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Her finder du spændende bøger om Globalisering. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 455 bøger om emnet.
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  • - Hvad i alverden er der galt med Frankrig?
    af Aske Munck
    116,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Inkarnationen af civilisationen og det gode liv: elegance, kunst, filosofi, litteratur, erotik, gastronomi, verdens mest spektakulære cykelløb, brede boulevarder og Middelhavskysten med det azurblå hav. Det er sådan, de fleste kan lide at tænke på det franske.Men der er et andet Frankrig - med endeløse strejker, arbejdsløshed og store forskelle på land og by, på rig og fattig. Et land præget af bureaukrati, korruption og politikerlede, de gule vestes oprør, religiøse spændinger, en uforløst kolonihistorie og - ikke mindst - årevis med voldsomme terrorangreb.I DEN RYSTEDE REPUBLIK går journalist Aske Munck med indsigt og nysgerrighed på jagt efter årsagerne til Frankrigs aktuelle problemer - med blik for både det unikt franske og for det, at mange af de franske problemer minder om dem, man slås med i resten af den vestlige verden, også i Danmark.

  • - Forretning, Organisation og IT
    af Jens Christensen
    227,95 - 375,95 kr.

    Bogen belyser de vilkår, som er bestemmende for forretningslivets udvikling. Hvorfor og hvordan údvikler forretningslivet, virksomhederne og deres organisationer og teknologien sig, som de gør? Hvorfor opnår virksomheder succes? Hvorfor gør vi i Danmark os gældende inden for bestemte områder, mens man i andre lande har førende virksomheder i andre forretningsområder? Hvad betyder globaliseringen? Hvorfor og hvordan organiserer virksomheder sig, som de gør? Hvorfor og hvordan udvikler digitaliseringen sig og får så stor betydning? Selv om fokus er på den aktuelle og nærmeste fremtid skal man have historien med for at forstå baggrunden for det udskilningsløb, der er foregået i det globale forretningsliv, og den dynamik som former organisationer og teknologi før, nu og i fremtiden. Der gøres særlig meget ud af den digitale udvikling, som her i 2010'erne for alvor er i gang med at transformere forretningsliv og samfund.

  • af Walt Bogdanich
    137,95 - 230,95 kr.

  • af Timothy Garton Ash
    127,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Gideon Rachman
    127,95 kr.

  • - Xi Jinping og den kinesiske drøm
    af Lasse Karner
    230,95 - 235,95 kr.

    "Behovet for at forstå Kinas intentioner har aldrig været større. Om vi vil det eller ej, kommer Kina til at præge det 21. århundrede mere end nogen anden nation" – fra forordet Tiden, hvor kinesiske ledere holdt lav profil, er forbi. Xi Jinping har med stor kraft sat Kina tilbage på verdenskortet og indledt, hvad han selv kalder en ny æra. Men hvad er det for en verden, den kinesiske præsident og partichef ser for sig, og hvad får det af betydning for os i Vesten? I "Kina i verden" tager journalist og Asien-korrespondent Lasse Karner læserne med på en rejse langs Kinas storstilede Silkevejsprojekt, rundt om teknologiske nybrud, ideologiske kampe og stormagtsrivalisering og langt ind i den kinesiske selvforståelse. Bogen giver et unikt indblik i Kinas nationale identitet og globale ambitioner under Xi Jinping.

  • af Olaf Groth, Mark Esposito & Terence Tse
    262,95 kr.

  • af Rana Foroohar
    210,95 kr.

    A sweeping case that a new age of economic localization will reunite place and prosperity, putting an end to the last half century of globalization—by one of the preeminent economic journalists writing today“This invaluable book is as bold in its ambitions as it is readable.”—Ian Bremmer, New York Times bestselling author of The Power of CrisisONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: Kirkus ReviewsAt the dawn of the twenty-first century, Thomas Friedman, in The World Is Flat, declared globalization the new economic order. But the reign of globalization as we’ve known it is over, argues Financial Times columnist and CNN analyst Rana Foroohar, and the rise of local, regional, and homegrown business is now at hand. With bare supermarket shelves and the shortage of PPE, the pandemic brought the fragility of global trade and supply chains into stark relief. The tragic war in Ukraine and the political and economic chaos that followed have further underlined the vulnerabilities of globalization. The world, it turns out, isn’t flat—in fact, it’s quite bumpy. This fragmentation has been coming for decades, observes Foroohar. Our neoliberal economic philosophy of prioritizing efficiency over resilience and profits over local prosperity has produced massive inequality, persistent economic insecurity, and distrust in our institutions. This philosophy, which underpinned the last half century of globalization, has run its course. Place-based economics and a wave of technological innovations now make it possible to keep operations, investment, and wealth closer to home, wherever that may be. With the pendulum of history swinging back, Homecoming explores both the challenges and the possibilities of this new era, and how it can usher in a more equitable and prosperous future.

  • - Hvad blev der af det fælles bedste?
    af Michael J. Sandel
    187,95 - 235,95 kr.

    Vi lever i en tid med vindere og tabere, hvor stagneret social mobilitet og stigende ulighed har fået forestillingen om, at ”man kan, hvad man vil, hvis man arbejder hårdt nok” til at klinge hult. I "Meritokratiets tyranni" viser Michael J. Sandel, hvordan præstationssamfundet genererer overmod hos de allerede velstillede og hård fordømmelse af dem, der er ladt tilbage. Ifølge Sandel må vi gentænke den fælles forståelse af succes og fiasko, som er fulgt med globaliseringen og den stigende ulighed."Meritokratiets tyranni" tilbyder en alternativ måde at tænke succes på. En, som også skeler til held, som inspirerer til ydmyghed og solidaritet, og som anerkender værdien i al slags arbejde.Michael J. Sandel (f. 1953) er filosof ved Harvard University. Han er en af de mest læste og citerede amerikanske tænkere og forfatter til en lang række politiske og idéhistoriske bøger, senest "Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?" (2010) og "What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets" (2012).

  • af Mikkel Thorup & Redigeret af Casper Andersen
    167,95 kr.

  • - Udvikling i en globaliseret verden
    af Mikkel Eskjær & Sille Stidsen
    67,95 kr.

    Bangladesh er et af verdens fattigste og tættest befolkede lande. Det har traditionelt ligget i bunden af globale statistikker over fattigdom og børnedødelighed og på toppen af lister over korruption og dårlig regeringsførelse. Desuden er Bangladesh udnævnt som verdens mest sårbare nation overfor globale klimaforandringer.Bangladesh er dog også et land fyldt med fremskridt og dynamik. Landet er hjemsted for den moderne mikrolånsbevægelse, er integreret i den globale økonomi og har indfriet internationale målsætninger for fattigdomsbekæmpelse og menneskelig udvikling. Denne bog tilbyder den første samlede fremstilling på dansk af Bangladesh' historiske og politiske udvikling, herunder de udfordringer, som landet står overfor i en globaliseret tidsalder. I Bangladesh sætter globaliseringens strømme af mennesker, ideer og kapital nye rammer for udvikling og vækst. Det gør Bangladesh til et land, hvor fortid møder fremtid, og hvor udvikling møder globalisering, hvilket skaber både fremskridt og konflikt. Bogen giver ikke blot en introduktion til Bangladesh, men illustrerer det komplekse samspil af nationale og globale processer, som genfindes andre steder i det globale syd.

  • af Chris Anderson
    165,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Graham
    242,95 kr.

    As US-Russian relations scrape the depths of cold-war antagonism, the promise of partnership that beguiled American administrations during the first post-Soviet decades increasingly appears to have been false from the start. Why did American leaders persist in pursuing it? Was there another path that would have produced more constructive relations or better prepared Washington to face the challenge Russia poses today?With a practitioner's eye honed during decades of work on Russian affairs, Thomas Graham deftly traces the evolution of opposing ideas of national purpose that created an inherent tension in relations. Getting Russia Right identifies the blind spots that prevented Washington from seeing Russia as it really is and crafting a policy to advance American interests without provoking an aggressive Russian response. Distilling the Putin factor to reveal the contours of the Russia challenge facing the United States whenever he departs the scene, Graham lays out a compelling way to deal with it so that the United States can continue to advance its interests in a rapidly changing world.

  • - USA, Kina, Japan, Tyskland, Indien, Brasilien, Rusland
    af Asger Røjle Christensen, Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, Lykke Friis, mfl.
    377,95 kr.

    “Generelt en af de bedste og mest grundige aktuelle globale analyser […] Bør anskaffes i de fleste biblioteker der ønsker aktuel litteratur” – Dansk Biblioteks Center om den første udgave af Verdens Magter i 2014I 2014 lancerede RÆSON bogen “Verdens Magter”, der løbende opdateres og genudgives (senest i 2017). Den nye udgave – som udkom fredag 24. marts 2023 – er skrevet af 7 eksperter, der på bogens 352 sider giver et fuldstændigt overblik over verdens syv mest magtfulde stater. Formatet er nyt: 155 x 230 mm. Ny på forfatterholdet er Flemming Splidsboel Hansen (f.1968), hvis kapitel om Rusland afslutter bogen.

  • af Harvard Business Review
    178,95 - 394,95 kr.

  • af Maja Göpel
    125,95 kr.

    A radical vision for a better future: an economy that works for us, rather than the other way around.As this major German bestseller reports, our world is at a tipping point, and we feel it every day. Costs are rising, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing, natural resources are depleted, and the effects of climate change are starting to take hold. We are under increasing social and environmental stress. But, as leading economist Maja Göpel argues here, there is another path forward.She invites us to imagine what we want our future to look like, and offers solutions that will help us to get there. It¿s time to question our principles, set new goals, and re-evaluate our priorities. Time to rethink our world and find new ways of living that don¿t drain our planet any further. We need a fair distribution of wealth, and a way to reconcile the social with the ecological. We need to work smarter, not harder.Critical, yet full of encouragement, Maja Göpel chooses surprising and enlightening examples to illustrate how we can leave behind our familiar ways of living to achieve a better future.

  • af Vandana Shiva
    185,95 kr.

    Terra Viva was originally published in India in 2022 by Women Unlimited.

  • af Naomi Klein
    195,95 kr.

    Explains why the environmental crisis should lead to an abandonment of "free market" ideologies and current political systems, arguing that a massive reduction of greenhouse emissions may offer a best chance for correcting problems.

  • af Carsten Humlebæk, Henrik Høeg Müller & Kristian L. Nielsen
    87,95 kr.

    Spørgsmål som hvem er jeg? eller hvem er vi? bliver stadigt mere påtrængende i en globaliseret verden. Både individet og kollektivet udfordres hele tiden og udvikles i mødet med andre livsformer og nye kulturer. Denne bog handler om nationale identiteter og de fortællinger, der danner basis for dem: Hvad udgør sådanne identiteter? Hvordan kan man undersøge dem? Hvordan opbygges og manifesterer de sig i specifikke tilfælde? Hvilke fællesskabsbehov søger man at udfylde ved dyrkelsen af forskellige identiteter?Bogens to dele fokuserer på hhv. en teoretisk og begrebsmæssig afklaring samt en række casestudier. I bogens første del bringes begreber som identitet, kollektiv identitet, national identitet og national branding i anvendelse.Bogens anden del beskæftiger sig med, hvordan identitetsproblematikker manifesterer sig i en række konkrete sammenhænge. Herunder:- Fortællingen om fredens Europa som et problematisk fundament for det europæiske fællesskab- Den historiske romans rolle i nationsopbygningsaktiviteterne i de europæiske lande i det 19. århundrede- Udvikling af en selvstændig engelsk national identitet, kendetegnet ved både at adskille sig fra de øvrige nationaliteter på de Britiske Øer og den britiske overidentitet- Fortællinger og modfortællinger om en fælles imperial fortid i de postsovjetiske stater, og hvordan disse både kan ses som udtryk for og reproduktion af nogle dybtliggende konflikter mellem stater og folk .

  • af Asian Development Bank
    309,95 kr.

    This publication introduces the Global Integration Index as a tool to explore how global and regional integration affect development outcomes.The 43 indicators in the index include digital connectivity and environmental cooperation and build on the Asian Development Bank's framework to measure progress in regional cooperation and integration. The index confirms deeper global economic linkages in Asia and the Pacific and enables comparison with other regions and across dimensions. The publication considers how policymakers can combine global and regional integration efforts with domestic policies for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

  • af Peter F. Drucker
    317,95 kr.

    Managing in a Globalized EconomyIn this collection of essays, renowned management thinker and teacher Peter F. Drucker guides leaders on how to find opportunities and make the right decisions in a business context that is increasingly global.This collection delivers a set of urgently needed lessons on how business leaders today can manage through complexity and volatility—and make the wisest possible choices while balancing the perils and promise of globalization. Using in-depth stories and examples from a diverse range of sectors, industries, and geographies, Drucker offers managers insight into: The global economic trends impacting world tradeThe productivity of the global workforceManaging major organizational decisions in a turbulent environmentBoth timely and enduring, Peter F. Drucker on Globalization is a forward-looking guidebook packed with practical wisdom.

  • af Angela Jane Weisl
    972,95 kr.

    Discusses contemporary medievalism in studies ranging from Brazil to West Africa, from Manila to New York.

  • af Giuseppe T. Cirella
    1.390,95 kr.

  • af Deane E. Neubauer
    1.354,95 kr.

    This volume explores the implications of student mobility on higher education across the Asia Pacific Region. Student Mobility has become a major feature of higher education throughout the world, and most particularly over the past two decades within the Asia Pacific Region. This system of mobility is entering a period of profound predicted change, created by the social and economic transformations being occasioned by the rapid increased uses of artificial intelligence (AI), a process that is being increasingly framed as the ¿Fourth Industrial Revolution¿ or Work 4.0, a process that is widely predicted to evoke fundamental changes in the ways that work is performed and who does it. This volume explores various dimensions of this process, examining various aspects of the process as they are affecting national and regional economies even as the phenomenon produces a wide variety of engagements with the global economy as a whole.

  • af Veronika Hyden-Hanscho
    1.266,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Reiko Yamada
    1.266,95 kr.

    This book examines several emerging trends in higher education, including artificial intelligence and the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on higher education transformation over the past couple of years. All higher education leaders and policy makers are dealing with the aftermath and continuing battle they face regarding higher education within the context of COVID-19. AI and the 4IR are also areas that impact every aspect of higher education, especially as disciplines are forced to provide credentials and relevance aligned to the workforce and economic needs. The chapters provide regional and country case studies from within the Asia Pacific Region.

  • af Yu Hua
    207,95 kr.

    From one of China's most acclaimed writers: a unique, intimate look at the Chinese experience over the last several decades. Framed by ten phrases common in the Chinese vernacular, China in Ten Words uses personal stories and astute analysis to reveal as never before the world's most populous yet oft-misunderstood nation. In "Disparity," for example, Yu Hua illustrates the expanding gaps that separate citizens of the country. In "Copycat," he depicts the escalating trend of piracy and imitation as a creative new form of revolutionary action. And in "Bamboozle," he describes the increasingly brazen practices of trickery, fraud, and chicanery that are, he suggests, becoming a way of life at every level of society. Witty, insightful, and courageous, this is a refreshingly candid vision of the "Chinese miracle" and all of its consequences.

  • af Swatantra Bahadur
    232,95 kr.

    In the pages of "Unveiling Pain: The Global Impact of COVID-19," readers embark on a poignant and enlightening journey through the multifaceted landscape of the pandemic that swept across the globe. This meticulously crafted narrative unfolds as a chronicle of suffering, resilience, and the collective human experience in the face of an unprecedented global crisis. OverviewThe book opens with a vivid overview of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its origins, rapid spread, and the profound challenges it posed to individuals, communities, and nations worldwide. From the gripping narratives of frontline workers to the stories of those affected, the narrative paints a vivid and empathetic picture of the global struggle against an invisible adversary.Importance of Understanding Global ImpactIt explores the importance of comprehending the global impact of the pandemic, delving into its interconnectedness and the shared vulnerabilities that transcended borders. The narrative illuminates how the pain inflicted by the virus reverberated across continents, underscoring the need for a collective response and a united understanding of the challenges faced by humanity. Purpose of the Book: A Multifaceted ExplorationAt its core, "Unveiling Pain" serves a dual purpose - to shed light on the profound suffering endured by individuals and communities and to unravel the lessons embedded in the pain. The book acts as a tapestry, weaving together stories of loss, resilience, and the unwavering spirit that emerged in the wake of the pandemic. Themes ExploredThe book meticulously explores various themes, from the high mortality rates and personal anecdotes of loss to the long-term health effects that linger in the aftermath of the virus. It navigates through the economic fallout, educational disruptions, mental health struggles, and the strains on healthcare systems, providing a comprehensive panorama of the global impact. A Call to ActionAmidst the narratives of pain, "Unveiling Pain" extends a resounding call to action. It invites readers to understand not only the challenges faced but also the opportunities for growth, resilience, and positive change. The book explores how communities and nations can unite, learn from adversity, and collectively shape a future that is adaptive, inclusive, and fortified against unforeseen challenges. Optimism for the Post-Pandemic EraAs the narrative unfolds, a sense of optimism for the post-pandemic era emerges. It envisions a world that, having weathered the storm, stands on the cusp of renewal and positive transformation. The book explores the potential for global solidarity, scientific advancements, and collaborative efforts to build a future characterized by healing, resilience, and hope."Unveiling Pain: The Global Impact of COVID-19" is not merely a historical account; it is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, the importance of shared understanding, and the capacity for positive change in the face of immense challenges. As readers turn the pages, they are invited to witness the unveiling of a global narrative - one that, despite the pain, resonates with the enduring spirit of humanity.

  • af Glen Lehman
    1.304,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

    The book is about accountability processes and how they contribute solutions to our current environmental and global political problems. This book is different to other literature in this field. This is so because the dominant accountability discourse is shaped by what is defined as a neoliberal business case for social and environmental reform. This book assumes a nirvana stance within globalisation where all citizens operate within the parameters of the free market and will recover from adverse economic and political damage. Further this book uses neoliberalism and free-market reforms aims as examples to implement efficient management technologies and create more competitive pressures. Central to the argument of the book are perspectives on authenticity, expressivism and interpretivism which are found to provide a radical reworking of our understanding of being in the world. These frameworks offer a starting point for rethinking the way individuals, businesses and communities ought to be dealing politically with accountability and ecological crises. The argument builds to an accountability perspective that utilises work from expressivism, interpretivism, classical liberalism and postmodern theory. The theoretical quest undertaken in this book is to develop connections between accountability, democratic, ethical and ecological perspectives.

  • af G. Rusten
    1.090,95 kr.

    Economic activities are becoming increasingly globalised. One result being that for companies in developed market economies price-based competition is being replaced or supplemented by other forms of competitiveness. This book explores the shift towards design-based competitiveness and the escalation in the design-intensity of goods and services.

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