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  • af Niels Krause-Kjær
    75,95 - 101,95 kr.

    "Mørkeland" er Niels Kraus-Kjærs uafhængige fortsættelse af den filmatiserede bestseller-roman "Kongekabale". Mistanke om svindel på højeste plan viser sig at trække tråde langt ind i det danske demokrati. En ung fuldmægtig i indenrigsministeriet myrdes, dagen før der udskrives folketingsvalg. Journalisten Ulrik Torp, der efter en fyringsrunde er endt på kontanthjælp, sendes af Jobcenteret i virksomhedspraktik på Dagbladet og begynder at skrive om mordet. Den unge fuldmægtig havde angiveligt fået færten af et omfattende bedrag, og sammen med en praktikant kommer Ulrik Torp på sporet af en lille kreds af tidligere politikere og topembedsmænd, der med alle midler synes parate til at forsvare samfundet mod en illiberal dagsorden styret af tweets og facebookopslag. Ligesom "Kongekabale" bevæger "Mørkeland" sig i grænselandet mellem medier og politik og beskriver aktuelle politiske dilemmaer, ligesom den trækker den faktuelle historie om Firmaet - en privat efterretningstjeneste i Danmark dannet efter Anden Verdenskrig og angiveligt lukket ned i 1960?erne - ind i en nutidig sammenhæng.

  • af Jonas Nyrup, Peter Mogensen & Michael Kristiansen
    118,95 - 235,95 kr.

    Peter Mogensen og Michael Kristiansen er ikke mindst kendt for deres ugentlige optrædener i det populære program “Tirsdagsanalysen” på TV2 News.Begge har været politisk rådgiver for en statsminister, henholdsvis Poul Nyrup Rasmussen og Anders Fogh Rasmussen, og deres indsigt i det inderste maskinrum på Christiansborg er formidabel.Nu lukker de to insidere for første gang op til hele maskinrummet, fortæller om egne erfaringer, sejre og knap så heldige øjeblikke – og giver deres personlige gennemgang af de seneste 40 år i dansk politik. Med karakteristikker af både statsministre og vigtige oppositionsledere.Mogensen og Kristiansen er ikke altid enige i deres vurderinger, og det bidrager til bogens underholdende dynamik.Fra maskinrummet er endvidere fyldt med statistik, forudsigelser, forklaringer af politiske begreber og meget mere, hvilket også gør bogen til en slags håndbog i dansk politik.Bogen er skrevet i samarbejde med forfatter og journalist Jonas Nyrup. 

  • af Gideon Rachman
    127,95 kr.

  • af Bob Woodward & Robert Costa
    215,95 - 217,95 kr.

    The transition from President Donald J. Trump to President Joseph R. Biden Jr stands as one of the most dangerous periods in American history. But as No. 1 internationally bestselling author Bob Woodward and acclaimed reporter Robert Costa reveal for the first time, it was far more than just a domestic political crisis. Woodward and Costa interviewed more than 200 people at the centre of the turmoil, resulting in over 6,000 pages of transcripts - and a spellbinding and definitive portrait of a nation on the brink. This classic study of Washington takes readers deep inside the Trump White House, the Biden White House, the 2020 campaign, and the Pentagon and Congress, with vivid eyewitness accounts of what really happened. Peril is supplemented throughout with never-before-seen material from secret orders, transcripts of confidential calls, diaries, emails, meeting notes and other personal and government records, making for an unparalleled history. It is also the first inside look at Biden's presidency as he faces the challenges of a lifetime: the continuing deadly pandemic and millions of Americans facing soul-crushing economic pain, all the while navigating a bitter and disabling partisan divide, a world rife with threats, and the hovering dark shadow of the former president. 'We have much to do in this winter of peril,' Biden declared at his inauguration, an event marked by a nerve-wracking security alert and the threat of domestic terrorism. Peril is the extraordinary story of the end of one presidency and the beginning of another, and represents the culmination of Bob Woodward's news-making trilogy on the Trump presidency, along with Fear and Rage. And it is the beginning of a collaboration with fellow Washington Post reporter Robert Costa that will remind readers of Woodward's coverage, with Carl Bernstein, of President Richard M. Nixon's final days.

  • af The January 6th Committee
    145,95 kr.

    The official report and findings of the bipartisan Congressional investigation into the January 6 attack on the Capitol, and Donald Trump's related coup conspiracies to overthrow the election, with an original foreword by attorney and Emmy-winning MSNBC anchor Ari Melber.Only the entire, authoritative House committee report can capture the full range of plots that have been exposed over time, from the violent attack on January 6 to related efforts revealed months after the insurrection. This definitive edition features: • The historic, official text of the House Committee report on the insurrection• New independent analysis of the coup conspiracy by MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber• The definitive accounting of Donald Trump's efforts to end American democracy This is the only edition of the report featuring an additional, original analysis of the coup by a journalist and lawyer at the center of the action -- Melber has interviewed top members of this Committee, Jan. 6 rally planners and other cooperating witnesses, and Trump White House veterans ranging from Steve Bannon to Peter Navarro (now indicted for defying this probe). His report documents how Trump's plots comprise a continuous coup conspiracy -- not a ?riot? that exploded in a ?single day? -- and why that factual prism is vital for accountability, justice, and preventing the next coup attempt.In chilling detail, he shows how that process might have engineered a technical effort to ?override? the election on the floor of Congress?an essential map, and warning, for those who wish to protect democracy. If warnings are ignored and there is no accountability for the plotters at the top, a failed coup may become a training exercise.This report is not only a vital document in modern American history, it can also inform efforts to protect the future of American democracy. As a matter of justice, bipartisanship, and even patriotism, this report will become essential reading for any American determined to defend our democracy.

  • - Folketingsvalget 2015
    af Kasper Møller Hansen & af Rune Stubager
    387,95 kr.

    Danskerne vælger de gamle partier fra, de beslutter sig tættere og tættere på valget, flere skifter parti, og forskellen i partivalg mellem land og by er voksende. Det politisk danmarkskort er i forandring.For at belyse disse forandringer, giver bogen et detaljeret billede af danskernes vælgeradfærd ved folketingsvalget 2015. Den går tæt på faktorer som alder, køn, uddannelse og geografi ens betydning for vælgernes kryds. Der er også fokus på økonomien, fordelingspolitikken og værdipolitikkens betydning for vælgeradfærden og på partiernes ejerskab til de politiske spørgsmål ligesom de mange partiskiftere analyseres.Desuden suppleres med vinkler som den oplevede sociale utryghed og vælgernes psykologiske risikoprofil, deres politiske tillid, samt betydningen af holdninger til velfærdstaten og indvandrere. Også valgdeltagelsen, valgkampagnen og avisernes dækning af den – ikke mindst de mange meningsmålinger – er kortlagt.Bogen bygger på et stort og grundigt datamaterialet, hvor mere end 2.000 danske vælgere, der hver har deltaget i et interview af ca. en times varighed. Samlet fremstår bogen som et svar på, hvorfor det gik, som det gik ved folketingsvalget 2015 og den tegner et billede af, hvordan dansk vælgeradfærd er i forandring.

  • af Tom Schaller
    297,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A searing portrait and damning takedown of America’s proudest citizens—who are also the least likely to defend its core principles“This is an important book that ought to be read by anyone who wants to understand politics in the perilous Age of Trump.”—David Corn, New York Times bestselling author of American PsychosisWhite rural voters hold the greatest electoral sway of any demographic group in the United States, yet rural communities suffer from poor healthcare access, failing infrastructure, and severe manufacturing and farming job losses. Rural voters believe our nation has betrayed them, and to some degree, they’re right. In White Rural Rage, Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman explore why rural Whites have failed to reap the benefits from their outsize political power and why, as a result, they are the most likely group to abandon democratic norms and traditions. Their rage—stoked daily by Republican politicians and the conservative media—now poses an existential threat to the United States.Schaller and Waldman show how vulnerable U.S. democracy has become to rural Whites who, despite legitimate grievances, are increasingly inclined to hold racist and xenophobic beliefs, to believe in conspiracy theories, to accept violence as a legitimate course of political action, and to exhibit antidemocratic tendencies. Rural White Americans’ attitude might best be described as “I love my country, but not our country,” Schaller and Waldman argue. This phenomenon is the patriot paradox of rural America: The citizens who take such pride in their patriotism are also the least likely to defend core American principles. And by stoking rural Whites’ anger rather than addressing the hard problems they face, conservative politicians and talking heads create a feedback loop of resentments that are undermining American democracy.Schaller and Waldman provocatively critique both the structures that permit rural Whites’ disproportionate influence over American governance and the prospects for creating a pluralist, inclusive democracy that delivers policy solutions that benefit rural communities. They conclude with a political reimagining that offers a better future for both rural people and the rest of America.

  • af Emilee Booth Chapman
    251,95 - 425,95 kr.

    An original defense of the unique value of voting in a democracyVoting is only one of the many ways that citizens can participate in public decision making, so why does it occupy such a central place in the democratic imagination? In Election Day, political theorist Emilee Booth Chapman provides an original answer to that question, showing precisely what is so special about how we vote in today's democracies. By presenting a holistic account of popular voting practices and where they fit into complex democratic systems, she defends popular attitudes toward voting against radical critics and offers much-needed guidance for voting reform.Elections embody a distinctive constellation of democratic values and perform essential functions in democratic communities. Election day dramatizes the nature of democracy as a collective and individual undertaking, makes equal citizenship and individual dignity concrete and transparent, and socializes citizens into their roles as equal political agents. Chapman shows that fully realizing these ends depends not only on the widespread opportunity to vote but also on consistently high levels of actual turnout, and that citizens' experiences of voting matters as much as the formal properties of a voting system. And these insights are also essential for crafting and evaluating electoral reform proposals.By rethinking what citizens experience when they go to the polls, Election Day recovers the full value of democratic voting today.

  • af Mark Bowden
    207,95 - 297,95 kr.

    "In the sixty-four days between November 3 and January 6, President Donald Trump and his allies fought to reverse the outcome of the vote. Focusing on six states--Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin-- Trump's supporters claimed widespread voter fraud. It was not a well-orchestrated matter. There was no guiding genius pulling the strings in key states for the defeated Donald Trump. In the weeks after the election, in counties and precincts all over the country, many local Republican officials and even Trump's own campaign workers washed their hands of his increasingly unhinged allegations of fraud. But there was no shortage of people willing to take up the fight. Urged on by Trump and his coterie of advocates, lawyers, and media propagandists, true believers turned on their colleagues, friends, and neighbors-- even those in their own party--to accuse them of rigging the election. The real story of the insurrection began months before Trump's mob attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. That riot was the desperate final act, emblematic of the clumsy, failed movement Trump had been building for years. It began in cities and small towns all over America on election day, November 3, 2020. Working with a team of researchers and reporters, Bowden and Teague uncover never-before-told accounts from the election officials fighting to do their jobs amid outlandish claims and threats to themselves, their colleagues, and their families. The Steal is an engaging, in-depth report on what happened during those crucial nine weeks and a portrait of the heroic individuals who did their duty and stood firm against the unprecedented, sustained attack on our election system to ensure that every legal vote was counted and the will of the people prevailed."--Provided by publisher.

  • af David Mamet
    172,95 kr.

  • af Simon Jakobs
    219,95 kr.

    Dieses essential bietet in komprimierter Form die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse zu Wahlverhalten bei Kommunalwahlen und gibt einen Einblick in die Planung und Durchführung von Wahlkämpfen. Dazu werden Wahlkampfmethoden und -maßnahmen vorgestellt, die auch mit geringen finanziellen und/oder personellen Ressourcen genutzt werden können. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt liegt auf der zielgerichteten Planung und Durchführung von Haustürwahlkämpfen. Ihnen kann gerade für Kommunalwahlen eine besondere Wirkmacht zugeschrieben werden.Der Inhalt Wahlverhalten verstehen und analysieren Kommunales Wahlverhalten kennenlernen Kommunalwahlkämpfe planen und durchführen Ein Wahlkampfteam aufbauen und entwickeln Ansprache über die sozialen Medien und an den HaustürenDie Zielgruppen Kommunalpolitiker:innen Mitarbeiter:innen in Parteiorganisationen Studierende und InteressierteDer AutorDr. Simon Jakobs ist Parteienforscher und Politikberater aus Bochum. Er bietet Seminare, Workshops sowie Beratung für Parteien, Gewerkschaften und Betriebsräte an.

  • af Silvia Bolgherini
    467,95 kr.

    While electoral participation is a traditional topic in political science, voter turnout at the local level is still largely uncharted. There are very few large-N comparative works on municipal turnout and, as a result, a lack of a comprehensive comparative picture of local electoral participation. This book aims to fill that gap by taking an innovative approach to the topic. The volume makes three major advances at the empirical, methodological and theoretical levels. Empirically, it provides a large-N comparison by covering 18 European countries and more than 70,000 municipalities. Methodologically, the book uses the multi-level congruence theory to study municipal turnout in relation to national turnout, exploring the variation between those levels. Theoretically, it bridges the two main (and often mutually exclusive) strands in the literature on local elections ¿ the lower-rank and different-kind approaches ¿ and it assesses the features and mechanisms of local voting.

  • af Jerry Spriggs
    147,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Klinger
    204,95 - 311,95 kr.

  • af Edward Segal
    317,95 kr.

    Foreword by Jules Witcover, veteran Washington correspondent, award-winning reporter, former political columnist for the Baltimore Sun, and author of 85 Days: The Last Campaign of Robert Kennedy.¿¿¿¿¿Discover the entertaining story of how campaigning by train shaped American politics, elections, journalism, and culture in Whistle-Stop Politics.¿¿¿¿Memories of the pivotal role campaign trains played in American elections fade with the passing of each generation. Also forgotten are the stories documented by the reporters who traveled with hundreds of whistle-stopping politicians, including Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan.¿¿¿The trains were the backdrop of political drama, intrigue, humor, and triumph for more than 185 years. Campaign trains were an American invention that enabled politicians to connect with as many voters as possible in the country's largest cities and smallest towns.Filled with engaging anecdotes and striking images, this book is an exciting journey back into America's political past, opening new windows into the personalities and political campaigns that shaped our history.

  • af D. Sunshine Hillygus
    393,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Anthony
    1.089,95 kr.

    In this book, leading and emerging election scholars document the steps that state and local election officials took to augment their elections during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of these changes. Written for academics, practitioners, and election laypeople, this book details what went right, what went wrong, and what we can learn from the 2020 US presidential election. The 2020 election cycle was unique in American history. Held during the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts were made at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure voters could safely access elections. These changes included providing greater access to mail/absentee voting, installing ballot drop boxes, outfitting polling places with protective equipment, and much more. Many of these changes were politicized, with Republicans and Democrats viewing these changes differently. Contributing authors address how states and localities altered their elections in light of the pandemic; poll worker motivation for working during a health crisis, and how the changes to elections were viewed by election officials; the effects of these changes on whether a citizen decided to cast a ballot, how they voted, and who they voted for; how these changes influenced evaluations of elections, how long voters waited to cast a ballot, and their confidence in the outcome of the election; and, finally, what we can learn about election administration, access, and evaluations from this historic election.

  • af Nathan Angelo
    930,95 kr.

    Reveals how presidents deploy a rhetoric that attempts to attract many racial and ethnic groups, but ultimately directs itself to an archtypal white, Middle-American swing voter.

  • af Amy Chozick
    297,95 kr.

    For nearly a decade, award-winning New York Times journalist Amy Chozick chronicled Hillary Clinton's pursuit of the presidency. Chozick's assignments, covering Clinton's imploding 2008 campaign and then her front-row seat to the 2016 election on ?The Hillary Beat,? set off a years-long journey in which the formative years of Chozick's twenties and thirties became, both personally and professionally, intrinsically intertwined with Clinton's presidential ambitions. As Clinton tried, and twice failed, to shatter ?that highest, hardest glass ceiling,? Chozick was trying, with various fits and starts, to scale the highest echelons of American journalism.In this rollicking, hilarious narrative, Chozick takes us through the high- (and low-) lights of the most noxious and dramatic presidential election in American history. Chozick's candor and clear-eyed perspective ? from her seat on the Hillary bus and reporting from inside the campaign's Brooklyn headquarters to her run-ins with Donald J. Trump ? provide fresh intrigue and insights into the story we thought we all knew. This is the real story of what happened, with the kind of dishy, inside details that repeatedly surprise and enlighten. But Chasing Hillary is also the unusually personal and moving memoir of how Chozick came to understand Clinton not as an unknowable enigma and political animal, but as a complete, complex person, full of contradictions and forged in the crucible of political battles that had long predated Chozick's years covering her. And as Chozick gets engaged, married, buys an apartment, climbs the professional ladder, and inquires about freezing her eggs so she can have children after the 2016 campaign, she dives deeper into decisions Clinton had made at similar points in her early career. In the process, Chozick develops an intimate understanding of what drives Clinton, how she accomplished what no woman had before, and why she ultimately failed. Chozick also reveals how the social fissures in the electorate that drove angry voters to Trump and blindsided Clinton would unexpectedly bring out the tensions in Chozick's own life?between the red state she came from and the blue state she ended up in, and her desire to climb in her career as a woman but be treated no differently than a man.Clinton's shocking defeat would mark the end of the almost imperial hold she'd had on Chozick for most of her professional life. But the results also make Chozick question everything she'd worked so hard for in the first place. Political journalism had failed. The elite world Chozick had tried for years to fit in with had been rebuffed. The less qualified, bombastic man had triumphed (as they always seem to do), and Clinton had retreated to the woods in Chappaqua, finally comfortable enough to just walk, no makeup, no pants suit, showing the real person Chozick had spent years hoping to see. Illuminating, poignant, laugh-out-loud funny, Chasing Hillary is a campaign book unlike any other that reads like a fast-moving political novel.

  • af Xabier E. Barandiaran
    511,95 kr.

    This Open Access book explains the philosophy, design principles, and community organization of Decidim and provides essential insights into how the platform works. Decidim is the world leading digital infrastructure for participatory democracy, built entirely and collaboratively as free software, and used by more than 500 institutions with over three million users worldwide.The platform allows any organization (government, association, university, NGO, neighbourhood, or cooperative) to support multitudinous processes of participatory democracy. In a context dominated by corporate-owned digital platforms, in the era of increasing social structuring via Artificial Intelligence, Decidim stands as a public or community owned platform for collective human intelligence. Yet, the project is much more than its technological features. Decidim is in itself a crossroad of the various dimensions of the networked society, a detailed practical map of its complexities and conflicts. Theauthors distinguish three general dimensions of the project: (1) the political - shedding light on the democratic model that Decidim promotes and its impact on public policies and organizations, (2) the technopolitical - explaining how this technology is democratically designed and managed to produce and protect certain political effects, and (3) the technical - presenting the conditions of production, operation, and success of the project.This book systematically covers those three levels in an academically sound, technologically consistent, and politically innovative manner. Serving as a useful resource and handbook for the use of Decidim, it will not only appeal to students and scholars interested in participatory and digital democracy but also to professionals, policy-makers, and a wider audience interested in learning more about the Decidim platform.This is an open access book.

  • af Daniel Payne
    152,95 kr.

    In the current political landscape, discussions have swirled around the evolution of the Republican Party under Donald Trump's reign, raising questions about the emergence of cult-like tendencies. Trump's charismatic leadership, coupled with a propensity for dogmatic assertions and a dismissive attitude towards criticism, mirrors traits common to cult figureheads. The adherence of his supporters often seems unshakeable, brushing aside actions and statements that appear to clash with their personal beliefs or the party's long-standing ethos. These observations draw a vivid picture of how cult-like behaviors can penetrate even the most foundational societal institutions, underscoring the pervasive nature of such manipulation.

  • af Walter Clark Wilson
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book analyzes both local and national House and Senate campaigns in the 2022 midterm elections to reveal how distinctive campaign dynamics have a collective national impact. Despite serious efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential race that went mostly unopposed by Republicans, the GOP is poised to gain seats, and perhaps control of Congress less than two years later. Their efforts to accomplish this feat may be explained by the biannual pattern of surging and declining partisan electorates that political scientists have long used to explain election outcomes. But in an era where global pandemic lingers, inflation hit its highest rate in two generations, Wall Street faces its first bear market in more than a decade, war among developed nations has returned to the international stage, and efforts by a former President to maintain his grip on a party that lost the 2020 popular vote by 9 million proved largely successful, the story is clearly more complicated. The2022 midterms thus arrive on the heels of unprecedented developments for democracy in America. The Roads to Congress 2022 provides an essential guide to understanding these developments, with thematic chapters authored by more than thirty experts in campaigns and elections that explore the evolving state of party politics, electoral governance, redistricting, participation and representation, and profile the key races of the season.

  • af Matthew Mills Stevenson
    217,95 kr.

    During the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections, Matthew Mills Stevenson followed the many Republican and Democratic candidates in primary states, at political conventions, and in various debates--coming away with first-hand impressions of those who would be president, including Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. He travels across New Hampshire and Iowa, hears candidates in New York, Washington D.C., and Chicago, and attends numerous political rallies. His book, however, is anything but conventional, as he writies with verve and humor about everything he sees and hears on the campaign trails. He attends one of the first Trump rallies in New Hampshire in 2015, writing: "From where I stood at the back of the room, Donald was hard to see coming into the ballroom. At first all I could make out, bobbing along the stage over the heads of the adoring cops, was his trapezoidal hair, which is the color of marmalade and turns on more angles than the track of the Daytona Speedway. That his 'do' stays in place is a marvel of Western spray technology." Also in 2015, he senses early trouble for the Hillary campaign, noting: "The reason she loses, however, is because she is playing it safe, and her campaign feels more like a coronation than an election. Even her devoted supporters can hardly muster much enthusiasm for her. I have heard more cheering for a third-grade pageant than Hillary got in two events." Of Joe Biden, in Iowa in 2020, he writes: "Unlike other candidates that I have seen over the years, Biden seems genuinely to like the American people and, in particular, his supporters. He knew personally a number of the firemen in the audience, and he talks about the issues as though you had bumped into Biden at Home Depot and asked him how he was fixed for dental insurance. He doesn't speak in Lincoln-Douglas complete sentences. Instead he riffs in fragments from memory (something of a risk, I am sure, to his staff) about the issues of the day while strolling around the stage with a mic in his hand--the Dr. Oz of the Iowa caucuses." The result is a political book that is an endless delight--for the first-hand accounts of the candidates, for the rich humor in the language, and for the insights into a system that is closer to carnival barking than Athenian democracy. This is a book you will want to share with friends.--Matthew Mills Stevenson

  • af Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
    1.049,95 kr.

    In this edited volume, renowned scholars from around the globe rethink and update important political communication concepts in the light of the most recent changes that have been occurring in media environments. In particular, the authors discuss those caused by the use of social media in politics, e.g. prevalent disinformation, populism, political polarization, etc. This collection of key texts addresses the major concerns that arise in our rapidly changing media and political environments and provides a basis for discussions on the current state of political communication research.This makes this volume a must-read for students, researchers, and scholars of political communication, interested in a better understanding of key concepts and the current state of the research in the field.

  • af Felipe Monestier
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book delves into the intricate dynamics between economic elites and the political party system in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, particularly during their democratization phases in the twentieth century. It introduces a novel framework for comprehending the diverse political strategies adopted by these countries¿ economic elites during this critical period. The central premise of this book is that the interplay between the cohesion of economic elites and the mobilization of popular sectors at specific historical junctures profoundly influences the nature of elite political involvement.While existing literature has extensively discussed the strategies employed by economic elites to safeguard their interests, this book takes a fresh approach by considering three primary configurations of relationships between economic elites and political parties. It explores cases where economic elites are the primary constituency of parties they have founded, as well as instances where upper-class interests are predominantly defended outside the party system through mechanisms such as the armed forces, pressure groups, and lobbying. Additionally, it examines scenarios where economic elites align themselves with parties boasting a polyclass constituency, exerting limited influence over these parties.This book goes beyond traditional analyses by proposing a theory that elucidates how the interaction between elite cohesion and popular sector mobilization determines the specific forms of elite political involvement. It also charts the historical sequences of this process, emphasizing the evolution of the causal relationship over time.To illustrate this theory, the book employs a comparative historical analysis, scrutinizing the three aforementioned cases to identify factors that account for the different forms of economic elite political participation. It discerns that the level of cohesion among economic elites and the degree of mobilization among popular sectorsare pivotal factors shaping elite-party relationships.

  • af Christopher Ebbe
    162,95 kr.

    Christopher Ebbe, Ph.D., has written this book to inform the public about his goals for the country if he were elected President in 2024-most importantly, to return to viewing each other as basic equals, to accept those with different views, and to compromise to solve our mutual problems. Dr. Ebbe would act in accord with true equality (the government taking the needs of each citizen as being just as important as the needs of any other citizen), and he describes ways that we can change our attitude about each other (treating each other as basic equals and with respect and courtesy rather than as foes to be vanquished). The book deals with 130 different issues including truth in politics, reforming the tax system, establishing compromise as the norm for our democracy, reducing income inequality, making elections about electing the best qualified candidate (instead of being a popularity contest), ending government borrowing, abortion, revising our immigration policy, climate change, China, and how our two-party system is not good for the country. (There will also be a website with blog and issue videos at

  • af Pavel ¿Aradín
    1.190,95 kr.

    The book aims to complement the existing research on democratic innovations mainly by making unique comparative analyses of the democratic innovations at the local level in selected European post-communist countries, i.e. the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Democratic innovations can help overcome political apathy, decreased confidence in democracy and improve efficiency of governance. We traditionally consider cities and municipalities to be cradles of democracy and connect them with deliberations on the further development of democratic theory and political practice. We therefore argue that the local level is a suitable arena and laboratory for both changes of institutional settings within the traditional model of representative democracy, and the structural changes, which concern changing relations between local representatives and citizens.

  • af Lisa Marie Simmack
    715,95 kr.

    In einer stark männlich geprägten US-amerikanischen Politik trat Hillary Clinton 2016 als erste aussichtsreiche weibliche Präsidentschaftskandidatin an. Ihr Gegenkandidat Donald Trump nahm dies zum Anlass, im Wahlkampf wiederholt mit diffamierenden, oft sexistischen Kommentaren auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Gender und konkret Hillary Clintons Feminität rückten damit in den Vordergrund des polarisierenden und feindseligen Wahlkampfes. Clinton stand in drei TV-Duellen ihrem Kontrahenten gegenüber und versuchte, die Bürger*innen von ihren Kompetenzen als Frau für das höchste politische Amt der USA zu überzeugen. Studien zu Wahlverhalten zeigen, dass die Entscheidung der Wähler*innen am Tag der Wahl nicht bloß davon abhängt, welche Argumente und Positionen die Politiker*innen in den Debatten anführen und vertreten. TV-Duelle nehmen verstärkt eine zentrale Rolle für den Ausgang der Wahlen ein. Dieses Buch analysiert den Genderaspekt (konkret Clintons Feminität) in den drei TV-Debatten und untersucht, inwiefern Clintons Weiblichkeit von Trump als Nachteil dargestellt, von Clinton selbst jedoch als Vorteil genutzt wurde, um rhetorisch zu punkten. Hierzu werden die Debatten- und Kommunikationsstrategien der beiden Politiker*innen systematisch analysiert.

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