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Fredsbevarende operationer

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  • - The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace
    af Christopher Blattman
    105,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • af Oshri Hakak
    292,95 kr.

    Listen to the Land: A Tale of Two Flowers, is a book about to flowers, who are in animosity, and other than guided by natural elements into a space of healing, mutual respect, and reconciliation.

  • af Thomas Sirges
    593,95 kr.

    Der Neuanfang war mühsam. Zunächst einmal beherrschte eine kleine Gruppe prominenter Pazifisten aus der Weimarer Republik das deutsche Bewerberfeld für den Friedensnobelpreis nach 1945. Erst im Laufe der 1950er Jahre traten Kandidaten auf, deren Wirken sich mit dem politischen Neuanfang verband. Jedoch kehrten nicht alle exilierten Kandidaten auch nach Deutschland zurück. Durch die jüngsten militärischen Ereignisse in Europa hat dieser Band im Verlaufe seiner Entstehung unerwartet an Aktualität gewonnen. So sehr sich auf der einen Seite die Friedensideen und -konzepte sowie die praktische Friedensarbeit der Kandidaten voneinander unterschieden, so sehr einte die Generation, die zwei Weltkriege erlebt hatte, auf der anderen Seite der feste Wille, einen dritten, wohlmöglich atomaren Weltkrieg zu verhindern.Vom selben Autor sind bereits die Bände Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten im Kaiserreich 1901¿1918 (2017), Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten in der Weimarer Republik 1919¿1933 (2020) und Die deutschen Friedensnobelpreiskandidaten in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus 1934¿1945 (2021) erschienen.

  • af Johannes Horn
    230,95 kr.

    Der mörderische Krieg Putins gegen die Ukraine trifft Europa unvorbereitet in einer Zeit sicher geglaubten Friedens. Im Vorwort wird beschrieben, was den Autor zu diesem Buch motiviert hat. Es gibt auch Einblicke in ein Land und dessen Geschichte, das Vielen oftmals hinsichtlich seiner Größe und seiner Bedeutung noch weitgehend unbekannt ist. Die Psychologie und die Beweggründe des russischen Präsidenten, die ihn zu diesem Krieg veranlasst hat werden ausführlich dargestellt. Die einzelnen Betrachtungen sind zeitlich datiert und beinhalten Stellungnahmen zum Kriegsverlauf und immer wieder grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu Reaktionen von Seiten des Westens, der Rolle des deutschen Bundeskanzlers und zu der Art der russischen Kriegsführung. Es werden Überlegungen zu einer möglichen Beendigung des Krieges angestellt. Im Mittelpunkt steht immer wieder die Bedeutung der Freiheit.

  • af Stefania Knecht-Turkanik
    735,95 kr.

    Despite peacebuilding efforts between Ukraine and Poland, the author shows that the conflict between the two nations, with its violent zenith in the 20th century, remains unresolved. Looking at Andrei Sheptyts'kyi, Ukrainian Greek Catholic metropolitan between 1901 and 1944, as well as the insights from conducting qualitative research with contemporary representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the author argues that Sheptyts'kyi must be considered a peacebuilder, and that, following his example, representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are uniquely situated to be peacebuilders in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict. Lastly, the author suggests several avenues for future peacebuilding.

  • af Julia Leib
    771,95 kr.

  • af Karl Schumacher
    164,95 kr.

    Stanislaw Jewgrafowitsch Petrow: Die ganze Menschheit ist ihm zu Dank verpflichtet.Geboren: 07.09.1939Rettung der Erde: 26.09.1983Gestorben: 19.05.2017Der Mensch ist ein Versuch Gottes oder der Natur. Dank der Entscheidung von Stanislaw Petrow geht dieser Versuch weiter. Hoffentlich noch ein paar hunderttausend Jahre lang. Deshalb gehört die Nacht seiner Entscheidung in jedes Geschichtsbuch.

  • af Oshri Hakak
    242,95 kr.

    Okels and Wokels is a children's book about two groups who can't stand each other, only to discover that they are much more alike than they thought... they are all parts of the tree of life.

  • af Aaron (Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Edwards
    125,95 kr.

    In this fully illustrated introduction, acclaimed historian Dr Aaron Edwards provides a concise overview of one of the most difficult and controversial actions in recent history.Spanning 38 years of the 'Troubles', the British Army's deployment in Northern Ireland (codenamed Operation Banner) was one of the most difficult and controversial in its recent history. Over 10,000 troops were on active service during much of the campaign, which saw armoured vehicles, helicopters and special forces deployed onto the streets of Ulster. In this book, Dr Aaron Edwards considers the strategic, operational and tactical aspects of Operation Banner, as the Army's military objectives morphed from high-profile peacekeeping into a covert war against the IRA. Using personal testimony from both sides of the sectarian divide, as well as insights from the soldiers themselves, he presents an authoritative introduction to the Army's role in the Troubles, providing expert analysis of Operation Banner's successes and failures.Updated and revised for the new edition, with full-colour maps and 50 new images, this is an accessible introduction to the complicated yet fascinating history of modern Britain's longest military campaign.

  • af Henry Dunant
    136,95 kr.

    Henry Dunant: Eine Erinnerung an Solferino - Die Geburtsstunde des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes | 2021er Neuauflage, mit Begleitwort und zahlreichen Fußnoten und Erklärungen |»Die Sonne des 25. Juni beleuchtete eines der schrecklichsten Schauspiele, das sich erdenken lässt. Das Schlachtfeld ist bedeckt von Leichen und Pferden ... an anderen Stellen liegen Unglückliche, die von Kugeln und Granaten getroffen zu Boden gestreckt sind, denen aber darüber hinaus noch die Räder der Geschütze, die über sie hinwegfuhren, Arme und Beine zermalmt hatten ... Dort liegt ein völlig entstellter Soldat, dessen Zunge aus dem zerschmetterten Kiefer hängt ... Einem anderen Unglücklichen ist durch einen Säbelhieb ein Teil des Gesichts fortgerissen worden ...« - Dies schrieb der Schweizer Henry Dunant, der auf einer Geschäftsreise während der Schlacht von Solferino* am 24. Juni 1859 in die Nähe des Kampffeldes geriet. Nach dem Gemetzel war er aufs Tiefste erschüttert von den Zuständen vor Ort: Tausende von Sterbenden und Schwerstverletzten auf freiem Feld; wenige, schlecht ausgebildete Sanitätssoldaten; auf tausend Verletzte kam ein Chirurg.Seine geschäftlichen Pläne stellte der Schweizer zurück und schrieb stattdessen dieses Buch, ein dramatischer Erlebnisbericht eines Außenstehenden, den das Leid, das Entsetzen und die Qualen, die er hautnah miterlebt hatte, erschütterte. Dunant ließ das Buch auf eigene Kosten drucken und schickte es an führende Persönlichkeiten in Politik und Militär in Europa, mit dem Appell, eine staatenübergreifende Institution zu schaffen, die an Kriegsschauplätzen überall auf der Welt als neutrale Partei auftritt und Verwundete beider Seiten versorgen kann. - Diese Idee war die Geburtsstunde des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes.[*Die Schlacht von Solferino gilt als eine der blutigsten auf europäischem Boden, bei der rund 300.000 Soldaten aufeinander trafen. Sie entschied den Sardinischen Krieg, auch Zweiter Italienischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg genannt, der 1859 zwischen Österreich einerseits, und anderseits Sardinien-Piemont, verbündet mit dem französischen Kaiserreich, ausgetragen wurde.]

  • af Marika Sosnowski
    1.036,95 kr.

    "Using rare primary sources and interviews with over 80 Syrians and other experts, Marika Sosnowski explores the previously unexamined consequences of ceasefires on wartime order and statebuilding in Syria. From rebel governance to citizen and property rights, Sosnowski shows that the impact of ceasefires goes far beyond temporary halts to violence"--

  • af J. Krishnamurti
    107,95 kr.

    Without the fundamental necessity of peace, we cannot possibly understand the greater things of life. With his signature insight and wisdom, world renowned thinker J. Krishnamurti offers a timely manifesto on the roots of conflict. In a series of six prescient talks, he reveals how changing our own behaviours to nurture a more peaceful mindset can create positive change for the wider world.

  • af Dismas Ndayikengurukiye
    141,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict, Security, Trinity College Dublin - The University of Dublin (Irish School of Ecumenics), course: Gender War and Peace (EM 7436), language: English, abstract: The author of this work attempts to demonstrate that cultural gender inequalities and discrimination hinder woman involvement in peace processes and that woman involvement will always be limited unless these cultural norms are changed.The work begins with the debate on the rationale for adding women in peace processes. Then the author attempts to explain how peace processes can lead to social transformation. To conclude, the author illustrates the underpinnings of the arguments made in this work by exploring the experiences of women, both in formal peace talks and post-conflict contexts in Burundi and Afghanistan.Concerted efforts pushing for the inclusion of women in all levels of the formal peace processes initiatives have resulted in the adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women and Peace and Security in 2000. Though women remain underrepresented, the UNSCR 1325 has contributed in promoting a gender-sensitive approach to peace processes and slightly increased the number of female participants in peace processes. However, many scholars have argued that in most cases, the implementation of the UNSCR 1325 has just been the trend to apply the "add women and stir" approach which assumes that solely the presence of women in peace processes is not only necessary but also sufficient to elicit favourable peace outcomes for both men and women.

  • af Julius Minyori
    337,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict Studies, Security, grade: A, Cranfield University (Defence and Security), course: Security Sector Management, language: English, abstract: The conflict in South Sudan manifested on the 15 December 2013 and the regional organization IGAD moved quickly to manage it by establishing several structures that included the Cessation of Hostilities agreement and the Status of Detainees Agreement. However, the process of negotiating enduring peace and security in the country have proven elusive. Despite concerted efforts by IGAD, AU and even the UN, peace has remained elusive for the people of South Sudan. This research employs the neoliberal institutionalism theory to try and explain the reasons for this failure. It identifies weaknesses that range from conflicting interests of the IGAD member states, to egotistical competitions among the negotiators and lack of understanding of the problem. The attempt to recalibrate the new security problems in the manner of the comprehensive Peace Agreement that brought an end to the Sudan war, can be seen as a failure to appreciate the new conflict dynamics that drive the ethnic war currently ongoing in South Sudan. Moreover IGAD has had a checkered history in peace and security and although it was hoping to use this experience in South Sudan, it failed to evaluate and resolve the South Sudan on its own merit. Thus in conclusion, we find that no conflicts are alike and any attempt to use a template will most likely fail.

  • af Mandek Muhudin
    373,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2018 in the subject Sociology - Political Sociology, Majorities, Minorities, , language: English, abstract: This study seeks to make contributions towards policy development and add to the existing body of academic knowledge on decision making, AUs capacity and its role in regional integration. The study findings seek to aid the African Union in developing policies that suits socio-economic diversities in Africa. It will further contemplate on the dynamics and the effects of how member states and the AU organs make decisions. Through better decision-making models the African Union will enable African countries and peoples to find their rightful role in the international community. According to the continental and regional levels of decision making are analyzed to provide an improved understanding of the political dynamics and interests of a variety of African institutions, organizations, countries and leaders. The study findings enable the African Union to come up with policies that safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of African countries and promote international cooperation within the framework of the UN. It will strengthen the AUs functionality and all its organs because of inclusive, participatory and effective decision-making strategies. The study also adds to the existing body of academic knowledge on decision-making and its implication on regional integration.

  • af Ugwumba Egbuta
    156,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2019 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict Studies, Security, grade: 2, , language: English, abstract: It is estimated that 70 per cent of over 10 million illegal weapons in circulation in West Africa are in Nigeria. It is in this light that this paper interrogates the escalation and dynamics of proliferation of arms that have fueled deadly insurgency in Nigeria. It examines the interplay of factors that underpins this security challenge. The paper relies mostly on news report and scholarly publications. It recommends among others the establishment of a National Commission on small arms to serve as a legal framework for combating arms proliferation in order to enhance human security in Nigeria.Nigeria has been besieged by the outbreak of violence conflicts which has over the years claimed thousands of lives and property. This is owing to the activities of kidnappers, armed robbers, sea pirates, political thugs, arms traffickers and most importantly, the extremist group: Boko Haram. BH has in the last nine years killed over 20,000 people in the North East Nigeria. The group has sustained its attacks on the state, brutally killing thousands of people including soldiers, women and children.All these armed activities continue unabated, partly because of unchecked arms proliferation in the country. These groups use both locally manufactured and imported devices to inflict havoc on the society. Their growing expertise in the use of explosives and other devises contributes to increased violent acts against the citizens and the state. Increasingly, these armed groups have acquired high level of sophistication in the production and use of these weapons in their operations.

  • af Mathias Voss
    362,95 kr.

    The author takes the reader on a swift and sweeping ride through different aspects of defence. What is the core of defence in general? And what is defence today for the most prominent of all defensive alliances, for NATO, which is in the midst of a reflection process on what its role in the future should be?The notoriously vague and shadowy term "defence" is illuminated from different angles, culminating in the newly introduced model of "strategical analysis". The historical perspective comprises examples varying from China's Great Wall to the Israeli-Arab Six Days War and NATO's history with a specific focus on its understanding of defence from its foundation, through all three ages of its existence and into today's still and again changing world. More insights are drawn from the application of the prevalent judicial, political and military strategic approaches and terms.From this kaleidoscopic view, the author draws practical conclusions and formulates clear and pointed recommendations for the persistent and particularly in NATO very current discussion about how the understanding of defence should - or should not - evolve.

  • af Adelheid Bahr
    896,95 kr.

    94 Prozent der Deutschen halten gute Beziehungen zu Russland für wichtig. So das Ergebnis einer umfangreichen Studie des forsa-Institutes für Politik und Sozialforschung aus diesem Jahr. Die aktuelle Politik der deutschen Regierung missachtet diese überwältigende Mehrheit jedoch sträflich. Mehr noch: Seit dem Konflikt in der Ukraine eskaliert die Konfrontation zwischen Ost und West zunehmend. Dabei waren wir schon so viel weiter: Die Entspannungspolitik von Willy Brandt und Egon Bahr machte einen Dialog mit Russland möglich, der den Frieden und gute partnerschaftliche Beziehungen mit Russland sicherte. Ganz im Sinne ihres verstorbenen Ehemanns setzt sich Adelheid Bahr für eine neue Entspannungspolitik ein und mit ihr eine Vielzahl von Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Gesellschaft und Kunst.Mit Beiträgen von Adelheid Bahr, Egon Bahr, Wolfgang Bittner, Peter Brandt, Mathias Bröckers, Daniela Dahn, Friedrich Dieckmann, Frank Elbe, Justus Frantz, Sigmar Gabriel, Peter Gauweiler, Richard Kiessler, Gabriele Krone-Schmalz, Wolfgang Kubicki, Harald Kujat, Oskar Lafontaine, Albrecht Müller, Matthias Platzeck, Detlef Prinz, Herwig Roggemann, Florian Rötzer, Evgeniya Sayko, André Schmitz-Schwarzkopf, Hans-Joachim Spanger, Antje Vollmer, Konstantin Wecker und Willy Wimmer

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