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Luftvåben og luftkrigsførelse

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  • af Anders Puck Nielsen & Kasper Junge Wester
    217,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Hvor lang er en forsyningslinje? Hvad er en black hat?Siden Ruslands invasion af Ukraine i februar 2021 har søofficer og militæranalytiker Anders Puck Nielsen slået sit navn fast i den danske offentlighed. Med stor erfaring, konkret viden og særlige formidlingsegenskaber klæder han dagligt danskerne på til at forstå en ny, kompleks virkelighed, der indbefatter ufred i Europa – og en fremtid, hvor ingen længere kan lade, som om kunsten at føre krig hører til i en en anden tidsalder.I denne veloplagte bog, der er skrevet i samarbejde med forsvarsjournalist og tidligere overkonstabel Kasper Wester, giver Anders Puck Nielsen en introduktion til krig anno 2022, hvor alle kan være med. Gennem konkrete eksempler får læseren indblik i krigens domæner – til lands, vil vands, i luften, i rummet og på nettet. Læseren bliver også klogere på moderne begreber som oprørskrig, informationskrig og atomkrig. Og ikke mindst den krig, alle frygter, nemlig en 3. verdenskrig.Uden at være dommedagsprofet forsøger Anders Puck Nielsen med sin bog at udbrede menigmands kendskab til krig. Som Anders Puck Nielsen slår fast i bogen: Det stærkeste våben mod krig er viden.

  • af Antony Beevor
    138,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Den 17. september 1944 hørte generaloberst Kurt Student, grundlæggeren af Nazitysklands faldskærmstropper, det voksende brøl af flymotorer. Han gik ud på sin altan med udsigt over det flade landskab i det sydlige Holland for at se de allieredes Dakotaer og svævefly nærme sig. Og han kiggede misundeligt op på den massive demonstration af faldskærmstroppernes overmagt. Operation Market Garden skulle have afsluttet krigen ved at indtage broerne over Rhinens nedre løb. Det var en dristig plan, der slog fejl. Tabstallene var store, især for hollænderne, som satte alt på spil for at hjælpe. De tyske gengældelsesaktioner var ubarmhjertige og fortsatte, indtil krigen var ovre. Antony Beevor fortæller her den sande historie om kampene ved Arnhem. Det er en uforglemmelig og gribende beretning, der handler om meget mere end et enkelt dramatisk slag - den undersøger også, hvad krig egentlig handler om.

  • - Flystyrt i Danmark 1939-45
    af Ole Steen Hansen
    273,95 kr.

    Der styrtede mere end 1000 flyvemaskiner ned i Danmark under Anden Verdenskrig, britiske, amerikanske, tyske – og en enkelt dansk. Her er historien om en række af de vigtigste krigen igennem.Ole Steen Hansen tager os med på farefulde minelægningsoperationer i lav højde over danske farvande. På nedkastningsoperationer til modstandsbevægelsen og med bombefly på vej til mål i Tyskland.Læseren får overblik over krigen i luften, er med når nedskudte flyvere forsøger at flygte, og møder også de barske konsekvenser af de mange styrt. Bogen er rigt illustreret med historiske billeder og med nutidige fotos af mindesmærker, krigsgrave og historiske fly, som stadig kan ses i luften eller på museer.

  • af Alex Schou Jensen
    268,95 kr.

    Den egentlige historie tager sin begyndelse i 1919, hvor Igor Sikorsky – i den spæde start af hans karriere i Rusland – bliver besat af idéen om vertikal flyvning. I første omgang må han dog nødtvungent skrinlægge denne drøm, men genoptager den igen 30 år senere, efter han er emigreret til Amerika. I den mellemliggende periode gør han to andre revolutionerende opfindelser – nemlig den første flermotorers flyvemaskine og den berømte amfibieflyvemaskine. Historien fortsætter i Danmark, hvor de første Sikorsky helikoptere dukker op i 1956 og senere bliver skiftet ud med de modeller, vi kender i dag: S-61A. Vi følger helikopternes færden i Danmark, og går tæt på Eskadrille 722. De fleste af os kender sikket de danske redningshelikoptere – men ved vi egentlig, hvad de laver, og hvor barsk deres dagligdag kan være? En af de fornemmeste opgaver, Eskadrille 722 har, er at redde mennesker i nød, men for ingen af dem bliver det nogensinde rutine at redde et andet menneskes liv i et frådende hav med 15 meter høje bølger. Hver eneste redningsmission er fyldt med faremomenter, og en sjælden gang er opgaven så risikofyldt, at kun alle seks besætningsmedlemmers enestående mod og ukuelige vilje giver operationen en lykkelig udgang.

  • af Tom Jones
    349,95 kr.

    "Experience all 135 NASA space shuttle missions ever flown through the words of the astronauts themselves in this spectacularly illustrated volume"--

  • - Jagerpiloter i kamp 1939-1945
    af Lars Vedsø
    267,95 kr.

  • - Et flystyrt i Gribskov i september 1944. Et Mosquito jagerfly rammer toppen af træerne i Gribskov og styrter ned ved Gribskovlejren. Begge piloter omkommer. Ligene blev kørt bort af tyskerne og de har aldrig fået en officiel begravelse.
    af Michael H. Ahlström
    127,95 kr.

    I 1944 faldt et engelsk Mosquito jagerfly ned i Gribskov efter at piloten var fløjet over Esrum Sø. Noget på flyet kappede toppen af nogle høje træer og flyet styrtede ned og brød i brand. Begge piloter omkom. Dette er historien om denne flyvning, som startede i England under 2. verdenskrig. Baggrunden om piloterne og fly-typen, og om de kampe flyet var involveret i tidligere på dagen i Aalborg-området og på Sjælland.

  • af Richard Dunn
    452,95 kr.

    Richard Dunn adds a third dimension to the history of the New Guinea and Solomon Island campaigns by detailing the pivotal role of airpower.

  • af Edward M. Young
    162,95 kr.

    An exciting account of the aerial battles fought by the USAAF's P38 Lightnings and the Jagdflieger's Bf 109Gs for dominance over North Africa and the Mediterranean.USAAF fighter pilots experienced a baptism of fire when flying the technically advanced but fragile P-38 Lightning over North Africa in the wake of 1942's Operation Torch. Their opponents were battle-hardened jagdflieger of the Jadgwaffe, flying the tried and tested Bf 109 in its very lastest Gustav iteration. Responsible primarily for escorting USAAF bombers attacking Afrika Korps installations in Tunisia, the P-38 units in North Africa had to develop effective tactics to defend the bombers against Luftwaffe fighter attacks. For several months the Lightning squadrons had to also cope with shortages of aircraft and spare parts, steady losses and a lack of replacement pilots. To survive, American aviators had to learn quickly. While it is difficult to definitively attribute victories in air combat, in the air battles over Tunisia and later over Sicily and Italy, the claims made by Lightning pilots were comparable to Luftwaffe claims for P-38s destroyed. Edward M. Young turns his attention to the bitterly fought air war in North Africa and the Mediterranean in 1942-43. Using original archival sources, official records and first-hand accounts from both USAAF and Luftwaffe veterans, as well as newly commissioned artwork and 50 carefully selected photographs from official and personal archives, this book sees two of the most iconic piston-engined fighters of their era pitted head-to-head for control of the skies in a key theatre of World War II.

  • af Brian Lane Herder
    157,95 kr.

    A fascinating exploration of how between February 1 and March 10, 1942, three small US task forces launched several unexpected raids across the Japanese defensive perimeter in the Central and South Pacific. After the devastating Japanese blows of December 1941, the Allies found themselves reeling with defeat everywhere in the Pacific. Although stripped of his battleships and outnumbered 10:3 in carriers, the US Navy commander-in-chief Admiral Ernest J. King decided to hit back at Japan's rapidly expanding Pacific empire immediately, in an effort to keep the Japanese off-balance. On February 1, 1942, Vice Admiral Bill Halsey led the US Pacific Fleet carriers on their first raid, using high-speed hit-and-run tactics to strike at the Japanese, at a time when most of the Japanese carrier fleet was in the Indian Ocean. Halsey's aggressive commitment inspired its American participants to invent the mythical "Haul Ass With Halsey" club. The last of the 1942 US carrier raids in March 1942 would form a defining moment in the Pacific War, prior to a new phase of high-seas battles between the opposing fleets.This superbly illustrated book documents for the first time in a single volume this little-known but important World War II naval campaign. The fabulous illustrations, including maps and colour artworks, bring to life the US air and naval raids on the Japanese bases in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands, Rabaul, Wake Island, Marcus Island, and Lae and Salamaua in northern New Guinea.

  • af Adam Makos
    212,95 kr.

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: "Beautifully told."-CNN • "A remarkable story...worth retelling and celebrating."-USA Today • "Oh, it's a good one!"-Fox News A "beautiful story of a brotherhood between enemies" emerges from the horrors of World War II in this New York Times bestseller by the author of Spearhead. December, 1943: A badly damaged American bomber struggles to fly over wartime Germany. At the controls is twenty-one-year-old Second Lieutenant Charlie Brown. Half his crew lay wounded or dead on this, their first mission. Suddenly, a Messerschmitt fighter pulls up on the bomber's tail. The pilot is German ace Franz Stigler-and he can destroy the young American crew with the squeeze of a trigger...What happened next would defy imagination and later be called "the most incredible encounter between enemies in World War II."The U.S. 8th Air Force would later classify what happened between them as "top secret." It was an act that Franz could never mention for fear of facing a firing squad. It was the encounter that would haunt both Charlie and Franz for forty years until, as old men, they would search the world for each other, a last mission that could change their lives forever.

  • - da krigen blev luftbåren
    af Jens Robdrup
    227,95 kr.

    ”Der var sus i luften af store vingeslag. Menneskeånden vandrede på Kløvermarksvej, beredt til at beundre en af sine sejre. Vi mærkede vort eget hjertes hastige slag, følte, hvorledes det er gennem de store mænds udholdende og målbevidste arbejde, at menneskehedens fremtid skabes.”Således blev luftskibet, ”Hansa” med dets skaber, den tyske greve von Zeppelin om bord, modtaget og en halv million københavnere jublede. I England derimod betragtede man zeppelinerne med frygt og bæven.Kun få år efter viste det sig berettiget, da zeppelinerne under 1. Verdenskrig kastede bomber ned over byerne. Et nyt krigsvåben var skabt.Da krigen blev luftbåren fortæller om det militære og politiske magtspil, der udfoldede sig under 1. Verdenskrig omkring Danmark. I dette kom zeppelinerbasen i Tønder i daværende tyske Nordslesvig til at spille en tragisk rolle for Danmark.I ”Da krigen blev luftbåren” møder man H. G. Wells, Conan Doyle, marineminister Winston Churchill, forsvarsminister Munch, prins Heinrich og hans storebroder, kejser Wilhelm II, admiral Kofod-Hansen, krigsminister Christian Tuxen, udenrigsminister Erik Scavenius, strandfoged Mads Villadsen, W. O. Bentley og mange andre, der den gang kom til at øve indflydelse på begivenhederne.Men hovedpersonerne er grev von Zeppelin, zeppelinerkaptajn, von Buttlar Bradendenfels og søløjtnant, Walter Yeulett fra den engelske flåde.Von Zeppelin døde som olding i 1917, von Buttlar Bradensfels fik en lang karriere, mens Walter Yeulett kun blev 19 år. Men han bidrog til at udslette zeppelineren som et terrorvåben.

  • - The Unbelievable Story of Major Charles Carpenter and Rosie the Rocketer
    af James P Busha
    276,95 kr.

    Major Charles Carpenter made headlines during the Second World War when he affixed six bazookas to his tiny Piper L-4 observation plane and began attacking German tanks. "Bazooka Charlie" and his plane "Rosie the Rocketer" were profiled in a variety of military and civilian publications, including the iconic Stars & Stripes. The major was a high school educator in the civilian world, teaching history and coaching football. Carpenter was talented, highly intelligent, and athletically gifted, but the war truly tested him. In 1945, the dashing pilot was forced out of the cockpit and into a hospital bed by Hodgkin's lymphoma, which was discovered in his neck. In addition to the enemy and terminal cancer, Carpenter also battled cynicism and guilt, particularly in regard to the state of his marriage, which was on the brink of failure by the time he returned home from Europe. Charles Carpenter died in 1966, having resumed his career, salvaged his marriage, and long outlived the timeline afforded him by his doctors in the initial prognosis. This revealing biography of the famous pilot was made possible through the collaboration of noted aviation author and magazine editor Jim Busha, and Carpenter's daughter, Carol Apacki. Along with memories of her father in his postwar years, Carol provided a treasure trove of wartime correspondence between Charles and his wife, Elda Carpenter.

  • af Peter Greene
    270,95 kr.

    Vivid memoir of Marine gunship missions in Vietnam.

  • af Edward M Sion
    195,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive look at the air war over Europe during the climactic year of World War II. The centerpiece is a mission-by-mission diary of 1st Lieutenant Richard R. Ayesh, a bombardier who flew with the 100th Bombardment Group, 13th Combat Wing of the 8th Air Force--the legendary "Bloody 100th."

  • af George Loving
    92,95 kr.

  • af James Holland
    197,95 - 297,95 kr.

    The night of 16 May, 1943. Nineteen specially adapted Lancaster bombers take off from RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire, each with a huge 9000lb cylindrical bomb strapped underneath it. Their mission: to destroy three dams deep within the German heartland, which provide the lifeblood to the industries supplying the Third Reich's war machine. From the outset it was an almost impossible task, a suicide mission: to fly low and at night in formation over many miles of enemy-occupied territory at the very limit of the Lancasters' capacity, and drop a new weapon that had never been tried operationally before from a precise height of just sixty feet from the water at some of the most heavily defended targets in Germany. More than that, the entire operation had to be put together in less than ten weeks. When visionary aviation engineer Barnes Wallis's concept of the bouncing bomb was green lighted, he hadn't even drawn up his plans for the weapon that was to smash the dams. What followed was an incredible race against time, which, despite numerous setbacks and against huge odds, became one of the most successful and game-changing bombing raids of all time.

  • af Brian D. Laslie
    442,95 kr.

    The story of the United States Air Force stretches back to aerial operations prior to the First World War-well before the USAF became a separate service-and looks forward to a new era of air power in space. Fighting from Above presents a concise account of this expansive history, offering a new perspective on how the air forces of the United States created an independent way of warfare over time.From the earliest battles of the USAF's predecessor organizations to its modern incarnation, Brian D. Laslie identifies four distinct and observable ways of war that developed over four distinct epochs. Beginning with the development of early air power (1906-1941), he highlights the creation of roles and missions, with bombardment theory and practice ascendant. An era of strategic dominance (1942-1975) followed, in which the ideas of strategic bombardment ruled the United States Air Force; when such notions were unceremoniously proven false during the Vietnam-era conflicts, a period of tactical ascendancy (1975-2019) began. Finally, Laslie considers the current environment, where much of the story of the USAF remains unwritten, as we are still grappling with the challenges posed by an unmanned future with drones and realization of the promises of a final frontier.While detailing combat operations, Fighting from Above also pays close attention to technology, politics, rivalries, logistics, policy, organization, equipping, and training. Thorough, concise, and innovative in its approach, it is an authoritative, exceptionally readable history of the development of American air power.

  • af U. S. Military
    117,95 kr.

    This 1941 War Department Technical Manual has six main sections: General Resistance Power Requirements Stability Control Aerodynamic Stress ¿It was designed as a text for the instruction of airship student pilots and as a reference text for the rated pilot in lighter-than-air aircraft operation.

  • af Raymond E Brim
    252,95 kr.

    A revealing look at how ordinary citizens were plucked from the hardscrabble 1930s and hurriedly turned into flyers--young men then pitted against each other in deadly machines miles above the ground in Europe. Ray Brim led the way for thousands of his compatriots in the type of "total war" in the skies that we will never see again . . .

  • af Juan Carlos Salgado
    392,95 kr.

    In September 1939, the Henschel Hs 126 was the main tactical reconnaissance aircraft of the Luftwaffe but the Polish campaign did not see its operational debut. In late 1938, the Legión Cóndor had decided to replace its ageing Heinkel He 45s and He 46s with this new type, which was used in combat in the final stages of the Spanish civil war and two were lost in operations. The last Henschel was struck off charge in the Spanish inventory in 1953, sixteen years after the maiden flight of an Hs 126. This book includes numerous unpublished photos, the first correct line drawings of the Hs 126 A-1 version and colour profiles by Erik Pilawskii, plus artwork by Txetxu Rubio.

  • af Bruce Gamble
    102,95 kr.

  • af Bill Yenne
    187,95 kr.

  • af Tom Clancy
    257,95 kr.

  • af Michael J. Durant
    257,95 kr.

    Revealing never-before-told stories with the incisive thought and emotion of one who was there. "The author does not pull any punches...his story, is one of great bravery, of going to hell and making it back." -Indianapolis StarHis battered face appeared on the cover of Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report to the shock and horror of all Americans. Black Hawk pilot Mike Durant was shot down and taken prisoner during America's biggest firefight since the Vietnam War. Published in the tenth anniversary year of the Somali conflict, this gripping personal account at last tells the world about Durant's harrowing captivity and the heroic deeds of his doomed comrades. And, as readers will discover, Durant proves himself to be nothing less than a hero.

  • af Rajan Sharma
    342,95 kr.

    Have you ever gazed at a plane soaring through the clouds and wondered: how does it defy gravity? "Propelling Knowledge: Exploring Jet Engines for Student Aerospace Enthusiasts" ignites your curiosity and takes you on a thrilling journey into the heart of these magnificent machines.This book is your launchpad to understanding the magic of jet engines. Dive into the fundamental principles of thrust, unraveling the secrets of how air becomes the fuel propelling these giants skyward. Explore the different types of jet engines, from the roaring turbofans to the stealthy pulsejets, each with its own unique design and purpose.Get your hands dirty as you delve into the inner workings of an engine, dissecting its intricate components - compressors, combustors, turbines, and exhaust nozzles. Understand how these parts work in harmony, transforming tiny puffs of air into a breathtaking symphony of power.But learning doesn't stop in the engine bay. "Propelling Knowledge" takes you beyond the technical, exploring the history of jet engine development, from the pioneering days of Whittle and von Ohain to the cutting-edge advancements shaping the future of flight. Meet the visionary engineers who pushed the boundaries of possibility, and discover the challenges and triumphs that paved the way for modern aviation.This book is more than just technical wizardry; it's an invitation to join a vibrant community of aerospace enthusiasts. Through engaging activities, experiments, and thought-provoking questions, you'll be challenged to apply your knowledge and let your imagination take flight. Design your own engine, build a miniature model, or explore the ethical considerations of supersonic travel."Propelling Knowledge: Exploring Jet Engines for Student Aerospace Enthusiasts" is your fuel for a lifelong passion for flight. Open its pages and prepare to be propelled on a journey of discovery, where knowledge becomes the ultimate takeoff runway for your dreams to soar.

  • af Ravi Krishna
    262,95 kr.

    The physical and philosophical concepts of space, highlighting their infinite, ever-changing naturePhysical spacePhysical space is the place where objects and forces are located. It is a three-dimensional space, with length, width, and height. Physical space is infinite and is constantly expanding.To describe physical space, scientists use the theory of relativity. According to this theory, space and time are intertwined in a single, cross-linked matrix called "spacetime." Physical forces are produced by the curvature of spacetime. For example, gravitational force is produced by the curvature of spacetime.Philosophical spacePhilosophical space is a broader concept than physical space. It includes the three dimensions of physical space, as well as other aspects such as time, identity, consciousness, and knowledge.Philosophical space is infinite and ever-changing. It is an integrated system, in which all things are interconnected.InfinityTo say that space is infinite means that there is nothing beyond it. There is no end to space, and it will always continue to expand.Infinity is a complex concept. It is difficult to understand, because the world we experience is small and limited.

  • af Rayan Musk
    342,95 kr.

    Skybound Wonders Airplane Miracles is an invigorating excursion into the domain of flying, exhibiting a dazzling cluster of airborne wonders that push the limits of innovation and plan. This assortment of unprecedented airplane catches the quintessence of human resourcefulness, investigating the skies with elegance, speed, and development.At the core of Skybound Wonders is an organized choice of state of the art planes and helicopters that reclassify how we might interpret flight. From smooth supersonic planes that puncture through the sound wall to deft helicopters that explore metropolitan scenes, every airplane highlighted in this assortment addresses a zenith of designing ability.Among the wonders featured is the famous Concorde, a supersonic traveler stream that once carried voyagers across the Atlantic at two times the speed of sound. Its smooth, delta-wing plan and uncommon speed made it an image of extravagance and innovative accomplishment. Skybound Wonders dives into the set of experiences and effect of this notable airplane, giving bits of knowledge into its plan, designing difficulties, and inheritance.The assortment additionally includes cutting edge ideas and models that indicate the conceivable outcomes of the upcoming flight. Unpredictable plans, like vertical departure and landing (VTOL) airplane and electric-fueled drones, grandstand the continuous journey for more reasonable and effective air travel. Skybound Wonders offers a brief look into the fate of flight, where inventive thoughts and state of the art innovations combine to shape the up and coming age of flying marvels.As well as investigating the designing splendor behind these airplanes, Skybound Wonders dives into the accounts of the visionaries who hoped against hope past the constraints of customary flight. From flight pioneers who made ready for current air travel to contemporary designers pushing the limits of air transportation, the assortment gives proper respect to the people whose energy and devotion have molded the skies we explore today.Through enthralling visuals and itemized stories, Skybound Wonders Airplane Miracles offers fans, aeronautics devotees, and inquisitive personalities the same a vivid encounter into the universe of airborne development. Whether taking off through the past, present, or eventual fate of avionics, each page welcomes perusers to wonder about the mind boggling accomplishments of human creative mind and designing that keep on raising our undertakings in the limitless skies.

  • af Dariusz Karnas
    107,95 kr.

    This book compiles the color profiles, scale plans, and photo details of the single variant of the MiG-21R. Scale plans are in 1/72 scale, plus drawings from technical manuals. Also contains photos of the details in black and white.

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