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Romantik: lægeromaner

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  • af Samuel Shem
    247,95 kr.

    2. reviderede udgave!I The House of God får vi den humoristiske og provo­kerende historie om Roy Basch og fem af hans medstuderende i deres periode som turnuslæger på et af de mest berømte undervisningshospitaler i USA i 1970’erne – en fiktionaliseret version af Beth Israel Hospital. Som på alle andre hospitaler er det medicinske hierarki i Guds eget hus en pyramide – en hel masse i bunden og kun én på toppen: Det er som en isvaffel, hvor man er nødt til at ”slikke sig vej op”!Basch og hans kolleger kæmper med de såkaldte Gomers og de svære beslutninger i liv- og død-situa­tioner under ledelse af deres lærer, kendt som Fede, der underviser dem i hvordan man bliver en god læge, men i sidste ende også et godt menneske.Bogen blev beskrevet i New York Times som “raunchy, troubling and hilarious” og har gennem årtier opnået kultstatus. Den ses i dag som en evigt aktuel milepæl i den evindelige diskussion om humanisme, etik og lægeuddannelse og er en bestseller i bl.a. USA og senest i Tyskland.Nu foreligger den endelig på dansk!” En hæsblæsende rutsjetur”(Kathrine Tschemerinsky i WeekendAvisen)

  • af Anonymous
    112,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • af Gyldendal
    116,95 kr.

    Det er en kold tid. Men i julelampens skær kan man varme sig med god gammeldags hygge. Man kan læse op for venner, børn og familie. Man kan tage uldsokkerne på, hælde noget varmt i kruset og folde sig sammen i en sofa eller lænestol og stille og roligt tage én historie ad gangen.Redaktør og tv-vært Lise Rønne fortæller eksklusivt til denne 2022-udgave, hvordan hun holder jul med familien. Det går ikke stille for sig.Ved julelampens skær har glædet generationer af danskere gennem mere end 100 år. God gammeldags underholdning, der giver hjertevarme og håb for fremtiden. I en forvirret og mærkelig tid har vi måske netop brug for traditioner. Nærvær med familien det må man godt, ja det trænger vi til. Og gode historier er der altid plads til.

  • af Gyldendal
    97,95 kr.

    Ved julelampens skær har glædet generationer af danskere gennem mere end 100 år. God gammeldags underholdning, der giver hjertevarme og håb for fremtiden. I en forvirret og mærkelig tid har vi måske netop brug for traditioner. Nærvær med familien det må man godt, ja det trænger vi til. Og gode historier er der altid plads til.Ud over nye historier bringer vi to klassikere fra tidligere Julelamper, en fortælling om Danmarks første juletræ, og en fortælling om dansk nybyggerjul på den amerikanske prærie.

  • af Lancali
    117,95 kr.

    Against the unforgiving landscape of a hospital, I fell in love with a mischievous, sun-eyed boy who became my only joy in that desolate place. That’s what made it all the more soul-crushing when he committed suicide in front of me. Since then, I've sworn never to love anyone again. With three exceptions: My friends, Sony, Neo, and Coeur, a little gang of rebellious, dying kids. Sony leads the charge with the air of freedom and only one lung to breathe it. Neo, a bad-tempered and wheel-chaired writer, keeps track of our great deeds from stealing to terrorizing our nurse. Coeur is the beautiful boy, the muscle, the gentle giant with a failing heart. Before death inevitably knocks down our doors, my thieves and I have one last heist planned. A great escape that will take us far from abusive parents, crippling loss, and the realities of our diseases. So what happens when someone else walks through the door? What happens when a girl joins our party and renders me speechless with her mischievous smile? What happens when she has suns in her eyes, and as terrified as I am to lose again, I start to fall? Trigger warnings found in foreword.

  • af Martha Hall Kelly
    112,95 - 222,95 kr.

    Martha Hall Kelly har skrevet endnu en medrivende historisk roman inspireret af virkelige levede liv, denne gang under den amerikanske borgerkrig. Georgeanna ”Georgey” Woolsey er ikke skabt til en verden af overdådige fester, hvor det forventes, at en kvinde i hendes position er duknakket og ærbødig. Så da den amerikanske borgerkrig bryder ud og antænder hele nationen, ser Georgey sit snit og vælger at forfølge sin lidenskab for sygepleje - i en tid, hvor kvinder er uønskede ved fronten. Men Georgey og hendes søster Eliza vil modbevise de onde tunger, og de vover sig ud på en rejse fra New York til Washington D.C. og Gettysburg, hvor de bliver førstehåndsvidner til slaveriets og krigens rædsler.I sydstaterne møder vi Jemma, som er slavegjort på Peeler-plantagen i Maryland, hvor hun bor med sin mor og far. Hendes søster, Patience, lider samme skæbne på naboplantagen, og begge lever de i frygt for plantagelederen, LeBaron. Da Jemma sælges til den grusomme mrs. Anne-May, mens unionshæren marcherer igennem landet, øjner Jemma chancen for at flygte, selvom hun må sige farvel til sin elskede familie.Georgeys kald som unionssygeplejerske medvirker til, at hun krydser veje med Jemma, og herfra fremskrives et levende og detaljerigt portræt af borgerkrigsoplevelsen; fra de barbariske og umenneskelige plantager, til et krigshærget New York og slagmarkens rædsler.Georgey er en fjern forfader til Caroline Ferriday, som Kelly introducerede i sin bestseller Blomstrende syrener, og Solsikkesøstrene er inspireret af virkelige begivenheder.

  • af Robyn Carr
    122,95 kr.

    Når sneen daler og dækker skovens tårnhøje graner, er Virgin River det perfekte sted at tilbringe højtiden. Det lille samfund samles år efter år for at pynte og tænde et gigantisk træ, synge julesange og drikke varm chokolade – og denne gang er begivenheder under opsejling, som vil bringe to ganske særlige mennesker sammen. Da beboerne i Virgin River finder en kasse med hundehvalpe under det fælles juletræ, ringer de til den lokale dyrlæge Nathaniel Jensen. En flot og handlekraftig mand med favnen fuld af nuttede hundehvalpe er i sig selv uimodståeligt, men det er hans gryende forhold til Annie McCarty, der for alvor sætter svingninger i sladder og logrende haler i den lille by.VIRGIN RIVER – Under tindrende stjerner er ottende bind i Robyn Carrs romanserie bag Netflix’ kæmpehit, hvor kærlighed, familiedramaer og hjertevarme venskaber udspiller sig i den naturskønne californiske bjerglandsby

  • af Robyn Carr
    122,95 kr.

    Den før så sorgløse underkorporal i marinen Rick Sudder vender desillusioneret hjem fra tjeneste i Irak. I Virgin River venter Liz, som aldrig har opgivet ham – men er hendes loyalitet og kærlighed nok til at hele hans krop og sjæl?Samtidig testes den idylliske bjerglandsbys ellers så berømte gæstfrihed, da Dan Brady dukker op. Kan han lægge sit blakkede ry bag sig i armene på Cheryl, der har sine egne dæmoner at bekæmpe?For en elsket søn hjemvendt fra krigen og en outsider på udkig efter et nyt liv, bliver Virgin River muligheden for at slutte fred med fortiden – og genfinde drømme, de troede var tabt for evigt.VIRGIN RIVER – Lys hinsides bjergene er syvende bind i Robyn Carrs romanserie bag Netflix’ kæmpehit, hvor kærlighed, familiedramaer og hjertevarme venskaber udspiller sig i den naturskønne californiske bjerglandsby.

  • af Gyldendal
    116,95 kr.

    Det er en kold tid. Men i julelampens skær kan man varme sig med god gammeldags hygge. Man kan læse op for venner, børn og familie. Man kan tage uldsokkerne på, hælde noget varmt i kruset og folde sig sammen i en sofa eller lænestol og stille og roligt tage én historie ad gangen.Skuespiller Ellen Hillingsø fortæller eksklusivt til 2023-udgaven om sin bedste jul.Ved julelampens skær har glædet generationer af danskere gennem mere end 100 år. God gammeldags underholdning, der giver hjertevarme og håb for fremtiden. I en forvirret og mærkelig tid har vi måske netop brug for traditioner. Nærvær med familien det må man godt, ja det trænger vi til. Og gode historier er der altid plads til. Rigt illustreret med nye tegninger af Marianne Glem Hansen.Forvent julemænd, nisser, hvid jul, hjerter og masser af glæde.

  • af Tris Khaylen
    199,95 kr.

    Er ist der schönste Mann, den ich je gesehen habe. Ein absoluter Traum, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes¿ denn er ist ein Geist. Als ich zurück in die Kleinstadt ziehe, in der ich meine Kindheit verbrachte, stelle ich schnell fest, dass in der Bibliothek, in der ich arbeite, etwas nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht. Als ich schließlich nachts in meinen Träumen auch noch von einem Mann heimgesucht werde, der mir einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gehen will, weiß ich, dass ich der Sache auf den Grund gehen muss. - - - (Ein paranormaler Liebesroman) - - - Triggerwarnung: Einzelne Passagen der Geschichte spielen in einer geschlossenen, psychiatrischen Einrichtung. Beschrieben werden in einigen Szenen unter anderem veraltete und heute teils verbotene Behandlungsmethoden. Die Details sind für besonders sensible Leser/innen möglicherweise ungeeignet. Weitere Hinweise und Infos zu Triggern auf Geschichte in sich abgeschlossen.

  • af Aurelia Blum
    209,95 - 315,95 kr.

  • af Melanie A. Smith
    152,95 kr.

    2020 OKLAHOMA ROMANCE WRITERS GUILD HEART AWARDS FINALIST IN SCORCHER ROMANCE2021 NATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN STORY TELLING FINALIST¿¿¿¿¿¿¿2020 MAGGIE AWARD FINALIST IN CONTEMPORARY ROMANCEFrom award-winning and international best-selling author Melanie A. Smith comes a series of steamy contemporary medical romance standalone novels about life lessons that break all the rules. Some lessons are more fun when learned the hard way... What's the first rule of nurse's club? That's right: Never date a doctor. Which Sasha Suvorin has no intention of doing anyway, since she's a nurse at Rutherford Hospital by day and working on her master's degree by night. Who has time for dating, much less dating someone you work with? Bad idea much? That is, until the sexy British Dr. Caleb Thompson starts at her hospital. It also doesn't help that he's exactly her type with his dark hair, blue eyes, and rockin' bod. Or that he's not your typical arrogant and bossy surgeon. But Sasha isn't so easily convinced, and she soon discovers Dr. Hottie has a past that puts a stop to whatever she might have been feeling before anything ever starts between them. Unfortunately, working together means facing temptation. Every. Single. Day. Is Sasha strong enough to resist what might just be the perfect man? And if she gives in, will Cal's past stay in the past? Sasha may be used to playing it safe, but life has a way of teaching its lessons ... one way or another.

  • af Melanie A. Smith
    152,95 kr.

    "I laughed, I cried, I couldn't put it down." -Lisa, ARC readerFrom award-winning and international best-selling author Melanie A. Smith comes a series of steamy contemporary medical romance standalone novels about life lessons that break all the rules.Even when you know better, sometimes it's simply too tempting...Hospital work isn't for the faint of heart. Becca Dillon knows that firsthand, having worked as a medical assistant in the cardiac unit at Rutherford Hospital for longer than she cares to think about. What she does care to think about is having fun, gossip, and ... guys. Her favorite of the three. And why stick to one, when you can sample them all? That's exactly her plan when a workplace crush on a mysterious bad-boy orderly unexpectedly takes a very steamy turn. But Vincent DeMarco turns out to be nothing like she expected, and before she knows it, she's falling hard and fast. She wants him in ways she's never wanted anyone before, but there's something he's keeping from her. Something that's holding him back. And Becca is going to find out what.Even though she knows that bad boys don't make good boyfriends, he seems like he might be so much more. Will her quest unlock the truth behind who he really is? Or will it end their relationship for good? Either way, ready or not, Becca's world is about to change.

  • af Robert Ray-Gregson
    162,95 kr.

    This is a romantic drama in a medical setting (a maternity hospital), with the medical incidents making an integral part of the storyline. The human aspect of the medical situations is always the dominant feature rather than the clinical and technical details, which makes the story suitable for all levels and types of readers.The story is set in a busy maternity hospital in London where the lives of the staff and those of the patients are inexplicably intertwined. The fast-moving environment of the labour ward sees many events ending sometimes happily, sometimes tragically but often unpredictably. In this tense atmosphere, the relationships between the main characters of the story thrive or breakdown, with rivalries on occasions taking a sinister nature. What happens on the labour ward demonstrates in a unique way the best and the worst in human nature, such as sublime love and bitter hatred, total dedication and commitment, utter selfishness, acts of great kindnesses as well as sexual and emotional abuse.The main love story is between two young doctors, Alison and Samy, who could not have been more different in personalities or circumstances. However, against all odds an overwhelming love engulfs them both and they hold on to each other through the trials and tribulations of life at St. Luke's Maternity Hospital. One of the senior consultants, Mr John Stewart, who is more than twice Alison's age, is utterly obsessed with her and for this reason he conspires to ruin Samy and remove him from the scene once and for all. Several other doctors, midwives and patients get involved in this complex love triangle with varying degrees of helpfulness or hindrance. This novel will be of special interest to anyone who likes romantic novels in general or medical dramas. Men and women who are contemplating having a baby or have had babies before will enjoy the setting of this romantic drama and may identify with some of the events described. As having a baby is one of the most unique human experiences, this novel will be of interest to all, even those who never had one. Robert Ray-Gregson has been working as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist in various maternity hospitals in the United Kingdom for over thirty years, progressing from a young aspiring trainee doctor to a senior consultant. He draws on this extensive experience to write realistically and interestingly about life and work in maternity units, He describes in plain and clear language how clinical events in pregnancy and labor can have tremendous impact on all those involved. The complicated love story in the novel develops hand-in hand with clinical situations as they ebb and flow.

  • af Jasmin Berger
    185,95 kr.

    Es geht um Elouan und Céleste. Während sie, vor Lebensfreude geradezu strahlt, ist er die zu Fleisch geworden Definition des Wortes grumpy. Elouan will einfach seine Ruhe und so wenig Kontakt mit seinen Mitmenschen haben wie möglich, doch dann, wird Céleste ihm von seiner Klassenlehrerin in einer Projektarbeit, in der es darum geht einen gemeinsamen Song zu erarbeiten, förmlich aufs Auge gedrückt. Die beiden sollen zusammen arbeiten. Elouan versucht Céleste so gut es geht auf Abstand zu halten und macht ihr mehr als deutlich, dass er nichts mit ihr zu tun haben, will. Doch dieses Mädchen ist hartnäckiger als er dachte und droht die Schutzmauern, die er sich in den letzten Jahren durch diverse schwere Schicksalsschläge aufgebaut hat, einfach einzureißen.

  • af Ruth Madison
    182,95 kr.

    Kevin Murphy is back in Cedar Harbor for a fresh start and totally not because he's running away from mistakes that cost him his professional sledge hockey career in Toronto. No, he's come to the small New England town to help others, not to hide.Ten years ago Kevin lost both his legs and discovering adaptive sports helped give him his life back. Now he wants to start an amateur sled hockey team for newly injured men. Cedar Harbor is home to Thatcher Memorial Rehab where Kevin did his recovery and it's the perfect place to give back to the disabled community.Dr. Wilson insists on bringing a professional fundraiser on board. Carly Jennings is, as Dr. Wilson says, the best fundraiser in the state. She is organized, professional, and excellent at what she does.Kevin takes an instant dislike to her, resentful of able-bodied people taking over his project and concerned that paying her will not be a good investment in the team.What Kevin doesn't know is that Carly has a very personal relationship to the disability community. Her younger brother Robbie is a quadriplegic from a car accident when they were teens and she knows exactly how important sports are for giving newly injured people their lives back.She also knows that she'll have to fight past some very ingrained ableism to get donors to invest in a hockey team instead of a cure...but she's up for the challenge.Kevin and Carly fight over the best way to build this new sled hockey team while denying the intense chemistry between them. Until a game of Truth Or Dare changes everything...

  • af Sarina Bowen
    172,95 kr.

    A sexy stand-alone romance from 24-time USA Today bestseller Sarina Bowen.A year ago Hank "Hazardous" Lazarus had everything: a gorgeous girlfriend, a career as a freestyle snowboarder and a spot on the US Olympic team. Then a bad crash in the half pipe left him unable to move his legs. He lost his sport, his career, and the girlfriend, too.He's is in a bad way until he meets Dr. Callie Anders. Her quick smile makes him want to live again. If only she weren't so cagey. He doesn't know whether to punch the ex-boyfriend who hurt her, or thank the man for making her single.Callie has never met a man who makes her heart flutter like Hank does. Every time she comes face to face with the bad boy snowboarder, it's hard to remember that he's off limits.Dating him would be unprofessional. Besides, he's out of her league. But the struggle is real. And every small town that bad boys never play by the rules...I love Sarina Bowen's deliciously sexy heroes! New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis

  • af Thorid Larsson
    326,95 kr.

    Teil 1 und 2 der beliebten Nord-Süd-Liebe-Reihe als Sammelband ... Zwei romantische Geschichten für alle, die sich nicht zwischen Nord und Süd, Hund und Katze oder Laugenbrezel und Zimtschnecke entscheiden wollen, sondern lieber ihren eigenen Weg gehen!Band 1: ZimtmomenteEine Liebe mit (sprachlichen) Hindernissen¿Mara hat ihren ersten richtigen Job als Lehrerin an Stuttgarts renommiertester Sprachschule ergattert.An ihrem ersten Tag dort begegnet sie Bente, dem lässigen dänischen Koch, der ihr sofort den Kopf verdreht.Was sie allerdings nicht weiß, Bente ist weder Koch, noch hat er den Deutschunterricht bei Mara nötig.Haben die beiden trotz aller Lügen eine Chance?Band 2: NordseewolkenDie Wohnung gekündigt, vom Freund verlassen - Hannahs Leben gleicht innerhalb weniger Stunden einem Scherbenhaufen.Zeit sich in Selbstmitleid zu vergraben bleibt ihr allerdings nicht, denn Tante Theodora braucht dringend ihre Hilfe. Kurz entschlossen kehrt sie München den Rücken, um frischen Wind in die leicht verstaubte Hafenapotheke ihrer Tante zu bringen.In Ostfriesland findet sie nicht nur wieder Stück für Stück zu sich selbst zurück, sondern macht auch die Bekanntschaft von Tierarzt Frieder, der so gar nichts für affektierte Städterinnen übrig hat.Kann Hannah beweisen, dass "Meer" in ihr steckt und einen Neustart für das Leben und die Liebe wagen?

  • af Robin Nadler
    187,95 kr.

    David is the rock. The one boy raised with so many girls.He was their protector. He was their champion. He was their best friend.A simple trip to the store resulted in catastrophic injuries.His life hangs in the balance.His wife is fighting her own battles.His family is falling apart.And that's just the beginning.How will the family rally around him when they are all dealing with their own demons from the past?Sabrina and Jimmy are trying to find their way back to each other.They have all been so lost for so long.Is there any way back to each other?

  • af Michael Godin
    162,95 kr.

    In the face of a new and terrifying pandemic, Dr. Nick Jordan and his young colleagues must find the strength to save their patients and themselves.It's June 1986, and Nick Jordan has just graduated medical school in New Orleans and is headed west to sunshine-blessed San Diego to start a one-year surgical internship. Medical science has no answers for the newly discovered Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which will wreak havoc among his patients. An accidental stick from a knife or a needle could mean infection and an agonizing death for the young doctor.The specter of this new and incurable disease haunts Nick's internship with fear and uncertainty sooner than he anticipates. The heaviness of this reality is counterbalanced by the excitement, exuberance, and goofiness of Nick's fellow interns - all young adults who have suddenly been given real responsibility and power to effect change in their patient's lives. Working alongside Holly Spencer, a gorgeous colleague who might just be the love of his life, Nick faces his patient's dire circumstances with trepidation and grace.As he rotates through various hospital services, including his desired head and neck surgery path, Nick encounters the extremes of human behavior and experience. The venture is often surreal - simultaneously bizarre, devastating, and sometimes even funny. Overwhelmed by the rigors of medical training in this stressful and dangerous time, Nick must develop the skills to persevere or quit.Nick and his fellow interns' empathy, patience, physical endurance, and emerging medical skills are tested beyond reason. Through the crucible of a terrifying new pandemic, they forge friendships that help them find the strength to continue. Their journey is one of romance, humor, and courage. Together, they struggle to survive and find the emotional strength to heal their patients in the face of misanthropic supervisors and overwhelming odds.The Big Prick will transport you to a time of joy and horror-and may even teach you how to surf...."Riveting! Godin hits an out-of-the-park home run with his debut novel. I'm eagerly awaiting more from the charismatic Nick Jordan." - Ashley Farley, USA TODAY Bestselling Author

  • af Melissa Dymond
    217,95 kr.

    #1 Amazon Bestseller Please note-this book is offered in TWO different versions:1) A spicy/open-door version with mild explicit language and sex scenes2) A sweet/clean/closed-door version with no language and only kissing.I want ALL of my readers to feel comfortable, so please choose the best version for you. One doctor.One movie star.One house.What could go wrong?When Dr. Gwen Wright agrees to house sit for her mother in Los Angeles, she has no idea that her surgically precise world is about to get a major plot twist. It's Caleb Lawson-world-famous movie star on the run from the paparazzi and his secrets-who crash lands in her kitchen. Besides being a Hollywood heartthrob, Caleb is also her new stepdad's nephew. He thinks he has as much right to stay in the house as she does, but, as far as Gwen's concerned, she's the landlord and he's the squatter.Forced to share the small space, Gwen is drawn to the moody celebrity. But falling for a star is a risky business. Especially when there's an army of paparazzi on his tail... Holiday Star is a swoon-inducing, page-turning, celebrity romance novel with the perfect blend of angst and tension. Read if you like enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity, tons of chemistry, a touch of groveling, and happily ever after.Perfect for fans of Emily Henry, Lucy Score, Tessa Bailey, and Sophie Lark.Editorial review for Holiday Star:"The pace was fast, the descriptions were exciting, the plot was interesting, the dialogues were hilarious, and the overall feel of the novel was outstanding. This novel highly deserves it's 5 stars from me."- Rabia Tanveer, Reader's Favorite. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Holiday Star has captured the hearts of readers!"This is hands down the one of the best, most emotionally charged, and close to real life romance book I have ever read." - Julia ¿¿¿¿¿"The kind of book that leaves you missing the characters when you're done as if they are your own friends/family. I LOVED it!" - Amazon Customer ¿¿¿¿¿"Caleb is a totally swoon-worthy MMC. I'm not surprised he swept Gwen off her feet because he did the same to me." - Chloe ¿¿¿¿¿"I'm STILL thinking about it. The dynamic between Caleb and Gwen made me all giddy inside." - Lisa ¿¿¿¿¿"I had heard that this book was amazing on TikTok and it really blew me out of the water." - Mamareads321 ¿¿¿¿¿

  • af Melissa Dymond
    217,95 kr.

    #1 Amazon Bestseller Please note-this book is offered in TWO different versions:1) A spicy/open-door version with mild explicit language and sex scenes2) A sweet/clean/closed-door version with no language and only kissing.I want ALL of my readers to feel comfortable, so please choose the best version for you. One doctor.One movie star.One house.What could go wrong?When Dr. Gwen Wright agrees to house sit for her mother in Los Angeles, she has no idea that her surgically precise world is about to get a major plot twist. It's Caleb Lawson-world-famous movie star on the run from the paparazzi and his secrets-who crash lands in her kitchen. Besides being a Hollywood heartthrob, Caleb is also her new stepdad's nephew. He thinks he has as much right to stay in the house as she does, but, as far as Gwen's concerned, she's the landlord and he's the squatter.Forced to share the small space, Gwen is drawn to the moody celebrity. But falling for a star is a risky business. Especially when there's an army of paparazzi on his tail... Holiday Star is a swoon-inducing, page-turning, celebrity romance novel with the perfect blend of angst and tension. Read if you like enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity, tons of chemistry, a touch of groveling, and happily ever after.Perfect for fans of Emily Henry, Lucy Score, Tessa Bailey, and Sophie Lark.Editorial review for Holiday Star:"The pace was fast, the descriptions were exciting, the plot was interesting, the dialogues were hilarious, and the overall feel of the novel was outstanding. This novel highly deserves it's 5 stars from me."- Rabia Tanveer, Reader's Favorite. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Holiday Star has captured the hearts of readers!"This is hands down the one of the best, most emotionally charged, and close to real life romance book I have ever read." - Julia ¿¿¿¿¿"The kind of book that leaves you missing the characters when you're done as if they are your own friends/family. I LOVED it!" - Amazon Customer ¿¿¿¿¿"Caleb is a totally swoon-worthy MMC. I'm not surprised he swept Gwen off her feet because he did the same to me." - Chloe ¿¿¿¿¿"I'm STILL thinking about it. The dynamic between Caleb and Gwen made me all giddy inside." - Lisa ¿¿¿¿¿"I had heard that this book was amazing on TikTok and it really blew me out of the water." - Mamareads321 ¿¿¿¿¿

  • af Susan Horsnell
    187,95 kr.

    Dr. Andrew Lowman is an Australian Eye Specialist who has a passion for restoring sight to those who would otherwise endure life with poor eyesight or blindness.Medical facilities are not easily accessed in the wide-open spaces and isolation of the outback where the air is hot, flies are plenty, and life is tough for those on the land.Thanks to the Flying Doctor Service, Andrew and his team are flown in to a cattle station near Bourke, NSW, where they conduct a regular clinic for the Aboriginals and others on the land in the area.Their time is divided between two stations and the town of Bourke itself.They follow this routine every second week, giving the outback a service it wouldn't otherwise receive.Become a part of the outback - the land, they call home.A land as beautiful as it is harsh.A land which captures the hearts of all those who live on her.

  • af Michelle Caffrey
    257,95 kr.

    "A charming, funny, romantic mystery with a fine, twisty plot and a delightfully kooky cast of older patients and friends." -Angela Knight, NY Times Bestselling AuthorRuth Markson returns to her childhood home for a year as she carries out her secret plan for a big city career. On the first day nursing in a retirement facility, she's warned by a resident that his friends are unexpectedly dying.Unlike Ruth, her former pal Tyler Kelly truly loves their small Wisconsin hometown and its community of friends and family. The only thing missing is someone to share his life-Ms. Right.Ruth questions the medications for elderly residents and suspects foul play. As patient deaths mount up, she receives threats and asks tech-savvy Tyler for help. Using hidden cameras, she risks her job and her career to solve the mystery. She finally blurts out her conclusions, unaware that a killer is listening.As the danger increases, so does her attraction to Tyler. With scheming coworkers, an old nemesis turned Elvis impersonator, and an attack goose in her way, can Ruth uncover the conspiracy before the murderer comes for her? Will she be forced to choose between her dreams and her growing desire for Tyler, or can they move from friendship to forever?

  • af Augustus M. Swift
    197,95 kr.

  • af K. A. Knight
    432,95 kr.

    Enjoy both stories, Unstoppable and Unbreakable, from the Pretty Liars duet all in one place!My father is a genius.A scientist determined to unlock the human potential.Only his experiments?He conducted them on me.I managed to escape his cruel, painful control, and for years I hid.Until one day, news comes of his death.Along with the fact his experiments are still being carried out.This time I cannot run, I cannot hide.I must stop them once and for all.He thought he was invincible.... but me?I'm Unstoppable.*The Pretty Liars duet is a dark romance. Both books touch on heavy subjects and we advise readers to check out the trigger warnings first.*

  • af Braxton Craven
    342,95 kr.

    Mary Barker is a heartwarming story about Martha Barker, a hard-working and dedicated nurse who is deeply committed to helping her patients. When she meets a young doctor named David, she finds herself falling in love, but struggles to balance her personal and professional life amidst the challenges of the medical field. This novel is a must-read for anyone who has ever been touched by the healing power of medicine.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Robyn Carr
    124,95 kr.

    Shelby McIntyres femogtyve år lange liv har ikke været præget af ret meget frihed og eventyr, men nu vil hun udleve sine store drømme om rejser, studier og romantik – og forhåbentlig møde den eneste ene undervejs.I Virgin River møder hun Luke Riordan, men han er bestemt ikke den type, hun havde i tankerne. Luke forlod hæren efter mange barske år som Black Hawk-pilot, han er desillusioneret, specialist i korte affærer og skyer enhver form for forpligtelser.Shelby og Luke burde på ingen måde passe sammen. Men de skal snart opdage, at det, man ønsker sig, og det, man faktisk har brug for, ikke altid er det samme.VIRGIN RIVER – Dage med længsel er sjette bind i Robyn Carrs romanserie bag Netflix’ kæmpehit, hvor kærlighed, familiedramaer og hjertevarme venskaber udspiller sig i den naturskønne californiske bjerglandsby.

  • af Ruth Madison
    177,95 kr.

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