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Sundhed, sygdom og afhængighed: sociale aspekter

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  • af Russell Mannion, Martin Powell & Mark Exworthy
    360,95 - 1.282,95 kr.

  • af Cecilia Vindrola-Padros & Ginger A. Johnson
    1.598,95 kr.

    This book examines the experiences of global healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. It shines a light on the experiences of healthcare workers during the pandemic, exploring their lived experiences of delivering care without losing sight of the emotional and symbolic nature of their work. Incorporating cutting-edge research from global experts in medical anthropology, medical sociology, medicine, psychology and nursing, it uniquely demonstrates the value of rapid qualitative research during infectious epidemics. Drawing on data collected during the COVID-19 pandemic, the book explores global healthcare policies and healthcare workers' experiences across 20 countries.

  • af Emily Moira Ruby Lamprecht
    656,95 kr.

    Mit Anlauf der ersten COVID-19-Impfprogramme stellte sich schnell heraus, dass Teile der Welt einen leichteren Zugang zu den unter Hochdruck entwickelten Impfstoffen erhielten als andere. Trotz der globalen Impfinitiative COVAX, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hatte, eine gerechte Verteilung für alle zu erreichen, bildete sich ein ausgeprägtes Nord-Süd-Gefälle. Eine derart ungerechte Verteilung der Impfstoffe wirft nicht nur Fragen internationaler Gerechtigkeit auf, sondern gefährdet die Sicherheit aller Menschen weltweit, indem sie für alle Länder eine effektive Bekämpfung der Pandemie erschwert oder gar verhindert. Das Buch untersucht daher Faktoren, die zur beobachteten ungleichen Verteilung geführt haben und zeigt auf, wo Ansprüche an Gerechtigkeit noch nicht erfüllt wurden. Angelehnt an die Forschungserkenntnisse endet die Autorin mit Empfehlungen für die Politik, um bei zukünftigen pandemischen Lagen effektivere und gerechtere Maßnahmen treffen zu können. Für die Analyse wurden sechs Expertenpanels des Harvard Global Health Institute anhand der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2015) theoriegeleitet ausgewertet. Eingang finden alle Phasen ¿ von der Entwicklung, Produktion und Verteilung bis zur Impfung vor Ort.

  • af Robert Jay Lifton
    248,95 kr.

    "A powerful rumination on how we can draw on historical examples of "survivor power" to understand the upheaval and death caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and collectively heal"--

  • af Bipin Kumar Rai
    573,95 kr.

    This book presents state-of-the-art blockchain and AI advances in health care. Healthcare service is increasingly creating the scope for blockchain and AI applications to enter the biomedical and healthcare world. Today, blockchain, AI, ML, and deep learning are affecting every domain. Through its cutting-edge applications, AI and ML are helping transform the healthcare industry for the better. Blockchain is a decentralization communication platform that has the potential to decentralize the way we store data and manage information. Blockchain technology has potential to reduce the role of middleman, one of the most important regulatory actors in our society. Transactions are simultaneously secure and trustworthy due to the use of cryptographic principles. In recent years, blockchain technology has become very trendy and has penetrated different domains, mostly due to the popularity of cryptocurrencies. One field where blockchain technology has tremendous potential is health care, dueto the need for a more patient-centric approach in healthcare systems to connect disparate systems and to increase the accuracy of electronic healthcare records (EHRs).

  • af Martin Harbusch
    1.599,95 kr.

  • af Elisabeth Wacker
    519,95 kr.

    Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Das Recht auf Gesundheit und Wohlergehen steht allen Menschen zu, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Beeinträchtigung oder anderen Vielfaltsmerkmalen. Auf die enge Verknüpfung von gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe und bestmöglicher Gesundheit macht das Gemeinschaftswerk aufmerksam. Es weist auf Exklusions- und Isolationsrisiken hin, zeigt Erfahrungen aus der Coronapandemie auf und öffnet Wege, um Benachteiligungen abzubauen, auch für den demografischen Wandel. Vielfache wissenschaftliche Expertise (aus dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Bundesregierung zur Teilhabeberichterstattung) und zukunftsweisende fachliche Debatten werden unterlegt mit neuesten Daten und dem Blick auf die globalen Gesundheitsziele.

  • af Nick Dearden
    186,95 kr.

    How Big Pharma failed to end a pandemic, and what it tells us about the global economy

  • - Når man kun kan leve uden at drikke
    af Søren Geckler
    189,95 kr.

    Alkoholiker – når man kun kan leve uden at drikke er på én gang dybt personlig og samtidig helt alment menneskelig. Det er en personlig beretning om turen helt ned i bunden af flasken og rejsen tilbage til livet. Og en alment menneskelig beskrivelse af, og refleksion over, de mekanismer, der får nogle mennesker til at drikke, og af sammenholdet blandt ædru alkoholikere. Det er en både tragisk og morsom bog. Tragisk, fordi så mange mennesker bliver alkoholikere, og fordi livet på bunden af flasken er så hårdt og ofte nedværdigende. Og morsom, fordi forfatteren med overskud og ærlighed også fortæller om de absurde situationer, han og hans alkoholiker-venner har sat sig selv i.En bog til både opmuntring og eftertanke.

  • af R. B. Singh, Narayan Chandra Jana & Anju Singh
    1.718,95 - 1.734,95 kr.

    Agriculture is the backbone of our economic system. It provides not only food and raw material but also employment opportunities to a very large number of people. Higher atmospheric temperature has an impact on crop yields while the changes in rainfall could affect both crop quality and quantity. Climate change, therefore, could increase the prices of major crops in some regions. For the most vulnerable people, lower agricultural output means lower income. In addition, climate change is expected to increase the risk of illness and death from extreme heat and poor air quality. Recent evidence is the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, climate change also affects the occurrence of other infectious diseases. A number of well-known diseases are climate-sensitive - malaria, dengue fever, and cholera among others. Tourism is considered as an industry and alternative contributor to a nation¿s income. It can generate employment opportunities and boost up the economy. This book, consisting of 26 chapters, focuses on the issues of agriculture, tourism and health for livelihood enhancement. It is essential to discuss these diverse issues in the field of geography as it encompasses interdisciplinary topics. The range of concerns at the national, regional and local levels is not confined to geography only but also involves other disciplines as well. Therefore, this book is a valuable source for scientists and researchers in allied fields such as livelihood, agriculture, land use, tourism management, health care and tribal studies. Furthermore, this book can be of immense help to the researchers, planners and decision makers engaged in solving problems in these areas in developing countries and beyond.

  • af Rebecca V. Culshaw
    265,95 kr.

    Four decades after And the Band Played On created an image of the AIDS epidemic that has survived in the public consciousness to this very day, mathematician Rebecca Culshaw is sounding the alarm that everything that iconic book told us about AIDS is demonstrably wrong. And that mistaken understanding of AIDS and its cause has the potential to affect all of us, not just certain so-called risk groups. In The Real AIDS Epidemic, Rebecca Culshaw describes her slow uncovering of these reasons over her years researching HIV for her work constructing mathematical models of its interaction with the immune system. It is rare that a researcher, having studied HIV, ever expresses any doubt in the paradigm, and an even rarer event still when she abandons the field altogether. Culshaw's book, updated from its original edition, which was titled Science Sold Out, is one of the great insider-turned-whistleblower stories of our time.  The Real AIDS Epidemic focuses on the politics of the changing definition of AIDS and the flaws in all HIV testing. In a much broader sense, it explains how the current, government-based structure of scientific research has corrupted science as the search for truth. It offers not only scientific reasons for HIV/AIDS being untenable, but also sociological explanations as to how the theory was accepted by the media and the world so quickly. In particular, this book offers a scathing criticism of the outrageous discriminatory measures that have been leveled at HIV-positives from the inception. She also warns that the toxic drugs being foisted on the Black and gay communities constitute one of the worst medical violations of human rights since the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.    The compelling case she makes that the AIDS establishment has led us into a biomedical disaster through incompetence, fraud, and deceit will have many readers throwing their hands up and feeling helpless and hopeless. But she does something no other book that is critical about HIV and AIDS has done. She suggests a series of strategic actions the scientific community, Congress, the media, and the public can take to undo the damage that the powerful AIDS establishment has done since the epidemic began in 1981.

  • af Paul McLaughlin
    168,95 kr.

    Ordinary citizens fought City Hall to have a suicide barrier erected around North America's second most "popular" suicide magnet, the Bloor Viaduct over Toronto's Don Valley.

  • af Dan Cohn-Sherbok & George D. Chryssides
    211,95 - 1.010,95 kr.

  • af Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Søren Harnow Klausen, Sidsel Eriksen, mfl.
    128,95 - 198,95 kr.

    I Danmark er vin, øl og spiritus let tilgængeligt, da vi har en liberal alkoholpolitik i forhold til hvem, der kan købe det, hvor det kan købes, og hvornår det kan købes. Vi forbinder ofte alkohol med nydelse, hygge og socialt samvær, og det lovlige rusmiddel knytter os sammen på tværs af generationer og samfundslag. Men alkohol har samtidig sundhedsmæssige og sociale konsekvenser, og denne dobbelthed medfører en række dilemmaer. Unge kan føle sig udenfor fællesskabet, hvis de ikke drikker; samværet omkring alkohol kan være opslidende for personer i udsatte grupper; eller personale på plejehjem kan komme i vanskelige etiske situationer, hvis en beboer drikker meget og agerer aggressivt. Danskerne lever i en alkoholkultur, hvor alkoholforbrug ikke altid er entydigt godt eller dårligt, uanset alder og miljøer.Alkohol – en del af dansk kultur på godt og ondt formidler i syv bidrag ny viden om alkoholforbrug og dets betydninger og konsekvenser for individet og samfundet og diskuterer politik, forebyggelse og behandling på området. Bogen bidrager til alkoholdebatten blandt praktikere, politikere og forskere ved at sætte fokus på de fælles værdier, der understøtter brugen af alkohol i Danmark, så vi bedre kan håndtere de udfordringer, der knytter sig til rusmidlet.

  • af Tim Clark & John Penycate
    961,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Schübel
    818,95 kr.

    Der Sammelband beleuchtet Medikalisierungsprozesse speziell mit Blick auf deren Relevanz für die Soziale Arbeit. Als Medikalisierung wird die kritisch zu hinterfragende Umdeutung lebensweltlicher Problemlagen und sozialer Konflikte in medizinisch relevante Störungen verstanden. Die Beiträge beleuchten theoretisch oder empiriebezogen, in welcher Weise die Soziale Arbeit als Profession und Disziplin mit Medikalisierungsprozessen konfrontiert ist und wie sie diesen theoretisch und handlungsbezogen begegnen kann.

  • af Friedrich Dieckmann
    528,95 kr.

    Das Buch fasst die Forschung zum unterstützten Wohnen und zur Teilhabe von Menschen mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung zusammen und weist Richtungen für die inhaltliche und methodische Weiterentwicklung. Im ersten Teil wird die Forschung zum Wohnen mit Unterstützung in der Teilhabeforschung verortet und ein Überblick über die Entwicklung und den Stand der deutschsprachigen und internationalen Wohnforschung gegeben. Der zweite Teil setzt mit der partizipativen Forschung und der Zusammenstellung internationaler standardisierter Erhebungsinstrumente forschungsmethodische Impulse. Im dritten Teil werden innovative Themenfelder (Sozialraum, Organisationskultur, technisch unterstützte Teilhabe, Menschen mit komplexem Unterstützungsbedarf) mit ihren Erkenntnissen und Herausforderungen vorgestellt.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.

  • af Josh Greenberg & Charlene Elliott
    1.405,95 kr.

  • af Sarah DiGregorio
    315,95 kr.

    In this sweeping cultural history of nursing from the Stone Age to the present, the critically acclaimed author of Early pays homage to the profession and makes an urgent call for change. Nurses have always been vital to human existence. A nurse was likely there when you were born and a nurse might well be there when you die. Familiar in hospitals and doctors' offices, these dedicated health professionals can also be found in schools, prisons, and people's homes; at summer camps; on cruise ships, and even at NASA. Yet despite being celebrated during the Covid-19 epidemic, nurses are often undermined and undervalued in ways that reflect misogyny and racism, and that extend to their working conditions?and affect the care available to everyone. But the potential power of nursing to create a healthier, more just world endures.The story of nursing is complicated. It is woven into war, plague, religion, the economy, and our individual lives in myriad ways. In Taking Care, journalist Sarah DiGregorio chronicles the lives of nurses past and tells the stories of those today?caregivers at the vital intersection of health care and community who are actively changing the world, often invisibly. An absorbing and empathetic work that combines storytelling with nuanced reporting, Taking Care examines how we have always tried to care for each other?the incredible ways we have succeeded and the ways in which we have failed. Fascinating, empowering and significant, it is a call for change and a love letter to the nurses of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

  • af David Castle
    663,95 kr.

    The second edition of this critically acclaimed and award-winning text provides a comprehensive overview of the psychiatry and neuroscience of Cannabis sativa (marijuana). It outlines the very latest developments in our understanding of the human cannabinoid system, and links this knowledge to clinical and epidemiological facts about the impact of cannabis on mental health. Clinically focused chapters review not only the direct psychomimetic properties of cannabis, but also the impact consumption has on the courses of evolving or established mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Effects of cannabis on mood are reviewed, as are its effects on cognition. This new edition has been extensively updated and expanded with ten new chapters to incorporate major new research findings. This book will be of interest to all members of the mental health team, as well as to neuroscientists, epidemiologists, public health specialists and those involved in drug and alcohol research.

  • af Howard Prosnitz
    278,95 - 463,95 kr.

  • af Angela Kelly-Hanku
    1.601,95 kr.

    This book examines sex, sexuality, gender and health in the Pacific with a focus on three key sets of issues: young people, culture and education; sexual and reproductive health and well-being; and belonging, connectedness and justice.

  • af Barrie (University of Leicester Gunter
    511,95 - 1.598,95 kr.

  • af Peter Townsend
    1.207,95 kr.

    When originally published in 1988, this book presented new evidence of inequalities in health found among communities in different areas of the North of England.

  • af Michael Butter
    529,95 kr.

    Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective examines how conspiracy theories and related forms of misinformation and disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic have circulated widely around the world.Covid conspiracy theories have attracted considerable attention from researchers, journalists, and politicians, not least because conspiracy beliefs have the potential to negatively affect adherence to public health measures. While most of this focus has been on the United States and Western Europe, this collection provides a unique global perspective on the emergence and development of conspiracy theories through a series of case studies. The chapters have been commissioned by recognized experts on area studies and conspiracy theories.The chapters present case studies on how Covid conspiracism has played out (some focused on a single country, others on regions), using a range of methods from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including history, politics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Collectively, the authors reveal that, although there are many narratives that have spread virally, they have been adapted for different uses and take on different meanings in local contexts.This volume makes an important contribution to the rapidly expanding field of academic conspiracy theory studies, as well as being of interest to those working in the media, regulatory agencies, and civil society organizations, who seek to better understand the problem of how and why conspiracy theories spread.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

  • af Michael Butter
    1.616,95 kr.

    Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspective examines how conspiracy theories and related forms of misinformation and disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic have circulated widely around the world.

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