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This innovative book provides a new conceptual analysis of loneliness - a condition associated with severe health consequences, including increased morbidity and early death.Arguing that social connection is not the only answer, it explores pathways for transforming loneliness to healthy solitude. The first part of the book draws on the humanities and arts, including psychology, philosophy, and literature to analyse the common, and potentially serious, problem of loneliness. It makes the case that the condition is less a deficiency than a state of self-disconnection that modernity feeds through social forces. The second part of the book looks at how person-centred health care can help educate persons to transform loneliness into healthy solitude. It provides an analysis of self-connection and spiritual connection, discussing how these forms of contact can mitigate risks associated with both lack of social connection, and social connection itself, such as self-disconnection and rejection by others. It goes on to demonstrate that connection to the self and spirit can make aloneness a resource and facilitate access to benefits of connecting with others.This thought-provoking book provides students, scholars, and practitioners from a range of health and social care backgrounds with a new way of thinking about, researching, and practising with lonely people.
'This is an area ripe for exploration' - Hilary MantelHow might we better understand our travels through Grandmotherland? In this lively exploration, an experienced child psychotherapist draws together a wide range of perspectives on the role and experience of grandmothers. Judith Edwards looks back to the past and forward to the future, while being rooted in the reality of the modern grandmother's life. We meet 'good' grannies, 'bad' grannies, and all those in between, as well as women who decided to be agents of transmission in other ways than passing on their DNA.Our guide looks at how the meme of the grandmother is affected by personality, culture, tradition and 'norms' and considers how psychoanalytic insights may help us understand this territory of life.
Ksi¿¿ka przedstawia znaczenie konkurencji w codziennym ¿yciu, poniewä jest ona wsz¿dzie w takiej czy innej formie. Zaczyna si¿ to jeszcze przed narodzinami, kiedy plemniki rywalizuj¿ ze sob¿ o przenikni¿cie do komórki jajowej, aby zainicjowä ¿ycie. To jest prawo natury, ¿e najlepszy z nich przetrwa najwi¿cej. Poczucie konkurencji istnieje w kädej dziedzinie, w tym politycznej, gospodarczej, edukacyjnej i sportowej. Istnieje nieko¿cz¿ca si¿ walka o jedzenie, schronienie i zasoby. Kädy chce uzyskä maksymaln¿ kontrol¿ nad dost¿pnymi zasobami. Konkurencyjno¿¿ ma zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne konsekwencje. Poprawia czujno¿¿ i ukierunkowuje uwag¿ na ¿cie¿k¿ post¿pu. Zwyci¿stwo jest postrzegane jako nagroda, motywacja i satysfakcja. Käda strona zaangäowana w konkurencj¿ ma silne pragnienie zwyci¿stwa. Jednak rywalizacja ma swoje dwie strony, tj. wygran¿ i przegran¿. Przegrana to powäna sprawa. Powoduje frustracj¿ i poczucie nieadekwatno¿ci. Ostra konkurencja prowadzi do niecierpliwo¿ci, zazdro¿ci, rywalizacji, agresji, nadmiernego my¿lenia i brutalnych sk¿onno¿ci. Nie ma nic z¿ego w posiadaniu zdrowej konkurencji, która jest dobra dla obu stron. Ta ksi¿¿ka odzwierciedla szerokie spojrzenie na to istotne zagadnienie.
Would you like to grow in life-giving ways as you age? Do you have the courage to let go of former ways of thinking to receive God's love and life in new ways?As we age, we experience the loss of physical stamina, independence, and career fulfillment. Yet within each of these losses is a holy invitation to grow. God calls us to let go of our need for accomplishment and embrace the gift of fruitfulness so that we might be transformed in this final season of our lives. In Aging Faithfully, spiritual director Alice Fryling explores how to navigate the journey of retirement, lifestyle changes, and new limitations. In this season of life, we are invited to hold both grief and hope, to acknowledge ways of thinking that no longer represent who we are, and to receive peace in the midst of our fears.We all age differently, and God calls each of us to new spiritual birth as we mature. When we embrace the aging process, we grow closer to God and experience his grace as he renews us from within. Whether you are approaching the beginning, middle, or end of your senior years, you are invited. Come and be transformed.Aging Faithfully includes questions for group discussion and suggestions for personal meditation.
As young adults strive to create their own identities, they need to learn how to express themselves in meaningful ways, form relationships, adjust to changing situations, and persevere in the face of challenges. When this transition to adulthood is coupled with mental health issues, it becomes even more important for individuals to have strategies they can use to tackle life's major hurdles and regain control. In The CBT Toolbox for Young Adults, you'll find 170 solution-focused exercises and activities to help this critical age group build greater independence, harness their unique strengths, and learn healthy ways to adapt to their changing worlds. Grounded within a cognitive behavioral approach, the easily reproducible and ready-to-use tools inside will allow clients to: ¿ Build resiliency ¿ Manage their moods ¿ Communicate effectively ¿ Set boundaries ¿ Reframe faulty thoughts ¿ Express empathy ¿ Self-advocate ¿ Develop healthy work habits ¿ Enhance time management and budgeting skills ¿ Set and achieve realistic goals ¿ Thrive as they enter adulthood
A New York Times Bestseller There are more older people in America today than ever before. They are our parents and grandparents, our aunts and uncles and in-laws. They are living longer, but in a culture that has come to worship youth--a culture in which families have dispersed, communities have broken down, and older people are isolated. Meanwhile, adults in two-career families are struggling to divide their time among their kids, their jobs, and their aging parents--searching for the right words to talk about loneliness, forgetfulness, or selling the house.Another Country is a field guide to this rough terrain for a generation of baby boomers who are finding themselves unprepared to care for those who have always cared for them. Psychologist and bestselling writer Mary Pipher maps out strategies that help bridge the gaps that separate us from our elders. And with her inimitable combination of respect and realism, she offers us new ways of supporting each other--new ways of sharing our time, our energy, and our love.
An anthology of poetry and short stories about men's mothers. Subtitled Great Writers on the Death of Mothers and the Grief of Men, contributors include John Updike, Russell Baker, Kirk Douglas, Art Buchwald, Martin Duberman, John Cheever and Henry Miller.Writings are grouped into themed chapters with introductory comments by editor Bob Blauner.
Villaltas roman Lærlingen var Strega-nomineret i ’20; en stilfærdig, lyrisk stilsikker og stramt fortalt historie om to ganske usædvanlige hovedpersoner, de aldrende – eller faktisk temmelig gamle – Tilio og Fredi, der skifter vokslys i kirken, vasker gulve, arrangerer blomster og i pauserne drikker kaffe med vodka for at få varmen. Den ene er, trods sin høje alder, lærling hos den anden. En roman, der rummer et helt lands sjæl, fortalt med en historisk, social og dybt menneskelig diskurs. En historie om at være i en alder, forfattere ellers ikke ofte skriver om. Og ikke mindst en fortælling om lige til det sidste at være på sporet af ’hjertets glæde’.
At arbejde med alvorligt syge og døende mennesker kan være meget givende og meningsfuldt. Men det er tillige udfordrende og kræver høj grad af faglighed og medmenneskelighed. ´'Livets afslutning' giver gode bud på, hvordan man kan give en god og værdig omsorg, pleje og behandling af alvorligt syge og døende mennesker.Bogen handler både om den fysiske pleje og den åndelige omsorg, der gerne skal gå hånd i hånd. Med afsnit om fx alderdommens tab, fysiske og psykiske symptomer og behandling, kommunikation med den syge og de pårørende og åndelig omsorg giver bogen både baggrundsviden og mange konkrete råd og anvisninger til arbejdet med syge og døende. Gennem bogen er der en gennemgående case, hvor vi følger Karen og hendes familie på vej til døden samt social- og sundhedsassistenten Hanne, der er Karens kontaktperson gennem hele forløbet. På den måde konkretiseres emnet.'Livets afslutning' henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med alvorligt syge og døende, fx på plejecentre, i hjemmeplejen og i andre palliative enheder. Bogen er blevet til som led i projekt 'Livets afslutning' på Diakonissestiftelsen, hvor plejepersonalet på tre plejehjem gennem et par år er blevet undervist i palliativ pleje. Formålet har været at styrke plejepersonalets kompetencer inden for pleje og omsorg til mennesker, der befinder sig i livets slutfase.
Morgenstund bag gardinetjeg slår øjnene opser ind i gardinetmorgenlysets farveminder mig omendnu en dags nødvendighedendnu en dags langstrakte stilhedfor livet med fortsat modtil at kaste sig ud iat lære at strikke for at dulmefjernsynets kedsommelighedholde fast på dagens kravder er dageder vågner med morgenens lysen helt ny farve i gardinetaf nyfødt glædeover dagens store mulighederhold fast hold fastskriv et digtom dage fulde med viljeeller det ender med din alder forkortesjeg gider ikke være tilskuertil så kedeligt et livLasse Rydberg er født 1940. Har arbejdet som lærer, forsker og 31 år som skoleinspektør. Har undervist i mange år på Københavns og Gøteborgs universiteter. Modtaget Københavns Lærerforeningens pris ”Den gyldne pegepind” for ledelse og formidling. Har som frivillig igennem det meste af livet været aktiv skribent og redaktør ved flere tidsskrifter. Bidraget til flere bøger, bl.a. bogen Sans og Samling i forbindelse med Kunstmuseet Louisianas store børneudstilling. Forfatter til filmen”Skjult Viden”.Digtsamlingen er et produkt af ”en poetisk raptus” i sommeren 2019, efter at fået Parkinson Sygdom. Digtsamlingen er på ingen måde en tekst om sygdom, men om livet i den periode vi kalder alderdommen.Lasse Rydberg bor på Østerbro sammen med sin kone Ellen Georg der sent i livet blev billedkunstner.
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