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Myndighed: kommune, by

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  • af Andreas Granhof Juhl, Heidi Larsen, Mikala Frølich & mfl.
    317,95 kr.

    Bogen Døgninstittutioner Gentænkt tager udgangspunkt i Hvidovre Kommunes indsats med at nytænke vilkårerne for kommunens børn, unge og familier, der har brug for særlig støtte. Bogen beskriver nøje de ændringer, kommunen og særligt de to døgninstitutioner, Hvidborg og Porten, har gennemgået. Der redegøres for det teoretiske grundlag, der ligger til grund for forandringerne, som f.eks. ressourcebaseret pædagogik, løsningsfokuseret pædagogik, den narrative tilgang, positive afvigelser, mirakelspørgsmål, skalering og prøvehandlinger. Forfatterne opstiller desuden spørgsmål, der lægger op til refleksion hos læseren og som kan bruges i egen organisation. ”Noget af det, der karakteriserer udsatte børn og unge-området i 2019 er bevægelse. Dels har en række reformer fra de sidste godt 10 år (kommunalreformen fra 2007, Barnets reform fra 2011 og ungdomskriminalitetsreformen 2018/2019) sat markante aftryk på rammer og indhold for den måde, vi anbringer på i Danmark - og for det værdisæt anbringelserne er baseret på. Dels har mange af områdets aktører - fra politikere, over embedsmænd og forskere til praksisfolk udvist stor opfindsomhed i bestræbelserne på både at forandre vilkårene for udsatte børn og unge og at udnytte ressourcerne mest effektivt. Nu foreligger der en bog fra Hvidovre Kommune, som handler om en gentænkning af døgnanbringelsesindsatsen på de to døgninstitutioner, Hvidovre og Porten for hhv. børn og unge.” Fra efterskriftet af Henrik Kaustrup, konsulent i FADD - foreningen af døgn- og dagtilbud for udsatte børn og unge.

  • - Når steder og mennesker skaber forandring og udvikling
    af Eskild Hansen & Bjarne E. Jensen
    247,95 kr.

    Et godt lokalt erhvervsklima er afgørende for vækst i et område. Lokal udvikling skal ledes aktivt og kompetent og i tæt samarbejde med dem, der har ressourcerne, både på rådhuset, i de private virksomheder og ude hos borgerne.Med afsæt i fortællinger fra en lang række kommunale topledere om, hvad der sker bag kulisserne og mellem de mennesker, som skaber forandringer, jobs og ny vækst, giver bogen bud på, hvordan vi aktivt kan styrke erhvervsudviklingen i Danmark.Lokal vækst bygger på en helhedstænkning, hvor de bløde og de hårde konkurrencefaktorer går hånd i hånd – hvor udvikling af menneskelige ressourcer, inklusion, livskvalitet og bæredygtighed understøtter teknologi og eksport og skaber vækst.

  • af Charlotte Hastings
    200,95 kr.

    In a world where public trust is hard-won and easily lost, "The Agile Government: Blueprint for Modern Public Administration" by Charlotte Hastings emerges as a vital guide for transforming public administration through agility and innovation. This book not only demystifies agile methodologies for government settings but also provides a practical roadmap for implementing change that leads to more efficient, transparent, and citizen-centered governance. Whether you're a public sector leader, policymaker, or practitioner, Charlotte Hastings offers the tools, insights, and inspiration needed to navigate the complexities of modern governance. Embrace this opportunity to redefine public service for the digital age and build a government that's truly by the people, for the people.

  • af Fernanda Da Rosa Becker
    315,95 kr.

    Is there an impact of municipal spending on education on the proficiency of students in Brazil's municipal school systems? A detailed analysis of municipal data and standardized proficiency tests assesses the extent to which greater public spending on education translates into better quality teaching. What is shown is that increasing the volume of resources is not synonymous with gains in proficiency. More than resources, what is needed is good management, both in the secretariats and in the schools.

  • af New York (N Y Board of Aldermen
    356,95 - 517,95 kr.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    641,95 kr.

    "Africa: A Caged Continent" by Professor John C. Mupala is a profound exploration of Africa's history, unraveling the intricate chains that have confined the continent. From the colonial legacies and broken promises of independence to the economic exploitation and cultural distortions, the book navigates through the complexities of Africa's past. It delves into grassroots movements, civil society dynamics, and the paradoxes of leadership, examining the continent's struggle for genuine autonomy. The narrative extends to the contemporary neo-colonial web, exploring external influences and the challenges of navigating a globalized world. With a reflective gaze on broken promises and a quest for genuine independence, the book culminates in an optimistic call for liberation, urging Africa to reclaim its agency and chart a future defined by autonomy, dignity, and true self-determination.

  • af Kevin Flynn
    92,95 kr.

    The true story of a teenage killer and the silence of a small New England town. For twenty years Daniel Paquette's murder in New Hampshire went unsolved. It remained a secret between two high school friends until Eric Windhurst's arrest in 2005. What was revealed was a crime born of adolescent passion between Eric and Daniel's stepdaughter, Melanie- redefining the meaning of loyalty, justice, and revenge.

  • af Boubacar Diakhate
    622,95 kr.

    This book is an attempt to review the jobs available in Senegal's local authorities, at a time when this subject is not really on the agenda. However, the diversity and wealth of potential jobs in the local and regional sector make it more relevant than ever, in a social context of poverty and youth unemployment. It's a directory of territorial professions that can be used as an information guide, but also as an orientation tool for municipal workers themselves, as well as for students and job seekers.

  • af Mbanguna Afambinanyi Junior
    457,95 kr.

    The deplorable security situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues to sadden us on a daily basis, with the blood of our fellow citizens and compatriots - sisters, brothers, children, fathers and mothers - being spilled as a result of armed conflict for many years, despite all the local, regional and international strategies and solutions proposed. Since 2012, the month of April 04 marking the start of these armed conflicts that have sharply reduced the demography of our beloved nation following the daily slaughter of our compatriots, we have come out of our silence to denounce and express our concern and disappointment at this melancholy situation preventing peace, development and the well-being of this large part of the country and our compatriots. Since 2012, millions of Congolese souls have been lost, while relatives and the country mourn the loss of those who would have contributed to the development of their families and country. Not having the power to give a concrete and immediate solution to this almost eternal slaughter, the author brings his share of solution.

  • af Luis Alberto Martinez
    622,95 kr.

    O trabalho do dr. Martínez é uma obra extremamente interessante que merece ser conhecida pelos profissionais e estudantes de Direito, bem como pelo público em geral, uma vez que aborda, de forma didática, aspectos que, embora estejam contemplados na Constituição Nacional, são pouco conhecidos do público e, em geral, as noções que têm são confusas; Assim, o livro aborda considerações sobre questões como as emendas e reformas à Constituição, bem como a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte, que normalmente são objeto de consulta e aprovação eleitoral, mas cujo objetivo raramente é claro. Da mesma forma, o livro aborda os diferentes tipos de referendos como mecanismos de participação e protagonismo do povo no exercício da sua soberania e em aspectos vitais para as questões que incidem sobre vários aspectos dos assuntos nacionais, estaduais e municipais, em áreas que incluem questões relacionadas com mandatos populares, bem como a aprovação ou revogação de leis e tratados internacionais.

  • af Nelson W. Wolff
    242,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Britta Gaedecke
    252,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Alameen Abdulkadir
    467,95 kr.

    THE BOOKPolicymakers, policy analysts, researchers and students in the field of public policy have shown interest in the development of Kwara State in the post O-to-ge Revolution Era. This interest is not unconnected with the high expectation of countless citizens who have hitherto believed that previous hegemony in the state which spans four decades was more or less continuity than progress. However, with the change of leadership baton, the above basicity placed Abdulrazaq¿s administration under the lens board of Kwara citizens and keen observers of its governmentality. The author having observed that most of the analysis and assessment only formed the crux of media discourse and street-side commentaries without proper documentation, decided to come up with this book to serve as a précis and blow-by-blow account of the policy reforms and achievements of the Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq¿s Administration. The book demonstrates that the administration has its shortfalls, however, a core set of good policies, such as; macroeconomic discipline, infrastructure and human resource development, merits replication in the civil service laid the foundation for Kwara reform successes.

  • af Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
    152,95 kr.

    "The Case for Banning Pit-Bull Dogs: A Comprehensive Analysis for Politicians" is a provocative and detailed examination of the debate surrounding pit-bull dogs and the consideration of breed-specific legislation. Aimed primarily at policymakers, this book presents an in-depth analysis of the arguments for banning pit-bull breeds, including statistical data, historical perspectives, and policy evaluations.The book begins with an exploration of the history and characteristics of pit-bull breeds, tracing their origins and the evolution of public perception towards these dogs. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key issues at the heart of the debate, including public safety concerns, behavioral characteristics of pit-bull breeds, and patterns of dog-related incidents and attacks.Each chapter delves into different aspects of the controversy. The book examines the statistical evidence related to pit-bull attacks and fatalities, comparing these figures with other dog breeds to provide a contextual understanding of the risks. It also addresses the role of ownership, breeding practices, and the potential impact of these dogs on public health and safety.A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the legal and ethical considerations of breed-specific legislation. It explores the effectiveness of existing laws aimed at regulating or banning pit-bull dogs in various jurisdictions, along with the challenges and implications of enforcement. The author discusses alternative approaches to dog regulation and the potential consequences of a ban on pit-bull breeds for owners, shelters, and the broader community."The Case for Banning Pit-Bull Dogs" also critically examines the broader societal implications of such legislation, including its impact on responsible dog ownership, animal rights, and the stigmatization of specific breeds. The book provides a balanced view of the arguments from both proponents and opponents of breed-specific legislation.Intended for policymakers, legislators, and public safety officials, this book offers a comprehensive resource for understanding the complexities of the pit-bull debate. It aims to inform policy decisions with a thorough analysis of the data, legal precedents, and societal impacts surrounding the contentious issue of pit-bull dogs.

  • af Ana Gabriela Santana Do Nascimento
    567,95 kr.

    The development of a State foreign policy, carried out by Itamaraty, has promoted the construction of a solid image of the Brazilian people in the international arena, giving continuity to the fundamental principles of foreign policy mentioned above. Unlike other neighboring countries, which have opted to develop a government foreign policy. This implies that when there is a change from one mandate to another, it is not the national interest that prevails, but the interest of the incoming government, hindering a continuous development of foreign policy.

  • af Karl Hess
    248,95 - 346,95 kr.

  • af Clinton Rogers Woodruff
    282,95 - 392,95 kr.

  • af Shaw Albert
    157,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Charles Marvin Fassett
    197,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Dan Chen
    409,95 - 930,95 kr.

  • af Dieudonné Musibono Eyul¿Anki
    438,95 kr.

    Since the fall of the Berlin wall on the 9th/11/ 1989, the world leadership was assumed by the western block of countries behind the USA and NATO. The unique leader overused its power and behaves as a free electron, imposing his vision and policy. Wars and other armed conflicts were spread worldwide using lies. Africa becomes the land of new weapons testing. Behind each armed conflict are hidden the economic drivers of one or more industrialized countries. The highest command of the world guidance belongs to the USA and allies. The end of the cold war brought back the extrem imperialism based on predation, dominating power, the instinct of superiority and enhanced selfishness. All world wealth belongs to us and the other countries should remain poor, especially those countries supplying rwa materials. Proxy wars are very common such as the Ukraine-Russia war and the Rwanda backed 23 invasion of the DR Congo, etc. Under each war is hidden at least one superpower or G7 country. Human life is valueless and can be destroyed for the power economic interests.

  • af Dominic Hames
    352,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • af Ana Marín Sánchez
    567,95 kr.

    The Public Administration is in charge of distributing public money, investing in products and services necessary to satisfy the needs of society. To this end, bidding processes are launched, through which the State "chooses" (based on a series of characteristics and conditions set forth in the bidding documents) the person(s) or company(ies) suitable to carry out the service, the work, or the product that most closely meets the State's demand. As mentioned above, the bidding documents contain the basic characteristics that the purchase or contract must have in order to be awarded. Therefore, what is proposed in the manuscript is the implementation of a type of bidding process that, in addition to meeting the needs to be satisfied, takes into account environmental protection characteristics and rewards innovation and sustainability of the product or service contracted.

  • af Michael Anderson Gerena Romero
    532,95 kr.

    Currently there are more economical alternatives to replace fossil fuels used by land vehicles, which can help reduce emissions of polluting gases. As Cynthia Marín (2015) explains, options such as electricity, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), LPG (Liquefied Gases at Ambient Temperature) or biofuels are options that in the medium and long term could replace the consumption of fossil fuels in the transportation sector, thus reducing GHG emissions. Regarding the use of LPG as an alternative fuel in land transportation, it is documented that since the 20th century its use has become widespread in countries such as Italy, Algeria, Turkey, Poland, China, India, Australia, Spain, and others. By 2015 the total number of vehicles in the world that were mobilized with LPG amounted to 15,000,000.

  • af Paulina Astroza Suarez
    392,95 kr.

    The book is the result of a collective research work between the members of the team of the project "Over the Atlantic" (co-founded by the Erasmus + programme). A critical introduction presents the work, the content and the scope of the research, carried out with an interdisciplinary approach.This book consists of three main parts. The first discusses the institutionalization and normalization of paradiplomacy in some specific and well-documented case studies regarding the Latin America region. The second one refers to the relationship between paradiplomacy and cooperation in the context of international and regional relations. The third part analyses Cities and Parliaments as international diplomatic actors.The theme of Paradiplomacy, as a means of unofficial relationships that reacts differently to the pressure of the international system, and the role of the local authorities, despite its relevance and importance, is scarcely analysed by academia.

    1.072,95 kr.

    This book provides an overview of the rapid development Beijing has seen in a wide range of areas in 2019, both within itself and as an integral part of a larger region, as Chinäs economic development continues to improve in overall quality and regional coordination. General reports on the progress Beijing made and problems it faced in 2019 in improving its economy, public services, municipal and community governance, urban planning, and funding for innovations are followed by case studies that look at best practices and how they can be applied toward promoting coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.This book is a valuable reference for anyone trying to gain a better understanding of the what, how, and why with regard to one of the world¿s fastest growing mega-cities.

  • af Francisco Santibáñez Soto
    867,95 kr.

    The book allows to know in detail the mechanisms of accountability in the Municipalities of Región de Los Lagos, Chile. Particularly focused on the public accounts of the year 2019, whose purpose is to inform the community about the results of the management of Local Governments, the analysis emphasizes on variables of Citizen Participation, Digital Coverage, Territorial Coverage and the language used in the process.

  • af New York (N Y Board of Aldermen
    562,95 kr.

  • af New York (N Y Board of Aldermen
    562,95 kr.

  • af James Parton
    157,95 - 327,95 kr.

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