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A book that will change your view on the transnationally and transcriminality of slavery in plain sight in the 21st Century and how it is increasing exponentially. Christine Dolan is a real investigative journalist who first stepped into the world of human trafficking in 2000. "How old are the victims," Christine asked a London cop in 2000. His answer changed the trajectory of her life - "infants." When she dug deeper and walked through the doors of evil, she realized what she was up against, but boldly faced that evil no matter where the facts took her. She concluded, "evil is among us," but if we look out of ourselves, we can see it to protect the most vulnerable - the children and those marginalized and those whose eyes are shut. This investigation also altered her life on she viewed conservatives and liberals, those who professed to protect children, advocate for human rights, and those with twisted narratives to normalize and embed evil within the threads of civilized society. It also transformed her faith in God. Slavery never died, but morphed into a new model defined by technology along with centuries' lust of greed and power and has redefined slavery in the 21st Century. Shattered Innocence - A Shared Global Shame brings the reader through a journey Dolan walked that opened her eyes and will open yours. The readers will grasp the depth and breadth of evil all the while negating the faces of humanity
VI FØDES GENNEM HJERTET omhandler barnets evne til at beskytte sig selv for at kunne overleve. Bogen beskriver, hvilke overlevelsesstrategier et barn udvikler for at kunne klare svære livsbetingelser, og hvordan man som voksen kan frigøre sig selv herfra og skabe et liv med livskvalitet. Bogen er skabt med baggrund i forfatterens egen opvækst, som har været præget af stort omsorgssvigt, fysiske og verbale overgreb, samt incestuøse overgreb af forfatterens far gennem hele hendes barndom. Bogen uddyber de talrige indsigter, forfatteren selv har fået gennem et mangeårigt terapeutisk arbejde.
Based on a series of true stories. Suitable for children aged 10 - adult.Charlie (aka Charlotte) struggles with stealing and lying. She is haunted by this invisible dark-hooded figure which causes her to behave in this way. Her behaviour is continually getting her into trouble at home and school. One day she meets someone she can trust and feels safe with. They work together to help her through the challenging behaviour, towards healing and hope. Her grandma and school chaplain prayerfully support her through her journey of restoration and healing.A shattered mirror holds the key to facing her enemy once and for all.
Have you ever wanted true love but continuously kept searching for it in the wrong places? Have you ever thought your family upbringing and ways of living were love and believed it was the right way of life? Have you ever sought love from men because you didn't receive it from your father correctly, who was in the home? Was accepting that manipulation, fear, and abuses of physical, emotional, verbal, and psychological pains supposed to be part of the plan? Have you struggled with severe depression and anxiety, leading to suicidal thoughts and attempts, because love wasn't going as you had hoped it would be?Well, this is my memoir, my story, and my survival, detailing those detrimental challenges I have faced from family, friends, and especially men all because of wanting true love, to be loved, and to be accepted by others. To be raped, angered, heartbroken countlessly, and ultimately misunderstood is something I knew all too well in order to gain the love from others. Sacrificing myself toward men and woman was an area that I had become familiar with more than anything, not realizing later in life that all I ever needed was to turn my sole focus on God, who is love and has been with me all along, but I refused to notice him with an open heart.So get ready to hear my life's journey and understand why I considered myself to be the misunderstood girl, living in continuous darkness that I believed was beautiful through my eyes!
Sex in God's Temple - 15 Easy Ways to Understand, Identify and Overcome Sexual Immorality and Emotional Traps in Your Life was written as a practical "how to" book to help you end sexual and emotional entanglement forever.What is my motivation for writing this book, why would you want to read it and apply it to your life?The Motivation: The incidence of believers becoming trapped in destructive entanglements seems to have increased and continues to be a source of pain and heartache for singles and families alike. Sexual immorality knows no boundaries. Its insidious influence has spread into institutions and homes of well-intended people who seek to live moral, Christian lives. The internet with all its goodies does not help matters at all. The internet has made the private consumption of illicit material possible through one's home computer or mobile device (Phone). Young and old alike can access not only pornography but also engage in virtual emotional relationship with complete strangers on the other side of the world. Even if physical contact never occurs, the damage to a marriage can be devastating when the online relationship becomes enticingly important to one of the spouses. Children, Young and old, missionaries, pastors, or lay members are not immune to the invasion of pornographic content on devices that leaves images which usually lingers to the point of getting entrapped. I have been called to advise on types of software that could help prevent these invaders from taking in more casualties. The television and movies continue to expose viewers to ever more tantalizing images and content that can draw us further into compromising lifestyles.We have engaged Christian authors that have proven scriptural practical solutions to avoid the pitfalls of sexual immorality. There are also real life stories that we can learn from in charting our own course. I have also realized from my own experiences after over 25 years of my Christian journey that rarely do we teach about sexual matters from our pulpit. Yet our homes, which is the bedrock of society have suffered untold consequences as a result of the issue of sexual and emotional entrapment and entanglement either in marriages, outside marriages, in schools, in our offices or our marketplaces and in the environment giving birth to Mee Too Movements, Gender Inequality struggles, Sex for Marks in our Universities, Sex for promotions in the workplace, Sex for Transfer, Sex for privileges, Sex for Contracts etc. These developments come as a shock to many believers who are ill-prepared to handle such enormous temptations they have to endure which has led them to become victims of workplace pressures. There is a need for mentorship on this subject matter. The Why you would want to read it: It is written to help anyone, especially Christians struggling secretly or publicly with any form of sexual immorality and emotional traps. None of us are immune from the temptations surrounding us.
Le sexe dans le temple de Dieu - 15 façons simples de comprendre, d'identifier et de surmonter l' immoralité sexuelle et les pièges émotionnels dans votre vie ont été écrits comme un livre pratique expliquant comment vous aider à mettre fin pour toujours à l'enchevêtrement sexuel et émotionnel.Quelle est ma motivation pour écrire ce livre, pourquoi voudriez-vous le lire et l' appliquer à votre vie?La motivation : T il incidence des croyants deviennent piégés dans destructeurs enchevêtrements semble avoir augmenté et continue d'être une source de douleur et de chagrin d' amour pour les célibataires et les familles. L'immoralité sexuelle ne connaît pas de frontières. Son influence insidieuse s'est répandue dans les institutions et les foyers de personnes bien intentionnées qui cherchent à mener une vie morale et chrétienne. Internet avec tous ses atouts n'aide pas du tout. Internet a rendu possible la consommation privée de matériel illicite par le biais de son ordinateur à la maison ou de son appareil mobile (téléphone). Jeunes et moins jeunes peuvent accéder non seulement à la pornographie, mais aussi entretenir une relation émotionnelle virtuelle avec de parfaits inconnus de l'autre côté du monde. Même si aucun contact physique ne se produit jamais, les dommages causés à un mariage peuvent être dévastateurs lorsque la relation en ligne prend une importance attrayante pour l'un des époux. Les enfants, les jeunes et les moins jeunes, les missionnaires, les pasteurs ou les membres laïcs ne sont pas à l'abri de l'invasion de contenu pornographique sur des appareils laissant des images qui restent généralement au point de rester piégées. On m'a appelé pour vous conseiller sur les types de logiciels qui pourraient aider à empêcher ces envahisseurs de subir davantage de victimes. La télévision et les films continuent d'exposer les téléspectateurs à des images et à des contenus de plus en plus tentants, susceptibles de nous entraîner encore plus dans des modes de vie compromettants.Nous avons engagé des auteurs chrétiens qui ont fait la preuve de solutions concrètes dans les Ecritures pour éviter les pièges de l'immoralité sexuelle. Il existe également des histoires de la vie réelle que nous pouvons apprendre en traçant notre propre parcours. Je l' ai également réalisé à partir de mes propres expériences après plus de 25 ans de mon voyage chrétien qui ne nous enseignons rarement sur le sexe importe uel de notre chaire. Pourtant, nos foyers, qui sont le fondement de la société, ont subi des conséquences indescriptibles du fait du problème du piégeage sexuel et émotionnel, que ce soit dans les mariages, en dehors des mariages, dans les écoles, dans nos bureaux ou sur nos marchés et dans l'environnement donnant naissance à des enfants. Mee Too Mouvements, luttes pour l'inégalité entre les sexes, Sex for Marks dans nos universités, Sex for promotions sur le lieu de travail, Sex for Transfer, Sex for privilèges, Sex for Contracts, etc. Ces développements ont choqué de nombreux croyants mal préparés à gérer les énormes tentations qu'ils ont à subir, ce qui les a conduit à devenir victimes des pressions exercées sur leur lieu de travail.
Quer melhorar a sua relação?Gostaria de criar uma ligação mais forte e duradoura com o seu parceiro? Se a sua resposta é sim, então continue a ler... Vários estudos demonstram que, numa relação de casal sólida e duradoura, é possível desfrutar de um apoio emocional constante, melhorar a autoestima e a saúde mental e alcançar uma felicidade duradoura na vida. O objetivo deste livro de exercícios é levar a sua relação para o próximo nível em apenas 12 semanas, através de exercícios, perguntas e actividades práticas baseadas em estudos científicos que ajudaram milhares de casais. Tópicos abordados:Semana 1-2: Como melhorar a comunicação do casal desde os primeiros diasSemana 3-4: Como gerir lutas sem sentido e aumentar a intimidadeSemana 5-6: Como gerir o trabalho, as carreiras e as relações sociaisSemana 7-8: Como gerir o tempo livre e as actividades extra-trabalho em casalSemana 9-10: Como gerir eficazmente a coabitação para viverem felizesSemana 11-12: Como gerir a confiança mútua e viver em paz
Social media use and depression among emerging adults in the U.S. found a significant association between social media use, depression, and mood dysregulation. They found that those individuals reporting the highest usage in total time per day spent on social media had significantly greater odds of experiencing depression . Although there seem to be marginal benefits in social connectedness following moderate social media use, it is evident that extended usage of such sites can have a measurably negative impact on the lives of individual users.
"Healing from a Narcissistic Man: Reclaiming Your Self-Worth and Thriving After Abuse" Are you tired of feeling trapped in a toxic relationship with a narcissistic man? Do you long to break free from the cycle of emotional manipulation and reclaim your sense of self? If so, "Healing from a Narcissistic Man" is the guide you've been searching for. This empowering book is a comprehensive roadmap for anyone who has endured the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse. Drawing on the latest research and expert insights, it offers a compassionate and practical approach to help you navigate the healing journey and rebuild your life with strength and resilience. Inside, you'll discover: Deep Understanding: Gain a clear understanding of narcissism and its impact on relationships. Learn to recognize the characteristics and behaviors of narcissistic men, empowering you to break free from their emotional grip. Unveiling the Abuse: Explore the insidious nature of narcissistic abuse and its profound effects on your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. Identify the signs and red flags of narcissistic abuse to reclaim your personal power. Find solace and guidance as you embark on the healing journey. Discover effective techniques for emotional release, processing trauma, and building healthy boundaries to protect yourself from further harm. Reclaiming Your Identity: Rediscover who you truly are beyond the trauma. Embrace the process of reconnecting with your personal identity, nurturing your inner child, and rebuilding self-esteem and self-confidence. Transforming Relationships: Learn how to establish healthy boundaries, rebuild trust, and create nurturing relationships based on mutual respect and genuine intimacy. Discover the power of forgiveness and letting go as you free yourself from the emotional chains of the past. Embracing a Bright Future: Step into a life filled with purpose, joy, and authenticity. Embrace the tools, strategies, and self-care practices that will empower you to thrive beyond the abuser and create a future defined by love, growth, and personal fulfillment. "Healing from a Narcissistic Man" is not just a book; it's a lifeline for those seeking to break free from the toxic grip of narcissistic abuse. Whether you are currently in a relationship with a narcissistic man or are on the path to recovery, this book offers compassionate guidance and practical advice that will inspire and empower you. If you are ready to reclaim your self-worth, heal your wounds, and build a life of true happiness and fulfillment, "Healing from a Narcissistic Man" is the transformative resource you need
Kaffe & østers er et portræt af iværksætteren Signe Nordal og udviklingen i firmaet Nordal. Fortællingen er et korsstingsbroderi, der viser den gode fortælling om barndom, ungdom og en traditionel kernefamilie i et parcelhus. Men idyllen brydes. Signe bliver efter en skilsmisse forelsket i en ny mand og ”fuldstændig solgt” til en voldelig kæreste. I virksomheden har hun succes, mens hendes privatliv ligger i ruiner. I firmaet dækker hun over volden. Signe kommer efter flere års forsøg ud af det voldelige forhold med erfaringer om grænseoverskridende kontrol, magt og afmagt. Efter bruddet oplever hun en stalkingperiode på halvandet år. I den tid vidste Signe aldrig, hvad hun kom hjem til, og derfor havde hun i en periode ansat en privat vagt i sit hjem. I bogen fortæller Signe, at det på trods af en helt almindelig opvækst i velfærdssamfundet kan ske, at man bliver blind og forelsket og ikke ser tegn på manipulation og kontrol fra ens kæreste, men tolker det som beskyttelse og omsorg. Han ville jo bare passe på mig. Jeg følte mig feminin og var ikke opmærksom. Men jeg skulle blive klogere, siger Signe.
A collection of original short plays that focus on sexual harassment and assault in Egypt, by debut Egyptian playwrightsThese five original short plays, written by Egyptian students from the American University in Cairo in collaboration with Jillian Campana and Dina Amin, mark the first published plays in Egypt that deal directly with sexual harassment. Sexual crimes are not limited to the workplace or the street-they happen everywhere, from the bedroom to the café, in shops, on modes of transportation, and in businesses, homes, outdoor areas, and educational and religious institutions. They can be perpetrated by a stranger, acquaintance, friend, family member, or loved one and they can encompass many different types of sexual violence, including verbal, non-verbal, physical, or visual violence. This collection breaks social taboos by offering dramatic texts that reflect the reality of survivors of sexual harassment from multiple perspectives-families and couples, bystanders, victims and perpetrators, men and women. Many of the women portrayed in these plays are independent, educated, and well to do, but they are all subjected to varying degrees of sexual harassment and violence. Accompanied with narrative commentary that places the events in context, these plays and the issues they explore seek to challenge dominant perceptions about sexual harassment in the region and to shine light on the power imbalances and disparities that give rise to it. They will be of interest to artists, social science researchers, educators, and anyone interested in the issue of sexual harassment, and collaborative theater processes.Playwrights: Yehia Abdelghan, Marwan Abdelmoneim, Nour El Captan, Passant Faheem, Nour Ibrahim, Noran Morsi, and Omar OmarThe research on which this book is based was awarded the Times Higher Education 2023 MENA Award for Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Performances of these plays are royalty free.
"No Trespassing" is Elizabeth Navarette Savage's personal memoir and "gift" to survivors of domestic violence, as well as anyone who has experienced a traumatic loss in his/her life. Elizabeth met what she thought was "the love of her life" in high school, never imagining that her dream boyfriend would be her living nightmare.Like so many victims, Elizabeth ignored the warning signs, and by the time the abuse started, she had already given birth to her first child, was pregnant with another, and married to her tormenter. For eight years after that, she was beaten and mentally abused at the hands of her husband and the father of her children.Elizabeth's debut book chronicles her journey through a tumultuous relationship with a chronic abuser, which turned her life upside down and ultimately ended with the devastating loss of three of her children. Through it all, Elizabeth was determined to break the cycle of her abuse and loss by turning her pain into purpose, which she has masterfully done by telling her life-altering story in "No Trespassing." In sharing her story, Elizabeth's goal is to empower women, men, and teens to break the cycle of abuse and live the lives that God pre-ordained for them. "No Trespassing" will give hope to the hopeless that they, too, can overcome what may seem like insurmountable odds without looking back!Elizabeth Navarette Savage is a native of El Paso, Texas but raised in Amarillo (TX) and CEO of the Stand Together Against Nationwide Domestic Violence organization, also known as S.T.A.N.D, which she founded in 2010. The goal of S.T.A.N.D. is to uplift and inspire broken women, men, and teens who have experienced challenges in their lives. As part of her commitment to inspiring and bringing hope to those who have been victims of sexual and domestic violence, Elizabeth has penned her debut book, "No Trespassing" in which she shares her painful experience with domestic violence as well as the heartbreaking loss of her three children. When Elizabeth is not running the day-to-day operation of S.T.A.N.D, she is traveling all over the country, speaking to a variety of audiences on the dangers of being in a domestic violence relationship as well as the warning signs to look for. Elizabeth also volunteers with the Arlington Police Department through their Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership program. Lastly, she is a wife to her husband Dennis, a mother to daughter Marcella and son Jay and grandmother to five grandchildren. You can learn more about Elizabeth's S.T.A.N.D. organization and its mission at >www.elizabethsavage.org
"The first and only comprehensive collection of writings by Elizabeth Garver Jordan, the groundbreaking journalist, suffragist, and editor whose fearless reporting on women preceded the #MeToo movement and popularized the true-crime genre. [This] ... is the first to collect Garver Jordan's fiction and journalism, much of which has been out of print for over a century. Jordan began her career as a reporter, making her name as one of few women journalists to cover the Lizzie Borden murder trial for the New York World in 1893. Jordan's distinctive, narrative-driven coverage of the Borden and other high-profile murder cases brought her national visibility, and she turned increasingly to fiction writing. Drawing on her experiences as a true-crime reporter and newspaper editor, she published detective novels and short story collections such as Tales of the City Room that explored the fine line between women's criminality and crimes against women. Employing popular genre conventions as a means of dealing with women's issues, Jordan exposed gendered abuse in the workplace and the prevalence of sexual violence. [The book] encourages readers to draw a historical trajectory from Jordan's pioneering literary activism to the writings of contemporary journalists and novelists whose work continues to fuel discussions of gender, feminism, and crime, raising questions about who gets to tell women's stories, especially in the wake of the #MeToo movement"--
"Narcissistic Abuse Recovery" is a comprehensive guidebook for anyone who has experienced the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse. Drawing on extensive research and personal experiences, this empowering book provides practical strategies and insights to help survivors heal, rebuild their lives, and rediscover their authentic selves.In this book, you will find:Understanding Narcissistic Abuse: Gain a clear understanding of narcissistic abuse, its dynamics, and its long-term effects on survivors.Recognizing Red Flags: Learn to identify the warning signs of narcissistic abuse and protect yourself from potential abusers in the future.Healing Strategies: Discover effective techniques and tools to help you heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse, including self-care practices, therapy options, and mindfulness exercises.Rebuilding Self-Worth: Reclaim your self-esteem, rebuild your self-confidence, and develop healthy boundaries as you embark on your journey of healing and recovery.Navigating Relationships: Learn how to establish healthy and fulfilling relationships after narcissistic abuse, whether it's with friends, family, or romantic partners.Thriving After Abuse: Explore ways to embrace a fulfilling and purposeful life beyond the pain of narcissistic abuse, focusing on personal growth, self-empowerment, and finding joy again.And Much More!..."Narcissistic Abuse Recovery" offers a compassionate and supportive roadmap for survivors, guiding them through the healing process and equipping them with the tools they need to reclaim their lives. Whether you are currently in an abusive relationship, have recently escaped one, or are healing from past wounds, this book will serve as a trusted companion and a source of inspiration as you embark on your journey of narcissistic abuse recovery.
Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects countless women around the world.Behind closed doors, the profound impact of this form of abuse can leave lasting scars on a woman's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The trauma experienced in an abusive relationship can shatter one's sense of safety, trust, and self-worth, often leaving deep wounds that require dedicated efforts to heal.The journey of healing from the trauma of domestic violence is a courageous and empowering process that requires support, understanding, and compassionate guidance. And That is Where This Book Comes in … This book aims to provide women who have survived domestic violence with valuable insights, practical strategies, and resources to navigate the path toward healing and reclaiming their lives. Whether you are currently trapped in an abusive relationship, have recently escaped, or are supporting someone on their healing journey, this book provides the guidance, inspiration, and practical tools needed to take transformative action.Inside these pages, you'll discover proven techniques for identifying toxic behaviors, setting boundaries, and cultivating self-love. You'll also learn how to recognize the signs of gaslighting and understand how it impacts your mental health. Whether you're just beginning your recovery or seeking ongoing support, this book is an essential resource that will help you heal from the trauma of domestic violence through:Building resilience and inner strengthSetting Boundaries and Asserting YourselfEmbracing personal growth and empowermentEngaging in Positive AffirmationsAddressing Anxiety and Panic DisordersCoping with Depression and Mood DisturbancesRecognizing Domestic Violence Red Flags in RelationshipsEngaging in Healthy RelationshipsDealing with Dissociation and FlashbacksRebuilding Self-Esteem and IdentityAnd So Much More...If you're ready to take control of your life and find true happiness again, don't wait any longer. This is the time to unleash the power within, and claim your rightful place of strength and freedom.Your story of triumph begins here.
The population of older adults living longer and healthier lives is increasing. As age increases, the likelihood of single status increases. Without someone to offer peer intimacy, loneliness becomes a factor for decreased well-being. Research is needed to gain insight into later life romantic love and commitment to offer support for those seeking companionship, love, and intimacy to live more generative and robust later lives, ameliorating the physical and emotional effects of loneliness. Women are more likely to be alone in late life and research is needed to explore experiences with the phenomenon of love in later life from their perspective. This study employed a qualitative transcendental phenomenological methodology, gathering data from interviews, observations, and documentation in order to provide an interpretive description of all the women in the study with the shared experience of love and commitment to a new partner in later life.
Violence and media are important issues in media theories and research. In the research conducted with the participation of 400 university students, the effects of the concepts of digital media literacy, cyber violence and emotional deafness (alexithymia) on the perception of individuals as justification violence are discussed as factors that cause individuals to perceive violence as legitimate through communication tools. It was determined that variables of being cyberbullying victim, being a cyberbully, digital media literacy and alexithymia (emotional deafness) were explanatory effects on the justification of cyber violence. It has come to the point that the use of digital media literacy and conscious internet using are important in order to prevent justification of cyber harassment.
In I'm Glad My Parents Died: 10 Tough Life Lessons I Learned From An Abusive Childhood, the author takes us on an extraordinary journey of resilience, healing, and self-discovery. With unflinching honesty and raw vulnerability, they delve into the darkest corners of their past and emerge with invaluable insights and lessons that inspire and captivate readers.This gripping memoir explores the complex emotions that arise when confronted with the death of abusive parents. The author confronts the conflicting feelings of relief and guilt, opening the door to a profound journey of healing and self-empowerment. Through their courageous exploration, they invite readers to examine their own experiences and find solace in the shared struggles and triumphs of the human spirit.Each chapter of the book unravels a different facet of the author's healing journey. From unmasking the hidden realities of their childhood to rebuilding trust, rediscovering identity, and nurturing healthy relationships, they provide a roadmap for transformation and personal growth. The stories shared are unique, detailed, and brimming with authenticity, drawing readers into the author's world and making them feel a deep connection to their experiences.With eloquent prose and a powerful narrative, the author guides us through the triumphs and tribulations of their quest for healing. They explore the transformative power of forgiveness, the importance of resilience in turning adversity into strength, and the liberation found in embracing imperfections. Through their own creative outlets, they discover the healing power of art and how it can bring light to even the darkest of places.I'm Glad My Parents Died: 10 Tough Life Lessons I Learned From an Abusive Childhood is a book that will leave readers spellbound and profoundly moved. It serves as a testament to the human spirit's resilience, offering hope to those who have experienced their own traumas. With its unique and original content, this book has the power to inspire, heal, and ignite a desire for personal transformation. Anyone who reads it will be compelled to embrace their own journey of healing and find strength in the face of adversity.
From #notallmen to #MeToo, this book acts as an in-depth primer on how these outdated attitudes continue to persist, but also the role we can play in shifting this cultural mindset and create lasting social change.
Voices from the Past is about memory. It's about beauty, loss, destruction, despair, and joy. It's about things both local and universal, the individual and the community. Its words represent people, places, things of yesterday and today. It's a book about reflecting on the past to live well in the present.How something is said is equally as important as what is said. Poems in Voices from the Past are spoken in the poet's voice and in the voices of others, characters who muddle through perplexities, who inhabit a world in which there are no easy answers.It's a book about the self alone and with others, and universal verities such as cowardice, courage, envy, pride, sacrifice, hope, fear, unconditional and imperfect love. It's about suffering and joy, about what it means to remember and what it means to be human. The illogical coexists with the logical, the mundane with the profound. The extraordinary is found in the ordinary. It's about looking back and going forward.The poems aim to show the dignity of all people, and of all living things. Being a book about lives at once ordinary and uncommon, special in varied ways, the poems reflect any one person's moods at particular times, and any one person's life's journey at particular times. Religion, art, music, politics, gender, race and nature are some of the concerns in these poems. Language itself is a concern, language as a medium of communication from one individual to another, and from one individual to a group or a community. The poems are about tangible things and human situations, about relationships and about how individuals see themselves. The abiding notion is we live in a world with others who are both near and far.What one does, or does not do impacts others. Words have consequences and words redeem.Poetry itself has the power of redemption. Some years ago a poet said that poetry brought him back to life. The poems in this book have that high aim, to give hope, to enhance the quality of a person's life, to find out of despair joy, out of misery happiness, out of restlessness solace.86 poems, 118 pages
At twenty-three, away on a Homecoming weekend with an older couple she'd met on a trip to the Holy Land, Lynne never dreamed of being molested by a Christian man and spending a night in fear she'd get raped. But that's exactly where she ended up, and for the next fourteen years, battled shame and anxiety. How was she supposed to understand God or trust men again when a Christian man did this to her? How could she find peace and calm? Searching for answers, she studied how Jesus related to women in the Bible. Find out what she discovered that helped her find forgiveness and wholeness again. Unfolding; Recovering Your Identity After Sexual Intrusion gives women practical steps to grieve their abuse, find safety and strength in a relationship with Jesus Christ, and regain their power after they've survived sexual intrusion. "Beautifully written yet real, raw and down-to-earth, Unfolding is full of candor, wisdom and truth," -Michele Chynoweth, Bestselling Author
Victim, survivor, and warrior in that order. This is her story. The story of how she was made to be a victim. Over time, she understood that she is a survivor then worked hard to become a warrior. Domestic violence, abuse, rape, or any tragic event is so common that it is almost as if we have normalized it as simply a part of life. She was a whole person once, but every time something happened, it took a piece of her that she will never get back, so now, she stands before you a broken person but a broken person who is determined to make a change, help, or at least make some kinda impact. This book is dedicated to all the victims and to all the survivors. May we all one day be warriors. You are not alone.
Some cycles are hard to break.Forced out of an unhappy home at a young age, Dana S. Diaz swears to make it on her own and never fall victim to the same abuse she witnessed growing up. But that's before she falls for Darren. It doesn't take long, however, for Dana to meet the darker version of Darren-a narcissist who seeks to control Dana in every way. Despite her best efforts, she is caught in the cycle of trauma once again. But how can she free herself from Darren's stranglehold?In Gasping for Air, Dana invites readers along on her odyssey of healing and empowerment as she breaks free from the grasp of her 25-year-long abusive relationship. She fearlessly delves into old wounds to reveal the truth behind a lifetime of lies and stitches them closed as a new and resilient woman.An inspiring true story filled with strife and revelation, Gasping for Air exposes the raw truth of emotional, psychological and physical trauma, and is a bold testament of survival.
Penny Rome's light-hearted and humorous memoir takes readers on a transformative journey as she grows up on a tea plantation in India, amidst the backdrop of colonial rule and cultural shifts.
The purpose of this book is to help you accurately assess your situation and guide you safely along the path to both physical and mental freedom and onto a new and wonderful life.A well-researched, comprehensive roadmap to freedom, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking the way out of an abusive relationship. I wish it had been available when I needed it. It is spot on. -Rose Booth, abuse survivor and strong, independent womanA fantastic book. Transforming. I couldn't stop reading. The vast majority of my clients are abused women. I will recommend this book to all of them! -Kathleen L. Quinlan, LMT, Transformational Heart and Soul Healing If you are (or suspect you are) being abused, this book was written for you. Abuse victims can be rich or poor; young or old; married or in a relationship; college grads, high school dropouts, or in between. With or without children. Working within and/or outside the home. Of any race or ethnicity, religious or cultural tradition. Regardless of your past or current life circumstances, no one deserves abuse. NO ONE! And help is available for all! Acknowledging the abuse and finding the courage to leave your abuser are the first steps on your journey to a new life. No More Abuse has the information you need to assess your situation, get the help you need to exit safely, move forward into a new life, and rediscover yourself. Within these pages, you will learn: How an abuser slowly changes his partner's status from person to possession and why no woman can ever meet his ever-changing, unrealistic, cruel expectations. How to realistically assess your situation and determine the level of danger posed by your relationship.Why couples counseling with an abusive partner is not recommended and why the mental state of abusers makes their chances of rehabilitation and change slim to none. How one phone call can connect you with free services that help you create a plan, escape safely with your kids and animals, file a restraining order, relocate, get a divorce, and obtain the skills and resources you need to begin again. How to acknowledge and embrace your basic relationship rights, create and maintain boundaries, and avoid past mistakes.How to navigate safely in today's dating world, investigate a potential partner via the Internet, and choose a truly good man.Filled with helpful resources, No More Abuse provides insight and practical advice from a woman who faced domestic abuse and stared it down. I wish this book had been available when I was counseling parishioners and clients suffering from abuse.-Rev. Allen E. Schenk (ret.), M.Div., STM, Clinical Fellow AAPC, Clinical Diplomat APA Graduate of an eastern university, T. Ann DeCarlo had a decades-long career in the housewares, printing, and construction industries before starting her own business. For the first decade of that career, she was also in an abusive marriage, but until she left her husband, no one, not even her family or closest friends, knew the truth. Today she is dedicated to helping other women find the courage and resources they need to escape their abusers and build a better tomorrow. This is her first book.
"Each year, approximately forty thousand Americans are killed by gunshot wounds, which is roughly equivalent to the annual rate of traffic deaths on American roads and highways. Of those forty thousand gun fatalities, more than half of them are suicides, which in turn account for half of all suicides per year. Add in the murders caused by guns, the accidental deaths caused by guns, the law enforcement killings caused by guns, and the average comes out to more than one hundred Americans killed by bullets every day. On that same average day, another two hundred-plus are wounded by guns, which translates into eighty thousand a year. Eighty thousand wounded and forty thousand dead, or one hundred and twenty thousand ambulance calls and emergency room cases for every twelve-month tick of the clock, but the toll of gun violence goes far beyond the pierced and bloodied bodies of the victims themselves, spilling out into the devastations visited upon their immediate families, their extended families, their friends, their fellow workers, the people of their neighborhoods, their schools, their churches, their softball teams, and communities at large-the vast brigade of lives touched by the presence of a single person who lives or has lived among them-meaning that the number of Americans directly or indirectly marked by gun violence every year must be tallied in the millions"--
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