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Ureglementerede styrker og krigsførelse

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  • af Anders Puck Nielsen & Kasper Junge Wester
    217,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Hvor lang er en forsyningslinje? Hvad er en black hat?Siden Ruslands invasion af Ukraine i februar 2021 har søofficer og militæranalytiker Anders Puck Nielsen slået sit navn fast i den danske offentlighed. Med stor erfaring, konkret viden og særlige formidlingsegenskaber klæder han dagligt danskerne på til at forstå en ny, kompleks virkelighed, der indbefatter ufred i Europa – og en fremtid, hvor ingen længere kan lade, som om kunsten at føre krig hører til i en en anden tidsalder.I denne veloplagte bog, der er skrevet i samarbejde med forsvarsjournalist og tidligere overkonstabel Kasper Wester, giver Anders Puck Nielsen en introduktion til krig anno 2022, hvor alle kan være med. Gennem konkrete eksempler får læseren indblik i krigens domæner – til lands, vil vands, i luften, i rummet og på nettet. Læseren bliver også klogere på moderne begreber som oprørskrig, informationskrig og atomkrig. Og ikke mindst den krig, alle frygter, nemlig en 3. verdenskrig.Uden at være dommedagsprofet forsøger Anders Puck Nielsen med sin bog at udbrede menigmands kendskab til krig. Som Anders Puck Nielsen slår fast i bogen: Det stærkeste våben mod krig er viden.

  • af Anne Wolden-Ræthinge
    347,95 kr.

    "Vi kender dem ikke. Under Besættelsen udgjorde de et hemmeligt broderskab. Bortset fra ganske få, som på den ene eller den anden måde har stukket hovederne frem, er de lige så anonyme som dengang anonymiteten var dødsens nødvendig. Naboen, vennen, arbejdskammeraten, kollegaen, nevøen, niecen, ja måske selv kone og børn vidste ikke, hvem de var. Og ved det ikke den dag i dag. Inden i sig smækkede de en skuffe i. Fem år af deres liv. For de allerfleste den mest afgørende epoke i deres tilværelse. De unge år, hvor indtryk er førstegangs og stærke, hvor idealer endnu er i behold, hvor verden fremstår sort/hvidt: sorte tysker, hvide allierede."I 1980’erne udtalte elleve modstandsmænd sig eksklusivt til Ninka om de mest definerende år af deres liv i forbindelse med tv-serien "Modstand 1940-45" på TV2. Disse interviews er samlet i "Om lidt er de borte" – og borte er de virkelig, men det arbejde, de udførte under krigen, vil aldrig blive glemt takket være denne bog.Anne Wolden-Ræthinge, også kendt som Ninka (1929-2016) var en dansk journalist og forfatter, der blandt andet udmærkede sig ved sine dybdegående portrætter og interviews af alt fra revykonger til royale, skuespillere til erhvervsfolk. I 1974 vandt Ninka den hæderkronede Cavlingpris for sine mange interviews.

  • af Morten Thing
    97,95 kr.

    Jeg er vokset op med en jødisk mor og en selvfølgelig positiv holdning til Israel. Selvfølgelig tog jeg på kibbutzophold, da jeg var 20. Efter1967 gik det op for mig, at Israel var blevet til ved, at jøderne havde fordrevet landets indbyggere, palæstinenserne. At forstå det medførteen enorm skam i mit sind. Men da det gik op for mig, at der fandtes en jødisk fascisme, som havdeværet helt afgørende for fordrivelsen, var det endnu hårdere. Og at indse, at hele konstruktionen af den jødiske stat hvilede på racisme, den opfattelse, at ikke blot palæstinenserne, men også de arabiske jøder, stod på et lavere civilisationstrin end os europæiske jøder, var et bjerg at komme over.Morten Thing, kulturhistoriker, født 1945 er forfatter til bøger om bl.a. jødisk historie: Næste år i Jerusalem, 1999; Forsøg til en lille personlig jødisk ordbog, 2000; Den historiskejøde. Essays & ordbog, 2001; Anti. Begreberne antikommunisme– antisemitisme og deres historie, 2003; Jiddish bogfortegnelse, Jiddish tryk i Danmark, 2004; Alfred Nossig– en mærkelig mand. Et essay om jødisk modernitet, 2006; Jiddishland i København. Den jødiske indvandring 1905-14,2005; De russiske jøder i København 1882-1943, 2008; Min mors historie, 2009; Jiddish teater i København 1906-56,2012; Jyllands-Posten, diktaturet, krystalnatten og jøderne,2013; Antisemitismens bibel. Historien om smæde skriftet Zions Vises Protokoller, 2014; Min jødiske familie. En indvandringshistorie,2021.

  • af Morten Thing
    147,95 kr.

    Hadet til jøderne er en gammel historie. historien begynder i 300-talet med at den kristne religion vil være den dominerende. Den udvikler sig til mange forestillinger om jøder, fx at de bruger blod fra kristne drenge til deres usyrede brød. i 1880erne bliver hadet udvidet fra athandle om jøders religion (antijudaisme) til at handle om jøder som sådan. Det bliver til en racisme som får navnet antisemitisme. Den udvikling fuldbyrdes med holocaust eller drabet på op imod 6 millioner jøder under anden verdenskrig.I 1948 erobrer jøder en stor del af Palæstina og får deres egen stat. De ville afskaffe antisemitismen. Men det ser ud til, at den er i fremvækst. hvad er der sket?

  • af Kate Fleron
    213,95 kr.

    Den danske modstandskvinde Kate Fleron har i denne bog fra 1945 samlet en række spændende beretninger om danske kvinder, der på den ene eller anden måde deltog aktivt i modstandskampen under besættelsen. Hun lader de pågældende kvinder få ordet, og bogen giver dermed et enestående indblik i, hvad der egentlig skete i Danmark under besættelsen. Kate Fleron beskriver de konkrete aktioner, som kvinder risikerede livet i, og beretter om de kvinder, der skred til handling, efter deres mand, bror eller søn var blevet henrettet af tyskerne, og som stolt satte livet på spil for den sag, deres kære havde givet livet for."Kvinder i modstandskampen" er både saglig og bevægende og er således et vigtigt dokumentarisk bidrag til belysning af et kapitel af besættelseshistorien, som i den grad fortjener mere opmærksomhed.Kate Fleron (1909-2006) var dansk modstandskvinde, journalist og forfatter. Hun spillede en vigtig rolle under besættelsen, hvor hun var en del af modstandsorganisationen "Frit Danmark", hvis blad hun senere blev redaktør på. Efter krigens afslutning fik hun sæde i Frihedsbevægelsens Samråd, som i sommeren 1945 afløste Danmarks Frihedsråd, og i 1972 modtog hun PH-prisen for sit store bidrag til dansk kultur- og åndsliv. Kate Fleron udgav blandt andet debatbøger, romaner og artikler om aktuelle politiske forhold.

  • af Eduardo Galeano
    137,95 kr.

    ... Der er megen råddenskab, som skal druknes på havets bund under genopbygningen af Latinamerika. De udplyndrede, de ydmygede, de fordømte er dem, der skal løse denne opgave. Det latinamerikanske problem er frem for noget et socialt problem. For at Latinamerika kan fødes på ny, må man begynde med at styrte dets herskere, land for land. Tiden til oprør og ændringer er nær. Der er dem, som tror, at skæbnen hviler i gudernes skød, men sandheden er, at den som en brændende udfordring arbejder i menneskets bevidsthed... Eduardo Galeano (1940 – 2015) regnes som en af Latinamerikas store forfattere og venstrefløjsprofiler. Især kendt for Latinamerikas Åreladning og trilogien: Ildens erindring. Latinamerika Åreladning blev udgivet i 1971. Bogen læses stadig for sin analyse af den globale ulighed – og sit blomstrende sprog. Bogen er historien om Amerika fra den europæiske erobring til det nutidige Latinamerika, og beskriver virkningerne af Europa og senere USA’s økonomiske udnyttelse og politiske dominans over regionen.

  • af Special Operations Research Office
    397,95 - 459,95 kr.

  • af Special Operations Research Office
    204,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Max Hastings
    267,95 kr.

    Vietnam became the Western world's most divisive modern conflict, precipitating a battlefield humiliation for France in 1954, then a vastly greater one for the United States in 1975. Max Hastings has spent the past three years interviewing scores of participants on both sides, as well as researching a multitude of American and Vietnamese documents and memoirs, to create an epic narrative of an epic struggle. He portrays the set pieces of Dienbienphu, the 1968 Tet offensive, the air blitz of North Vietnam, and much less familiar miniatures such as the bloodbath at Daido?where a US Marine battalion was almost wiped out?together with extraordinary recollections of Ho Chi Minh's warriors. Here are the vivid realities of strife amid jungle and paddies that killed two million people. Many writers treat the war as a US tragedy, yet Hastings sees it overwhelmingly as one for the Vietnamese people, of whom forty died for every American. US blunders and atrocities were matched by those committed by their enemies. While all the world has seen the image of a screaming, naked girl seared by napalm, it forgets countless eviscerations, beheadings, and murders carried out by the communists. The people of both former Vietnams paid a bitter price for the Northerners' victory in privation and oppression. Here we are given testimony from Vietcong guerrillas, Southern paratroopers, Saigon bar girls, and Hanoi students alongside that of infantrymen from South Dakota, Marines from North Carolina, and Huey pilots from Arkansas. No past volume has blended a political and military narrative of the entire conflict with heart-stopping personal experiences in the fashion that Hastings's readers know so well. The author suggests that neither side deserved to win this struggle, and presents many lessons for the twenty-first century about the misuse of military might to confront intractable political and cultural challenges. In Vietnam, Hastings marshals testimony from warlords and peasants, statesmen and soldiers, to create an extraordinary record.

  • af Ian McPhedran
    187,95 kr.

    Brothers-in-arms - SAS bonds can never be broken 'Jones knew the score with "deniable" operations that were sanctioned secretly at the highest levels. If they turned to custard and the cover was blown, the powers-that-be would simply deny everything and disown all involved, from the military down to the spooks and, at the bottom of the food chain, Hired guns like him.' What happens to the elite, close-knit soldiers of Australia's Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment after they leave the Who Dares Wins world of special forces? For some, there are highly paid jobs in the world's war zones and trouble spots protecting global corporations from terrorism, sabotage and violence. Others become powerful government advisers, many join foreign armies to train their special forces and expand the global botherhood. Most risky of all is the shadowy world of deniable 'black ops'. Guarding a deadly secret military cargo - a new missle system brokered through a spook under the guise of a Middle Eastern arms dealer - is all in a day's work. these are the risky yet vital jobs that governments will never admit. From Iraq and Afghanistan to Africa and Asia, award-winning defence writer Ian McPhedran uncovers a virtually unknown network and tells how Australia's top soldiers are forever linked in a seemingly borderless world.

  • af John M Feehan
    227,95 kr.

    The story of Sands, who was elected a member of Parliament while imprisoned by the British government and died after a sixty-six day hunger strike; a background to the crisis of Northern Ireland.

  • af Bill Maier
    257,95 kr.

    A BOY AT WAR is complete and its 106,000 words reveal the tedium of war and its many episodes of random, chaotic violence. The 120 Marines of my company formed the point of the spear of a 24-hour standoff with the North Vietnamese Army, called Operation Badger Catch, during the TET offensive of 1968. Thirty-two Lima Company Marines died that day and the image of the mountain of 100+ dead uniformed North Vietnamese left behind after the battle still haunts me. Interwoven are chapters about my clinical counseling with over one thousand combat veterans.

  • af Bureau of Aeronautics U S Navy 1943
    287,95 - 442,95 kr.

  • af Al Hernandez
    197,95 kr.

  • af Maurice Buckmaster
    187,95 kr.

    They Fought Alone, first published in 1958, is the story of the British SOE (Special Operations Executive) in France, written by Colonel Maurice James Buckmaster (1902-1992), the head of the SOE French Section. The SOE was formed in 1940 to conduct espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance missions in occupied Europe during World War II. Included are accounts of the heroic men and women who worked quietly and often alone behind enemy lines to carry out resistance operations against the Nazis, serving to speed the Allied advance following D-Day.

  • af Aaron (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Edwards
    125,95 kr.

    In this fully illustrated introduction, acclaimed historian Dr Aaron Edwards provides a concise overview of one of the most difficult and controversial actions in recent history.Spanning 38 years of the 'Troubles', the British Army's deployment in Northern Ireland (codenamed Operation Banner) was one of the most difficult and controversial in its recent history. Over 10,000 troops were on active service during much of the campaign, which saw armoured vehicles, helicopters and special forces deployed onto the streets of Ulster. In this book, Dr Aaron Edwards considers the strategic, operational and tactical aspects of Operation Banner, as the Army's military objectives morphed from high-profile peacekeeping into a covert war against the IRA. Using personal testimony from both sides of the sectarian divide, as well as insights from the soldiers themselves, he presents an authoritative introduction to the Army's role in the Troubles, providing expert analysis of Operation Banner's successes and failures.Updated and revised for the new edition, with full-colour maps and 50 new images, this is an accessible introduction to the complicated yet fascinating history of modern Britain's longest military campaign.

  • af Robert Alcorn
    147,95 kr.

    No Bugles for Spies chronicles the formation and important missions of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. The OSS, created in 1942, was the first centralized agency of United States for both the civilian and military intelligence community. The mission of the OSS was to collect foreign intelligence and to sabotage enemy war efforts. Maintaining espionage, analysis, and research forces, the OSS acted as a clearinghouse for information gathered from human and signals intelligence sources. At its peak, the agency employed 13,000 men and women.Before World War II and the formation of the OSS, the United States employed only small, select intelligence forces within the military. The Army had the Signals Intelligence Service, a surveillance and cryptanalysis force, and the Navy had its own intelligence service. Despite the recognition by national leaders that peacetime intelligence was a strategic necessity, the War Department's G-2 Intelligence Division was ill-equipped to analyze and disseminate the intelligence information it received from military operations.The outbreak of World War II in Europe prompted President Franklin D. Roosevelt to press for a more centralized and capable national intelligence service. In 1941, with the aid of representatives from the British intelligence community, Roosevelt and his advisors drafted a plan for the creation of a new United States intelligence organization. William J. Donovan was appointed as the first director of the OSS. Following the war, the OSS was disbanded, but, in the face of growing Cold War-threats, the Central Intelligence Agency was formed a short-time later.This edition includes a new Preface by Steve Chadde and photographs illustrating the activities of the OSS.

  • af Gregory Fremont-Barnes
    147,95 kr.

    A fully illustrated overview of the USSR's bloody conflict in Afghanistan and its long legacy.The Soviet invasion of its neighbour Afghanistan in December 1979 sparked a nine-year conflict until Soviet forces withdrew in 1988-89, dooming the communist Afghanistan government to defeat at the hands of the mujahideen, the Afghan popular resistance backed by the USA and other powers. Gregory Fremont-Barnes reveals how the Soviet invasion had enormous implications on the global stage; it prompted the US Senate to refuse to ratify the hard-won SALT II arms-limitation treaty, and the USA and 64 other countries boycotted the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics. For Afghanistan, the invasion served to prolong the interminable civil war that pitted central government against the regions and faction against faction. Updated and revised for the new edition, with full-colour maps and new images throughout, this succinct account explains the origins, events and consequences of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, shedding new light on the more recent history - and prospects - of that troubled country.

  • af Bill Yenne
    245,95 kr.

    A remarkable collection of accounts of intrepid American aircrew shot down over enemy lines during World War II and how they got away. To be an airman in the Eighth Air Force flying over the war-torn skies of Europe required skill, tenacity, and luck. Those who were shot down and evaded capture needed all of that and more if they were to make it back to friendly lines. These are their stories. Each is compiled from the original intelligence debrief written by the pilots or aircrew themselves. Bill Yenne details how a spider web of escape routes sprang up, created by the local Résistance. Downed airmen were clothed, given false papers, and hidden so they could be smuggled back to England. These efforts were then supplemented by Allied intelligence agents. But the risks remained the same. Capture could mean death. Their accounts are sometimes funny, often heartbreaking. P-47 pilot Joel McPherson feigned appendicitis and was able to escape from the local German military hospital - after he had his appendix removed. He spent weeks operating as a getaway driver for a Maquis bank robber gang before making it into neutral Spain. Bomber crewmen Fred Hartung and Norman Therrien found refuge at a French château, but later nearly froze to death crossing the icy Pyrenees with the Gestapo on their trail. The accounts of these men and others from the Mighty Eighth make this a story of defiance, foolhardiness, and bravery against the odds.

  • af Mark (New York University Galeotti
    147,95 kr.

    Written by a leading expert on modern Russia, this is an illustrated introduction to the bitter campaigns in Chechnya.In this new edition of his popular 2014 work, Mark Galeotti traces the progress of the wars in Chechnya, from the initial Russian advance through to urban battles such as Grozny, and the prolonged guerrilla warfare in the mountainous regions. Bringing the book up to date, including a revised introduction and new content on the Kadyrovtsy's role in Russia's other conflicts, Galeotti assesses how the wars have torn apart the fabric of Chechen society and their impact on Russia itself.Featuring full-colour maps and 50 new images, and drawing upon a wide range of sources, this succinct account explains the origins, history and consequences of Russia's wars in Chechnya, shedding new light on the history - and prospects - of the troubled region.

  • af Nigel Thomas
    125,95 kr.

    Featuring rare photos, detailed colour illustrations and insignia tables, this study explores the contribution made by Czech and Slovak troops fighting alongside Allied forces during World War II. Following the Anglo-French failure at the Munich Conference in March 1938 to prevent a Nazi take-over of Bohemia-Moravia (modern Czech Republic/Czechia), many frustrated Czech and Slovak soldiers sided with Allied forces and fought alongside their armies - first in Poland, then in France, and finally from Britain. Using depictions of relevant uniforms and equipment plus photos of the troops in action, military uniformology expert Nigel Thomas explains how the Czech Army was organized and how it fought alongside Allied forces in the Middle East and at Normandy. He describes the involvement of free Czech agents operating from Britain in Operation Anthropoid, the assassination of Nazi governor Reinhard Heydrich in occupied Bohemia-Moravia, and the part Czech soldiers played in mutinies in both Italy and Prague against German occupation which ultimately helped to secure a final Allied victory.

  • af Chris McNab
    145,95 kr.

    An illustrated study of how coalition armor in Iraq in 2003-06 handled a unique multi-threat environment, from enemy armor to IEDs.On 20 March 2003, Coalition forces launched the invasion of Iraq on a massive scale. Their armored fighting vehicles (AFVs) faced an uncertain level of resistance, and soon had to overcome a wide range of enemy threats. These included tank vs tank clashes during the first days of the invasion (most famously at Basra and Mahmoudiyah), and subsequently the dangers posed by enemy rocket-propelled grenades, cannon fire, antitank guided missiles, and improvised explosive devices.This vital new study covers both the opening clashes between opposing AVFs and the tactics developed by Iraqi insurgents seeking to neutralize Coalition superiority. Featuring full color photos, battle scenes, weaponry, and tactical illustrations, it draws upon first-hand accounts and official post-battle analyses to examine how Coalition forces responded to the change in the nature of the threats. Among the topics addressed are the coordination between Coalition infantry and air power; how dealing with roadside bombs in Iraq resulted in changes to equipment, tactics, and force structure; and the lessons learned for future warfare.

  • - Øjenvidneberetninger fra det besatte Palæstina
    af Asbjørn Nielsen (red)
    165,95 kr.

    I 2002 rasede den anden intifada på den besatte Vestbred, i Gaza og resten af det israelsk besatte Palæstina. I skyerne fra tåregas og lyden af kampvogne og skud mødtes en gruppe internationale aktivister. De var rejst dertil fra hele verden for at bære vidnesbyrd om palæstinensernes kamp og dokumentere Israels overgreb. Mødet blev begyndelsen på netværket International Solidarity Movement (ISM), der nu i 2022 har fungeret i tyve år. Den danske del af ISM går under navnet Palæstina Fredsvagter og har gennem tiden faciliteret hundredvis af frivilliges rejse til Palæstina, så de med egne øjne kunne bevidne konsekvenserne af israelsk besættelsen og støtte op om kampen for et frit Palæstina. Vi har her samlet beretninger fra flere end 30 forskellige fredsvagter, unge som gamle, der alle for altid er berørte af deres oplevelser i Palæstina. Vi håber, at deres vidnesbyrd vil tjene til inspiration for fremtidige generationer og bidrage til en voksende støtte for landet, der strækker sig fra floden til havet.

  • af Claudio Blanc
    227,95 kr.

  • af Ben Braber
    386,95 kr.

    This book aims to increase our knowledge and deepen the understanding of Jewish resistance to the Holocaust by examining personal circumstances and characteristics of Jewish resistance members and the formation of small Jewish resistance groups.

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