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  • af Dave Asthouart
    128,95 kr.

  • af Steven Asovsky
    178,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Elina Haas
    283,95 kr.

    Glaubst du, dass deine schlimmsten Albträume wahr werden könnten? Auch, wenn du in einer nahen dystopischen Zukunft geboren wurdest? Dann muss ich dich enttäuschen und gleichzeitig auch beruhigen. Deine Albträume werden niemals Realität werden können. Es wird dir viel Schlimmeres widerfahren; in deinen Träumen!Ein Wesen, welches mit den Schatten wandelt, hat sich tief in dein Bewusstsein eingenistet und steuert deine Träume. Tief in dir versteckt, injiziert es dir seine eigenen Albträume, die aus einer anderen Welt zu stammen scheinen. Träume, die deine eigenen Albträume wie ein Kindermärchen wirken lassen.Du denkst, so ein Wesen kann nicht existieren; und falls doch, dass du dich vor ihm verstecken kannst?Du irrst dich!Die Lichtmahr:e wird dich finden; und ihre Träume werden dich vernichten.

  • af Maja Lunde
    218,95 - 223,95 kr.

    Fjerde og sidste bind i serien, der blev en international sensation. Norske Maja Lunde afslutter sit storværk om klimakrise, udnyttelse, naturbeskyttelse og kærlighed.”Imponerende klima-finale! Romanen er gennemarbejdet og velskrevet. Det er en arbejdsmæssig og litterær bedrift at fuldføre kvartetten med sådan en finale.” – VG”Lunde leverer en perfekt blanding af gribende menneskeportrætter, historie, videnskab og spekulative elementer.” – Publisher’s WeeklyTommy vokser op i 2110 i det brutale landskab på Svalbard med sin bedstemor og to brødre, som han vil gøre alt for. Deres lille samfund har afbrudt kontakten med andre lande for mange år siden og lever i harmoni med naturen. Da katastrofen rammer, er Tommy, hans brødre og hans bedstemor blandt de få overlevende – en håndfuld ensomme mennesker i besiddelse af en skat, som verden troede var forsvundet for altid.I mellemtiden lever Tao langt borte med minderne om sin søn Wei-Wen, som hun mistede for tolv år siden. Hun sulter ligesom resten af befolkningen i et barskt og forarmet miljø, hvor mange arter er forsvundet. Men alt ændrer sig den dag, Tao bliver bedt om at lede en ekspedition mod nord, mod Svalbard.Med Drømmen om et træ afslutter Maja Lunde at af de største romanværker i nyere skandinavisk litteratur. Hun skriver om forældre og børn, om bånd mellem mennesker og kærligheden til naturen. Fortid, nutid og fremtiden flettes elegant sammen, og fortællingerne stiller store spørgsmål: Bør mennesket være herre over naturen? Er vi selv ved at blive en truet art?Maja Lunde (f. 1975) er en af Norges største nulevende forfattere. Uddannet medieforsker fra Universitetet i Oslo. Lunde slog i 2015 igennem med romanen Biernes historie, som er første bind i en kvartet om mennesket og naturen. De tre foreløbige bøger i serien har tryllebundet læsere verden over og er oversat til mere end 40 sprog. På dansk ved Sara Koch.

  • af Eddy Ferhat
    318,95 kr.

    « On se dit tout à demi-mot, car des mots pleins seraient trop lourds, et ils menaceraient de faire couler cet endroit... »Céline, Shan, Hailàng et les jeunes jumeaux Naïa et Marvin ne savent rien du bâtiment sous-marin dans lequel ils habitent.Ils ne fréquentent que les deux étages les plus proches de la surface et n'ont jamais pu aller plus bas.Mais les réserves de nourriture se vident, et il faut obligatoirement se mettre en mouvement en direction des profondeurs, car au-dessus, l'air de la surface est un poison.Ils ne savent pas jusqu'où s'enfonce ce bâtiment qu'on nomme le Nérée 2.Ils ne savent pas combien de générations se sont succédé ici.Ils ne savent pas qui est le dormeur, un vieil homme qui vit avec eux, mais qu'ils n'ont jamais vu éveillé.Ils ne savent pas si d'autres humains ont survécu là-dessous.Pour l'heure, ils ne connaissent ni l'IA Nausicaa, ni les Factotums, ni la déesse Ino.Nombreux sont les secrets qui les attendent en eux-mêmes, dans les abysses, et plus profondément encore...

  • af Declan Hunter
    183,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Anne-Mette Riis Rasmussen
    108,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Jens Hallgren, jurist midt i halvtredserne, arbejder i Styrelsen for Sundhed og Arbejde hvor han behandler klagesager fra borgere der er kommet i klemme i systemet. Men hvor længe endnu? Computere med kunstig intelligens er i fuld gang med at overtage en stor del af sagsbehandlingen. Han er gift med Ninna, men ægteskabet er heller ikke hvad det har været.Forfatteren Paula Lerche tjener ingen penge og er af nød flyttet ind i nogle særlige boligblokke hvor borgere på basisydelse kan få tildelt et værelse i en delelejlighed med fælles køkken og bad. Her lærer hun nogle nye mennesker at kende og bliver gradvist og modstræbende involveret i et ulmende oprør.Den unge tømrer Jakob Faurby er kommet alvorligt til skade ved en arbejdsulykke. Han har fået tilkendt et aktivjob på en kommunal sengearbejdsplads. Arbejdet består i overvågning.Frie borgere er en fremtidsrealistisk roman der foregår i et teknokratisk overvågningssamfund hvor digitaliseringen er altomfattende, og hvor algoritmer træffer beslutninger om borgernes skæbne.Anne-Mette Riis Rasmussen (f. 1956) er forfatter og bibliotekar, uddannet fra Forfatterskolen i København (1989) og Biblioteksskolen i Aalborg (1980). Bor i København og arbejder i DR.Debuterede i 1987 med den magisk-realistiske roman Havfruer kan ikke drukne og har efterfølgende skrevet yderligere et par romaner, en novellesamling og en kunstnerbiografi. Seneste udgivelse er romanen Havmandens hotel fra 2014.

  • af Nathaniel M Wrey
    188,95 kr.

    Book Two in the Liberty Trilogy and winner of a North American Book Award, an International Firebird Book Award, a Global Book Award, a Book BookFest Award, a Distinguished Mention in the New York Big Book Awards, longlisted author for the Book Viral Millennium Book Awards and Honourable Mentions in the New York Book Festival Awards and Royal Dragonfly Book Awards."Highly enjoyable. Such wonderful writing..." The International Review of Books, Gold Badge AwardA new world opens up for Finbarl and Aminatra as they escape the claustrophobic restraints and smoking ruins of their isolated hometown, Athenia. Hopes and dreams drive them across the near impregnable mountains in their quest for freedom and a better life in the aftermath of civilisation's collapse. Amid a more conducive environment, new dangers and surprises hinder their progress, until, eventually, they find an inspiring civilisation reborn amidst the ruins. Have they reached destination's end and found a place of sanctuary and freedom or is there more to this new world than meets the eye?A thrilling adventure set in the future, with a taste of the past, and a nod to the present.

  • af CLAMP
    118,95 kr.

    "If Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu want to have any hope of saving Cefiro and rescuing the princess, they must now awaken the Rune Gods and prove their worthiness. But earning the mantle of Magic Knight isn't going to be easy, and Zagato's minions are dogging their steps, each one more dangerous than the last. In order to succeed, the girls will have to dig deep into their hearts and find the will to triumph over the obstacles in their way...but if they should falter, all will be lost"" --

  • af Ezequiel Szafir
    148,95 kr.

    Roman étrangement prémonitoire, se déroulant dans un futur inconfortablement proche, Paris 2041 est un hymne au multiculturalisme qui comprend: intrigue, romance, amitié, action et un nouveau regard sur une ville emblématique. Paris, l'année 2041. Une Europe divisée, et endormie, tombe entre les mains de dictateurs fascistes après une décennie de dépression économique et de radicalisme islamique. Trois amis de la nouvelle Résistance française se battent contre un régime totalitaire qui réédite le passé nazi. Ezequiel Szafir vous emmènera dans une réalité dont vous ne pourrez plus revenir. Une fois que vous y serez, vous verrez le présent avec des yeux différents, et la vie de ses protagonistes vous accompagnera longtemps. Commentaires: "Un roman passionnant, plein de passion et de profondeur psychologique. Une excellente lecture." (John Katzenbach, auteur de Le Psychanalyste) "Szafir rappelle, dans ce livre opportun pour une Europe exposée à tant de fanatismes contradictoires, que personne ne vaut ce qu'il croit, mais ce qu'il fait." (Lorenzo Silva, auteur de The Meridian Mark) "Szafir réussit avec ce roman le plus difficile à ce jour: vous obliger à réfléchir et à tourner les pages de manière compulsive en même temps." (Juan Gómez-Jurado, auteur de La légende du voleur) "Intense, électrique et addictif. Paris 2041 est un roman qui vous transporte dans un futur inquiétant et que vous ne pourrez plus vous arrêter de lire." (Manel Loureiro, auteur de Le dernier passager)

  • af S-P Decroix
    433,95 - 443,95 kr.

  • af Julie A Fragoules
    188,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Nate Eckman
    193,95 kr.

    AFTER THOUGHT is an electrifying and unforgettable dystopian thriller that imagines what society could look like after America's second Civil War. In the wake of unspeakable violence, the United States adopts a technology to ensure everlasting peace. But one woman, Ada, uncovering her family's redacted past and a surveillance company's role in the war, pushes the nation to the brink of an even bloodier conflict. What follows is the immersive account of our heroine, who realizes that she's more than a victim of the last Civil War; she is the arbiter of the first Neural War. Through this journey Ada struggles to comprehend fact from fiction. Her knowledge, though a heavy burden, ultimately empowers her to brave, world altering decisions. After Thought is a tale for our times, which confronts readers with conventions of censorship and punishment, the necessity and danger of free speech, and horror we may face as technologies become indistinguishable from humans.

  • af D. G. Valdron
    198,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Mikael Carlson
    158,95 kr.

  • af Sd Shock
    123,95 kr.

    SD Shock, a 24-year U.S. Army veteran, shares his experiences with PTSD, anxiety, trauma, and suicidal thoughts while growing up in poverty, as well as his views on the dysfunctional political system. His writing represents the manuscript of life with his distinctively rhythmic phrases.

  • af Sean Liscom
    198,95 kr.

    I thought the day my younger brother waltzed back into my life was the day everything changed. I couldn't have been more wrong. That didn't happen until the night of July 4th, 2016. That was the night the lights went out and stayed out. That fateful night was only the beginning of 10 months and 1,200 miles through hell. Jason Sterling, my brother, told you his story. My name is Braden Sterling. It's my turn to tell you the tale of our journey from a tiny town in Kansas to Elko, Nevada, and The Ranch. EXCERPT"I asked you a question, boy!" the voice croaked."I..... Uh..... We don't have any weapons, sir," I finally choked out the words. Alex and I both had our hands in the air."That's my problem?" the door creaked open a few more inches to reveal the wrinkled face and wild, Einsteinian white hair of an old man who couldn't have stood more than five and a half feet tall. His clothes hung on his skeletal form, but the shotgun never wavered in the slightest."No, sir. It's, well.....""Out with it, boy!""We stumbled across your cabin. We're not looking for trouble," I was trying to calm my voice and heart rate."As I already asked, just how is this my problem?""We're wondering, we're hoping you could help us.""A couple of young bucks like y'all? Boy, I ought to just blast yer ass off this porch right here and now!" I could see him tighten his grip on the scattergun."Whoa! Please! We'll just go! We got families out there!" I took another step back. The old man seemed to consider this for a moment."Families?""Yeah. Our wives and daughters are on the other side of the clearing. Please, we'll just leave.....""Tell 'em to step out where I can see 'em!" he ordered. I was frozen in fear, but Alex half-turned and waved everyone forward. After a few seconds, the man's gaze broke from mine. He was squinting over the top of the shotgun to see them coming out of the trees and brush. He kept an eye on them as they slowly came across the clearing, and he watched them until they stood at the bottom of the stairs."We're not looking for trouble, sir. We can just keep moving," I offered again."Boy, you may not have been lookin' for trouble, but it looks like it found you and chewed half yer asses off. Where is y'all comin' from?"

  • af KENT
    163,95 kr.

    "In a world almost entirely stripped of color, the rare scraps of pigment that remain hold tantalizing power. A secretive cult known as the Order would use that power to see color returned to the world through the advent of their chromatic god...but the birth of a god requires bloody sacrifice. An eldritch creature rises, bathing a grey city in angry red. Avidia stands alone against a monster born from his best friend's death!"--

  • af Shiro Moriya
    136,95 kr.

    "Years after narrowly escaping alone, Chloe returns to the prison city, clinging to the hope that her brother Locke is still alive somewhere inside. After successfully enlisting the help of an informant, she steels her heart and slips beyond the barricade to search for him. What awaits Chloe in this district, where not even the guards dare to set foot?"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Chris Robinson
    126,95 kr.

    In the year 2050, an 18-year-old amnesiac wakes up to a ruined world overrun by monsters. Guided by an artificial superintelligence, a ruthless scientist unleashes hell on Earth to preserve only a fraction of humankind. Love and war await as the mysteries of this corrupt new world unfold!

  • af Scott Snyder
    162,95 kr.

    Blending prose and multiple kinds of illustration, New York Times-bestselling comics writer Scott Snyder (We Have Demons) and renowned comics artist Jock (Batman, Wytches) weave a tale of horror about growing up in a world far more harrowing than our own.Imagine that from tomorrow morning onward, nearly every baby born into this world is a future psychopath.There is no answer as to why the change is happening. Is this human evolution? Devolution? An uncurable virus of some kind? Regardless, just like that, the new normal is psychopathy.Fifty years in the future, four friends must set off on a journey that will take them down the roads and rivers of this transformed America in hope of finding a place where goodness still lives.

  • af Lisa Wilkes
    128,95 kr.

  • af Michael P. Charlton
    193,95 kr.

    "Michael P. Charlton's novel Late Winter is so gritty that he could eat Charles Bukowski for breakfast. It is raw, it is real and it is utterly decadent. Not for the faint of heart. I highly recommend it."- JOHN DAVID EBERT, CULTURAL CRITIC"Late Winter is an unusually strong literary debut; an artistic statement that has the reader turning the page as his characters plummet ever deeper into hell. Michael P. Charlton has a skill for writing rich dialogue, likeable characters and memorable conflicts, the relationships enriched by violence and tenderness."- JAMES ANDERS BANKS, BOOKER PRIZE LISTED AWARD-WINNING NOVELIST "Charlton has crafted a novel that smacks of originality. Charlton's prose is shockingly raw, delivered throughout in choppy bites. The novel has a decidedly tongue-in-cheek feel and the prose is designed to reflect the depravity, listlessness, and self-loathing of the characters."- BOOKLIFE PRIZE "Charlton commits to it all being a highly inventive ordeal, a soiling, not-for-the-squamish spree abounding in gore, filth, viciously off-kilter monologues, and bizarre sexual escapades. The result may pleasingly jolt readers who favour poetic squalor." - PUBLISHERS WEEKLY "The exploration of a society's moral decay, intertwined with the characters' descent into darkness, creates a haunting and thought-provoking read. One of the strengths of Charlton's work lies in his ability to create a cast of deeply flawed characters, each grappling with their unique set of issues."- DISCOVERY REVIEW Late Winter will grab you by the throat and drag you into the totalitarian darkness. A darkness which very few writers are willing to face.DRUGS, CRIME, LOVE, FAMILY, DIGITAL HELL, ESCAPE...Is technology rotting our brains?Ask rough and ready Lad as we follow his journey through a sea of absurdity, extravagance and danger. Look on as a new world of dystopian-dirty realism is created. Explore how the gritty and degenerate land folk survive within a tracked and traced society. Join us as we watch man's eye follow the earth's animal.

  • af Jovontae T. M. James
    183,95 kr.

    Thirty long and grueling years have passed since humanity started rebuilding the world after the outbreak of an unknown virus that reanimates the dead into unintelligent cannibalistic creatures. During the thirty-year time frame, mankind has bounced back from the brink of extinction and started reforming the world in their image. The undead, known as betas, were still a common occurrence but were far less prevalent than before. This outcome was all thanks to the synthesis of a cure to stop further infections that was freely administered to the populace. Many thought this would finally be the start of things returning to how they were before the beta apocalypse. Many were incorrect. The multitude of societies and power centers that arose wanted to retain and grow their own power, and very few worked together. Now is an age where these pseudo-nations either make their own way and rise to greatness or perish in the new world. In the city-state of New Bethlehem lives Jayden Thrattis, a twenty-two-year-old male who, along with his friends, lives his life as best as he can until, one day, war finds its way to the walls of their settlement. Now Jayden must help defend his home from all enemies, whether they be humans from an imperialistic kingdom or from himself and the person he chooses to become as he juggles self-sacrifice and his own self-worth.

  • af K. A. Gandy
    218,95 kr.

    On the run from the men who murdered her parents, there's only one way to save herself; marriage to a genetically-matched stranger.Demy has been running since she was thirteen years old. Mysterious men in black cloaks have been chasing her, and so far she's evaded them. Something, though, has changed since she turned eighteen. Their attempts to capture her have gotten closer and closer, until she's only got one option left to survive: turning herself over to the NLC, for the compulsory marriage program.She doesn't want to get married, but with her would-be captors on her heels, she's got no choice but to hope the NLC's strict security protocols will be a safe haven. Marriage is a small price to pay for her life, after all. And maybe, just maybe, she'll finally have the space to discover why she's being hunted.¿¿¿¿¿Marked is a new entry point in the Populations Crumble world, but many familiar characters will be present from the original trilogy.

  • af KENT
    163,95 kr.

    "In a world where all humanity has mutated into strange new forms, Chie is the odd one out. She looks exactly like the humans of ages past. It's because she's an android--but who made her, and why? The answers to those questions might finally be in her grasp, hidden somewhere in the deserted city of Chuudoh. But the Order still has plans for Chie and Avidia, as they prepare another offering, this time to create a deity of cold and bitter blue..."--From publisher's description

  • af Margaret Atwood
    246,95 - 252,95 kr.

    Before The Testaments, there was The Handmaid's Tale: an instant classic and eerily prescient cultural phenomenon, from ';the patron saint of feminist dystopian fiction' (New York Times).The Handmaid's Tale is a novel of such power that the reader will be unable to forget its image and its forecast. Set in the near future, it describes life in what was once the United States and is now called the Republic of Gilead, a monotheocracy that has reacted to social unrest and a sharply declining birthrate by reverting to, and going beyond, the repressive intolerance of the original Puritans. The Handmaid's Tale is funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing. It is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and a tour de force.

  • af Veronica Roth
    186,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Christopher M Hood
    213,95 kr.

    "When their daughter joins a cult 3,000 miles away in Bishop, California, Bill and Penelope set out on a harrowing journey across the hollowed-out remains of America to save her, and even though the world has changed, their hopes and fears remain the same"--

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