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THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'A much-needed antidote to hustle culture.' Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckA happier way to get things done - without the stress, boredom or burnout.Do you ever feel like your productivity is coming at the expense of your mental health? That the more you accomplish, the worse you feel about it?If so, you're not alone. For generations, we've been told that the route to productivity is through harder work. The trouble is, endless hard work doesn't just make us miserable - it makes us less productive too.Dr Ali Abdaal has found a healthier, happier approach to productivity. He knows that the secret to productivity and success isn't endless grind - it's feeling good. If you can make your work feel good, then productivity takes care of itself.In this revolutionary book, Ali reveals how the science of feel-good productivity can transform your life. Drawing on cutting-edge science and vivid real-life stories, he introduces the simple steps anyone can take to feel better - and, along the way, achieve more of the things that matter to you.You won't just get more done. You'll feel happier and more fulfilled as you go.'Will guide you to accomplish more than you ever dreamed of.' Jay Shetty, author of Think Like a Monk 'Ali is the master of productivity.' Steven Bartlett, creator of Diary of a CEO'An eye-opening and important new book' Cal Newport, author of Deep Work 'The book we've all been waiting for.' Dr Julie Smith, author of Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
Kan psykedeliske stoffer være en måde at tænke anderledes om dødsangst, depression og alderdom på? Ja, kan de ændre vores syn på verden? Michael Pollan tager os på en gribende og fascinerende rejse fra genkomsten af psilocybin og LSD i psykiatrisk forskning og ud mod sindets horisonter og muligheder.Da LSD blev opdaget i 1940’erne, troede lægerne, de stod på tærsklen af en psykologisk revolution. De så overvældende resultater i behandlingen af lidelser som afhængighed og depression – og mulighed for at bruge de psykedeliske stoffer til at undersøge bevidsthedens mysterier. Men optimismen varede ikke ved. Da ungdomsoprøret rullede ind over USA i 1960’erne, blev de psykedeliske stoffer koblet til modkulturen og presset ud af universiteterne og politisk under jorden. I 40 år turde ingen tage forskningen op.Lige indtil et umage par – en Silicon Valley-ingeniør der bor i en skov og en højt estimeret, ranglet professor med hang til meditation – i 2006 fik godkendt et studie på det prestigefyldte universitet Johns Hopkins.I dag er en stille, men gennemgribende revolution i gang. Studier viser, at dødeligt syge kræftpatienter kan håndtere deres dødsangst efter at være guidet af en psykolog gennem en psilocybinoplevelse. USA’s og EU’s lægemiddelmyndigheder finansierer enorme studier i psykedeliske stoffer, fordi man håber, de kan afhjælpe den truende depressionsbølge, der er ved at slå ind over den vestlige verden. I London er det første center for psykedelisk forskning åbnet. Og på Rigshospitalet undersøger man effekterne på hjernen.I ‘Din foranderlige bevidsthed’ fortæller Michael Pollan på varm, uhelbredeligt nysgerrig og sober vis historien om de psykedeliske stoffer. Han beskriver, hvad der skete, da det første forskningskapitel blev fortrængt, og hvordan det andet folder sig ud lige nu. Han tager os på en rejse ind i en verden af psykologer, shamaner og svampejægere, der beretter om exceptionelle oplevelser med dyb og forandrende effekt. Kigger med i hjernescanneren, når forskerne viser, hvordan det netværk i hjernen, der er knyttet til vores selv, dæmpes. Og endelig prøver han (for første gang i en alder af næsten 60) stofferne selv.En rapport fra det, der meget vel kan være fremtiden for vores psykologi og vores forskning i bevidsthed.
Den franske psykoanalytiker, filosof og semiotiker Félix Guattari udvider i sit essay De tre økologier definitionen af økologi til at omfatte sociale relationer ogmenneskelig subjektivitet, samt naturligvis miljøhensyn. I essayetargumenterer han for, at de økologiske kriser, der truer vores planet,er et direkte resultat af en ny udvidet form for kapitalisme, og at dermå etableres en ny økosofisk tilgang, der respekterer forskellene mellem alle levende systemer. Bogen rummer en markant kapitalismekritik og eret manifest for en ny måde at tænke på. Desuden er bogen en ideelintroduktion til en af Europas mest radikale tænkere. De tre økologier blev udgivet 1989, og er på 30 års afstand uhyggeligt vedkommende ogprofetisk, set i lyset af datidens økologiske kriser og de aktuelleproblemstillinger i 2019.*De tre økologier — Félix GuattariappendiksEfterord — Anders AbildgaardEksistentielle territorier — Peter BorumMaskinel Animisme — Angela Melitopoulos & Maurizio Lazzarato
Internal Family Systems (IFS) er i løbet af få år gået fra at være en kontroversiel psykoterapi til på verdensplan at være en af de mest populære og hurtigst voksende psykoterapeutiske retninger. Metoden er skabt af familieterapeuten Richard Schwartz og er integrativ, non-patalogisendede og evidensbaseret.I Alle dele er velkomne bruger den certificerede IFS-practitioner Peter Legård Nielsen sin store erfaring fra sin private praksis og sit internationale arbejde som program assistent til en detaljeret gennemgang af teorien bag IFS og viser igennem mange casestories og eksempler, hvordan den bruges i praksis.Alle dele er velkomne henvender sig både til begynderen og den erfarne Level 3 uddannede IFS-terapeut. Bogen indeholder desuden beskrivelser af arbejdet med spirituelle væsener, som der inden for IFS har været en tilbageholdenhed over for at skrive om, samt teorien bag. Det er den første bog på dansk om IFS
Psykoser og spirituelle oplevelser er ikke altid lette at skelne fra hinanden. I "Når Kundalini vågner" tager Peter Legård Nielsen os med ind i det dramatiske felt af livskraft og seksuel energi, der ifølge gamle skrifter og traditioner er indlejret nederst i vores rygsøjle. Nogle gange kan denne energi blive ukontrolleret og livstruende. Peter Legård Nielsen fortæller detaljeret om sin egen årelange kamp med denne energi, og hvordan han fandt en måde at helbrede den skade, den forårsagede på hans krop og psyke. Med værktøjer fra psykoterapien Internal Family Systems (IFS) viser han, hvordan man i et klinisk miljø tæmmer Kundalini.
En analytisk livskvalitets rejse. Målet: det naturlige, legende og utopiske menneske, der lever i fred, frihed og harmoni.Søren Leth Jørgensen:"For ca. 40 år siden begyndte jeg at interessere mig for psykologi da jeg havde mange psykiske problemer, og da jeg ikke kunne finde nogen bøger der for alvor kunne hjælpe mig, begyndte jeg selv at udvikle min egen psykologi. Dengang for ca. 30 år siden var det helt store at prøve at forstå og definere livskvalitetsbegrebet. Og da det lykkes mig var det som at få en øjneåbner som jeg kunne skrive en bog over og omkring, og som ikke bare handler om psykologi, men også antropologi, sociologi og kristendommen. I år 2003 udkom min første bog som hedder Leg med glæden, og den har jeg så bare som årene er gået udgivet flere gange med forbedringer hver gang. Hvilket så i dag er blevet til bogen Leg, glæde, lykke og naturlighed. Jeg er udlært bygningssnedker og har arbejdet som det en årrække, så jeg har ingen boglig uddannelse, men har måttet tage ved lære hen ad vejen. I år 2000 blev jeg førtidspensionist, og fik derved frie hænder til at hellige mig mit skrivearbejde og selvterapi helt."
Individuals of Asian descent are a demographic often overlooked in mainstream body image scholarship. Historically, body image concerns were thought to only affect white, upper-to-middle-class women in North America and Western Europe. However, empirical data accumulated in recent decades have subverted this myth. Contrary to popular belief and stereotypes that Asian Americans are a Model Minority in the United States, they experience significant body image concerns, as well as related disordered eating and mental health challenges. Asian diasporas in Western countries also face challenges similar to those faced by Asian Americans (e.g., racialized and objectified views of Asians). Asian nationals in Asia, on the other hand, are juggling between their collective and national standards of beauty/fitness and the body-image ideals propagated through commercialism and capitalization amidst the historical context of colonization and the contemporary atmosphere of globalization. Body Image and the Asian Experience: Asians, Asian Americans, and Asian Diasporas Across the Globe discusses the dearth of knowledge-and sometimes misinformation-about body image among people of Asian descent, including Asian nationals dwelling in Asia and those in the diaspora (Asian Americans, Asian immigrants in the United Kingdom, Australia, etc.). The first section of the book reviews the applicability of existing theories in understanding the body image experiences of individuals of Asian descent and proposes a new theoretical framework that emphasizes both decolonizing and intersectional perspectives in conceptualizing Asian body image. The next section examines the current state of research on body image among Asians, Asian Americans, and Asian diasporas around the globe, including attending to some seriously neglected specific demographic and social identity groups. The last section explores mental health and psychosocial implications of body image in the aspects of mental disorders, interpersonal and social relationships, and identity development.
This work brings together different perspectives on psychological methods and particularly methods involving experimentation. To encourage a reflective use of research methods, the authors illuminate the historical, philosophical, and scientific dimensions of methodology, providing both defenses and criticisms of experimental psychology. The primary audience of the work are students and researchers in psychological and behavioral sciences, who have an interest in methodology
In the last decade, a great variety and volume of scholarly work has appeared on mind-wandering, a mental process involving a vast range of human life, connected with "e;first-person perspective"e; and "e;personhood"e;, submental thinking, mental autonomy, etc. While different and emerging features that flow into and out of one another (second field, mental travel, visual imagery, inner speech, unspecific memory, autobiographical memory, fantasies, introspection, etc.) and negative and positive approaches seem to describe mind-wandering, we offer an interdisciplinary theoretical and empirically informed and informative overview on mind-wandering studies and methodologies oriented toward the educational field. The aim is to transform and enrich the debate on mind-wandering but also to show how theoretical arguments and research findings could inform the teaching-learning context.This groundbreaking book, moves along three representations of developed scientific knowledge: imaginary lines, circles and spirals. The first section, "e;The Lines"e;, develops new lines of inquiry on attention (selective and sustained) and mind-wandering, the influence of age and mind-wandering, embodiment, consciousness and experience and mind-wandering. In the second section, the "e;Circles"e;, groups of Chapters on the same topic, methodology (tasks and measurement), intervention (auditory beat stimulation and mindfulness practices) and creativity, recreate a dance of interacting parts in which there are always profitable, decisive and retroactive exchanges between the information that each group or author activates. The last section, "e;The Spirals"e;, critically discusses the absence of a unified theoretical perspective, in the pedagogical field, attentive both to the processes of emergence and the interactions between parts.
This handbook on human multitasking provides an integrative overview on simultaneous and sequential multitasking and thus combines theorizing on dual task limitations as well as costs related to task switching. In addition to a wide range of empirical findings and their theoretical integration, the editors provide a number of applications of multitasking, like training, interindividual differences and applied research in traffic and health psychology and music expertise.The book is suitable for people interested in multitasking, that is, for researchers and graduate students of cognitive psychology, movement science, sport psychology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive and neurological rehabilitation, aging sciences, and broader cognitive science.
In a world that often tries to dim our inner light, there is a power within each of us waiting to be unleashed-the power of unshakable confidence. "Confidence Unleashed: Igniting Your Inner Radiance for Unshakable Success" is a transformative guide that will take you on a profound journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth.This book is your key to unlocking the doors of unlimited potential and embracing a life filled with unshakable confidence. With a captivating blend of insights, practical tools, and inspirational stories, it will empower you to step into your authentic self and radiate confidence in every aspect of your life.Through the pages of "Confidence Unleashed," you will embark on a holistic exploration of confidence, delving into its foundations, mindset shifts, self-care practices, communication skills, and personal growth strategies. You will learn to rewrite your inner narrative, cultivate self-compassion, and develop a positive mindset that propels you towards success.Discover how to break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs, embrace change with resilience, and expand your comfort zones to achieve your wildest dreams. Explore the art of effective communication, assertiveness, and boundary-setting, empowering you to express yourself authentically and build meaningful relationships.This book goes beyond surface-level advice, diving deep into the core of self-acceptance, body positivity, and personal grooming, revealing how your external appearance can amplify your inner confidence. It guides you through the world of fashion, helping you embrace your personal style and dress for success in a way that reflects your unique identity.But confidence isn't just about individual growth-it's about empowering others and creating a supportive community. "Confidence Unleashed" will show you how to become a role model, support and encourage others on their confidence journey, and create a positive ripple effect in the lives of those around you.With insightful exercises, thought-provoking reflection prompts, and actionable strategies, this book provides you with the tools to transform your mindset, embrace challenges, and become the confident, radiant individual you were always meant to be. It offers guidance to help you navigate career challenges, build fulfilling relationships, excel in public speaking, and embody confidence in various areas of your life.Are you ready to break free from self-doubt and unleash the power of unshakable confidence within you? "Confidence Unleashed: Igniting Your Inner Radiance for Unshakable Success" is your roadmap to personal transformation, guiding you towards a life filled with self-belief, empowerment, and limitless possibilities. Embrace your inner radiance, step into your greatness, and unleash the confident, unstoppable force that lies within you.
Do you know your brain "remodels" during the adolescent years? A procedure that aids in developing a stronger, more functional brain will help you become a self-sufficient adult. Admittedly, this remodeling includes irrational emotional reactions, reckless behavior, pushing boundaries, and irregular impulse control. When you were younger, you absorbed information and had more concrete thoughts. You can now see things more abstractly because you are a teenager. You can approach problems more creatively and think critically about yourself and others. It also implies that you might have strong opinions, be idealistic, and challenge the "traditional methods" of doing things. This book offers a wide range of ü Intriguing, fun ideas for engaging activities for teens to develop a growth mindset that will surely surprise them.ü Teens can learn how to enhance the capacity of core factors, such as problem-solving skills, creative thinking, increased self-confidence and dealing with difficult emotions.Adolescents with a fixed mindset think that their character qualities, intelligence, and creativity are fixed at birth and that nothing they do would significantly alter those characteristics. A growth mindset, rooted in the conviction that intelligence can develop and be enhanced with effort, is supported by praise that emphasizes effort (e.g., "You've worked extremely hard on that!"). Youngsters with a growth mentality think they can attain what they want if they work hard and put in the time to do it.The following activities are incorporated into this book to practice a growth mindset: · Reflection sheets, · Self-assessment worksheets, · Fascinating positive talk tools, · Facts and Solutions and much moreIf you really wish to develop a growth mentality, click "Buy Now" and take the first step towards developing a positive and problem solving attitude.
Stehen Sie oft vor Menschen, von denen Sie nicht genau wissen, ob sie die Wahrheit sagen? Hätten Sie gerne die Fähigkeit, alle Körpersignale, selbst die unmerklichsten, wahrzunehmen, um zu erkennen, ob Ihr Gesprächspartner Sie anlügt?Sicherlich sind Sie schon mindestens einmal in Ihrem Leben von jemandem, den Sie blind zu kennen glaubten, in den Rücken gestochen worden?Wie viel Wut, Groll und Enttäuschung haben Sie in diesem Moment empfunden? Eine ganze Menge, oder?Leider können Sie nichts dagegen tun, denn 78 % der Menschen lügen von Natur aus. Das Einzige, was Sie tun müssen, ist zu lernen, zu verstehen, wer Sie anlügt, damit Sie nicht getäuscht werden.Dank dieses Buches werden Sie genau die gleichen Techniken entdecken, die der Geheimdienst bei Verhören einsetzt, um jede Person zu analysieren, ihre Gedanken zu lesen und zu verstehen, ob sie lügt oder nicht.Im Einzelnen werden Sie verstehen:- Wie man Mikroausdrücke entschlüsselt und die Verhaltenspsychologie versteht, um jede Persönlichkeit zu erkennen.- Was sind die fünf verräterischen Anzeichen dafür, dass Sie jemand anlügt?- Was die verschiedenen Persönlichkeitstypen sind. Sie erfahren, wie Sie diese am besten erkennen können.- Welche mentalen Übungen Sie anwenden können, um Menschen zu analysieren. Sie finden eine praktische Übung, die Sie selbst durchführen können.Egal, ob Sie ein Experte auf dem Gebiet sind oder zum ersten Mal von diesem Thema hören, das Buch wurde so konzipiert und entwickelt, dass es ohne großen Aufwand für jeden geeignet ist.Jetzt sind Sie dran.Kaufen Sie Ihr Exemplar jetzt!
As we increasingly integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into our everyday lives, many pressing questions remain: What exactly is AI, and how does it differ from human intelligence? How will AI influence our future, and what challenges must we overcome to develop ethical AI?Explore the exciting world of AI and its impact on our daily lives and society with this ultimate guide. Dr. Anne Scherer and Dr. Cindy Candrian reveal everything about the latest scientific findings on the big questions of AI.Discover the evolution of AI and how unconscious perceptions can influence our trust in it. Learn more about the creativity of machines and how our data is used by AI. With this book, you will learn how to harness the power of AI to make better decisions and what to pay particular attention to, so you don't inadvertently get manipulated, deprived of your abilities, or led to discriminatory decisions.Are you ready to unlock the secrets of "You & AI"? Then this book is perfect for you
Vous retrouvez-vous souvent face à des personnes dont vous ne savez pas vraiment si elles disent la vérité ? Aimeriez-vous avoir la capacité de capter tous les signaux du corps, même les plus subtils, pour savoir si votre interlocuteur vous ment ?Vous avez probablement fait l'expérience, au moins une fois dans votre vie, d'être poignardé dans le dos par quelqu'un que vous pensiez connaître aveuglément...Combien de colère, de ressentiment et de déception avez-vous ressenti à ce moment-là ? Beaucoup, non ?Malheureusement, il n'y a rien que vous puissiez faire, 78% des gens mentent par nature, la seule chose que vous devez faire est d'apprendre à comprendre qui vous ment afin de ne pas vous faire avoir.Grâce à ce livre, vous découvrirez exactement les mêmes techniques que celles utilisées par les services secrets lors des interrogatoires pour analyser toute personne, lire dans son esprit et comprendre si elle ment ou non.Plus précisément, vous comprendrez :- Comment déchiffrer les micro-expressions et comprendre la psychologie comportementale pour reconnaître chaque personnalité.- Quels sont les 5 signes révélateurs qui indiquent que quelqu'un vous ment.- Quels sont les différents types de personnalité. Vous découvrirez les meilleurs outils à utiliser pour les reconnaître.- Quels exercices mentaux vous pouvez appliquer pour analyser les gens. Vous trouverez un exercice pratique à réaliser par vous-même.Que vous soyez un expert en la matière ou que vous entendiez parler de ce sujet pour la première fois, le livre a été conçu et développé pour convenir à tous sans grand effort.Maintenant, c'est votre tour.Achetez votre copie maintenant !
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