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Rådgivning af studerende

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  • - Om vejledningens etik, 2. udgave
    af Solveig Botnen Eide, Aslaug Kristiansen, Dag G. Aasland, mfl.
    287,95 kr.

    Vejledning er et samspil mellem to mennesker og udgør en etisk handling. Uanset hvilken slags vejledning der er tale om, drejer vejledning sig om at hjælpe og drage omsorg for et andet menneske. En vejleder er ikke vejleder for sin egen skyld, men for den andens skyld.2. udgave af Til den andens bedste er udbygget med to nye kapitler, som ser på hhv. eksistentiel sårbarhed i et vejledningsperspektiv og samrefleksion som en vej til bedre samtaler.Med udgangspunkt i filosofferne Løgstrup, Buber og Levinas behandler bogen temaerne:- Den gode vejledning- Vejledningssamtalens egenart- Menneskearbejde og ekspertarbejde- Lytning og identitet- Engagement og varsomhed- Følelsernes betydning i vejledning- Frihed og identitet- Eksistentiel sårbarhed- Vejledning mellem menneske og system- Samrefleksion.Til den andens bedste henvender sig til studerende og professionelle inden for bl.a. pædagogik, sundhed, pleje, ergo-/fysioterapi, socialrådgivning, uddannelsesvejledning samt til øvrige hjælpeprofessioner, der benytter sig af vejledning, supervision, øvelsespraktik, klinisk praktik og lignende.

  • - Procesmodel og -metoder
    af Marianne Tolstrup
    247,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Som vejleder kan det være en udfordring at balancere mellem individets og samfundets behov – uden at slippe sin humanistiske grundholdning af syne.SAMSKABENDE VEJLEDNING er et redskab i dette arbejde. Målet er at skabe udvikling og understøtte den vejledtes dannelse som et handlekompetent individ, der kan tage medansvar for eget liv. SAMSKABENDE VEJLEDNING giver brugbar viden og nye gode redskaber til alle, der arbejder med vejledning. Bogen er en håndsrækning til vejledere, der skal navigere i feltet af udefrakommende styring i form af karakterkrav, uddannelsespålæg mv. Den er også til vejledere, som gerne vil afstemme deres egen rolle og selv måske har tendens til at tage for meget styring i vejledninger. Bogen støtter vejlederen i arbejdet med at involvere de vejledte, så de tager aktivt, samskabende del i vejledningen. Til det arbejde introducerer bogen en nye procesmodel – den samskabende vejledningsmodel – og 24 tilhørende vejledningsmetoder. Modellen er udviklet på baggrund af et fællesnordisk udviklingsprojekt og bygger på teori, forskning og projektets resultater. Metoden er afprøvet og evalueret positivt af både vejledere og vejledte. Den samskabende vejledningsmodel er et praksisorienteret redskab, der understøtter en samskabende vejledning, hvor processen er tydelig for alle parter, og hvor der løbende skrives noter, så alle har overblik over, hvad der udvikles og besluttes. Målet er, at man arbejder hen imod at ændre adfærd eller forståelser hos vejledte. Bogen er skrevet til alle, der vejleder: i kommunernes vejledning af unge (KUI), i alle former for gennemførelses- og fastholdelsesvejledning i grundskoler, ungdomsuddannelser samt videregående uddannelser, foruden i jobcentre og hos anden aktør i arbejdet med at få borgere i arbejde. Den kan også bruges i vejledning i forbindelse med kompetenceudvikling.Marianne Tolstrup er lærer og cand.pæd.pæd. med sidefag i psykologi, master i positiv psykologi. Har arbejdet i vejledningsfeltet i mere end 20 år og underviser bl.a. på Diplomuddannelsen i uddannelse, erhvervs- og karrierevejledning på UCL, Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole.

  • - at skabe mening i skole, uddannelse og arbejdsliv
    af Inger-Lise Lund Petersen
    287,95 kr.

    At skabe meningsfuld forandring i menneskers liv. Vejledere stiller typisk spørgsmål som „hvad kunne du godt tænke dig?“, „hvad har du lyst til?“ og „hvad drømmer du om?“. Men vejledning handler om meget mere end valg i forbindelse med uddannelse og arbejde. Vejledning handler i lige så høj grad om at hjælpe vejledte med at tilegne sig meningsfulde livsstrategier, så de kan overkomme de udfordringer, de møder på uddannelsen, i løbet af arbejdslivet eller i seniortilværelsen. Og det gør man bedst i læringsrum, hvor vejledte sammen med vejleder sætter ord på tvivl, barrierer, ressourcer, værdier og drømme. Eksistentiel vejledning er en inspirations- og brugsbog, der viser hvordan man arbejder med eksistentiel vejledning, og hvordan man i vejledningen inddrager de spørgsmål, vi alle stiller os i livet. Bogen giver en samlet introduktion og værktøjer til eksistentiel vejledning med fokus på, hvordan vejledning i fællesskab kan skabe mening og føre til et mere bæredygtigt liv. Bogen er for alle, der arbejder med vejledning af børn, unge, voksne og ældre i forhold til skole, uddannelse, karriereveje og den tredje alder. Bogen er relevant på bl.a. diplom- og masteruddannelser og kan tjene som inspiration til fagprofessionelle i jobcenterregi, KUI (den kommunale ungeindsats), uddannelsessystemet, fagforeninger, ældreorganisationer m.m.Om forfatteren:Inger-Lise Lund Petersen er lektor på Københavns Professionshøjskole, hvor hun arbejder med efter- og videreuddannelse af vejledere. Hun er fagansvarlig og underviser på diplomuddannelserne i uddannelses-, erhvervs- og karrierevejledning samt vejledning og supervision. Hun har arbejdet inden for vejledningsområdet i 25 år med praksiserfaring fra grund- og erhvervsskolen samt UU, Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning.

  • af Katherine M. Atkins
    474,95 kr.

    Reconceptualizing Grief: Developmental Considerations for Counseling Clients Experiencing Loss provides counselors-in-training, practicing counselors, and counselor educators at all levels with salient information related to griefwork. Utilizing a developmental and wellness lens, it features information on development, attachment, neurobiology, and cultural identity as they relate to an individual's experiences of grief and loss. The text is organized into four parts. The first part provides an introduction and overview of grief and loss, including common misconceptions, basic definitions of grief and loss, the evolution of grief theory, and diagnostic considerations. The second part introduces the Transcending Model of Grief and Loss (TMGL), a framework to help counselors recognize the impact of the variety of losses and grief people experience. In the third part, readers learn about applications of the TMGL model via interventions. The final part provides special considerations regarding sociocultural, identity, non-death, suicide, and lifespan-related loss factors that can help counselors recognize grief in the counseling room. Designed to fill a gap in the curriculum, Reconceptualizing Grief is an essential and timely textbook for courses and programs in counseling at all levels.

  • af Doris Iarovici
    355,95 - 769,95 kr.

  • af Nora Fozard
    237,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • - An Evidence-Based Approach to Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
    af Nancy Calleja
    1.067,95 - 1.504,95 kr.

  • af Martin Kruse
    206,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie in "Studieren 2.0: Mit ChatGPT zum akademischen Erfolg" eine faszinierende Reise durch die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, wie ChatGPT Ihr Studium bereichern kann. Dieser Leitfaden führt Sie durch innovative Ansätze zur Nutzung dieser fortschrittlichen KI für eine Vielzahl akademischer Herausforderungen.Recherchieren und Lernen: Lernen Sie, wie ChatGPT die Informationsbeschaffung revolutioniert und den Zugang zu Wissen vereinfacht, sodass Sie effizienter studieren können.Schreibfertigkeiten verbessern: Entdecken Sie Strategien zur Nutzung von ChatGPT für das Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und Essays, inklusive Themenfindung, Gliederung und Überarbeitung.Programmierhilfe und Mathematik: Erfahren Sie, wie ChatGPT bei der Lösung komplexer Programmierprobleme und mathematischer Fragestellungen unterstützen kann, um Lernprozesse zu beschleunigen.Sprachen lernen und kreatives Schreiben: Tauchen Sie ein in die Möglichkeiten von ChatGPT für das Erlernen neuer Sprachen und für kreative Projekte, die Ihre Ausdrucksfähigkeit erweitern.Studienorganisation und Vorbereitung: Nutzen Sie ChatGPT zur Optimierung Ihrer Studienplanung, Zeitmanagement und Prüfungsvorbereitungen für einen strukturierten und zielgerichteten Studienalltag."Studieren 2.0" ist Ihr Schlüssel zu einem effizienteren, kreativeren und erfolgreichen Studium. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in eine Zukunft, in der KI Ihr stärkster Verbündeter im akademischen Erfolg ist.

  • - How Therapy, Meditation, and Neurobiology Shape Your Future
    af Jon Winek
    537,95 - 912,95 kr.

  • af Hazel Edwards
    237,95 kr.

    Workplays provides school to work transition play scripts and activities for secondary school students. This approach provides students with a realistic understanding of a variety of professions, trades and careers, fosters collaboration between subjects and develops essential skills for the workplace world.This second edition of Hazel Edwards' well-loved and used teacher resource, highlights the practicality of integrating plays and simulated workplace experiences in schools in addition, or in lieu of work placements. Multiple play scripts, activities and discussion points provide for all level of reading skills. The book advocates for the value of incorporating simulated workplace experiences, offering a practical and inclusive skills approach to preparing students for future work.

  • af Eleonora Zaupa
    177,95 kr.

    Definitive guide to know it, study it, use it.

  • af Anuj Tanwar
    317,95 kr.

    Digital Payback is designed as a book with practical experience for all management students. Digital marketing is all about increasing audience engagement, and the proven strategy and tactics in this guide can get your audience up and moving. The main target of this book is to teach any business or individual how to increase online visibility and presence, attract their target audience, generate leads, and convert them into profitable customers. Topics included: ¿ Introduction to Digital Marketing ¿ Social Media Marketing ¿ Search Engine Optimization ¿ Content Marketing , Blogging and Developement ¿ E-mail Marketing ¿ Mobile Marketing ¿ Website Development ¿ Web Analytics ¿ Google Ads ¿ E-commerce Marketing ¿ Google Adsense ¿ Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy ¿ Affiliate Marketing ¿ Influencer Marketing ¿ Online Reputation Management & Brand Management ¿ Career Planning inn Digital Marketing This book is is an indispensable resource for business leaders, business owners, marketing and sales professionals, digital strategists and consultants, entrepreneurs, and students in business and marketing programs.

  • af Rupali Tiwari
    257,95 kr.


  • af Sachin Prabhakar Masane
    282,95 kr.

    This book is useful for All students who give competitive exams in library and information science mainly NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET. the book covers all previous year's question papers with a detailed solution of each mcq option and each mcq is solved with full of examplation.

  • af Arthur Christopher Benson
    177,95 kr.

    "From a College Window" by Arthur Christopher Benson is a collection of essays that offers readers with insightful reflections on life, schooling, and the human enjoy. Arthur Christopher Benson, a prolific English essayist, poet, and educational, draws on his reports and observations to provide a contemplative exploration of the world visible thru the lens of a university window. The essays inside the collection comment on a range of topics, along with the challenges and joys of schooling, the splendor found in regular moments, and the contemplation of deeper philosophical questions. Benson's writing is marked through its introspective and meditative quality, inviting readers to have interaction with the profound thoughts and reflections offered in each essay. As the author gazes out from the college window, he offers readers with a completely unique perspective on the world, weaving together observations on nature, literature, and the human condition. Benson's prose is each stylish and thought-upsetting, shooting the essence of his contemplative method to life and mastering. "From a College Window" stands as a testament to Arthur Christopher Benson's literary prowess and his capacity to carry undying truths via the artwork of the essay.

  • af Audrey Hokoda
    377,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    From Trauma to Resiliency integrates research and practice of trauma-informed care, reviewing the neuroscience of trauma and highlighting relationship-based interventions for diverse populations that have faced multiple traumas.

  • af Frances K. Kochan
    707,95 - 1.262,95 kr.

  • af 1a-Studi GmbH
    229,95 kr.

    In ¿Thesis Sprint: Die 4-Wochen-Strategie zur perfekten Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit¿ findest du eine funktionierende Methode, um deine Abschlussarbeit in nur 4 Wochen zu schreiben. Dieses Buch ist genau das Richtige für dich, wenn du vor der Herausforderung stehst, eine qualitativ hochwertige Thesis unter Zeitdruck zu schreiben. Die Abschlussarbeit hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf deinen Gesamtnotendurchschnitt und somit Bewerbung auf einen Job nach dem Studium.In diesem Buch (+ Workbook) lernst du, wie du effektives Zeitmanagement, das Schreiben unter Druck und bewährte Schreibtechniken nutzen kannst, um deine Arbeit fristgerecht und auf einem hohen wissenschaftlichen Niveau zu vollenden. Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten und Akademikern und kombiniert Expertenwissen mit den Ratschlägen professioneller Lektoren und Studentencoaches.Du lernst, wie du den Schreibprozess deiner Thesis effektiv und effizient organisierst und diese Herausforderung mit Entschlossenheit und Engagement angehst. Die 4-Wochen-Strategie ist mehr als ein Zeitplan ¿ diese ist ein Modell, wie du unter Druck arbeiten und dabei hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen kannst. Diese Strategie wird dir nicht nur während deines Studiums, sondern auch in deinem späteren Berufsleben nützlich sein.

  • af Antonio Evaristo Morales-Pita
    92,95 kr.

    Embrace the golden years with a renewed sense of vigor and understanding in this enlightening exploration of seniority. This book delves deep into the intricate relationship between optimism, health, and aging, drawing from both personal experiences and broad statistical insights. Learn how factors such as one's cultural background, specifically the rise of immigrant seniors in the U.S., shape the aging experience, contrasting them with the socio-politico-economic intricacies of Latin American countries.Uncover the ever-evolving dynamics of senior care, from the intricacies of love relationships among older couples to the stark disparities between genders, both in health risks and societal expectations. This is juxtaposed against the author's empowering journey of proactive healthcare and wellness. Recognize the transformative power of systematic exercising in bolstering self-assurance, happiness, and most importantly, joy. With philosophical insights from the likes of Aristotle and more, discover how inner joy, consistent self-care, and embracing one's strengths and weaknesses play pivotal roles in enriching the experience of seniority.This guide invites you on a journey of self-discovery, offering a fresh perspective on aging with a harmonious blend of optimism, health, and profound happiness.

  • af Rayan Musk
    292,95 kr.

    Shockwaves have been sent across the nation as a result of the terrible economic crisis that Sri Lanka is currently experiencing. Sri Lanka is a nation that is well-known for its extensive cultural history and picturesque landscapes. Because of the ongoing economic issues, officials, corporations, and citizens alike are experiencing a profound sense of apprehension for the future.There is a complicated interaction of elements that have converged to create a perfect storm, and this is at the core of the economic instability that Sri Lanka is experiencing. The ever-increasing burden of debt that the government is carrying is one of the key factors that has led to the crisis. The management of Sri Lanka's external debt has been difficult, which has resulted in a perilous financial condition for the country. A vicious cycle has been created as a result of the servicing of debts, which, when combined with a currency that is devaluing, has put an enormous amount of strain on the economic stability of the nation.Despite the fact that Sri Lanka's economy was already in a precarious state, the COVID-19 outbreak has made these issues even more difficult to manage. The reduction in tourism, interruptions in supply chains, and the subsequent drop in worldwide demand have all had a significant impact on major industries. There has been a considerable drop in tourism, which is a big contribution to the country's GDP. As a result, many enterprises that are dependent on tourism are in a precarious situation. The economic downturn that was caused by the pandemic has brought to light the vulnerabilities that are present in Sri Lanka's economic system, which thus calls for actions that are both urgent and comprehensive.The escalation of prices across a wide range of commodities has given rise to inflation, which has arisen as another pressing worry. There has been an influence on the purchasing power of citizens as a result of the rising cost of living, which has led to increased financial difficulties for many. The government is currently confronted with the challenging issue of striking a balance between the need to protect needy communities and the necessity to employ inflation control measuresInstability in political systems has also been a contributor to the current economic crisis. The nation has been through a number of political shifts, which has resulted in uncertainty and has had an impact on the confidence of traders and investors. The nation's ability to generate the capital that is necessary for economic recovery has been hindered as a result of the diminished amount of foreign direct investment. As a result of the close scrutiny that has been directed on the government's response to these difficulties, individuals and experts have been calling for policies that are both effective and transparent in order to address the underlying causes of the crisis.The Sri Lankan government is now investigating a variety of potential solutions in order to address these economic difficulties. Among these are the implementation of austerity measures, the pursuit of aid from international financial organizations, and the beginning of economic reforms in order to entice foreign investment. It is important to note that the success of these programs is contingent not only on their timely and efficient implementation, but also on the coordinated efforts of a number of different stakeholders.

  • af Richard Sinacola
    797,95 kr.

    Drawing on the author's nearly four decades of experience treating individuals and couples, The Fives Cs of a Healthy Relationship explores the dynamics of romantic relationships and provides readers with insight into the five factors or actions needed on the part of all couples to maintain a strong, healthy relationship. The opening chapters present readers with an in-depth personal case history, which outlines a cast of characters and explores their relationship journey, including the challenges and opportunities they face along the way. Proceeding chapters introduce the Five Cs-Communication, Compromise, Conflict Resolution, Compassion, and Commitment-and speak about them within the context of the case study. Additional chapters address six dos and don'ts for successful relationships and the application of the Five Cs when handling common relationship issues. Closing chapters provide a recap of key exercises presented throughout the text and a selection of poetry related to relationship struggles, joys, and losses. The Five Cs of a Healthy Relationship is an exemplary resource for courses and programs in relationship counseling, family therapy, and interpersonal communication.

  • af Rowena Hicks
    127,95 kr.

    Break free from teacher burnout in 7 simple steps.Struggling with overwhelm? Exhaustion? Close to burnout. Learn small, actionable steps to find energy, fulfillment and thrive as a teacher. If you are an overwhelmed, drained teacher, Teach, Flourish, Thrive offers strategies, tools and research based evidence to enable teachers to move from survival to thriving. Rowena Hicks, an experienced teacher, trainer and leader reveals practical, tried and tested keys that will teach you exactly how to rebuild your confidence, creativity and your love for your teaching role.If you are working in a school, running on empty with little or no work life balance, you are not alone! The school system is broken. By having a fresh outlook, having goals and taking some control back in your day, realising your impact and your strengths, you can flourish and thrive again in your role. Time to banish burnout!Learn how to:See the impact of investing in yourselfPrevent burnout from happeningTake small, achievable action to rediscover the best version of yourselfBecome a more effective member of your team¿¿Become more productive, energetic and ultimately more happyTeach, Flourish, Thrive will re-shape the way you approach your day, your colleagues, the children, your family and especially yourself. It will give you the strategies and tools you need to transform your feelings of survival to thriving: from burnout to flourishing. Whether you are a staff member seeking ways to be able to stay in school and overcome the feelings of burnout, or a school leader looking for ways to re-energise, encourage and empower your team, this is the book for you!

  • af Asher Shadowborne
    232,95 kr.

    "The Scholar's Journey: Navigating Academic Discourse" is a comprehensive guide that equips students, researchers, and scholars with the necessary tools to succeed in the world of academia. Through its detailed exploration of topics such as scholarly writing, effective communication, and understanding academic culture, this book offers practical advice and strategies for navigating the complexities of scholarly discourse. With its emphasis on fostering critical thinking and engagement within the academic community, this guide is an essential resource for anyone embarking on their scholarly journey.With its clear and concise chapters, "The Scholar's Journey: Navigating Academic Discourse" provides a step-by-step roadmap for individuals seeking to excel in their academic pursuits. From mastering the structure of academic papers to developing strong thesis statements and citing sources effectively, this book offers invaluable guidance on crafting scholarly writing. Additionally, it delves into the art of presenting research findings, engaging in academic discussions, and preparing and delivering presentations, equipping readers with the skills necessary to effectively communicate their ideas within the academic community."The Scholar's Journey: Navigating Academic Discourse" also explores the intricacies of academic culture, including the role of peer review, collaborating with other scholars, and publishing in academic journals. It further delves into research methodologies and approaches, literature review and critical analysis, data collection and analysis, and interpreting and presenting research findings. By addressing these key aspects of academic research and writing, this guide empowers individuals to engage with the scholarly community, build professional networks, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

  • af Todd F. Lewis
    1.152,95 kr.

    Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Practical Application of Counseling Theory examines substance use disorder counseling through the lens of major counseling theories. It provides descriptions of counseling theory in action and demonstrates the application of various theories in real-world contexts. Part I of the text reviews essential information related to substance use disorder treatment, including the models of substance use, ethical issues, assessment, and diagnosis. In Parts II and III, each chapter introduces a major counseling theory, applies the theory to substance use disorder counseling, and reviews its strengths, limitations, and ethical issues. Readers develop a solid knowledge base of substance use disorder counseling, learn how to effectively intervene during sessions with clients, and develop an understanding of how to create and implement plans in support of those struggling with this condition. The second edition features new research on the correlation between neuroscience and substance use disorders, as well as updates throughout the text to align with the DSM-5. It includes fresh information on motivational interviewing - including updated terminology - and an expanded discussion of cognitive-behavior therapy models, and theoretical integration. New or updated references and research bring the second edition up-to-date. Easy to read, compassionate, and essential, Substance Use Disorder Treatment is an ideal guide for courses in substance use disorder counseling. It is also a valuable reference for practicing counselors and those in the helping professions.

  • af Elhassan Benmahmoud
    132,95 kr.

    Dans un monde où la peur semble souvent prendre le dessus, ce guide essentiel intitulé Surmonter la peur et transformer sa vie s'avère être une ressource inestimable pour tous ceux qui aspirent à surmonter leurs appréhensions et à réaliser leurs rêves.Dans ce livre, nous explorons le concept de peur, un sentiment universel qui peut parfois nous empêcher d'atteindre notre plein potentiel.Le premier chapitre vous présente la peur, ses origines, son impact et comment la gérer. Le deuxième chapitre vous guide tout au long du processus de confrontation de vos peurs, vous aidant à les identifier, à comprendre leur impact et à développer des stratégies pour les surmonter. Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur la transformation de votre vie. Il vous propose des stratégies pour surmonter la peur et surmonter les obstacles, tout en vous aidant à vous fixer des objectifs significatifs pour votre croissance personnelle. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre vous invite à envisager une vie sans peur, en partageant des histoires de réussite et en vous donnant des conseils pour exploiter la peur pour votre croissance personnelle et votre succès.Ce livre est un guide précieux pour tous ceux qui cherchent à comprendre la peur, à la surmonter et à utiliser cette compréhension pour transformer leur vie. Il vous donne des outils et des stratégies pour faire face à vos peurs, surmonter les obstacles et atteindre vos objectifs.Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage pour vivre sans peur et réaliser votre plein potentiel !

  • af Kenneth A Kiewra
    271,95 - 856,95 kr.

  • af Nada J. Yorke
    327,95 kr.

    Otra forma de...Eligir el cambio: Manual del participante is the Spanish translation of Nada J. Yorke's Another Way...Choosing to Change: Participant's Handbook (3rd Ed). The guide supports individuals as they progress through a facilitator-led, strengths-based, solution-focused batterer intervention program. It presents participants with an intentional and strategic collection of questions and exercises designed to support transformational learning and promote empathy building. This unique curriculum combines evidence-based clinical practices with adult learning principles to promote changes in the thoughts, feelings, and actions of participants. It educates participants on what constitutes abusive behaviors, encourages introspection, promotes personal responsibility for abusive behaviors, and teaches non-violent conflict resolution. The handbook progresses in tandem with the 52-week curriculum, providing participants with weekly interventions and actionable goals. Coping skills, spiritual and emotional healing, relationship management, parenting, socialization, recovery from trauma, mindfulness and relaxation, and personal growth, among a number of other topics, are explored in a group setting, allowing for meaningful discussion and support. Otra Forma de...Eligir el Cambio is an exemplary curriculum to rehabilitate domestic violence offenders and, in doing so, increase safety and empathy for victims of violence.

  • af Thomas Plante
    712,95 - 1.052,95 kr.

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