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Økonomisk kriminalitet

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  • af Søren Ellemose & Morten Ellemose
    46,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Den aldrende kriminalkommissær, Henning Lorentzen, nyder stilheden i sit sommerhus på vestkysten.Journalist Xenia Holm er i Indien for at undersøge en sag om giftige kemikalier hos modegiganten GreatSales.Da advokat Phillip Rosenkrantz, partner i et hæderkronet advokatfirma, begår selvmord, udløses en kædereaktion af begivenheder.Snart må alle involverede erkende, at fortidens synder melder deres ankomst.HERRENS HUS er fjerde bind i Manus Albino-serien om kriminalkommissær Henning Lorentzen, Louise Jensen, Thomas Kokdahl og Xenia Holm.HERRENS HUS starter, hvor Havfruens Død endte.Tvillingerne Søren og Morten Ellemose (f. 1972) har tilsammen skrevet mere end 35 bøger”dansk spændingsbog af internationalt snit … Kan sammenlignes med forfattere som Jussi Adler-Olsen og Dan Brown.”Lektørudtalelse fra DBC⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Hvis du mangler en fantastisk serie til sommerferien i år, så vil jeg stærkt anbefale Manus Albino serien. En virkelig pageturner serie.” Louise Pedersen, Instagram⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Hele serien er virkelig fantastisk velskrevet med forfatternes sædvanlige pift af skøn humor drysset velvilligt ud over siderne.” Susanne Seidler, Krimiormen⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Hele Manus Albino-serien kan klart anbefales.” Camilla Inga Aanum, Goodreads⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “kom så i gang med at læse denne serie!” Lotte Eskildsen, Cats, books and coffee⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Jeg er fan – det bliver du også, når du læser serien.” von_seitzberg, Instagram⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Har du ikke læst serien endnu, så kan jeg kun sige: kom igang!” Maiken Hartung Struer, Goodreads⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ”Herrens Hus er en bog, man ikke kan lægge fra sig. Den er medrivende, sindsoprivende, kvalmefremkaldende, nervepirrende og ganske enkelt fantastisk.” Katja Ranvits, Goodreads⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I har gjort det igen.” Marion, Goodreads⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “En af de mest velskrevne, spændende krimithrillere i hele min bogreol.” Hardulæst, Goodreads

  • af Michael Teschl & Birgitte Dyrekilde
    138,95 - 277,95 kr.

    AFSLØRET er den dramatiske historie om Danmarks mest kontroversielle erhvervsmand gennem fem årtier. Jan Bonde Nielsen ligner en succesfuld og hovedrig forretningsmand, der er gået fra den ene kæmpehandel til den anden i Danmark, England, Rusland, Kasakhstan, Georgien, Nigeria, Den Centralafrikanske Republik og andre dele af verden. Han fører sig frem i selskab med kongelige, milliardærer og andre prominente personligheder i både Danmark og udlandet. Men under overfladen lurer historierne om stribevis af sagsanlæg, hemmelige forlig og million- og milliardforretninger, som gerne udføres for andres penge og med en fod i en underverden af fallenter og kriminelle.

  • af Jessa Hastings
    107,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • - Mennesker, sprut og cigaretter
    af Nils Valdersdorf Jensen
    257,95 - 347,95 kr.

    Whisky, silke og cigaretter gemt mellem søm, i hemmelige rum og under tøjet. Trillebøre fyldt til randen med brunt sukker og store dunke sprit på slæb. Opfindsomheden var stor, når billige varer skulle fragtes uden om tolderne og ind i Danmark. I århundreder har danskerne snydt og smuglet for millioner. Smuglerlandet Danmark er den første samlede fortælling om lyssky forretninger, der længe var acceptabelt tidsfordriv. End ikke gudfrygtige og ordentlige folk fik moralske tømmermænd. I bogen forfølger forfatteren smugleriet i de danske farvande og grænseområder fra midten af 1700-tallet til i dag, og han viser, hvordan staten trods fintmasket kontrol og stramme love mistede kontrollen ved vandkanten. Problemerne var især synlige i Det Sydfynske Øhav. Her havde sømænd og færgedamer vind i sejlene, tolderne lukkede øjnene, og de lokale holdt sammen modstaten. Nils Valdersdorf Jensen, historiker og afdelingsleder ved Svendborg Museum, tegner et ædrueligt portræt af Danmark som smuglerland. Udgivet i samarbejde med Svendborg Museum og Museet for Søfart

  • - Forræderiet mod velfærdsstaten
    af Emil Ellesøe Ditzel
    297,95 kr.

    27. januar 2017 holder Socialstyrelsen en reception for Britta Nielsen. Hun modtager Dronningens fortjenstmedalje for tro tjeneste. I 40 år havde Britta Nielsen, som selv kom fra fattige kår, hjulpet med at omfordele samfundets midler til de svageste. I virkeligheden havde hun stjålet 117 millioner fra velfærdsstaten for at skabe sit eget paradis i verdens mest ulige land og give sine børn overklasseprivilegier.Da bedrageriet går op formyndighederne i efteråret 2018, starter et journalistisk kapløb om at finde Britta Nielsen, en magtkamp imellem de officielle institutioner for at undgå at stå med sorteper og en overlevelseskamp for hendes nærevenner om ikke uretmæssigt at blive revet med i faldet.Journalist ved TV 2 Emil Ellesøe Ditzel fulgte Britta Nielsens spor tæt. Med adgang til nye kilder og hidtil ukendte dokumenter, fortæller han om, hvordan Britta Nielsen ikke bare udnyttede velfærdsstaten, men også udstillede systemetsstore svagheder. Og hvordan hendes drømme i sidste ende blev ødelagt af den kynisme hun udviste overfor andre.

  • - når der snydes med forsikringer
    af Preben Lund & Kirsten Stubbe-Teglbjærg
    287,95 kr.

    De fleste forsikringskunder er ærlige mennesker. Men der er nogen, der ikke kan stå for fristelsen til at forsøge at få en erstatning, de ikke har krav på.Forsikringssvindel er kriminalitet, hvor folks opfindsomhed til tider er imponerende. Kreativiteten er stor og ofte underholdende, når det gælder om at komme til lette penge.Fup, svindel og fifleri indeholder en lang række sager om bedrageri i både mindre og stor skala. Bogen giver indblik i, hvordan forsikringsselskaberne arbejder, når der er mistanke om svindel. For eksempel når dyre biler på mystisk vis forsvinder eller involveres i mistænkelige uheld med efterfølgende krav om erstatning.Kirsten Stubbe-Teglbjærg og Preben Lund er journalister. Bjarne Jensen har i mange år efterforsket sager om forsikringssnyd.

  • - I skyggen af en rocker
    af Stine Lukowski & Christina Ehrenskjöld
    128,95 - 213,95 kr.

    De bliver set som rockernes ejendom og mindre værd end klubben, brødrene og deres motorcykler.“Jeg så min søn tage kvælertag på min datter ud af det blå. Han havde set sin mor blive kvalt mange gange før, og så gjorde han det pludselig selv på sin egen lillesøster. Jeg græd og tænkte ’fuck’. Deres far kunne kneppe udenom, og han kunne slå mig, men det her betød, at jeg var nødt til at planlægge at forlade ham.”Regitze er en af kvinderne bag vesten – en af dem, der lever i skyggen af enrocker. Hendes navn er opdigtet af hensyn til hendes sikkerhed, og hun er en af seks kvinder, der hudløst ærligt fortæller om livet med en mand fra en af de klubber, som historisk er kendt for at hylde broderskab, motorcykler og frihed.Bogen inviterer læseren indenfor i den for de fleste ukendte og lukkede rockerverden og beskriver den afstumpethed, der følger med et kriminelt miljø, som er skabt af mænd, drevet af mænd og kun for mænd. Kvinderne er rockernes ejendom og betragtes som mindre værd end klubben, brødrene og deres motorcykler.Bogen er blevet til gennem dybdegående research og kildearbejde og på baggrund af lange interview med dem, det handler om: “Kvinderne bag vesten”.

  • af Gary Stevenson
    165,95 kr.

    *NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER*'An unforgettable story of greed, financial madness and moral decay' Rory Stewart'Hilarious, shocking and deeply sad - often in the same sentence' Sunday Times'The Wolf of Wall Street with a moral compass' Irvine WelshAn outrageous, white-knuckle journey to the dark heart of an intoxicating world - from someone who survived the trading game and then blew it all wide open'If you were gonna rob a bank, and you saw the vault door there, left open, what would you do? Would you wait around?Ever since he was a kid, kicking broken footballs on the streets of East London in the shadow of Canary Wharf's skyscrapers, Gary wanted something better. Something a whole lot bigger.Then he won a competition run by a bank: 'The Trading Game'. The prize: a golden ticket to a new life, as the youngest trader in the whole city. A place where you could make more money than you'd ever imagined. Where your colleagues are dysfunctional maths geniuses, overfed public schoolboys and borderline psychopaths, yet they start to feel like family. Where soon you're the bank's most profitable trader, dealing in nearly a trillion dollars. A day. Where you dream of numbers in your sleep - and then stop sleeping at all.But what happens when winning starts to feel like losing? When the easiest way to make money is to bet on millions becoming poorer and poorer - and, as the economy starts slipping off a precipice, your own sanity starts slipping with it? You want to stop, but you can't. Because nobody ever leaves.Would you stick, or quit? Even if it meant risking everything?Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, March 2024

  • - Med kommentarer
    af Hans Fogtdal, Peter Bang & Peter Schradieck
    1.293,95 kr.

    Denne bog udgør en revideret kommentar til den danske hvidvasklov. Der har de seneste år været betydeligt mediefokus og politisk bevågenhed omkring hvidvask og sager om hvidvask på nationalt og internationalt niveau. Myndighederne i ind- og udland er blevet betydeligt styrket på området og har med et forøget fokus behandlet et stigende antal sager herom. I denne bog gives et overblik over juraen på dette komplicerede, særegne og hastigt udviklede område, der er baseret på en række nyere EU-direktiver, herunder 4. og 5. hvidvaskdirektiv. Det er håbet, at bogen kan anvendes som håndbog og vil lette det praktiske arbejde med loven og de mange tilknyttede retskilder. Bemærkningerne til loven udgør naturligvis en meget væsentlig del af fremstillingen, men dertil kommer inddragelse af relevant praksis og inddragelse af de øvrige relevante retskilder på området, herunder Finanstilsynets hvidvask-vejledning. Bogen er rettet mod praktiserende jurister, advokater, praktikere i finansielle virksomheder, revisorer, dommere, journalister, ejendomsadministratorer, ejendomsmæglere, kunsthandlere, auktionshuse, udbydere af virtuelle valutaer og andre med interesse for emnet. Der har i de senere år været omfattende ændringer af loven, og der har derfor vist sig et behov for ajourføring af den 1. udgave. Fremstillingen er ajourført pr. oktober 2021.

  • - Grådighed, svindel og storhedsvanvid i Silicon Valley
    af John Carreyrou
    217,95 - 252,95 kr.

    Elizabeth Holmes (f. 1984) har altid været bange for nåle. Hendes livsmission var at opfinde en nem og billig metode til at tage blodprøver, der kunne afdække en lang række sygdomme. Som 19-årig droppede hun ud af universitetet og stiftede biotekvirksomheden Theranos, der ti år senere blev vurderet til en værdi på ti milliarder dollars. I 2015 var hun USA’s både yngste og rigeste selvskabte kvindelige milliardær. En lang række af USA’s mest magtfulde folk lovpriste den ambitiøse iværksætter, der kom på forsiden af magasiner som Forbes og Fortune og blev udråbt som den kvindelige Steve Jobs. Der var kun ét problem. Hendes produkt virkede ikke. Det stoppede hende dog ikke. Hun afviste al kritik, fyrede alle medarbejdere, der sagde hende imod, og fortsatte med at markedsføre sit produkt over for investorer. Hun fik endda sit apparat ind i USA’s næststørste apotekerkæde, hvor amerikanerne fik taget blodprøver. Elizabeth Holmes og Theranos blev afsløret af bogens forfatter, John Carreyrou, der har interviewet over 150 personer til bogen, heriblandt 60 tidligere ansatte hos Theranos.Kåret til årets businessbog 2018 af Financial Times og McKinsey. Udnævnt til en af årtiets ti bedste nonfiktionbøger af The Times.

  • - Øjenvidneberetning fra en møgsag
    af Emil Herskind & Arne Hauge Jensen
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Britta Nielsen, en betroet medarbejder i Socialstyrelsen, blev i 2018 landskendt for at overføre næsten 121 mio. kr. til sig selv af de satspuljemidler, Folketinget har afsat til samfundets mest udsatte borgere. Svindlen foregik gennem 25 år, men ingen kolleger eller chefer anede uråd. Og ingen savnede de penge, som forsvandt.Emil Herskind var afdelingschef i Socialministeriet og fik ansvaret for at håndtere sagen. Det var ham, der skulle afdække sagens omfang og få socialministeren helskindet gennem forløbet. Til at hjælpe sig havde han konsulent og selv tidligere embedsmand Arne Hauge Jensen. De to giver i denne bog et unikt indblik i møgsagen; fra den første mistanke opstår, til de opdager svindlens enorme omfang, og til de efter et år kan konstatere, at sagen er opklaret, og at ingen andre end Britta Nielsen kunne anklages for svindlen.Ministeren, medierne og den menige dansker presser imidlertid på for at placere et ansvar. ”Hvem har gjort det muligt, at en medarbejder bare kan stikke statens penge i lommen?” ”Den ansvarlige skal straffes.” Dette pres forplanter sig blandt de involverede embedsmænd. Hverdagen bliver til alles kamp mod alle. Ingen ved, hvem der er ven eller fjende. Embedsmænd, der er kendt for dyder som faglighed, sandhed, samarbejde, ansvarlighed og ærlighed, får pludselig en helt anden adfærd, af skræk for at få ansvaret for sagen.De to forfattere bringer os helt ind i embedsmandsystemets centrum og viser, hvad der sker, når det rammes af en møgsag.

  • af Thomas Raymen, Tereza Østbø Kuldova & Jardar Østbø
    178,95 - 1.339,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Campbell
    105,95 kr.

    In July 2011, the oil tanker Brillante Virtuoso was drifting through the treacherous Gulf of Aden when a crew of pirates attacked and set her ablaze in a devastating explosion. But when David Mockett, a maritime surveyor working for Lloyd's of London, inspected the damaged vessel, he was left with more questions than answers. Soon after his inspection, he was murdered. Dead in the Water is a shocking expose of the criminal inner-workings of international shipping, an old-world industry at the backbone of our global economy. Through first-hand accounts of those who lived the hijacking-from members of the ship'screw and witnesses to the attacks, to the ex-London detectives turned private investigators seeking to solve Mockett's murder-award-winning reporters Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel piece together the astounding truth behind one of the most brazen financial frauds in history.

  • af Sujeet Indap & Max Frumes
    175,95 kr.

  • af Matt Kennard
    225,95 kr.

    Silent Coup, written by the acclaimed author Matt Kennard, is a riveting book that will captivate your interest from the first page to the last. Published in 2023 by the renowned Bloomsbury Academic, this book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys insightful and thought-provoking literature. Silent Coup is a masterful blend of intrigue and suspense, showcasing Kennard's ability to weave a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. As part of the broader genre of contemporary literature, this book offers a unique perspective on the complexities of our modern world. In Silent Coup, Kennard challenges us to question our preconceptions and to engage with the world in new and unexpected ways. A testament to Kennard's storytelling prowess, Silent Coup is a book that will leave you pondering long after you've turned the last page. Don't miss out on this exceptional publication from Bloomsbury Academic.

  • af Michael O'Leary & Warren Valdmanis
    147,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • - True Tales of Crime, Murder, Deceit, and Obsession
    af Sarah Weinman
    187,95 kr.

    A brilliant anthology of modern true-crime writing that illustrates the appeal of this powerful and popular genre, edited and curated by Sarah Weinman, the award-winning author of The Real Lolita The appeal of true-crime stories has never been higher. With podcasts like My Favorite Murder and In the Dark, bestsellers like I'll Be Gone in the Dark and Furious Hours, and TV hits like American Crime Story and Wild Wild Country, the cultural appetite for stories of real people doing terrible things is insatiable. Acclaimed author ofThe Real Lolita and editor of Women Crime Writers: Eight Suspense Novels of the 1940s & 50s (Library of America) and Troubled Daughters, Twisted Wives (Penguin), Sarah Weinman brings together an exemplary collection of recent true crime tales. She culls together some of the most refreshing and exciting contemporary journalists and chroniclers of crime working today. Michelle Dean's "Dee Dee Wanted Her Daughter To Be Sick" went viral when it first published and is the basis for the TV showThe Act and Pamela Colloff's "The Reckoning," is the gold standard for forensic journalism. There are 13 pieces in all and as a collection, they showcase writing about true crime across the broadest possible spectrum, while also reflecting what makes crime stories so transfixing and irresistible to the modern reader.Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

  • af Giuseppe Frau
    338,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Schatten der Macht: Korruption in deutschen Unternehmen¿ enthüllt Giuseppe Frau, einer der renommiertesten Wirtschaftsermittler Deutschlands, das oft verborgene Netzwerk der Korruption, das unsere Wirtschaftsstrukturen untergräbt. Sein Bericht aus der Praxis zeigt: Korruption ist überall. Doch vielfach werden Unternehmer von den Ermittlungsbehörden und der Politik allein gelassen. Mit scharfsinniger Analyse und fundiertem Fachwissen beleuchtet Giuseppe Frau die komplexen Mechanismen von Bestechung und unethischer Praxis, die sich tief in die Wurzeln vieler Großunternehmen eingegraben haben. Dabei legt er dar, wie diese Praktiken nicht nur die Integrität einzelner Institutionen, sondern auch das gesamte wirtschaftliche Ökosystem bedrohen.Die rechtlichen, psychologischen und sozialen Zusammenhänge von Korruption werden ebenso dargestellt wie Präventivmaßnahmen, um Korruption entgegenzuwirken. Die Leser erfahren etwas über die Motive und Vorgehensweise der Täter und wie man sich vor ihnen schützen kann. Das Buch klärt auch darüber auf, wie Ermittlungen im Zusammenhang mit Korruption ablaufen, inklusive spannender Fallbeispiele. Wie sieht etwa Transparenz in der Praxis aus und welche Vorteile bringt sie? Giuseppe Frau nimmt uns mit auf eine aufschlussreiche Reise ¿ von den versteckten Ecken internationaler Organisationen bis hin zu den alltäglichen Geschäftspraktiken in Deutschland, die oft übersehen werden. Er entlarvt, wie Korruption die Grundfesten unserer Demokratie erschüttert und warum es von zentraler Bedeutung ist, dass jeder Einzelne gegen diese Plage vorgeht.¿Die Schatten der Macht¿ ist ein Muss für Unternehmer, die nicht länger auf die Politik warten möchten, um Korruption zu bekämpfen. Es gewährt tiefe Einblicke in die dunklen Aspekte unseres Wirtschaftssystems und ist gleichzeitig ein eindringlicher Aufruf zur Aktion.

  • af Patrick Radden Keefe
    192,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the acclaimed author of Say Nothing and Empire of Pain, twelve enthralling stories of skulduggery and intrigue.“I read everything he writes. Every time he writes a book, I read it. Every time he writes an article, I read it…he’s a national treasure.” —Rachel Maddow"Rogues is a wonderful book, not only because Keefe's prose is masterful, but because he has a preternatural gift for reading people."—NPRPatrick Radden Keefe has garnered prizes ranging from the National Magazine Award to the Orwell Prize to the National Book Critics Circle Award for his meticulously-reported, hypnotically-engaging work on the many ways people behave badly. Rogues brings together a dozen of his most celebrated articles from The New Yorker. As Keefe says in his preface “They reflect on some of my abiding preoccupations: crime and corruption, secrets and lies, the permeable membrane separating licit and illicit worlds, the bonds of family, the power of denial.”Keefe brilliantly explores the intricacies of forging $150,000 vintage wines, examines whether a whistleblower who dared to expose money laundering at a Swiss bank is a hero or a fabulist, spends time in Vietnam with Anthony Bourdain, chronicles the quest to bring down a cheerful international black market arms merchant, and profiles a passionate death penalty attorney who represents the “worst of the worst,” among other bravura works of literary journalism.The appearance of his byline in The New Yorker is always an event, and collected here for the first time readers can see his work forms an always enthralling but deeply human portrait of criminals and rascals, as well as those who stand up against them. "A king of contemporary nonfiction." —Entertainment Weekly

  • af Mafia Library
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af David T. Johnson
    1.178,95 kr.

    This book explains Japan¿s unique Prosecution Review Commission (PRC) which is composed of eleven lay people selected randomly from voter registration lists. Each of the country¿s 165 PRCs reviews non-charge decisions made by professional prosecutors and determines which cases should be reinvestigated or charged. PRCs also provide prosecutors with general proposals and recommendations for improving their policies and practices. The book analyzes the history and operations of the PRC and uses statistics and case studies to examine its various impacts, from legitimation and shadow effects to kickbacks and mandatory prosecution.More broadly, this book explores a problem that is common in many criminal justice systems: how to hold prosecutors accountable for their non-charge decisions. It discusses the potential these panels have for improving the quality of criminal justice in Japan and other countries, and it will appeal to scholars and students studying prosecution and democracy, criminal justice, criminology, lay participation, justice reform, and Japanese studies.

  • af David Blanco-Alcántara
    407,95 - 427,95 kr.

    This book provides systematic comparative research of antifraud laws and context at EU countries using a Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to predict illegal activities in ERDF and CF. It also details a map of corruption risk with the goal of  reducing corruption and fraud in the management of European Regional Development Funds and Cohesion Funds through the incorporation of adequate measures and strategies derived from the resulting of EUMODFRAUD EU Project. The authors analyse the specific situations, observe the risks and finally, propose an innovative method that allows predicting fraudulent acts, which will be of interest to both academics, researchers, and policy makers in financial services, public finance, and financial crime.  

  • af Stephanie Pierucci
    217,95 kr.

    "Freedom For Hawaii Is Freedom For Us All..." On August 8th, 2023 beautiful historic Lahaina on the island of Maui, Hawaii, USA was destroyed. Although fences were immediately erected around the burn area to prevent reporters, journalists, and families from investigating the destruction, there are questions some brave people have been compelled to ask. The boots-on-the-ground investigative journalists and skeptics have surprising evidence that the fire in Lahaina was not put out before hundreds lost their lives and thousands lost their homes and businesses due to nefarious intentions by the Hawaiian government.Among the questions this book will pose and later editions will continue to investigate include: Why were sirens not sounded to alert residents and visitors in Maui that there was an emergency? Why were exits out of Lahaina blocked? What role may D.E.W's (Direct Energy Weapons) or Climate Engineering have played in this event? What is being planned in Maui that may have compelled governing bodies to allow the city to burn? It is by seeking answers to difficult questions that we can find clarity to prevent another tragedy such as this from ever happening again. We hope this book brings awareness so that you can help us SAVE LAHAINA and restore this town to its rightful owners.Please consider supporting Lahaina through a charity we trust, Faith Over Fear Lahaina on GiveSendGo here:

  • af Shad White
    312,95 kr.

    How America’s youngest state auditor uncovered the largest public corruption scandal in the history of the nation’s poorest state“A must read” with all the thrills of a John Grisham novel — for fans of shocking true crime exposés like Black Edge and Bad Blood (Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires)This riveting exposé details how a small team of auditors and investigators, led by the youngest State Auditor in the country, uncovered a brazen scheme where the powerful stole millions in welfare funds from the poor in a sprawling conspiracy that stretched from Mississippi to Malibu.Well-connected donors, highly placed officials, and popular public figures diverted tens of millions of dollars from the federal government's TANF — temporary assistance for needy families — program until a Republican auditor, his small team of dedicated investigators, and a Democratic prosecutor joined forces to hold them accountable in the face of intense obstruction and harassment.Peopled with unforgettable characters — from the perpetrators; to the impoverished citizens for whom the money was intended; to the investigators, prosecutors, and reporters who held them to account — Mississippi Swindle is a political and true crime drama that highlights larger crises while appealing to a broad nationwide audience.

  • af Christopher Hamerton
    1.089,95 kr.

    This book makes a distinctive and innovative contribution to the study of white-collar and corporate crime through detailed examination of the use, affect, and violation of the corporate social license ¿ a concept frequently extended to a license to operate. Whilst discrete aspects of corporate social responsibility have found their way into the discourse on business deviance and crime, no single book to date has provided a detailed exploration of social licence through a criminological lens. Here, using an interdisciplinary focus which includes illustrative case-studies and large-scale original fieldwork, Gottschalk and Hamerton explore European, North American, Asian, and global perspectives to identify, position, and reveal the impact of the social license on contemporary conceptions of white-collar and corporate deviance and crime. Corporate Social License: A Study in Legitimacy, Conformance, and Corruption will be of interest to scholars of criminology, law, business management, and sociology along with professionals within allied fields.

  • af Florian Junkers
    548,95 kr.

    Korruption und Manipulationen im Sport sind so alt, wie der Sport selbst. In der jüngeren Vergangenheit scheint die Manipulation von Sportveranstaltungen aufgrund der globalen medialen Verknüpfung allerdings ein nicht nur beiläufiges Phänomen zu sein. Verdachtsfälle erstrecken sich mittlerweile auf sämtliche Sportarten und über Ländergrenzen hinweg. Hier stellt sich die Frage: Welche Maßnahmen können seitens des Gesetzgebers, der Sportverbände und -vereine ergriffen werden, um präventiv auf die Vermeidung von Manipulationen hinzuwirken? Der Verfasser unterzieht die geltenden Regeln und Maßnahmen am Beispiel des Fußballsports in unterschiedlichen Fallkonstellationen einer Bewertung und stellt dar, wo Präventionsmaßnahmen zur Steigerung der Effektivität sinnvoll implementiert werden können.

  • af Petter Gottschalk
    1.178,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    Compliance has long been identified by scholars of white-collar crime as a key strategic control device in the regulation of corporations and complex organisations. Nevertheless, this essential process has been largely ignored within criminology as a specific subject for close scrutiny - Corporate Compliance: Crime, Convenience and Control seeks to address this anomaly. This initiating book applies the theory of convenience to provide criminological insight into the enduring self-regulatory phenomenon of corporate compliance. Convenience theory suggests that compliance is challenged when the corporation has a strong financial motive for illegitimate profits, ample organisational opportunities to commit and conceal wrongdoing, and executive willingness for deviant behaviour. Focusing on white-collar deviance and crime within corporations, the book argues that lack of compliance is recurrently a matter of deviant behaviour by senior executives within organisations who abuse their privileged positions to commission, commit and conceal financial crime. 

  • af Mark Sewell
    274,95 kr.

    Get the inside scoop on the nation's most sensational mafia trial of the early 2000s. From Jay Leno to the Washington Post and from Sports Illustrated to CNN, the Gold Club trial received more media coverage than the 1999 trial of Gambino Family Boss, John Gotti, Jr.

  • af Scott Jr. Brooks
    582,95 kr.

    The New Fish Companion Series: Book I. Each installment provides information to help the newly convicted adjust to federal prison. This edition focuses solely on what occurs post-conviction through the first, three-months in custody. Take any writing course, and the first thing they tell you is to write about what you know. That adage made this series inevitable. After spending twenty-three years in custody, I know more than most people selling their expertise to the recently convicted. Today, the top people in prison consulting, seem to be ex-politicians or people who once worked for the FBOP. These ex-Justice Department workers and such may be familiar with life in a pen. They may even be able offer advice about life inside, but there is only one way to know what doing time is like.If you face a stretch inside, seek insight from someone who has been there. Many retired wardens have gotten into this business, which seems comical to me. No warden knows what if feels like to be alone in one of the most hostile places on Earth. They've never had to fight the claustrophobia caused a months-long lockdown in a small cell. Chances are you probably don't think of yourself as a criminal. Maybe you made a simple mistake, and now, you're left in a scary situation. You may be educated, maybe even a professional, and while normally functioning at a high level in society, this predicament requires social skills you desperately lack. Maybe you have doubts you're tough enough to face it. If so, don't worry. I faced a learning curve too. I got arrested during my final semester in college. To survive in there, as a twenty-three-year-old, white kid, with little street experience. I had to figure out the unwritten rules fast. I was lucky to meet a few cons in county who had done previous federal bits. These "old heads", in prison slang, taught me critical etiquette to avoid trouble. Through them, I learned to cast a small shadow, stay out of the way, and do my own time.I managed to get through twenty-three years with only one incident report. I was able to walk away from most confrontations and only got into a handful of fistfights. My worst experience involved an eighty-man brawl where my friends and I were outnumbered three to one. The incident left me injured, but I didn't need hospitalization and recovered completely in about a month. This series culls its information from some of the advice I give clients in my private consulting business. I wrote these books as reference guides to those who have purchased my services, as well as to provide information to the many cons who aren't able to hire my company. I also hope my writing reassures worried family members by answering their questions, easing their anxiety, and providing an example of how, with the right attitude, incarceration, can be turned into a transformational experience. I created a comprehensive system addressing every question first-time offenders need answered, including many they wouldn't even know to ask. You see, every "old head" con is a prison consultant. New fish climb off the weekly buses looking dazed, scared, and confused. Any old timer with a little compassion in his heart usually picks one of these lost souls to show the ropes. I spent many years practicing this profession even before I got out and started my company.The First 90 Days will be the most stressful time, with the most stuff going on for first-time offenders. I'll cover the post-conviction process, including the Pre-Sentence Investigation with a federal probation officer. After that, I'll explain what to expect during those first weeks. I'll help you avoid common mistakes new fish make and show you how to get as comfortable as the experience allows in as short an amount of time as possible. Above all, I'll teach you how to cast a small shadow and not step on toes unintentionally.

  • af Christopher Spencer
    162,95 kr.

    TRUE STORIES OF INTRIGUE, ESPIONAGE, FRAUD, CORRUPTION AND CONSPIRACY FROM OVER 50 YEARS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE.Edwards has had a difficult upbringing, but he is, above all, a survivor. He can now move effortlessly from the elite banking parlours of London to the brash heights of Manhattan, from the steamy heat of Panama to the exotic alleyways of Hong Kong. In between, he tackles a secret mission to Dublin, meets an egotistical fraudster in Italy, saves some colleagues from Iranian extremism and befriends an international hitman! This extraordinary collection of very varied stories includes some poignant, personal tales from the earlier life of Edwards. These events helped to build his resourceful character and his strong resilience. These stories would be outstanding as Fiction. But, in fact, what is amazing is that they are all absolutely True!

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