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Denne bog er til dig, der er tæt på et barn eller en ung med psykiske problemer.Flere og flere børn og unge kæmper med psykiske problemer som følge af blandt andet angst, depression, autisme, ADHD og spiseforstyrrelser. Forskning viser, at forældre er afgørende i behandlingen, men man får ikke nødvendigvis hjælp til at håndtere den opgave. Det efterlader mange forældre under stort pres.‘Bogen til pårørende’ tilbyder viden, vejledning og gode råd baseret på fagfolks erfaringer og forskning inden for feltet. Den beskriver, hvordan man navigerer i at være omsorgsfuld forælder for sit barn og samtidig også er pårørende, der er en del af behandlingen. Bogen forklarer, hvad man kan gøre, hvis det hele ramler, hvordan åbenhed om problemerne kan hjælpe, og hvordan man kan få bedre styr på dagligdagen, så man kan støtte det syge barn, passe på hele familien og bevare sit arbejdsliv.I bogen fortæller fem forældre, hvordan det er at være pårørende. De beskriver, hvordan de støtter deres barn, hvad der er svært, og hvad der hjælper, hvad de gerne ville have vidst, og hvordan de og deres børn er landet i livet igen.
This book is for those who desire to gain insight into the leader/follower dynamic in order to serve others by unmasking the dangers of toxic followership, provide prevention suggestions, and reveal followers' power, even in desperate situations.
This book examines the gendered nature of forced displacement and the ways in which the failures of protection regimes to be sensitive to displacement's gendered character affect women and girls, and their sexual and reproductive health.
Vi lever i en verden under hastig forandring, hvor det er tydeligt for alle, at uanset hvilken holdning man har til globalisering, er det fortid at betragte det enkelte samfund, herunder Danmark, som løsrevet fra resten af planeten. I forhold til blandt andet sundhed, sundhedssystemer og sundhedspolitiske prioriteter spiller globalisering og tværkulturelle forhold en stigende rolle. Hensigten med denne bog er derfor at fremme kompetencer, viden og refleksion af relevans for centrale globale sundhedstemaer blandt danske sundhedsprofessionelle. Gennem introduktion til centrale problemstillinger, cases, dilemmaer og diskussioner støtter bogen den enkelte sundhedsprofessionelle til et fremtidigt virke i en globaliseret verden. Der er i bogen særligt fokus på at inspirere til en debat om de muligheder og udfordringer, som globalisering medfører for sundhed, sundhedsprofessionelle og sundhedspraksis i Danmark. FLEMMING KONRADSEN er professor i global sundhed og leder af School of Global Health ved Københavns Universitet samt videnskabelig direktør for global sundhed ved Novo Nordisk Fonden. Han har 30 års erfaring med undervisning, forskning og sundhedsfremmende programmer med fokus på særligt Sydasien, Øst- og Vestafrika. Flemming Konradsen har arbejdet for internationale forskningsinstitutioner, udviklings NGO’er, FN-organisationer og universiteter. Han har i sin forskning særligt fokus på de miljømæssige faktorer, der har betydning for folkesundheden. Flemming er ansvarlig for en række programmer, der sigter på at styrke forsknings- og undervisningskapaciteten i lav- og mellemindkomstlande. DAN MEYROWITSCH er epidemiolog (cand.scient.), ph.d., lektor og forskningsleder ved Afdeling for Global Sundhed, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. Han har mere end 30 års erfaring med undervisning, vejledning og forskning i global sundhed med særligt fokus på epidemiologi, sundhedssystemer og sundhedsfremme i lav- og lavmellemindkomstsamfund. Dan Meyrowitsch har boet og arbejdet i Afrika og Asien og har fungeret som koordinator og projektleder i flere større forskningsprojekter finansieret af blandt andet EU og Danida samt har fungeret som konsulent i FN-organisationer og Verdensbanken.
Wild Horses is a brutally powerful, unflinching account of the heroin epidemic that swept across Catalonia in the 1980s.
Akademische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Soziologie - Recht und Kriminalität, Note: 1,3, Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen; Münster, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Weltweit werden 26 Millionen Konsumenten geschätzt, davon mindestens 1,5 Millionen in den USA. Dort verbreitete sich Crystal Meth seit Beginn der Neunzigerjahre sehr schnell und wird als ¿Droge der Trailerparks¿, der sozialen Verelendung angesehen. Eine hollywoodgerechte Aufbereitung der Droge erfolgt in Filmen wie ¿Spun¿ oder der wiederholt mit dem Emmy ausgezeichneten Fernsehserie ¿Breaking Bad¿. Doch um was für eine Droge handelt es sich? Was macht sie so gefährlich?Im Rahmen dieser Ausarbeitung wird die Substanz Methamphetamin hinsichtlich ihrer Beschaffenheit, Geschichte sowie Auswirkungen auf den menschlichen Organismus beleuchtet, sowie abschließend auf dessen Entzug und die damit einhergehenden Probleme eingegangen.
Blending personal narrative, historical research, and pop culture, Karen Stollznow's Missed Conceptions gives voice to an experience that has been taboo for too long but is all too common. For the one in six couples who face fertility challenges when they attempt to get pregnant, this book is a welcome and hopeful companion.
Et glas vin på fortovscaféen, en joint i parken, en ecstasypille på diskoteket eller et skud heroin i baggården. Det sociale liv i byen er ofte forbundet med brug af rusmidler. Nogle steder er indtagelse af rusmidler endda definerende for den gode oplevelse af byrummet i bestemte tidsrum, som når store mængder alkohol indtages i weekendens nattetimer i centrum af store og mellemstore danske byer. Men når nattelivet gør tilværelsen svær for beboerne, eller når der foregår åben indtagelse og salg af illegale stoffer, så giver brug af rusmidler også anledning til konflikter og kampe om byens rum. Legale og illegale rusmidler og indtagelse af dem er derfor også årsagen til, at livet i byen bliver reguleret.Byen og rusmidlerne. Oplevelser, konflikter og regulering sætter fokus på, hvordan byen og rusmidlerne på forskellig vis er vævet sammen. Bogens syv bidrag undersøger, hvordan forskellige grupper af rusmiddelbrugere og andre mennesker i byen oplever og forholder sig til hinanden, og hvordan byen som både politisk, social og fysisk ramme har betydning for vores håndtering af rusmiddelrelaterede problemstillinger.
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Maximillian Alvarez conducted a series of intimate interviews with workers of various stripes, from all around the United States, about their jobs, their lives, dreams, and struggles, and about their experiences living through a year when the world itself seemed to break apart.--Adapted from back cover summary.
In this clear and concise primer, Deirdre Heenan and Jennifer Betts lay out key concepts and debates in the field of mental health. With overviews of recent developments and stakeholder perspectives, the book introduces contemporary themes in policy and practice. It explores the prevalence, cost and social determinants of mental illness, the changing attitudes and stigma around them, and the roles of the state, voluntary and community sectors in designing and delivering services. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, the guide includes: - text boxes and figures to illustrate key points; - end of chapter summaries; - international case studies; - further reading guides. For students, practitioners, policy makers and newcomers alike, this is an accessible and comprehensive guide to an increasingly prioritised and debated topic.
In 1974, American exchange student Molly Melching arrived in Senegal for a six-month program that would become a forty-year journey of transformation. Inspired by her experiences living in a remote village, she founded Tostan, an organization dedicated to empowering communities by using democracy and human-rights-based education to promote relationships built upon dignity, equality, and respect.Tostan's groundbreaking strategies have led to better education for the women of rural Africa, improved health care, a decrease in child/forced marriage, and declarations by thousands of African communities to abandon the practice of female genital cutting. However Long the Night is the story of how Melching, named by Newsweek and the Daily Beast as one of the "150 women who shake the world," is paving the way to a world with human dignity for all.
We with COPD. Do you know us? We suffer in silence not understood. You see us in commercials and you see us with our portable oxygen packs and our walkers with wheels and seats or wheelchairs. Wonder how we live? What it's like? Why some who look healthy cannot do things? Or what would make our lives a little easier. Some of you already help. Others, we'll tell you how. We have needs you are not aware of or understand. In here you will hear the truth about our lives. What we have lost. How we are treated by the medical community. Read and let us tell you.
This book is the first to provide evidence-based experience to showcase how stakeholder management can be applied within social marketing programs, as well providing contemporary discussions of social marketing research. The book aims to bring practitioners and academics together to address the calls made by scholars to address inherent challenges involved in identifying, involving and prioritising different stakeholders in social marketing interventions.Through sharing real-world experience, the text aims to extend and synthesise current knowledge in the field and contribute to establishing stronger and long-lasting alliances with stakeholders involved in social marketing interventions with an aim of ensuring sustainable behavioural change. This book features a diverse series of case studies from different countries (including but not limited to Australia, Finland, India, Slovenia, the United Kingdom) conducted in various behaviour change contexts (including alcohol consumption, nutrition intake, and breast feeding). Leading international social marketing and social science scholars provide case studies on stakeholder involvement in an intervention or multiple interventions and elucidate relevant lessons to inform theoretical as well as practical implications for multi-stakeholder social marketing interventions.This volume will be of interest to researchers, advanced students, practitioners and policy makers in social marketing and health policy.
This book is about older women's strength, freedom, tenacity, determination, resilience, independence, social and political involvement and, in particular, it is about re-imagining ageing.Older women represent the great majority of older people. The book describes instances of age and gender discrimination and examples of social inclusion and protagonism of older women in Europe. It solicits a change in perspective, focusing on the necessary societal changes to make space to older people and older women in particular. How is society going to address age and gender discrimination in social and institutional settings? How should work settings change to effectively make space to older workers and in particular older women? How should the pension system change? How could public health systems could provide effective care to older people and be sustainable?This edited collection focuses on older women's rights rather than their needs, adopting a human rights based approach. Preservation of older women's dignity, autonomy and security is its central topic, that is, ensuring that their rights are recognised. This collection offers insights valuable to a wide array of human rights activists, professionals, policymakers and social scientists, and older women themselves.
This book investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples and assesses the policy responses taken by governments and Indigenous communities across the world.Bringing together innovative research and policy insights from a range of disciplines, this book investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and well-being of Indigenous Peoples across the world, with coverage of¿North America, Central America, Africa, and Oceania. Further, it explores the actions taken by governments and Indigenous communities in addressing the challenges posed by this public health crisis. The book emphasises the social determinants of health and well-being, reflecting on issues such as self-governance, human rights law, housing, socioeconomic conditions, access to health care, culture, environmental deprivation, and resource extraction. Chapters also highlight the resilience and agency of Indigenous Peoples in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the legacy of colonialism, patterns of systemic discrimination, and social exclusion.Providing concrete pathways for improving the conditions of Indigenous Peoples in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this book is essential reading for researchers across indigenous studies, public health, and social policy.
India Migration Report 2022 is one of the first volumes to focus comprehensively on Indian health professionals' migration. The essays in the volume discuss the reasons, challenges and opportunities that daunt and prompt health professionals to migrate within and outside India.This volume:¿ Explores the history of migration of health professionals, especially nurses from India;¿ Focuses in economic and social drivers of migration among health professionals;¿ Examines shifting patterns in migration as well as emergence of new destinations for migrants;¿ Studies the economic and social impact of COVID-19 among migrant health professionals;¿ Highlights the influence of remittances on rural economies in India.Timely, data-driven and drawing on exhaustive fieldwork, the volume looks at Indian health professionals in North America, Middle East, Asia Pacific and South Asia. It will be of interest to scholars and researchers of development studies, public health, public policy, economics, demography, sociology and social anthropology, and migration and diaspora studies.
The Covid-19 Pandemic disrupted lives across borders and created unprecedented pressures on the health and medical infrastructure. Frontline workers were at the forefront in handling efforts to curb its devastating effects on people's lives.This volume looks at various challenges frontline workers and women, working tirelessly both in the privacy of homes as well as professionals in public spaces faced and their immense contribution to managing the pandemic. It examines the psychosocial and health implications the pandemic and its fallout has had on the professions and personal lives of healthcare workers, sanitary workers, police, teachers, household helps, sex workers, volunteers among others. Analysing the vulnerabilities and the adaptability of nursing personnel, doctors and administrators, it also offers suggestions for rebooting healthcare systems and for putting in place support-systems to mitigate the adverse gendered impacts of the lockdowns and the spread of the disease.Comprehensive and insightful, with essays from experts in different fields, this book will be of interest to students and researchers of public health, healthcare management, gender studies, public policy making, sociology, economics.
This volume presents the ethical implications of risk information as related to genetics and other health data for policy decisions at clinical, research and societal levels. ¿Ethical, Social and Psychological Impacts of Genomic Risk Communication examines the introduction of new types of health risk information based on faster, cheaper and larger sets of genetic or genomic analysis. Synthesizing the results of a five-year interdisciplinary project, it explores the unsolved ethical and social questions around the sharing of this data, such as: What is best practice in risk communication? What are the normative presumptions and ethical consequences of an increased individual responsibility for ones' health? And how does one deal with the gap between the knowledge of risk and the lack of therapeutic options which often exist for complex diseases, such as dementia or some types of cancer? Drawing on contributions from over 20 experts in the field, this collection examines these questions from a liberal bioethics' perspective, advocating for contextual and cultural-sensitive ethical discussions. ¿This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of theoretical and clinical medical ethics, medical sociology, risk communication and ethics of risk, as well as professionals in clinical genetics.
How does a city go from being the world's most liveable to its most locked down? For 262 days, Melbourne was cocooned by stay-at-home orders. Through successive COVID winters, the state of Victoria was isolated from the rest of the federation and Melbourne from the rest of the state.
Übermäßiges, ununterbrochenes Sitzen und wenig körperliche Aktivität sind Risikofaktoren für zahlreiche Zivilisationskrankheiten. Bereits im Kindesalter wirkt sich das sedentäre Verhalten negativ auf die Gesundheit aus und bedingt nachweislich Adipositas. Den Großteil der täglichen hohen Sitzzeiten verbringen Kinder in der Schule. Nationale Interventionsstrategien versuchen derweil den Schulalltag bewegungsfreundlicher zu gestalten, stoßen jedoch in der Praxis häufig an ihre Grenzen. Grund hierfür ist häufig die fehlende Zeit, um Bewegung in Lernphasen des Unterrichts zu integrieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert den Blick zur Gestaltung des bewegungsfreundlichen Unterrichts um zentrale Ergebnisse internationaler Forschung. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden für die Entwicklung praxisnaher, lernzeitwahrenden (Nutzung aktivierender Sitzgelegenheiten) und lernzeitschonenden (bewegungsförderliche Methoden) Interventionen zur Sitzzeitenreduzierung im Unterricht herangezogen. Neben der ausführlichen Evaluation der beiden Interventionsstrategien mittels moderater Technik (u.a. activPAL® Sensoren) werden ausblickend wertvolle Tipps für den praktischen Einsatz formuliert.
"Income, education, job security, food and housing, and gender and race are all examples of the social determinants of health. These factors influence the health and well-being of patients, as well as how they interact with health care providers and receive health care, and unfortunately, certain biases can become a barrier to maintaining good health in some communities. Indigenous groups in North America and US-associated Pacific jurisdictions have been subjected to occupation and forced relocation, mandated boarding schools, and other attempts by state and federal governments to eliminate their cultural strengths and resources. Indigenous Public Health illustrates how successful community engagement strategies, programs, and resources within Indigenous communities have resulted in diverse, successful public health programs, and helped community members overcome barriers to health. Editors Linda Burhansstipanov and Kathryn L. Braun explore the problems that impact engagement efforts, discuss public health topics, acknowledge and honor the strengths of different communities, and emphasize that collaboration and the sharing of resources can only improve lives"--
From the local to the global, the governance of illegal drug use is becoming increasingly fragmented. In some contexts, prohibitive regimes are being transformed or replaced, while in others there are renewed commitments to criminalized control. But what gives rise to convergence and divergence in processes of policy making, both across different countries as well as within them? Based upon empirical qualitative research with 'elite' insiders, David Brewster explores a diverse range of cannabis policy approaches across the globe. His original analysis reveals the factors which facilitate or hinder punitive or liberalising tendencies in cannabis policy processes, concluding with future directions for policy making and comparative criminology.
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