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  • af Dave Ramsey
    272,95 kr.

    With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, you'll be able to: Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt---meaning cars, houses, everything, recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths, and secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!

  • af Napoleon Hill
    197,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Rooney
    127,95 kr.

    "Understanding Money: A Beginner's Guide to Personal Finance" is a clear and fun book for young teens, especially those around the seventh grade who are just starting to learn how to handle money. This book makes the tricky parts of dealing with money, like saving, spending wisely, and investing, easier to understand. It also shows why knowing about money from a young age is super important. The book starts with the basics, telling readers what money is and how it came to be, then moves on to the key parts of managing money. It talks about how to earn money, why making a budget is a big deal and the basics of saving. It also explains what banks do and the different kinds of bank accounts people can have. A big chunk of the book is about teaching young readers to spend their money wisely, understand credit and debt, and get the lowdown on investing in things like stocks and bonds. It helps readers think carefully but also be open to learning about investing. The book also gets into setting financial goals and planning for the future, like saving for college or considering retirement. It uses pictures, stories from real life, and fun activities and quizzes to make these ideas stick and keep learning about money interesting."Understanding Money" isn't just a book about finance; it's a tool to help teens feel more sure about dealing with money. It lays down the basics of financial literacy, aiming to prepare young readers for a future where they can make smart money choices, leading to financial well-being and security.

  • af Luis A. Rosado
    352,95 kr.

    Teacher candidates seeking certification to become bilingual teachers in Texas public schools must take the TExES Bilingual Education Supplemental (164) test. This REA test guide provides extensive coverage of the exam's four competencies. In addition to a thorough review, the book features a diagnostic test and full-length practice test that deal with every type of question, subject area, and skill tested on the exam. Both tests are also available online for timed testing conditions, automatic scoring, and instant feedback on every question to help teacher candidates zero in on the topics that give them trouble now, so they can succeed on test day -- Provided by the publisher.

  • af Richard Gentle
    112,95 kr.

    At a time when many people are struggling to make ends meet, financially, and many face a cost of living crisis, it's also noticeable that people are taking the wrong approach to improving their situation because they do not understand where, or how, to focus their attention. It seems that the more we struggle, or the harder we work, the poorer we become. Furthermore, short term 'buy now, pay later' offers can make things worse, rather than better, for those struggling on low incomes. Since you are reading this booklet, it's likely you are either having some measure of financial difficulty, or you wish to improve your financial experience. Furthermore, you may have thought: "If only I could win the Lottery." But here's the point; if you are used to managing on a low income, you are probably not used to having a large amount of money - unless perhaps, you had previously experienced having a large amount of money. There are always exceptions and some people do go from 'rags to riches,' or from wealth to poverty, overnight. But, for the majority of people, this is not the case. This booklet aims to offer you a mixture of insights and techniques that could help you to change your perception of money and bring more of it into your life. It's also written to take into account a variety of ideas: some conventionally logical, rational, and mainstream; others connected to psychology; and quite a few based around metaphysical knowledge.

  • af 1a-Studi GmbH
    231,95 kr.

    In ¿Thesis Sprint: Die 4-Wochen-Strategie zur perfekten Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit¿ findest du eine funktionierende Methode, um deine Abschlussarbeit in nur 4 Wochen zu schreiben. Dieses Buch ist genau das Richtige für dich, wenn du vor der Herausforderung stehst, eine qualitativ hochwertige Thesis unter Zeitdruck zu schreiben. Die Abschlussarbeit hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf deinen Gesamtnotendurchschnitt und somit Bewerbung auf einen Job nach dem Studium.In diesem Buch (+ Workbook) lernst du, wie du effektives Zeitmanagement, das Schreiben unter Druck und bewährte Schreibtechniken nutzen kannst, um deine Arbeit fristgerecht und auf einem hohen wissenschaftlichen Niveau zu vollenden. Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten und Akademikern und kombiniert Expertenwissen mit den Ratschlägen professioneller Lektoren und Studentencoaches.Du lernst, wie du den Schreibprozess deiner Thesis effektiv und effizient organisierst und diese Herausforderung mit Entschlossenheit und Engagement angehst. Die 4-Wochen-Strategie ist mehr als ein Zeitplan ¿ diese ist ein Modell, wie du unter Druck arbeiten und dabei hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen kannst. Diese Strategie wird dir nicht nur während deines Studiums, sondern auch in deinem späteren Berufsleben nützlich sein.

  • af Publicaciones Alejandría
    167,95 kr.

    ¡Desata el potencial financiero de tus hijos con "APRENDE A ADMINISTRAR EL DINERO"! Descubre la clave para cultivar una mentalidad financiera sólida desde la infancia hasta la adolescencia con este libro innovador. Enseñar a tus hijos a ahorrar, gastar e invertir de manera inteligente es esencial en el mundo actual, y este ebook es tu guía completa para lograrlo.¿Por qué este libro es imprescindible para padres y educadores?Educación Financiera Transformadora: Convierte la educación financiera en una experiencia emocionante y práctica para tus hijos. Este libro rompe con la monotonía y utiliza enfoques creativos para hacer que aprender sobre dinero sea divertido y relevante.Herramientas Prácticas para Todas las Edades: Desde conceptos básicos hasta estrategias de inversión, este ebook ofrece herramientas prácticas adaptadas a diferentes etapas del desarrollo, asegurando que la enseñanza sea efectiva y personalizada.Desarrollo de Hábitos Financieros Saludables: Aprende a inculcar hábitos que durarán toda la vida, preparando a tus hijos para enfrentar con confianza los desafíos financieros del futuro.Ejemplos del Mundo Real: Historias inspiradoras y ejemplos del mundo real demuestran cómo individuos exitosos han aplicado principios financieros desde temprana edad, sirviendo de modelo para tus hijos. Invierte en el futuro financiero de tus hijos hoy mismo. Adquiere "APRENDE A ADMINISTRAR EL DINERO" y haz que el aprendizaje financiero sea una aventura emocionante y valiosa para tus seres queridos. No dejes pasar la oportunidad de sentar las bases para una vida financiera exitosa desde una edad temprana.

  • af Perry de Fontaine
    287,95 kr.

    Are you wondering how to pay for the right college for your child, regardless of your financial situation and college budget? This book unlocks the secrets of how you can send your child to colleges you never thought you could afford. It sets out a step by-step approach to access thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars per year in FREE money from colleges. Read Pay For College Without Going Broke and discover: ¿ Where to find little-known college financial aid sources for your family ¿ How to choose the right school for your child and your pocketbook ¿ What you need to do to access tens of thousands in FREE money per year from colleges themselves ¿ Which resources will help you maximize your child's college success

  • af Matthew Rymer Harrison
    182,95 kr.

    Being a digital nomad is a great opportunity to live THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS.But, make no mistake, it is not the same as being a vagabond. A well-informed nomad can enjoy financial freedom, pay only the taxes they want to pay, have multiple passports, offshore bank accounts and enjoy an unbeatable lifestyle.Your government does not want you to read this book, you will discover secrets that will allow you to decide if you want to undertake taking advantage of the best of international taxation, with tax avoidance tactics that will surprise you.You don't need any previous knowledge, in this brief guide you will find a simple step-by-step guide that anyone can do, yes, anyone.Anyone, yes, you don't need to be a millionaire already.

  • af Doctor Wise
    82,95 kr.

    Unleash the Financial Genius Inside the Minds of Money Whiz Kids!Kids are NOT taught personal finance concepts in school! Worried About Securing Your Child's Future? Uncover the Money-Savvy Skills These Whiz Kids Mastered Early!1. Myth: You Need a Fortune to Start Building Wealth - Reality: See How Kids with Just a Piggy Bank Built Financial Empires!2. "Worried About Securing Your Child's Future? Uncover the Money-Savvy Skills These Whiz Kids Mastered Early!"· Journey to Financial Independence: Explore how kids can start their path to financial freedom, step by step.· The Art of Smart Spending: Learn to distinguish between splurging and spending wisely - a key to building wealth early.· Family Finance: How to involve the whole family in budgeting and financial planning, making it a fun, shared experience.· The Power of Financial Literacy: Educating young minds on the importance of understanding money and its impact.· Piggy Bank to Profit: Turning small savings into larger investments, teaching the magic of patience and discipline.· Growth Mindset in Money Matters: How a positive attitude towards finances can lead to better money management."It's Only for Kids": Some might believe the book is solely intended for a younger audience and not applicable to adults. You may think the lessons are too basic or simplistic for your own financial situations, BUT correctly applied financial knowledge is power."Financial Success Requires Big Investments": There's a common misconception that building wealth or understanding finances requires significant initial investment or resources, which you may not have. Yet, small changes add up to significant success and money smarts.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    192,95 kr.

    "ICAEW ACA Financial Management: Professional Level" is a key resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of financial management, particularly those pursuing professional qualifications in accounting. This book is tailored to provide comprehensive coverage of the essentials of financial management in a clear and accessible manner, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals.The book is structured around three main sections: Financing Options, Managing Financial Risk, and Investment Decisions and Valuation. Each section delves into vital aspects of financial management, offering insights and practical knowledge that are crucial in today's business world.In the Financing Options section, the book explores various ways businesses can secure funding. It discusses different types of financing, such as equity and debt, and provides guidance on choosing the most suitable option for different business scenarios. This part is essential for understanding how companies can fuel their growth and manage their capital structure effectively.The second section, Managing Financial Risk, focuses on identifying and mitigating risks associated with financial activities. It covers strategies to manage various types of financial risks, including market risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk. This section is particularly valuable in today's volatile economic environment, as it equips readers with the tools to protect businesses from potential financial threats.Finally, the Investment Decisions and Valuation section deals with making informed investment choices and accurately assessing the value of assets. This part is crucial for anyone involved in financial decision-making, as it guides readers through the process of evaluating investment opportunities, considering both their potential risks and returns.Throughout the book, complex financial concepts are presented in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. Real-world examples and case studies are used to illustrate key points, making the theoretical aspects of financial management more tangible and relatable."ICAEW ACA Financial Management: Professional Level" is more than just a textbook; it is a practical guide that bridges the gap between academic knowledge and real-world financial decision-making. Whether you are preparing for a professional accounting qualification, running a business, or simply interested in understanding the fundamentals of financial management, this book provides valuable insights and knowledge to help you navigate the financial aspects of the modern business world.

  • af Blaze Brightwood
    151,95 kr.

    "Domicile Dollars" is a comprehensive guidebook designed to empower readers with a diverse array of 100 home business concepts, each meticulously crafted to unlock the potential for financial freedom while operating from the comfort of their own homes. This book aims to inspire individuals to explore innovative and practical ways to generate income, achieve work-life balance, and take control of their financial destinies. Through a blend of in-depth insights, practical advice, case studies, and step-by-step action plans, readers will discover a world of possibilities in the realm of home-based entrepreneurship.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    677,95 kr.

    "ICAEW ACA Certificate Level: 6 Subjects Bundle" is an essential guide for anyone preparing for the ACA Certificate Level exams in 2024. This comprehensive reference book encompasses all six subjects of the certificate level, serving both as a detailed study resource and a crash course for exam preparation.The book begins with "ICAEW ACA Accounting," providing a solid foundation in maintaining financial records, making adjustments to accounting records and financial statements, and preparing financial statements. It delves into technical knowledge with a focus on various International Accounting Standards (IAS) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), supplemented by practical problems and solutions.Next, the "ICAEW ACA Assurance" section covers the entire spectrum of assurance, from its concept and process to the need for it. It includes detailed discussions on internal controls, evidence gathering in assurance engagements, professional ethics, and regulatory issues. The technical knowledge section in this part elaborates on various audit and assurance pronouncements, enhancing the reader's understanding of auditing standards and practices.The book then explores "ICAEW ACA Business, Technology and Finance," highlighting the critical aspects of business objectives and functions, organisational structures, the role of finance, and the external business environment. It also provides insights into technology and data analysis, strategic choice and implementation, and sustainability in business and finance."ICAEW ACA Law" offers a comprehensive overview of the impact of civil and criminal law on business and professional services. It covers key topics such as contract law, agency, negligence, company and insolvency law, as well as international regulations.In the "ICAEW ACA Management Information" section, readers will find in-depth coverage on costing and pricing, budgeting, performance management, and ethical considerations in management decision-making. It also addresses investment appraisal, risk analysis, and sustainability measures in business.Finally, "ICAEW ACA Principles of Taxation" provides an extensive understanding of taxation principles, including income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax, and VAT. It elaborates on the legal and ethical framework of taxation, administration, and various technical aspects of different taxes.This book is an invaluable resource for students and professionals aiming for success in the ICAEW ACA Certificate Level exams. Its comprehensive coverage of essential topics, combined with practical examples and technical knowledge, makes it a must-have for thorough preparation.

  • af Peter Louis
    372,95 kr.

    In the dynamic landscape of the modern financial world, E-Financial Perception, authored by Peter Louis, delves into the transformative power of electronic financial systems and their profound impact on how individuals perceive and engage with financial services. Louis, an esteemed expert in the field, navigates readers through the intricate web of electronic financial tools, shedding light on the evolving perceptions that individuals hold about money, investments, and wealth management.The book explores the paradigm shift brought about by digitalization, dissecting the ways in which technology has revolutionized traditional financial structures. Louis elucidates the fusion of convenience and complexity as individuals navigate the virtual realms of banking, investment platforms, and cryptocurrency. Through a meticulous examination of e-financial landscapes, the author unveils the changing attitudes towards risk, financial literacy, and the role of institutions in this digital era.Louis not only outlines the current state of e-financial perception but also provides insights into its future trajectory. As the author skillfully combines theoretical frameworks with real-world examples, E-Financial Perception becomes an indispensable guide for both financial professionals and the general public seeking to navigate the rapidly evolving terrain of electronic finance. This work stands as a testament to Peter Louis's expertise and commitment to unraveling the intricate dynamics shaping the financial perceptions of the 21st century.

  • af Diana Kluge
    245,95 kr.

  • af David F. Shutler
    175,95 kr.

    Escapa al estilo Matrix del endeudamiento estudiantilEn su nuevo libro, Dave Shutler analiza doce supuestos erróneos sobre la obtención de una educación superior y muestra cómo pueden conducir a una deuda universitaria debilitante. Haciendo una analogía con las dos realidades de las películas de Matrix, revela hechos subyacentes sobre las suposiciones de los estudiantes de bachillerato y sus padres.En este valioso libro, Shutler muestra que, mediante la planificación, los estudiantes pueden tomar las riendas de su educación y escapar de la matriz de costos universitarios en constante aumento.

  • af Ray Borah
    152,95 kr.

    THE gathering of information, to the inquisitive as well as to the indifferent mind, is the consequence of our Creator's magnificent design. "Knowledge," the collection of data-truthful or not-is enhanced simply by living. A writer's work is created using accumulated knowledge. Exhibition of the resultant accumulation is indicative of one's relationship with one's Creator-God.In 2005, a small collaborative project gave rise to the publication of three tracts on biblical principles relating to money. They were The Ministry of Tithing, The Ministry of Giving, and The Ministry of Lending. In 2016, an additional tract was written entitled The Ministry of Almsgiving.The Lord placed numerous roadblocks in the path of my resolute publication efforts. It was while in pursuit of the publication of the last tract and a reprint of the three originals, that there grew a consideration for a book-an extensive revision/expansion of the four tracts. It was during these researching efforts that I discovered the magnificent biblical precept of Grace Giving. While tithing is biblical, it is not Christian. This was strictly a practice, under Law, for the nation of Israel which has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Covenant of Grace. Furthermore, there is no instruction or example of a New Testament Christian tithing. Like temples, sacrifices, dietary laws, and priests, tithing has been nailed to the cross." More on this subject is to be found in the section entitled Grace Giving.

  • af Kenneth Caraballo
    1.672,95 kr.

    "Unlock the secrets of the stock market with 'Mastering the Stock Market: A Beginner's Guide to Financial Success.' This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the world of stocks, from understanding the basics to developing a winning investment strategy. Learn how to navigate stock exchanges, build a diversified portfolio, analyze stock performance, and manage risks effectively. Discover common pitfalls to avoid and explore different investment strategies that suit your financial goals. With insights on tracking market trends and valuable resources for stock research, this book equips you to confidently step into the world of stock trading. Whether you're a novice or looking to enhance your knowledge, this book is your essential companion on the path to financial prosperity."

  • af Miranda Brooks
    217,95 kr.

    GRANT WRITING BREAKING NEWS: EXPERIENCED CONSULTANT WHO HAS SUCCEEDED IN GETTING MORE THAN 70 CONVENTIONS TO SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED COMPANIES, REVEALS HIS SECRET METHODS FOR WRITING SURE-TO-BE-SELECTED PROPOSALS Are you a nonprofit, educator, artist, business owner, or entrepreneur looking to secure funding for your project or organization? Would you like to learn how to capture the imagination of reviewers who decide which candidates to select? If you answered yes, then you have come to the right place! Getting grants is really a godsend, because they allow you to start projects even if you don't have the funds to do so, simply by pitching an idea!As extraordinary as your idea may be, if not presented properly, it could be ignored by the examiners, resulting in nothing. That is why I have created "Grant Writing", the guide that will teach you how to craft proposals in a smart and appealing way to get your grants! Here is what you will find inside: Everything you need to know before submitting a grant application so you don't risk wasting time and money;3 writing techniques that capture the imagination of reviewers who will decide whether you will be one of the lucky ones to go home with full pockets;A step-by-step guide to grants that will enable you to learn all the processes, from finding the best grant for you, to the actual application;Practical resources, including a glossary of key terms, sample proposal templates, and checklists to keep you on track;7 successful case studies analyzed in detail who were able to correctly pitch their idea to get thousands of dollars in grants;AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! If you are new to grants, fear not: whether you are an experienced grant writer looking to up your game or a novice applicant, this guide will give you all the information you need to secure the funding you need to bring your vision to life.Don't let more money slip through your fingers!Start writing winning grant proposals today!

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    167,95 kr.

  • af United States Bureau of Education
    165,95 kr.

  • af Arthur Anderson
    117,95 kr.

    "In the digital era we live in, opportunities to generate income online have grown exponentially. Whether you're looking for extra income or want to embark on a new professional path, exploring ways to make money online can be an excellent choice. In this book, 'The Best 20 Ideas for Making Money Online,' we will explore a wide range of possibilities that will allow you to capitalize on your skills, interests, and knowledge through the global platform that is the internet.The online world has democratized the opportunity to venture and generate income in multiple creative ways. You are no longer limited by your geographical location or your current situation. With accessibility to digital tools and the ability to connect with audiences all over the world, it is now more possible than ever to turn your passions into sources of sustainable income.Throughout this book, we will explore twenty outstanding ideas for making money online. From activities that require technical skills to options that are based on sharing your knowledge and passions, each chapter will provide you with a detailed view of how to implement each idea. Each chapter will focus on a specific strategy, offering practical advice, examples of success, and potential challenges to consider.The variety of ideas presented in this book ensures that you will find at least one that resonates with your skills, interests, and goals. Some of these ideas can be implemented as side activities to generate additional income, while others have the potential to become full-time businesses.Remember that online success requires dedication, patience, and adaptability. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but by exploring these twenty ideas and customizing them to your situation and vision, you can build a path to online financial success.Without further ado, let's dive into these twenty exciting opportunities to make money online, exploring how each one can become a viable source of income in today's digital world. Get ready to be inspired and discover the unlimited potential that the internet has to offer in terms of income generation!"

  • af Simi Subhramanian
    157,95 kr.

    Embark on an exhilarating adventure with "Investing Money: A Fun Guide for Kids Ages 8-12 to Financial Independence"! Join young protagonist Alex as you unravel the mysteries of money, explore the world of investing, and harness the power of compound interest. With engaging stories, interactive activities, and expert tips, this guide sets kids on the path to financial success. Discover the art of setting goals, practical steps to start investing, and the magic of socially responsible investing. Get ready to invest in yourself and your future - grab this guide and let the adventure begin!

  • af Arthur Anderson
    142,95 kr.

    En la era digital en la que vivimos, las oportunidades para generar ingresos en línea han crecido exponencialmente. Ya sea que estés buscando un ingreso adicional o quieras emprender un nuevo camino profesional, explorar formas de hacer dinero en línea puede ser una excelente opción. En este libro, "The Best 20 Ideas for Making Money Online," exploraremos una amplia gama de posibilidades que te permitirán capitalizar tus habilidades, intereses y conocimientos a través de la plataforma global que es internet.El mundo en línea ha democratizado la oportunidad de emprender y generar ingresos de múltiples maneras creativas. Ya no estás limitado por tu ubicación geográfica o tu situación actual. Con la accesibilidad a herramientas digitales y la capacidad de conectar con audiencias de todo el mundo, ahora es más posible que nunca convertir tus pasiones en fuentes de ingresos sostenibles.A lo largo de este libro, exploraremos veinte ideas sobresalientes para hacer dinero en línea. Desde actividades que requieren habilidades técnicas hasta opciones que se basan en compartir tus conocimientos y pasiones, cada capítulo te proporcionará una visión detallada de cómo poner en práctica cada idea. Cada capítulo se centrará en una estrategia específica, ofreciendo consejos prácticos, ejemplos de éxito y posibles desafíos a tener en cuenta.La variedad de ideas presentadas en este libro asegura que encontrarás al menos una que resuene con tus habilidades, intereses y objetivos. Algunas de estas ideas pueden ser implementadas como actividades secundarias para generar ingresos adicionales, mientras que otras tienen el potencial de convertirse en negocios a tiempo completo.Recuerda que el éxito en línea requiere dedicación, paciencia y adaptabilidad. No hay un enfoque único que funcione para todos, pero al explorar estas veinte ideas y personalizarlas según tu situación y visión, podrás construir un camino hacia el éxito financiero en línea.Sin más preámbulos, sumerjámonos en estas veinte emocionantes oportunidades para hacer dinero en línea, explorando cómo cada una puede convertirse en una fuente viable de ingresos en el mundo digital de hoy. ¡Prepárate para inspirarte y descubrir el potencial ilimitado que internet tiene para ofrecer en términos de generación de ingresos!

  • af Www. Thefinancialguidelines. Com
    347,95 kr.

    Insurance provides a means to safeguard your assets and secure a prosperous future, leaving behind a meaningful legacy. This book explores ways to diversify your income through investments, real estate, and side businesses. It also offers insights into creating efficient tax plans for your business. Learning money-saving strategies is vital to accumulating funds for future investments. And always remember prioritizing your well-being is crucial, as good health is the ultimate form of wealth.

  • af Chris Corinthian
    162,95 kr.

    What if you could earn a college degree, without ever having to take out a student loan? Instead of tirelessly searching for scholarships, what if qualified college scholarships found you?In this companion workbook, students learn how to find the money, budget the money, and grow the money to pay for college.You will learn:How to access free State and Federal Money for schoolHow to write Winning Scholarship EssaysBest Budgeting Strategies for your moneyHow to Establish and Build Credit as a Student15 Passive Income Streams that are ideal for College Students...and much more!In this step-by-step workbook, you will learn financial literacy principles that you can implement for the rest of your life. **This workbook serves a companion text to "Financial Literacy 101 for College Students: How to Find the Money, Budget the Money & Grow the Money".

  • af Tolu' A. Akinyemi
    132,95 kr.

    Architects of a Cleaner Financial System is a collection of poems that x-rays inherent risks within financial crime compliance and shows how we can mitigate them. The poet addresses subjects such as Compliance Programs; Know Your Customer, Know Your Bank; Sanctions; Anti-Money Laundering; Due Diligence; Politically Exposed Persons; Risk assessments; Screening; and many other topics. Filled with evocative language and demonstrating mastery of the subject, this collection is the first in living memory that uses poetry as a tool to dissect issues within financial crime compliance. Tolu' A. Akinyemi has written twenty previous books, including A Booktiful Love, which won the poetry category at the Best Indie Book Award; and Inferno of Silence, which won the short story category in the Indie Reader Discovery Awards.

  • af Hassan R. Thomas
    282,95 kr.

    Hassan Thomas, the 25-year-old author, speaker, and host of the FYI FLI Podcast explores his most significant lessons learned yet, going from college to COVID to becoming full-time CEO of his own company, FYI FLI: For Your Information Financial Literacy & Investing.Hassan understands the harsh economic times we are in, but until now, his relative youth didn't enable him to speak knowledgeably about historic recessions. (Keep in mind, Hassan was 10 years old during the last U.S. recession in 2008).But now, with considerable financial literacy expertise in his portfolio, he has stepped up to collect the thoughts and opinions of economists and financial experts he's interviewed about a potential coming recession-what to expect, how it will impact us, and how we can prepare to not only survive but thrive during an economic downfall.Compiled from Hassan's years of expert interviews, this next book in the From College to COVID series includes tips and tricks to make and manage money during a recession.What You Will Learn:How to create and provide valueWho and what is affected by a recessionHow to prepare for a recessionHow to manage money during a recessionEight online side-hustlesThe most profitable places to save and invest

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