu nombreux mais sûrs, et dont le commerce est agréable."

  • af Vijay Kumar
    223,95 kr.

    A police jeep arrives, and Pratap ACP gets out and walks to the mutilated and decomposed dead body. Only a few bones of the skeletal structure are intact. The unusual occurrences and the intriguing circumstances of the serial murders provoke him to accept the challenge.Dr. Anand explains to Shekhar of the media the souls communicate.The paper has numbered words.1. Dreams.2. Repetitive dreams/Words.3. Animals/Objects.4. Meditation/Visions.A Sadhu clarifies Shekhar's doubts and asks him to fulfill the soul's ambition.Your dreams, memories, physical touch, and objects are linked with the people, with whom you have a relation... directly or indirectly affect you... Runanubandha Vimukthi.

  • af Claudio Jannet
    298,95 kr.

    "Depuis un siècle et demi, l¿histoire pré sente le spectacle d¿ un mouvement continu, qui emporte, tantôt dans des secousses violentes, tantôt par une action plus lente, les gouvernements nationaux, les institu tions sociales des peuples et les croyances religieuses elles¿ mêmes. Ce travail de destruction s¿ accomplit au nom des trois mots de Liberté, d¿Egalité, de Fraternité le Christianisme ; mais ils exercent sur les hommes de notre temps un empire inconnu auparavant et ils prennent un sens tout particulier dans la bouche des novateurs."

  • af Stanislas de Guaita
    478,95 kr.

    " Le Serpent de la Genèse comprend trois livres. Un vingt deuxième chapitre forme Épilogue et chacune de ces subdivisions correspond, autant que le sujet général s'y prête, à l¿un des vingt-deux arcanes du Tarot des Bohémiens. il ne faut pas chercher dans les vingt¿deux subdivisions du Serpent de la Genese clefs duTarot. Notre ouvrage, traitant d¿un objet relativement restreint, ne saurait se prêter à de pareils développements (d¿ordre synthétique, mathétique, nécessairement universel). "

  • af Jennifer Worrell
    128,95 kr.

    Val Haverford's sci-fi and Western novels made him a household name. But that was a decade ago. Creative stagnation led Val to withdraw into his idyllic cabin at the edge of Chicago's lakefront, as far from the press and prying fans as possible. When a number of people disappear after violent attacks, Val is pulled into a plot darker than any he could pen. As he digs into a dystopian conspiracy with disturbing similarities to incidents in his youth, he's warned to watch his step-by a captivated reporter, his fast-rising competition, even his agent-before he becomes a target himself. But Val's fading health won't let him quit. He has one chance to revive his career and reconcile the past before he-and everyone he loves-is silenced for good.

  • af Ty'ron W C Robinson
    168,95 kr.

    The Man who Haunts The EvilFrom such horrors like Dracula, The Invisible Man, Phantom of the Opera, even Zombies in Feudal Japan, and UFOs during the American Civil War, one man was there for them all. This collection features ten stories throughout points in history where he was present. From his youth and middle-age, these accounts were his duty and his purpose.His name is Gabriel Kane. A Monster Hunter. A Remnant of the Symbolum Venatores.As a bonus, this book includes Hod: A Symbolum Venatores Story.

  • af George Orwell
    343,95 - 383,95 kr.

  • af Jason O'Neil
    208,95 kr.

    In this novel a couple in Annapolis, Maryland creates a new device to accurately predict heart attacks and provide seasoned medical advice in real-time. They create Novacardio after determining which companies can best help them. They enlist the aid of Dr. James Cox, the famous cardiologist from the Georgetown University Hospital who invented unique ways to keep cardiac patients alive. Dr. Cox is a consultant for the 3M Company which provides an attachment strip which adheres a sensor patch to a smart phone, a NOVAFONE.The new patch is a small fiber pad which contains thousands of microscopic bullhorn-shaped sensors which serve as an advanced electrocardiogram reading the actions of a human heart. To manufacture the patch, the couple selects the Kimberly-Clark Company in Fox Crossing, Wisconsin.The smart phone supplier is Apple Computer. The patch with a two-sided strip is mounted on the back of an iPhone which uses a new ALERNA voice command to access IBM's Watson supercomputer which sends a diagnosis in seconds.A NOVAFONE saves the lives of both the U.S. President and the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. It becomes a seminal moment in history, as the Chinese leader realizes that his country can't attack Taiwan and depends upon American technology for its future while they create a peaceful world.

  • af John Stone
    385,95 kr.

    Fuller Sight is a metaphysical novel. Much of the book takes place outside of time as we know it. Danny Anderson is an 18-year-old young man who has decided that he needs to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the girl he loves from throwing away her dreams of becoming a doctor. He kills himself by running his father's car into a bridge's concrete abutment.Upon his death he meets his mother, Nora Anderson, who died nine years earlier. She is his guide for the remainder of the book, helping him review and better understand himself and those around him.As he reviews his life, we gain a better understanding of his father, brother, and the Nigerian American family across the street who became a second family after his mother died in an automobile accident. We especially become acquainted with that family's daughter and Danny's best friend, Sadé Okoro. Their friendship becomes mildly romantic to the point of Sadé expressing her dream of going to college together which Danny believes is financially out of reach.In any case, her university plans with Danny are abruptly shunted when she witnesses a drunken Mitchell Anderson violently slap Danny on the 9th anniversary of Nora's death. Sadé takes Danny to be tended to by her mother, Ezzine Okoro. Danny experiences complete memory loss due to his father's blow.That night, Mitchell dies in his sleep due to an accidental overdose accompanied by liquor. The next day Mitchell is discovered dead in his bed and the death is deemed suspicious. Circumstantial evidence along with a violent scene the day before makes Danny a person of interest.Sadé is convinced of Danny's innocence but Danny has less trust in himself than she has in him. She determines to tell the police she was the one responsible, reasoning that if the detectives have more than one suspect then their theory of the case would be so weakened that they wouldn't be able to charge Danny.All throughout this story, Nora and Danny see all of this as well as the fuller view. They come to understand the karmic life lessons and how the greater community, both living and dead, are all on a path to grow, learn, and love each other. No one is excluded in the greater community, not even those who think and do their worst.This same process continues as Nora guides Danny through previous lives as the son of South Carolina plantation owners in 1775; as a blind beggar and former commander of the royal guard in the Gorkha Kingdom (near Tibet and India) in 1680; as a monk and former heir to an English nobleman in 1349; as a widow and spy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1780; as an observer of Danny's grandmother when she was a suffragette in Washington DC in 1917; and finally back observing his father's actions in 1971.

  • af Xavier Max
    158,95 kr.

    Weird, whacky and wonderfully understated. A dark and sometimes humorous look at the apocalypse from several points of view.

  • af Evelyn Skye
    143,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy Flagg
    253,95 - 348,95 kr.

  • af Flagg Jeremy Flagg
    253,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy Flagg
    253,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Shultz Abrahms K.
    183,95 kr.

    Do you remember striving?All that effort.Trying so desperately to cajole or to bully yourself and the world into fitting, even approximately, one within the other.No more. Still haunted by the dreams you thought you knew you were pursuing?Welcome to the meantime.So what now?

  • af A. G. Kimbrough
    158,95 kr.

    Summer flings between a pair of entitled New York debutantes and a pair of unlikely best friends, a wealthy geek, and a working class ranch hand, become real when their world crashes in a global pandemic that eventually kills over 70 percent of North America;s population. This apocalyptic novel may be considered soft porn by some, since it depicts premarital sex, free love, and nude bonding ceremonies with multiple couples. This story could be torn from tomorrows headlines.

  • af Philip Austin
    158,95 kr.

    June 1910. Charles Richard Crowningshield, a wealthy industrialist from Chicago, is sending his family east, to escape the summer heat. They arrive by private train, to the village of Woods Hole, a small fishing village on the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He's just purchased a new home there, high atop Juniper Point, a windswept promentary with views to sea and the Elizabeth islands beyond. But the house, built in 1880, a large Victorian mansion in the Queen Anne stylee, is a beautiful fixer-upper, lacking even the most basic of amenities, like indoor plumbing. Arthur Rouse, an illiterate Scottish foundryman with an almost preternatural relationship with machinary, has also been sent by his employer to set the situation to rights.

  • af Amano Jaku
    132,95 kr.

    Hovering between life and death after shielding Eito from the army's bullets, Riko awakes in the same facility that Eito fought to escape. Colonel Tsujiura then reveals that Riko owes her life to an A-DO named Ewan and his miraculous healing powers. Back in the outside world, an extortionist cult learns of Ewan's existence and hatches a scheme to kidnap him. With danger now pressing on every side, Eito and Ewan must decide who holds the strings to their fates.

  • af Franz Kafka
    253,95 - 548,95 kr.

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