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  • af Lars Tvede
    293,95 kr.

    Hvorfor økonomier og børsmarkeder er ustabile, og hvordan du kan forudsede største opsving og nedture.Økonomier er stærkt turbulente. Et år kan vi opleve højkonjunktur med boom i aktier og ejendomspriser ledsaget af fester, champagne og kaviar. Flere og flere tror, at opsvinget nærmest vil vare evigt. Blot et par årsenere kan vi være sunket ned i en dyb krise med konkurser og børskrak.Mange frygter nu, at økonomien aldrig bliver bedre.Lars Tvede tager i denne bog læseren med på en fascinerende rejse gennem økonomiens historie og præsenterer de mest centrale teorier om økonomiske konjunkturer. Lige siden John Law indførte papirpenge i Europa i 1700-tallet, har eksperter prøvet at forstå, hvad der skaber de store udsving, og hvordan regeringer og centralbanker kan styre nogenlunde sikkert gennem høj- og lavkonjunkturer. Hvor tæt er vi nu på en viden, der kan afbøde de største skader? 'Kriser, krak og kaviar' er fagligt velfunderet og samtidig skrevet i et let sprog krydret med anekdoter og historier. Hvem skulle fx have troet,at de første gennembrud i nationaløkonomi og kriseteori blev skabt af en skotsk gambler, skørtejæger og morder og en hårdkogt irsk storspekulant?Og hvad var dramaet bag den store depression i 1930'erne og dotcom-krakket ved årtusindskiftet? Om forfatteren: Lars Tvede er uddannet som ingeniør, økonom og derivatives trader. Gennem sin karriere har han stiftet, medstiftet og finansieret en række virksomheder inden for primært informationsteknologi og finansvæsen.Lars er meget efterspurgt af internationale medier og har bl.a. optrådt på TEDTalks og som guest host på CNBC, ligesom han ofte er key note taler på erhvervsseminarer. Han har desuden skrevet bøger om bl.a. markedsanalyse, strategisk markedsføring, informationsteknologi, nationaløkonomi, entrepreneurship, børshandel, psykologi, fremtiden og vestlig civilisation. De mest kendte i Danmark er 'Børshandelens Psykologi' (2012), 'Børshaj' (2010) samt 'Det Kreative Samfund' (2014). Hans bøger er tilsammen udgivet i over 50 oplag og på 11 sprog. Han bor i Schweiz med sin familie og holder af at stå på ski, sejle og samle på italienske sportsvogne samt vin.

  • - En ny tilgang til globaliseringens tidsalder
    af Branko Milanovic
    257,95 kr.

    Et hovedværk inden for den moderne økonomi henvendt til alle, der ønsker at for- stå, hvad global ulighed er, hvor vi er på vej hen, og hvilke politiske redskaber vi kan vælge at tage i brug, hvis vi vil skabe en mere økonomisk retfærdig verden. Global ulighed sætter den økonomiske ulighed i et historisk perspektiv og viser, hvordan uligheden – på baggrund af den teknologiske udvikling, omfordeling og adgang til uddannelse – kommer til udtryk i cykliske forløb. Bogen har i højere grad fokus på den globale ulighed fremfor den nationale. Selvom uligheden er steget inden for den enkelte nation, er uligheden mellem nationerne faldet drastisk, som resultat af Indien og Kinas voksende middelklasse. Global ulighed baserer sig på den nyeste økonomiske forskning og undersøger, hvem der i virkeligheden står som vindere og tabere i den heftige globalisering, som kendetegner den moderne verden – og hvilke helt konkrete politiske tiltag, der ville kunne ændre kursen i retning af større økonomisk retfærdighed. Branko Milanovic (f. 1953) er en serbisk-amerikansk økonom, en af verdens førende udviklings- og ulighedseksperter og er i dag tilknyttet Graduate Center, CUNY. ANMELDELSER:”Fortæller os mere om verdens tilstand end nogen anden nyere bog og tilbyder tankevækkende indsigt om den verden, vi kunne få på et tidspunkt, hvor vores behov for håb er akut” – Guardian ”En enestående bog, som væsentligt udbygger Thomas Pikettys, Anthony Atkinsons and François Bourguignons nyeste værker” – Financiel Times ”Genial og tankevækkende” – LSE Review of Books

  • - How Covid Shook the World's Economy
    af Adam Tooze
    125,95 kr.

  • - En respektløs monolog om krisen, et selvdestruktivt system og politisk uformåenhed
    af Preben Wilhjelm
    87,95 kr.

    Preben Wilhjelms pamflet-bestseller KRISEN OG DEN UDEBLEVNE SYSTEMKRITIK er udsolgt. Til gengæld kan man nu læse denne udvidede version, som bygger på forfatterens mange foredrag i kølvandet på krisen, krydret med hans selvoplevede detaljer og anekdoter fra et langt liv som politiker og engageret debattør – med den indstilling, at ‘selv om det er alvorlige spørgsmål, behøver det jo ikke at gøres kedeligt'. Udgivelsen er desuden en markering af forfatterens 80 års fødselsdag den 30. januar 2015, bogens udgivelsesdato.

  • af James Dale Davidson
    192,95 kr.

    The Sovereign Individual, penned by the renowned author James Dale Davidson, is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the concept of personal freedom and sovereignty. Published by Simon + Schuster Inc. in 1999, this book stands as a testament to Davidson's insightful understanding of the socio-economic landscape. The book, belonging to the genre of socio-political literature, delves into the idea of individual sovereignty in the face of the modern world's complexities. It challenges the readers to question the norms and encourages them to take control of their own lives. The Sovereign Individual is a thought-provoking journey that continues to remain relevant even after two decades of its publication. It's a compelling read, brought to you by the esteemed publishers, Simon + Schuster Inc.

  • af Seth Godin
    145,95 kr.

    When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics.The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and leaders that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. With thousands of data points, articles and charts explaining carbon's impact on everything in our society, from our the economy to extreme weather events, it is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. This book isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere canaddress this on its own. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.

  • - Historien om hvordan vi blev rige og endte ulige
    af Oded Galor
    117,95 - 235,95 kr.

    For et par hundrede år siden sker der noget afgørende i menneskets historie. Lige pludselig bliver vores levealder fordoblet og velstanden stiger eksplosivt. Op til da levede de fleste mennesker gennem tusindvis af år et liv, der kunne sammenlignes med deres forfædre. En landmand i begyndelsen af det 16. århundrede havde stort set samme levevilkår som en egyptisk landmand for 5.000 år siden eller en hyrde i Jeriko for 11.000 siden.Hvad forklarer den næsten utænkelig forvandling af livskvaliteten både hvad angår sundhed, rigdom og uddannelse? En ændring, der totalt overgår alt andet siden fremkomsten af homo sapiens.I DA MENNESKEHEDEN BLEV TIL tager den anerkendte økonomiprofessor Oded Galor os med ud på en rejse fra menneskehedens tidlige eksistens og frem til i dag. Han undersøger hvorfor mennesket er den eneste art, som nyder en levestandard, der langt overstiger andre arter. Samtidig går han i dybden med, hvorfor vi alligevel ser så megen ulighed verden over.

  • af Adam Smith
    707,95 kr.

    The Wealth of Nations offers one of the first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is a fundamental work in classical economics. Smith explores such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets.

  • - Den korteste og sikreste vej til at forstå basal økonomi
    af Henry Hazlitt
    247,95 kr.

    Bogen Økonomi i En Lektion, som er en dansk oversættelse af den internationale bestseller, Economics in One Lesson.Med over en million solgte eksemplarer er Økonomi i En Lektion en vigtig guide til det grundlæggende i økonomisk teori. Bogen er en international bestseller og er stadig den hurtigste måde at lære, hvordan man tænker som økonom. Bogen er skrevet i et meget let læseligt sprog, som gør det enkelt at forstå grundlæggende økonomiske teorier, og den anvendes derfor stadig bredt som lærebog blandt universitetsstuderende i hele verden. Bogen regnes blandt de absolut mest populære indenfor økonomisk teori, nogensinde skrevet. Økonomiske kommentatorer på tværs af det politiske spektrum har senest krediteret Hazlitt for at forudse sammenbruddet af den globale økonomi, som fandt sted mere end 50 år efter den første udgivelse af Economics in One Lesson. Hazlitts fokus på ikke-statslige løsninger og hans generelle vægt på frie markeder, individers økonomiske frihed og farerne ved statslig indgriben gør Økonomi i En Lektion lige så relevant og værdifuld i dag, som den har været siden udgivelsen. Bogen indgår i serien fra Paludans forlag som klassiske 5 stjernede bestsellere for ledelse, som ligeledes tæller: Vind venner, indflydelse og fremgang af Dale Carnegie, Peter Plys om ledelse af Roger E. Allen og En sælgers vej til Succes af Frank Bettger

  • af Kåre Grønbæk
    172,95 kr.

    Konservative 2.0 beskriver og forklarer en moderne forståelse af konservatismen – solidt funderet på konservatismens grundlæggende DNA. Kernen er kulturen, nationen og ansvarligheden – og målet er en nation, som fungerer for alle borgere. Bogen redegør for hvorfor netop konservatisme i version 2.0 er det bedste bud på bæredygtig politik - ikke mindst i turbulente tider.Ideologierne sendes i skammekrogen, de politiske manipulationer udstilles og der manes til ansvarlighed, ordentlighed og pragmatisme. Konservative 2.0 placerer konservatismen centralt i midten af det danske politiske spektrum – hverken venstredrejet eller højresnoet, men favnende. Hvor ellers, når fokus er på en nation, som fungerer for alle?Bogen bringer også en stærk opfordring til større politisk engagement fra danskerne. Hvis vi vil have troværdige politikere og slippe for politikerleden, så må vi selv pege på ordentlige politikere og dømme de manipulerende og egennyttige politikere ud. . Vi skal have politikere, som vi kan stole på og som informerer/svarer ærligt og sandfærdigt. Det er demokratiet, som står på spil.

  • af Hjarn von Zernichow Borberg & Robert Wederkinck
    227,95 kr.

    Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik giver på en overskuelig måde et godt overblik over sammenhængen mellem den danske statsgældspolitik, pengepolitik og valutapolitik samt koblingen til de finansielle markeder og deres indbyrdes sammenhænge. Bogen beskriver de mest centrale begreber som eksempelvis renter, fordringer, penge og likviditet samt forskellen mellem rentespænd, rentemarginal og rentestruktur. Der gives også en detaljeret beskrivelse af Nationalbankens pengepolitiske redskaber og valutapolitiske redskaber til forsvar for den danske kronekurs samt statens indenlandske og udenlandske låntagning. Desuden indeholder bogen en kort og praktisk anvendelig gennemgang af de mest centrale forklaringsfaktorer for udviklingen i den danske valutakurs, statsobligationsrenter m.v. Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik er nyttig for alle, som gerne vil videre mere om penge, valuta, statsgældspolitik og sammenhængen mellem disse emner, som alle har betydning for globaliseringen af dansk økonomi. Den kan bruges både som lærebog inden for dansk valuta- og pengepolitik og sammenhængen med de finansielle markeder samt som opslagsværk for alle, som har behov for viden forud for analyser af de finansielle markeder i Danmark.

  • af Ben S Bernanke
    210,95 kr.

    In response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Federal Reserve and central banks worldwide have deployed tools that past policymakers and economists might have considered radical. Programmes like large-scale securities purchases and a new policy framework remain a source of confusion for investors, journalists and ordinary citizens alike.Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy demystifies these opaque techniques to reveal how economic ideas, historical events and political forces have transformed the Fed's policies over several decades. From the stagflation of the 1970s to the Great Recession and the recent pandemic, Ben S. Bernanke masterfully examines how the Fed's policies-and the institution itself-may change as it grapples with persistently low interest rates, systemic financial risk, rapid technological change and polarised politics. With unparalleled depth of expertise and robust historical sweep, Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding modern finance, investments or US economic policy.

  • af Olivier Blanchard
    357,95 kr.

    "A guide for fiscal policymakers in advanced economies to understand the appropriate policy response to an environment of high national debt and low interest rates"--

  • af Ben Armstrong
    205,95 kr.

    A fun and authoritative guide to bitcoin and the future of moneyIn Catching Up to Crypto: Your Guide to Bitcoin and the New Digital Economy, celebrated crypto and Bitcoin expert Ben Armstrong delivers an exciting and fresh new exploration of Bitcoin and digital currencies. He explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, and how and why we're all transitioning to a digital economy as we speak. He discusses the deficiencies of traditional fiat currency, how it's commonly manipulated, and how we can all benefit from the adoption of new, digital assets.In the book, you'll discover how Bitcoin operates in the real-world and how the underlying technology--known as the blockchain--operates. You'll also learn about:* The importance of decentralization, trust-less commerce and cryptographic consensus.* The humble origins of Bitcoin, as well as how it nearly died out, and how it went on to take over the world* How monetary and financial policy is being revolutionized by the introduction of Bitcoin and other crypto-assets.An essential and engaging review of Bitcoin, digital assets, and the new digital economy, Catching Up to Crypto is the hands-on and comprehensive introduction to crypto that investors, enthusiasts, the crypto-curious, and finance professionals have been waiting for.

  • - Det decentraliserede alternativ til centralbankerne
    af Saifedean Ammous
    257,95 kr.

    Da en programmør under pseudonymet Satoshi Nakamoto i 2008 præsenterede bitcoin som “et nyt system til overførsler af elektroniske penge, uden afhængighed af tredjepart”, var der ikke mange der gav det opmærksomhed.Et årti senere, imod alle odds, leverer bitcoins decentraliserede software et ustoppeligt, verdensomspændende alternativ til de penge der udstedes af de moderne centralbankers trykpresser.Fra konkylier, perler og salt over metaller og pengesedler, går “Bitcoinstandarden” i dybden med penges historie. Bogen analyserer de egenskaber, der har gjort bitcoins enorme vækst muligt, og kigger nærmere bitcoins økonomiske, politiske og sociale betydning.Læseren vil få indsigt i hvad der adskiller bitcoin fra de over 10.000 kopier der er fulgt efter, og hvorfor bitcoin ikke kan kopieres eller kontrolleres.Siden forfatter Saifedean Ammous sendte bogen på gaden i 2018, er den udgivet på 30 forskellige sprog, og er etableret som det vigtigste litterære værk for de, der vil forstå bitcoin.

  • af Abhijit Banerjee
    162,95 kr.

    From the award-winning founders of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab at MIT: A transformative reappraisal of the world of the extreme poor, their lives, desires, and frustrations

  • - Noter om det igangværende sammenbrud
    af Mikkel Bolt
    147,95 kr.

    Krisen er dyb. Uanset hvad der sker, vil den næste periode blive barsk. Økonomierne i USA og Europa er i krise, og eksportøkonomierne i Sydøstasien er også begyndt at mærke situationens alvor. Overalt er det arbejderne, der betaler prisen for krisen. Den bliver socialiseret, og der bliver skåret i velfærdsydelserne. Samtidig bliver krisen brugt som løftestang til at fjerne hårdt tilkæmpede rettigheder. Kapitalen har med andre ord skruet op for klassekampen, den kører nu i højeste gear. Men proletariatet er begyndt at røre på sig. Revolterne i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika har udfordret den nuværende verdensorden og dens opdeling af verden, og de indignerede i Sydeuropa og besættelsesbevægelsen i USA forsøger at udvide protesterne. Selvom diktatorerne er blevet væltet i Tunesien, Ægypten og Libyen, tager utilfredsheden blot til i styrke. Det samme er tilfældet i Grækenland, Spanien og Portugal, hvor befolkningerne med stor energi afviser spareplanerne. Det samme gør studenter i Chile og Canada. I Syrien raser borgerkrigen. Og i Kina vokser antallet af strejker. I Tyrkiet afviser de unge Erdogans neoliberale ‘succes’, og i Brasilien har ‘de farlige klasser’ indtaget gaderne. Der er stor forskel på protesterne, de er i udgangspunktet defensive i Vesten og offensivt reformistiske i andre dele af verden som Kina, men der er blevet brudt hul i det neoliberale verdensbillede. Klassekampen er ikke længere en ensidig affære. Den gamle muldvarp er igen i bevægelse.

  • af Adekunle Alexander Balogun
    2.155,95 - 3.467,95 kr.

    In today's rapidly changing financial landscape, a formidable challenge looms large-digital currencies. The surge in popularity of virtual currencies has sparked a global debate, captivating the attention of investors, regulators, and scholars alike. However, a pressing concern persists amidst this digital revolution: the potential for unregulated digital currencies to facilitate the laundering of illicit funds, ranging from organized crime profits to terrorism financing and government corruption. This growing threat not only jeopardizes the integrity of our financial systems but also disrupts the socioeconomic and political order as we know it. Digital Currency Assets and Their Impact on Financial System Stability is the key to unlocking a profound understanding of the challenges posed by digital currencies and, more importantly, discovering intelligent solutions to safeguard our financial ecosystem. With meticulous research and expert insights, this book embarks on a comprehensive exploration of digital currencies' structure, potential disruptions, and capacity to reshape the financial landscape. Is it the primary objective? To provide a platform for scholars, investors, regulators, and researchers to delve into the risks, dangers, and threats stemming from unregulated digital currencies and to propose innovative strategies for mitigating these challenges.

  • af International Association of Bridge
    467,95 - 562,95 kr.

  • af Bruno S Sergi
    931,95 kr.

    This volume focuses on core topics of economic disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic: changes in socio-cultural relationships, behavioural patterns and psychological attitudes governing human interaction, and government policies to stabilize the Indian economy and contribute to sustainable growth.

  • af Sarel J Oberholster
    122,95 kr.

    Where does money come from? This provocative question lies at the heart of a compelling narrative that delves into the intricate world of finance and governance. The book exposes the absolute monopoly held by governments in the creation of money, a process often shrouded in mystery and misconception. It reveals how governments, regardless of their form - be it empires, kingdoms, democracies, dictatorships, or other structures - have historically manipulated the money creation process. The narrative unfolds to show how governments, under the guise of independence, instruct central banks to generate money, thereby profiting the government at the expense of its citizens. This deception is likened to historical practices where Kings and Emperors debased precious metal coins for personal gain. In today's digital age, the technique has evolved, but the essence remains the same: governments create money digitally and introduce it as an unrepayable debt, effectively siphoning value and wealth from the populace. This insightful book not only uncovers the hidden mechanics of monetary systems but also sheds light on the real losers in this game: everyday individuals like you and me. It's a revealing exploration of how financial systems and governmental policies intertwine, impacting the wealth and well-being of global citizens.

  • af Ramit Collins
    227,95 kr.

    The art and science of managing money is known as finance. It is an intriguing and intricate topic that has an impact on all facets of our lives, both locally and globally. We engage in financial activities that demand knowledge and abilities, whether we are paying taxes, building a business, investing for retirement, or saving for a rainy day.The field of finance is similarly dynamic and ever-changing, adapting to the world's shifting demands and difficulties. Finance has always been impacted by technology, politics, culture, and human behavior, from the time of the ancient civilizations that used coins and bartering to the present day of digital currencies and block chain technology. In addition to numbers and formulae, finance also involves narratives and feelings.Value creation is the primary objective of finance. Value is the amount of money or other benefits that something is worth. Finance assists people and organizations in allocating their limited resources-such as time, money, and assets-in the best possible ways to meet their goals and optimize their value. In addition, finance facilitates the measurement and dissemination of the outcomes of these choices to a range of stakeholders, including creditors, shareholders, employers, workers, regulators, and the general public.The primary roles of finance are:- Financing: This entails raising and supplying money for a range of uses, including operating, spending, and investing. Depending on the cost and risk involved, financing can come from a variety of sources, including debt, equity, and hybrid securities.- Investing: This entails distributing money across various assets that are anticipated to yield returns in the future, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or commodities. Depending on the liquidity and volatility involved, investing can be done for short-, medium-, or long-term periods of time.- Divestment: This is the process of getting rid of money or assets that are profitable, no longer needed, or that can be replaced with better options. There are several motivations to divest, including value unlocking, risk reduction, and efficiency improvements.The essential phrases and concepts in finance are:- Money: The most extensively used and accepted form of exchange for transactions. Depending on the convenience and level of security, money can be transferred electronically, in cash, or as bank deposits.- Interest: Denoted as a percentage of the principal amount over a given period of time, interest is the cost of borrowing or lending money. Depending on the specific terms and conditions involved, interest can be either simple or compound, fixed or variable.- Inflation: Measured as a percentage change over a given period of time, inflation is the overall upward trend in prices of goods and services over time. Money loses purchasing power due to inflation, which also has an impact on the true worth of financial transactions.- Risk: This is the chance or size of losses or gains, expressed as the uncertainty or variability of the results of financial actions. Depending on the type and degree of risk involved, several indicators can be used to quantify risk, including value at risk, beta, and standard deviation.- Return: Measured as the percentage change in an asset's or investment's value over time, return represents the benefit or reward of financial decisions. Finance, which stays away from a lot of algebra and formulas, is a succinct introduction to the inner workings of finance at the corporate level. It covers the fundamental ideas and subjects that are pertinent to everyone who wishes to comprehend and advance their financial knowledge and abilities. Finance is a fun and interesting book in addition to being a helpful and practical reference.

  • af Henry Dunning Macleod
    172,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Schleicher
    277,95 kr.

    Die in ihrer Radikalität seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht mehr erfahrenen Krisen und deren Neuheit und Gefährdungspotenzial motivieren eine Suche nach einem vertiefenden und verändernden Umgang mit der Wirtschaft.Stefan Schleicher, Professor an der Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz, offeriert unter "Wirtschaft neu denken" eine Einladung, dafür gemeinsam zukunftsfähige Spuren zu legen.Robert Coen, Professor an der Northwestern University, unterstützt diese Suche aus der Perspektive eines Amerikaners.Tex Rubinowitz liefert für diese Suche hintergründige Cartoons.Die Spurensuche erfolgt in mehreren Dimensionen. Die inhaltliche Basis liefern vom Autor verfasste Kolumnen für die Wiener Zeitung, wodurch eine enge Verbindung mit der Praxis der Wirtschaftspolitik seit 2020 entsteht. Die dazu erstellten faktenbasierten Analysen sind innovativ, sowohl hinsichtlich der gewählten Daten als auch deren leicht zugänglichen Aufbereitung.Zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit provozieren die begleitenden Cartoons. Die unter "Wirtschaft neu denken" gelegten Spuren verweisen auf neue Bausteine für ein vertieftes Verständnis der Wirtschaft, auf die notwendigen Updates für die Konzepte der Wirtschaftspolitik, auf Tests für deren Praxis, auf ein neues Verständnis für den Umgang mit dem Klimaproblem, sowie auf die Notwendigkeit eines Reset für den Umgang mit Energie.

  • af Louis Holder
    177,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Dalgairns Arundel Barker
    197,95 - 232,95 kr.

    The Theory of Money is a book written by Dalgairns Arundel Barker in 1913. The book delves into the topic of money and its role in the economy. Barker explores the history and evolution of money, from its origins as a medium of exchange to its modern-day uses as a store of value and unit of account. He also examines the different types of money, such as commodity money, fiat money, and digital currency.Barker discusses the functions of money, including its role in facilitating transactions, measuring value, and serving as a medium of exchange. He also explores the relationship between money and inflation, and the impact of monetary policy on the economy.The book provides a comprehensive overview of the theories and concepts related to money, including the Quantity Theory of Money, the Real Balance Effect, and the Fisher Effect. Barker also discusses the role of banks and financial institutions in the creation and circulation of money.Overall, The Theory of Money is a seminal work in the field of economics, providing a thorough analysis of the nature and functions of money and its impact on the economy.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Emmett Leroy Shannon
    292,95 - 352,95 kr.

    Money For The Woman Who Wants It is a self-help book written by Emmett Leroy Shannon and originally published in 1920. The book is aimed at women who want to achieve financial independence and offers practical advice on how to earn and manage money. The author argues that women should not rely on men for financial support and should instead take control of their own finances. The book covers a range of topics, including budgeting, investing, starting a business, and negotiating salaries. It also includes real-life examples of successful women who have achieved financial independence. Despite being almost a century old, the book's advice remains relevant and useful for women today who want to take control of their financial lives.A Practical Presentation Of The Principles Underlying The Planning Of Successful Enterprises And Spare Time Work For The Woman Who Wants To Earn.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Murray Shipley Wildman
    242,95 - 291,95 kr.

    Money Inflation In The United States is a book written by Murray Shipley Wildman and published in 1905. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the economic conditions in the United States during the early 20th century, particularly focusing on the issue of inflation and its impact on the country's financial system. Wildman examines the causes and effects of inflation and provides insight into the various economic policies that were being implemented at the time to combat it. He also discusses the role of gold and silver in the monetary system and argues for a return to the gold standard. The book is an important historical document that sheds light on the economic challenges faced by the United States during this period and the debates surrounding monetary policy. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of American economics and the evolution of monetary policy in the country.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Charles William Eliot
    212,95 - 253,95 kr.

    ""More Money For The Public Schools"" is a book written by Charles William Eliot and published in 1903. The book is a collection of essays and speeches that Eliot gave during his tenure as the President of Harvard University. The main theme of the book is the need for increased funding for public schools in the United States. Eliot argues that education is the key to social and economic progress, and that the government has a responsibility to provide adequate funding for public schools. He also discusses the importance of teacher training, curriculum development, and the role of parents in education. The book is a call to action for policymakers, educators, and citizens to prioritize education and invest in the future of the country. Written over a century ago, this book remains relevant today as the debate over education funding and reform continues.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - A Study Of Present Currency Systems And Statistical Information (1895)
    af Maurice Louis Muhleman
    203,95 - 252,95 kr.

    Monetary Systems Of The World: A Study Of Present Currency Systems And Statistical Information is a book written by Maurice Louis Muhleman in 1895. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the monetary systems used around the world at the time. It covers topics such as the history of money, the principles of currency exchange, and the different types of currency used in various countries. The author also presents statistical information on the value of currencies, exchange rates, and the gold reserves of different countries. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of money and the evolution of modern monetary systems.Relative To The Volume Of The World�������s Money, With Complete Abstracts Of Various Plans Proposed For The Solution Of The Currency Problem.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

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