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  • af Toshikazu Kawaguchi
    138,95 kr.

    Café Donna Donna, der ligger et stykke oppe ad Hakodate-bjerget i det nordlige Japan, er kendt for sin blændende udsigt over Hakodates havn. Men det er ikke caféen eneste tilbud – café Donna Donna giver også sine gæster den enestående mulighed at rejse i tiden.Fra forfatteren af Før kaffen bliver kold og Før det er for sent kommer endnu en rørende fortælling om fortabte sjæle, der drømmer om at gøre brug af caféens tilbud om at rejse i tiden: Vi møder datteren, der er vred på sine afdøde forældre, som har efterladt hende forældreløs. Komikeren, der længes efter sin elskede og deres fælles drømme. Lillesøsteren, hvis sorg er blevet altopslugende, og den unge mand, der alt for sent indser, at han elsker sin barndomsven.Før minderne forsvinder er fuld af Toshikazu Kawaguchis karakteristiske bevægende hjertevarme.

  • af Kaare Bækgaard
    198,95 kr.

    Om aftenen den 10. september 1984 forsvinder den 33-årige danske maskiningeniør Martin Damgaard. Dagen efter bliver hans bil fundet efterladt i vejsiden med nøglen i tændingen. Martin bliver bortført af fremmede væsener og bragt til en slags zoologisk have på planeten Tignitee. Her lever et lille samfund af mennesker fra Jorden, som deler skæbne på godt og ondt. Martin bruger sin uddannelse til at opnå status og bliver centrum i en lille vennekreds, som beslutter sig for at flygte fra Kolonien på Tignitee. Beslutningen bliver skæbnesvanger, da de afslører et uhyggeligt anslag imod menneskeheden. Men er det overhovedet realistisk at finde hjem til Jorden igen og afværge en apokalyptisk katastrofe?Kolonien på Tignitee er science fiction for voksne læsere med en chokerende slutning.

  • - Odysseen på Noblutrax
    af Hans Ulrich Kleiminger
    298,95 kr.

    Mørket sænker sig over Aarhus en skæbnesvanger aften i august 2021, da et rumskib, ramt af en uforklarlig sabotage, styrter ned fra himlen. Dette dramatiske øjeblik markerer starten på en hæsblæsende og jagt, der vil føre læseren på en nervepirrende rejse rundt om kloden.Midt i kaosset træder tre usandsynlige helte frem: To mystiske fremmede, hvis oprindelse og formål er lige så forvirrende som de signaler, de efterlader sig, og en stædig aarhusianer ved navn Thomas Carstensen. Disse tre skæbner flettes humoristisk sammen i en desperat søgen efter otte krystalfragmenter, spredt til verdens fjerneste hjørner af den eksplosion, der næsten kostede dem livet.Men de er ikke alene. Skygger rører sig i det skjulte, og øjnene der følger dem, tilhører ikke kun de nysgerrige. Efterretningstjenester, lokale politistyrker og en hemmelig organisation med et enkelt formål - at beskytte Jorden mod enhver trussel - lægger en dødelig jagt ind på vores helte.Med en blanding af digital opdagelse og fysiske eventyr, trækkes læseren ind i en verden, hvor hver destination afslører sine egne hemmeligheder og farer. Fra de virtuelle gader i Google Maps og Streetview til de mest isolerede og eksotiske steder på jorden, er hvert skridt en kamp for overlevelse, hvert spor et skridt nærmere sandheden.

  • af Publius Enigma
    158,95 kr.

    In the Global State of the future, anyone can live forever. Just remember to make your daily backup. You can always be regenerated in a new body if you get sick or injured.The bad news is that there’s no room for any more people on Earth. Giving birth to children has been outlawed. Zeta is one of the last children ever born. When she loses her mother in a tragic accident, her life is turned upside down. Alone save for her robot teach­er and guide, Robby, she must learn to stand on her own feet and find a meaning in life.This leads Zeta on a perilous quest filled with sec­rets and revelations, new friends and new enemies. Zeta soon discovers that her most formidable, and perhaps insurmountable, obstacle is herself.

  • af Audrey Niffenegger
    298,95 kr.

    Henry DeTamble lider af en sjælden genetisk sygdom, der gør, at han rejser frem og tilbage i tiden uden selv at have kontrol over det. I løbet af sine tidsrejser møder han pigen Clare, hvis liv han igen og igen glider ind og ud af. Clare følger med tiden ligesom alle andre, mens Henrys kaotiske tilstand gør, at han aldrig ved, om den Clare, han støder på, overhovedet har mødt ham endnu."Den tidsrejsende kvinde" blander på uforlignelig vis den psykologiske roman med science fiction og krydrer det hele med en god portion romantik. Bogen blev en bestseller i Audrey Niffeneggers hjemland, USA, og er sidenhen blevet oversat til en lang række fremmedsprog. Bogen er tidligere filmatiseret og er blevet lavet til serie i 2022.

  • af René Rasmussen
    228,95 kr.

    Dette er en fortælling om en farefuld livsfærd for de unge krigere Hvea og Daam, vokset op i en mørk verden besmittet med vold og ondskab nedarvet fra undergangen passeret i det 21. århundrede. De er børn af to tilbageværende totalitære teknomagter – Domed Kosmos Berlin og New Mega Moscow – som bekriger hinanden for at få overherredømmet. Befolkningerne er holdt i et jerngreb som undersåtter og kanonføde. Øen Dark Land er hjem for uregerlige krigerstammer med deres styrke af humaniode dræberbotter, totalt overlegne mennesker, kaldet supraer. Dark Land bliver brugt som bufferzone mellem de krigsførende bystater med hensigten at hærde krigere, kyborgere, supraer og til at teste nye våben. I det arrede, vindblæste ruinlandskab dækkende det meste af øen kaster kamppatruljer fra de tre fraktioner sig ind i blodige sammenstød for at træne krigens kunst. Despoterne fra Domed Kosmos Berlin og New Mega Moscow ser fordele i at opretholde Dark Land-ordningen. Det er også en måde at holde den altødelæggende totalkrig fra døren – i det mindste for et stykke tid.Forskerne og ingeniørerne fra Supradivisionen i New Mega Moscow har opfundet medieuafhængig avanceret maskinintelligens kropsliggjort i en ny generation af supraer.Opdukken af tre prototyper på slagmarken trækker fronterne hårdt op og sætter tingene i bevægelse. En dødsensfarlig trussel og prøvelser lurer i kulissen, ikke mindst for den smukke krigerinde Hvea, kropskunstprydet med en selvfortærende drageslange. Vil Hvea og Daam slippe levende fra deres møde med Dark Lands hårdføre indfødte og den legendariske general Arkan? Situationen kalder på åbenhed, mod og handlekraft kun at finde i udvalgte få fra menneskenes rækker. I mørket stjernerne lyser klarest!Uddrag af bogenHvea løftede hjelmvisiret op og kunne med ét smage salt i luften og lugte havet. Dette til trods for at det fra den indtagede stilling ikke var muligt at se det smalle sund mellem den ødelagte by på den vestvendte kyst beliggende lige overfor Dark Land. Nogle høje ruinbebyggelser blokerede havudsigten fra stedet. Spetsnaz-teamet fra New Mega Moscow var ved at være i taktisk position til at indlede angrebet på en mindre gruppe low-techere. Patruljen havde sporet og jaget gruppen fra indlandet helt ud til ruinbebyggelserne ved Øresunds vestlige kystlinje. De havde i desperation forsøgt at undslippe ved at søge ind i denne højhusbebyggede bydel på en mindre ø i udkanten af det ødelagte urbane område. Det var en forkert beslutning. Den eneste flugtvej, de havde tilbage, var en svømmetur til Dark Land. Havde jeg været i deres situation, var jeg hoppet i og havde crawlet som en gal. Den chance var forpasset. Det var enden for disse stakler. Hvea gøs en smule ved tanken. Om forfatterenI 2016 faldt valget på Amager Strand efter mere end tyve år med bopæl i udlandet, da familien stod overfor at skulle flytte tilbage til Danmark. Forfatteren er gift og far til to. En eksamen i erhvervsjura kombineret med en lederuddannelse i Forsvaret ledte af livets kringlede veje til medejerskab af startups i ind- og udland. Efter hjemflytningen tog karrieren en drejning med et embedsmandsjob. Familielivet, iværksætteri, træning, videbegærlighed over for en vifte af emner, rejser og rekreativ dykning rundtom i verden har stået i centrum for forfatterens voksenliv.

  • af Gudrun Østergaard
    226,95 kr.

    “Kom Hjørdis, vi går hjem nu.”Hjørdis var nået et godt stykke videre på klippeblokkene. Bjørg småløb hen imod hende, mens hun råbte. Pludselig slog bølgerne op til kanten af stensætningen med små sprøjt.“Hjørdis! Vi skal hjem nu. Det stormer.”I et langt skridt sprang Hjørdis videre til den næste sten, stoppede op og vendte sig om. Brynja så hurtigt tilbage mod den mørke himmel, og Hjørdis fulgte hendes blik mod stormen bag dem.“Kom nu ned. Det er ikke sjovt.”“Jo, det er smaddersjovt det her. Jeg tror ikke, jeg har gjort det, siden jeg var barn.”Lige da Hjørdis skulle til at sætte af for at springe videre, ramte en stor bølge hendes sten. Med ét gled hun og forsvandt ned i havet bag klippeblokkene.”De tre søstre Bjørg, Brynja og Hjørdis lever i fremtidens klimaforandringer. De reagerer på hver deres måde og har tre vidt forskellige liv, men alligevel er de bundet sammen. Kæntrede træer undersøger, hvad det gør ved mennesker at leve under truslen fra et uforudsigeligt og voldsomt klima. Fremtidens psykologiske klima.Kæntrede træer er vinderen af Leituras romankonkurrence.

  • af Gunnar Wille
    248,95 kr.

    Minimal Megasinet bruger den viden og de teorier, der er opstået i de sidste 100 år, og er derfor noget så specielt som en kvanteteoretisk tidsfilosofisk børnebog, men det er også bare en spændende historie om to børn, Helga og Tristan, som lever i det nordligste Norge. De kommer til at opleve fantastiske begivenheder og møde fantastiske ting.Bogen er skrevet og illustreret af Gunnar Wille – også kendt som Skrumpen fra det ydre rums far.

  • af Susanna Kearsley
    138,95 kr.

    Foråret 1708. En invasionsflåde med franske og skotske soldater forsøger at landsætte den forviste kong Jakob Stuart i Skotland og kræve hans trone tilbage.Flere hundrede år senere rejser Carrie McClelland til Skotland i håb om, at denne historie kan danne baggrund for hendes næste roman. Hun slår sig ned i Slains-slottets skygge og opdigter en heltinde, der er opkaldt efter en af hendes egne formødre, og begynder at skrive.Da romanen begynder at føles mere som fakta end fiktion, bliver Carrie tvunget til at overveje, om hun kan have adgang til en form for genetisk hukommelse. Og om hun dermed er det eneste nulevende menneske, som kender sandheden om et forræderi, der fandt sted for mange år siden.Vinterhavet er første bind i en fængslende trilogi om kærlighed på tværs af århundreder med det smukke skotske landskab som fortryllende bagtæppe.

  • af Alastair Reynolds
    148,95 kr.

    Panoply is a small, efficient police force, dedicated to maintaining the rule of democracy among the ten thousand disparate city states orbiting the planet Yellowstone.Ingvar Tench was one of Panoply's most experienced operatives. So why did she walk alone and virtually unarmed into a habitat with a vicious grudge against her organisation?As his colleagues pick up the pieces, Dreyfus must face his conscience. Four years ago, when an investigation linked to one of his most dangerous adversaries got a little too personal, Dreyfus arranged for Tench to continue the enquiry by proxy.In using her - even though he had his reasons - did Dreyfus also put her in the line of fire?And what does Tench's misadventure tell him about an enemy he had hoped was dormant?Praise for Alastair Reynolds:'A leading light of the new British space opera' Los Angeles Review of Books on Alastair Reynolds'One of the giants of the new British space opera' io9 on Alastair Reynolds'[Reynolds is] a mastersinger of the space opera' The Times (UK) on Blue Remembered Earth'[Reynolds] is the most gifted hard SF writers working today' Publishers Weekly on Beyond the Aquila Rift

  • af Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson
    138,95 kr.

    'My favourite kind of grand space opera' BEN AARONOVITCHShe's searching for the emperor who stole her sister.He's searching for the prince who stole his heart.The entire universe is at stake.The Principle of Moments is a centuries-spanning adventure unmissable for fans of the spacefaring found family of Becky Chambers, the magical London of V. E. Schwab, and the epic climate-craft of N. K. Jemisin.WHAT READERS ARE SAYING:'This book! OMG this book was everything I could hope for! A queer love story, a space story, a rebel story and so well written' 5-star reader review'An absolute stonker of a debut... I was hooked the whole way through' 5-star reader review'I absolutely devoured this book! Everything I could possibly want with Star Wars / Doctor Who vibes mixed in with Pride and Prejudice' 5-star reader review'THIS is how you write a "chosen one" story! Jikiemi-Pearson is going straight on my "instant read" list of authors' 5-star reader review'I have read quite a few debuts this year and this was easily my top of the year' 5-star reader review'OMG, this book was amazing... Fantastic if you like N.K. Jemisin and Doctor Who... Well worth five stars' 5-star reader review'Hang on and enjoy the ride!' 5-star reader review

  • af Madeleine Roux
    213,95 kr.

    Loki and Valkyrie seek redemption in the first adventure of an epic new multiversal series that reimagines the origins of iconic Marvel heroes.So many worlds, so little time. Infinite possibilities, creating infinite realities. Long have I watched the trickster god sow chaos. But . . . what if Loki saved Asgard from Tony Stark’s revenge? Thor—Son of Odin, God of Thunder, Wielder of Mjolnir—is dead. And Loki is responsible.  It was meant to be only a joke—tampering with the Destroyer, changing Thor’s course to Midgard—a bit of mischief with a chance of maiming. But Loki’s harmless prank spiraled out of control, unleashing death and destruction on New York City and the heroes sworn to protect it. The city was saved, at the cost of Thor’s life.  Furious and heartbroken, the All-Father banishes Loki to Earth for his crime. Loki finds himself in a realm of boxed wine, instant noodles, and some sort of regional performance troupe known as the “Buffalo Bills.” It’s a meager existence, far from Asgard’s grand courts, but he finds his new friend, Brian the Gecko, a much more engaging companion than the sycophants back home. It’s a true meeting of the minds.  Loki is the God of Mischief—but he knows, deep down, that he never truly deserved to stand next to their father’s golden child, Thor, as two true sons of Odin. Yet he cannot endure his exile in peaceful isolation. A Valkyrie—Hel-bent on carrying out her oath to Thor—barges into Loki’s trailer home with his brother’s final words from the beyond: a plea to find a certain Dr. Jane Foster and pass the hammer Mjolnir on to its rightful heir. While Loki struggles to fulfil his brother’s last request, the far-reaching consequences of his fatal prank return to haunt him. Blinded by grief over those he lost in the chaos wrought by Asgard, Iron Man vows revenge on those who consider themselves gods. Determined to protect Earth from the might of this unpredictable alien power, Stark forges Asgard’s own weaponry into a lethal suit of armor, set on eradicating any tether between their worlds—consequences be damned. When Asgard looks to Loki for salvation, he must answer the question: Am I truly worthy?

  • af Philip Francis Nowlan
    128,95 - 225,95 kr.

  • af Savita Pandit
    185,95 kr.

    ""Exploring the Genius: 100 Scientists and Their Revolutionary Contributions"" is a comprehensive exploration of the groundbreaking work and profound impact of some of the greatest scientific minds in history. From pioneers in physics and chemistry to innovators in biology and medicine, this book delves into the lives and discoveries of a diverse array of scientists who have transformed our understanding of the natural world. Through engaging narratives and illuminating profiles, readers are introduced to the remarkable achievements and enduring legacies of these visionary individuals. Each scientist's revolutionary contributions are examined in detail, providing insights into the methods, theories, and experiments that reshaped scientific knowledge and paved the way for future advancements. From Isaac Newton and Marie Curie to Albert Einstein and Jane Goodall, ""Exploring the Genius"" celebrates the curiosity, ingenuity, and perseverance of the human spirit in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

  • af Renato Clarete Tranquilino
    65,95 kr.

    A collection of short stories related to the main stories in the book "Fate of a Distant Future", that digs deeper in the actions taken in the main book that would show how expansive the tale currently stands. A companion book is meant to be read after the main stories have been read.

  • af Edgar Rice Burroughs
    185,95 kr.

    ""Swords of Mars"" is a thrilling science fiction novel penned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, celebrated for its gripping narrative and imaginative world-building. Set on the planet Mars, known to its inhabitants as Barsoom, the story follows the adventures of the heroic John Carter as he becomes embroiled in the political machinations and conflicts of the Red Planet. With its blend of action, romance, and high-stakes intrigue, ""Swords of Mars"" transports readers to a world of adventure and danger, where the fate of nations hangs in the balance and the bonds of friendship and loyalty are put to the test. Along the way, John Carter encounters a diverse cast of characters, including fierce warriors, cunning villains, and mysterious allies, as he battles to protect his loved ones and preserve the fragile peace of Barsoom. With its fast-paced plot and vivid descriptions, ""Swords of Mars"" is a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its thrilling tale of heroism and daring escapades.

  • af Erica Tippett
    202,95 kr.

    Evalie seems to be surrounded by men who don't think she's good enough. After losing her promotion to an inexperienced male colleague, and a proposal from an overbearing boyfriend, the lure of true equality becomes too strong. Moving to Xoha and leaving everything behind in Melbourne, Evalie finds complete anonymity in her regulation suit and new identity. For the first time in her life, success becomes easy. But the social isolation is unbearable. When she stumbles across the Unsuited and learns that Xoha has a dark side, she begins to question where she is going in life. Is there a love out there that is good enough? Can this likeable but unlikely hero find it in herself to be the master of her own destiny?

  • af Edgar Rice Burroughs
    195,95 kr.

    ""Escape on Venus"" is an exhilarating science fiction novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, celebrated for its imaginative storytelling and captivating world-building. Set on the planet Venus, the story follows the adventures of Carson Napier, a daring Earthman who finds himself stranded on the mysterious and perilous world. As Carson explores the exotic landscapes and encounters strange creatures, he becomes embroiled in a series of thrilling escapades, including battles with hostile aliens, daring rescues, and quests for hidden treasures. Along the way, Carson forms alliances with both human and alien allies, including the beautiful Duare and the noble Taman. With its blend of action, romance, and adventure, ""Escape on Venus"" transports readers to a realm of wonder and excitement, where the spirit of exploration knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Burroughs' vivid imagination and dynamic storytelling make ""Escape on Venus"" a timeless classic in the genre of science fiction literature.

  • af Edgar Rice Burroughs
    152,95 kr.

    ""Carson of Venus"" is a thrilling science fiction novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, known for its imaginative world-building and captivating adventure. The story follows the daring Earthman Carson Napier as he embarks on a journey to the mysterious planet Venus. Upon arrival, Carson discovers a lush and exotic landscape inhabited by strange creatures and alien civilizations. As he explores the wonders of Venus, Carson becomes embroiled in a series of daring escapades, including battles with fierce beasts, encounters with bizarre cultures, and quests for lost treasures. Along the way, Carson encounters allies and adversaries, including the beautiful princess Duare and the ruthless warlord Thorist. With its blend of action, romance, and intrigue, ""Carson of Venus"" transports readers to a world of thrilling adventure and daring exploration, where the spirit of discovery knows no bounds.

  • af Marina Simcoe
    162,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Massie
    158,95 kr.

    "Arithmophobia," n.: The fear of numbers or mathematics.Whether you love mathematics or find it terrifying, this anthology of original tales of terror is sure to send a chill down your spine. With an unlucky thirteen brand new horror stories and a bonus poem in case any readers suffer from triskaidekaphobia, these pages combine the talents of some of the genre's most experienced award-winning practitioners of terror and some of the literary world's most promising new voices.Featuring contributions by Elizabeth Massie, Miguel Fliguer, Mike Slater, Patrick Freivald, Liz Kaufman, Damon Nomad, Sarah Lazarz, Martin Zeigler, Josh Snider, Rivka Crowbourne, Joe Stout, Brian Knight, Wil Forbis, David Lee Summers, and Maxwell I. Gold.These stories tell us of strange and horrifying new geometries, crazed and violent mathematicians, sentient and malevolent numbers, and even some new mathematical twists on some classic monsters. You needn't be a mathematician to experience these new forms of mathematical terror, though students of the discipline might recognize some familiar names and ideas lurking in the shadows.So pull up a chair, dust off your abacus and slide rule, and prepare to experience...Arithmophobia.

  • af Lois Buchter
    246,95 kr.

    Dr. David Lane, tormented by his wife's tragic end, leads a scientific expedition into the heart of Papua New Guinea in search of a diabetes cure. The team, delving into the unknown jungles, watches glowing orbs, deep into unchartered territory, blink in the distance. The natives call the animals, Pterodactyl-like creatures, death-eaters or Ropen, stalking at night with an appetite for humans and crocodiles. Familial tensions rise when David's son, fiancée, and estranged brother join the expedition, adding a layer of unresolved conflict to the unfolding scientific mystery.As the team pushes deeper into ROPEN ISLAND, reconciling family dynamics becomes a high-stake endeavor. The treacherous journey, rife with peril and ancient creatures, takes a dark turn when an injured team member, Billy, tests the limits of their commitment. Simultaneously, the looming threat of environmental devastation caused by a ruthless corporation casts ominous shadows, forcing the team to defend both the newfound creatures and the fragile ecosystem they live in.As they grapple with the aftermath of their expedition, Dave's groundbreaking medical research on bat blood clotting unfolds, offering a glimmer of hope for diabetes treatment. In a chilling climax, the Lane Corporation emerges from the ashes, a grim testament to their relentless pursuit of the truth in Cryptozoological research. The Lane brothers, driven by an insatiable curiosity of things unknown, embark on another global adventure, after the Skunk Ape sightings in Florida, promising more cryptid revelations lurking somewhere in the depths of the Everglades.

  • af Win Scott Eckert
    248,95 kr.

    Korak the Killer, jungle-raised son of Tarzan of the Apes, sets off into the wilds of the prehistoric world at the Earth's core to rescue his daughter Suzanne Clayton, who has gone missing in the mysterious Land of Awful Shadow. But when the airship O-220 is hijacked, Korak and his Mangani friend Akut are stranded and must fight their way across the savage lands and seas of Pellucidar. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Korak's mate Meriem, also racing to save Suzanne, risks everything in a perilous gambit to quickly reach the inner world.And what of the enigmatic Dead Moon, the pendant world that hangs eternally above the Land of Awful Shadow and is taboo to the Stone Age peoples of Pellucidar? Will the Dead World give up its secrets as Korak and Meriem search for Suzanne-or will it spell their doom?Bonus Novella: "Pellucidar: Dawn of the Deathslayer" by Christopher Paul CareyWhen citizens on the far frontier of the Federated Kingdoms of Pellucidar begin to go missing, a lone warrior with nothing left to lose sets off to investigate. But the dark secret he finds lying in the Charnel Caves beneath the Forest of Death will lay bare the past he seeks to escape and awaken that for which he could never be prepared.

  • af Win Scott Eckert
    310,95 kr.

    Korak the Killer, jungle-raised son of Tarzan of the Apes, sets off into the wilds of the prehistoric world at the Earth's core to rescue his daughter Suzanne Clayton, who has gone missing in the mysterious Land of Awful Shadow. But when the airship O-220 is hijacked, Korak and his Mangani friend Akut are stranded and must fight their way across the savage lands and seas of Pellucidar. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Korak's mate Meriem, also racing to save Suzanne, risks everything in a perilous gambit to quickly reach the inner world.And what of the enigmatic Dead Moon, the pendant world that hangs eternally above the Land of Awful Shadow and is taboo to the Stone Age peoples of Pellucidar? Will the Dead World give up its secrets as Korak and Meriem search for Suzanne-or will it spell their doom?Bonus Novella: "Pellucidar: Dawn of the Deathslayer" by Christopher Paul CareyWhen citizens on the far frontier of the Federated Kingdoms of Pellucidar begin to go missing, a lone warrior with nothing left to lose sets off to investigate. But the dark secret he finds lying in the Charnel Caves beneath the Forest of Death will lay bare the past he seeks to escape and awaken that for which he could never be prepared.

  • af Michael Richardson
    167,95 - 296,95 kr.

  • af Lynn Mathai
    108,95 - 288,95 kr.

    When Lord Devon, the king of Old York New, chooses a new heir in the line of succession, everything goes awry. Demons known as the Black Shadows corrupt the new heir, and the king is dethroned. After a rebellion fails, three children--Isaiah, Brandon, and Madison--reform a secret group known as the Warriors of Raw. It is up to them to retrieve the ancient holy and mystical weapon called the Eye of God and fight these demonic foes. A percentage of the royalties will go to the charities the LUMOS Foundation and Red Nose Day.

  • af Metaphorosis Magazine
    104,95 kr.

    Beautifully written speculative fiction from Metaphorosis magazine.All the stories from the month, plus author biographies, interviews, and story origins.

  • af Mark J. Schultis
    200,95 kr.

    Abandoning another man's conflict is a choice. Abandoning your own conflict is not. Recently discharged from the Aeronautical Expansion Defense and secretly suffering from PTSD, Vio Recarey arrives on the frontier world Obcasio II with nothing but the clothes on his back. All Vio wants is an opportunity to forge a life for himself in the wealthy city of New Luucrum, but with no money and no connections he instead quickly makes acquaintances in LowLuu, the vagabond city formed in the abandoned mining tunnels below New Luucrum. When Vio saves the lives of an influential philanthropist and his stunning wife, Vio seizes the opportunity he's been looking for, much to the disapproval of his LowLuu friends. This new lifestyle attracts complications, ones which set Vio on a path that anchors him to the planet, thrusting him into situations where his actions, or inactions, could have long lasting and grave circumstances for everyone on Obcasio. Vio begins to realize he's traded one life of loneliness and violence for another, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't outrun his trauma.

  • af Terol Rex McCullar
    199,95 - 269,95 kr.

  • af E. Wayne Stucki
    164,95 kr.

    As an asteroid hurdles hurtles toward earth Earth . . .Generations of slaves must seize this one chance to escape the Kthpok.Humanity's destiny hangs in the balance.After thousands of years as slaves and numerous failed rebellions, most humans have resigned themselves to their horrific lives. They labor beneath a domination so barbaric that their infants served as delicacies are considered fortunate to escape this life.However, a few brave souls have decided freedom is worth fighting for, no matter the cost. Led by a mysterious figure, they have formed a network across the worldwide network to bring about their liberation. With the cosmos granting its blessing, the rebels must act now, or humankind's next chance for deliverance may be another thousand years away.Fans of George Orwell's 1984 and David Weber's Honor Harrington series will love this thrilling tale of revolution and rebellion.

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