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Undervisning for begavede eller talentfulde elever

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  • - En guide til store børn og unge
    af Dea Franck
    197,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Du er højtbegavet. Måske har du altid vidst det, måske er det nyt. Måske er du stolt af det, måske vil du hellere tale om noget andet.Nogle siger, at højtbegavede forstår verden på en særlig måde. Mange tror, at det bare er virkelig let hele tiden, men det kan også være hårdt arbejde. Det er du ikke alene om. Bogen kan hjælpe dig med at forstå hvorfor – og hvad du kan gøre.Bogen gør dig klogere på:Hvad det betyder for dig at være højtbegavetHvad der kendetegner digHvad dine styrker og svagheder erHvordan du kan bruge din begavelse smartHvilke værdier, der er vigtige for digHvordan hverdagen bliver nemmereDer er også spørgsmål, quizzer, afkrydsningsskemaer, figurer og infobokse. Og plads til, at du selv skriver med på bogen. For det er jo dig, bogen handler om.Bogen er din!Til forældre og voksne:Denne bog hjælper højtbegavede børn og unge med at forstå sig selv ud fra den høje begavelse. De har ikke så mange at spejle sig i. Det kan bogen være med til. Der er plads til at skrive refleksioner og stikord ned undervejs, og voksne kan også læse med … hvis de får lov!DEA FRANCK har rigtig god forstand på at være højtbegavet: Dea er psykolog og specialist i højtbegavede mennesker. Dem møder hun hver dag i sin klinik. Dea er selv højtbegavet og medlem af Mensa, så hun kender livet som højtbegavet indefra – og ja, så er hun jo voksen og kan se tingene lidt fra oven. Hun er også med i ekspertgrupper, holder foredrag og har skrevet bogen Kort & godt om høj begavelse.

  • af Dea Franck
    147,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Hvad er høj begavelse og intelligens? Hvordan tester man? Og hvordan skelner man mellem høj begavelse, talent og det at være klog? Hvad er de tidlige tegn? Hvad skal man være særligt opmærksom på hos højt begavede børn og unge?At være højt begavet er både en gave og en udfordring. Mange højtbegavede børn og unge passer ikke til den almindelige opfattelse af kvikke børn og bliver derfor misforstået eller slet ikke opdaget i skolen eller derhjemme. Det kan give mistrivsel i skolen, kedsomhed og manglende motivation, sociale udfordringer, hvis ikke der er forståelse og passende udfordringer i hverdagen.Der er brug for ny og opdateret viden om, hvad høj begavelse er, hvordan det viser sig – og hvordan man hjælper børn og unge med de udfordringer, der også kan være, når man er kvikkere end de fleste. Det kan man få i denne bog, skrevet af psykolog Dea Franck, der er specialist i højtbegavede børn.Bogen giver opdateret viden om, hvad høj begavelse er, test, tidlige tegn, livet i skolen, behov for differentieret undervisning og opmærksomhed på perfektionisme, særlig følsomhed, asynkron udvikling, trivsel og risiko for skolevægring – og hvordan det højtbegavede barn støttes godt i familien og fritiden. Bogen har også et afsnit om voksne.Bogen henvender sig til alle, der faglig og privat er tæt på børn og unge, som er eller kan tænkes at være højt begavet. Det er forældre, pædagoger, lærere i grundskolen og på ungdomsuddannelser, UU-vejledere m.fl.

  • - Få ro, trivsel og overskud i lyset af folkeskolereformen
    af Karina Winther
    477,95 kr.

    UgeskemaRevolutionen – Få ro, trivsel og overskud i lyset af folkeskolereformen Med skolereformen er der kommet et øget fagligt fokus. Men det betyder ikke, at du skal tilsidesætte elevens personlige og sociale udvikling. Mange faktorer spiller ind i forhold til børn og unges lyst og læring. Det er komplekst, men det behøver ikke at være kompliceret.Selvom meget er nyt i folkeskolereformen, kan du sagtens bruge det undervisningsmateriale, du er vant til. Men ved at give din undervisning et lille tvist bliver det enkelt for dig at nå de 10.000 ting, du skal som lærer, mens du også lever op til alle kravene i skolereformen – og samtidig bevarer dit eget overskud! Bogen er en håndsrækning til alle lærere – fra indskoling over mellemtrin til udskoling, ja faktisk helt op i gymnasiet.Drømmer du om: • ro i din undervisning? • inspiration til en varieret skoledag? • en nem vej til undervisningsdifferentiering? • konkrete redskaber til at inkludere elever med særlige behov? • at alle dine elever bliver så dygtige, de kan? • mere tid til dialog med hver enkelt elev? • at alle dine elever trives? • at bevægelse og nye måder at lære på bliver en naturlig del af undervisningen? • et frugtbart samarbejde mellem lærere og pædagoger? • at komme lettere gennem din forberedelse? • aktive, engagerede og ansvarlige elever med lyst til at lære? • elever, der laver overraskende meget skolearbejde? • udbytterige møder og bedre tid til pædagogiske drøftelser? • bedre plads i klasselokalet og et skønt læringsmiljø?Måske er du en af de mange tusinde lærere, der allerede arbejder med UgeskemaRevolutionen? Glæd dig! Bogen bugner af nye redskaber, der løfter din undervisning til nye højder. Og er du endnu ikke i gang, så er du klar, når du har læst kapitel 2. På finder du materialer fra bogen – klar til brug i din pædagogiske praksis.

  • af Rianne van de Ven
    267,95 kr.

    Many gifted adults were not recognized as being gifted as children simply because knowledge of giftedness did not exist or was unavailable. Many gifted people experience challenges in dealing with others and with themselves. How can they learn to acknowledge and develop their potential in a world that rarely understands them? Giftedness is not always recognized or considered relevant in situations at work or in care. As a result, gifted people often fail to receive the support they need. How can professionals like career counselors, coaches, psychologists, therapists, labor experts, HR advisors, or supervisors help in this regard? In this unique book, coach Rianne van de Ven, gifted herself, provides insights into and building blocks for successfully supporting gifted adults. What role does giftedness play? How can gifted adults change ingrained patterns and develop new essential skills? Valuable tools for professionals and gifted people themselves.

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    173,95 kr.

    Dieu a donné des talents aux êtres humains afin que ceux-ci les utilisent dans le service de Dieu, des autres et le service personnel. Chacun doit arriver à découvrir son talent afin de l'utiliser pour satisfaire ces besoins. Ces talents sont reçus soient à la naissance, soit en les demandant à Dieu afin d'accomplir son ¿uvre.Dieu récompensera tous ceux qui auront bien utilisé leurs talents, car il existe un danger d'enterrer ce talent ou d'envier les autres et vouloir faire comme d'autres. Ces talents ne seront vraiment utiles à Dieu et à son service que pour ceux qui ont dit au revoir au péché, au moi, l'amour du monde. Pour mettre à profit toutes ses potentialités, il nous faut une consécration radicale, une sanctification totale.Lis ce livre, tu pourrais découvrir ton talent, le maximiser et le mettre au service de Dieu et de son ¿uvre.

  • af Savant Prep
    172,95 kr.

    COGAT® Kindergarten Test Prep provides comprehensive content to help your young child succeed on the COGAT®. Savant Test Prep's¿ resource includes two practice tests, answer explanations, and expert tips to help your young scholar achieve a high score.Your test prep book will include:300+ Questions (2 Full-Length Practice Tests)9 COGAT® Question Types Thoroughly Covered (Picture Analogies, Picture Classification, Sentence Completion, Number Analogies, Number Series, Number Puzzles, Figure Analogies, Figure Classification, Paper Folding)Answer Key With ExplanationsExpert Tips and Guidance for Understanding the COGAT®A high COGAT® score will help set your child up for academic success, as many Gifted & Talented (G&T) programs rely on these as a key determinant in program acceptance.The COGAT® is a difficult test.Many children have little, if any, experience answering the kinds of questions on the COGAT®. Get your child ready for answering these types of questions on test day, thanks to this book.If your goal is a bright future for your child, then help them ace the test with Savant Test Prep's¿ COGAT® Kindergarten book.(COGAT® is a registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (TM). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (TM) does not endorse nor are they affiliated with Savant Test Prep (TM).)

  • af Gateway Gifted Resources
    192,95 kr.

    Help your child do his/her best on the NNAT2 / NNAT3! When it comes to gifted test prep, don't risk your son or daughter being unprepared and underperforming on test day.Help ensure your child's success with test Level D with these 3 Full-Length Practice Tests - for children in Grade 3 and Grade 4.Your child must be familiar with test material AND be able to focus for longer than the typical 4-5 minute attention span of most kids. This book offers a chance to do both.Ensure your child is ready to answer the NNAT2/NNAT3 question types (Reasoning by Analogy, Pattern Completion, Serial Reasoning, Spatial Visualization), thanks to the book's 3 Full-Length Practice Tests.Make sure (s)he has acquired the mental stamina to focus on test questions with the book's 150 questions.Pinpoint your child's areas of strength/weakness with the practice tests' answer key.Capture your child's attention with bright, colorful illustrations and fun characters: full-color pages.Exercises focus on cognitive skill-building, reasoning skills, and problem solving abilities.Help them ace the test, thanks to thorough coverage of the four test sections of the NNAT2/NNAT3 Level D.What are your kid's be a doctor, engineer, or astronaut?Gaining acceptance to G&T program or earning a spot in selective school could determine your child's educational path or even his or her future career. Help your child dream big and take the first steps on this exciting educational journey and achieve their dreams.YOU are your child's best teacher, and this book is here to help!(NNAT2 and NNAT3 are registered trademarks of Pearson Education. Pearson Education is not affiliated with Gateway Gifted Resources and does not endorse this product.)

  • af Robert J Sternberg
    214,95 kr.

    Giftedness often is defined in a transactional way: individuals give something in return for getting something from authorities who label them as gifted; the labeling authority then expects those individuals identified as 'gifted' to act in ways that justify the label. The authors place emphasis on transformational giftedness-giftedness that serves to make the world a better place. This Element stresses the importance of intelligence, not of the kind of narrow intelligence measured by IQ tests and their proxies, but rather the kind of broad intelligence used to adapt to a variety of real-world environments. The authors further discuss the nature of dual exceptionality, whereby individuals may be identified as having a disability yet at the same time act in gifted ways and thereby harbor the potential to contribute to the world in some distinguished fashion.

  • af Mrdc Printing House
    87,95 kr.

    Then this great NOTEBOOK for you. suitable for many occasions in school, work, and leisure. Whether on the road or at home, everyone has things to write down. A great gift idea for an anniversary or just in between for a loved family.Properties:100 pageswhite lined pages NumberedSize: 6x9 Inchescover: matt

  • af Ivy U Polk
    997,95 kr.

    The PRAXIS 5358 Gifted Education exam preparation book consistently remains at the forefront as one of the most current and exhaustive resources available. Within its pages, you'll discover an extensive collection of over 200 practice exam questions, meticulously crafted to closely mirror the content recently examined in the PRAXIS 5358 Gifted Education test. Furthermore, it goes the extra mile by providing thorough and comprehensive explanations for each question, facilitating a profound grasp of the subject matter. This invaluable resource equips you with the tools needed to confidently prepare for and excel in the PRAXIS 5358 Gifted Education exam, empowering your journey towards success.

  • af Ivy U Polk
    997,95 kr.

    The NES 312 Gifted Education book includes more than 200 NEW practice exam questions for the NES 312 Gifted Education test. We have recently created these questions to give you updated exposure to the content found on the actual NES 312 Gifted Education exam. Furthermore, each practice question provides a detailed explanation to ensure you gain a comprehensive understanding of the NES 312 Gifted Education exam's content. This NES 312 Gifted Education study resource actively aids you in preparing fully for the exam.

  • af Ivy U Polk
    997,95 kr.

    The TEXES 162 Gifted and Talented Supplemental book stands out as one of the most up-to-date preparation resources for the TEXES 162 Gifted and Talented Supplemental exam. This study guide features over 200 practice exam questions that closely match the content recently featured on the TEXES 162 Gifted and Talented Supplemental exam. Furthermore, it provides detailed explanations for each question to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the content. Prepare for the TEXES 162 Gifted and Talented Supplemental exam with confidence by utilizing these newly updated exam questions.

  • af Ivy U Polk
    997,95 kr.

    The NYSTCE 064 Gifted Education exam prep book is a leading and continuously updated resource. It has a repository of over 200 newly designed practice exam questions that directly correlate with the most recent content assessed in the NYSTCE 064 Gifted Education examination. Additionally, the book offers comprehensive explanations for each question, enabling a deep understanding of the material and sharpening your skills. With this indispensable resource in hand, you can actively prepare for the NYSTCE 064 Gifted Education exam, enhancing your confidence and setting the stage for a successful outcome.

  • af Ivy U Polk
    947,95 kr.

    The OAE 053 Gifted Education exam preparation book consistently remains at the forefront as one of the most current and exhaustive resources available. Within its pages, you'll discover an extensive collection of over 200 practice exam questions, meticulously crafted to closely mirror the content recently examined in the OAE 053 Gifted Education test. Furthermore, it goes the extra mile by providing thorough and comprehensive explanations for each question, facilitating a profound grasp of the subject matter. This invaluable resource equips you with the tools needed to confidently prepare for and excel in the OAE 053 Gifted Education exam, empowering your journey towards success.

  • af Ivy U Polk
    997,95 kr.

    CEOE 083 Gifted Education book is one of the most updated preparation resources for the CEOE 083 Gifted Education exam. The study book includes over 200 practice exam questions aligned to content recently seen on the CEOE 083 Gifted Education exam. Moreover, to get full content knowledge, the book includes detailed explanation to each question. Prep for the CEOE 083 Gifted Education exam with new updated exam questions to confidently be successful.

  • af Ivy U Polk
    997,95 kr.

    The ILTS 312 Gifted Education book stands out as a highly updated preparation resource for the ILTS 312 Gifted Education exam. This study guide comprises over 200 practice exam questions that closely match the recent content of the ILTS 312 Gifted Education exam. Furthermore, it provides detailed explanations for each question to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the material. Prepare confidently for success in the ILTS 312 Gifted Education exam with these freshly updated exam questions.

  • - (Un)conscious gold diggers, goldsmiths, and gold creators
    af Niels Nygaard Rossing & Christian Meedom Wrang
    264,95 kr.

    Bogen distribueres af FACTUM Books, Aalborg.Ordrer kan også afgives på aalborg@factumbooks.dkHUSK at oplyse boghandlernr.Talent identification. A concept dating back to Greek philosophers, now as it was then, is about the ability to identify talent in different contexts. The ability to identify talent has become increasingly popular over the past few years. It has long been considered a crucial parameter for success in sport, but has spread to different contexts such as education, business, and culture. Until recently, research on talent identification (particularly in sports) has been predominantly concerned with finding a recipe for identifying talent in formal circumstances, such as talent testing. However, talent identification is much more than that. Rather, talent identification should be seen as something everyone practices to some extent. Every day. All the time. This book provides an insight into talent identification and puts forward new ways of understanding and approaching talent identification.

  • af Gloria Gill
    112,95 kr.

    Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey and escape the monotony of everyday life with Colokara's "Creepy Chibi Coloring Book."This exceptional coloring book unveils an enchanting array of spooky, horror-inspired illustrations, all expertly crafted in the delightful Japanese Chibi style, ensuring hours of creative bliss. Whether it's Halloween or any time of year, these endearing characters are here to keep you company."Colokara's Creepy Chibi Coloring Book" presents 30 distinctive combinations of Halloween-inspired horror and eerie chibi characters, designed to either send shivers down your spine or warm your heart with their irresistible charm.Our coloring pages are expertly printed on high-quality, crisp, white paper, ideal for all your preferred coloring tools. Each page generously measures 8.5 x 11 inches, providing ample space for your artistic expression. Moreover, we've taken care to print on one side of the paper only, preventing any unwanted smudging.These captivating illustrations are thoughtfully compiled in a convenient paperback format, ensuring you can carry them with ease, whether you seek stress relief during your commute or wish to unwind in the comfort of your home. This book offers a relaxing activity that keeps your mind engaged while allowing stress to melt away.Don't let this extraordinary experience slip through your fingers-remember to ADD TO CART now!Secure your copy today and indulge in a stress-free retreat that elevates your creativity, setting your imagination free within the pages of the "Creepy Chibi Coloring Book."

  • af Gloria Gill
    112,95 kr.

    Colokara's Newest Addition to Your Collection: Spooky Girl Coloring Book!Are you ready to take your coloring experience to an entirely new level? Dive into the eerie enchantment of our Spooky Girl Coloring Book, designed to complete your gloomy coloring collection with spine-tingling delight.¿ What Awaits You:Immerse yourself in 30 original black & white illustrations of spooky, dark, and gloomy girls.Each page is thoughtfully printed on bright, white paper, perfect for all your coloring materials.¿ Room for Imagination:Our generous 8.5 x 11-inch size offers ample space for your creativity and artistic expression.¿ No Smudging, No Worries:Say goodbye to blotting and smearing; our illustrations are printed on the front page, with black back pages for worry-free coloring.¿ Your Perfect Companion:The paperback cover makes it your ideal coloring buddy, allowing you to destress anytime, anywhere.¿ Discover Tranquility:Unwind, cast aside anxious thoughts, and embrace relaxation as you delve into the world of Colokara's Spooky Girl Coloring Book.Ready to embark on this chillingly captivating coloring journey? Treat yourself to well-deserved stress relief and relaxation-BUY NOW!Explore more captivating coloring books by clicking on our author name.

  • af Sofija Zlatanova
    372,95 kr.

    On Music Education, Psychology, and Different Abilities is a diverse and thought-provoking read for anyone interested in music, psychology, and education. Chapter 1 delves into the history of violin-playing schools, analyzing and researching the methods to facilitate future development in violin pedagogy. Chapter 2 explores how music can influence our lives, offering anecdotes and helpful tips for motivation and emotional support. In Chapter 3, the author investigates the composers who had different brain creativities, designing a program that allows students to perform their music in a safe environment. Chapter 4 explores the idea that diverse arrangements and techniques could make it possible for children with different abilities to perform intricate musical pieces. The book rounds out with intriguing chapters on differentiation as a learning objective, music and drawing as an introduction to music lessons, and finally, practical strategies developed using music and art for managing behavior. Whether you are an educator, musician, music lover, or parent, this book is an excellent resource for gaining deeper insight into the world of music education and psychology.

  • af Eric Maisel
    237,95 kr.

    Make Your Gifted Life Meaningful"This book will make a smart person even smarter." ―Dr. Katharine Brooks, You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career#1 Bestseller in Counseling & Psychology, Attention-Deficit Disorder, and Mood DisordersOvercome your unique challenges. The challenges smart and creative people encounter―from scientific researchers and genius award winners to bestselling novelists, Broadway actors, high-powered attorneys, and academics―often include anxiety, overthinking, mania, sadness, and despair. In Why Smart, Creative and Highly Sensitive People Hurt, psychology specialist and creativity coach Dr. Eric Maisel draws on his many years of work with the best and the brightest to pinpoint these often devastating challenges and offer solutions based on the groundbreaking principles and practices of natural psychology.Find meaningful success. Do you understand what meaning is, what it isn’t, and how to create it? Do you know how to organize your day around meaning investments and meaning opportunities? Are you still searching for meaning after all these years? Many smart people struggle with reaching for or maintaining success because, after all of the work they put into attaining it, it still seems meaningless. In Why Smart, Creative and Highly Sensitive People Hurt, Dr. Maisel teaches you how to stop searching for meaning and create it for yourself.In Why Smart, Creative and Highly Sensitive People Hurt, you will find:You are not alone in your struggles with living in a world that wasn't built for you or your intelligenceLogic- and creativity-based strategies to cope with having a brain that goes into overdrive at the drop of a hatQuestions that help you create your own personal roadmap to a calm and meaningful lifeReaders of true, natural self-help books for gifted people struggling with life, anxiety, and depression, like Living With Intensity, Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults, or Your Rainforest Mind, will learn how to create meaning in their lives with Why Smart, Creative and Highly Sensitive People Hurt.

  • af Kavita Kumari
    177,95 kr.

    Unique Gifts for Women is the ultimate guide to finding the perfect gift for the special women in your life. This book offers a wide range of gift ideas for women with different interests and personalities. From the bookworm to the tech-savvy woman, the animal lover to the tea lover, this guide has got you covered. With each chapter dedicated to a specific interest, readers can easily find inspiration for a unique and thoughtful gift. Whether it's a personalized item, a handcrafted piece, or a tech gadget, the book offers a variety of options to suit any budget. The book is filled with expert advice on how to choose the right gift for each woman and make it truly special. It emphasizes the importance of taking the time to understand the recipient's interests, preferences, and needs, and provides tips on how to add a personal touch to each gift. Whether you're shopping for a birthday, anniversary, or holiday, "Unique Gifts for Women" is the ultimate resource for finding the perfect gift that will make any woman feel special and loved. With this book, you'll never be at a loss for creative and unique gift ideas that will leave a lasting impression.

  • af Anna Nave
    100,95 kr.

  • - Konkrete forløb til hele klassen med fokus på højtbegavede elever
    af Rikke Christensen & Kenneth Westerberg-Christensen
    432,95 kr.

    I 1-2-3 Differentiering – MATEMATIK er der differentierede forløb om chance og sandsynlighed, konstruktion og kommunikation om polygoner og økonomi og budgetlægning. 1-2-3 bøgerne giver læreren mulighed for at gennemføre differentieret undervisning, der udfordrer alle elever i klassen gennem tre fagspecifikke forløb med tilhørende opgaver uden at skulle planlægge det hele selv.Der er højtbegavede børn på alle skoler og i alle klasser. De har altid været der, de er i vores klasser i dag, og det skal de forhåbentlig blive ved med at være. Det er ikke et særligt storbyfænomen, en fiks idé eller noget der går over. Alligevel er der på de fleste skoler begrænset viden om, hvad det vil sige at være højt begavet, hvordan eleverne identificeres, og hvad man som fagprofessionel med fordel kan være opmærksom på, så også de højtbegavede elever trives og udvikler deres talent i skolen.Fra 2024 skal højtbegavede elever identificeres, og undervisningen differentieres ud fra elevens muligheder og mestringsniveau. Med 1-2-3 differentieret undervisning får alle elever, også de højt begavede, mulighed for at arbejde med opgaver, der matcher deres faglige niveau.I 1-2-3 Differentiering – MATEMATIK er der differentierede forløb om chance og sandsynlighed, konstruktion og kommunikation om polygoner og økonomi og budgetlægning.Bøgerne 1-2-3 Differentiering er målrettet til læreren, og forløbene er målrettet mellemtrinnet og fagene dansk, matematik og engelsk. Der er tre konkrete forløb med tilhørende opgaver klar til brug. Til hvert af de tre forløb i hvert hæfte er det en skematisk oversigt for, hvad klassen samlet skal lære undervejs og mestre til sidst – en slags læringsbuffet med synlige mål for alle elevers læring.Alle 1-2-3 bøger indledes med en introduktion til, hvad et vil sige at være højt begavet, og hvordan begavelsen kan vise sig i skolen. Alle børn er unikke og har brug for at blive mødt, som de er. Alligevel er der forhold, man som lærer med fordel kan være opmærksom på, når det kommer til højtbegavede børn. Både i forhold til at forstå deres tænkning og i forhold til planlægning, organisering og gennemførelse af undervisning.

  • - Konkrete forløb til hele klassen med fokus på højtbegavede elever
    af Rikke Christensen & Stine Høj
    432,95 kr.

    I 1-2-3 Differentiering – ENGELSK er der differentierede forløb om fantasy island, early og økonomi og inventions. 1-2-3 bøgerne giver læreren mulighed for at gennemføre differentieret undervisning, der udfordrer alle elever i klassen gennem tre fagspecifikke forløb med tilhørende opgaver uden at skulle planlægge det hele selv.Der er højtbegavede børn på alle skoler og i alle klasser. De har altid været der, de er i vores klasser i dag, og det skal de forhåbentlig blive ved med at være. Det er ikke et særligt storbyfænomen, en fiks idé eller noget der går over. Alligevel er der på de fleste skoler begrænset viden om, hvad det vil sige at være højt begavet, hvordan eleverne identificeres, og hvad man som fagprofessionel med fordel kan være opmærksom på, så også de højtbegavede elever trives og udvikler deres talent i skolen.Fra 2024 skal højtbegavede elever identificeres, og undervisningen differentieres ud fra elevens muligheder og mestringsniveau. Med 1-2-3 differentieret undervisning får alle elever, også de højt begavede, mulighed for at arbejde med opgaver, der matcher deres faglige niveau.I 1-2-3 Differentiering – ENGELSK er der differentierede forløb om fantasy island, early og økonomi og inventions.Bøgerne 1-2-3 Differentiering er målrettet til læreren, og forløbene er målrettet mellemtrinnet og fagene dansk, matematik og engelsk. Der er tre konkrete forløb med tilhørende opgaver klar til brug. Til hvert af de tre forløb i hvert hæfte er det en skematisk oversigt for, hvad klassen samlet skal lære undervejs og mestre til sidst – en slags læringsbuffet med synlige mål for alle elevers læring.Alle 1-2-3 bøger indledes med en introduktion til, hvad et vil sige at være højt begavet, og hvordan begavelsen kan vise sig i skolen. Alle børn er unikke og har brug for at blive mødt, som de er. Alligevel er der forhold, man som lærer med fordel kan være opmærksom på, når det kommer til højtbegavede børn. Både i forhold til at forstå deres tænkning og i forhold til planlægning, organisering og gennemførelse af undervisning.

  • - Konkrete forløb til hele klassen med fokus på højtbegavede elever
    af Rikke Christensen
    437,95 kr.

    I 1-2-3 Differentiering – DANSK er der differentierede forløb om Gys og gru, kortfilm og et escape-room-forløb. 1-2-3 bøgerne giver læreren mulighed for at gennemføre differentieret undervisning, der udfordrer alle elever i klassen gennem tre fagspecifikke forløb med tilhørende opgaver uden at skulle planlægge det hele selv.Der er højtbegavede børn på alle skoler og i alle klasser. De har altid været der, de er i vores klasser i dag, og det skal de forhåbentlig blive ved med at være. Det er ikke et særligt storbyfænomen, en fiks idé eller noget der går over. Alligevel er der på de fleste skoler begrænset viden om, hvad det vil sige at være højt begavet, hvordan eleverne identificeres, og hvad man som fagprofessionel med fordel kan være opmærksom på, så også de højtbegavede elever trives og udvikler deres talent i skolen.Fra 2024 skal højtbegavede elever identificeres, og undervisningen differentieres ud fra elevens muligheder og mestringsniveau. Med 1-2-3 differentieret undervisning får alle elever, også de højt begavede, mulighed for at arbejde med opgaver, der matcher deres faglige niveau.I 1-2-3 Differentiering – DANSK er der differentierede forløb om Gys og gru, kortfilm og et escape-room-forløb.Bøgerne 1-2-3 Differentiering er målrettet til læreren, og forløbene er målrettet mellemtrinnet og fagene dansk, matematik og engelsk. Der er tre konkrete forløb med tilhørende opgaver klar til brug. Til hvert af de tre forløb i hvert hæfte er det en skematisk oversigt for, hvad klassen samlet skal lære undervejs og mestre til sidst – en slags læringsbuffet med synlige mål for alle elevers læring.Alle 1-2-3 bøger indledes med en introduktion til, hvad et vil sige at være højt begavet, og hvordan begavelsen kan vise sig i skolen. Alle børn er unikke og har brug for at blive mødt, som de er. Alligevel er der forhold, man som lærer med fordel kan være opmærksom på, når det kommer til højtbegavede børn. Både i forhold til at forstå deres tænkning og i forhold til planlægning, organisering og gennemførelse af undervisning.

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