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  • af Diverse forfattere
    73,95 - 352,95 kr.

    Eventyrsamlingen "1001 nat" omhandler vesirdatteren Sheherezade, som er blevet gift med kong Shahriyar, der er berygtet for at myrde sine hustruer efter bryllupsnatten. I et desperat forsøg på at redde sit liv, begynder Sheherezade at fortælle kongen eventyr, for i det mindste at udskyde den dødsdom, som hun har hængende over hovedet. Første bind byder blandt andet på eventyr om den første, anden og tredje sheiks fortællinger, historien om fiskeren og ånden og historien om kon Sindibads falk.

  • af Cormac McCarthy
    43,94 - 147,95 kr.

    Genudgivelse i paperback.En ung dreng stikker af hjemmefra og slutter sig til John Joel Glantons bande, der i midten af 1800-tallet jager krigsførende apacheindianere på grænsen mellem Texas og Mexico. Snart myrder de også fredelige indianere, mexicanske soldater, uskyldige civile og alle andre, der kommer i vejen. Hurtigt bliver drengen suget ind i en mareridtsagtig verden, hvor vold dominerer, og markedet for indianerskalpe blomstrer.I baggrunden truer den dæmoniske dommer Holden. Han har et barns uskyldige ansigt, ikke et hår på kroppen, en utæmmet tilbøjelighed til vold og en endeløs viden om den verden, han rider hærgende igennem.BLODETS MERIDIAN, Cormac McCarthys hovedværk, baserer sig på virkelige begivenheder under Amerikas ekspansion mod vest.

  • af Cormac McCarthy
    117,95 kr.

    No Country for Old Men. Collection Edition, Author: Cormac McCarthy, Publication Year: 2022-08-04, Publisher: Pan Macmillan, Language: eng

  • af Jack Schaefer
    97,95 kr.

    Shane er den legendariske historie om den mystiske, ensomme fremmede, der en dag kommer ridende ind i den dal, hvor drengen Bob bor med sine nybyggerforældre på en ranch. Shanes herkomst og fortid fortaber sig i det ukendte, men på trods af sin gådefuldhed og tavshed opbygger Shane et stærkt venskab med Joe og Marian Starrett, Bobs forældre. Den lille nybyggerfamilie kæmper sammen med de andre nybyggere i området en hård kamp mod den skruppelløse, grådige ranchejer Fletcher. Shane bliver snart in­volveret i denne kamp og kommer til at stå med nybyggernes skæbne i sine hænder. Han har i lang tid forsøgt at bekæmpe fortidens skygger, men må erkende at: "En mand er, hvad han er, Bob, og det kan ikke lade sig gøre at lave om på støbeformen.""Hvorfor ikke indrømme det: Shane er en morderlig historie i sin art, en ægte saga, der udspiller sig på litteraturens overdrev." - Harald Engberg"Savnet klassisk western-roman fra 1949 bliver endelig genoptrykt. ... regnes i USA for et mindre mesterværk om det vilde vest og dets svanesang over for moderne tider. ... Schaefers bog er en træffende hyldest til det vilde vests værdier og den amerikanske selvforståelse som en nation af frie og tapre individualister." - Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken"Der vil også være læsere til den de næste 30 år, for den handler om det stof, der skaber helte, myter og mænd." - Helle Winther Olsen, Lektørudtalelse

  • af Zane Grey
    187,95 - 256,95 kr.

    Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a prolific American author whose idealization of the American frontier gave rise to a new literary genre: the western. In 1912 he published his best-selling book, Riders of the Purple Sage, which many claim to be both the most popular western novel of all time and the story responsible for singularly shaping the genre's formula. Set in the canyon country of southern Utah, 1871 - whose landscape is rendered with such vividness it becomes a character in its own right - the story tells of Venters, a gentile fed up with Mormon pretense; Lassiter, a renowned, roving gunslinger on a mission; and Jane Withersteen, a Mormon woman torn between religious duty, familial legacy, and the yearnings of her heart, who strives to maintain peace within the local Mormon community, led by the oppressive Bishop Dyer, after she refuses to marry the rapacious Elder Tull.

  • af Jim Jones
    157,95 kr.

    As Jared Delaney rides home from a cattle drive to Colorado, he is haunted by a nightmare of menace and impending change, signified by the moon encircled by a hazy band of light . . . a halo moon. When he arrives in Cimarrón, he is shocked to discover that his friend and mentor, Sheriff Nathan Averill, has been murdered. Against his wife's wishes, he agrees to seek vigilante justice to avenge Nathan's death. Estranged from his family and friends, Jared travels the perilous trail to vengeance, unaware that a truly evil man is stalking him and his family at the same time. Refusing to accept the counsel of those close to him, he finds moral guidance from an unlikely source-a young man with a checkered past on the run from the law. Will the end justify the means? How many people will die along the way?

  • af J. L. Crafts
    172,95 kr.

    Spring 1876 . . . .When a bomb explodes and destroys a sawmill in Glenbrook Harbor, the residents and businessmen on the shores of Lake Tahoe are left reeling. Will Toal and his wife, Beth, are caught in the deadly, fiery fragments of the devastating explosion, and Beth is severely injured.Will gets Beth to the doctor and sets out to find those responsible. Once again, he is drawn back into the crosshairs of business barons clashing among themselves while competing for economic and political clout amid the sliver riches of the West. Will's been in this position before in earlier days, but this time, the big company money is out to get him-and the things just got personal.Will just wants those who hurt Beth brought to justice, but he must find out who's responsible for setting that blast-the first of many to come, if he figures right. With the timber business leveling the forests around Lake Tahoe, and the silver mines clamoring for the necessary wood, the arsonists could be working for anyone. Those who don't believe in the deforestation process will go to any length to save the woodlands, but those who need the jobs lumbering provides are just as determined.Ina race against time, Will is forced to work with an old nemesis, private investigator Dale Paris, to try to stop the arsonists and save the sawmills from disaster. Can they stop the bloodshed? At any price, Will is determined to have CLEAR CUT JUSTICE . . . .

  • af Rod Miller
    152,95 kr.

    OUTLAWMAN: The Life and Times of Matt WarnerMatt Warner was an outlaw. And a lawman. In a word, an outlawman.Once among the most notorious bandits in the Old West, riding with Butch Cassidy and other famous outlaws, Warner was wanted for crimes across the Southwest, the Northwest, and the Mountain West. After serving time on overblown charges following a shootout, Warner changed his prison stripes for a badge and served as a town marshal, justice of the peace, and deputy sheriff. Whether wearing a black hat, a white hat, or some shade of gray, Warner outlived the Old West but never abandoned its wild and wooly ways.Follow the trail through Brown's Hole, Robbers Roost, and other outlaw enclaves as a mysterious old man tells the outlawman's story in a rundown barroom once owned by Matt Warner himself.

  • af Grace Macgowan Cooke
    125,95 kr.

    "The Girls of Silver Spur Ranch" by way of Grace MacGowan Cooke and Anne McQueen is a gripping tale set inside the tough landscapes of the American West. The plot revolves round a collection of spirited younger ladies who embark on an exciting adventure after inheriting ownership of the Silver Spur Ranch. Determined to reveal themselves capable ranchers, the girls face several hurdles and limitations as they paintings to make the ranch a success. Along the adventure, they meet interesting people, face wild creatures, and control the nuances of ranch life. As the ladies work together to overcome complication, they establish sturdy relationships of friendship and sisterhood whilst gaining knowledge of important instructions approximately tenacity, braveness, and the value of network. With its fascinating plot, energetic characters, and brilliant depictions of the western frontier, "The Girls of Silver Spur Ranch" transports readers to the heart of the American wasteland. Grace MacGowan Cooke and Anne McQueen expertly combine adventure, romance, and coming-of-age topics to supply a gripping novel so one can fascinate readers of any age.

  • af Beverly Jenkins
    102,95 kr.

    A desperate need Sassy Grace Atwood never expected to find her proper self accidentally tumbling into a stranger's bed. If she weren't desperate for a man to lead a wagon train of brides to a woman-starved town out West, she never would have gone near Jackson Blake-former lawman or not. She should send the ruggedly charming Texan packing...only he's perfect for the job. Now if her mind would just stop going blank every time she looked at him, they might get this train to Kansas yet.A comsuming passion What's a man to do when a beautiful woman leans over his bed in the middle of the night? Come to think of it, that was the only time Blake's ever seen the straitlaced Miss Atwood the least bit ruffled. He's certain that beneath her buttoned-up appearance lies a passionate woman aching to break free. But though Blake longs to take her in his arms, all he can offer Grace is a life on the run. And when the demons from his past catch up with them, Blake is couaght between the ties that bind and a love that could last...always and forever.

  • af Jennifer Seasons
    78,95 kr.

    Jake Stone has always been an outsider, even in his hometown. As the misfit son of the town drunk and a descendant of Fortune's mysterious founders, he's spent his whole life not living up to expectations. So when Apple Woodman comes poking her pert little nose around his business, trying to sniff out juicy bits for a book she's writing on the town's history, he decides he's had enough. He'll give her the answers, at a price: one piece of clothing for every question. If the town's good girl librarian wants the dirt on this bad boy then she's going to have to bare all to get it. Nothing is going to stop Apple from achieving her dream of being a published author, not even surly Jake Stone. She's got a hefty advance to make good on and a looming deadline, and the last bit of crucial information she needs is being held hostage by the infuriating man. But Apple believes in equality between the sexes and she's not going to be the only one playing along?he's going to have to take it all off too. They're only clothes; it's not like they're baring their hearts. Right?

  • af Bill C Jensen
    171,95 kr.

    Embark on an unforgettable journey through the untamed heart of the Wild West in Love & Death in El Paso: Part One. In this gripping Western novel, author Bill C. Jensen invites you to saddle up and embark on an epic saga that spans the remarkable life of James Austin, a young boy turned hardened man, whose fate is intertwined with the sprawling plains of Texas. Brace yourself for a relentless adventure as James navigates a treacherous world of high-stakes gambling, frontier justice, and ruthless outlaws. Witness the trials and triumphs of a young man seeking his place in a harsh and unforgiving land. Alongside him, a diverse cast of characters breathes life into this captivating tale of American frontier fiction. Ride alongside James through perilous cattle drives, exhilarating shootouts, and heart-wrenching moments as you are transported to late 1800's Texas, where honor, justice, and loyalty were as treasured as gold nuggets. So, grab your Stetson, holster your six-shooter, and prepare to be swept away on a riveting adventure that will leave you yearning for one more sunset ride into the untamed frontier of the Old West. Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled ride, where one man's legend will be written in bullets and blood.

  • af Thomas K. Holmes
    281,95 - 427,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Ralph Cotton
    102,95 kr.

    USA Today bestselling author. Seems like every time Arizona Ranger Sam Burrack turns over a rock, a Black Valley Rider jumps out. So when two bounty hunters arrive in Minton Hill trailing the same outlaws, Sam agrees to ride with them. Trouble is, only a drunken gambler called Tinnis Lucas knows where the gang is holed up-a dead man's land called Black Valley.

  • af Vicky Morgan
    158,95 kr.

    Rex Watson is the self-appointed protector of a trail that has been the target of bandits for years. He comes upon their latest victim, a beautiful young woman named Laura and her younger siblings who are robbed of everything they own. Rex takes them in until they can get back on their feet. But a storm comes and they are forced to take shelter with Rex a bit longer than expected...Laura can't help but feel attraction toward her rescuer and starts to dread the day they will be forced to leave...But does he feel the same way about her?

  • af Terri Downes
    149,95 kr.

    Fiona's life has fallen apart and she wants nothing more than a fresh start. She has an unearned reputation around her community and wants to leave the gossiping town. In order to do so, she decides to become a mail order bride. She's sent to a cranky rancher named Frank. The two clash immediately as Frank has a different idea of what married life should be like while the precocious Fiona wants nothing more than redemption in her life. As time goes on, the two realize that they have more in common than they realize and a true love begins to grow. But will a secret from Fiona's past return to tear their marriage apart?

  • af Paulette Jiles
    114,95 kr.

    Consumed with grief, driven by vengeance, a man undertakes an unrelenting odyssey across the lawless post-Civil War frontier seeking redemption in this fearless novel from the award-winning and New York Times bestselling author of News of the World. Union soldier John Chenneville suffered a traumatic head wound in battle. His recovery took the better part of a year as he struggled to regain his senses and mobility. By the time he returned home, the Civil War was over, but tragedy awaited. John's beloved sister and her family had been brutally murdered.Their killer goes by many names. He fought for the North in the late unpleasantness, and wore a badge in the name of the law. But the man John knows as A. J. Dodd is little more than a rabid animal, slaughtering without reason or remorse, needing to be put down.Traveling through the unforgiving landscape of a shattered nation in the midst of Reconstruction, John braves winter storms and confronts desperate people in pursuit of his quarry. Untethered, single-minded in purpose, he will not be deterred. Not by the U.S. Marshal who threatens to arrest him for murder should he succeed. And not by Victoria Reavis, the telegraphist aiding him in his death-driven quest, yet hoping he'll choose to embrace a life with her instead. And as he trails Dodd deep into Texas, John accepts that this final reckoning between them may cost him more than all he's already lost...

  • af Stephanie Clifford
    207,95 kr.

    From the author of the New York Times bestseller Everybody Rise, a ?shimmering? (New York Times Book Review) novel with the exquisite historical detail and evocative settings of The Cold Millions and Great Circle that tells the story of one unforgettable woman's rise in country and western music.It's 1980, and Lillian Waters is hitting the road for the very last time.Jaded from her years in the music business, perpetually hungover, and diagnosed with career-ending vocal problems, Lillian cobbles together a nationwide farewell tour featuring some old hands from her early days playing honky-tonk bars in Washington State and Nashville, plus a few new ones. She yearns to feel the rush of making live music one more time and bask in the glow of a packed house before she makes the last, and most important, stop on the tour: the farm she left behind at age ten and the sister she is finally ready to confront about an agonizing betrayal in their childhood.As the novel crisscrosses eras, moving between Lillian's youth?the Depression, the Second World War, the rise of Nashville?and her middle-aged life in 1980, we see her striving to build a career in the male-dominated world of country music, including the hard choices she makes as she tries to redefine music, love, aging, and womanhood on her own terms.Nearing her final tour stop, Lil is forced to confront those choices and how they shaped her life. Would a different version of herself have found the happiness and success that has eluded her? When she reaches her Washington hometown for her very last show, though, she'll undergo a reckoning with the past that forces her to reconsider her entire life story.Exploring one unforgettable woman's creativity, ambition, and sacrifices in a world?and an art form?made for men, The Farewell Tour asks us to consider how much of our past we can ever leave behind.

  • af Kari Lynn Dell
    102,95 kr.

    Rough and tumble, cocky and charming, bullfighter Joe Cassidy is one of the best in the business... And he's way out of Violet's league.Violet Jacobs is fearless. At least, that's what the men she snatches from under the hooves of bucking horses think. Outside the ring, she's got plenty of worries keeping her up at night: her young son, her mess of a love life, and lately, her family's struggling business. When she takes matters into her own hands and hires on a hotshot new bullfighter, she expects to start a ruckus.She never expected stubborn, showboating, secret heart-of-gold Joe Cassidy.Joe came to Texas to escape a life spiraling out of control. He never planned on sticking around, and he certainly never expected to call this dry and dusty backwater home. But Violet is everything he never knew he was missing, and the deeper he's pulled into her beautiful mess of a family, the more he realizes this fierce, fiery woman may be offering him the one thing he never could find on his own.People are falling in love with Kari Lynn Dell's rodeo cowboy romance:"Look out, world! There's a new cowboy in town."-CAROLYN BROWN, New York Times Bestselling Author"A fun, wild ride!"-B.J. DANIELS, New York Times Bestselling Author"Real Ranches. Real Rodeo. Real Romance."-LAURA DRAKE, author of Sweet on a Cowboy series"An extraordinarily gifted writer."-KAREN TEMPLETON, author of Wed in the West seriesNeed more convincing? Just watch these sparks fly:Joe lifted a finger to brush back a strand of her hair, savoring the cool slide of it over his skin. She frowned, but didn't slap at his hand, didn't shrink away when he leaned in. Would she let him kiss her? Maybe, but he was enjoying the slow rev of his engine, the lazy swell of heat, all from just sitting next to her, barely touching. He traced a line down the side of her neck, watching the skin pebble in response. "Go out with me, Violet."Her forehead puckered. "But...I don't even like you.""Yes, you do." She sucked in an outraged breath, but Joe only smiled wider.

  • af Monica Marks
    148,95 kr.

    Sylvia has had nothing but a rough road after leaving the west. She decides to move back home and answers a marriage proposal through a mail order bride service. Moving to the Montana Rockies, things start off even rockier as she finds herself in the middle of a gunfight! Her new beau is a reformed villain...a man seeking to go on the path of righteousness but whose past vows to collect on the dues he owes...Can this former outlaw outrun his bad deeds and become the man that Sylvia needs?

  • af Louis L'Amour
    102,95 kr.

    When beautiful Angelina Foley presents Tom Radigan with a Spanish grant and claims ownership of his land, he realizes he's up against a cunning and deadly opportunist. Foley wants him off Vache Creek immediately, and with three thousand head of cattle, an outfit of hardcase gunfighters, and winter coming on, she is unwilling to take no for an answer. But Radigan has worked four hard years building up his ranch. Fighting for it-and, if he has to, killing for it-is something he is more than willing to do. If Angelina Foley and her men think he is the kind of man to give up without a fight, they are dead wrong.

  • af Terri Downes
    129,95 kr.

    Farrah's has finally caught up to her and she wants to leave her toxic town. She decides to become a mail order bride but finds herself in a marriage with a man she doesn't love. She traded one small town for an even smaller one, and soon the residents begin disappearing one by one. Are they leaving or is something more sinister at work?Carl is a local rancher fighting off his personal demon of alcoholism. He feels attraction to Farrah but doesn't feel worthy. Farrah feels the romantic pull toward Carl herself but after a life of breaking rules she doesn't want to add to her troubles...or his...Farrah turns to God for guidance - a faith she once rejected - but Carl soon becomes a suspect in the disappearances. Is she in love with a killer? Or worse, is her own husband the killer?

  • af Vanessa Sarlson
    138,95 kr.

    Misty is a free woman now that her abusive husband has died. Her son has a chance at a new life but she's without any resources to provide for him. She wants a new beginning and decides to journey to a new land, the frontier of Montana awaits but the journey is arduous...The last thing reformed sinner Carl wants in his life is a woman, and a woman with kids. But after crossing paths with Misty on her journey to Montana he feels God's hand pushing him to protect her...Misty doesn't want a man in her life but she can't help but feel attraction toward Carl. He's kind-hearted but she soon finds out about a sin from his past and some seeds of distrust are sown. Can she him for the man he is now rather than the man he was before?

  • af Hannah Winstone
    138,95 kr.

    Gwen is freshly widowed after marrying a rich man who has left all of his wealth to her. Upon his death, she finds herself besieged by men of all ages, all wanting a piece of her money. Lonely and without legitimate company, she decides to answer a mail order bride advertisement and move to the wild west. Her new husband is a hard working farmer who soon finds himself in dire straits financially. Gwen wants to help but she doesn't want to reveal to her new husband how wealthy she really is as she lied about being a rich widow. What will she do when the bills come due and her poor husband is at his wit's end?

  • af Tony Hillerman
    332,95 kr.

    Don't miss the TV series, Dark Winds, based on the Leaphorn, Chee, & Manuelito novels, now on AMC and AMC+! ?All of Tony Hillerman's Navajo tribal police novels have been brilliant, but A Thief of Time is flat-out marvelous.??USA TodayFrom New York Times bestselling author Tony Hillerman, A Thief of Time is the eighth novel featuring Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn and Officer Jim Chee as they find themselves in hot pursuit of a depraved killer.At a moonlit Indian ruin where "thieves of time" ravage sacred ground in the name of profit, a noted anthropologist vanishes while on the verge of making a startling, history-altering discovery. Amid stolen goods and desecrated bones, two corpses are discovered, shot by bullets fitting the gun of the missing scientist.There are modern mysteries buried in despoiled ancient places, and Navajo Tribal Policemen Leaphorn and Chee must plunge into the past to unearth an astonishing truth and a cold-hearted killer. In his breakout novel, Hillerman paints a stunning portrait of the psychology of murder?and offers a heart-rending example of love and forgiveness.

  • af Keith C. Blackmore
    164,95 kr.

    Seven train robbers. One haunted locomotive. All aboard for terror. In the spring of 1903, locomotive 311, known as the Majestic, carried more than one hundred passengers toward a tunnel through the underbelly of the Canadian Rockies. But then the mouth of the tunnel swallowed the 311 whole, and the train-and everyone on it-was never seen again. Seven years later, a gang of cattle thieves and cutthroats wait on horseback for a train car full of railway cash-a payroll they intend to steal. What they will discover, however, is that the approaching train isn't the 5409. It's the missing 311, a train only whispered about around dying campfires. A train that some believe still rides the iron rails, traveling to places no mortal should ever go, seeing things no one should ever see. Acclaimed horror writer Keith C. Blackmore etches an unsettling new entry in the annals of the American West. And like the haunted train itself, this one never stops.

  • af Thomas Mcguane
    217,95 kr.

  • af Tom Leftwich
    196,95 kr.

    Five original fictional western stories. Featured is the innovative recovery of a buried gold train and accounts of the captures of murderous Train robbers. An interesting tale of wild horse capture. A 600 mile trek to sell 50 teams of oxen. Then dealing burro's for gold miners, (Excerpt) Big man said , '"Shut up Johnny. Look mister we weren't gonna do nothing. You didn't have to pull a gun on me." Cole said, " You're right, you weren't gonna do nothing except get yourself killed , Johnny boy, you better get yourself a new partner, this one's got Boot Hill written all over him. That left handed gun killing is cold blooded murder while a man offers you a welcome hand shake. No , big man, I'll let someone else bury you." Thanks for the read, hope you enjoy.

  • af Michele Evans
    257,95 kr.

    Sharla, a city girl yearning for adventure, finds herself amidst the towering pines and crystal-clear streams of Trefoil Ranch. Thrust into the heart of the wilderness mountains, she joins the spirited ranks of the "Trefoil Twits," a ragtag group of campers known for their laughter, mischief, and unwavering loyalty.But Trefoil Ranch offers more than just campfires and horseback riding. It's a crucible where friendships are forged, anxieties confronted, and hidden talents unearthed. Sharla, challenged by the Junior Wrangler program, discovers a natural connection with the camp's magnificent horses. Under the watchful eye of Skip, a ruggedly handsome wrangler with a kind heart and a mysterious past, she hones her horsemanship skills, pushing past self-doubt to embrace the thrill of competition. As the summer unfolds, the stakes rise higher than the surrounding peaks. The annual Junior Wrangler competition looms, a grueling test of horsemanship, teamwork, and grit. With the pressure mounting and new rivalries forged, Sharla and the Twits must band together, drawing strength from their newfound bonds and the breathtaking beauty of the mountain landscape. Sparks fly as Sharla navigates the challenges of competition and the unexpected flutterings of her heart. Will she conquer her fears and claim victory, both in the arena and in matters of the heart? Or will the secrets and challenges of Trefoil Ranch prove too much to overcome? Join Sharla and the Trefoil Twits on a heartwarming adventure filled with laughter, friendship, breathtaking scenery, and the exhilarating world of horsemanship. Discover the magic that unfolds when courage meets kindness, and where even the most unexpected journeys lead to self-discovery, lasting memories, and perhaps even a touch of summer romance.

  • af Victoria Morton
    130,95 kr.

    Mae drew in a breath and steadied her gaze on the old man. Frederick Alonso was the richest ranch owner in Pinedale and the other towns of the Great Plain. He was a man in his middle ages, and had a lot of fame for his womanizing ways. Mae had seen the man once, and he had tried to flirt with her. She didn't like him.Mae knew about the range war that had taken place in the Pinedale Valley many years before she was born. Her father always spoke about a man, Paul. This Paul once lived in Pinedale and he was a successful ranch owner too. One day, Paul had stepped on Frederick Alonso's grazing area, and a war had broken out. Alonso had called on her father to help fight Paul's men off with a promise of helping him start a ranch. Johnny had agreed, but on getting to the valley, Paul's men had already prepared themselves.That day, Paul lost five of his men, while Alonso lost ten horses. Johnny had failed to keep the deal of protecting Alonso's property. And Paul had become his greatest enemy.And Mae's greatest desire.

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