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Aldersgrupper: ældre

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  • - Nature's Secrets to Longevity
    af Nicklas Brendborg
    147,95 kr.

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: a deep dive into the science and nature of aging

  • - En hånd- og inspirationsbog for vordende efterlønnere og pensionister
    af Peter Faber
    108,95 kr.

    Farvel arbejde - goddag frihed er en fascinerende bog skrevet af den talentfulde forfatter Peter Faber. Udgivet i 2014, er denne bog en bemærkelsesværdig tilføjelse til genren. Bogen er en indsigtsfuld fortælling, der udforsker vores forhold til arbejde og frihed. Den udfordrer læseren til at tænke over, hvad frihed virkelig betyder for dem, og hvordan de kan opnå det. Forlaget 'mellemgaard' har gjort et fantastisk arbejde med at bringe denne bog til offentligheden. Hvis du er på udkig efter en bog, der kan forandre dit syn på livet, er 'Farvel arbejde - goddag frihed' det perfekte valg for dig.

  • - Sådan bevarer du en skarp hjerne i en stærk krop
    af Henning Kirk
    43,94 - 107,95 kr.

    Det er langt hen ad vejen op til os selv om vi kommer til at leve længe og samtidig holder hjernen skarp og kroppen stærk.Det er nemlig ikke så meget vores gener der bestemmer hvor gamle vi bliver. Vores livsstil er meget vigtigere, og selv små ændringer i vores daglige rutiner og indgroede vaner kan få stor betydning for hvor mange gode år vi har tilbage at leve i.EN KORT GUIDE TIL ET LANGT LIV er en lettilgængelig øjenåbner, fyldt med praktiske, jordnære råd til at forlænge livet og bevare livskvaliteten. Læs bl.a. om hvorfor jonglering gør underværker for hjernen, hvorfor franskundervisning forebygger demens, hvorfor en daglig morgengåtur gør mere godt for kroppen end alverdens raw food – og hvorfor et glas rødvin om dagen burde være en del af de officielle kostråd for alle der er fyldt 50.Henning Kirk (f. 1947) er aldringsforsker og har brugt det meste af sit liv på at forske i hvad der sker med os når vi bliver ældre. Han er og forhenværende leder af Gerontologisk Institut. Tidligere har han skrevet bogen Afskaf alderdommen – bliv i de voksnes rækker (2012) sammen med Lone Kühlmann og er desuden forfatter til en lang række andre bøger om aldring, hjerne og sundhed. 

  • af Lone Kühlmann & Henning Kirk
    43,94 - 220,95 kr.

    Aldringsforskeren Henning Kirk og bestsellerforfatteren og debatøren Lone Kühlmann gør op med vores forældede syn på alder. Man går ikke i stå af at blive gammel; man bliver gammel af at gå i stå. Man bliver heller ikke automatisk syg af at blive gammel. Bogen opfordrer og inspirerer til at blive i de voksnes rækker uanset alder og til at holde fast i ansvaret for sit eget liv.

  • - om hjernens livskarriere og voksenlivets vækstmuligheder
    af Henning Kirk
    198,95 kr.

    Der er bud efter seniorerne!I en tid med økonomisk vækst er der behov for mere arbejdskraft. Og udbuddet af yngre arbejdskraft er utilstrækkeligt. Samfundsøkonomisk er der meget at vinde ved at fastholde de mest erfarne på arbejdsmarkedet – og eventuelt få dem til at vende tilbage, når de er gået på pension.I den situation er det vigtigt, at der samles viden om, hvorfor seniorer på arbejdsmarkedet udgør en helt særlig ressource. Der er brug for, at vi får udbredt den nyeste viden om, hvorfor ældre medarbejdere besidder kvalifikationer og kompetencer, som yngre medarbejdere (endnu) ikke har.Der er brug for kendskab til, hvordan man som arbejdsgiver kan få gavn af den mest erfarne del af arbejdsstyrken. Der er brug for viden om, hvordan man som enkeltindivid kan udvikle seniorkompetencer, som kan give én et righoldigt, inspirerende og givende liv langt op i årene. Der er brug for et overblik over den biologiske og psykologiske viden om hjernen og dens livskarriere, som er forklaringen bag fænomenet seniorkompetencer.Og først og fremmest er der brug for, at det bliver slået fast, at det for samfundet er spild at blive ved med at betragte seniorer som en arbejdskraftreserve, man til nød kan aktivere for at lukke hullerne på et arbejdsmarked, der efterspørger arbejdskraft.De aktive silverbacks er kommet for at blive. I fremtiden vil vi se mange flere 80-årige konsulenter, 90-årige virksomhedsledere og 100-årige faldskærmsudspringere med helbredet og hjernen i behold.

  • - The life-affirming bestseller that will brighten your day
    af Fredrik Backman
    107,95 - 122,95 kr.

    Perfect for fans of Gail Honeyman's Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine; Ruth Hogan's The Keeper of Lost Things and Graeme Simsion's The Rosie Project, A Man Called Ove is one of the best-loved and most life-affirming novels of the decade. This multi-million-copy phenomenon is a funny, moving, uplifting tale of love and community that will leave you with a spring in your step. 'Warm, funny, and almost unbearably moving' Daily Mail 'Rescued all those men who constantly mean to read novels but never get round to it' Spectator Books of the Year At first sight, Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets. But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so? In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible . . .

  • - Lev selv for let øvede
    af Lone Kühlmann
    43,94 - 67,95 kr.

    Lone Kühlmann har kastet et skarpt blik på sine jævnaldrende og observeret en udbredt fornægtelse af, at det er menneskets lod at blive ældre og ældre. Derfor har hun skrevet en fyndig og inspirerende bog til de generationer, der måske skal til at vænne sig til tanken om, at det ikke er ALT, man selv bestemmer.Bogen behandler underholdende og åbenhjertigt emner som: Kirurgi eller terapi Når man bliver usynlig Respekt Alderdommens port

  • af Lars Hyldstrup & Jens Erik Beck Jensen
    260,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Op mod 650.000 danskere lider af osteoporose – langt størstedelen uden selv at vide det. Osteoporose har ingen symptomer, før det første brud indtræffer. Denne bog om en af de store folkesygdomme i Danmark er skrevet til alle, der har osteoporose inde på livet – som ramt, påvirket eller fagperson – og som ønsker at blive klogere. Bogen igennem tages der udgangspunkt i de spørgsmål, som forfatterne Lars Hyldstrup og Jens-Erik Beck Jensen i årevis har fået fra osteoporosepatienter, og de svar, man aktuelt kan give herpå. Bogen er rigt illustreret af uddybende faktabokse, forklarende figurer og visuelle grafer, der hjælper med at formidle al den data og forskning, som ligger til grund for den aktuelle viden om osteoporose.Bliv fx klogere på:Knoglernes biologiForskellige typer af knoglebrudÅrsager og risikofaktorerSymptomer og differentialdiagnoserDiagnostik og undersøgelsesmetoderRåd til knoglesund livsstilMedicinsk behandlingVejledning om fysisk aktivitetForsknings- og patientmiljøerBogen er opslagsvenlig, så man nemt kan finde svar på specifikke spørgsmål, men den kan ligeledes læses i sin helhed for en grundig indføring i sygdommen. Gennemgående i bogen findes derudover henvisninger til relevant litteratur, der giver mulighed for at dykke dybere ned.

  • af Ben Aitken
    113,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • - Lad os tale om det nu – du er ikke alene
    af Tina Theilgaard
    115,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Oplever du indimellem at være lidt trist, men pakker følelsen væk, for hvad har du dog at være trist over?Løber du mellem job, plejekrævende forældre og hidsige børnebørn?Er bekymringsgenet vokset med alderen, og står grundvandet højt i øjneneDrømmer du om at være fri og flytte derhen, hvor du vil, men oplever, at noget står i vejen?Hvis du er i 60’erne, lykkeligt gift, har penge på pensionskontoen og sunde børn og børnebørn, der smiler (ægte) til dig fra fotorammerne, er du en heldig persillerod. Så er den her bog ikke skrevet til dig. Den er til gengæld til dig, der måske er gået hen og blevet lidt trist. For ikke alle surfer lykkeligt derudad på positive seniorbølger. Måske virker Mataspigernes cremer og urtetabletter ikke. Kroppen har fået skavanker, jobmulighederne er svundet ind, og der er mere undergang end overgang i tilværelsen. Vi taler bare ikke om det. For hvad har danske kvinder i 60’erne eller derover dog at være triste over? Gennem humoristiske samtaler med veninden Elisabeth sætter forfatteren spot på emner som blandt andet helbred og hukommelse, penge, pension og prestige og seniorer og sociale medier og kombinerer dem med hverdagsoplevelser og tanker, som får det ofte tabubelagte seniorunivers sat ind i en større kontekst.TRESÅRIG TRISTESSE er både underholdende og eftertænksom læsning. Den giver stemme til de lidt – eller meget – triste 60’ere i dagens Danmark. Samtidig er den et opråb til at sætte gang i debatten om ældre menneskers liv – især dem i 60’erne, der på én gang er næsten pensionerede og mindre attraktive og skal kunne performe på arbejdsmarkedet og i privatlivet, som om de var 40 ...

  • af Svend Danielsen & Rie Thoustrup Sørensen
    1.386,95 kr.

    Den demografiske udvikling viser, at antallet af ældre stiger. Deres retsforhold har voksende betydning. Med denne nye, opdaterede udgave af Værgemålsloven med kommentarer søger forfatterne at dække nogle væsentlige og praktisk vigtige juridiske problemstillinger, som opstår i kølvandet på det, der i folkemunde kaldes ældrebyrden.I bogen er der foretaget en ajourføring og bearbejdelse. Den indeholder nye afgørelser og nyvurderinger. Formålet har været at udfylde et beskrivelsesmæssigt tomrum med omfattende og dybtgående redegørelser, som forhåbentlig indeholder fyldestgørende svar på de fleste spørgsmål, som opstår.Bogen henvender sig til de faggrupper, som i det daglige beskæftiger sig med værgemål for voksne samt med børns og unges økonomiske forhold. Det gælder advokater, dommere, revisorer, bankrådgivere og forvaltningsafdelingerne, som administrerer formuerne, samt socialrådgivere, kommunalt ansatte, hospitals- og plejepersonale. De kan komme til at vurdere, om der er behov for værgemål og i bekræftende fald hvilket, ligesom der senere skal samarbejdes med værgerne. Også de pårørende kan have behov for svar på opståede spørgsmål.Lovkommentaren er forfattet af Svend Danielsen, der er kendt for sin interesse for området, bl.a. som formand for værgemålsudvalget, hvis betænkning dannede grundlag for loven fra 1996, og som forfatter af førsteudgaven fra 2006. Derudover Rie Thoustrup Sørensen, der er kontorchef i Statsforvaltningens værgemålskontor, og som tidligere var kontorchef i Civilstyrelsen.IndholdForordVærgemålslovenVærgemålsbekendtgørelsenSagsbehandlingsbekendtgørelsenIndledningKapitel 1. Værgemål for børn og ungeKapitel 2. Værgemål for voksneKapitel 3. Behandlingen af værgemåls- og værgesager vedrørende voksneKapitel 4. Værgens beføjelser og pligterKapitel 5. Formuens forvaltning og anbringelse m.v.Kapitel 6. Umyndiges selvstændige rådighed og næringKapitel 7. Ugyldige aftalerKapitel 8. Særlige værgemålKapitel 9. Internationale aftalerKapitel 10. Ikrafttræden m.v.Retsplejelovens kapitel 43 - VærgemålssagerAfgørelsesregisterStikordsregister

  • af Bettina Dennison
    236,95 kr.

    Die in diesem Band versammelten Geschichten sind alle unterschiedlich und doch haben sie einen gemeinsamen Kern: eine Liebe für die Gegensätzlichkeit der Existenz. Eine, die alles umhüllt. Eine, die uns einlädt, genauer hinzuschauen, genauer hinzufühlen. Denn Kreativität und Struktur schließen sich nicht aus, sie sind Geschwister. Beide haben ihre Berechtigung, beide halten uns am Leben. Wir brauchen beide und diese Texte zeigen auf, wie wir sie in Einklang bringen können, indem wir den Widerspruch erkennen und ihn in der Akzeptanz überwinden.

  • af Christine P Brown
    181,95 kr.

    Kay has Dementia.In 2021 sisters Stephanie and Christine Brown embarked on a road trip across Australia with their mother Kay.They didn't want to put their mother in a home so decided to do something different. They wanted to give her adventures, love & happiness while she could still enjoy it all.This is a diary of their journey together and a story of their experience with dementia andthe ways they dealt with the ever-changing world dementia brings. It is also a story of love, family, joy and community.Those with dementia are not lost, nor burdens. They are people with as much opportunity for meaningful moments as anyone.because love matters.

  • af Mary McHugh
    112,95 kr.

  • af Grace Lebow
    197,95 kr.

    Do You Have An Aging Parent Who --Blames you for everything that goes wrong?Cannot tolerate being alone, wants you all the time?Is obsessed with health problems, real, or imagined?Make unreasonable and/or irrational demands of you?Is hostile, negative and critical? Coping with these traits in parents is an endless high-stress battle for their children. Though there's no medical defination for "difficult" parents, you know when you have one. While it's rare for adults to change their ways late in life, you can stop the vicious merry-go-round of anger, blame, guilt and frustration.For the first time, here's a common-sense guide from professionals, with more than two decades in the field, on how to smooth communications with a challenging parent. Filled with practical tips for handling contentious behaviors and sample dialogues for some of the most troubling situations, this book addresses many hard issues, including: How to tell your parent he or she cannot live with you. How to avoid the cycle of nagging and recriminations How to prevent your parent's negativity from overwhelming you. How to deal with an impaired parent who refuses to stop driving. How to asses the risk factors in deciding whether a parent is still able to live alone.

  • af Paul Willis
    312,95 - 932,95 kr.

    While there has been a gradual increase in scholarship on men, ageing and masculinities, little attention has been paid to the social relations of men in later life and the implications for enhancing their social wellbeing and counteracting ageist discourse. Bringing together scholars in social gerontology and the social sciences from across Global North and South nations, this collection fills the gaps in key texts by foregrounding older men's experiences. It provides new perspectives across the intersections of old age, ethnicities, class and sexual and gender identity, paying particular attention to older men from seldom heard or marginalised groups.

  • af Brenda Eldridge
    162,95 kr.

  • af Tim Bauerschmidt
    172,95 kr.

    When Miss Norma was diagnosed with uterine cancer, she was advised to undergo surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. But instead of confining herself to a hospital bed for what could be her last stay, Miss Norma?newly widowed after nearly seven decades of marriage?rose to her full height of five feet and told the doctor, ?I'm ninety years old. I'm hitting the road.? And so Miss Norma took off on an unforgettable around-the-country journey in a thirty-six-foot motor home with her retired son Tim, his wife Ramie, and their dog Ringo. As this once timid woman says ?yes? to living in the face of death, she tries regional foods for the first time, reaches for the clouds in a hot air balloon, and mounts up for a horseback ride. With each passing mile (and one educational visit to a cannabis dispensary), Miss Norma's health improves and conversations that had once been taboo begin to unfold. Norma, Tim, and Ramie bond in ways they had never done before, and their definitions of home, family, and friendship expand. Stop by stop, state by state, they meet countless people from all walks of life?strangers who become fast friends and welcome them with kindness and open hearts.Infused with this irrepressible nonagenarian's wisdom, courage, and generous spirit, Driving Miss Norma is the charming, infectiously joyous chronicle of their experiences on the road. It portrays a transformative journey of living life on your own terms that shows us it is never too late to begin an adventure, inspire hope, or become a trailblazer.

  • af Dennis Mccullough
    162,95 kr.

    Thanks to advances in science and medicine, our parents are living longer than ever before. But our health-care system doesn't perform as well when decline eventually sets in. We want to do our best as our loved ones face new complications?more diseases and disabilities?demanding further need for support and careful judgment, but the choices we have to make can seem overwhelming.Family doctor and geriatrician Dennis McCullough recommends a new approach: Slow Medicine. Shaped by common sense and kindness, it advocates for careful anticipatory "attending" to an elder's changing needs rather than waiting for crises that force acute medical interventions?thereby improving the quality of elders' extended late lives without bankrupting their families financially or emotionally. This is not a plan for preparing for death; it is a plan for understanding, for caring, and for helping those you love live well during their final years.

  • af Aileen A. Gronewold
    162,95 kr.

    Three traumatic events in a matter of weeks jolted Aileen Gronewold from career professional to amateur caregiver. For the next six years and countless episodes of The Lawrence Welk Show, she learned the art of caregiving in times both tender and difficult. As her mother's dementia deepened, she began navigating the Long Goodbye while struggling to balance her marriage, sibling conflicts, and her own loss of identity. Walking Mama Home reveals both the joys and sacrifices of caring for a parent at the end of life. This moving narrative celebrates the strength of family and unconditional love, even as it offers abundant grace for mistakes along the way. Aileen writes with candor and compassion to encourage those navigating their own caregiving journey.

  • af Emily Roberts
    581,95 - 832,95 kr.

  • af Wayne Aronsen
    172,95 kr.

    Anders is exiled with his Danish mother from post-war Europe to a small coastal town in Central California. His isolated mother, grieving the loss of her homeland and her German officer lover, retreats into a solitary life, unable to face the daunting task of raising a child she never planned on. Ander lives his youth adjusting to a life with an emotionally absent mother, surviving by sheer willpower born out of ingrained and unabated melancholy. An unknown benefactor provides income for them both. Up Through the Darkness is written in scenes that alternate between Anders' youth and the present when he is sixty years old. Still living in the same small town, he achieves business success and wealth as a property developer. An accidental meeting with an old German rancher neighbor begins the unravelling of his prosperity. Secrets of his family's past come to light. The disinherited granddaughter of the woman from whom he purchases a large property, launches a vendetta against him to ruin him financially. Small town government corruption, California wine, a supporting cast of dominant business women, a love affair with a European actress, and the gorgeous noirish setting of the coast all conspire to bring about Anders' downfall and lead him to an impulsive act of violence. The novel is a story of a man who believes he controls his destiny but discovers he has been manipulated all the while by people from his mother's past. He realizes his entire life had been orchestrated by people he never knew existed. He grows up a boy without a family (his mother ends her life when he is young) only to discover a family that had been secretly hiding in plain sight.Up Through the Darkness is predominantly about mood, character, setting, and the coming of age of an older melancholy man seeking to discover a purpose in his life. While trying to avoid the presence and influence of people, ultimately it's broken souls like himself who direct him toward recovery. Some highlights of the book: Anders builds a Michelin two star restaurant that draws an exclusive clientele from San Francisco. A wrap party for his actress lover is an extravaganza worthy of a film scene. Anders, an avid cyclist departs on a road trip after his downfall, to parallel his journey towards spiritual recovery. A lover of literature, (he never owned a TV) he incorporates quotes from past and present literary works throughout the book, mixed in with his internal dialogue. Up Through the Darkness centers on lyrical language, mood, and the main character's surprising path to self-discovery.

  • af Susan Jacoby
    207,95 kr.

    In Never Say Die, Susan Jacoby delivers a brave, impassioned, and exceptionally important wake-up call to Americans who have long been deluded by the dangerous myth that a radically new old age awaits the huge baby boom generation. Combining historical, social, and economic analysis with personal experiences of love and loss, Jacoby unmasks the fallacies promoted by twenty-first-century hucksters of longevity, and reveals the hazards of the magical thinking that prevents us from facing the genuine battles of growing old. Never Say Die speaks to Americans, whatever their age, who draw courage and hope from facing reality instead of embracing platitudes and delusions, and who want to grow old with dignity and purpose. It is a life-affirming and powerful message that has never been more relevant.

  • af Cheryl Martin Ede
    667,95 kr.

    Description of book:Family was always Juanita's top priority. She was known for her empathy, generosity, and cheerfulness. Until the last nine months of her life, Juanita rolled with the punches and made the best of whatever life presented.Ede weaves together the psychological peculiarities of each member of the Juanita & Rodney nuclear family that ultimately led to Juanita's premature & cruel death. The peculiarities include Ede's trust of her sister.Juanita's fate was sealed when a probate judge chose which attorney would win in his courtroom, rather than what was in her best interests.Get a look into the so-called justice system in the U.S., as viewed inside one probate courtroom. Do you think you have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as stated in the Declaration of Independence? Do you think you would be protected by authorities if you were kidnapped? Ede cautions - not so fast.Readers can meet Juanita as she attempts to let the judge know her various reasons for wanting to go home to San Diego by visiting the Remembering Juanita website - The website also provides access to the court reporter's official transcripts of the six Juanita Martin guardianship hearings.

  • af Jacqueline L. Angel
    1.049,95 kr.

    This book delves into the consequences of rapid population aging for Mexico and U.S. Latinos, impacting various institutions, including families, the labor force, and healthcare systems. It examines in depth the causes and consequences of the increasing prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia, especially early-onset decline in the Mexican-origin population.The book identifies resilience factors as critical to successful aging and health in the Mexican and Mexican-American populations from a transdisciplinary perspective. It also examines the diversity in the experiences of older adults with dementia and related disorders and that of their families in Mexico and the United States. The book also helps to better understand the levels of need and support capacity in both nations and the organizational contexts of long-term care in both countries.The ultimate goal of this sixth volume in the series on aging in the Americas is to identify critical sources of vulnerability and possible policy options for closing the gap in affordable and sustainable long-term care and financial wellbeing for low-resource populations living with dementia and other medical conditions in both countries.The volume presents new information, consensus data, potential venues for intervention, and action frameworks to advance current knowledge grounded in global aging health systems research of closing disparities in vulnerable populations at high risk of declining cognitive and physical health in two different political contexts. As such, the book provides a wealth of information for researchers, policy makers and professionals in the field of population aging.

  • af Terri Leedom
    217,95 kr.

  • af Gray Feather Publishing
    127,95 kr.

    Gift this book to a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer's.Cheerful animal photos help you engage in conversation with your loved one and spark joy.This book evokes feelings of comfort and security.Sure to bring lots of smiles to all who look at it!45 full color photos of animals, one on each page.Loving quotes connected to animals found throughout the book.8" x 10" size makes it easy to hold and slip into a bag or purseSoft glossy coverBuy now and brighten someone's day!

  • af Lizann Grupalo
    187,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Sylvia Bryden-Stock
    132,95 kr.

    Life is full of challenges that affect our emotions. One could say that through life we are constantly riding a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs.I don't know of anyone who has not experienced at least one situation during their life that has dramatically challenged the way they handle things.Things are going well according to our perception of this earthly life until suddenly we are like a pet budgerigar that has fallen off his perch and landed smack bang to the bottom of the cage!So, what do we do now?This book looks at some of the emotion's carers will experience along with including some of the author's emotional challenges that had to be faced as she journeyed with her husband throughout his Young Onset Alzheimer's Disease. Well-illustrated, it shows how the mind and the brain work together to create emotional response memories and how stored past emotional response memory can influence your responses to the current challenge of caring. Sharing her own reaction to suddenly having to ride a new emotional roller coaster is reassuring for the reader. There are some quotes from famous people that will uplift and encourage A book that is based around personal experience. Primarily for carers, this book can help others understand some basic neuroscience and how emotional response memory is laid down in the brain tissue. How to best negotiate the emotional roller coaster life suddenly forces you to ride.

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